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Commissioned financial agreements (general 15)


In an era of progressive progress, we are using more and more of the agreements, which have a positive effect on the performance of both sides. What is the proper way to write them?



Party A: Client (client)


B: Trustee

  甲方委托乙方为其进行有偿代理操作在________________________开立的帐户;户名为_______;帐号为_______________;帐户本金为_____________________ 人民币(元);经过双方协商约定在 ___年___月___日,至___年___月___日期间,按照以下条款规定对以上帐户进行有偿代客理财。

The account opened at, the name of the account, the number of the account, the principal of the account the renminbi, was entrusted to Party B for the performance of its operations on a reimbursable basis.


I. Modalities of cooperation and transactions


1. A party may be an individual or an institutional investor.


2. The volume of cooperation funds requires a minimum floor of RMB 500,000, which must be legal in origin and cannot be borrowed or financed.


3. Party B has an independent right of sub-operation, but does not have the right to transfer funds, and party A only communicates the transaction account number and transaction code to party B (not including the money transfer code) for the transaction to be carried out by party B.


Administrative fees and profit-sharing systems


If the net profit is less than 10 per cent of the principal, the party is entitled not to distribute the profit, but only to pay the management fee (1 per cent of the principal).


2. Within three working days after settlement, the profits allocated to party B shall be transferred by bank transfer or otherwise to the bank account designated by party B.


Liability for losses and confidentiality


1. Any investment is risky, but the operating style of B is to save the principal first, then to seize the opportunity to maximize profits and adopt a defensive strategy. If the loss on the trust account is 10% of the principal, B is not liable. If the loss on the entrusted account is more than 15% of the principal, A has the right to terminate cooperation and has the right to recover for losses above 10%.


2. The operational information of party B shall not be disclosed by party A during the period of cooperation between the parties in order not to disrupt the operational plan of party B, and it shall also be obliged to keep all operational information confidential.




1. This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon expiration.


2. This agreement shall terminate if there is a unilateral early cessation of cooperation by A party or if A party does not consult with B party in case of default during the implementation of this agreement (cash withdrawal, unauthorised operating transactions, etc.). If the termination of this agreement is caused unilaterally by A party, as of that time, A party shall be allocated to B side by 1 per cent of the principal amount of the administration fee and 30 per cent of the profit incentive, and if there is a loss, no liability shall be borne by B party B regardless of the percentage of the loss.


3. This agreement is terminated in the event of a unilateral default by party B. After termination of this agreement, party A is entitled not to distribute the profits of the current period, and in the event of a loss, irrespective of the percentage of the loss, party B bears all of the principal loss.




The principal profit strategy of this commission is to focus exclusively on the short- and medium-term market hotspots, with the short- and medium-line black-horse units, mainly investing in secondary marketa shares and requisitioning new ones.




A party is expected to have full confidence in B and to refrain from interfering with B in any operation during the implementation of this agreement, so as not to interfere with B’s investment strategy and trading plans.




Two copies of this Agreement, one for each of the parties, shall enter into force on signature.


Trust party signature


Signed by the trustee

  日期: 年 月 日

Date: Date of the year

  甲方(投资者): 联系电话:

(Investigator): Contact call:

  身份证号: 地址:

I.D. Number: Address:

  乙方(理财者): 联系电话:

Contact call:

  身份证号: 地址:

I.D. Number: Address:


A and B have reached this Agreement through friendly consultations and in the interest of equality and mutual benefit, and in good faith have cooperated in good faith, and solemnly declare that they jointly comply with:

  1、甲方同意在协议有效期内将甲方自有的投资资金 例:1? 万元委托给乙方进行管理,并由乙方具体操作。

1. Party A agrees to entrust its own investment funds to party B for the duration of the agreement: 1,000,000 yuan to be administered by party B and to be operated by party B.


2. During the life of this agreement, only Party B has the right to use the investment funds of Party A. Prior to the expiry of the cut-off date, Party A is not entitled to return investment funds and investment returns to Party B.

  3、委托期限5年,起始日期________ 年 月日,截止日期________年月日。

The mandate period is five years, starting on ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___.

  4、双方确认,在本协议到期日,乙方向甲方返还现金共计 例:1.65 万元。

4. The parties confirm that on the expiry date of this agreement, the total amount of cash returned in direction B is $16.5 million.


5. The Parties agree that, as a result of any dispute arising out of this Agreement, the Parties shall resolve it amicably and amicably; if the Parties fail to reach an agreement by mutual agreement, either Party shall have the right to settle it by judicial means.


6. The Parties confirm that the contact address, as recorded in writing in this Agreement, is the service address of the legal documents of the Parties; each Party whose contact address has been changed shall notify the other in writing in advance;


7. The Parties confirm that, except for the cross-line spaces in this Agreement, which should be filled in accordingly, the handwritten text performed in any part of this Agreement shall not be considered an integral part of this Agreement and shall be treated as an invalid clause.


This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the Parties and confirmed by Party B.


9. This Agreement shall be in two originals, each of which shall have the same effect.


10. If the Parties make a change in the matter agreed upon in this Agreement or if the amount of the trust funds is changed by consensus between the Parties, the Parties shall conclude a separate supplementary agreement in writing.


Signature: A by-law




Signature of party B: certain


"B" thumbprint:


Date of signature:

  甲方: 乙方:

A: B:

  地址: 地址:

Address: Address:

  电话: 电话:


  身份证号码: 身份证号码:

ID number: ID number:


On the basis of the principles of friendship and mutual benefit and common development, the Parties have reached, through friendly consultations, the following agreements:


A party has commissioned party B to operate on its behalf its own account under the name xxxx; the name of the household is xx; the account is xxxxx_; and the initial funds are xxxxx investment accounts.


i. Investment management:


1. The source of funds is legally assured by Party A that Party B invests in and manages the funds of the account only as trustee and that all legal liability arising from the legality of the funds is not related to Party B.


2. Party A agrees to entrust, during the life of the agreement, its own account number (stock trading account) and its associated funds with the investment management of Party B only, with the specific operation of the investment made by Party B in the account of Party A.


3. In principle, party A is no longer committed other than initial funds, i.e., in the amount of USD xx; if there is a need, party B is required to apply in writing to party A.


