商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源套件工具檔

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本文將說明 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源套件中的工具,包括每個工具的用途及其使用範例。 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源套件有助於讓部署和管理 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的 IT 系統管理員更容易執行例行工作。 例如, Web Conf Data 工具可用來輕鬆控制使用者在線上會議期間上傳的資料。 SEFAUtil工具可用來設定使用者的代理人來電轉接和接聽。 我們鼓勵 IT 系統管理員使用這些工具,以更有效商務用 Skype Server管理 2015 年。

This paper will describe tools in the Skype Server 2015 resource package, including the use of each tool and examples of its use. Business uses Skype Server 2015 resource package to help deploy and manage Skype Server 2015 IT system managers more easily perform routine work. For example, Web Data tools can be used to ease user uploading over the duration of online meetings. SEFAUtil tools can be used to configure user agents to connect and listen. We encourage IT system managers to use these tools to manage data more efficiently with Skype Server in 2015.

若要安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源套件,請從下載中心下載OCSReskit.msi

To install the Skype Server 2015 resource package, download OCSReskit.msi from the download centre.

執行 OCSResKit.msi 執行簡單的安裝。 .msi會安裝下列路徑中的所有工具:%Program Files%\商務用 Skype Server 2015\ResKit。 您可以在此資料夾中使用內含獨立執行資料夾的工具。 也有支援檔案的工具會位於自己的子資料夾中。

Runs OCSResKit.msi for simple installation....msi installs all the tools in the following path: %Program Files%\ Business Use Skype Server 2015\ResKit. You can use the tool in this folder containing the stand-alone running folder. There are also tools to support files in your own subfolders.

商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源套件應該安裝在符合 商務用 Skype Server 2015 所需規格的伺服器上,通常是用來執行 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的伺服器。

Business on Skype Server 2015 should be installed on a server that meets the requirements for business on Skype Service 2015 and is usually used to run a business on Skype Server 2015.

以下是 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源套件中提供的工具清單。 下列各節將說明每個工具,包括需求和範例使用方式。

Below is a list of tools provided by Business in Skype Server 2015 resource package. The following sections will describe each tool, including needs and examples of how to use it.

ABSConfig) ([通訊錄服務設定] 工具是一種管理工具,可協助系統管理員在 商務用 Skype Server 2015 中自訂通訊錄服務設定。 此工具也可讓 商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員還原預設的通訊錄服務設定。

ABSConfig ([Addressbook Service Settings]) tool is a management tool that assists system administrators in customizing address book service settings in business using Skype Server 2015. This tool also allows business to restore the default address book service settings with Skype Server 2015 system manager.

ABSConfig 是圖形式使用者介面應用程式,可讓系統管理員設定Active Directory 網域服務與通訊錄服務相關的屬性。

ABSConfig is a GUI application that allows system managers to configure the attributes of the Active Directory domain service to the address book service.


The main examples of the tools are as follows:

  • 若要讓系統管理員將 Active Directory 網域服務 中的屬性對應至 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的屬性。

    To allow the system manager to match the properties of the Active Directory domain service to the properties of business Skype Server 2015.

  • 若要讓系統管理員指定要包含或排除在通訊錄服務檔案中的Active Directory 網域服務屬性。

    To allow the system manager to specify the Active Directory domain service properties that should be included in or excluded from the address book service file.

  • 若要讓系統管理員還原,預設的通訊錄服務設定。

    The default address book service settings to restore the system manager.

您可以使用ABSConfig.exe檔案來啟動 ABSConfig 工具。 工具隨即開啟至[設定屬性] 索引標籤。此表格有選項可將Active Directory 網域服務屬性對應至 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的屬性欄位,並根據特定屬性篩選,指定要在通訊錄服務檔案中包含或排除哪些使用者。 它也有選項可自訂要包含在通訊錄檔案中的電話號碼值。 [ 還原預設值 ] 選項可讓系統管理員將 [通訊錄服務] 設定還原為預設值。

You can use the ABConfig.exe file to start the ABConfig tool. The tool will be opened immediately to [Configurement Properties] index tags. This table has options to match the Active Field Service service properties to the Skype Server 2015 property field for business and to specify which users to include or exclude in the address service file depending on the properties. It will also have options to customize the number values to be included in the address file. [ also preset the default value


Watch out for things.

重新對應不同 OC 功能變數名稱的 AD 屬性僅適用于通訊錄檔案下載,而且通訊錄 Web 查詢不支援。

Resuits AD attributes to different OC functional variable names only for downloading address book files and address book web queries are not supported.

ABSConfig 會將通訊錄服務設定儲存在資料庫中。

ABSConfig will store the address book service settings in the database.

ABSConfig 提供快速簡便的方式來自訂 2015 商務用 Skype Server通訊錄服務。

ABSConfig provides quick and easy access from the custom Skype Server address book service in 2015.


ABSConfig 只能從已安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的加入網域電腦執行。 在 商務用 Skype Server 2015 年 Enterprise Edition 時,此工具可以在設定期間已啟用通訊錄服務的任何Front-End伺服器上執行。

ABSConfig can only be executed from a installed business connection computer using Skype Server 2015. This tool can be executed on any Front-End server that has been enabled to use the address book service on a regular basis when doing business with Skype Server 2015.



The computer should be able to connect to the Front-End complex and backend database.


執行 ABSConfig 工具之前,必須先安裝下列軟體元件:

The following software widgets must be installed before the ABSConfig tool can be executed:

  • 商務用 Skype Server 2015


具備更新 商務用 Skype Server 2015 部署所需許可權的系統管理員。

A system manager with the required permission to deploy with Skype Server 2015.

您可以在命令提示字元中輸入 ABSConfig.exe ,即可啟動 ABSConfig。 如下所示的是 ABSConfig 工具使用者介面。

You can start ABConfig by entering ABSConfig.exe in the command hint character. The ABConfig tool user interface is shown below.

ABSConfig.exe 工具。

ABSConfig.exe tool.

ABSConfig 工具可讓系統管理員快速且輕鬆地使用工具來自訂 2015 商務用 Skype Server通訊錄服務。

The ABSConfig tool allows system administrators to use the tool quickly and easily from the Skype Server address book service.


The Width Service Monitor tool is designed to enable system managers to view the following lists:

  1. 拓撲中所有設定的 商務用 Skype Server 2015 頻寬原則服務 (驗證和核心)

    Skype Server 2015 Width Policy Service (Verification and Core)

  2. 每個服務對其他頻寬原則服務和 Edge 伺服器所建立的連線

    Links created by each service to other bandwidth services and Edge servers

  3. [網路設定] 檔中設定的所有連結,以及每個頻寬原則服務所報告的即時頻寬使用量

    All links set in the [Web Settings] file, as well as instantaneous broadband usage reported by each frequency-width service

頻寬原則服務監視器工具是以 GUI 為基礎的應用程式實作。 系統管理員執行PDPMonUI.exe來啟動工具。

The Width Service Monitor tool is a GUI-based application. The system manager runs the PDPMonui.exe to start the tool.

當工具啟動時,它會嘗試探索拓撲中的頻寬原則服務清單。 初始更新完成後,視窗左側的窗格會填入一份由所屬叢集組成群組的服務清單。

When the tool is activated, it tries to explore the list of bandwidth services in the scheme. When the initial update is completed, the window on the left side of the window fills in a list of services that are grouped into clusters.

當系統管理員選取特定頻寬原則服務時,右側窗格會顯示該特定服務的相關資訊。 該窗格也有兩個主要的索引標籤,可顯示資訊。

The right side window displays information about the particular service when the system manager selects a specific frequency wide policy service. The window also has two main index labels to show the information.

[機器資訊] 索引標籤

[ 機器資訊] 索 引標籤會顯示已選取的頻寬原則服務的詳細資料,以及所選頻寬原則服務對其他服務所建立之所有連線的清單和狀態。

[ machine information] The label shows the details of the selected bandwidth service, as well as the list and status of all links that the selected bandwidth service has created for other services.

[拓撲資訊] 索引標籤

[ 拓撲資訊] 索 引標籤會顯示在 [網路設定] 設定中設定的所有連結清單。 針對每個連結,會顯示音訊和視訊頻寬容量。 此外,目前使用的頻寬會以 Kbps 和容量百分比的方式顯示。 此工具會使用色彩編碼來醒目提示具有接近容量的連結,這可讓系統管理員快速隔離這類連結。

[ high-pump information] The Soy quotes will show a list of all links set in the [network settings] settings. For each connection, the audio and video bandwidth will be displayed. In addition, the current bandwidth will be shown in Kbps and a percentage of capacity. This tool will use colour encoding to alert close-to-capacity connections, which will allow system administrators to quickly isolate such connections.


Watch out for things.

如果頻寬原則服務監視器工具連線到任何設定的頻寬原則服務時發生失敗,就不會填入 [ 機器資訊 ] 和 [ 拓撲資訊 ] 索引標籤中的資訊。 不過,工具一開始可能會連線,但之後可能中斷與服務的連線。 在這種情況下,系統管理員可能會看到過時的資訊。 每個索引標籤上都有上次 更新 的時間戳記,可讓系統管理員查看特定頻寬原則服務的資料上次更新時間。

If the Width Service Monitor tool is not connected to any set-up, the information in the index labels [ machine information] and toll information] will not be filled in. However, the tool may be connected at first, but it may then be disconnected from the service. In this case, the system administrator may see outdated information.

沒有命令列輸出;程式輸出包含在主要圖形使用者介面 (GUI) 中。

No command line output; program output is contained in the main GUI.

頻寬原則服務監視器工具的目的是要讓系統管理員能夠看到拓撲中所定義之每個頻寬原則服務的狀態。 此外,系統管理員可以查看網路組態檔中所定義之所有連結的即時頻寬使用量。

The purpose of the Widwidth Service Monitor tool is to enable system administrators to see the status of each channel wide service as defined in the capping. In addition, system administrators can view the instant broadband usage of all links as defined in the network configuration file.

頻寬原則服務監視器工具必須在屬於商務用 Skype Server拓撲的電腦上執行。

The Width Service Monitor tool must be executed on a computer that belongs to the business of Skype Server.

頻寬原則服務監視器工具可以是系統管理員寶貴的資源,因此他們可以檢查拓撲中所有頻寬原則服務的狀態,更重要的是,他們可以針對 [網路設定] 設定中定義的連結取得即時頻寬使用量。

The Width Service Monitor tool can be a valuable resource for system administrators, so they can check the status of all the bandwidth services in the capping and, more importantly, they can get instantaneous broadband access to the links defined in the [web setup] settings.

