可以交易世界币的平台有哪些 可以交易世界币的平台叫什么

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可以交易世界币的平台有哪些?可以交易世界币的平台叫什么?世界币Worldcoin推出新产品——加密钱包World App,作为世界币推出的首款消费级产品,一方面是加密钱包,另一方面则希望成为AI时代的“身份证”。它可以提供更安全和去中心化的人格证明机制,通过使用数字身份和加密技术,个人可以更好地掌握自己的身份信息,并在需要时进行验证,从而增加了隐私保护和身份安全。

What are the platforms to trade in the world currency? What are the platforms to trade in the world currency? Worldcoin’s launch of a new product — the encrypted wallet World App — as a first consumer product of the world currency, on the one hand an encrypted wallet and, on the other hand, an “identity card” in the AI era? It can provide a safer and decentralised mechanism for personal identification that allows individuals to better control their identity information and to verify it when needed, thereby increasing privacy protection and identity security.

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What's the name of the platform where the world dollar can be traded?


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What are the platforms where can trade in world currencies?

1、欧易OKEX :



Digital asset trading platform

欧易OKX是全球领先的加密生态建设者,成立于2017.5.31。拥有全球顶尖的加密资产交易平台、Web3.0入口Web3 Wallet及旨在为下一代Web3 应用提供安全可编程的智能合约平台的OKC,创立了统一交易账户等全球领先的Crypto交易系统。

EuroOKX is the world’s leading encryption eco-builder, founded in 2017.5.31. With the world’s top encryption asset trading platform, Web 3.0 portal Web3 Wallet, and the OKC, which aims to provide a secure and programmable smart contract platform for the next generation of Web3 applications, has created a global leading Crypto trading system, such as a unified trading account.

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Currency exchange:


The core team of the currency exchange is made up of NASDAQ listed shareholders and several top investors. The overall business covers 28 countries, serving 100,000 + users. Bitvito is known for "the trading service platform for users." It is dedicated to creating and reshaping a new world-class digital money platform. Bitvito has created a profit-making plus system.” &quat; profit-making plus system, a 100 billion fund subsidy for the whole network, with traders divided into nine levels based on data such as turnover and dynamic intelligence parameters, with each order-to-order profit being added up to the same level, with the higher the higher the profit-earner up to the higher. This is an innovation that Bitvito has achieved over many years of international experience, implementing a fundamentally user-friendly approach.

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Exchanges 3, 7


Exchange 7 (No.7Exchange) is dedicated to building a global leading block chain digital asset service platform, established in Seychelles. Offices are located in Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.. Users cover a number of countries and regions, including North America, Europe, Japan, South Korea, South-East Asia, and focus on providing users with services based on block chain technology, digital asset distribution platforms, and block chain charity funds.

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4、Upbit :


Upbit is the Digital Currency International Station, launched by Dunamu, a mining technology company, in collaboration with United States International Station Bitrex, which was launched at the end of October 2017 and currently supports more than 200 transactions of more than 110 currencies. Dunamu expects that Upbit will become the largest digital currency international station in Korea, and that the platform will gradually build more digital currencies in the future.

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5、CoinEx :


CoinEx, founded in December 2017 and led by BITMAIN (Bite Continent), is a global-oriented professional digital asset-trading service provider. It was ranked first on the global exchange in July 2018. Innovative digital assets were brought together at the core, with good project service levels and high-quality asset screening capabilities over the years, providing global users with comprehensive and high-quality investment options. CoinEx now provides derivative trading functions such as currency transactions, durable contracts, and supports 15 languages such as C/E/D/K/RO, serving global users in nearly 100 countries and regions.

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6、FTK :


FTK is the global platform for digital currency trading services, which provides specialized encrypted currency advice to a wide range of investors, encrypted currency options, U-bit contracts.


Foreign currency contracts, spot exchanges, encrypted currency, etc., are today's real-time exchange rates and Internet-wide information.

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Based on the digital economy, CITEX has developed into a one-stop digital asset management platform covering currency transactions, mining operations, investment incubation, OTC transactions, treasury operations, financial derivatives, etc.

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顶峰AscendEX(原BitMax)2018年成立,由华尔街传统金融资深量化团队打造,面向全球200+国家、地区用户,支持190+热门优质资产交易。平台始终秉承“高效、透明、稳健”的核心价值观及“以产品创新引领行业”的经营理念。顶峰AscendEX不断创新,甄选优质DeF项目拍卖首发,屡创二级市场收益新高;业内首家全仓式杠杆,可交易50+热门币种;合约交易支持DeFi、波卡、Solona、 Polygon等热门概念币:拓展创新产品覆盖范围,延伸至DeFi挖矿和借贷产品。目前已形成“现货、杠杆、合约、Staking、DeFi挖”生态闭环。平台第三方数据显示,平台投资回报率(ROD稳居全球数字货币交易平台前三

Accent Ascendex (formerly Bitmax) was created in 2018 by the Wall Street Senior Financial Quantification Team, which is aimed at 200+ countries and regional users worldwide and supports 190+ high-quality asset transactions. The platform has always been based on the core values of “efficiency, transparency, robustness” and the concept of “product innovation-led industries.” Accent Ascendex has continued to innovate, selecting the opening of a high-quality DF project auction and creating new high-yields in the secondary market; the first full-barrel lever in the industry, with a 50+ hot currency; the contract transaction supports hot currency such as DeFi, Boca, Solona, Polygon; it expands the coverage of innovative products to DeFi mining and lending products.

