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学员可透过网址阅读过往研究生之毕业论文: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/lib/digital/thesis/degree.htm 

Participants can read post-graduate papers via the web site: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/lib/digital/thesis/degree.htm 

毕业年份 毕业生 论文题目 摘要
2013 罗建荣 Research on Psychological Mechanisam Impacting on Chinese Attorney's Job Satisfaction: A Social Idenity Theory Perspective
影响中国律师工作满意度的心理机制研究 (社会身份认同理论的视角)
2013 谈义良 Owner Leadership Behavior and Managers' Reactions in Chinese Family Enterprises: A Leadership-Style Perspective
中国家族企业主领导行为与职业经理人响应 - 基于领导理论视角的实证研究
2014 陈文韬 Influencing Mechanism of Managers’ Career Competencies on Career Satisfaction: On the Effect of Person-Environment Fit and Career Consultation
经理人的职业竞争力对其职业满意度的影响机制研究 ― 论人-环境匹配和职业咨询的作用
2014 黄俊涛 Ownership Structure and IPO Underpricing: Evidence from Private Listed Companies in China
2014 李怀彬 A Study on Political Connection, Resource Acquisition Ability and Firm Value of Real Estate Enterprise
2014 湛育红 Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on China’s Seed Industry
2014 边华才 An Empirical Study on the Influencing Mechanism of Identity on Employees' Behavior: Mediated Role in Psychological Contract Violation
2014 姜信雨 The Research on the Relationship between Leadership Style, Followship and Organizational Commitment: Focus on the Korean Enterprises invested in China
2014 张标 A Study of the Relationships among Community Satisfaction, Self-efficacy and Subjective Well-being of Shanghai Elder Adults: Using WHO Age-friendly Cities Guide as an Example
上海高龄者友好小区满意度、自我效能、主观幸福感关系之研究 – 以WHO高龄友好指标为例
2014 朱如华 Research about How Traits of Entrepreneur, Innovative Ability and Social Networks Affect Enterprise Transformation from OEM to OBM — Based on Empirical Surveys of China’s Textile Industry
企业家特质、企业创新能力与社会网络对OEM向OBM转型的影响研究 — 基于中国纺织产业的实证
2015 李胜 On Shipping and Shipbuilding Cycles: The Perspective of Volatility Analysis
2015 姜丛华 The Effects of Human Capital on Performance in Professional Service Firms and Its Mechanism: Perspectives of Knowledge Integration and Partners’ Leadership
专业服务型企业人力资本对绩效的影响及其机制研究 — 基于知识整合与合伙人领导行为的视角
2015 江静 Research on Effect Factors of Crisis Management Performance: Based on 118 Cases
危机管理绩效影响因素研究 — 基于118个案例
2015 马伟强 The Impacts of Entrepreneurial Cognition and Social Network on Firm’s Performance: The Evidence from Real Estate Firms in China
2015 陈建良 The Effects of Organizational Equity on Work Well-being in the Context of Multiple Employment Contracts
2015 胡建秋 An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Entertainment Marketing Based on Consumers’ Emotional Reaction
2015 胡志伟 A Strategy to Establish Brands for Creative Enterprises – A Perspective from the Brand Trust Transfer
创意公司品牌塑造 — 基于品牌信任转移的视角
2015 华家蓉 The Empirical Analysis of Influence of Board Secretary on IPO Underpricing – Evidence from Chinese Non-State Owned Firms
2015 黄卫东 An Empirical Study on Chinese Multinational Engineering Enterprise Localized Management in Africa – Based on Enterprise Image Perspective
中国涉外工程企业本土化管理对企业绩效的影响机制研究 — 基于非洲目标国和企业形象视角
2015 刘秀忠 The Research on the Mechanism of How Transformational Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Teams
2015 乔文湘 The Impact of Lawyer’s Service on Firm’s Internal Control and Its Mechanism
2015 黄飞雄 The Research of the Relationship among Employees' Psychological Capital, Organizational Justice, Trust in Leaders and Affective Commitment
2015 贾宗达 A Comparison Study on Chinese Firms’ Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions
