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Mochimo 和 Ixian 的中国社区负责人 @angryolk。

Chinese community leaders of Mochimo and Ixian @angryolk.

? 加密货币,ICO,神奇的互联网现金 - 这一切都非常令人兴奋,而你,热切的开发者,想要了解这些疯狂的东西,该从哪里开始呢?

♪ Encrypted money, ICO, amazing Internet cash -- it's all very exciting, and you, the passionate developer, want to know about these crazy things, where to start?


I'm glad you're excited about this area. So am I. But you may still find it unclear where to start. The block chain is developing at a very fast pace, but there's no clear guide to learning about it.


Since I left Airbnb to work full time in the block chain industry, a lot of people have asked me how I got into block chain work full time. So, think about my authoritative guide, which is, of course, incomplete -- how I get into block chain engineering.


? > directory? >

  1. 为什么要学习区块链开发?

    Why do you learn to develop blocks?

  2. 预备知识

    Preparatory knowledge

  3. 比特币的理论基础

    Bitcoin's theoretical foundation.

  4. 自己构建区块链

    Build your own block chain.

  5. 以太坊与智能合约编程

    Ether's programming with smart contracts

  6. 智能合约安全

    Smart contract secure.

  7. 开始真正上手

    Let's get to the bottom of it.

  8. 建立自己的项目

    Create your own project

  9. 领导区块链社区

    Leadership of block chain communities

  10. 得到一份工作

    Get a job.



Why do you want to learn about block chain development?

在回答这个问题之前,让我先做一个小的陈述:区块链现在是一个被价值高估的事物。这些价格是不可持续的,崩盘肯定会到来。这一切以前都发生过,而且很可能还会发生。但如果你在这个领域长期工作,你就会学会对价格置之不理。用 Emin Gun Sierr 的话来说,价格是加密货币中最没意思的部分。但是,区块链领域的技术都是非常重要的技术,它们将不可逆转地改变世界。如果你不确定是否要投身于这个行业,我不能直接告诉你答案,但我可以告诉你五个让我信服的理由:

Before I answer that question, let me make a small statement: the block chain is now an overvalued thing. These prices are unsustainable, and the crashes are bound to come. All of this has happened before, and will probably happen again. But if you work in this field for a long time, you'll learn to ignore the price. In the words of Emin Gun Sierr, the price is the least interesting part of the encrypted currency. But technology in the area of the block chain is very important, and they will change the world irreversibly. If you're not sure if you're going to go into the industry, I can't just tell you the answer, but I can tell you five reasons why I believe it:



Bitcoin was invented 10 years ago, but the innovation rate in the block chain industry has only reached a feverish level in recent years, especially with the launch of Ether in 2015. Most of the new companies and ideas in this area are based on Ether, which is still immature.


Even if you start now, you can become a world-class expert in a few years. Most people don't do it that long, and it's not that hard to catch up. Learning blocks is like studying depth at the end of the twenty-first century.


There's no strong brain funnel in this field.


Most of the best and brightest students in universities focus on machine learning, web programming, or game development. While block chains are becoming increasingly attractive in public discourse, they are still a strange and subversive topic, and entering this field may be an adventure for your career.


At an early stage, the block chain belonged only to the domain of cypherpunk (a more accurate persuasion should be encryption punks), paranoia and freaks, and only recently began to change. As a curious and open developer, you would bring a lot of value to the field.


Most of the innovations in .


To our knowledge, China is not a scholar. There is no single university or institution that provides a whole set of block chain knowledge systems. Most of the innovations here are led by fanatics, entrepreneurs and independent researchers. Almost all you need to know are white papers, blogs, public leisure channels and open-source software. You just have to roll up your sleeves and fight.


There are not enough developers in this area, and they cannot be trained quickly. Everyone is competing for a chain of talent, and the project side is experiencing a shortage of talent. Many of the best companies cannot afford enough to keep their employees because they have too many opportunities. If you have some skills, it is easy to find a job.


"Strong" encoded money is really cool.

还有什么地方可以建立像加密、安全、去中心化货币这样科幻小说里的事物?现在是狂野的西部 - 当然这带来好坏两面。这个领域可以更加透明,并最终实现监管。但毫无疑问,加密货币是您现在可以从事的最具创新性的领域之一。?

Where else can you build something like encryption, security, and de-centralized currency? It's the wild west -- of course, with both good and bad. This area can be more transparent and eventually regulated. But certainly, encryption money is one of the most innovative areas you can do now.

Naval Ravikant 在最近的一次采访中说:成功的关键是给社会提供它想要的东西,只是你不知道怎么去做而已。你无法在学校学习到这样的知识;如果可以的话,这个世界的物质文明早就极度饱和了。

In a recent interview, Navar Ravikant said that the key to success is to give society what it wants, but you don't know how to do it. You can't learn that in school; if you could, the world's material civilization would already be so saturated.