頻寬流量分析器是一項工具,可建立有關 UC 端點在商業網路中所有 WAN 連結的各種頻寬耗用檢視報告。 這些報告可用來瞭解目前的頻寬使用模式,並協助進行頻寬容量規劃。

The Width Flow Analyser is a tool for creating reports on the use of the various channels associated with all WAN connections of the UC endpoints on the commercial network. These reports can be used to understand current broadband usage patterns and to help with broadband capacity planning.

頻寬流量分析器會實作為 GUI 型應用程式。 此工具會特別針對整個網路的音訊使用量產生報告,並協助規劃容量。 它也會依指派給各種連結的頻寬容量來反覆運算。

This tool will specifically report on the audio usage of the entire network and assist in planning capacity. It will also reverse the calculation according to the frequency capacity assigned to each connection.

頻寬流量分析器針對系統中設定的所有 WAN 連結,提供頻寬容量和音訊使用率的圖形繪圖。

A frequency flow analyser provides a graphic picture of all WAN connections set in the system, providing bandwidth capacity and audio usage.

在任何語音和視訊部署中,監控及瞭解商業網路中媒體流量頻寬使用的趨勢至關重要。 頻寬流量分析工具可讓系統管理員達成此目標。 此工具會執行下列動作:

In any voice and video deployment, it is important to monitor and understand the widespread use of media traffic in commercial networks. A broadband flow analysis tool allows system managers to achieve this goal. The tool will perform the following actions:

  • 針對整個網路的音訊使用量產生特定報告

    Make a specific report on audio usage of the entire network

  • 協助在指派給各種連結的頻寬容量上進行更有效的容量規劃和反覆運算

    Assist in more effective capacity planning and back-to-back operations on the bandwidth capacity assigned to each connection


Width flow analysers can produce graphic drawings of frequency-wide capacity and how they are reported; they are as follows:

  • 商業網路中的所有 WAN 連結

    All WAN connections in the commercial network

  • 已選取的 WAN 連結進行篩選

    Selected WAN links for selection

  • 已超出連結容量的 WAN 連結篩選

    WAN Link Selection Beyond Linking Capacity

  • 已充分利用布建頻寬的 WAN 連結篩選

    Full use has been made of the bandwidth of the WAN link selection.

  • 依據已達到臨界等級的 WAN 連結篩選, (超過 WAN 連結頻寬容量 90% 的頻寬使用量)

    Based on the WAN connection selection that has reached the threshold level, (over 90% of the bandwidth of the WAN connection)

  • 依據 WAN 連結類型進行篩選:網路網站連結、區域間連結和網站內的連結

    Selection by WAN type: Web site links, regional links and links within the site

  • 依網路區域篩選

    Select by Network Area


頻寬流量分析器具有下列兩個應用程式, (工具) :

The bandwidth traffic analyser has two applications (tools) as follows:

  • WanLinkLogCollector.exe 此工具可讓使用者輸入所需資訊。

    WanLinkLogCollector.exe is a tool that allows users to enter the required information.

  • BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm Microsoft Excel 試算表軟體報告是由 WanLinkLogCollector.exe 自動啟動。 此應用程式可讓使用者將篩選套用至報表,如本文稍後所示。

    BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm Microsoft Excel Test Table Report is automatically launched by WanLinkLogCollector.exe. This application allows users to apply the filter to the tab, as shown later in this paper.



When using the frequency-wide flow analyser, there are two stages:

  • 收集記錄檔,這些記錄是使用 WanLinkLogCollector.exe

    Collect records using WanLinkLogCollector.exe

  • 使用 BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm 自訂報表

    Use BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm



    我們強烈建議使用者不要手動啟動 BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm。

    We strongly advise users not to start the Bandwidth University Analyzer.xlsm manually.


在命令提示字元或使用 Windows 檔案總管開始WanLinkLogCollector.exe。

Starts with WanLinkLogCollector.exe in the command hint character or using Windows file manager.

使用 WanLinkLogCollector.exe

for WanLinkLogCollector.exe


There are three steps to be taken using WanLinkLogCollector.exe:

  1. 記錄時程表 提供需要為其產生報告的時程表

    log schedule provides a schedule for which reports are required

  2. 指定檔案目錄 提供檔案位置資訊

    Specifies file directory to provide file location information

  3. 收集記錄檔並啟動報表檢視器 執行命令以產生報告

    collects records and activates the report viewer executes orders to generate reports

步驟 1 - 記錄時程表


The time schedule allows users of the tool to specify the following projects, as shown in the graph below.

  1. 開始日期 這是要產生報告之時程表的開始日期;例如,2010 年 8 月 1 日。

    The start date of is the start date of the schedule to produce the report; for example, 1 August 2010.

  2. 結束日期 這是要產生報告之時程表的結束日期;例如,September 30, 2010。

    ends , which is the end date of the schedule to produce the report; e.g. Meeting 30, 2010.

    頻寬使用 A 中的開始和結束日期。

    The start and end dates in bandwidth A.

步驟 2 - 指定檔案目錄


The following folders of files can be specified by the user, as shown below.

  • 伺服器記錄檔位置 儲存頻寬原則伺服器記錄檔的資料夾位置。 這通常在 < fileserver > \ < choice of FE > \AppServerFiles\PDP 中。

    The location of the server log file saves the location of the folder of the channel wide server log file. This is usually in & lt; fileserver & gt; \ & & lt; choice of FE & gt; \appServerFiles\PDP.

  • 暫存檔案儲存位置 產生報表時儲存中繼檔案的暫存檔案位置。

    Saves the temporary file location of the relay file at the time the report is generated.

    頻寬使用狀況 Anal 中的檔案目錄。

    The file directory in Anal. Data-linktype=


    Watch out for things.


    Ensures that users of the tool are provided with sufficient access to server records and temporary folders for temporary files.

步驟 3 - 收集記錄檔並啟動報表檢視器

若要收集記錄檔並啟動報表檢視器,請按一下 [ 執行 ],如下所示。 此步驟會收集必要的資料。

To collect the log files and activate the report viewer, press [ to execute ], as shown below. This step will gather the necessary data.


 Collect data from channel wide flow analysis.


The following messages are shown when entering the certificate successfully.

在頻寬 Utili 中收集的記錄通知。


按一下 [確定]。 BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm 已自動啟動。 依照訊息方塊中的指示進行。 如需詳細資料,請參閱下一節 中的使用 BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm

Press . BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm has been automatically activated. Follow instructions in the message box. Read more about the use of BandwidthUnilationAnalyzer.xlsm in the next section .

  1. 當 BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm 自動啟動時,請按一下 [ 重新 整理],如下所示。

    When BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer.xlsm autostarts, press [ recombined], as indicated below.


  2. 開啟檔案資料夾時,請從訊息方塊中指定的位置選取consolidated.csv,如下所示。 它也會將位置顯示為 C:\Temp

    When you open the file folder, select the location specified in the message box.csv as shown below. It will also display the location as C:\Temp.

    在 BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer 中開啟資料夾。

     Open folder in BandwidthUnilizationAnalyzer.

  3. 按一下 [ 匯入]

    Press for import.

  4. 系統會自動產生圖形繪製。 當背景工作指標消失時,即可使用。

    The system automatically produces graphics. You can use the background work indicator when it disappears.


    Adoption in the newspaper view.

將篩選套用至 [報表檢視]


The selections that can be applied to the newspaper view are as follows:


Adoption in the newspaper view.

  1. 名字 依據 WAN 連結篩選 (篩選位於圖形) 右側。 首碼表示下列連結類型;請參閱垂直 (藍色) 方塊:

    name is selected on the right side of the WAN link (selection in graph). First code indicates the following type of connection; see vertical (blue) diamonds:

    • S 網站 從網路網站到網路區域的 WAN 連結

      S websiteWAN links from web sites to network areas

    • IS Inter-Site 兩個網路網站之間的 WAN 連結

      IS Inter-Site

    • R 區域間 兩個網路區域之間的 WAN 連結

      R area WAN connection between two network areas

  2. 超出限制 依頻寬使用量大於頻寬容量的 WAN 連結篩選

    More than Restricted WAN Link Selection by Frequency Wide Usage (WAN)

  3. 臨界層級 依頻寬使用量已達 90% 或超過頻寬容量的 WAN 連結篩選

    WAN connection selection over frequency wide capacity

  4. 未充分利用 依頻寬使用量小於頻寬容量 25% 的 WAN 連結篩選

    underutilizes WAN connection options with a frequency wide usage of less than 25% of the frequency wide capacity

  5. 連結類型 根據下列 WAN 連結類型進行篩選:

    links are selected on the basis of the following WAN links:

    • 網路網站 類型

      Web site type

    • 網站間 類型

      site type

    • 區域間連結 類型

      area-to-area connectiontype

  6. 地區 依網路區域篩選

    Districts select by network area


The following graph shows the selection described earlier.

名稱篩選。 選取必須顯示在圖形中的連結清單。

Select at the name . Select the list of links that must be displayed in the graph.

在 BandwidthUtilizationAnalyzer 中依 [Name] (名稱) 篩選。

 in [Name]

篩選者 :超出限制。 選 取 [True ] 以強制執行篩選。

The selectioner : exceeds the limit . Select to remove [True] to enforce the selection.

依 [Exceeded Limit] (已超出限制) 篩選。

Y [Exceeded Limited] (Exceededed Limited)

臨界層級篩選。 選 取 [True ] 以強制執行篩選。

Select at the threshold . Select to remove [True] to enforce selection.

依 [Critical Levels] (重大層級) 篩選。

 at [Critical Levels].

篩選依據 使用底下。 選 取 [True ] 以強制執行篩選。

Select [True

依 [Under Utilized] (低度使用) 篩選。

 based on [under Utilized] (low use).

連結類型篩選。 選取需要顯示的類型或類型。

Select the type or type that you want to display.

依 [Link Type] (連結類型) 篩選。

 based on [Link Type] (link type)

地區篩選。 選取需要顯示連結的地區清單。

Select the area . Select the list of areas that you want to show links.

依 [Region] (地區) 篩選。


  • .NET Framework 3.5

  • Microsoft Excel 2010或 Excel 2007

    Microsoft Excel 2010 or Excel 2007

頻寬流量分析器是用來繪製網路上 UC 流量的音訊頻寬使用量。 此工具也可以用來報告網路上視訊頻寬的使用方式。

The Width Flow Analyzer is used to draw the bandwidth of the UC traffic on the network. This tool can also be used to report how the Width is used.


The call counter is a command line application that allows you easy access to the call park track database.