2015 唐恋炯 Audit Office Number, Size and Audit Quality
2015 涂海洪 The Change of Earnings Management around CFO Turnover
2015 吴子申 The Effects of Pre-reward on Job Performance and Its Mechanisms
2015 徐海宁 Operational Efficiency of Branches of Securities Company: Impact of Internet Finance and Wealth Management Business
证券分支机构经营效率研究 — 基于互联网金融和财富管理视角
2015 杨自江 Factors of Financial Lease Performance and the Mechanism
2015 曾旭 Informed Trading before Analyst Recommendation Changes – Based on China’s Margin Trading
分析师评级调整前的知情交易行为 — 基于中国融资融券数据的研究
2016 于良 The Research on Industry Transformation and Upgrading in Resource-exhausted Cities - A Case Study of Zaozhuang City
2016 林海川 A Study on the Mechanism of Interpersonal and Informational Justice’s effect on
Employee’s Performance
2016 韩旭 A Data Analysis of Chinese Lotto Industry
2016 杨刚 Fairness-Oriented Task Allocation and Scheduling: A Study for Outbound Logistics in a Leading Chinese Steel Manufacturer
2016 赵技敏 An Empirical Study on the Influence of Competitive Advantage to the Competitive Strategy of Enterprise ─ Case Study of Chinese Brewage Industry
競爭優勢對企業競爭對抗策略影響之實證研究 ─ 以中國啤酒行業為例
2016 戴黔锋 Incentive Mechanisms of Project-based Knowledge Workers: An Empirical Study Based on Self-determination Theory
2016 范朝斌 Research on Impacts of Online Social Group on Customer Purchase Behavior under Social Commerce Context
2016 李咏水 An Empirical Study on the Performance of Smart Factory ─ Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Enterprise
企業智慧化程度對企業績效的影響 ─ 以中國製造企業為例
2016 刘猛 The Mechanism of the Effects of Privatization of Hospital on Patients' Welfare
2016 楼群 Research on the Risk Control of Small Loan: Based on the Relationship Lending Theory
2016 吴荣光 Investigating Employees' Infusion of Information Systems at Work: A Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) Perspective
2016 叶齐 Building Successful Local Brands: An Institutional Analysis of Chinese Sportswear Brands
2016 于教清 Research on the Relation among Product Selection, Business Model and Corporation Performance: Based on the Real Estate Corporates
產品選擇、商業模式與企業績效的關係研究 ─ 基於房地產企業的實證
2016 曾静 Influence Factors and Mechanism of Employee Execution: From the Perspective of Role Stress
員工執行力的影響機制研究 ─  基於角色壓力的視角
2016 陈燮中 The Impact of Economic News and Future Market on Treasury Prices ─ Evidence from China Treasury Market
宏觀經濟信息與期貨對國債市場的影響 ─ 中國國債市場實證分析
2016 陈颖 A Framework for Analyzing Cross Sector Development and Extension Strategies of Commercial Real Estate Companies
2016 黄韵涛 The Study of Trust Mechanism in Chinese Private Enterprises ─ Based on Resource Dependence and Network Embeddedness Perspective
中國民營企業間信任機制研究 ─ 資源依賴與關係網絡嵌入
2016 李岷纲 Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction and Impact on Customer Loyalty in TV Shopping
2016 李阳 A Study on the Influence from Sources of CEO on Firm Performance and Its Mechanisms
2016 严圣军 The Effects of Stock Incentive Plans in Private Listed Companies ─ In Perspective of Actual Controllers
民營上市公司股權激勵效果研究 ─ 基於實際控制人的視角
2016 楊雅婷 Influence of Taiwanese Leaders' and Their Mainland Chinese Subordinates' CQ Congruence on LMX: The Moderating Role of Leaders' Traditionality
臺灣領導 ─ 大陸下屬文化智商融合與LMX的關係研究 ─ 領導傳統性的調節作用
2016 张道舜 Risk Forecast Model for Online P2P Lending Platform
2016 郑方顺 The Research on the Mechanism of How Executive Managerial Coaching Behavior and Aggressive Humor Influence Subordinates' Engagement
2017 陳坤校 The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Enterprises Performance
2017 徐一凡 Will Value Difference Between the Two Generations Affect Inheritance Performance: Evidence from 98 Private Companies in Zhejiang Province in China