So let's build something that nobody knows how to build. Now, the block chain is new, and there's a lot to be done. If you succeed in building the future of decentralised technology, the world will pay you well. So, what do you need to know before you get into this field?



Preparatory knowledge


I suggest that you improve your understanding of the underlying principles before studying them in depth. Block chains are based on decades of research in computer science, cryptology and economics. Benz is a “rebel”, but he is also well aware of the history of the past. In order to understand the workings of block chains, you need to understand the `strong' blocks that predate the chain of blocks and why they don't work.



Below are some of the preparatory knowledge that needs to be familiar, sorted in order of importance.


(Note that the following links are just a starting point for learning, and you may want to know more.


Computer Science


Data Structure

您需要熟悉主要数据结构的特性和复杂性保证:linked lists,?binary search trees,?hash maps, 以及?graphs?(特别是在区块链中具有显著特征的有向非循环图)。从头开始构建它们有助于更好地理解它们的工作方式和属性。

You need to be familiar with the characteristics and complexity of the main data structure: linked Lists,?binary search treaties,?hash maps, and?graphs? (especially if there are dynamic non-circle maps with distinctive features in the block chain. From the beginning they can be constructed to better understand how they work and their properties.



密码学是加密货币的代名词和基础。所有加密货币都使用公钥/私钥加密(public/private key cryptography)作为身份和身份验证的基础。我建议学习 RSA( RSA)(它很容易学习,不需要很强的数学背景),然后看看 ecdsa( ECDSA)。椭圆曲线密码需要更抽象的数学——理解所有细节并不重要,但要知道,这是大多数加密货币(包括比特币)使用的密码。

Cryptology is the pronoun and base of encrypted currency. All encrypted currency uses public/private key encryption as the basis for identity and authentication. I suggest learning RSA (which is easy to learn without a strong mathematical background) and looking at ecdsa. Ellipse passwords require more abstract mathematics -- understanding all details is not important, but it is the password used by most encrypted currency (including Bitcoin).


另一个重要的密码原语是密码散列函数(哈希函数)。这些可用于承诺机制,并且是 merkle 树的构建块。Merkle trees 支持 Merkle proofs,这是区块链用于可扩展性的关键优化之一。

Another important passphrase is the password hash function (Hashi function). These can be used for commitment mechanisms and are building blocks for merkle trees. Merkle tracks supports Merkle proofs, which is one of the key optimizations of block chains for scalability.


distribution system


There are some very good textbooks on distributed systems, but this is a huge and difficult field of study. Distribution systems are absolutely necessary to justify block chains, so the basis must be built here before processing block chains.

一旦你的系统不再运行在一台机器上,就必须开始论证一致性和共识。您需要了解可线性化和最终一致性模型之间的区别。您还需要了解容错一致性算法的保证,例如? Paxos 和? RAFT。了解在分布式系统中论证时间的困难,理解安全与活性之间的权衡。

Once your system is no longer running on a machine, it must begin to demonstrate consistency and consensus. You need to understand the difference between linear and final consistency models.

有了这样的背景,你将能够理解拜占庭容错共识的难点,这是公共区块链的主要安全要求。您将需要了解 ?PBFT,这是首个提供拜占庭容错共识的可扩展算法之一。PBFT 是许多非工作证明区块链一致性算法的基础。再次提醒,你不需要了解 PBFT 太多的细节,而是总体的思路及其安全性保障机制。

With this background, you will be able to understand the difficulty of the Byzantine Conversation, which is the main security requirement of the public block chain. You will need to understand. PBFT, which is one of the first scalable algorithms to provide a consensus on Byzantine Incorrection. PBFT is the basis for many non-working proofs of block chain consistency algorithms.

理解传统的分布式数据库也是非常有用的(其核心思想是,区块链本质上是数据库)。了解分片(例如通过一致性哈希),主从复制(leader-follower replication),分布式哈希表 (DHTs),例如 Chord 或 Kademlia。

It is also very useful to understand the traditional distributed database (the core idea is that the block chain is essentially a database). Understanding the fragments (e.g. through consistency Hash), master from copying (leader-follower compliance), distributional pattern (DHTs), such as Chord or Kademlia.



区块链的分布式在很大程度上源于其点对点网络拓扑结构。因此,区块链是过去 p2p 网络的直接产物。

The distribution of block chains is largely due to their point-to-point network top-up structure. The block chain is therefore a direct product of past p2p networks.


要了解区块链通信模型,您需要了解计算机网络的基础知识:如 TCP 与 UDP、数据包模型、IP数据包,以及大致的网络路由工作方式。

To understand a block chain communication model, you need to know the basics of the computer network, such as TCP and UDP, the data package model, the IP data package, and the general routing of the network.