4. The funds in question shall be transferred to the agreed investment account within five working days of the conclusion of the agreement and shall be deemed to have been in default if they are more than 30 days overdue, and party B shall be entitled to exercise its rights under the terms of the agreement.


II. Scope and modalities of investments:


1. Party A provides initial operating funds in the amount of xx dollars (capital): in whole, Party A has the right to question, without specific interference, the use of the funds; Party B has an independent right of assignment of the funds.


2. The approach adopted by B to the secondary market for investment shares.


iii. Administration costs and means of payment:


1. The administrative costs are a profit fraction, as detailed in the distribution of proceeds.


2. The administrative costs are paid by A party to B in the form of bank remittances.


iv. Transactions management:


1. A party must inform party B of the online transaction number and transaction password of the `stock-bearing financial transaction account' opened in order for party B to enter into an online transaction.


2. Party A shall guarantee the operational independence of party B during the duration of the agreement, party B shall have the right to change the online transaction code itself and party A shall have the right to seek account details on the first day of each month.


V. Distribution of proceeds and risk taking:


1. Distribution of proceeds:


(1) If the annual return on the investment reaches more than 10 per cent, the amount of the return shall be increased by 50 per cent as a fraction of the return to B, irrespective of the amount of the gain.


(2) If the end-of-year settlement of the investment results in a rate of return of less than 10 per cent, B does not participate in the red fraction.


(3) Party B guarantees that there will be no loss on the initial funds of Party A.


Risk-taking: Losses caused by force majeure factors, such as war, disaster, disorder, etc., are not subject to any liability.


VI, Settlement mode:


1. Both parties shall settle their accounts on a semi-annual basis and, within three working days of the settlement, party A shall deposit the dues into the designated bank account of party B. If the excess is not paid, party B shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately, and party B shall have the right to recover the sums paid by party A, and party B shall charge the overdue portion at one-thousandth of the daily rate.


2. Bank accounts (building bank) designated by Party B:


VII. Termination of agreement:


This agreement shall be valid for xx years, after which there shall be no objection between the parties.


2. In the event of a breach of a breach, such as the unilateral early suspension of an order, a seller, a transfer of trust or an unauthorized withdrawal of funds by party A, party B shall have the right to distribute the profits earned during the period during which the agreement occurred, and the agreement shall automatically terminate after party A has to pay an additional 10 per cent of the initial amount of the funds in default to party B.


VIII. Arbitration:


In the event of a dispute, the parties shall comply strictly with the agreement and in the spirit of friendly negotiations. In the absence of a harmonious settlement, the parties shall arbitrate and implement it through the local people’s courts in accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China.


nine, other:


Pending this agreement, the parties resolved it amicably and by means of a supplementary agreement, the parties confirmed that the annexes to this agreement and the supplementary agreement have the same legal force as this agreement

  甲方(签章): 乙方(签章):

Party A (signature): Party B (signature):

  签字: 签字:

Signature: Signed:.............................................................

  日期: 日期:

Date: Date:




Portfolio (A):


Business licence number (identity card number): _


Licensing authority:




Trustee (B):


Identity card number:




1. This agreement shall be concluded by a party that has its own funds participating in the operations of the securities market.


2. Party B operates within the account designated by Party A, monitors the course and results of the operation at any time, objects at any time to any unaccepted party B action, and terminates the commission in the event of disagreement between the Parties. (If, at the time of commissioning, the party B does not exchange shares, the difference is made on the species. If the party A does not have an attachment to the original shareholding, the share exchange rate is based on the criteria of Party B's choice.)


3. A split of two to eight parts, i.e. 80 per cent A and 20 per cent B, shall be settled at the end of each month and paid within three days of the settlement.


4. If there is no profit in the month, there shall be no share, and if a loss is incurred by party A, party B shall not be liable except for non-payment of wages.


5. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of commission for a trial period of two weeks; `Shareholders'applying to any online operation shall be able to manage the same account at the same time by notifying Party B of the A account and the operating password, and may revoke this agreement if Party A is not satisfied with the operation of Party B at the end of the trial and Party B does not charge a profit share; if Party A formally entrusts Party B after the trial, the profit share shall be calculated from the date of entry into force of the agreement and automatically lapses from the date when Party A terminates the commission and completes the settlement distribution.


6. The outstanding matters of this Agreement may be supplemented by the possibility of redress at any time in the event of any inconsistency with the relevant legislation, which shall remain in force for the content of the non-compliance.


(Signatures, signatures): _


Date of signature _




Date of signature _


Fund account:


or shareholder account number:


Market value of starting point:

  甲方:(委托方) 身份证号:

Party A: Commission's I.D. number:

  乙方:(受理方) 身份证号:

Party B: (Received party) Identity card number:


After friendly consultations, the Parties reached this Agreement in the spirit of equal and mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation, and solemnly declare that they shall jointly comply with the following provisions. Each Party shall have one copy of this Agreement, which shall enter into force on the date of its signature by the Parties.


Article 1:

  甲方将借予乙方人民币 (金额大写),并全权委托乙方进行投资操作,以每一公历年为一个代理期限,该协议从签订之日起开始生效计算期限,每一期限后如甲方与乙方未协商终止该协议则协议自动延期生效。乙方不得利用甲方委托资金主导或参与任何违法活动,否则由乙方承担一切法律责任。

The agreement shall be calculated for a period of time from the date on which it is signed, and shall be automatically extended if the agreement has not been terminated by agreement between party A and party B. Party B shall not use funds entrusted by party A to lead or participate in any unlawful activity, otherwise it shall be subject to all legal liability.


Article 2:


If the amount entrusted by A reaches 60,000, interest is automatically adjusted to 12 per cent for each agent. After 60,000 yuan, interest is increased by 0.5 per cent for each of the additional 20,000 dollars. The maximum interest is 18 per cent. (Over 18 per cent is in violation of the country’s laws and regulations governing private borrowing, and is not subject to State legal protection.) If A has no other designated arrangement for the interest earned during each agent period, interest is automatically recorded in the aggregate during the next agent period and is involved in the next proxy period.