通話計是追蹤目前駐留通話的工具。 它也會收集有關 orbit 和 Call Park Server (CPS) 使用量的統計資料。 此命令列工具提供從本機或遠端連線電腦讀取及寫入存取 CPS 軌道SQL Server資料庫。

It also collects statistics on the use of orbit and Call Park Server (CPS). This command line tool provides access to the CPS track SQL Server database from its own or remote connection computer.

所有選項都是互斥的。 命令列語法如下所示:

All options are mutually exclusive.

  • -o 參數:列出為此集區設定的所有軌道範圍。

    -o argument: list all orbit ranges set for this area.

  • -n 參數—列出此集區中目前使用的所有軌道。 顯示的資訊如下所示:

    -n parameter - All tracks currently in use in this area are listed. Information is shown as follows:

    • SIP 統一資源識別項 (URI) 的 parkee 和 uri。

      Parkee and uri of the SIP Unique Resource Identification (URI).

    • 停用通話的 CPS 主機名稱。

      Disable the CPS hostname.

    • 通話停駐時間戳記。

      This post is part of our special coverage Human Rights Watch 2011.

  • -f 參數:列出集區中目前可用的軌道數目。

    -f argument: Lists the number of tracks currently available in the area.

  • -r < n >參數:列出 <> N 上次駐留的通話。 顯示的資訊如下所示:

    -r & lt; n & gt; arguments: list < > N's last-stayed calls. The following information is shown:

    • Parkee SIP URI。

    • 必要 SIP URI。

      If necessary, SIP URI.

    • 通話停駐所在之 CPS 的主機名稱。

      The host name of the CPS that stops the call.

    • 擷取或中斷通話的時間戳記。

      The time stamp for extracting or interrupting calls.

  • -t < n >參數 - 測試在資料庫中保留軌道,以顯示指定的軌道數位隨機性。

    -t & lt; n & gt; parameter - Test to keep track in the database to show the randomness of the specified track numbers.


On the basis of the input parameters specified in the command hint character, the call-in-retention card shows the following output:

  • 針對此集區設定的所有軌道範圍

    All orbit ranges set for this area

  • 目前駐留的通話

    The current call.

  • 可用) 軌道的可用 (數目

    Available track (number)

  • 最近停駐的通話

    It's a call that's been stopped recently.

  • 用於測試統一和隨機軌道值的保留軌道

    Reservation tracks used to test homogeneity and random track values

CPS 工具的目的是提供 CPS 資料庫的命令列存取權。 系統管理員可以檢視 CPS 使用量,並決定指派給集區之軌道的數目。

The CPS tool is designed to provide command access to the CPS database. System administrators can view the use of the CPS and decide the number of orbits assigned to the community.

如果此工具是在執行 CPS 的同一部電腦上執行,則沒有任何需求。 如果這項工具是在遠端電腦上執行,商務用 Skype Server 2015 使用的SQL Server資料庫必須設定為允許遠端存取。 通話計必須設定為SQL Server資料庫連線字串,才能連線到資料庫的SQL Server。 此SQL Server資料庫連線字串是在組態檔中定義, parkometer.exe.config。它必須放在parkometer.exe所在的相同目錄中。 下列 XML 檔案是parkometer.exe.config的範例。必須設定的參數是使用者名稱 (例如 mydomain\Administrator) 、密碼 (例如 mypassword) ,以及主機名稱 (例如 myserver) 。

If the tool is executed on a remote computer, the SQL Server database used by Skype Server 2015 must be configured to allow remote access. The caller must be set up as a SQL Server database connection string to connect to the database SQL Server. If the tool is executed on a remote computer, parkometer.exe.config must be configured to allow remote access. The following XML files are examples of parkometer.exe. Config. The parameters that must be set are user names (e. g. mydomain\Administrator), passwords (e. g. mypassword), and hostnames (e. g. mypassver).

已部署的軌道範圍:-o 參數會列出針對此集區設定的所有軌道範圍,如下所示

Deployed orbital range: -o parameters list all orbital ranges set for this area, as shown below

Call Parkometer 中的軌道範圍。

Trail range in Call Parkmeter.

目前停駐的通話:-n 參數會列出此集區上目前使用的所有軌道,如下所示

The current stop call: -n parameters list all the tracks currently in use in this area, as shown below.

Call Parkometer 中的目前駐留通話。

Call Parkmeter

可用的軌道數目:-f 參數會列出集區中目前可用的軌道數目,如圖所示

Number of tracks available: -f parameters list the number of tracks currently available in the area, as shown in the graph

Call Parkometer 中的可用軌道。

Call Parkmeter

最近停駐的通話:-r < n > 參數會列出 < N > 上次駐留的通話,如下所示

Recent stopover calls: -r & lt; n & gt; parameters list & lt; N & gt; last stay as shown below

Call Parkometer 中的最近駐留通話。

Call Parkmeter.

測試軌道保留:-t < n > 參數會測試保留資料庫中的軌道,如圖所示

Test track retention: -t & lt; n & gt; Arguments to keep track in database, as shown in the graph

Call Parkometer 中的測試軌道保留。

Call Parkmeter's test track retention.

[通話駐留計] 是一種命令列工具,提供通話駐留伺服器的詳細資訊。

[Telephone Retention] is a command-line tool that provides detailed information on the host server.

DBAnalyze 是一種命令列工具,可協助系統管理員收集有關 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資料庫的分析報告。 DBAnalyze 具有下列模式:診斷、使用者資料、會議、MCU 和磁碟片段:

DBAnalyze is a command line tool that assists system administrators in collecting analysis reports on business-related Skype Server 2015 databases. DBAnalyze has the following patterns: diagnosis, user data, meetings, MCU and disk clips:

  • 診斷模式 建立一份報表,其中包含資料表 (記錄數量、分散、資料大小和索引大小) 、資料和記錄檔大小、最後一次備份時間、執行 Microsoft Office Communications Server 的伺服器之間的連絡人分佈、每個使用者的平均許可權數目、連絡人、容器、訂閱、出版物、端點、任何不當的家用使用者、無法路由的使用者、 每個使用者召集的會議、已排程的會議、作用中的會議,以及資料庫版本的平均數目。

    diagnostic mode creates a report containing data sheets (number of records, dispersion, size of data and index size), data and file size, last backup time, connections between Microsoft Office Commissions Server servers, average number of permissions per user, number of contacts, containers, subscriptions, publications, peer, any improper household users, unwieldy users, meetings convened by each user, scheduled meetings, functioning meetings, and average number of database versions.


    Watch out for things.


    The application of diagnostic mode may affect the server's performance.

  • 使用者資料模式 針對指定使用者或在連絡人和許可權清單中擁有該使用者的使用者,報告連絡人、容器、訂閱、出版物、許可權和連絡人群組資料。 此模式也會報告使用者組織或受邀參加之會議的摘要資料。

    User Data Mode reports data on contacts, containers, subscriptions, publications, permissions, and group of contacts to the user or to the user who has the user in the list of contacts and permits. It also reports summary data on meetings organized or invited to attend.

  • 會議模式 報告特定會議的詳細資料,包括會議的所有排程時間詳細資料、受邀者清單、會議允許的媒體類型清單、作用中的 MCU (多點控制單位) 、作用中參與者清單,以及每個參與者的訊號狀態。

    The meeting pattern reports detailed information on particular meetings, including details of all scheduling times of the meetings, lists of invitees, lists of media types allowed for the meetings, active MCU (multi-point control units), list of active participants, and the status of each participant's message.

  • 解碼會議 ID 解碼公用交換電話網路 (PSTN) 會議 ID,這是由 /pstnid 開關所指定,但不會連線到後端以取得詳細資訊。

    The decoding meeting ID decoding public exchange telephone network (PSTN) meeting ID, specified by the /pstnid switch, will not be connected to the back end to obtain detailed information.

  • 解決會議 解碼 /pstnid 參數所指定的 PSTN 會議 ID,並顯示 ID 所指示的會議相關資訊。

    The PSTN meeting ID specified by the resolution session decoded /pstnid parameter and displays information about the meeting that ID has instructed.

  • MCUs 模式 報告集區中每個 MCU 的識別碼、媒體類型、URL、心跳狀態、會議載入和參與者載入。

    MCUs mode reports every MCU identification, media type, URL, heartbeat status, meeting load and participant load.

  • 磁片分散模式 顯示所有磁片的分散狀態。

    Dispersal Mode shows the dispersive state of all disks.

此工具可用來診斷各種問題,或協助系統管理員進行容量規劃。 例如,如果大多數的使用者是以伺服器 A 為常用伺服器 B 的使用者做為連絡人,則系統管理員可以將伺服器 A 上的使用者移至伺服器 B 以減少跨伺服器流量。

This tool can be used to diagnose problems or assist system administrators in capacity planning. For example, if most users are connected to server A as a user of server B, the system manager can move users on server A to server B to reduce the flow across the server.

此工具會輸出關於 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資料庫的預先定義報告。 路徑:%ProgramFiles%\商務用 Skype Server 2015\Reskit

This tool will result in a predefined report on business use of Skype Server 2015 database. path: %ProgramFiles%\ Business use SkypeServer 2015\Reskit

若要安裝Dbanalyze.exe,請將它複製到本機資料夾,然後執行工具。 若要使用工具,請從命令列執行下列命令。 命令列選項的描述如下所示。

To install Dbanalyze.exe, copy it to the local folder and execute the tool. To use the tool, execute the following commands from the command line. The command list option is described below.

Dbanalyze.exe 的命令列選項。

Dbanalyze.exe 'data-linktype=

電腦DBAnalyze 只能從已安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的加入網域電腦執行。

PC DBAnalyze can only be executed from installed business on Skype Server 2015.

網路 電腦應該可以連線到後端資料庫。

The network computer should be able to connect to the backend database.

執行DBAnalyze 之前,必須先安裝軟體商務用 Skype Server 2015 軟體元件。

The Skype Server 2015 software component must be installed before executes DBAnalize.

使用者下表顯示具備存取 2015 資料庫商務用 Skype Server必要許可權的系統管理員。

The table below shows the system manager with the necessary permission for Skype Server business to access the 2015 database.

Dbanalyze.exe 的權限表。



Watch out for things.


/report:disk mode requires a system administrator account.


Here are examples of the effective Dbanalyze.exe command:

DBAnalyzer 提供系統管理員快速且輕鬆地分析 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資料庫。

DBAnalyzer provides system managers with quick and easy analysis of the Skype Server 2015 database.

ImportStorageServiceData 資源工具組工具可讓您重新匯入已從儲存空間服務清除的佇列和端點資料, (LYSS) 取回儲存空間服務。

The ImportStorageServiceData resource tool allows you to re-import queues and peer data that have been removed from the saved space service, and to retrieve the saved space service from the LYSS.