公共区块链倾向于通过 gossip protocols 和 flooding 来传播信息。学习p2p网络设计的历史,包括 Napster to Gnutella, BitTorrent,Tor,都具有一定的指导意义。区块链有自己的特点,但它们借鉴了这些网络的经验教训以及它们是如何设计的。

Public block chains tend to disseminate information through Gossip protocols and fooding. The history of learning the p2p network design, including Napster to Gnutella, BitTorrent, Tor, is somewhat instructive. Block chains have their own characteristics, but they draw on the experience of these networks and how they are designed.



加密货币本质上是多学科的 - 这是使它们如此迷人和激进的主要原因。除了计算机科学,密码学和网络,它们还与经济学密切相关。加密货币可以通过其经济结构获得许多安全属性,这通常被称为加密经济学。因此,经济学对于理解加密货币至关重要。

Encrypted money is inherently multidisciplinary -- the main reason why it is so fascinating and radical. In addition to computer science, cryptography and networks, they are closely linked to economics. Encrypted money can acquire many security attributes through its economic structure, often referred to as cryptographic economics.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The game theory


The most important branch of economics for encryption money is game theory, which is to study the benefits and incentives among multiple subjects. You do not need to go into detail, but you need to understand the basic tools of game theory analysis and how they can be used to analyse incentives in one-time and continuous games.


You need to grasp two key concepts: the Nash balance and the Sherin point because they feature prominently in cryptographic analysis.




Encrypted currency is not only an agreement, but also a form of currency. So, they respond to macroeconomic rules (if they can be called a rule). Encrypted currency is subject to different monetary policies and provides a predictable response to inflation and deflation. You should understand these processes and their impact on spending, savings, etc.


Another valuable economic concept is the speed of currency circulation, especially when it corresponds to the value of the currency.




Encrypted currencies are also deeply interwoven with markets, which requires an understanding of microeconomics. You need to have a strong intuition about supply and demand curves. You should be able to explain competition and opportunity costs (which will often be applied to mining).


I hope you've been familiar with some of these topics. If so, please go through them or skip them.


All right, so far, you've completed and consolidated your basic knowledge, and now you've got more than that theory, let's start the development of the block chain.



Why do you want to learn about block chain development?

2008年10月,Satoshi Nakamoto发表了一份白皮书,他在其中描述了一种分散数字货币的协议。他把这个协议叫做比特币。

In October 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a white paper in which he described an agreement to spread the digital currency. He called it Bitcoin.

在你了解区块链背后的伟大创意之前,你必须先从比特币开始,掌握 Satoshi 的独到见解。

Before you know the great ideas behind the block chain, you have to start with Bitcoin and get Satoshi's unique insight.


First of all, I suggest that you build intuition on the work of and fork selection rules (also known as the Chinese Consensus). You can start with the following video:

区块链可视化 Demo:

block chain visualization Demo:



video link:



I'd like to see a few more videos to get the idea deeper into your head:


Bitcoin workings



video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBC-nXj3ng4&feature=youutu.be


After reading the video, I believe you have built your intuitional capacity, and the key part of the bitcoin principle will be described in greater depth in this paper.



builds its own block chain


Now that you have a high-level intuition, it's time to build your own block chain based on workload proof. Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds. There's some good resources here.

首先,我有一个视频讲座,详细介绍了如何在 ruby 中实现这一点(即使你不是 ruby 程序员,我也建议您观看):

First, I have a video lecture detailing how this can be achieved in Ruby (even if you are not a Ruby programmer, I suggest you watch):


How do you use it? Ruby? Create a block chain:



video link:


资源及 PPT 点击此链接

resource and PPT click this link



You can also find other block chains to achieve 2 in various programming languages. It's a major function to continue to build your own block chains and meet your own learning requirements.


Once you do that, you should have a good idea of how to achieve a simple payment application on the block chain (i.e. bitcoin). You should now have enough background to read and understand the original bitcoin white paper.


In order to understand the economics and mechanisms of bitcoin mining, I propose to watch a lecture on bitcoin mining at the Pitco and encrypt currency course in Princeton.


If you've finished this course, you should have enough in bitcoin to understand the meaning of each of its components through bitcoin blocks. You should also be able to play bitcoins and navigational raw bitcoins.


Now is the time to study the history of bitcoin and encrypted currency. The video below, provided by the University of California at Berkeley, provides a good overview.