Article 3:


The date of additional funding for Party A is considered to be 100 per cent interest during the agent period if within 2 months of the date of entry into force of the most recent proxy period; for Party A, 50 per cent interest during the agent period if within 3 to 6 months of the date of entry into force of the agent period; for Party A, 30 per cent interest during the agent period if within 7 to 9 months of the date of entry into force of the agent period; and for Party A, if within 10 to 12 months of the date of entry into force of the agent period, interest is deemed to be zero per cent during the agent period.


Article IV:


A party does not assume the risk of loss of the principal amount during each proxy period, and any risk of loss of the principal amount is borne by B. A party is required to inform A party at least half a month in advance when it is required to use the commission money. A party is deemed to have withdrawn the amount of the bond within one month to six months after the date on which the last proxy period becomes effective, and party B is deemed to have withdrawn the amount in excess of interest during the period on which the agent's value was charged; and a party A party is deemed to have taken 50 per cent interest within 7 to 12 months after the date on which the last agent's period became effective.


Article 5


The agreement is supplemented by a record of the amount added and withdrawn up to a maximum of 10, and after more than 10, the agreement is terminated and the agreement re-signed in order to avoid the loss of property to both parties resulting from unnecessary errors.


Article 6


Without prejudice to the other party’s interests in the agreement, both parties have the right to unilaterally propose the termination of the agreement and to inform the other party at least one month in advance.

  甲方: 乙方:

A: B:

  日期: 日期:

Date: Date:


No.: xxx


Subject (A):

  营业执照号码(身份证号码): 发证机关:

License number (identity card number): Licensing authority:




Trustee (B):

  身份证号码: 发证机关:深圳市公安局

ID number: Licensing authority: Shenzhen City Public Security Bureau




1. The Contracting Party shall enter into this contract with the participation of its own funds in the operations of the securities market.


2. Party B operates within the `account'designated by Party A, monitors the course and results of the operation at any time, challenges any unaccepted party B action at any time, and terminates the commission in the event of disagreement between the Parties. (If, at the time of commissioning, the party B does not exchange shares, the difference is made on the species. If the party A does not retain an attachment to the original shareholding, the share exchange rate is based on the criteria of Party B's choice.)


3. A split of two to eight parts, i.e. 80 per cent A and 20 per cent B, shall be settled at the end of each month and paid within three days of the settlement.


4. If there is no profit in the month, there shall be no share, and if a loss is incurred by party A, party B shall not be liable except for non-payment of wages.


5. This contract shall enter into force on the date of commission for a trial period of two weeks; it shall apply to any shareholder operating on the Internet and shall be capable of managing the same account at the same time by notifying Party B of the A account and the operating password, if the operation of Party B is not satisfactory to the Party during the trial period, the contract may be avoided and Party B does not charge a profit share; and, if the operation of Party A is formally entrusted to Party B after the trial, the profit share shall be calculated from the date of entry into force of the contract and automatically lapses from the date on which Party A terminates the commission and completes the settlement distribution.


6. The outstanding matters under this contract may be supplemented and, if they are inconsistent with the relevant legislation, may be corrected at any time and remain valid for the content of the non-compliance.


(Signatures, seals, signatures):


(Signed): B.


Fund account:


or shareholder account number:


Market value of starting point:

  二00 年 月 日签定 二00 年 月 日签定

Signed on the second day of the year. Signed on the second day of the year.


Party A:




Party C:


In order to guarantee the common interests of A and B and the normal conduct of stock transactions, the three parties agreed, on the basis of friendly negotiations, on the subject of the mutual acceptance of A and B by C, on the regulation of shares and funds accounts opened by A and B, as follows:

  第一条 帐户资金来源:

Source of funds for Article 1 account:


(i) The sum of _____ yuan for the contribution of Party A.


Party B contributes the renminbi: whole.

  第二条 合同期限

Article II Contract term


The term of the contract was from ___ to ___.

  第三条 投资范围

Article 3 Investment Scope


The investments entrusted by A to B range from marketable securities traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  第四条 操作方式

Article 4 Operation


A and B shall open jointly administered accounts in C, respectively.


Account opened by party I: family name ____; account number: ____.


Account opened by Party B: family name ____; account number ____.


At the time of the signing of this agreement, the three parties confirmed that the amount of funds in the accounts opened by A was RMB and the amount of funds in the accounts opened by B was RMB.


A undertakes not to withdraw cash from that account or transfer funds to another account, nor to transfer funds or cancel specified transactions in respect of C until the expiration of the term of this contract.


Party B undertakes not to withdraw cash from this account or transfer funds to another account until the expiration of the term of this contract, nor to carry out a transfer or cancel a designated transaction in respect of Party C.


2. Subject to the authority of A, Party B shall have independent authority to operate the co-administered account within the agreed investment. Party A shall have the right to enquire at all times about the market value of the funds of Party A, and Party A shall notify Party C in writing if it needs to know the market value of the co-managed account and its corresponding funds under the performance bond account. Party C shall, upon receipt of its notification, provide the market value status of the co-managed account and the guarantee account, which is reflected in its stamp. However, in order to safeguard the operational independence of Party B, Party C shall not provide Party A with the `specific types of transactions'of the co-managed account.


3. In order to ensure the safe implementation of this agreement, party A and party B authorize party C to regulate the co-administered and guaranteed accounts. Party C undertakes not to use the funds in the co-controlled and guaranteed accounts without the joint written authorization of both parties. Party C also supervises the use of the funds of party B under that account, but is not liable for any gain or loss on the sale of marketable securities under that account.


4. Within one week of the end of the contract period, party B must sell all the securities in the co-management and guarantee accounts. On the first day of the contract period, party B must submit a confirmation of the results of the investment to party A. The confirmation of the results of the investment must be confirmed by the stamp of party C before it is confirmed by party A.


5. Party B undertakes to ensure that the final market value of the funds in the co-administered account is not less than $. After the confirmation of the results of the investment in direction B, the final market value is lower than the market value at the beginning of the period. Party B authorizes party C to transfer to the co-administered account from the party B guarantee account.


6. Parties A and B undertake not to overdraft, pledge, guarantee, etc. in any way before or during the entry into force of the contract. In the event of a debt dispute between a party A and B and a third party during the performance of this agreement, they must ensure that the other parties to this contract are notified of the dispute at the date of its occurrence and that they shall not conceal it.


