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《中国经济周刊》记者 王秉阳 | 北京报道

Chinese Economic Weekly, journalist Wang Qingyang Beijing


Following the territories of Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Xinjiang and Qinghai, one of the provinces of Bitcoin, Sichuan, which is rich in hydropower resources, has also begun to join the complete virtual currency team and has issued a notice of closure of the encrypt currency mining activities.


The Sichuan Provincial Development and Change Commission and the Energy Authority have recently issued a circular on clearing off the virtual currency & ldquo; mining & rdquo; and requiring that priority target screening be completed and that self-reconciliation by the power generating companies be carried out. The circular requires that 26 suspect virtual currencies & ldquo; mining & rdquo, which have been reported to the National Electricity Network Sichuan Power Company, be checked; the project be closed by 20 June; and that the central power generation enterprise and provincial power generation companies in Kawai immediately stop supplying electricity to this type of project on their own.


In addition, the circular requires municipalities (states) to immediately conduct a grid check of the detected virtual currency & ldquao; mine mining & rdquao; and to shut down the project immediately, while strictly prohibiting the approval of the type of project in the name of all types.

有数据显示,此前在四川省大约有 800万千瓦的负荷被用于加密货币挖矿。

Data show that approximately 8 million kilowatts of the load in Sichuan Province were previously used for encrypted currency mining.


In the early hours of 20 June, all virtual currency machines such as Bitcoin in Sichuan were collectively powered out.

《中国经济周刊》记者6月21日在btc.com查询结果显示,目前全网算力为117.68 EH/s(即每秒可进行117.68乘以10的18次方次哈希运算),相比历史最高点5月13日的197.61EH/s已经跌去40.5%。

The results of the interview with the Chinese Economic Weekly journalist in btc.com on 21 June show that the full Web capacity is currently 117.68 EH/s (i.e., an 18-square factor of 10 times 117.68 per second), which is 40.5 per cent below the historical peak of 197.61 EH/s on 13 May.


Not only Sichuan, but many of them have done something about virtual currency & & ldquao; mining & rdquao; behaviour.



Full shutdown


Over the past month, our regulatory policy on mining has been intense.


At its fifty-first meeting, held on 21 May, the Council of State's Committee on Development of Financial Stability proposed: & ldquo; combating the mining and trading of bitcoin and firmly preventing the transfer of individual risks to the social sphere. & & rdquo;


One stone provokes thousands of waves, and the transmission of policy is only a matter of time.


On 25 May, the Inner Mongolia Development and Reform Commission (NAMRC) issued a report on the implementation of the " Commission for the Development and Reform of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for the resolute fight against the punishment of the virtual currency & ldquo; mining & rdquo; eight measures of conduct (draft for comments) ", which will clearly regulate mining sites and subjects such as industrial parks, data centres, self-contained power plants, large data centres, cloud computing enterprises, communications enterprises, Internet enterprises, cybercafes, etc.


On 9 June, the Department of Industry and Informatics of Qinghai Province issued a circular on the complete closure of the virtual currency & ldquo; mining & rdquo; the project, which calls for clean-up. Districts are strictly prohibited from setting up and approving various types of virtual currency & & ldquao; mining & rdquao; project, for existing types of virtual currency & & ldquo; mining & rdquao; project shutdown. At the same time, it is determined to correct the subject of the project, which is established in the name of big data, centres of overcalculation, etc. but is engaged in virtual currency & & ldquao; mining & & rdquao;


On 12 June, officials from the Yunnan Energy Department confirmed that, in accordance with the circulars, joint inspections were organized in a timely manner by the various electricity departments to complete the electrical clean-up of the Bitcoin mining enterprise at the end of June this year, and serious investigations were carried out into the illegal conduct of the Bitcoin mining enterprise on the basis of the Toto Power Enterprise, the unauthorized private transfer of electricity, the evasion of the State transmission and distribution fees, the fund and the additional profit-making charges, as soon as it was discovered; serious investigations were carried out into the illegal use of the electricity generated by the electricity-producing enterprise to use the amount of the electricity generated in private to the Bitcoin mining enterprise in order to obtain unjust benefits; and serious investigations were conducted into the danger of the use of electricity by the Bitcoin mining enterprise and, as soon as it was discovered, it was ordered to suspend the correction.