Bitcoin Learning Video at Berkeley: https://haseebq.com/the-authorititive-guide-to-blockchain-development/


Some additional reliable learning materials:

  • 比特币的学术先驱(Academic precursors to Bitcoin)

    Academia precursors to Bitcoin

  • 比特币机制:utxos和比特币脚本(比特币脚本不是特别重要,只是大致知道它能做什么)( UTXOs and Bitcoin script)

    Bitcoin Mechanism: utxos and bitcoin scripts (the bitcoin script is not particularly important, it just knows what it can do) (UTXOs and Bitcoin script)

  • 比特币分叉指南(Short guide to Bitcoin forks)

    Short guide to Bitcoin forks

  • 软分叉和矿工信号(Soft forks and miner signaling)

    Soft forks and mine signaling

  • 双重花费,51%攻击和自私采矿(Double spends, 51% attacks, and selfish mining)

    Double expense, 51% attack, and selfish mining

  • 重放攻击 (Replay attacks)

    Replay Attack (Replay attacks)

  • 比特币的可扩展问题是比特币生态系统中大多数争议的根源。你应该知道为什么行业内对块大小争论这么多。(Bitcoin scalability problems)

    The expansion of Bitcoin is the root cause of most disputes in the Bitcoin ecosystem. You should know why there is so much debate about block size in the industry.

  • 隔离见证,也就是Segwit,不是非常必要的,但它引出了很多东西。(Segregated witness, a.k.a. SegWit)

    The isolation witness, Segwit, is not very necessary, but it brings out a lot of things.

  • Lightning Network 是比特币更重要的扩展解决方案之一,也推广到了其他区块链中。(Lightning Network)

    Lighting Network is one of the more important extension solutions for bitcoin and has been extended to other block chains.

    (NPC 也曾编译过一份完整的关于闪电网络的学习资料,可在历史消息中查看)

    (NPC has also compiled a complete learning resource on the lightning network, which can be viewed in historical news)

  • 比特币完整节点、比特币费用统计、图表、图表和更多图表(Bitcoin full nodes,?Bitcoin fee statistics,?charts,?charts)

    Bitcoin full nodes, bitcoin full nodes, bitcoin nodes, bitcoin node?

  • 比特币能源消耗指数(在本文公布时,比特币采矿消耗的能源与秘鲁所有地区一样多)

    Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index (at the time of publication, Bitcoin mining consumed as much energy as all regions of Peru)

    (Bitcoin energy consumption index?)

  • 格温关于比特币的深刻论述(Insightful essay by Gwern)

    Insightful comment by Gwern

如果你想深入“兔子洞”的话,Jameson Lopp 在比特币上还有很多其他资源。(wealth of other resources)

Jameson Lopp has a lot of other resources on Bitcoin if you want to go deep into the Rabbit Hole.



programming for Etherum and smart contracts


Now that you've built a block chain and understood the dynamics of Bitcoin, it's time to study Ether in depth.

你了解区块链和工作证明如何在点对点网络中实现分布式、拜占庭式的容错一致性。但是,支付网络只是你可以在这样的区块链上运行的一个应用之一。2013年,以太坊的创始人Vitalik Buterin问道:?使用区块链来实现去中心化的计算机会怎么样?

You know how block chains and job proofs can achieve distributional, Byzantine tolerance coherence in the point-to-point network. But payment networks are just one of the applications that you can run on a block chain like this. In 2013, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Taimaya, asked: What happens to using block chains to decentralize computers?


In Etheeum, you pay the miners to execute your program on this distributed virtual machine. This means that you can do arbitrary calculations in a well-developed programming language in Turing (as opposed to a bitcoin script). Of course, this includes payment-related applications, so Etheeum activates and generates an innovative set of functions that go beyond bitcoin.


In other words, you can create an automatic financial contract. It's a crazy idea, and once you've accepted this programming model, you can do whatever you want.

Ethereum 催生了ICO的浪潮和构建在区块链之上的开发人员。它是仅次于比特币的第二大加密货币,拥有超过10倍的下一代最流行平台的开发人员,最强大的开发团队,最成熟的工具,以及基于它的大多数ICO和项目。它还拥有最多的行业支持。如果你正在进行区块链开发,那么你将Ethereum智能合约编写代码。(即使你不是,了解这个领域的情况也是很重要的。)

Etheeum created the wave of the ICO and the developers built on the block chain. It is the second largest encrypted currency after Bitcoin, with more than 10 times the next generation of the most popular platform developers, the most powerful development team, the most mature tools, and most of the ICOs and projects based on it. It also has the largest industry support. If you are developing a block chain, then it is important that you code Etheum's smart contracts.

首先,我们对Ethereum 进行更深层次的说明:

First of all, we provide a deeper account of Etherum:


The ideas behind the Etherm also give rise to a wave of innovation in the field of encryption economics. You should learn more about the thinking of the DAO and all the sci-fi fanatical dreams that they imply.


Well, there's enough fantasy. Let's look at technology in depth.