7. The market value at the end of the jointly administered account is higher than the market value at the beginning of the period. In the interest of investment profits, the parties agreed to distribute the profits at the ratio of A to B to A to B, and the profits to be distributed by parties B to be transferred from the jointly administered account from C to B to the guarantee account on the basis of the “confirmation of the results of the investment” signed by both parties.


8. A Party shall guarantee the duration of cooperation in the use of the funds of the co-management account and shall not withdraw from it in transit, and in the event of a change subject to consultation, the three Parties shall enter into a separate supplementary agreement.


9. During the period of commission, neither A or B shall have the right to transfer funds, transfer shares or cancel specified transactions in a jointly administered or guaranteed account unless the circumstances referred to in article X below arise.


When the market value and the sum of the securities held in the jointly administered and guaranteed accounts is less than RMB_, Party A shall have the right to commission the sale of the securities in the jointly administered account to Party C. The market value of the account shall be reduced from the market value at the beginning of the period and the account shall be transferred back to the co-managed account by Party C from the guaranteed account of Party B. Party B shall not contest it for any reason and agree to be processed with the assistance of Party C.


11. As a regulator, C is responsible for the supervision of A and B C and the Guarantee Account. During the regulatory period, the transfer of funds, the transfer of shares or the cancellation of specified transactions cannot take place. C is responsible for assisting in the processing of securities transactions in the accounts, such as the transfer of funds, the transfer of shares and the designation of transactions, in accordance with this Agreement and written instructions signed jointly by A and B, and for notifying both A and B parties of the combined market value of the C and Guarantee Account when the combined market value of the account is less than.


12. Neither Party A nor B shall object to the implementation of a written instruction that conforms to this Agreement and the power of attorney, neither of which shall affect the implementation of the said instruction.

  第五条 违约责任

Article 5 Liability for breach of contract


Each of the three parties shall comply with and fulfil the obligations and responsibilities agreed upon in this Agreement and any party shall be liable for breach of this Agreement and liability.

  第六条 争议的解决

Article 6 Settlement of disputes


If the tripartite consultation is not possible, either party has the right to take action before the People’s Court.

  第七条 终止与其他

Article 7 Termination and other


1. Upon the expiration of the period agreed upon in this Agreement, the supervisory responsibility of party C shall be discharged on its own initiative and this Agreement shall terminate.


2. By a written document signed jointly by the parties, the parties are dissolved and notified in writing of the termination of the agreement after the formalities have been completed in respect of C.


3. After the expiry of this Agreement, a separate letter of agreement shall be required if the three Parties remain willing to continue their cooperation.


Information on the opening of accounts in respect of parties A and B, the irrevocable power of attorney in respect of party B in respect of party A and the sale order in respect of party A are an integral part of this agreement.


5. Three parts of this Agreement, each of which shall have the same legal effect, shall enter into force on the date on which the parties'legal representatives or their authorized representatives have signed and stamped public seals.

  甲方:_________ 乙方:_________

Party A:

  代表人:_________ 代表人:_________

Representatives: _ Representatives: _

  _________年____月____日 _________年____月____日

[Adopted by a recorded vote of __]

  签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________

Location of signature: Location of signature: ____


Party C:


Representatives: ____




Location of signature: ____






Contact address: Post office:


B: XXXXX Investment Management Limited


Contact address: XXX Science and Technology Buildinga, room 2303, ed.: 510630


In accordance with the relevant provisions of chapter XXI of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, and after friendly consultations between A and B, the parties agreed on the commissioning of securities by A to B, as follows:




1.1 A agrees to entrust and entrust to B, for the duration of the agreement, its own stock account numbers (including the funds associated with the stock account numbers) (as specified in article II of this agreement), the management of which shall be carried out by B in the stock account of A.


1.2 During the life of this agreement, party B has the right to trade in securities using shares and funds in the account number A of the stock (hereinafter collectively referred to as “assets”).


1.3 The Parties confirm that ownership of the assets in the equity account and of the proceeds thereof is vested in Party A for the duration of this Agreement.




2.1 The stock account for securities management under the authority of Party A is and the account is opened at the Ministry of Securities Operations. The total assets of the combined portfolio in the above-mentioned stock accounts amount to approximately RMB [Capital:].


2.2 The parties agree to use as the actual base for the commissioning of funds (hereinafter referred to as “the financial base”) the total amount of assets in the account of A's equity on the day when A's management fee is paid.


2.3 Party A shall confirm that the stock account is transferred to Party B for management on the date of payment of the management fee, and Party A shall directly inform the management of the stock account identified by Party B of the operating password of the stock account.


2.4 During the life of this Agreement, party B shall operate independently within the scope of the stock account as agent of party A; party A undertakes not to transfer assets in the stock account, to participate in or entrust other third parties to participate in the securities transactions in the stock account and to refrain from interfering in the independent operation of party B; but party A shall have the right to be informed at any time about the assets in the stock account and may provide information to party B.


2.5 If the stock account provided by party A is not in the personal name of party A, party A shall be responsible for providing the identification documents of the notional holder of the stock account and the power of attorney delegated to party A.


III. Remuneration and payment of trust funds


1. The Parties agree that a first transfer of 5 per cent of the market value of the funds shall be made to the designated account of Party B as a management fee.


2. The Parties agree that if the original fund account (millions) is to be paid 30 per cent of the proceeds for each value added of 10 per cent (thousand) of the original fund account (thousand dollars), the party is to be paid 30 per cent of the proceeds as an operating remuneration.


3. The parties agreed that the first 10 per cent of the operating proceeds would be owned by the party and that party B would not receive any remuneration.


4. After settlement, the parties shall pay each payment within two working days.


IV. Early termination


4.1 During the life of the agreement, the following circumstances shall be deemed to have terminated this agreement earlier than the date on which they occurred:


4.1.1 A separate change in the operating code of the stock account without the consent of B;


4.1.2 Transfer of or pledge of assets in a stock account by party A;


4.1.3 Party A carries out securities transactions or other physical disposals of assets in stock accounts on its own or on behalf of other third parties;


4.1.4 A stock account cannot be physically operated for third party reasons, including, but not limited to, judicial seizures, administrative freezes, forced silos, etc.;


4.1.5 `As a result of other non-B causes, the stock account cannot function properly for more than three consecutive working days '.