2017 范文韬 Study on Dynamic Adjustment Models of the Price Limit Level and Margin Level of Futures Contracts
2017 李俊伟 The Motivations and Effects of Hedging: Evidence from the Listed Steel Enterprises in China
2017 罗群 How Transformational Leadership Influences Employee Engagement: The Self-Determination Theory Perspective
2017 史寶鳳 An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Combination of Industry and Education and Talent Training Performance
2017 邹志平 The Influence of Market Orientation on Firm Innovation and Performance: An Example of Chinese Exploration and Design Industry
2017 黄子华 Psychological Capital and Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Achievement Motivation
2017 解尚明 A Study of Chinese Hotel Service Model: Mysterious Utilities Derived from Family-Like Management
2017 祝永进 Ownership Structure, Market Environment and Firm Value: Evidences from China’s Non-listed Firms
2017 郭立 The Effects of Empowering Leadership on Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior - A Comparative Analysis Based on Three Mediation Mechanisms
授權型領導行爲對員工工作滿意度和組織公民行爲的影響研究 — 基於三個中介機制的比較分析
2017 卫志勇 An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Offline to Online Interaction of Outdoor Advertising
2017 赵明旺 The Mechanism of Employees’ Core Self-evaluation and Work Performance
2018 范斌 Research on the Influencing Factors of Market Capitalization of Chinese Listed Companies
2018 潘丽华 Research on Trust Transfer during the Transformation from Agency Enterprise to Chain Service Enterprise of Auto Accessories
2018 陈定通 An Empirical Research on Inheritance Mechanism of Chinese Time-honored Brand Firms
2018 林椿 Research on the Consensus Expectation Rating in Chinese Stock Market: Group Independence and Value
2018 王小沙 Research on the Impact of Cooperative Innovation Relationship Model on Innovation Behavior and Performance in Industrial Clusters
產業集群合作創新關係模式對創新行為與績效的影響 — 以上海張江國家自主創新示範區ICT產業集群為例
2018 陈锦石 Entrepreneur's Personality and Its Impact on Performance: A Research on Firm Group's Management & Control
 企業家個性特徵及其對績效的影響 -- 基於企業集團管控程度的研究
2018 陈小平 The Relationship between Dual Embeddedness of Parent Company, Dynamic Capability and Organizational Performance - Taking Real Estate Industry as an Example
母公司雙重嵌入性、動態能力與企業績效的關係 - 以地產行業為樣本
2018 侯毅 The Goal Realization and Determinant Factors of Cross-border M&As by Chinese Enterprises – An Empirical Study of Chinese Manufacturing Industries 
中國企業跨境併購的目的實現及其影響因素 – 中國製造業企業實證分析
2018 李萍 Exploring the Impact Mechanism of Self-monitoring on Sales Performance - The Example of Real Estate Salespersons
自我監控對銷售業績的影響機制研究 - 以房地產銷售人員為例
2018 梁文红 The Effect of Entrepreneurial Team Heterogeneity and Governance on Entrepreneurial Performance
2018 智刚 Research on the Behavior of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Industry with Excess Capacity
2018 陈梓红 The Influence of Feedforward Control on Enterprise Performance and Its Mechanism
2018 焦佑麒 Understanding Inter-organizational System, Supply Chain Collaboration and Performance under Environmental Uncertainty 
2018 杜楠 The Mechanism of Empowerment Leadership and Work Performance
2018 黄文雄 Research on Management of F2C Financial Products on Internet Wealth Management Platform 
2018 孟宪忠 Relationship Norms and Decision-Making Strategies - Gift Purchasing Behavior in Health Care Product Market 
關係規範與決策模式 - 保健品送禮行為探究
2018 王国雄 Firm Resource Attributes and Business Model Innovation: Evidence from Real Estate Industry 
2018 翁斌 The Platformization and Influence Factors of Architectural Industrial Park
