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Last year, Bitcoin surged, and other coins came out like the spring of the rain, and there were more than 1,000.


Many ask, is it true that the age of cryptography has come? Will mankind stop using the dollar, the renminbi, instead of the encrypted currency? So many varieties, which currency should I use? Do you want to invest now?


I would also like to know the answers to these questions.


Here's what I'm thinking about. Before you read it, it's good if you already know about block chains and bitcoin; if you don't know, it's okay, it's not about technology, it's about basic principles.


I. What's the money?


We all know that the renminbi is money, the dollar is money, and the treasure is money. Let me ask you a question. Why can they be money?


You might answer because they're valuable, or because they're a representative of value. But there's more to it. Why is it that these varieties are the only ones that make money?


The answer is easy to imagine, because there is a general belief in their value, that the value of other things is difficult to obtain in common and cannot become money. For example, there is no universal recognition of the value of stamps, which cannot be used for money other than by collectors. In general, the greater the number of people who agree, the greater the generality of the money.


I traveled to Russia, and the local currency was the rubles. But once I left Russia, no one believed in its purchasing power, so the rubles left Russia. On the contrary, people all over the world believed in the value of the dollar, so the world could use it. When I paid the dollar, I found those Russians satisfied.


So, the essence of money, or money, is its credibility. It has to make people believe that it's worth it before it becomes money, and it can be collected and paid for.


II. Credibility


Why does money have to be credible? Because the other side has to believe in its value, otherwise you can't pay it. So the next question is, is that what is credible is money?

我的回答是 Yes。一样东西能否成为钱,只取决于人们是否相信它的价值,至于它是不是真的有价值,根本不重要。

My answer is yes. Whether or not something becomes money depends on whether people believe in its value or not, it doesn't matter at all.


If Maun wrote "This note is worth $10,000" on a note, and signed his name below, with a security mark. Do you think this note is money? I promise you, it's money, you pay it, people will accept that Maun is equivalent to issuing a new banknote.


And so is Bitcoin, what it is, it's not really important. The important thing is that it has to be credible so that enough people believe in its value and then become money.


III. The credibility of Bitcoin


The core issue to be addressed by Bitcoin is the creation of a credible digital document. can be used as a currency because of its credibility.


Bitcoin's technical foundation is encryption, because only encryption can guarantee its credibility. Once encryption is broken, it can't be used as a currency. That's why this type of digital document is called "encrypted currency."


There's also an important reason why technicians are interested in bitcoin. This technology may be used in any case where reliable digital evidence is needed.


IV. Characteristics of Bitcoin


Bitcoin has three characteristics: it's credible and can be used as money because it's done these three things.


First, it will not be stolen. or, conversely, it will make it impossible for you to steal, and you will only spend your own money. Because someone else's private key is necessary to take out his money. Normally, you won't have someone else's private key.


Next, it cannot be faked. Every bitcoin can be traced, and all bitcoins come from the reward given to the miners. Miners can only get the reward if they build new blocks. It's hard, so it's not possible to falsify bitcoins.


Finally, it cannot be produced in large quantities. For reasons like the one that keeps pace with the distribution of Bitcoin, the speed of distribution is stable, with 12.5 new copies every 10 minutes now, then halved every four years, and eventually stopped growth. So, like banknotes, the government does not cause inflation.


V. Does Bitcoin have an entity?


For the reasons to be mentioned later, Bitcoin could not have an entity and could not do the scene of "drawing out a coin from a pocket" and the transaction had to be done via the Internet.


You might say that money is real, how can there be intangible money? The answer is, on the contrary, that money should be invisible, that money of those entities is a waste of material material, and that because of the lack of technology, it has to be physical.


When I was a kid, I had to buy things in cash, or I couldn't prove that I had the purchasing power. It was only through real money that the other side actually received the money. If the banking sector was well-developed, it could use a bank card. When I paid, the other side took a copy of the bank card number and asked the bank if it had any money. The bank said it had money, OK, deal.


The Internet, however, makes the entity’s bank card unnecessary. If there is an open central record-keeping system, anyone can access it, you transfer the money to the boss’s account, the boss checks it, finds it, the transaction is automatically done, the whole process is invisible, and what kind of bank card is needed?


This central accounting system has been implemented and is known as the block chain.


VI. The role of block chains


The block chain is a database that records all transactions and is used as a central accounting system.


At the heart of every transaction is a sentence, like "Jan San transferred a bitcoin to Lee". To prove the credibility of this statement, Zhang San added a digital signature to it. Anyone can prove that this is really a three-person act with a three-key. On the other hand, others cannot forge a three-digit signature, so it is impossible to falsify the transaction.


The miners received this statement, first to verify the credibility of the digital signature and then to verify that Zhang San did own the bitcoin (each transaction had the number of the last transaction to search for the bitcoin's origin). After the validation, the sentence was written into the block chain. Once it was written into the block chain, it was accessible to all, so the bitcoin was considered to have been transferred from Zhang San to Li Qian.


The effect of the block chain is to keep the phrase permanently accessible to anyone, and no one (including Zhang San) can change it.


That's what the money is? That's what it says. That's a payout. We usually pay in renminbi, but it's just a note. If everyone can write/read the central accounting system (block chain) in real time, it's completely free of money.




As was said earlier, transactions cannot be forged. But, since each transaction is a binary signal, it can be copied. For example, the phrase "Sang San transferred a bitcoin to Lee" may be copied by others or copied by Zhang San himself and submitted to the block chain.


If this sentence is written twice in a block chain, it means that Zhang San can spend the same money twice. But, when the second one is written, searching the block chain can find that Zhang San has already spent the money, thus concluding that it is an illegal transaction and cannot be written into the block chain. It is therefore impossible to duplicate the transaction.


The other trouble is that Zhang San paid the same money to two people. first submitted a transaction to the block chain, "Sang San transferred a bitcoin to Lee", and then another transaction, "Sang San transferred a bitcoin to Wang 5". Both transactions may be considered real and thus enter the block chain. So there must be a way to prevent this from happening.


Case one: The same miner receives these two deals. Then he realizes that they cannot be established at the same time, so he chooses one of them to be written into the block chain.

情况二:矿工 A 收到了第一笔交易,矿工 B 收到了第二笔交易,他们各自都会认定这是合法的交易,分别把这两笔交易写入了两个区块,这时区块链就出现了分叉。

Case two: Miner A received the first transaction, Miner B received the second transaction, each of which was deemed to be legal and the two transactions were written into two blocks, and the chain of blocks was split.


The Bitcoin agreement provides that the branch that reaches the first six blocks after the forkpoint is identified as a formal block chain, and that all the other branches will be abandoned. Since the speed at which the block is generated is determined by the ability to calculate, which transaction will eventually be written into the block chain, entirely by the ability of the branch in which it is located. The hidden logic of is that if most people (the ability to calculate) choose to believe in a particular transaction, it should be true.


In summary, double spending is unlikely to happen. Because there is always a way in the central accounting system that you spend the same money twice. But, one of the costs of Bitcoin is that the transaction cannot be confirmed in real time and must wait for at least an hour.


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