4.2 If party A terminates this agreement prematurely, the pre-collective and floating remuneration already received by party B shall not be refunded; if the asset position in the equity account at the date of early termination is subject to the provisions of paragraph 3.2 of this agreement, party A shall pay the floating remuneration to party B within three days of the early termination of this agreement.


4.3 The Parties agree that this Agreement shall automatically terminate at an early stage for reasons of force majeure or because of the existence or modification of normative documents such as national and local laws, regulations, policies, judicial interpretations, etc., which would render the Agreement physically impossible to fulfil; that the Parties shall settle in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.2 to 3.4 of this Agreement, in accordance with the condition of the assets in the stock account at the date of the early termination; otherwise, the Parties shall not be liable to each other for breach of this Agreement.




Party B undertakes to use its own strengths and experience to serve Party A to the best of its ability and to assist Party A in maximizing its financial returns, in accordance with the principles of reason, care and professionalism.




The Parties agree that, as a result of any dispute arising out of this Agreement, the Parties shall resolve it amicably and that in the event that they fail to reach an agreement by mutual agreement, either Party shall have the right to initiate arbitration before the Shanghai Arbitration Commission.




7.1 The Parties confirm that the contact address recorded in writing in this Agreement is the service address of the legal documents of both Parties; that any change in the contact address of either Party shall be notified in writing to the other Party in advance; and that any difference in the contact address recorded in this agreement or in writing shall be deemed to have been communicated to the other Party by either Party to the legal document, whether or not the document has been signed or rejected by the other Party.


7.2 The Parties confirm that no handwritten text or clause performed in any part of this Agreement shall be considered as an integral part of this Agreement and shall be treated as an invalid clause, except that the spaces in this Agreement shall be filled in accordingly.


7.3 This Agreement shall enter into force for a period of six months from the date on which the Parties have signed it and Party B has confirmed that the advance payment made by Party A is due to the accounts.


7.4 This Agreement shall have the same effect in two copies, each of which shall have the same effect.


7.5 If the parties make a change in the matters agreed upon in this Agreement or if the amount of the trust funds is changed by consensus between them, they shall conclude a separate supplementary agreement in writing.

  甲方: 乙方:

A: B:

  代表人: 代表人:

Representative: Representative:

  签署时间: 签署时间:

Date of signature:


Party A: ID number:


Contact telephone: Contact address:


B: Contact telephone (broker):


Contact address: Telephone:


Investments in bulk commodity transactions (also referred to as spot markets) are a high-yield and high-risk financial investment, which is formulated and respected by both parties in accordance with the principles of mutual benefit, honesty and trust:


i. Funding and opening of accounts


1. The first party shall make a contribution of the RMB by opening a large merchandise transaction transaction account on the platform designated by the second party, as follows:


Account information:


Name of account of the trading platform:


Name of user of the transaction platform account:


Trade platform account person password:


Trade platform service provider


Name of trade platform currency: renminbi


Initial funds of the trading platform


Period of cooperation between the parties x x months


2. Party A has entrusted Party B with the management of this account and Party B is responsible for the management of the accounts above, but does not have the authority to transfer funds. Only Party A has the right to transfer funds, i.e. only Party A that owns the account may apply for the withdrawal of funds.


3. A designated depositary bank, account name, account number in the country in which the payment is made, and a designated depositary bank in the country in which the name of the account is divided by Party B, with the name of the account to the number of the public account in the country in which the payment is made.


ii. Risk control


1. At the end of the transaction period, all management account losses incurred by party B are to be borne by party B (including fixed proceeds under the agreement).


2. During the transaction period, this agreement shall terminate in the event of a unilateral early suspension of commission by A party or a unilateral default by A party during the performance of this agreement, such as the private withdrawal of funds and a change in the account log code. After the termination of this agreement, the re-trading profit after the last profit settlement exceeds the amount specified in this agreement by B. If there is a loss of principal, party B shall not be liable for any loss of principal, regardless of the proportion of the principal loss.


3. In the event of a unilateral default on the part of B, this agreement must be terminated. After the termination of this agreement, A. may no longer allocate re-trading profits since the last share of the profit settlement, if there is a loss on the principal of the account since the last share of the profit settlement, irrespective of the percentage of the loss, the B. shall bear the total loss.


III. Operational philosophy


The objective is to maximize the value added of assets before risk is contained. The investment concept of B is to pursue safe profits, so the management of the funds in the accounts is prudent. The principle of leverage is to manage risk first, with the goal of pursuing long-term and stable profitability, and to harness the power of financial growth through compound interest; and to lead customers to earn market money through trade is the purpose of B.


iv, profit and risk


1. The excess of xx in excess of the initial funds in the account is owned by Party B.


2. The fixed proceeds of the agreement have not been met by party A and are to be borne in full by party B.


3. When the profit from the transaction reaches the terms of the agreement, the trading platform A is notified by party B in various possible ways, such as telephone calls, of an application for payment of the profit earned.


4. Upon being notified by party B, party A must immediately apply to the trading platform for payment of funds and immediately upon receipt of payment from the platform, the sum of the profit-sharing shall be transferred to the bank account designated by party B as set out in the agreement; if, within three days from the date of notification by party B, party A fails to remit the profits in a timely manner to party B, it shall be deemed to be a unilateral breach by party A and party B shall be entitled to terminate this agreement and to collect the delay in the payment of the profits due to it at the rate of 5 per thousand per day.


5. The gold records are shown automatically at the trading platform immediately after each platform has made a payment, and access to the platform immediately after payment is made by both parties.


6. A final profit settlement is to be made upon expiry of this agreement.


7. During the course of the account transaction, the commission generated by the platform is owned by party B and party B does not provide any return commission to party A.


V. In the event of major emergencies, such as war, earthquakes, natural disasters, catastrophic network disruptions, and force majeure other than those provided for by law, this trust agreement is automatically lifted and neither A or B is liable for the corresponding economic loss and legal liability.


VI, Implementation and Termination:


1. Before signing this Agreement, party A shall read in detail and fully understand the terms of this Agreement; upon signature, the signatory shall be deemed to have determined the validity of the Agreement.


2. Two copies of this Agreement shall be duly preserved by each of the signatories.


3. This Agreement shall remain in force for the period between the date of signature and the date of termination of the Agreement and shall be renewed after the expiration of the Agreement after consultation between the Parties if further cooperation is required.


