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来源:雪球App,作者: 诺为投资笔记,(https://xueqiu.com/6729297247/228704352)


This paper focuses on some of my perceptions of the value of big pies.


And if you don't get a little bit of it, it's kind of new, complicated, completely confused, but it's not really complicated, it's a little bit complicated, it's good to look at it. Of course, it's about technology, like Hashi algorithms, elliptical curves, public key privates, and so on, and it's a little difficult to get a complete picture of it, but it's not difficult to get a general picture of what these technologies can do.


Like if we were to cast


It's particularly important to keep an open mind about new things. Otherwise, it's the opportunity that's ahead of us, but it's not understood objectively because you hear the prejudices of some people, and you're missing it.


Simply say what a big cake is, more specifically, that can be found on the Internet -- .


We now have a network of revolving and trading funds, a central banking network in which everyone has an account in the bank and, if they are to be traded, the funds flow between the banks, and the banks, as central institutions, are responsible for recording our accounts and so on.


In this network, if you turn a pie to someone else, a transaction is made by a bank institution, if it is a traditional banking network. But separate from a centralized banking network, the big pie accounts are accounted for by a large number of scattered miners.


The miners have a great deal of money, and they come together to race for luck and touch a number, and whoever touches it first has the right to keep an account. And a lot of transactions, they'll be a package, and they'll be called a block, and you can understand it as a brick, with lots of deals in it. This block will be behind the last block, and it will be a chain, you can understand it as a bunch of twigs, and you'll be called a block chain.


When a miner hits the right number, acquires the right to pack and wraps the transaction data into blocks, he releases it to all the nodes on the network, and they record the transaction data, so that the entire chain of pies is recorded by all the scattered nodes in the network. For the miner who hits the right number, he receives a certain fee from both parties, and the big pie is rewarded with a certain amount of cake, which is a new product of the network, so that the number of big pies in the network is gradually increasing, which is called mining.


Now we're talking about some of the value that the big pie can see at this stage -- .


One thing, whether it exists or is invented, must be of use. Why is air conditioning invented? Because he can regulate the temperature; why does music exist? Because he listens well and is comfortable; why does film, TV drama, novels, etc. exist? Because people are born to like stories, because of the evolution of ancient times for better information, information, memory information, etc.; why are telephones, micro-letters invented and popular?


Everything that is used or invented in the world is in the service of people, and it meets some of their needs. And there are obvious pains, and there is an urgent need to address them, so people try to do what they can, for example, think about going somewhere, and the sooner the better, the more we look at riding horses, wagons, roads, cars, airplanes, and so on.


There is a need, perhaps in our existing lives, that is hard to feel or dare to think about, as if women in feudal societies were afraid to think of a single wife, people were afraid to think of a democratic republic, as if more than a hundred years ago people were afraid to think that people could fly in the sky.


But there are a few very perceptive people, or maybe just happen to happen to come up with something, and then we find it so wonderful, and we like it. Like the Internet,


It is the process of people discovering problems and using them to solve problems, to discover needs, and to use them to meet needs. And once something really meets some of people’s important needs, and is commercially viable, it tends to pop up.


The above is a description of why something is happening or exists, and the focus is on demand. More important, to understand a big cake, to try to understand it with the energy of a radical change that has nothing to do with, or is faced with, changing social patterns.


On the one hand, it is important to know that societies are evolving and dynamically evolving, from slavery to feudalization to modern society, such as marriage systems that ranged from group marriage in the original society, to former European prostitutes + mistress + wife, to monogamous testimony by God, and to monogamous concubines in our country after the formation of the new China, to monogamous living, Dink, same-sex marriage and so on.


On the other hand, in the present era, it is still important to believe that this evolution is taking place at all times, and that nothing is natural, natural and immutable.


To say the value of a big cake, we need to say some of his characteristics, and on the basis of them, we understand whether he has any meaning and needs. If something does not work at all or has no advantage over what already exists, he will not succeed, as if an electric car would not replace a fuel truck if it had no advantage over a fuel truck.