2019 梁睿智 An Empirical Study on the Influence of Expatriate Management Practice and Cross-National Adaptation on Expatriate Performance
2019 顾梦炜 Research on the Recommendation Mechanism of Community Fresh Food Consumption in Data-Driven New Retail Mode
2019 陈钊 Persistency of R&D Investments: Influencing Factors and Economic Consequences
企業研發投入的持續性: 影響因素和經濟後果研究
2019 夏文君 Research on Personality Characteristics, Mental Model of Chinese Private Entrepreneurs and Diversification Strategy 
2019 陈鑫 A Study on Supply Chain Contract in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2019 仇瑜峰 The Study of Platform Incentive Mechanism and Performance Improvement in the Bulk Commodity Industry in Internet + Era: Based on Zhongchong Group 
 互聯網 + 背景下大宗商品行業的平台激勵機制選擇與績效提升研究:基於中崇集團旳實証研究
2019 舒桦 Effects of the Dominance Role in a Supply Chain on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of the Photovoltaic Industry in China
企業供應鏈地位核心度對其績效的影響 ─ 基於光伏行業的實證研究
2019 徐彦平 The Influence of Organizational Learning on Enterprise Performance under the "One Belt and One Way" Strategy - From the Perspective of Cultural Differences between China and Kampuchea
「一帶一路」戰略下中國企業組織學習對企業績效的影響研究 ─ 基於中柬文化差異的視角
2019 许跃 Study on the Relationship between China Automobile Mould Enterprise Sustainable Innovation Ability and Operation Efficiency: From the Perspective of Innovation Driven Manufacturing and Processing Level Promotion 
中國汽車模具企業持續創新能力與經營效益的關係研究 ─ 以創新驅動製造加工水平的提升為視角
2019 颜斐 Research on the Influencing Factors of Rural Banking Users Mobile Banking Channel Selection
2019 陈云勇 The Mechanism of Brand Experience and Brand Trust
2019 郭峰伟 The Effects of Stock Option Distribution Disparity in Chinese Private Listed Companies
2019 王子瑜 The Motivation and Performance of Introducing the State-Owned Shareholders by Private Enterprises
2019 曾湘梅 The Effect of Customization Strategy on Customer Retention: A Study of Key Account Marketing in the Information Technology Industry
2020 李妍菲 Value Congruence on Family Firm Performance in Generation Transition: Family Evidence in Chinese Family Firms
價值觀一致性對代際傳承績效的影響: 基於中國家族企業家的研究
2020 吴国继 Research on Influencing Factors and Improvement Measures of Knowledge Employee Engagement
2020 徐栋 Research on the Development of China's Internet Mutual Assistance Platform - Evidence from "Kang'ai Commune"
我國互聯網互助保障平臺發展研究 ─ 以“康愛公社”為例
2020 戴金华 Mechanism Analysis and Empirical Research on Salespeople's Entrepreneurial Behavior in Organization: A Study Based on Family Motivation
2020 刘金涛 A Study on the Mechanism of the Influence of Employees' Task Interdependence on Their Similarity of Work Passion and Work Performance
2020 孙屹峥 Research on the Endogenous Mechanism of Entrepreneurs' Cognition and Innovative Performance - Taking Technological Innovation Enterprises as an Example  
企業家認知與創新績效的內生機制研究 - 以科技創新型企業為例
2020 徐海暄 The Impact Mechanism of R&D Investment on Corporate Operational Risk
2020 胡双凯 Confucian Cultural Circle and Chinese Enterprises Overseas M&A
2020 黄芳 Examining the Effect of Measurement Accuracy of Consumer Preference on Product Quality in Mass Customization
2020 徐胜丰 A study on the Mechanism of Leader Safety Behavior Influences on Employee Safety Performance
2020 林振孟 A Study on Purchase Intentions and Its Mechanism of Price Premium for Social Enterprise Products
2020 林皓伦 The Mechanism of the Trickle-Down Effect of Proactive Behavior
2020 秦亢 Rural Property Trading Center, Farmland Transfer and Growth of Farmers' Income - Evidence from Quasi-natural Experiments of Enshi (Hubei Province)
農村產權交易中心、農地流轉與農民增收 - 來自湖北恩施准自然實驗的證據
2020 王永进 A Study on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership of Entrepreneurs and Strategic Execution of Management