已清除儲存空間服務的資料可能已根據佇列專案狀態或資料庫大小自動 () 。 這可能是因為手動叫用集區容錯移轉 Cmdlet 或 StorageServiceFullFlush Cmdlet (集區容錯移轉 Cmdlet 叫用) 所導致。 請注意,如果前端的任何儲存服務 (LYSS ) 資料庫大小都高於一般層級,則最好不要重新匯入資料,因為這麼做可能會導致更多資料再次匯出。此外,任何可能導致存放裝置服務佇列增加的錯誤所造成的問題,應該先解決 (例如 Exchange 端點錯誤、網路問題或其他) 問題。

This may be due to a manual call to mistransfer Cmdlet or StorageServiceFullFlush Cmdlet (Cmdlet called for), which has been removed from the saved space service. Please note that if any storage service (LYSS) at the front end is of a higher size than the general level, it is preferable not to re-import the data, as this may lead to more data being re-exported. Furthermore, any errors that might lead to an increase in the storage service should be resolved (e. g. Exchange endpoint error, Internet problem or other).

案例 1: 在集區容錯移轉期間,每個前端的儲存空間服務可能會清除檔案。 容錯移轉完成後,應該執行工具以重新匯入資料。

Case 1: may remove files from each front-end storage space during the session of the block overflow. When the mistransfer is completed, the tool should be executed to re-import the data.

案例 2: 資料會每天自動清除,或是回應儲存服務資料庫超過特定大小閾值 (例如 60%、80%、90% 完整) 。 系統管理員應定期重新匯入這項自動清除的資料。 在上述情況中,如果未部署監控 SCOM 套件,則會發生與儲存服務中的資料清除相關的商務用 Skype Server儲存空間服務事件。 32075 (完整清除作業的事件識別碼已于) 啟動,32076 (完整清除已完成) 、32082 (維護層級) 開始清除、32083 (維護層級清除完成) 、32089 (清除因資料庫) 而發生。 請注意,這些事件識別碼會對應到 RTM 版本。 當系統管理員看到這些事件時,表示有一些檔案已經清除。這項資料應定期使用這項工具匯入回,例如每週一次。

case 2: data will automatically be removed on a daily basis, or more than specific sizes (e. g. 60%, 80%, 90% complete) will be saved from the service database. System administrators should regularly re-enter the data from the auto-cleaning. In these cases, if the SCOM package is not deployed, there will be business incidents associated with the data clean-up in the storage service by Skype Server. 32075 (the full clean-up event identification code has been activated), 32076 (the complete clean-up has been completed), 32082 (the level of maintenance), 32083 (the clean-up level) and 32089 (the clean-up database).

針對線上服務版本,如果已部署 商務用 Skype Server 的健康情況監控 SCOM 套件,可能會出現新的警示,要求系統管理員將已清除的資料重新匯入存放裝置服務。 觸發警示的Front-End伺服器上的事件記錄檔中會有對應的事件。 事件將說明清除資料檔所在位置的父路徑,以及有多少檔案符合警示準則。 警示準則是,特定父系路徑下方有至少 Y 天以上的 X 檔案, (在 StorageService 中預設使用 X 和 Y,但變更 APPCONFIG 檔案可覆寫這些檔案。) 下方顯示兩個可能觸發健康情況警示的事件範例, 其中差異是其父路徑。 其中一個可能性是在 Web 服務檔案共用底下,另一個可能性是每個前端的本機應用程式資料目錄。 (例如 c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\商務用 Skype Server 2015\StorageService) 。 系統管理員接著會執行此重新滑動工具。

An event file on the Front-End server triggers the alarm. The event will indicate the parent path to the location of the data file and how many files meet the warning guidelines. The warning standard is that there are at least Y-days of X files below a specific parent path, and that the system manager will then have pre-empted the use of X-Y in the Storage Service, but will change the APPCONFIG files to cover them. The next side will show two examples of events that could trigger a health alert, one of which is the parent path. One possibility is that there are at least Y-days of X files below a specific parent path, and the other is that this application is available at each previous end (e.g., the programData\SteveSwireSwireSwieveSwireSwift tool).

此工具會增加執行前端及其他前端的 CPU 和 IO 載入量,在這種情況下,資料並非由執行工具的前端所擁有。 我們建議在前端不在重 CPU 和 IO 負載下時執行此工具,例如在尖峰時段以外。 第二,此工具可以 2 到 3 分鐘匯入一個資料檔案。 當您評估工具將會執行多久時,請記住這點。 工具產生的詳細資訊記錄檔預設會顯示在 [檔案存放區] 上。 如果未回報任何錯誤,請將它刪除,因為記錄檔可以是十萬 MB 或更多。

This tool will increase the load of CPUs and IOs on the front end and on the other front end, in which case the data is not owned by the front end of the executable. We recommend that this tool not be executed at the front end when the CPU and IO load are heavy, for example, outside the peak period. Second, this tool can be imported into a data file in 2 to 3 minutes. Remember this when you evaluate how long the tool will be executed. The detailed information log file generated by the tool will be displayed on the [file storage area]. If no error is reported, delete it because it can be 100,000 MB or more.

Storage Server 事件記錄事件範例。

StorageServer Login Event Example.

安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源工具組工具。 此工具會在已加入網域的電腦上執行,其中已安裝商務用 Skype Server和商務用 Skype Server管理命令介面。 此工具會使用管理命令介面的 Cmdlet 來識別集區中的所有Front-End伺服器。 第二,工具必須從已安裝 RtcLocal 資料庫之集區中的電腦執行。 工具會使用此資料庫來擷取資料庫的 WEBSERVICE 檔案共用位置。 此外,在使用工具之前,每個Front-End伺服器必須先在每個Front-End伺服器上使用Enable-PSRemoting啟用Windows PowerShell重新執行,以及執行工具的機器。 否則,此工具的遠端Windows PowerShell命令將會失敗。 Windows PowerShell完成後,資料庫中的所有Front-End伺服器都可以關閉 [自動重排]。 最後,針對執行此工具的集區,撤銷工具的帳戶或認證必須具有 WebService 檔案共用的讀/寫許可權。 否則工具會失敗併發生 IO 許可權錯誤。

The tool will use the management command interface Cmdlet to identify all Front-End servers in the community. Second, the tool will have to run from the installed RtcLocal database, where business uses SkypeServer and business use SkyServer to manage command interfaces. The tool will use the database to locate WEBSERVICE files. In addition, before using the tool, every Front-End server must first use every Front-End server to use Rtocal databases.


Watch out for things.

在 Windows Server 2012 上,預設會啟用Windows PowerShell [重新執行] 功能,但在 Windows Server 2008 作業系統上則不會啟用。

On Windows Server 2012, Windows PowerShell [rerun] will be enabled by default, but not on Windows Server 2008.

LCSSync 工具可協助在多林環境中部署商務用 Skype Server 2015 通訊軟體。 此工具是用來將來自不同使用者森林的使用者和群組,當做Active Directory 網域服務連絡人物件同步處理到已安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的中央森林。

The LCSSync tool facilitates the deployment of a business-based Skype Server 2015 communication software in a multiforestic environment. The tool is used to synchronize users and groups from different user forests as an active Directory domain service connection to installed Skype Service 2015 central forest.

LCSSync 會使用中央樹系中已同步處理Active Directory 網域服務連絡人物件,讓使用者商務用 Skype Server。 若要提供單一登入,2015 年 商務用 Skype Server 日,主要使用者帳戶必須對應至中央森林中的Active Directory 網域服務連絡人物件。 此工具可協助執行該對應。 此工具提供在 Microsoft Identity Integration Server 中建立管理代理程式的範本。

LCSSync uses the Central Tree System to synchronize the Active Directory Domain Service connection to allow business users to use Skype Server. To provide a single login, the primary user account in 2015 will have to deal with the Active Directory Domain Service connection in the Central Forest. This tool can help with the application. This tool provides a template for creating an administration agent in Microsoft Identity Integration Server.

LCSSync 工具可協助在多林環境中部署 商務用 Skype Server 2015。

The LCSSync tool can help deploy Skype Server 2015 in a multi-forested environment.

LookupUserConsole 工具會顯示特定使用者的內部商務用 Skype Server路由資訊。 這項資訊對於 Microsoft 在診斷部署和路由問題時的個人支援可能很有用。

The LookupUserConsole tool displays information about internal business using Skype Server for specific users. This information may be useful for Microsoft’s personal support in identifying deployments and routers.

執行LookupUserConsole.exe會開啟命令提示字元,該命令提示字元會接受 SIP 位址,並嘗試顯示與它們相關的內部商務用 Skype Server路由資訊。 輸入 exit 以結束 LookupUserConsole 工具。

Runs the LukeupUserConsole.exe to open the command hint character, which accepts the IP address and tries to show the Skype Server route information of the internal business associated with them. Enter exit to end the LookupUserConsole tool.

安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源套件。 此工具會在已安裝商務用 Skype Server的加入網域電腦上執行。

Installs a business package for Skype Server 2015. This tool will run on the installed business access computer for Skype Server.

C:\Program Files\商務用 Skype Server 2015\ResKit >LookupUserConsole.exe

C: \Program Fields\Skype Server 2015\ResKit & gt; LookupUserConsole.exe

MSTurnPing 工具可讓 商務用 Skype Server 2015 通訊軟體的系統管理員檢查執行音訊/視訊 Edge、音訊/視訊驗證服務的伺服器狀態,以及拓撲中執行頻寬原則服務的伺服器。

The MMSTurnPing tool allows business to use Skype Server 2015 communication software system administrators to check the status of servers that run audio/visual Edge, audio/visual proof services, as well as the server that runs video wideware services in a ping-up.

MSTurnPing 工具可讓 商務用 Skype Server 2015 通訊軟體的系統管理員檢查執行音訊/視訊 Edge、音訊/視訊驗證服務的伺服器狀態,以及拓撲中執行頻寬原則服務的伺服器。

The MMSTurnPing tool allows business to use Skype Server 2015 communication software system administrators to check the status of servers that run audio/visual Edge, audio/visual proof services, as well as the server that runs video wideware services in a ping-up.


This tool allows the system manager to perform the following tests:

  1. A/V Edge Server 測試:此工具會執行下列動作來測試拓撲中的所有 A/V Edge Server:

    A/V Edge Server test: This tool executes the following actions to test all A/V Edge Servers in the scheme:

    • 確認商務用 Skype Server音訊/視訊驗證服務已啟動,且可以發出適當的認證。

      Confirms that the Skype Server Audio/Visual Authentication service has been activated and is capable of issuing appropriate authentication.