The network is characterized by decentralisation, anonymity, non-frozenness, scarcity, global and local access and global circulation.

1. 去中心化 。现有的银行网络是中心化的,这就意味着银行可以冻结你的资金;这就意味着美国可以没收俄罗斯富豪在美国的资产。而去中心化,网络分布在世界各地,没有任何一个国家可以控制这个网络,那么大饼就能让人实现真正的“私有财产神圣不可侵犯”。这是非常重要的。不过身在中国,太平盛世,可能理解不了。但要知道,这个世界有很多国家都非常混乱的,我们的资金存银行也好,买房子也好,存瑞士银行也好,真的能完全被自己掌控吗?

1. The existing banking network is centralized, which means that banks can freeze your funds; this means that the United States can confiscate the assets of the rich Russians in the United States. And decentralize, the network is distributed around the world, and no country can control it, so that the big pie can make real “private property sacred.” It's very important. But in China,

2. 匿名性。 如果在银行有存款,或者有房产之类的,别人是可以知道的,可以轻易冻结、没收、查封的。存金条存现金也一样可以被坏人抄家。比如说一个小国家的有钱人,现在国家动乱,一群持枪分子冲进他家,把他家掀个底朝天等,家里的东西说没就没了。又或者说,一个小国家塞浦路斯快要破产了,政府打算强行对银行存款征收5-10%的税,其实就是没收,塞国的人能咋办……匿名性加上去中心化,是可以保证你的私有财产真正不受侵犯的,并且,你如果有一笔财富放在大饼上,其实别人根本都无从知晓。这些优点,身在中国可能理解不到,但是但凡哪个国家有些动荡,或者权利不受约束,尤其富人们的财富,怕不怕被没收,强征,收归国有之类的,如果你是富人,要不要配置一部分财富到大饼上,以防万一?

2. If there are deposits in a bank, or if there are properties, others can know that they can be frozen, confiscated, and seized. Cash deposits can also be seized by bad people. For example, rich people in a small country, who are now in trouble with guns, run into his house, blow his family to the ground, and everything is gone. Or, if a small country of Cyprus is about to go bankrupt, the government intends to impose a 5-10% tax on bank deposits, which is actually confiscation, what the people of the country can do... anonymity, plus centralization, can guarantee that your private property is truly inviolable, and if you have a fortune on a cake, you're not even aware of it.

3. 不可篡改性,安全性。这一点虽然说现在正常的银行体系也能基本保证,谈不上什么新鲜东西,但是对于大饼这个新事物,却是很重要的。就好比新能源车要替代燃油车,人们会问,电动车安全吗?虽然燃油车也安全,但是电动车如果不安全,那就没戏了……安全,不可被篡改,对于这个新事物,也是很重要的基本条件。

3. This is immutable and secure. , although the normal banking system now has little to say about new things, it is important for this new thing. It is like the new energy vehicle is to replace the fuel car, and people ask if the electric car is safe.

4. 稀缺性。 大饼被程序限定在2100万个,是比黄金还稀缺的东西。黄金是比较稀缺的,不过每年依然有一定程度的新开采量。因为黄金的天然货币属性,在法币时代,从布雷顿森林体系解体后,长期保持了6%左右的增长,是跑赢通胀的。而大饼的稀缺性远比黄金强,如果大饼被完全普及,除了这个普及阶段的大幅上升外,成熟期以后,可能都会有较好的升值动力,跑赢通胀应该比黄金要容易。当然,关于大饼的稀缺性,有的人有不同的看法,这点我们后面说。

Scarceness. Breads are programmed to be limited to 21 million, and are scarcer than gold. Gold is scarce, although there is still a certain amount of new mining every year. Because of their natural monetary properties, during the French-currency era, after the break-up of the Bretton Woods system, growth of about 6% has been sustained over a long period of time, and they run for inflation.

