区块链游戏大狂热时代:圈走1/6融资 交易额2亿今日活300

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文| 铅笔道研究院 分析师 潘超星 

Wenjiang & nbsp; Pencil Institute Analyst Pan Superstar & nbsp;

“游戏领域是区块链垂直应用发展的热点,在刚刚结束的China Joy上,区块链对游戏行业的赋能也是游戏从业者关注的焦点。 

& & ldquo; game area is a hot spot for vertical application of block chains, which, on the recently concluded China Joy, are also a focus of attention for game operators. & nbsp;


By July 25, 2018, DappRadar had 313 block-chain games, or 44.90% of the total DAPP (697), which are still growing. There are now, on average, block-chain games pre-sale and online every day, and there are more options for running a block-chain game as EOS, nebula, etc. are lined up. & nbsp;


The most well-known block chain game is CryptoKittys, the biggest and longest-life game in block chain games, with a total transaction value of more than 200 million yuan for five months, but now it's only about 300 days old. & nbsp;


Based on this, the pencil tracks provide an analysis and project evaluation of the block chain game industry.


block-chain game classification: more than half of the collection category?


Block-chain games can now be divided into simulations, breeding, collection transactions, leisure, cards, tactics, and games of the colour. Because many players are essentially investors in digital cryptographic currencies, the items on the market are still dominated by a collection-trading game of various virtual labels, essentially by actions that generate greater returns from investment in virtual products in the chain.


data source: dapp.review, as of 2018.7.25?


A class game: purchase of unique objects (usually pets) on the block chain, the value of which is related to the time at which the player enters the game, and the digital asset value added in the player's hands is generated by matching pets to produce new individuals and by selling them after purchasing virtual pets for reproduction.


A collection of trading games: the games are traded in various subject-matter ERC-721-Domestic mode to the Etheria, mainly around transactions of virtual assets, which are invested in transactions by making the collections more valuable. The game developers profit by earning fees.


Simultaneous games: To guide players in purchasing virtual products in games through simulations of reality, using the actual urban geography as a simulation, the players usually benefit from the purchase of land and its operation and value added.


Strategic game: Players choose the right game according to the rules of the game and the corresponding numerical plan, which is more complex, more playable, and more likely to retain the player. Players need to control their characters and their own strategies through their own decision-making free to outpace other players in order to gain greater returns.


Leisure-type games: generally based on the placement of games, the results and benefits of a simple operation can be obtained, mainly from different props and decision-making to determine the results of a game.


Gambling games: Gambling games use the smart contract function of block chains to reward projects that predict facts through smart contracts.



Compared to traditional games, block-chain games have been optimized and enhanced in terms of community, security and participation, even though the current experience is still limited and gives more room for imagination in the future.


I. Virtual asset flows across platforms


Traditional electronic games have virtual asset flow limits, and there are troubles of not communicating between platforms, and transactions and exchanges between platforms are optimized and enhanced when virtual props are encrypted, while risks and thresholds are reduced to a certain extent. Block chains can remove game assets from the game and not be restricted by the platform at the time of the transaction. Asset transactions across platforms can be entered at the main chain address, ensuring asset security, and assets can be reused in different games.


II. Enhancing security protection for virtual assets of the game


As players are more willing to pay for the game, they are more willing to protect virtual assets in the game. But there is a lack of legal regulation in the current big game, as well as as asymmetric information and numerous cases of fraud.


III. Transparency of the game mechanism to enhance the credibility of the game


Centralized games are the source code of a centralized platform that is closed, especially in card games, where card loss rates are questioned by a number of players and not openly. In block-chain games, the source code is open, with a clear understanding of the strengths of the dealer, and drops are visible. For players, their financial commitment will be rewarded, and confidence in the game will increase the player’s experience.


The size of the market for the block chain game at : the present day is low and looks more to the future


A third-party consulting firm, Newzoo, calculated and projected that in 2017, the world's game industry will earn $121.7 billion, an estimated $18.1 billion in 2021, up 48% from 2017. A new generation of consumers is increasingly demanding games because of their need for entertainment and their proficiency in the use of electronic devices, their ability to pay and their willingness to pay.