    • 確認商務用 Skype Server音訊/視訊 Edge 服務已啟動,並可成功配置外部邊緣的資源。

      Confirms that the Skype Server audio/visual Edge service has been activated and successfully configured for external edges.

  2. 頻寬原則服務測試:工具會執行下列動作來測試拓撲中執行頻寬原則服務的所有伺服器:

    Width Service Test: The tool will perform the following actions to test all servers running the Width Service during the pinging:

    • 確認商務用 Skype Server頻寬原則服務 (驗證) 已啟動,且可以發出適當的認證。

      Confirms that the Business Width Service (Skype Server) has been activated and can issue appropriate authentication.

    • 確認已啟動商務用 Skype Server頻寬原則服務 (核心) ,並可順利執行頻寬檢查。

      Confirms that Skype Server's Width Width Service (Core) has been activated and can be easily checked.


This tool must be executed from a computer that is part of the pedestal and has installed its own storage area.


This tool will produce the results of each project.

  • 如果 執行 AudioVideoEdgeServer 測試,工具輸出如下:

    If executes the AudioVideoEdgeServer test, the tool output is as follows:

    • 提供拓撲中商務用 Skype Server 2015 音訊/視訊驗證服務之電腦的測試結果

      Provide test results for a computer using Skype Server 2015 audio/visual proof service for business in a ping-and-pe

    • 提供拓撲中商務用 Skype Server 2015 音訊/視訊 Edge 服務的電腦測試結果

      Provide computer test results for the Skype Server 2015 audio/visual Edge service for business on a ping-and-pump

  • 如果 執行了 BandwidthPolicyServer 測試,則工具輸出如下:

    If executes the BandwidthPolicyServer test, the tool output is as follows:

    • 提供拓撲中商務用 Skype Server 2015 頻寬原則服務 (驗證) 之電腦的測試結果

      Provide test results for a computer that uses Skype Server 2015 for business in a ping-pump (verification)

    • 提供拓撲中商務用 Skype Server 2015 頻寬原則服務 (Core) 的電腦測試結果

      Provide computer test results for the Skype Server 2015 Cree Service for Business in Topping

  • 此工具必須從拓撲中且具有本機儲存的電腦執行。

    This tool must be executed from a computer that has its own memory.

  • 此工具必須以具有本機市集存取權的系統管理員身分執行。

    This tool must be executed as a system administrator with local market access rights.


Here are examples of tools entered.

對於想要檢查執行音訊/視訊和頻寬原則服務之伺服器狀態的 2015 商務用 Skype Server系統管理員,此工具是寶貴的資源。

This tool is a valuable resource for the 2015 Business Skype Server manager who wants to check the status of the server that performs audio/visual and bandwidth services.

網路設定檢視器可由 商務用 Skype Server 2015 通訊軟體系統管理員用來檢視企業的電話存取控制 (CAC) 網路拓撲,該企業已布建以允許即時通訊會話,例如根據指定頻寬容量進行語音或視訊通話。 商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員定義 CAC 原則,由隨 商務用 Skype Server 2015 一起安裝的頻寬原則服務強制執行。

The Network Settings Viewer can be used by business managers using Skype Service 2015 communications system administrators to view the company's access control (CAC) network campaign, which has been set up to allow instant messaging sessions, such as voice or video messaging based on the specified bandwidth capacity. Business uses Skype Server 2015 system manager's definition CAC principle, which is enforced by a video-broadcasting service installed by business with Skype Server 2015.

網路設定檢視器 (NetworkConfigurationViewer.exe) 可讓系統管理員執行下列工作:

Network Settings Viewer (NetworkConfigurationViewer.exe) allows system administrators to perform the following tasks:

  • 以圖形格式從 商務用 Skype Server 2015 部署載入和檢視 CAC 網路拓撲。

    Loading and viewing CAC network pings from Business Skype Server 2015 in graphical format.

  • 以圖形格式載入及檢視頻寬原則伺服器記錄檔中的 CAC 網路拓撲。

    Loads and views the CAC network ping in the Broadband server log file in graphical format.

  • 將 CAC 網路拓撲以 XML 格式儲存在磁片上。

    Save the CAC network ping in XML format on the disk.

  • 以 JPG 或 BMP 格式儲存 CAC 網路拓撲圖表。

    Saves the CAC network scheme in JPG or BMP format.

  • 檢視 CAC 網路拓撲設定資料。

    View CAC network ping configuration data.

  • 以樹狀檢視樣式檢視 CAC 網路拓撲。

    A tree view of the CAC network pebbles.

  • 定義 CAC 網路拓撲連結的自訂連接器 (例如網站到地區、區域對區域,以及網站對網站連結) 。

    Defines a custom connection to the CAC network network (e. g. site-to-local, regional-to-regional, and website-to-site links).

  • 檢視 CAC 網路拓撲網站資訊、地區資訊,以及布建的頻寬原則和網路連結。

    On the other hand, the CAC Networking Network Information, Local Information, as well as the bandwidth and network links of the architecture, are viewed.

在圖形介面中檢視企業 CAC 網路拓撲連結。

This post is part of our special coverage CAC Network Tapping Links for Business in a Graphic Interface.

以圖形格式從 商務用 Skype Server 2015 部署載入及檢視 CAC 網路拓撲:商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以在任何 商務用 Skype Server 2015 電腦上使用 [下載網路設定] 選項載入和檢視 CAC 網路拓撲設定,如圖所示下面。 在無法連線至 商務用 Skype Server 2015 設定存放區之電腦上部署時,此工具將無法下載或檢視這類設定。

Loads and views the CAC network puppies from business deployments in Skype Service 2015 in graphical format: The business manager can use the Skype Server 2015 computer for any business download network settings , as shown below. This tool will not be able to download or view the CAC network pump settings when it cannot be connected to the business computer deployment in Skype Server 2015 settings.


 Download network settings.

以圖形格式從頻寬原則伺服器記錄檔載入和檢視 CAC 網路拓撲:商務用 Skype Server 2015 頻寬原則伺服器會將 CAC 網路拓撲儲存為 商務用 Skype Server 2015 檔案共用位置下記錄機制的一部分。 商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以使用 [開放式網路設定] 選項,以圖形格式檢視這類檔案,如下所示。

loads and views the CAC Internet Pod: BPs will save CAC Internet Pods as part of the Skype Service 2015 common location log system for business. Business Skype Server 2015 system administrators can use the [ open network settings] option to view files of this type in graphical format, as shown below.

開啟 Bandwidth Policy Server 記錄檔。

opens the Bandwidth Policy Server file.

將 CAC 網路拓撲以 XML 格式儲存在磁片上:商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以使用 [儲存網路設定複] 選項,將 CAC 網路拓撲組態檔儲存為 XML 格式,如下所示。 儲存的組態檔便可離線使用,以供圖形檢視之用。

Save the CAC network ping in XML format on disk: The business manager can use the [save network configuration copy . option to save the CAC network ping configuration file in XML format, as shown below. Saved group files can be used offline for graphic viewing.

將網路設定儲存為 XML 檔。

 Save network settings as XML files.

以 JPG 或 BMP 格式儲存及儲存 CAC 網路拓撲圖表:商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以使用下列圖片選項,將 CAC 網路拓撲設定儲存圖形格式 (JPG 和 BMP 檔案格式) 。

Save and store the CAC Network Tile in JPG or BMP format: Business manager can use the Skype Server 2015 system manager's image option to save the CAC Network Tile setup in graphic format (JPG and BMP file format).


 saves the network settings as pictures.

檢視 CAC 網路拓撲設定資料:商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以使用文字格式檢視網路區域、網路網站、頻寬設定檔和網站子網 IP 位址等相關網路設定資料,如下所示。

View CAC Network Tile Settings: Business Manager Skype Server 2015 can use text format to view network settings related to network areas, web sites, bandwidth profiles and website sub-network IP addresses, as shown below.


 view network settings.

樹狀檢視樣式檢視 CAC 網路拓撲:商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以使用工具視窗左側的控制台,以圖形樹狀檢視樣式檢視相關的網路設定資料,如下所示。

View CAC Network Tile at tree: BusinessSkype Server 2015 system manager can use the left-hand control table of the tool window to view network configurations related to the image tree viewing pattern as shown below.


 views network configurations in tree view form.

定義 CAC 網路拓撲連結 (的自訂連接器,例如網站對區域、地區對區域,以及網站對網站連結) :商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以使用以下所示的 [設定] 選項,定義 CAC 網路設定 WAN 連結的自訂圖形連接器。 這有助於區分在網路設定中布建的各種網路連結類型。

defines CAC network access (a custom connection, such as a site-to-area, a region-to-region, and a website-to-site connection): business-to-business Skype Server 2015 system manager can use the [settling] option shown below to define a custom map connection for CAC network settings for WAN connections. This helps to distinguish the various network connections that are installed in the network settings.



檢視 CAC 網路拓撲網站資訊、地區資訊及布建頻寬原則:商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以使用下列選項來檢視相關的 CAC 網路區域資訊、網站資訊和 CAC 頻寬布建資訊。 (例如,按一下網路區域或網路網站物件中 的資訊 。)

View CAC Internet Tile Information, Local Information and Video Width: Business Skype Server 2015 System Administrators can use the following options to view relevant CAC network area information, website information and CAC-wide. (For example, click on information on network area or web site objects.)


Descriptive connector for your network.

對於想要檢視 CAC 網路拓撲以圖形格式部署的 CAC 網路拓撲的 2015 商務用 Skype Server系統管理員,此工具是寶貴的資源。

This tool is a valuable resource for the 2015 business Skype Server system manager who wants to view the CAC network topup deployed in graphical format.

回應群組應用程式讓代理程式能夠使用其內建的 Web 服務來存取實用的即時資訊。 很抱歉,無法在應用程式外使用此資料的圖形檢視。 回應群組專員 Live Resource Kit 工具提供簡單且圖形化的方式來存取此資訊,並透過即時商務用 Skype通訊軟體資訊來增強,例如其他代理程式的目前狀態,以解決此問題。

The response group application allows the proxy to use its built-up Web service to access real-time information. I am sorry that the graphical view of this data cannot be used outside the application. The response group member Live Resources Kit tool provides simple and graphical access to this information and is enhanced by instant business use of Skype communication software, such as the current status of other agents to resolve the problem.