5. 全球随时随地的接入性和流通性。这点非常重要。这意味着只要有网络的地方,人们可以随时随地进行转账,交易,变现等。想想现有的货币体系,你能做到把自己的资产轻松的带到任何一个地方去吗?银行里面的钱可以随便转哪里去吗?大把的现金能全球随便带着走吗?黄金疙瘩能随便带着走吗?但是大饼却可以,且成本极低。想想一个国家发生战乱,一个逃难的人怎么带走自己的资产?想想一个国家如果治理非常差,百姓好不容易积累了一笔财富,但国家又对外汇进行管制等,这个国家的百姓如何带着自己的财富逃离这个国家。

5. This is very important for global access and mobility everywhere. This means that whenever there is a network, people can transfer, trade, cash, etc. whenever there is a network. Think of the monetary system, can you easily take your assets anywhere? Can money in a bank be transferred anywhere? Can money be carried around the globe?


And this global network, which can be accessed anywhere in the world, can continue to generate a variety of economic forms. For example, it is derived from a big pie, and it is derived from a variety of other economic forms. Global accessibility allows people all over the globe to operate in the network, and it is uncertain when a genius like V God can be born, and what magical applications have been developed.


Given the above-mentioned characteristics of the big cakes, we can see at least that the big cakes are far above gold and have an incomparable advantage in saving values. The big cakes are very similar to the digital version of gold, but they are more scarce than gold, they can “sneak” their wealth, they take away their wealth, and they have a lot of golden bumps that cannot be carried with them.


So, as a new thing, does he have a unique value? Obviously there is.


On the one hand, as people try to ensure that their private property is truly inviolable, the need for a proportional allocation is even more important for the rich, especially in countries that are less optimistic internationally, or in countries whose rights are unbridled, who always have to guard themselves against the possibility of being deprived of their wealth by force. This capacity, the inability of their national French currency, the inability to hold gold, the holding of dollars in Swiss banks, and now, in the case of Russia, is not easy to say.


On the other hand, the characteristics based on big pies give them a unique value, so that, on a particularly rare basis, the reserve of big cakes, based on the constant depreciation of French currency inflation, can be used not only to protect their wealth but also to appreciate them well in the long run.


Third, the big cakes have opened an era of technology in which people can be free from aggression in wealth and are an important step in the direction of a more equitable society. The Pandora box has been opened, and it will never be closed again. Like people in modern democracies, it will never be possible to return to feudal societies, to slave societies; as with the global awakening of democratic self-government after the Second World War, it will be impossible to allow the old times, the great Powers, and the great empires to invade, annex, and enslav the surrounding countries at will. With the support of this new technology, new economic models have emerged, and the prospects for the future of the big cakes may be much greater.


In a nutshell, the big cakes are the real applications that guarantee his survival; they are the ones that have been invented for two or three years, and they are actually good, and people love it, which is the bottom line; smartphones have the advantage of improving their future penetration, apples can increase penetration and sales continue to increase; the third point is based on smart phones, which are based on "https://xueqiu.com/S/SZ160636"?


There are a few more questions about the big pie. Let's see--

1. 大饼的稀缺性问题

1. Scarcity of cakes


Breads can be divided by one in every 100 million, indicating that they are not scarce at all? The question is too second and does not want to be answered.


The big pies are easy to copy, so the big ones are not scarce? The big pies are a network of consensus, everybody knows him. He's a big pie, everybody doesn't know. He's got a lot of big pie-like chains, but everyone doesn't. Don't underestimate the power of consensus here.


Consensus is the most difficult thing in the world, small to one company, big to one country's identity, religious to one. A strong consensus in one company is: ,


As big as a country, like religion. Can the United States disintegrate? When will Christianity disappear and disappear? We can put all our money in banks and buy State debt as a security asset, essentially believing that the country will not disintegrate, but that there is a consensus behind it.

2. 世界各国不允许大饼的存在?

2. The nations of the world do not allow the existence of big pies?


To say that big pies challenge French coins, countries won't allow big pies to exist. The real situation is that mainstream countries, except a few, like ours, are allowed in other countries, and exchanges like the United States and coinbase are listed in NASDAQ, with special big pies and ETFs. Our country, for its part, is traditionally cautious, institutional, and slowly.