数据来源:newzoo global mobile market report 2017

data source: newzoo global mobile mark report 2017


Currently, there are tens of thousands of DAUs on the head, such as the King's glory DAU at about 60 million, while the DAU on the block chain has only a few thousand at the top, with a shorter life cycle and a rapid decline. There is still a big difference in the size of the game. But the size of tens of millions of users in the currency circle coincides with the image of hand-held players, suggesting that there is still much room for upgrading of the block chain game.


Data source : dappradar.com?


In terms of the scale of transactions in block-chain games, the current scale of transactions is relatively stable, but daily activity is only around 2000 and does not constitute a significant impact. Currently, the size of block-chain games for nearly seven days is only 785.44 taels, about $370,000, which is not prominent in the game industry, and the current level of revenue is at a lower level.



Block-chain games are more demanding in terms of infrastructure and payment services than the industry chain of traditional video games, and are therefore different in terms of the Dapp portal, wallets, secret keys, etc., because of virtual asset trading, which separates transactions from the game, and because of changes in community organizations, the role of the operator may be weakened and distribution platforms more important.


As we can see in the industry game map, the current development of the industrial chain in the block chain is still incomplete, and the relatively low availability of services in the industry chain, both upstream and downstream, has contributed in part to the imperfection of the experience of the game and to a certain level of weakness in its promotion.


block chain game financing heat: More financing in the vertical industry?

据不完全统计,目前区块链游戏行业已经吸纳融资6.1亿人民币,不包括ICO以及游戏预售,在铅笔道DATA(投资人可下载铅笔道APP使用) 统计的区块链行业总体融资额中约占1/6,主要以代币投资为主,在总体投资,而融资和ICO募资主要应用的方向有网络基础设施建设,游戏版本更新和优化,招募人才等。

According to incomplete statistics, the block chain game industry currently absorbs RMB 610 million in financing, excluding ICOs and pre-sale games, and accounts for about one sixth of total block chain financing in the pencil channel DATA, which is used by investors to download pencil lines APP, mainly in currencies, and in the overall investment, the main areas of financing and ICO fund-raising are network infrastructure development, game version updating and optimization, recruitment of talent, etc.


data source: pencil channel DATA


Game developers disclose less financing, they can profit from pre-sale sales, they have financial support in their studios, and they can charge fees for transactions in tokens during games. But other links in the sector’s chain of industries, such as solution providers, distribution platforms, infrastructure, etc., are still of interest to investment agencies.


data source: pencil channel DATA


game items ranked by average daily user


In the course of the evaluation of the project, the Institute sorted the project from an average of seven days of daily users and made a simple evaluation of the project:

数据来源:dappradar.com 信息截止到2018.7.29 

data source: dappradar.com as of 2018.7.29 


The Hashi World operates on a private chain and is not monitored by a third-party website and is listed separately at .

项目评价:作为目前区块链游戏当中日活最高的游戏,CryptoKitties开创了区块链养成游戏的玩法,截止到2018年4月30日总交易额为43067.04 ETH,约2亿人民币,也是目前生命周期最长的区块链游戏。游戏将币的交易性和休闲游戏性进行结合,但目前由于玩法单一,被不少投资者当做资产交易和投资平台,而且由于先购买者有先发优势,目前投资价值已经下降,所以游戏的日活也在下降,从超过14000日活的最高点下降到仅300,由于游戏完全在以太坊上运行,在交易量大时很容易造成拥堵影响体验。

Project evaluation: As the most active game in the current block chain game, CryptoKittys created the game of block chains, with a total transaction value of 43067.04 ETH as at 30 April 2018, which is about 200 million yuan, the longest-lived block chain game. The game combines currency trading and leisure games, but is currently used as asset trading and investment platforms by a large number of investors due to a single game, and the value of the current investment has declined as a result of the pre-buyer's advantage, from a peak of more than 14,000 days to only 300, and because the game is fully operating in the Taiku, it can easily cause congestion when the volume is large.