以下是Preethi Kasireddy对Ethereum yellow paper及其内部结构的一个很好的概述。Ethereum使用的是账户模型,而不是比特币的UTXO模型——你很快就会看到为什么这样更容易编写智能合约。

Here's a good overview by Preethi Kasireddy of Etheum yellow paper and its internal structure. Etheum uses an account model, not a bitcoin UTXO model -- you'll soon see why it's easier to write smart contracts.


As with any technology, the best way to understand it is to construct a few small projects.


The main programming language for Etheum is Solidity, a static type of JavaScript-esque. It is a language with many shortcomings, and it has many design problems. Once stronger languages like Viper are ready for production, they may replace Solidity, but currently Solidity is the common programming language for smart contracts. It is basically JavaScript of Etherum, so you need to learn about it (and its flaws).


When I first came into contact with the Solidity language development, I advised you to read all the cryptozombie lessons. This is a pleasant and high-quality codecademy-esque-style lesson that will teach you the basic programming of Solidity.


Now that your desire to know has been provoked, it's time to start trying for yourself.

Ethereum的“hello world”可以创建一个兼容ERC-20的令牌。我建议将本指南作为指导你完成这个过程的第一个教程。

Etheum’s “ello world” can create a token compatible with the ERC-20. I suggest this guide be the first to guide you through this process.


Remix is a Solidity editor and compiler in a browser -- it's basically a training wheel developed by Etheum, so I suggest that all the remaining exercises be done in Remix. But it is also worth setting up a local chain and understanding Etheum tools. The Academy is a good introduction to a point-to-point block chain stack and explains the various parts of it.

接下来,我建议创建一个投票系统。我把这个叫做Ethereum的Todo应用。Karl Floersch有一篇很棒的教程,介绍了如何构建一个安全的委员会公开投票系统。

Next, I suggest creating a voting system. I call this the Todo app called Etheum. Karl Floersch has a great lesson on how to build a secure public voting system for the Commission.

很好,现在可以开始期中考试了:构建一个安全的抛硬币(coin toss)游戏,在这个游戏中,两个玩家可以安全地在抛硬币上下注。这次没有教程,自己做吧。想想可能的遭受的攻击——玩家如何作弊?你能保证他们都准守规则吗?这里可以给你一些灵感。↓↓↓

Well, we can start the midterms now: build a safe coin toss game in which two players can safely bet on coins. There's no lesson, do it yourself. Think of the possible attack -- how the players cheat? Can you guarantee that they're all bound by the rules? Here's some inspiration.




Smart Contract Security >/strong


Security is absolutely necessary for the development of block chains. Smart contracts have been plagued by catastrophic hacker attacks, including the DAO hacking, the Paris Wallet hacking, and the second Paris Wallet hacking. If you want to write smart contracts, you must read the analysis of these three attacks.

事实是,智能合约很难搞好。虽然编程工具链将会得到改进,使这些精确的攻击变得更加困难,但最终它们都是由于程序员的错误造成的。还有许多由智能合约编程产生的更微妙的bug,比如在前端集群(frontrunning)或安全生成随机性(secure generation of randomness)等方面。

The fact is that smart contracts are difficult to work out. While programming tool chains will be improved, making these precise attacks more difficult, they end up being caused by programmers’ mistakes.


As an intelligent contract developer, you must consider safety to be the most important thing. There is no “fast move and break the routine” in smart contract programming. This means that any code that handles large financial flows should be run through static analysis programs like Oyente or Securify, which should be thoroughly tested and then audited by experienced intellectual contract reviewers. You should also try to rely on pre-audit components, such as OpenZeplin’s open-source contracts.



In order to enhance your safety, I suggest that you use the Ethernaut developed by OpenZeplin, a game that you can discover and attack loopholes in smart contracts. Many of them have replicated real attacks on smart contracts in this field.

Phil Daian也有一套优秀的智能合约黑客挑战称为 Hack This Contract。

Phil Daian also has a set of smart contract hacker challenges called Hack This Contractor.

在你做到了这些以后,我强烈建议你整本阅读由ConsenSys编译的Smart Contract Best Practices。希望在你的智能合约编程生涯中多次重温这个文档。bibliography 也值得安全专家进一步阅读。

After you've done this, I strongly recommend that you read the entire book of Smart Contracting Best Practices, compiled by ConsenSys. You want to relive the document several times in your intellectual contract programming career. Bibliography also deserves further reading by security experts.




If you've done this, you should be ready to skip Remix and start using a reliable development stack.


Most developers recommend VScode or Atom as text editors because they have a fairly reliable Solidity plugin. In order to interact with the local grid, you will use Ganache (formerly TestRPC) and you will use the Truffle framework to test and configure the pipeline (based on JS).