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9、BTCC :


BTCC, the leading global block chain asset service platform, was established in Shanghai in June 2011 and received a five-million-dollar round of financing in 2013 from the international wind-spill surge. In January 2018, the BTCC Group was established in Hong Kong, the International Financial Center, and offices in the United Kingdom, among others, marked a further entry of BTCC into top international capital markets. The BTCC fully integrates innovative financial and block chain technology to provide stable, transparent, and equitable investment services to global users. In 2019, BTCC achieved a permanent contract for in-kind transactions, introducing successful business models and management experiences in international financial markets into digital assets, with an innovative vision of industry trends, with the aim of creating a truly fair, equitable, transparent and humane investment environment for global investors, free of malicious manipulation.

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10. Military Currency Global Professional Station:


It is a global, globally competitive and influential digital asset service provider that provides high-quality services to millions of users in more than 130 countries. There are independent trading operations and operations centres in Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and many other countries. It is a global leader in technology platforms, product feeder safety wind control systems, operations, and customer service systems.

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World Currency Registration Method

要注册 World ID,请按照以下三个步骤操作

To register World ID, follow the following three steps

第 1 步:从 App Store 或 Google Play 下载 World App

Step 1: Download World App from App Store or Google Play

第 2 步:按照提示找到可以验证您独特身份的本地 Worldcoin 运营商

Step 2: Find local Worldcoin operators that can verify your unique identity by hint

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第 3 步:在您的 World App 中接收您的 World ID,并在不暴露您身份的情况下将其用于各种日常应用

Step 3: Receive your World ID in your World App and use it for daily applications


How do you get the world dollar?


1. Exchange purchases: If you want to buy Worldcoin quickly, you can do so by registering an encrypted currency exchange and using the United States dollar or other electronic currency.


2- Mining: Mining on the Worldcoin network is also a way to get world money. Mining is used to verify transactions and create new blocks by calculating complex algorithms. Currently, Worldcoin can use a GPU machine based on Scrypt algorithms. If you have mining experience, you can buy some GPU machines and get more information on the website.


Payment acceptance: If you run an online store , you can consider accepting Worldcoin as a means of payment, which is also a way to get Worldcoin. By accepting Worldcoin as a payment, you can easily obtain the Worldcoin and increase the user base using Worldcoin.


4 Worldcoin: There are other ways to earn world currency than exchange purchases and mining. For example, you can join air drops and competitions in the world currency community, which will reward you with some world coins. In addition, you can contribute to the community by receiving incentives, such as the development of applications,


The way to get the Worldcoin is diverse. You can choose your preferred way to get the Worldcoin and participate in the community, which will give you the benefit and establish your place in the community. It is hoped that the approach will help you better understand how to buy, dig, accept the Worldcoin as a way to pay and take advantage of the additional opportunities in the community to earn the Worldcoin.

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World Applications

第一个 Worldcoin 钱包,旨在为所有人带来数字身份和全球金融。

The first Worldcoin wallet, designed to bring digital identity and global finance to all.

World App 是 Worldcoin 生态系统的第一个钱包,今天推出。它的设计是友好的,它支持私人数字身份和新的金融系统。您可以使用它通过 World ID 进行身份验证以证明您是真实的人,获取您的 Worldcoin 令牌并在任何地方发送数字货币。

World App is the first wallet of the Worldcoin ecosystem, launched today. It is a friendly design that supports private digital identity and the new financial system. You can use it to authenticate you through World ID to get your Worldcoin and send digital currency anywhere.

在少数国家/地区进行广泛开发和 Beta 测试后,我们很高兴分享 World App 的第一阶段,并首次在全球范围内提供。随着时间的推移,它将演变成一个工具包,在人工智能时代赋予个人权力,使人格证明的使用、数字货币在全球的公平分配成为可能,并最终成为通向人工智能资助的 UBI 的道路。

After extensive development and Beta testing in a few countries/areas, we are pleased to share the first phase of World App, which was made available for the first time on a global scale. Over time, it will evolve into a package of that empowers individuals in the age of artificial intelligence, making the use of personal proof, the equitable distribution of digital currencies globally possible, and ultimately a path to artificial intelligence-funded UBI.