Note: The “month” in this agreement is based on a trading day, the date of implementation of which is based on the full date of entry into gold.


A: B:


Date: Date:


Party A:




With a view to further strengthening the operational cooperation between A and B, the Parties have signed this agreement on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual benefit and voluntariness, and they jointly comply with the following:


The amount of financial resources entrusted to Party B is:.


2. The financial terms of the agreement between the parties are as follows: _____ to _____. During this financial period, the party must also ensure that the amount deposited in the account of party B is equal to or greater than the principal amount. Otherwise, the party shall cancel its financial services and return the principal amount of the assets of party A. A party shall not enjoy any financial benefits and bear all losses arising therefrom.


3. Financial management cooperation takes the form of the purchase of foreign-denominated securities. The treasury is transferred from the first account to the second account, the foreign-exchange securities purchased by the first party are kept in the custody of the second party until the end of the financial period, the foreign-exchange securities held by the second party are transferred to the second party, and the second party transfers the financial principal and proceeds of the first party to the second party's deposit account.


The financial management period is ____, with a rate of return (annual rate) ____.


5. During the financial management period, Party A does not enjoy the rate of return established in paragraph 4 above and assumes, on its own, all losses resulting from the termination of the financial management agreement when:


(1) If the financial management period has not expired, the party has requested the termination of the financial management service;


(2) If the second condition referred to above is not met by party A, the financial services shall be terminated by party B.


6. In the event of force majeure, Party B shall have the right to cancel, modify or otherwise dispose of the above-mentioned elements of the financial services and discharge them in accordance with market principles.


VII. The fiscal agreement follows the relevant provisions of the national policy.


8. Three financial agreements, two for B and one for A, have the same legal effect.



  甲 方: 住 址: 宅 电: 手 机:

  身份证: 开户行: 帐号:

  乙 方: 住址: 宅 电: 手 机:

  身份证: 开户行: 帐号:


Party A (financing): ____


B (operator):


Party C:


In order to guarantee the common interests of A and B and the normal conduct of stock transactions, the three parties agreed, on the basis of friendly negotiations, on the subject of the mutual acceptance of A and B by C, on the regulation of shares and funds accounts opened by A and B, as follows:

  第一条 帐户资金来源:

Article 1 Sources of account:


(i) The sum of _____ yuan for the contribution of Party A.


Party B contributes the renminbi: whole.

  第二条 合同期限

Article II. Duration of contracts


The term of the contract was from ___ to ___.

  第三条 投资范围

Article III Investment scope


The investments entrusted by A to B range from marketable securities (stocks, funds and State debt) traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  第四条 操作方式

Article 4 Modalities of operation


A and B shall open jointly administered accounts in C, respectively.


Account opened by Party A: family name ____; account number: ____ (This account is an account opened by Party A and entrusted to Party B, except that Party B has only the right of operation and does not have the right to transfer funds, hereinafter referred to as the Mutually Administered Account).


Account opened by B: family name ____; account number: (This account is opened by B, hereinafter referred to as the Guarantee Account).


At the time of the signing of this agreement, the three parties confirmed that the amount of funds in the accounts opened by A was RMB (cash) and the amount of money in the accounts opened by B was RMB (cash).


A undertakes not to withdraw cash from that account or transfer funds to another account, nor to transfer funds or cancel specified transactions in respect of C until the expiration of the term of this contract.


Party B undertakes not to withdraw cash from this account or transfer funds to another account until the expiration of the term of this contract, nor to carry out a transfer or cancel a designated transaction in respect of Party C.


2. Subject to the authority of A, Party B shall have independent authority to operate the co-administered account within the agreed investment. Party A shall have the right to enquire at all times about the market value of the funds of Party A, and Party A shall notify Party C in writing if it needs to know the market value of the co-managed account and its corresponding funds under the performance bond account. Party C shall, upon receipt of its notification, provide the `market value status' of the co-managed account and the guarantee account, reflecting its stamp. However, in order to safeguard the operational independence of Party B, Party C shall not provide it with a specific type of transaction for the co-managed account.


3. In order to ensure the safe implementation of this Agreement, party A and party B authorize party C to regulate the co-administered and guaranteed accounts. Party C undertakes that, without the joint written authorization of both parties, neither party shall use the funds in the co-controlled and guaranteed accounts (except for trading operations by party B). Party C also supervises the use of the funds (including but not limited to trading in marketable securities) under the account, but is not liable for any profit or loss on the sale of marketable securities under that account.


4. Within one week of the end of the contract period, party B must sell all the securities in the co-management and guarantee accounts. On the first day of the contract period, party B must submit a confirmation of the results of the investment to party A. The confirmation of the results of the investment must be confirmed by the stamp of party C before it is confirmed by party A.


5. Party B undertakes to ensure that the closing market value of the funds in the co-administered account is not less than the closing value of the jointly administered account.


6. Parties A and B undertake not to overdraft, pledge, guarantee, etc. in any way before or during the entry into force of the contract. In the event of a debt dispute between a party A and B and a third party during the performance of this agreement, they must ensure that the other parties to this contract are notified of the dispute at the date of its occurrence and that they shall not conceal it.


7. The market value at the end of the jointly administered account is higher than the market value at the beginning of the period. In the interest of investment profits, the parties agreed to distribute the profits at the ratio of A to B to A to B, and the profits to be distributed by parties B to be transferred from the jointly administered account from C to B to the guarantee account on the basis of the “confirmation of the results of the investment” signed by both parties.


8. A Party shall guarantee the duration of cooperation in the use of the funds of the co-management account and shall not withdraw from it in transit, and in the event of a change subject to consultation, the three Parties shall enter into a separate supplementary agreement.


9. During the period of commission, neither A or B shall have the right to transfer funds, transfer shares or cancel specified transactions in a jointly administered or guaranteed account unless the circumstances referred to in article X below arise.


When the market value and the sum of the securities held in the jointly administered and guaranteed accounts is less than RMB_, Party A shall have the right to commission the sale of the securities in the jointly administered account to Party C. The market value of the account shall be reduced from the market value at the beginning of the period and the account shall be transferred back to the co-managed account by Party C from the guaranteed account of Party B. Party B shall not contest it for any reason and agree to be processed with the assistance of Party C.