项目评价:在玩法上Etheremon做出了更多的尝试,他们对标的是pokemon go,一个热度较高的AR收集游戏。在游戏中,玩家在野外的探险也增加了游戏性,此外,多种小怪物的配置和不同维度属性的配合也增加了游戏性。前端的美工较好,增加了用户体验。目前游戏已经上线。但是计划的VR/AR玩法还没有上线,只是用文字描述游戏流程。战斗可以获得代币,对玩家有经济上的激励。目前,Etheremon还在进一步修正游戏流程,如加入组队玩法,增加游戏平衡度等等。

Project evaluation: Ethemon has made more attempts at playing. They're labeled Pokemon go, a higher-heated AR collection game. In the game, the player's adventures in the field have also increased playability. In addition, the configuration of a variety of little monsters and the combination of dimensions have increased playability. Better front-end art has increased user experience. The game is now online. But the planned VR/AR play is not online.

项目评价:SLG 策略类型是这款游戏的创新所在,对于代币收益的重新分配也激励了玩家继续游戏,游戏通过战斗、博彩、道具锻造等玩法引起玩家持续氪金的欲望。游戏由于投资属性明显,也有高开低走的情况,在后期道具费用提高的情况下,投资价值下降,游戏用户显著减少,交易额有一定的下降,一些用户使用外挂机器人也是影响体验的一个因素。

Project evaluation: The SLG strategy type is the innovation of the game. Redistribution of token gains also motivates players to continue playing, and games create a desire for constant kryptonium through games such as battles, games, games with props, etc. Because of the obvious nature of the investment, there are also highs and lows, lower value of the investment, a significant reduction in the number of users of the game, a certain reduction in the value of the transaction, and the use of robots by some users as a factor influencing the experience.

项目评价:RPG类型玩法是Ether Online的创新性,游戏主要利用区块链保障数字资产的安全性,而宠物对于战斗力的加成也使游戏有了更复杂的玩法,同时实现了游戏资产增值,减少了CryptoKitties在游戏中只为投资而购买的投机性。Ether Online只将资产上链,创建订单gas由玩家支付 而开宝箱的gas则由开发者支付,为玩家减少手续费。但是数字资产的交易过程中仍然面临交易成本高,游戏体验不流畅等问题,游戏上线之后日活一直在下行。

Project evaluation: The RPG type of game is an innovative one for Esther Online, which uses the block chain to secure digital assets, while the addition of pets to combat power has made the game more complex, while adding value to the game's assets and reducing the speculative nature of CryptoKitty's purchases for investment only in the game. Ether Online only links assets up, creates orders to be paid by the player, while the developer pays the gate to open the treasure box and reduces the fees for the player. However, the transaction of digital assets still faces high transaction costs, the game experience is not fluid, and the day after the game goes down.


Project evaluation: As a ·, a game of class that is similar to that of other games in Tai Town and other simulations, it is a profit-making incentive, similar to that of life games, and a certain homogeneity. On the other hand, the game is officially online on August 2, and the number of users has risen to the top of the game, with some player attention. Excellent art is also a bright spot for players.


Project evaluation: The game imitates Megapolis's game. Simulation-type games are the upgrading of collection-based block chain games, which is more playable than such games. Because the buildings in the player's hands can be appreciated through games and strategies, rather than just investment based on pre-emptive advantages, similar to traditional games, but because digital encryption and smart contracts can guarantee asset safety and high returns from digital currency.


Project evaluation: The space commander is a sandbox-type MMO game that is rare in block-chain games, and the game is well designed, from which players can explore and test props, and play with more variation than their nutrients and collections. And the token incentives that come from production and exploration also motivate players to invest more energy and money in the game. The digital currency price changes in the game also complicate the game economy, with sandbox games being more complex and more sticky than other game values.


Project evaluation: The Panda Continent, similar to CryptoKittys, is a collection-type game that produces and trades reproducing pets, has a longer life cycle, and can generate income more quickly on-line. But the homogeneity of these games is relatively low for players, and their value of investment in virtual pets is more important among them, so the volume of transactions is generally declining when they go online.


Project evaluation: Hashi World operates on private chains, using the LBS mechanism to add value to players’ virtual land assets. Such games have low thresholds, faster players, and have relatively high retention rates because of a token incentive.


block chain game is in pain?