然后是着手研究IPFS,你可以使用IPFS作为一个完全去中心的文件存储,其成本比Ethereum区块链低得多。以下是作者Juan Benet的简短解释:对于Ethereum和IPFS全节点的交互,大多数开发人员推荐的Infura。Etherscan和ETH Gas Station 在以太网络上提供有用的实时统计数据。

Then you start looking at IPFS, which you can use as a complete file storage at the center, at a much lower cost than the Etheium block chain. The following is a short explanation by the author Juan Benet: Infraura, recommended by most developers for the interaction between Etherum and IPFS.

一旦你建立了完整的Web3堆栈,尝试部署端到端Dapp(去中心应用程序)。这个教程为后端提供了一个使用Node和Postgres的良好的全堆栈概览,并且这个教程将向你展示如何使用IPFS作为持久性层(persistence layer)创建一个完全去中心的应用程序。

Once you have built a complete Web3 stack, try to deploy the end-to-end Dapp. This tutorial provides backends with a good full stack overview using Node and Postgres, and it will show you how to use IPFS as a persistent layer to create an application that is completely going to the centre.



Creates its own project


Now, you should have an in-depth understanding of most technologies, and all that remains is to start building something and going into the block chain community.

首先,开始建立自己的项目。如果你对某个点子很感兴趣,那就去实现它,并说服别人和你一起破解它! 如果你还没有特定的想法,或者不愿意动手,有许多高质量的开源项目欢迎你的贡献。OpenZeppelin可能是上手智能合约的一个好的起点。

First of all, start building your own project. If you're interested in an idea, do it and convince someone to crack it with you. If you don't have a specific idea, or you don't want to do it, there are many high-quality open-source projects that welcome your contribution. OpenZeppelin may be a good starting point for a hand-smart contract.

更好的是,我建议从寻找一个你喜欢的正在积极开发的项目开始。去他们的Slack或者Rocketcha -?开发人员通常都在那里。告诉他们你愿意帮忙,并要求完成一些小的任务(或者在他们的Github上发现一些尚未解决的问题)。

And better yet, I suggest starting with finding a project that you like that is being actively developed. Go to their Slack or Rocketcha? The developers are usually there. Tell them you're willing to help and ask for a few small tasks (or find some unresolved issues on their Github).

注意,虽然我一直关注协议(protocols)和智能合约的开发,但区块链公司需要web开发人员来构建它们的核心功能。这些角色经常需要与区块链(们)进行交互,所以要有一个区块链是如何工作的良好心理模型,但对于许多区块链初创公司的工程师,你的工作将在Python构建一个网络服务器,或者设计一个前端的React, 与区块链交互可能只是一小部分的工作。你不必专门从事智能合约开发 — 实际上,这只是成熟的区块链堆栈的一部分。

Note that, while I have been concerned about the development of protocols and smart contracts, block chain companies need web developers to build their core functions. These roles often need to interact with block chains, so there is a good psychological model of how block chains work, but for many block chain starters, your job will be to build a network server in Python, or to design a front-end React, which may be only a small part of the job. You do not have to specialize in smart contract development – in fact, it is only part of a mature block chain stack.

除了对开源项目的贡献,还有许多区块链黑客马拉松不断涌现。大多数项目都有一个免费的Slack,你可以加入其中,而且Ethereum本身有一个非常活跃的Gitter channel,在那里有很多开发者。当你深入到这个空间,你最终会找到你的同伴,无论是在Slack频道,Telegram,还是Gitter channel。无论在哪里,找到和你趣味相投的人并继续学习。

In addition to its contribution to open-source projects, there are many block chains of hacker marathons. Most projects have a free Slack in which you can join, and Etherum itself has a very active Gitter Channel, where there are many developers. When you get into this space, you will eventually find your companions, whether on Slack Channel, Telegram, or Gitter Channel.



leads the block chain community


The best way to really understand the world of block chains is to keep yourself in it. Reading and listening to the smartest people, especially what they used to write. It's always been my strategy, and it pays me back when I try to learn a new field.


There's a lot of good block chains, but there's a lot of junk. Here's what I recommend.



在这里我推荐三个不错的播客,Software Engineering Daily Blockchain,他们对许多主题和加密货币提供了很好的技术介绍,以及Epicenter和Unchained -- 他们过去推出的很多都系列值得一听。另一个有趣的新兴技术播客是Conspiratus。以上的博客建议你们都订阅。

Here I recommend three good podcasts, Software Engineering Daily Blockchain, who provide a good technical introduction to many topics and encrypted money, and Epicenter and Unchained -- many of their past series are worth listening to. Another interesting new technology podcast is Conspiratus.