2020 杨慧明 The Effects of Pre-rewards on Employees' Intrinsic Motivation and Performance
2020 于伟华 (/佩弘) Celebrity Effect, Sustained Profitability and Goodwill in M&A - Based on Chinese Listed Companies
併購中“名人效應”、持續盈利能力與商譽研究 - 基於中國上市公司數據
2020 余忠 Factors Affecting Stock Returns - Evidence from the U.S. Market
股票收益影響因素的實證研究 - 來自美國市場證據
2021 杨军 Research on the Influence of Institutional Transaction on Right Freedom of Enterprises
2021 王金铎 Research on Factors Influencing the Quality of Large Size Silicon Electrode in Big Data Environment
2021 姚文江 The Impact of Knowledge Network on Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Enterprises: An Empirical Study on the Ceramic Tile Enterprises
知識網絡對傳統製造企業升級的影響: 基於瓷磚產業的實證研究
2021 陈泽 Compensation Incentive Study on Oversea Managers - From the Perspective of Compensation Gap 
海外高管薪酬激勵研究 - 基於薪酬差距的視角
2021 戴军 Manufacturing Execution System Softward (MES) in the Context of Intelligent Manufacturing Service Model Research
智能製造背景下製造執行系統系軟件 (MES) 服務模式的研究
2021 刘亚 Research on the Relationship between Trust Perception and Job Performance of Middle-level Employee 
2021 沈飞岑 Impact of Community Construction on Residents' Residential Happiness: A Case Study of the Commercial Housing Community in Qidong City, Jiangsu Province
社區建設對居民居住幸福感的影響研究 - 以江蘇省啟東市商品住宅社區為例
2021 张力达 Analysis and Strategies of Third-Party Inspection Quality Management 
2022 罗凌 Research on Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions Effect in China from the Perspective of Agency Issues
2022 陈丹 Portfolio Investment Strategy Based on Quantitative Industry Selection and Machine Learning Methods
2022 吕淇 The Impact of Operator's Service Innovation Capability on Firm Performance in Industrial Zones
2022 孙莉 Effects of Family Motivation on Employee Opportunity Identification in Intrapreneurship   
2022 肖开宁 A Study on the Impact of Internship Based on Five-Dimensional Education Mode on Self-Assessment Bias and Employment Quality of Private Vocational College Students: A Case of Guangxi Economic Vocational College
基於五維教育培養模式的企業實習對民辦高職院校畢業生自我認知偏差與就業質量的影響研究 - 以廣西經濟職業學院為例
2022 叶建 The Influence of Matching of Diversification and Management & Control Mode on the Firm Performance    
2022 戴斌政 Research about The Mechanism of How Company Message Influence on Product Perceived Quality - Take China's Automobile Brands for Example
公司層資訊對產品感知品質的影響機制探究 - 以中國汽車自主品牌為例
2022 郑鸯 Research on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategy in Milk Powder Industry - The Fit Effect between Regulatory Focus and Information Frame
奶粉行業網絡口碑營銷策略研究 - 調節定向和信息框架的匹配作用
2022 陈伟 Research on the Formation Factors of Brand Price Impression and Its Influence on Consumer's Willingness to Pay 
2022 刘丽君 Research on Managers' Perceived Information Systems (IS) Incompetence and Its Impact on Team Performance
2022 容海明 The Impact of the Evaluation Factors of the Company's Derivative Products on the Trust of Consumers and the Willingness of Word-of-mouth Communication under the Brand Extension  
2022 薛雷 Research on the Influencing Factors of Marketing Effect in Group-Purchase by Social Groups 
2022 闫志远 Research on the Effects of Perceived Functionality of Corporate Group's Information Systems and Psychological Ownership on Subsidiary Performance: From the Perspective of Corporate Group Subsidiary's General Manager
2022 张爱文 Brand Channel Power and Channel Cooperation - A Perspective of Power Legitimacy 
品牌商渠道權力與渠道合作 - 一個權力合法性的視角
2022 周利军 Research on the Influencing Factors and Performance of Family Business Professionalization in China  