Unless the world’s Internet is shut down, the big cakes will remain as long as there is no place to sneak around the nodes. If there is a global consensus among all countries to resist the big cakes, introduce laws, make the big cakes illegal, it is almost impossible, the interests of all are not the same, and even if everyone resists, like drugs, everyone resists, there is always a cost to law enforcement.


And, as I said before, it's Pandora's box, it's open, it's open, and even if it's gone, there'll be pancakes and onion oils, so it doesn't make any sense to take them out. So, by now, you realize that it's a big development trend, the main direction or the question of how to regulate it, and how to use a stable currency, like the United States, to further strengthen the dollar.

3. 大饼会被别人超越,被替代?

3. . > . > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >.


First, when the big pies come out, there are other coins that optimize some of the characteristics of the big pies, such as size of blocks, speed of identification, transaction costs, anonymity, etc., but the big pies are still big and have not been replaced. Why?


On the one hand, the main position of the big pie is that it is stored and, most importantly, de-centralized, safe and secure, while some other characteristics are not that important. And, on the other hand, de-centralized, safe and secure, the big pie is the best. From the point of view of de-centralization, all of its founders leave.


On the other hand, because of the pre-existing advantages of the big cakes, the big pies have the highest branding, the whole network has the largest, and the higher branding will make the network ever bigger, the bigger network computing power, and the more secure the entire network will become, and the feedback will be forthcoming. And the big cakes have the most sophisticated branding, almost everyone but almost everyone knows a bit of encrypted currency, and few know about the big cakes, except the big ones, whose influence in encrypted money goes beyond


Third, the big pies are actually evolving. How hard is it to go beyond a cake that is its own advantage and its obvious, brand influence, its size, its network effect so powerful that it can evolve?


to end with the investment in the big pie position.


The big pie is, after all, a particularly novel thing, saying that the big cake is a gold number that goes beyond the thousands of years of gold, and that a bunch of codes are worth a lot of money, and it's not easy to accept it. And that's precisely why the big cakes, from their invention to the present, are slowly rising over time, slowly becoming known and accepted by more and more people over time, and it's very slow to accept it.


We all know that things like smartphones, micro-letters, electric cars, when they are actually found to be useful and reasonably priced, are very fast to accept. And the big pie, as a storage over gold, has so far a market value of about $400 billion that has not been mined, while the market value of gold is about $9 trillion, which is more than 20 times less than the value of any new mining in the future.


Big cakes require knowledge of money and knowledge of


Think of it as 21 million, and because of the loss of 3 to 4 million at no cost in the early years, we assume 18 million. So, if the pie succeeds, it will have one of the 18 million shares of a super-large wealth. You know, 8 billion people around the world, if they are slightly richer than 3.6 billion, have a big pie, it's 200 pick one, top 0.5% head. If gold is worth $9 trillion, considering future market value growth, the French dollar is over-exploitated, and if it grows to $1.5 trillion in ten years, one cake will be worth $850,000 after it exceeds gold.


If you want to throw a big pie, you need to know something about it. On the other hand, you need to invest in it. If you have the ability to know it better and have the confidence to do so, you can do more. And if you have limited cognitive capacity, but you have the opportunity to feel it.


On the one hand, if the big pie succeeds, at least equal to the market value of gold, there is still 20 times as much room for increase, not excluding much greater potential, then, according to our understanding of the big cake, we give 50 per cent of the success rate, and if it fails, it is zero, and the expected return is still 20 50 per cent-1 < i > /i* 50 per cent = 9.5 times. If we have more confidence in the big cake and feel more likely to succeed, or if we do not succeed, then we can cut ourselves, then we can give 20 < /i* 80-0.5 * 20 per cent = 15.9 times.


Faced with new things, it feels strange, empty, and afraid to vote? In fact, a warehouse is a good solution. Thinking of us in the stock market, with any swing, it could be 5 to 10 per cent less, then, if we face such a great opportunity, we put 3 to 5 per cent of the money in it, or less, and it doesn't matter, if we lose it, but it works, and it's a big gain. In many cases, we all have to apply the analysis to the calculation of probabilities, not to sensitivity.


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