YouTube上也有几个不错的频道(尽管YouTube上有很多垃圾)。订阅以太坊基金会并观看DEVCON3演示文稿。伯克利大学的区块链记录了他们的许多讲座,其中大部分都是优秀的技术概述。Decypher媒体还发布了访谈、白皮书评级和教程。Jackson Palmer有精彩的每周概述,内容里面虽然技术部分较少但是涵盖内容较全面。

There are also several good channels on YouTube (although there is a lot of garbage on YouTube). Subscriptions to the ETA Foundation and watching the DeVCON 3 presentation. Many of their lectures, most of them technical overviews, are recorded in the section chain of Berkeley University.


Read online


For real-time block chain chats, it exists mainly in two places: Reddit and Twitter. For Reddit, most of the columns are of poor quality. r/etherium has been of good quality (and there are some columns suitable for specific encrypted currencies). But most of the columns are occupied by speculators and cannot afford your attention.


The content on Twitter is even more uneven. For good or bad, most of the block chain users live on Twitter. The block link started out as a bit mysterious to me, but eventually I created an informal list of Twitter block chain characters. In my experience, there are five types of block chain characters: builders, entrepreneurs, journalists, traders and “think leaders”.


avoids “think leaders” like the plague


Entrepreneurs have reason to be active on twitter, because most of them play the role of co-authors or promote their projects on Twitter. Investors mostly talk on Twitter about prices and bogus projects, and if you do the same, go ahead. Journalists tend to post the main news of the day on Twitter. I suggest you stay away from these messages, unless you need real-time information, which is usually not necessary for you. It may be important if you are an active trader, but if you try to make a technological difference in the chain, most real-time things distract you.


Focus on the builders of the block chain. They're the most important people today, and they're the ones who drive technological progress.


There are several representatives in each category (if you want to fill your Twitter stream, please focus on these people):



  • Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum

  • Zooko Wilcox, ZCash

  • Nick Szabo, inventor of smart contracts

  • Vlad Zamfir, Ethereum

  • Marco Santori, Cooley LLP

  • Riccardo “fluffypony” Spagni, Monero

  • Matt Liston, Gnosis



  • Balaji Srinivasan, Earn.com

  • Erik Voorhees, Shapeshift



  • Naval Ravikant, MetaStable

  • Ari Paul, Blocktower Capital

  • Linda Xie, Scalar Capital

  • Chris Burniske, Placeholder



  • Tuur Demeester, Adamant Research

  • Laura Shin, Forbes


(Observantly follow me, though I definitely don't belong on this list.)


If you are not a journalist or a regular dealer, you do not need to chat in real time.

我建议订阅Inside Bitcoin(内部比特币)以获取最重要的加密新闻的每日摘要(它涵盖的不仅仅是比特币)。对于代币项目,Token Economy(代币经济)每周都有优秀的内容,Week in Ethereum(每周以太坊)对以太坊生态系统中以开发人员为重点的事件提供了很好的摘要。

I suggest subscription to Inside Bitcoin (internal bitcoin) to get a daily summary of the most important encrypted news (which does not cover just bitcoin). Token Economy (demonstration economy) has excellent weekly content for the money project, and Week in Etheeum (weekly in the Taikum) provides a good summary of events in the Taiwan ecosystem that focus on developers.


In addition, you do not need to monitor real-time news.


In addition, you can focus on good blogs. Long pages are often the best option for learning. My advice is as follows:

  • V神博客(Vitalik Buterin)提供优秀的区块链和密码经济分析(阅读他所有的旧博客文章,Vitalik被广泛认为是百年一遇的思想家)

    Vitalik Buterin provides excellent block chain and cryptoeconomic analysis (reading all his old blog articles, Vitalik is widely regarded as a 100-year-old thinker)

  • 破解,分布式(Hacking, Distributed)由康奈尔研究人员发表的区块链安全性分析

    Disruption, distribution (Hacking, Distributed) block chain security analysis published by Cornell researchers

  • 未枚举(Unenumerated),Nick Szabo发表关于加密货币在社会中作用的挑战性和折衷性论文的著名博客

    Unenumerated, Nick Szabo's famous blog published a challenging and compromise paper on the role of cryptographic money in society

  • 金钱物质(Money Stuff),马特·莱文(Matt Levine)的Bloomberg的供稿,针对市场、金融和区块链新闻交叉点深刻的分析

    Presentation by Money Stuff, Matt Levine, Bloomberg, for in-depth analysis of the intersections of market, financial and segmental news

  • 弗拉德·赞菲尔(Vlad Zamfir) 对国家和公共区块链适中谨慎的观点

    Vlad Zamfir's cautious view of the chain of State and public blocks

  • 克里斯·伯尼斯克(Chris Burniske)撰写了一系列关于如何评估加密资产的优秀博客文章

    Chris Burniske wrote a series of excellent blog articles on how to evaluate encryption assets.

  • 詹姆森洛普 (Jameson Lopp) 从构建区块链生态系统软件工程师的角度发表他出色的技术文章

    Jameson Lopp published his brilliant technical paper from the perspective of the software engineer who built the block chain.