The current problem with block-chain games is that they are too homogenous and more investing than playing, so it is difficult to harvest heavy users, and there is still insufficient support for open players in the industrial chains, because of this factor.




In terms of the type of block-chain games currently in use, collection-based games occupy an absolute higher level of leadership. Many games simply change the front-end subjects of the game, and there is no innovation in game-playing.


On the other hand, there are currently limitations on ICO and digital currency transactions in the country, which are more volatile for the game, owing to the fact that the concentration of computing power on the chain does not carry games that require more functionality.


II. Many games do not optimize with the characteristics of the block chain


And many block-chain games do not meet this requirement. For example, changes in organizational structure, the issuance of money, the inclusion of all users in product design as incentives for using economics in a community, the trading mechanisms and architecture, and traditional games, which are inexcusable for the chain and inefficient for the efficient use of transactional features.


Thirdly, the high speculative nature of games and poor experience have resulted in a rapid decline in heat.


The current block chain game DAU can be maintained at more than 100 and not at 10, and there is a large gap between the current tens of thousands of levels of DAU, even with CryptoKittys, the top of which is only about 14,000, and is rapidly declining.


The speculative effects of block-chain games are more evident, and the current game threshold is too high, requiring the downloading and installation of wallets, as well as the use of Ether to buy them at the expense of the user’s interest in continuing the game. And the value of the investment benefits only pre-entry players, losing incentives to buy props at a later stage of the game.


IV. Incomplete development of the industrial chain


Incomplete industrial chain development is also a major barrier to block chain games, for which, in addition to game developers, operators, virtual asset trading platforms, media, etc., are part of the industry chain. Block chain games differ in terms of asset transactions, currency payments, and traditional centrifugal games in the industry chain, which have less experience with linkages, require multi-paying and waiting by players, and a play-related game requires better chains of related games, better infrastructure, payment platforms, and associated engine support, etc.


V. The poor state of play


As with many vertical applications in the block chain industry, many block-chain games are currently in a pre-sale phase, without formally placing players on line, and many games even have rolls following the sale of the corresponding props during the pre-sale phase. For a block-chain game to be a playable game that attracts players and not just invests, it will take longer to develop and experiment.


future trends in block-chain games


The block chain game is still in its infancy, and in the future there is an even greater need to use more advantages and characteristics of the block chain to increase user experience if deeper digging is to be done in the vertical areas of the block chain application. More practitioners and more support on the industry chain will also have greater development space.


i. Large IP games can use block chains to distribute benefits such as DLC


The piracy and insecurity of virtual assets in the game industry can undermine the player’s game experience. Block chains can increase the security of players’ digital assets, while also increasing the pay-as-you-go advantage of the DLC, increasing the user’s experience by creating exclusive user devices for users through block chains, level checks, etc. In exchange, props can also be traded separately, which is more secure than previous account transactions.


The emergence of such a DLC or digital collection allows card games to have more application prospects in the block chain, while some games that focus on appearance and props can also apply elements of the block chain in exchange.


II. Reuse assets using block chains between games


Block-chain games focus on the security of assets, and asset-cross-platform transactions are now achievable in terms of feasibility, with parts of the games that can reuse CryptoKittys and CryptoCountries assets to keep the player's virtual assets idle. Connectivity between games can increase the retention and playability of the game. For example, CryptoCuddles can apply the cat in CryptoKittys to combat.


III. Social attributes are further played in the game


Block chains are a technological advantage for organizational innovation, increasing the interaction of players in the community, which increases the player’s stickyness to the game. Such interactions are better suited to board games, and increase the player’s trust in the game. Communities increase the player’s sense of engagement, so that the block chain game is no longer an investor’s act, but a game of playability and satisfaction.


IV. The game itself will be a trend in the distribution of tokens


Many block-chain games now do not issue their own tokens to save development costs on the one hand, and to enhance the user’s experience on the other, but only with native ones can have more play, and they can be more flexible in using economics to provide better economic incentives for players and encourage users to participate in the game’s management tasks. On the other hand, there may be some constraints if they remain dependent on existing ecosystems.


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