11. As a regulator, C is responsible for the supervision of A and B C and the Guarantee Account. During the regulatory period, the transfer of funds, the transfer of shares or the cancellation of specified transactions cannot take place. C is responsible for assisting in the processing of securities transactions in the accounts, such as the transfer of funds, the transfer of shares and the designation of transactions, in accordance with this Agreement and written instructions signed jointly by A and B, and for notifying both A and B parties of the combined market value of the C and Guarantee Account when the combined market value of the account is less than.


12. Neither Party A nor B shall object to the implementation of a written instruction that conforms to this Agreement and the power of attorney, neither of which shall affect the implementation of the said instruction.

  第五条 违约责任

Article 5 Liability for breach of contract


Each of the three parties shall comply with and fulfil the obligations and responsibilities agreed upon in this Agreement and any party shall be liable for breach of this Agreement and liability.

  第六条 争议的解决

Article 6 Settlement of disputes


If the tripartite consultation is not possible, either party has the right to take action before the People’s Court.

  第七条 终止与其他

Article 7 Termination and other


1. Upon the expiration of the period agreed upon in this Agreement, the supervisory responsibility of party C shall be discharged on its own initiative and this Agreement shall terminate.


2. By a written document signed jointly by the parties, the parties are dissolved and notified in writing of the termination of the agreement after the formalities have been completed in respect of C.


3. After the expiry of this Agreement, a separate letter of agreement shall be required if the three Parties remain willing to continue their cooperation.


Information on the opening of accounts in respect of parties A and B, the irrevocable power of attorney in respect of party B in respect of party A and the sale order in respect of party A are an integral part of this agreement.


5. Three parts of this Agreement, each of which shall have the same legal effect, shall enter into force on the date on which the parties'legal representatives or their authorized representatives have signed and stamped public seals.

  甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________

(a) (g) (i) (i) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii): (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (v) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (v) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (( (( (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (e) (e) (iv) (iv) (iv) (e) (e) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((() (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (

  代表人(签字):_________ 代表人(签字):_________

Representative (Signature): _ Representative (Signature): ___

  _________年____月____日 _________年____月____日

[Adopted by a recorded vote of __]

  签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________

Location of signature: Location of signature: ____


Party C (with a stamp): _


(Signed): ____




Location of signature: ____


Party A (Trustor):


Party B (client):


Party C (guarantor):


On the basis of full trust and on the basis of the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and following friendly consultations, the three parties have voluntarily entered into the following contracts:

  一、委托事项:乙方出资人民币 元委托甲方投资理财,以求获得较好利益。

i. Commissions: B to finance the yuan entrusted to A for better benefit.


II. Scope of competence of Party A


The investment funds of A against B may only be used as projects under the agreement between A and B (collateral borrowing), and no funds may be diverted for other purposes or engaged in illicit activities in order to ensure the safe use of the funds.


III. Specific request for commissioning

  (一) 委托方式:

(i) The method of commissioning:


Within three working days of the expiration of the mandate period, the parties may also renew their investment management agreements.


(ii) A period of one year for which party B is required to withdraw funds in advance shall be proposed to party A 15 days prior to the return of all principal and actual proceeds due, otherwise party B shall be liable for breach of contract.


iv. Rights and obligations of the parties


(i) Rights and obligations of the parties:


1. Subject to the authority of Party B, A has the right to operate and manage its investment funds autonomously, but with a high degree of responsibility, to keep Party B regularly informed of the use of its funds and to ensure the safe and profitable use of its funds.


2. During the term of the contract, it is the duty and obligation of party A to keep confidential the funds in the account of party B, records of transactions, etc., and not to disclose them to other persons.


3. A party shall pay interest on the investment of party B on a period of time.


(ii) Rights and obligations of party B:


1. Party B shall provide basic information to Party A, including real name, identity card number, home address, bank account name, account number, telephone number, e-mail, etc.


2. The `operational powers' of A Party are vested with the power of supervision and recommendation, and the obligation of A Party to cooperate with A Party shall be imposed upon A Party.


3. Party B is under an obligation to protect the confidentiality of the investment finance platform provided by Party A and is not authorized to make investment reports, transaction records, research and development information, etc. available or leak to third parties without the consent of Party A.


V. Modifications and terminations of contracts


1. Where an agreement in this contract requires modification or remains pending, it shall be modified in writing or a supplementary agreement shall be concluded with the mutual consent of the parties.


2. If the termination or discharge of the contract results from the cause of party B, party A is entitled to be held liable under this contract for breach of contract by party B.


3. Any dispute that may arise in the course of the execution of this contract shall first be settled by friendly agreement. If the consultation is not possible, either party may bring an action before the court of the seat of Party A.


vi. C is jointly and severally liable for the conduct of party A. If party A fails to return the investment funds of party B on time, party C is liable and the principal interest owed is paid to party B in one lump sum within seven working days after the expiration date of the contract.


VII, other


This contract consists of three parts, each of which shall have the same legal effect.


This contract shall enter into force on the signature of the tripartite representative.









  年 月 日

Date and place of birth






On the basis of the trusting agreement concluded between the parties (No. ___) and the client (No. ___), and in accordance with the principles of friendship and mutual benefit and common development, the parties, on the basis of friendly consultations, reached the following agreements:


1. Party A entrusts Party B with the authority to regulate securities as a third party to the trusting agreement between Party A and the customer, and Party B accepts Party A's commission.


2. A text agreement to open the customer's funds (or shares) to B, to be provided to B


1. Letters of trust agreement between party A and the client;


2. The client submits to Party A a control document which he has agreed to maintain on the account of the funds in the B-side;


3. The client agrees to the funds transfer settlement.


The funds identified by party A as “customer accounts”, securities, the creation of proprietary files on computers and the supervision of individuals.




1. Responsibility and obligations of parties A


(1) A party has an obligation to keep confidential the customer's transaction information and account number;


(2) A party has direct financial rights to the customer's funds and securities on the account of B;


(3) Upon confirmation that financial objectives have been met, party A has the right to commission accounting officers to transfer funds from the client's account;


(4) The Commissioner shall be designated by Party A as the sole authority of the Party.


2. Responsibility and obligations of party B


(1) The obligation of party B to keep confidential the relevant documentation provided by party A to party B;


(2) During the regulatory period, party B shall not accept securities in the regulated account for the purpose of refinancing, securing loans, etc.