  • 数字长城(Great Wall of Numbers)由蒂姆斯旺森 (Tim Swanson)撰写,关于他对区块链狂热的冷静而坚定的解构,特别是在企业领域

    Great Wall of Numbers, by Tim Swanson, about his cool and determined deconstruction of the block chain, especially in the business sector.


Once again, I suggest you read my blog, even though I'm not exactly on the list.


books and courses


If you want a more structured approach to learning about these materials, there are some high-quality books and courses.

区块链最好的综合教科书是比特币和加密货币技术(Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies)(与普林斯顿Coursera课程配套)。在这个领域,我唯一推荐的书是安德烈亚斯·安东诺普洛斯(Andreas Antonopoulos)的《精通比特币》(Mastering Bitcoin)和他即将出版的《精通以太坊》(《Mastering Ethereum》),由以太坊联合创始人加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)合著(均由o'reilly出版)。另外一本我推荐的非技术性的书是纳撒尼尔·波普(Nathaniel Popper)的《数字黄金》(《Digital Gold》)。几乎所有值得阅读的东西都会出现在博客中,而不是书籍-这个领域发展很快,以至于最重要的人物很少有时间写书,而且书籍在发行时往往已经过时。

The best comprehensive textbook in the block chain is Bitcoin and Cryptocurrence Technologies (in conjunction with the Princeton Coursera course). In this area, the only books I recommend are Andreas Antonopoulos, The Besting Bitcoin, and his forthcoming “Mastering Ethereum”, co-founder Gavin Wood, published by O#39; Reilly. Another non-technical book I recommend is Nathaniel Popper, Digital Gold. Almost everything worth reading is in blogs, not books - the field is growing so fast that the most important people have little time to write, and books are often out of date when they are distributed.

如果你想用更结构化的方法来学习这些材料,有一些高质量的课程。比如普林斯顿大学Coursera课程(视频也在YouTube上)和加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)的一些讲座。我也听说了来自康森斯学院(Consensys Academy ),对于想进入智能合约开发的人员来说的的好消息。

If you want to learn these materials in a more structured way, there are high-quality courses. For example, some lectures at the University of Princeton Coursera (also on YouTube) and the University of California at Berkeley.

另外,我还在旧金山布拉德菲尔德计算机科学学院( Bradfield School of Computer Science)为软件开发人员举办为期4周的加密货币研讨会。本课程仅限于旧金山地区,座位有限,因为它是一个小型的、深入的研讨班。但如果你是名位于旧金山的软件工程师,想了解更多有关加密货币背后的理论和实践,它也许很适合你。

In addition, I held a four-week seminar on encryption money for software developers at the Bradfield School of Computer Science in San Francisco. The course was limited to the San Francisco area because it was a small, in-depth workshop.




As I said earlier, the block-chain start-up company is being recruited crazy. If you really did this and did half of what I suggested, you could probably already get a job in this area. Angel List wrote an article on how to get a job in the field of encryption.


There are several good websites for posting jobs related to the block chain:

  • AngelList crypto startups

  • BlockchainJobz

  • Ethereum Jobs

  • Be in Crypto

  • Blockchain Job Board

  • Crypto Jobs List

  • Google jobs (blockchain search query)

  • ConsenSys jobs?(以太坊创业工作室,其下有许多项目)



I know that some of the promising start-ups in the block chain are in the process of recruiting developers:

  • 0x

  • Dharma Labs

  • Civic


There are also a number of large companies in the market that are developing encryption products:

  • Coinbase,加密行业里的谷歌,一直在疯狂地招聘

    Coinbase, Google in the encryption industry, has been recruiting crazy.

  • 恒星币(Stellar)和?瑞波币(Ripple)公司,如果你想直接开发更适合企业的加密货币

    Stellar and Ripple, if you want to directly develop an encrypted currency that is more suitable for the company.

  • Square整合了一些区块链,但不确定他们是否对外招聘

    Square consolidated some blocks, but it's not sure if they're recruiting.

  • IBM、Visa或JP摩根,如果你有传统情怀

    IBM, Visa or JP Morgan, if you have a tradition,


(Please note that this particular list of companies is centred on the Bay Area, because I live here.


But it seems to me that the best way to join a company is to find a project of interest to you and directly contact them. Most block chain teams are willing to offer remote office positions for the right people.


That's all I can do for you. If you do all the things you do, you'll probably go further than I do.




The rabbit hole doesn't really end. I'm just showing you the beginning. The encryption money is still in the early stages, and I'm sure it's the fastest area where you can work. I'm sure this guide will be out of date in a year, and there are a lot of amazing items that I haven't had a chance to talk about here. But if you get into this field, you'll find them at the right time.


Keep exploring. Keep getting better. Keep learning.


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