回應群組專員 Live 是一個 Windows 應用程式,提供登入和登出功能,以及一些即時資訊 (,例如群組成員資格和) 回應群組代理程式的目前通話次數。 它應是 [代理群組] 頁面的增強版, (可從商務用 Skype存取。

Response group member Live is a Windows application that provides login and logout functions, as well as the current number of calls for some instant messaging (e.g. group membership and) response group agent. It should be an enhanced version of the [agent group] page (accessible from business Skype).

回應群組應用程式會將來電排入佇列,然後將它們路由至代理群組。 若要做出服務通話的明智決定,專員可以存取其代理群組的即時相關資訊,例如有哪些其他代理程式可用,以及每一個佇列中等待的通話數目。 這項資訊最初隻能透過回應群組服務存取,並由回應群組專員 Live 以直覺的方式提供。

Reciprocal group applications will be placed in queues and then route them to proxy groups. To make a wise decision about service calls, members will have access to the immediate relevant information of their proxy groups, such as what other agents are available and the number of calls awaited in each queue. This information is initially available only through response group services and is provided in a intuitive manner by echo group member Live.


回應群組代理程式 Live 工具建置在回應群組服務和 商務用 Skype Server 2015 SDK 上。 它為回應群組代理程式提供回應群組服務 (提供的資訊和功能,例如群組成員資格、其他代理程式的目前狀態,以及) 的等候通話數目。

The response group agent Live tool is built on the response group service and business Skype Server 2015 SDK. It provides a response group service for the response group agent (information and functions provided, such as group membership, the current status of other agents, and).

下圖說明回應群組專員 Live 的主要介面。

The following graph describes the main interface for responding group member Live.

Response Group Agent Live 工具。

Response Group Age Live Tool.

下列三個主要功能適用于回應群組專員 Live 中的代理程式:

The following three main functions are suitable for the proxy in the response group member Live:

  • 登入/登出:與 商務用 Skype Server 2015) 存取 ([代理群組] 頁面相反,回應群組代理程式 Live 只允許代理程式一次登入或登出所有代理群組。 此應用程式提供三種可讓代理程式登入或登出的快速方式:

    login/ logout: and business use Skype Server 2015 for access (in contrast to the [agent group] page, response group agent Live allows login or log out of all proxy groups only once. This application provides three quick ways to let agents log in or log out:

    • 按一下應用程式內的 [登入/注 (綠色和紅色) 按鈕。

      Press the [boarding/note (green and red) button in the application.

    • 以滑鼠右鍵按一下系統匣圖示,然後選取 [登入] 或 [登出]。

      Press the system tray icon with the right mouse button and then select the [boarding] or [checkout].

    • 使用可設定的鍵盤快速鍵。

      Use a set of keyboard shortcuts.

  • 群組成員資格: 選取專員群組時,回應群組專員 Live 會在右窗格中顯示此群組中的代理程式清單。 如果 商務用 Skype Server 2015 與此應用程式在同一部電腦上執行,[回應群組專員 Live] 中會顯示目前狀態資訊和連絡人卡片。 專員可以直接從該處傳送 IM 或打電話給其他專員。

    group members: When selecting a group of members, the response group member Live will show a list of agents in this group in the right window. If business uses Skype Server 2015 to run with this application on the same computer, [response group member Live] will show current status information and connected person cards. The member can send IM directly from there or call other members.

  • 即時統計資料: 回應群組專員 Live 提供所有代理群組的即時統計資料。 更新頻率為一分鐘。 當回應群組接聽來電時,組名旁邊會新增一個視覺化指標,其中包含目前已排入佇列的通話數目。 將指標暫停在群組上也會顯示最長的等待時間。

    Timeline Data: Response Group Specialist Live provides immediate statistics for all proxy groups. Update frequency is one minute. When responding to a call from a group, a visualization pointer is added next to the group name, containing the number of calls that are currently in the queue.

回應群組專員 Live 需要.NET Framework 4.0。 此外,若要利用目前狀態和連絡人卡片功能,商務用 Skype必須安裝在本機 (並執行) 。

The response group member Live needs.NET Framework 4.0. In addition, to use the current state and connection card functionality, business use Skype must install (and execute) the device.


回應群組專員 Live 可以使用應用程式中的 [選項] 對話方塊,自訂為個別的喜好設定。 此外,系統管理員可以直接編輯RGAgentLive.exe.config檔案的 defaultHostAddress 屬性,藉此定義預設主機位址。

The response group member Live can use the [options] dialogue box in the application to customize its preferences. In addition, the system manager can directly edit the default HostAddress properties of the RGAgentLive.exe.config file by defining the default host address.

下圖說明代理程式可用來設定主機位址和快速鍵的 [選項] 對話方塊。 按一下主介面右上角的 [選項] 按鈕即可存取此對話方塊。

The following graph shows the proxy that can be used to set the host address and the fast key [option] dialogue box. Click the [option] button at the upper right corner of the main interface to access this dialogue box.

Response Group Agent Live [Options] (選項) 對話方塊。

Response Group Agent Live [Options] (options)

您可以在回應群組代理程式 Live 設定中自訂下列三種不同的設定:

You can customize the following three different settings in the response group agent Live settings:

  • 主機位址:這通常是屬於專員家庭集區所屬的 Web 集區 FQDN。 確切的回應群組服務位址會在背景中自動衍生此資訊 (,方法是在主機) 之後附加正確的路徑。

    Host address: This is usually the Web area of FQDN, which belongs to the family complex of an individual. A true response group service address automatically generates this information in the background (by attaching the right path to the host).

  • 快速鍵:您可以自訂登入/登出的確切快速鍵。 唯一的限制是,除了至少另一個按鍵) 之外,這兩個快速鍵還必須包含「Windows 標誌」鍵 (。

    Quick key: You can customize login/ login to the exact fast key. The only limit is that, in addition to at least one other key, the two keys must contain the "Windows sign" key.

  • 從 Windows 開始:應用程式可以設定為自動從 Windows 啟動。

    Start with Windows: Application can be set to start automatically from Windows.

下圖說明如何以滑鼠右鍵按一下右窗格中的連絡人,來撥號或傳送 IM 給其他專員。

The following graph illustrates how to use the right mouse button to press a connection in the right window to dial or send IM to other members.

撥打電話或傳送 IM。

call or send IM.

下圖說明回應群組專員 Live 如何顯示目前佇列中的電話數目,以及所有這些來電中等待時間最長的時間。

The following graph shows how the response group member Live shows the number of phone calls in the current queue and the longest waiting period in all of these calls.


 view information.

快速登入和登出、群組成員資格和基本即時統計資料都是有趣的回應群組代理功能,僅可從回應群組服務的應用程式外部取得。 使用回應群組代理程式 Live 資源套件工具,商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員可以提供其代理程式 Windows 應用程式,讓他們以更快且圖形化的方式執行工作。

Quick login and logout, group membership qualifications and basic instant statistics are interesting feedback group proxy functions that can be obtained only from outside the application that responds to group services. Using the Live resource package tool, the Business Agent Skype Server 2015 system manager can provide its proxy Windows applications to enable them to do their work faster and more graphically.

SEFAUtil (次要擴充功能啟用) 是命令列工具,可讓 商務用 Skype Server 2015 通訊軟體系統管理員和技術服務專員代表商務用 Skype Server 2015 使用者設定委派響鈴、來電轉接、同時響鈴、小組通話設定和群組通話接聽。 此工具也可讓系統管理員查詢針對特定使用者發佈的通話路由設定。 SEFAUtil 工具可讓系統管理員代表使用者啟用/停用/修改來電轉接或同時響鈴。 系統管理員可以以 SIP URI) 的形式指定目標 (,或使用使用者已發佈的目標。 此工具也可讓系統管理員代表使用者新增或移除代理人或小組通話群組成員。 此工具建置於 Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0,需要系統管理員在 SEFAUtil 的 [管理中心] 存放區中建立信任的應用程式。

SEFAUtil (secondary extension enabled) is a command-bar tool that allows business managers to check and set the address path for specific users. The SEFAUtil tool allows system managers to use/disable/modify the switchback or simultaneous sounding on behalf of users. System managers can specify targets in the form of SIP URI (or use the user's declared goals). This tool can also allow system managers to represent users'new or removed agents or small talk groups. [The tool is built on behalf of the user's confidence-building centre in the System Management Unit.]

SEFAUtil (次要擴充功能啟用) 可讓 商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員和技術服務專員代表商務用 Skype Server 2015 使用者設定委派鈴聲、來電轉接、同時響鈴、小組通話設定和群組通話接聽。 此工具也可讓系統管理員查詢針對特定使用者發佈的通話路由設定。

SEFAUtil (secondary extension enabled) allows business managers and techs to use Skype Server 2015 system administrators and techs to represent business users using Skype Server 2015 user configurations to assign bells, calls, simultaneous bells, cell phone settings, and group calls. This tool also allows system administrators to check the routing settings that are issued to specific users.

目前版本的 SEFAUtil 只是一個命令列工具;沒有支援的圖形使用者介面。 此工具是以 Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0 為基礎。 此工具中的功能可讓系統管理員和技術服務專員執行下列動作:

The current version of SEFAUtil is only a command line tool; there is no supported GUI. This tool is based on Microsoft United Nations Management API (UCMA) 3.0. The functionality in this tool allows system administrators and technical services specialists to perform the following actions:

  • 檢視使用者的所有通話路由設定 (包括來電轉接、委派、同時響鈴、小組通話和群組通話接聽)

    View all user routing settings (including calls, assignments, simultaneous bells, group calls and group calls)

  • 啟用/停用/修改來電轉接設定 (包含目的地和無回應計時器)

    Enable/disable/modify transmission settings (including destination and no response timers)

  • 啟用/停用/修改來電轉接立即設定

    Enable/disable/modify transmissions immediately

  • 啟用/停用/修改委派設定

    Enable/disable/modify assignment settings

  • 啟用/停用/修改小組通話群組設定

    Enable/disable/modify group group settings


    Watch out for things.

    商務用 Skype Server 2015 SEFAUtil 工具中的新功能

    New functionality in business using Skype Server 2015 SEFAUtil

  • 啟用/停用/修改同時響鈴設定 (包含目的地)

    Enable/disable/modify simultaneous bell settings (including destination)


    Watch out for things.

    商務用 Skype Server 2015 SEFAUtil 工具中的新功能

    New functionality in business using Skype Server 2015 SEFAUtil

  • 啟用/停用/修改群組通話取貨設定

    Enable/disable/modify group messaging settings


    Be careful.

    商務用 Skype Server 2015 SEFAUtil 工具中的新功能

    New functionality in business using Skype Server 2015 SEFAUtil


This tool has the following limitations:

  • 僅支援在商務用 Skype Server集區中使用家用的使用者

    Support only home users in the Skype Server area for business purposes

  • 不支援大量編輯數個使用者的通話路由設定

    Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component.