(3) During the period of custody of the funds, the second party shall not, without the signature of the person authorized by A to do so, order, transfer, disbursal or cancellation of the designated transaction and transfer of the account on the stock exchange. In the case of unauthorized authorization, the other party shall be liable for financial loss and the injured party shall have the right to discharge this letter of agreement;


(4) The obligation of party B to provide funds and the condition of changes in securities at any time at the request of party A to ensure that party A has the right to operate customer information;


(5) Party B has an obligation to advise party A on account numbers, reconciliations and transaction codes.




On the basis of the text agreement provided by party A, which confirms that the financial standards have been met, party B allows the accounting clerks entrusted in writing by party A to transfer the funds of the client to the account designated by party A at a given rate.


6. In the event of a dispute between the parties arising out of the performance or interpretation of the letter of agreement, the parties shall agree to a settlement.


7. The parties shall agree otherwise to resolve any outstanding matters or provisions of this Agreement that need to be changed.


This Agreement shall enter into force for ___ years.


1. The day after the settlement of the transfer of funds (subsequently on holiday) shall be the date of expiry of this Agreement when the criteria for financial management have been met during the period of validity of this Agreement;


2. In the event that the objectives of this Agreement have not been met, either party shall notify the other three months before the expiry of this Agreement and agree separately on the extension and related matters.


9. This Agreement, consisting of four parts and two parts each, shall enter into force when it has been stamped and signed by both parties.


Party A (public chapter)


(Signed) (Signed) ()






Account number:


[Adopted by a recorded vote of __]


Party B (public chapter)


(Signed) (Signed) ()






Account number:


[Adopted by a recorded vote of __]


Party A (investor): ID number: telephone:




B (financial party): ID number: telephone:




In accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations, on a voluntary basis and on the basis of friendly negotiations between the parties, the funds are allocated by the parties.


i. Commission


1. A special account is located in a mutually agreed Futures Brokering Company Ltd., with the following account number: The initial amount of money deposited is RMB (capital). The source of the funds is legally guaranteed by the party A, and the additional funds in transit are calculated separately.


2. Party A authorizes Party B to act as the issuer of the transaction order in charge of futures investment operations.


3. Profit definition: assets at the end of the period - beginning of the period: (Apparent account)


Profit margin = profit/early assets *100%


II. This agreement is for 12 months


III. Operational philosophy:


The investment philosophy of B is to pursue modestly stable profits under strict risk control, with domestic commodities and futures markets as the subject of transactions', unilateral, arbitrage and hedging transactions.


IV. Modalities of cooperation and mutual interests


On the basis of the investment risk principle, the Parties agree that the maximum loss on the investment account shall not exceed the total investment amount.


2. Profit distribution: If the profit margin is 20% or more, B receives the proceeds as compensation. If the profit rate is less than 20%, B is not entitled to the dividends, and the proceeds are wholly owned by A.


3. By the end of the year _, B squared off all the positions in the account to calculate the profit during the period of the agreement in terms of the post-settlement book equity, and if the profit margin is greater than or equal to 20 per cent, A shall transfer the remuneration into the agreed bank account of B within three working days.


4. Party B should adhere to the principles of honesty, credit, diligence and professional methods of investment analysis and decision-making in an effort to manage the risks and maximize the benefits of client investment.


5. Party A shall have the power to inspect and supervise the account, but shall not engage in any opening or clearing transaction. Party A may provide party B with relevant market information, but may not participate in or interfere in the normal investment decisions of party B. If party A imposes an order, the consequences shall be borne by party A alone, independently of party B.


6. If the term of the agreement has not expired and the interest in the account and the funds are not less than that provided for in paragraph 1 of that article, a party may not unilaterally terminate this agreement and reduce the amount of the investment, otherwise it shall be deemed to be in default.


7. A failure by party A to pay the investment proceeds as agreed is considered a default by party A.


V, Executive Regulation


1. The terms of this agreement are signed by the parties on the basis of their own free will, and the parties are bound to comply with them.


2. This Agreement is in two originals, one for each of the parties.


3. If this Agreement is not settled, the parties resolve it in an amicable and consensual manner, and it cannot be settled through litigation.


4. This Agreement shall enter into force when signed or stamped by both Parties.


client informs:


is fully aware of the risks of commissioning financial services and is willing to take the corresponding risks.

  甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):

(Signature): B (Signature):

  年月日 年月日

Month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month, month.


Party A (client):


Representatives: ____


Contact: _



Party B (Trust): _


Representatives: ____


Contact: _



On the basis of the principles of fairness, impartiality, voluntariness and good faith, and following friendly consultations, the parties agreed as follows:


A futures account has been opened by:




Account number: _


This account entrusted party B with domestic futures trading operations for a period of between ____ and __ years.


3. Party B will purchase and sell domestic futures contracts on the basis of its professional skills, information advantages, specific `technical and theoretical'and professional norms of diligence and honesty.


4. During the commission period, in order to enhance transparency between the parties, party A shall have the right to consult at all times about the transactions in the above-mentioned accounts, provided that it does not interfere with the operation of party B or alter the normal transactions of party B without authorization. Otherwise, party B shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement.


If the loss exceeds _____ per cent of the funds, party B must notify party A by telephone or e-mail, then party A has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement.


Profit distribution: In order to safeguard the interests of both parties, with a view to achieving a balance sheet for each transaction, the parties settle each profit at a rate greater than... per cent (including... per cent). The shares of A and B are distributed in proportion to the profit (i.e. per cent of the profit element obtained by A and per cent of the profit element earned by B).


7. This Agreement shall be two in one form and shall enter into force when both parties have signed it.


8. Upon completion, the Parties shall consult separately. A supplementary agreement to this Agreement shall have the same legal effect as this Agreement.

  甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________

(a) (g) (i) (i) (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii): (ii) (ii) (ii) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (v) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (v) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (( (( (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (e) (e) (iv) (iv) (iv) (e) (e) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((() (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (

  代表人(签字):_________ 代表人(签字):_________

Representative (Signature): _ Representative (Signature): ___

  _________年____月____日 _________年____月____日

[Adopted by a recorded vote of __]

  签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________

Location of signature: Location of signature: ____


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