2023 徐青青 Research on Multisource-stream-based Enterprise Growth Prediction Method and its Application 
2023 顾霖 The Impact of Lawyer's Social Media Use on Work Efficiency: From A Job Crafting Perspective 
2023 楼剑锋 The Impact of Deeply Integrated Enterprise IT System on Employee's Turnover Intention and Work Engagement - Take Service Industry as an Example
企業信息系統深度使用對員工離職傾向與工作投入的影響 - 以服務行業為例
2023 袁初成 A Study on How Employee's Adaptive Capability Affect Their Turnover Intention 
2023 顾献智 An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Entrepreneurs' Environmental Cognition of Low-carbon Development and Enterprises' Behavior of Low-carbon Development 
2023 林锋 The Impact of Mixed Ownership on the Capital Market Pricing Efficiency - An Empirical Study Based on A-share Firms Listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market
混合所有制對資本市場定價效率的影響研究 - 基於滬深A股上市公司的實證研究
2023 莫迟 Facial Features Predicting Salesperson Performance: The Role of Achievement Drive and Perceived Trustworthiness  
2023 倪飞 The Impact of Manufacturer Information Sharing on Dealer Compliance in Credent Goods Marketing Channel  
2023 施诺 Research on Customer Behavior of Car Sharing Based on UTAUT2
2023 李瑞清 Perceived Authenticity of Agricultural Product Brands with Geographical Indication and Its Impact on Consumer Behavior   
2023 吕志红 Research on the Price Fluctuation of Corn Spot and Procurement Management Optimization: Under the Background of Financialization   
2023 曾文礼 Study on the Influence of Anchor Marketing Linguistic Styles Interaction on Consumer's Purchase Intention in the Live Streaming Environment    
2024 张志弘 An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Electronic Performance Monitoring and Job Satisfaction in the New Normal Era
2024 傅永康 Research on the Influence Mechanism of Customer Recommendation Intention in Vocational Certification Training: A Case Study of Changeway PMP Training
職業認證培訓中客戶推薦意願的影響機制研究 – 以清暉專案管理PMP培訓為例
2024 李江铭 The Impact of Content Features on Consumers' Social Engagement in the Context of Content Marketing
2024 彭建政 The Impact of Managerial Ties on Firm Growth: An Analysis of Political, Business and Academic Ties
2024 沈韧 Factors and Trading Strategies of Soya Meal Futures in China
2024 王逸贤 Evaluation Model and Application Research on the Introduction of Smart Manufacturing in Small and Medium-sized Traditional Manufacturing Enterprises: Sports Shoe Manufacturing Companies as Examples
2024 王忠伟 The Influence of Leader Trust and Organizational Support on Knowledge Workers' Work Engagement: An Example of Sunny Optical Technology (Group) CO., LTD
2024 李娴 The Impact of Financial System Innovation on Firm's Risk Taking Level-- Evidence from the Initiation of Shanghai Commercial Paper Exchange
2024 刘璐 The Research of Information Improvement and Supervisory Governance Effect Based on the Implementation of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
2024 彭巍 Research on the Impact of the Types of Product Trialability on Sales in the Context of E-commerce Live Streaming
2024 邱翌 An Affective Events Perspective of Leaders' Daily Negative Family Events Experience on Their Daily Leadership Behavior: The Buffering Effect of Trait Gratitude
2024 庄美芬 The Influence Mechanism of Employee Organizational Identity on Employee Performance    
2024 李列 The Impact of Bid Advertising Placement on Corporate Performance on Amazon 
2024 龙运雷 A Study of Gig Platform Stickiness in the Sharing Economy 
2024 乔毅弘 The Effect of Social Presence of E-commerce Live Streaming on Consumer Purchase


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