此工具的目前版本僅在 [命令提示字元] 視窗中提供輸出。 如需詳細資料,請參閱本文稍後的一節。

The current version of this tool provides output only in the [command hint character] window. For details, please refer to a later section of this paper.


The following are some important examples of possible use of this tool:

  • Bob 是高階主管,他已移至商務用 Skype Server電話語音。 他已委派他現有的 PBX 系統。 在移至 2015 年 商務用 Skype Server 時,系統管理員可以設定 Bob 的路由,以反映他先前的委派設定。

    Bob, a senior executive, has been moved to business on Skype Server's voice. He has assigned his current PBX system. When moving to business in 2015 on Skype Server, the system manager can set out Bob's route to reflect his previous assignment.

  • 高麗正在出差,她發現預期會有來自其中一位客戶的重要來電。 不過,她位於旅館中,無法存取電腦。 她打電話給技術服務人員,並要求他們轉接至她的行動電話號碼,所有電話都撥打到她的公司電話。 技術服務人員可以代表她執行設定。

    However, she is in a hotel and has no access to a computer. She calls technical service providers and asks them to transfer to her mobile number, and all calls to her company.

  • 只要 Joe 在工作時,撥打公司電話就會移至他的移動語音信箱;不過,大部分其他位置的操作看起來都能正常運作。 技術服務人員可以檢視 Joe 的路由設定,併發現 Joe 同時設定為行動電話響鈴。 技術人員向 Joe 詢問其辦公室的行動涵蓋範圍,並且能夠判斷同時響鈴規則是導致在 Joe 的網路涵蓋範圍不佳時,撥打至其行動語音信箱的原因。

    As long as Joe works, calls to the company will be moved to his mobile voicemail; however, most of the other locations appear to be functioning properly. Technical service providers can view Joe’s route settings and combine Joe’s settings with mobile phone ringing.

  • 立民是 Contoso 的新員工,而且他加入了已設定所有成員進行小組通話的新團隊,但在 2015 年 商務用 Skype Server 啟用時,管理員可以設定他的小組通話群組設定,以包含他所有的新小組成員,此外,管理員會將立民新增為團隊中每個成員的小組通話群組成員。

    The UDP is a new staff member of Contoso, and he joined a new team that has set all its members up for small group calls, but in 2015, when business started with Skype Server, the manager could set his group settings to include all of his new team members, in addition to adding the UDP as a team member for each member of the team.

  • Contoso 人力資源部門的客戶服務做法是為第一次通話後的所有來電者提供個人服務。 由於部門的所有成員彼此坐著非常接近,讓所有電話同時以小組通話響鈴,對團隊來說會造成干擾。 為了在不幹擾小組成員的情況下提供最佳服務,商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員利用 「群組通話接聽」功能。 系統管理員會將所有部門成員新增至取貨群組,並告知部門取貨群組號碼。 當 S方退出辦公桌時,Joe 會注意到她的電話響鈴,而他選擇從他的辦公桌接聽來電。

    Since all members of the department sit very close to each other, and let all telephone calls bell with small groups at the same time, this can disturb the team. To provide the best service without disrupting the team, the business manager of Skype Server 2015 uses the "group calls" function.

SEFAUtil 工具只能在屬於信任應用程式集區一部分的電腦上執行。 UCMA 3.0 必須安裝在該電腦上。 若要執行此工具,必須在該集區上建立具有 SEFAUtil 應用程式識別碼的新信任應用程式。

The SEFAUtil tool can only be executed on a computer that is part of the trust application complex. UCMA 3.0 must be installed on the computer. To run the tool, a new trust application with SEFAUTIL application identifiers must be created on the community.

  1. SEFAUTil 工具只能在屬於受信任應用程式集區一部分的電腦上執行。 如有需要,您可以使用下列 Cmdlet 透過商務用 Skype Server管理命令介面,將集區新增為新的信任應用程式集區:

    The SEFAUTil tool can only be executed on a computer that is part of a trusted application complex. If necessary, you can use the following Cmdlet to manage the command interface with Skype Server through business to add the area to the new trust application complex:



    Watch out for things.

    UCMA 3.0 必須安裝在任何將用來執行 SEFAUtil 工具的電腦上。

    UCMA 3.0 must be installed on any computer that will run the SEFAUTIL tool.

  2. 需要在 SEFAUtil 工具的拓撲中定義信任的應用程式。 若要將 SEFAUtil 定義為新的信任應用程式,請使用商務用 Skype Server管理命令介面並執行下列 Cmdlet:

    A trusted application needs to be defined in the SEFAUTIL tool's topping. To define SEFAUTIL as a new trust application, use the Business Skype Server management command interface and run the following Cmdlet:



    Watch out for things.


    If required, different ports may be used.


    Watch out for things.

    集區 FQDN:主控 SEFAUtil 應用程式的伺服器或集區 FQDN (通常是商務用 Skype前端伺服器 > 或集區) 。 集區註冊機構 FQDN:商務用 Skype前端伺服器或與此應用程式集區相關聯之集區的 FQDN。 集區網站:此集區所在的網站的網站識別碼。

    Area FQDN: A server or a community FQDN (usually a business front-end Skype server & gt; or a community) that owns the SEFAUTIL application. A community website: a website identifier for the site in which the community is located is FQDN: a business front-end server or FQDN in a community associated with the application complex.

  3. 必須啟用拓撲變更。 若要啟用拓撲變更,可以透過商務用 Skype Server管理命令介面執行下列 Cmdlet:

    Tamp changes have to be enabled. To enable the TAP changes, the following Cmdlet can be performed via the Skype Server management command interface:

  4. 如有需要,請在伺服器中安裝商務用 Skype Server 2015 資源工具組工具,以用來執行 SEFAUtil 工具 (伺服器必須是信任的應用程式集區) 的一部分。

    If necessary, install a business tool using Skype Server 2015 resource tool in the server to run part of the SEFAUTIL tool (the server must be a trusted application community).

  5. 確認 SEFAUtil 正確執行。 若要這麼做,請以系統管理員許可權從 Windows 命令提示字元執行工具,以在部署中顯示使用者的來電轉接設定。 根據預設,工具會位於:「...\Program Files\商務用 Skype Server 2015\Reskit」。 若要顯示使用者的來電轉接設定,請使用下列命令:

    Confirm that SEFAUTIL is correctly executed. To do this, use the system manager's permission to execute the Windows command hint character tool to display the user's connection settings in the deployment. According to default, the tool will be located at: \Program Files\Commerce Skype Server 2015\Reskit. To show the user's connection settings, use the following command:



    This should show the user's connection settings.


在 商務用 Skype Server 2015 中,需要其他設定才能完全啟用「群組通話接聽」功能。 將取貨群組指派給使用者之前,請參閱「群組通話接聽」產品檔,以瞭解這項功能的規劃和部署步驟。

In Business Skype Server 2015, other configurations are needed to fully enable the "group calls " function. Before assigning the pick-up group to the user, please refer to the "group calls " product file to understand how this function is planned and deployed.



The following command shows the user’s phone handling.


Watch out for things.

此範例使用/server參數來指定要連線的商務用 Skype Server。

This example uses /server parameters to specify the business use of Skype Server to connect.




此範例會設定來電轉接/無接聽電話目的地和鈴聲延遲。 這裡未提供 /server 參數;SEFAUtil 會嘗試自動探索 商務用 Skype Server 2015。

This example sets the transmission/no call destination and the bell delay. The /server parameter is not available; SEFAUTil tries to automatically explore business use Skype Server 2015.





This example will be used immediately to connect to other users.





This example will be out of service immediately.





This example adds the user as an agent and sets the agent to ring at the same time.





This example will change the simultaneous bell rules set in the previous example to delay the bell rules.





This example removes the agent.


Watch out for things.


When the last agent is removed, the agent's bell is automatically disabled.





This example adds an agent and sets the rules for his or her calls.





This example will enable simultaneous bells and set the same bell destination number.


Watch out for things.

若要變更已同時啟用同時響鈴之使用者的同時響鈴目的地號碼,請使用 /enablesimulring 參數保留命令,否則目的地號碼不會變更。

To change the simultaneous bell destination number of the user that has been activated at the same time, use the /enablesimulring parameter to keep the command, or the destination number will not change.





This example will stop ringing at the same time.





This example will add group members to the user's group and allow the group to ring at the same time.


Watch out for things.


Adding a new member to the user's cell phone group will automatically switch the user-bar map of the simultaneous ringer to the same cell phone group at the same time.





This example removes the group members of the user group.


Watch out for things.


If the removed member is the only member of the group, the call to the group will be automatically disabled.



將 [延遲通道] 設定為 [Team-Call] 群組


This example changes the delayed channel to group time set for small groups.



啟用 Team-Call


This example will enable group messaging for the specified user.


Watch out for things.


If the group of users does not have a member, the group will not be enabled.



停用 Team-Call


This example will stop the specified user group.





This example assigns the pick-up group to the user and enables group calls to take delivery.




此範例會針對指定的使用者停用 「群組通話接聽」。

This example is used to disable "group calls" for specified users.


Watch out for things.

當您停用使用者的 「群組通話接聽」時,未保留指派給該使用者的群組號碼。 如果您之後想要為該使用者重新啟用群組通話接聽,您必須使用 /enablegrouppickup 參數再次指派群組號碼。

When you deactivate the user's " group calls ", the group number assigned to the user is not retained. If you want to restart the group calls for the user later, you must reassign the group number using the /enablegrouppickup argument.

SYSPrep.ps1 是Windows PowerShell腳本,會在 Windows Server 2008 作業系統電腦上安裝下列 商務用 Skype Server 2015 必要條件。

SYSPrep.ps1 is a Windows PowerShell script that will install the following requirements for business use Skype Service 2015 on Windows Server 2008 operating system computers.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

  • Microsoft SQL Server Express

  • Windows PowerShell版本 3.0

    Windows PowerShell version 3.0

  • Visual C++ 2010 可轉散發

    Visual C++2010 redistributable

  • Internet Information Server 更新

    Internet Information Server Update

  • Windows Identity Foundation

  • 商務用 Skype Server 2015 核心版檔案

    Business with Skype Server 2015 Core File

    雖然腳本名稱與 Microsoft Windows 作業系統的系統準備工具類似,但兩者並不相同。 此腳本只會安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的必要必要條件。 安裝這些先決條件之後,Windows SYSPrep 工具就可以用來建立伺服器的影像。

    Although the script name is similar to the system preparation tool of Microsoft Windows. This script will only install the necessary requirements for business use of Skype Server 2015. Once these pre-conditions are installed, the Windows SYSPrep tool will be used to create the image of the server.