According to media reports, China ranks first in the global Bitcoin power distribution at 65.08%, and only 7.24% in the second-highest United States. Specifically, all the provinces with the highest four levels of power distribution are in the west: Xinjiang, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan.


Industry sources point out that increased regulation of encrypted currency, represented by bitcoin, is likely to mean a full-scale &ldquao of the domestic crypto-money mining industry; a fire-out & rdquao;



Addressing Risks >/strang


We are deeply motivated by the strengthening of our regulation of digital currencies.


From US$ 9,000 to more than US$ 64,000 per unit, to a one-time collapse of US$ 30,000, the encoded currency bitcoin exits & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, in a year's time. There's a lot of currency & & & & & & & & & & & & &, &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Analysts have pointed out that encrypted currencies, represented by bitcoin, Tai and Ribo, do not have sovereign credit endorsements and are generated through algorithms. As a result, there is much debate in the industry as to whether encrypted currencies can be called currencies.


According to market analysts, virtual currencies have surged in a volatile market environment, but because of a lack of value support and the influence of regulatory tightening and policy shifts, surges or falls have been difficult to avoid.


& & ldquo; is at best a specific virtual commodity and should not be the subject of speculation. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &,, & &,, & & & &,,,,,,, &,,,,,,,, &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


In the absence of regulation, the influence of ordinary investors is extremely different from that of institutions and estates, and they are extremely vulnerable to “ dealer & & rdquo; price manipulation, with a greater probability of being cut off. Even more so, the & & ldquo, the myth of wealth & & rdquo; the leveraging of encrypted money investments, with market volatility, can create unaffordable risks and losses for individuals and families. If the base is large, it can accumulate social risks. & & & & & rdquao, as mentioned earlier, fight against bitco mining and trading, firmly guard against individual risks passing & & rdquao to the social sphere, which is meant to be here.


In addition to the risks associated with virtual currency transactions, our regulatory authorities have repeatedly issued documents that require financial institutions and payment agencies to refrain from doing business related to bitcoin, and to suspend the issuance of funds in various currencies for specific purposes. At present, our virtual money exchange platform and the ICO platform have been largely cleared.


The total amount of bitcoin is limited and scarce, and is therefore well received by some. But virtual currency, such as bitcoin, is anonymous, difficult to trace, and without borders, which is also the ideal money-laundering route for criminals.


In addition, many platforms place servers outside their borders, cheat on their territory, spend money abroad, and many trading platforms engage in cross-border money-laundering, escape foreign exchange controls, and the flight of capital provides a green route.


Faced with these attributes of encrypted currency, national money regulators are generally of the view that encryption currency algorithms hide users’ identities, whereabouts, and facilitate illegal activities. At the same time, encryption currency leverage is extremely high, posing risks to the financial system.


Industry believes that the intensification of our fight against the mining and trading of digital money in this round is a response to the world's consensus and new requirements for digital currency regulation.


It has also been analysed that virtual currency mining requires a large amount of “ miner & rdquo; i.e. a visible card. In recent times, a significant increase in the price of the card has also been associated with & & & & & rdquo; a stronger relationship. This massive shutdown & & & & & rdquo; a large wave of second-hand card transfer in the market or in the wake of a wave of second-hand card price volatility could have a greater impact on the price volatility of the card.

责编 | 周琦

Mr. Zhou Qi.

版式 | 孙珍兰

Sun Jelenan.


(The copyright is owned by the China Economic Weekly magazine and no media, website or individual may reproduce, extract, link, transfer or otherwise use it without authorization.


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