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由以太坊提供支持,由 World ID 增强

Supported by Ether, enhanced by World ID

以前,一个全球身份和财务应用程序需要数十年的时间来构建和数千人的维护。然而,凭借以太坊的可组合性,World App 可以通过编程方式混合和匹配开放协议和 API,使之成为今天的现实。

Previously, a global identity and finance application would take decades to build and maintain thousands of people. However, with the combination of Taiwan, World App could be programmed to mix and match open protocols and APIs to make this a reality today.

World App 钱包通过SAFE合约使用账户抽象来提高安全性和简单性。点对点支付支持ENS用户名,以实现更友好的 ERC-20 转账。代币交易可通过Uniswap协议进行。Circle的 USDC 使世界各地的用户能够始终在线访问完全支持的数字美元。世界各地的授权合作伙伴(包括Ramp和MoonPay)支持无摩擦存款和取款。测试版目前在Polygon上运行,感谢社区在 EIP-4844 上的工作,完整版将在以太坊汇总上运行。

World App wallets use accounts in abstraction through SAFE contracts to improve security and simplicity. Point-to-point payments support ENS user names for more friendly ERC-20 transfers. Currency transactions can be made through Uniswap agreements. Circle USDC allows users around the world to always access fully supported digital dollars online. Authorized partners around the world (including Ramp and Moonpay) support friction-free deposits and withdrawals.

人格证明支持更多功能以增强可访问性。经过验证的 World ID 持有人可以享受无气体交易、向经过验证的用户进行高枕无忧的转账、访问学习以赚取课程以及联系优先 24/7 英语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语聊天支持。

Personality certificates support additional functions to enhance accessibility. A certified World ID holder can enjoy gas-free transactions, carry out careless transfers to certified users, visit to earn and contact priority 24/7, Spanish and Portuguese

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It's made for everyone. It's uncompromising.

World App 不需要任何个人信息,您选择在应用程序中共享的任何数据都可以通过点击一个按钮来删除。作为 World ID 的客户端,World App 还在本地运行所有必需的密码学以履行协议的隐私承诺。重要的是,World ID 和钱包密钥是自我保管的,用户可以选择将他们的密钥(加密)备份到 Google Drive 或 iCloud 以进行同步和恢复

World App does not need any personal information. Any data you choose to share in the application can be deleted by clicking on a button. As a World ID client, World App also runs all necessary cryptography locally to fulfil protocol privacy commitments. Importantly, World ID and wallet keys are self-held, and users can choose to backup their keys (encrypted) to Google Drive or iCloud for synchronization and restoration.

本机 iOS 和 Android 应用程序也经过精心设计,可最大限度地提高包容性。它们的大小约为 18MB,比行业平均水平小 5 倍。它们已本地化为多种语言,并支持世界上最活跃的智能手机(准确地说是 98.2% 的 Android 和 94.5% 的 iPhone),包括一些延� 10 多年历史的智能手机。

The iOS and Android applications are also well designed to maximize inclusiveness. They are about 18 MBs, five times smaller than the industry average. They are localized into multiple languages and support the world's most active smartphones (98.2% Android and 94.5% iPhone), including some dilatory #65533; 10 years .


Multiple components have been opened and more will be opened in the coming months.


Looking ahead

自首次亮相以来,已有 150 万人加入了 World App 预发布,其中每月有超过 50 万人使用它。在典型的一天,它会看到来自少数国家超过 100,000 人的大约 60,000 笔交易和 25,000 次世界 ID 检查以及其他操作。今天,我们很高兴推出 World App 的第一阶段,并首次在全球范围内推出。

Since the first appearance, 1.5 million people have joined the World App pre-release, of which more than half a million people use it every month. On a typical day, it will see about 60,000 transactions and 25,000 world ID inspections and other operations from over 100,000 people in a few countries. Today, we are happy to launch the first phase of World App, and for the first time on a global scale.


实现 Worldcoin 让每个人都能进入全球经济的使命将需要许多团队针对不同的用例和用户对各种钱包进行创新。我们对 World App 在这一旅程中所扮演的角色感到兴奋,它提供了一种不同的简单但功能强大的工具,这些工具由去中心化技术独特地支持,以解决隐私保护身份问题,包括身份证明、访问互联网原生金融服务、数字货币的全球公平分配、公共物品的治理,以及最终通向人工智能资助的 UBI 的道路。

The realization of Worldcoin’s mission to enable everyone to enter the global economy will require many teams to innovate across wallets with different examples and users. We are excited about the role of World App in this journey, which provides a different, simple but powerful tool that is uniquely supported by decentralised technology to address privacy protection identity issues, including identification, access to Internet-based financial services, global equitable distribution of digital money, governance of public goods, and ultimately the path to artificial intelligence-funded UBI.

如果您对 World App 将 Worldcoin 和 Ethereum 带给全球数十亿人的方法感到兴奋,请考虑直接在Github和Discord上做出贡献,或者加入TFH 的工程、设计或产品团队。

If you are excited about the way World App brings Worldcoin and Etherum to billions around the world, consider contributing directly to Github and Discord, or joining the TFH engineering, design or product team.


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