執行SYSPrep.ps1腳本之前,您必須將必要條件檔案複製到 Windows Server 2008 作業系統電腦上的本機資料夾, (例如 D:\Setup) 。 此資料夾也必須包含 商務用 Skype Server 2015 檔案的複本,具體Setup.exe。必要條件檔案可從下列位置下載:

Before running the SYSPrep.ps1 script, you must copy the necessary condition file into the local folder on Windows Server 2008 operating system computer (e. g. D:\Setup). This folder must also contain a copy of the business Skype Server 2015 file, which is Setup.exe. The necessary condition file can be downloaded from the following locations:

前提 位置
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2
Windows PowerShell版本 3.0
Visual C++ 2010 可轉散發
Internet Information Server 更新
Windows Identity Foundation
商務用 Skype Server 2015 Setup.exe
從 商務用 Skype Server 2015 媒體複製


-SetupFolder parameters make reference to the location of the directory of the necessary condition file

若要執行SYSPrep.ps1腳本並安裝 商務用 Skype Server 2015 必要條件,請從提升許可權的命令提示字元執行下列命令:

To execute the SYSPrep.ps1 script and install the terms required for business with Skype Server 2015, the following command should be executed from the command hint character for raising permissions:

[未指派的數位宣告移轉] 工具可讓 商務用 Skype Server 2015 系統管理員將公告應用程式所服務的未指派數位設定從來源商務用 Skype Server或集區移至目的地商務用 Skype Server或集區。

[Unassigned Numbers Declare Migration] tool to enable business administrators using Skype Server 2015 to move the unassigned number settings served by the announced application from the source business to Skype Service or the community to the destination business or Skype Server.

[未指派的號碼宣告移轉] 工具是Windows PowerShell腳本,可將來源伺服器或集區之宣告應用程式所提供的未指派數位設定移至不同的伺服器或集區。

The [unassigned number announces the transfer] tool is a Windows PowerShell script that moves the unassigned number settings provided by the source server or community declaration application to different servers or clusters.


When running, the unassigned number forward script will perform the following homework:

  1. 將主控于來源伺服器或集區之公告應用程式的未指派號碼公告所使用的所有音訊檔案,移至目的地伺服器或集區的檔存放區。

    Moves all audio files that are used in an unassigned number announcement that is controlled by a source server or a community announcement application to the file repository of the destination server or community.


    Watch out for things.


    When audio files are copied to the destination area, they are removed from the source area.

  2. 將主控于來源伺服器或集區中之宣告應用程式的所有未指派號碼公告移至目的地伺服器或集區。

    Moves all unassigned numbers of the declaration application that is controlled in the source server or cluster to the destination server or cluster.

  3. 重新指派由來源伺服器或集區中託管之宣告應用程式服務的所有未指派數位範圍到目的地伺服器或集區。

    Reassigns all unassigned digital ranges of declared application services from the source server or from the community to the destination server or community.


After a successful script is implemented, all unassigned number ranges served by the source server or by the declared application in the community are now maintained in the same settings as the destination server or the community.

Move-CsAnnouncementConfiguration腳本會在 [商務用 Skype Server管理命令介面] 視窗中指出執行移轉作業成功或失敗的位置。

Move-CsAnnouncementConfiguration scripts indicate where the migration has been successful or failed in the [business use Skype Server management command interface] window.

如果作業執行因任何錯誤而中斷,成功移至目的地的未指派數位範圍會保留在操作表單中的目的地中,待移轉的其餘未指派數位範圍仍會保留在來源和操作表單中。 若要完全移轉其餘的設定,請在解決錯誤之後重新執行腳本。

If the performance is interrupted by any error, the unassigned digital range that has been successfully moved to the destination will remain in the destination in the operating form, and the remaining unassigned digital range that is to be moved will remain in the source and operating form. To fully transfer the remaining configuration, restart the script after the error has been resolved.


In the following three cases, an unassigned number can be used to declare the move script:

  • 將組態設定移轉到新版本的 商務用 Skype Server:Contoso 正在進行移轉到 商務用 Skype Server 2015 的程式,並在移轉程式中商務用 Skype Server系統管理員想要將公告應用程式所提供的未指派號碼設定從 Lync Server 2013 部署移至新的 商務用 Skype Server 2015 部署。 若要移動組態設定,商務用 Skype Server系統管理員會使用 [未指派的號碼宣告移轉] 工具。

    moves the configuration to a new version of the commercial use Skype Server: Contoso is moving to a business use Skype Server 2015 program, and in the transfer program the business use Skype Server system manager wants the unassigned number set from Lync Server 2013 deployment to the new business use Skype Server 2015 deployment. To move the configuration, the business use Skype Server system manager uses the [unassigned number announce transfer] tool.

  • 將部署從 商務用 Skype Server 2015 回復到 Lync Server 2013:由於非預期因素,Contoso 必須復原移轉到新的 商務用 Skype Server 2015 部署。 為了將服務中斷降到最低,商務用 Skype Server系統管理員使用 [未指派的號碼公告移轉] 工具,將設定從 商務用 Skype Server 2015 部署回復到 Lync Server 2013 部署。

    will deploy from business to business Skype Server 2015 to Lync Server 2013: due to unforeseen factors, Contoso will have to relocate to new business to Skype Service 2015 deployment. To minimize service disruptions, business uses Skype Server system administrator to use the [unassigned number announcement transfer] tool, which will be configured to deploy from business to use Skype Server 2015 back to Lync Server deployment 2013.

  • 在部署之間移動資料: Contoso 正著手將一個集區的所有伺服器取代為較新的伺服器。 其策略是部署新的 商務用 Skype Server 2015 集區、將所有資料從舊集區移至新集區,然後將舊的集區降級。 部署新集區後,[未指派的數位宣告移轉] 工具會用來將設定從舊集區移至新集區。

    moves data between deployments: Contoso is working to replace all servers in a sector with a newer server. The strategy is to deploy a new business area with Skype Server 2015, to move all data from the old area to the new one, and then downgrade the old one. When a new area is deployed, the [unassigned number of announced migrations] tool will be used to set the move from the old area to the new one.



The following are the main requirements for the successful implementation of the tool:

  1. 腳本必須從已安裝商務用 Skype Server管理命令介面的電腦執行。

    The script must be executed from a computer that has installed a business interface with Skype Server to manage the command interface.

  2. 公告應用程式必須成功部署在來源和目的地商務用 Skype伺服器或集區。

    The announcement application must be successfully deployed on the Skype server or complex for business use at source and destination.



The Move-CsAnnouncementConfiguration script requires the two parameters described in the table below.

Move-CsAnnouncementConfiguration 參數。

Move-CsAnnouncementConfuture Argument.

將未指派的號碼宣告設定從 Lync Server 2013 集區移至 商務用 Skype Server 2015 集區

此範例會將未指派的號碼公告從來源集區 (Lync Server 2013) 移至目的地集區 (商務用 Skype Server 2015) 。

This example will move an unassigned number bulletin from the source (Lync Server 2013) to the destination (business use Skype Server 2015).

將 [未指派的號碼公告設定] 從 商務用 Skype Server 2015 集區移至 Lync Server 2013 集區

此範例會將未指派的號碼公告從來源集區 (商務用 Skype Server 2015) 移至目的地集區, (Lync Server 2013) 。

This example will move an unassigned number bulletin from the source area (business use Skype Server 2015) to the destination area (Lync Server 2013).

Web Conf 資料工具可讓 商務用 Skype Server 2015 通訊軟體的系統管理員進一步控制與召集人 Web 會議相關聯的資料。 案例包括能夠根據時間戳記準則刪除特定使用者的會議資料。

The WebConf data tool allows business to use Skype Server 2015 communications software system administrators to further control the data associated with the Convener Web meeting. Examples include the ability to delete the meeting data of specific users according to time stamping guidelines.


This tool allows system administrators to perform the following tasks:

  1. 尋找與單一使用者相關聯的所有 Web 會議資料。

    Search for all web meetings associated with a single user.

  2. 刪除與單一使用者相關聯的所有 Web 會議資料。

    Delete all web meetings associated with a single user.

  3. 刪除與單一使用者比特定日期更早的所有 Web 會議相關聯的資料。

    Delete all web meetings associated with a single user earlier than a given date.

  4. 當該使用者從一個集區移至另一個使用者時,移動與單一使用者相關聯的所有 Web 會議資料。

    When the user moves from one community to another, move all web meeting data associated with a single user.


Watch out for things.

Lync Server 2010 的資源工具支援在使用者從一個集區移至另一個使用者時,將與單一使用者相關聯的所有 Web 會議資料移動。 這項功能現在已取代此工具,而支援 MoveConferenceData 參數。 如需此參數的詳細資料,請參閱 Move-CsUser Cmdlet。

Lync Server 2010 resource tool supports the movement of all web meeting data associated with a single user when the user moves from one community to another. This feature has now replaced this tool and supports MoveConferenceData parameters. For details about this parameter, refer to Move-CsUserCmdlet.

此工具只會刪除非作用中會議的會議資料。 無法刪除進行中的會議 (或會話中的會議) 。

This tool only deletes non-active meeting data. It is not possible to delete ongoing meetings (or meetings in sessions).

此工具必須從與目標使用者位於相同集區中的電腦執行。 由此工具管理會議內容資料的使用者必須位於相同的使用者資料庫中。

The tool must be executed from a computer in the same area as the target user, so users of content management meetings must be located in the same user database.


This tool will produce the results of every job:

  • 如果執行查詢,工具會輸出將該使用者設為召集人的所有非作用中會議資料資料夾清單。

    If you do a query, the tool will output a list of all inactive meeting data folders that set the user as the convenor.

  • 如果執行刪除,工具會輸出要刪除資料的所有會議資料資料夾清單。

    If deleted, the tool will output a list of all meeting folders to delete the data.


You have to run this tool in the same convenor's current area.


This tool must be licensed by the system administrator with access to the content repository.


The following table indicates the parameters used in the example.

Web Conf Data 工具參數。

WebConf Data Tool Arguments.

上述範例顯示查詢命令的運作方式。 這類命令的輸出會是受此工具影響的所有會議內容資料夾清單。

The examples above show how the query command works. The output of this type of command will be a list of all meeting content folders affected by this tool.

前述為刪除命令的範例。 刪除命令會移除此使用者的所有非作用中會議資料夾。

This is an example of deleting the command. Deleting the command removes all inactive meeting folders for this user.


This tool is a valuable resource for system managers who need more precise control over conference data.


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