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自 7 月下旬 2023 上海区块链国际周·黑客马拉松招募开启至今已有月余,经过评委团从创新程度、完成度、实用性等方面的层层遴选,共有 36 个优秀项目从百余支报名团队中脱颖而出,成功入围决赛,将于 9 月 15 日 -17 日在虹口进行最终的线下比拼!大赛开幕式及项目展示环节将通过万向区块链 B 站直播间全程直播,点击连接即可提前订阅直播间精彩内容!

Since late July 2023 International Week of the Shanghai Block Chain Black Marathon has been on board for more than a month now. Following a selection by the jury of the levels of innovation, completion and utility, 36 excellent projects have emerged from more than 100 registration teams, successfully entering the final roundup, which will take place from 15 to 17 September at the Rainbow Pass! The opening ceremony and the project show will be broadcast live live from 10,000 to block B, and will be able to access the live link .

本届黑客松以「下一站,Web3.0」为主题,设置 Web3.0 Mass Adoption、AI、DePIN 三大赛道。Web3.0 Mass Adoption 赛道欢迎全球优秀的开发者们一起发散思维,共同构建丰富多彩的下一代互联网,用技术改变生活;AI 赛道广邀 Web2.0、Web3.0、人工智能等相关领域的有志之士们一起探索 AI 与 Web3.0 的梦幻联动,共同建设数字文明新开端;DePIN 赛道广邀物联网、区块链等行业的复合型人才,着眼当前实体产业的发展痛点,携手释放实物资产的无限数字价值。

With the theme "The next station, Web3.0", the hackers set up the Web3.0 Mass Adoption, AI, and DePIN tracks. Web3.0 Mass Adoption > welcomes the thinking of the world's leading developers to build a rich and diverse next-generation Internet and change life with technology; AI's extensive invitation to Web2.0, Web3.0, artificial intelligence, among others, to explore the infinite digital value of physical assets in the light of the development of the current real-estate industry.

亚马逊云科技将作为大赛赞助商向黑客松入围团队提供 1.5 万美金免费云资源抵扣券(需满足云创资格),并设立「亚马逊云科技 Web3.0+AI 创新潜力奖」,获奖团队将获得 2.5 万美金免费云资源抵扣券奖励。此外,NFTScan 将作为 NFT 数据合作伙伴,为参赛团队提供价值 5000 美金的 NFT 数据服务。

Amazon Cloud Technology will be a sponsor of the tournament, providing $15,000 worth of free cloud resources coupons (to meet cloud innovation qualifications) to hackers and creating the Amazon Cloud Technology Web3.0+AI Innovation Potential Award, which will be rewarded with $25,000 worth of free cloud resources coupons. In addition, NFTScan will be a NFT data partner, providing $5,000 worth of NFT data services to participating teams.

随着 AIGC 产品越来越普及,Web3.0 与 AIGC 如何融合应用成为一个被广泛讨论的问题,如何利用 Web3.0 让 AI 网络产生的数字原生内容进行确权,让 AI 网络更加开放、平等。Qtum 赞助商命题以 AIGC 和 Web3.0 的融合为题,邀请 AIGC 和 Web3.0 领域的有志之士共同探讨。

As AIGC products become more widely available, Web3.0 and AIGC have become a widely discussed issue on how to integrate applications that use Web3.0 to validate digital raw content generated by AI networks and to make the AI network more open and equitable. The Qtum sponsorship issue is the integration of AIGC and Web3.0, inviting interested participants in the AIGC and Web3.0 fields.

HOTDOG 欢迎全球优秀开发者们用科技创造 Profit,用 Swap 策略证明自己的收益。基于 HOTDOG 提供的 Swap 基础架构平台,开发者们能够利用任何自研的工具或者第三方标准化的 API 访问 Swap 数据以及建立策略模型,并通过分析 Swap 数据得出策略。

HOTDOG welcomes the creation of technology by the world’s leading developers to prove their benefits using the Swap strategy. Based on the Swap infrastructure platform provided by HOTDOG, developers can use any self-researching tool or third-party standard API access to Swap data and build strategy models and derive strategy from analysis of Swap data.

此外,本届黑客松也受到众多国内外知名高校、Web3.0 社区及媒体的关注与支持。BlockTempo、Coinpost、Foresight News、PANews、深潮等 Web3.0 行业垂直媒体(按照首字母音序顺序)共同聚焦 2023 上海区块链·黑客马拉松,为本次参赛团队提供超高曝光度,帮助优秀项目触达潜在用户与投资团队。

In addition, this year's hacking programme has received the attention and support of many well-known universities, Web3.0 communities and the media in the country and abroad. BlockTempo, Coinpost, Foresight News, PANews, Deep Wave, etc. Web3.0 Industry vertical media (in alphabetical order) focused on 2023 Shanghai Block Chain Black Marathon, providing super-high visibility to the team and helping excellent projects reach potential users and investment teams.

北京航空航天大学区块链协会 BHBA、北京邮电大学区块链协会 BYR、北京大学区块链协会、Builder DAO、察访区块链、ETHPlanet、复旦大学管理学院、复旦大学区块链协会、复旦 MBA 区块链俱乐部、INOVAI TECH、清华大学学生区块链协会、香港大学生区块链社区 0xU、耶鲁创投俱乐部、浙江大学区块链协会 BITHACKS、浙江大学区块链协会(排名不分先后)将作为社区支持为本次大赛提供鼎力支持。

BHBA, Beijing Post and Telecommunications University Block Chain Association BYR, Beijing University Block Chain Association, Builder DAO, Visited Block Chain, ETHPlanet, University Management College of the University of Al-Qidan, University of Al-Qidan Block Chain Association, MBA Block Chain Club, INOVAI TECH, Qinghua University Student Block Chain Association, Hong Kong University Block Chain Community 0xU, Yale Softs Club, Zhejiang University Block Chain Association BITHACKS and Zhejiang University Block Chain Association (ranked in no order of order) will provide strong support for the competition as community support.


(The following teams are ranked in no order of order)

1 AIShow

AIShow 是一个去中心化的 AI 模型分享与创作平台,可以让大家生成属于自己的灵魂伴侣。用户可通过虚拟人模型生成你满意的伴侣形象,基于大模型训练获得懂你的伴侣模型,并利用可进化的 NFT 将伴侣形象和伴侣模型合二为一。

AIShow is a decentralised AI model sharing and creation platform that allows people to create their own soul mates. Users can create a satisfactory partner image through virtual people's models, learn about your partner models based on large models training, and use an evolutionary NFT to combine partner images with partner models.

2 ChatData Insight

ChatData Insight 是一款基于聊天的区块链数据分析工具,就像用于 Web3.0 的 ChatGPT:通过自然语言处理实现无缝用户交互、基于生成式人工智能的高度智能数据分析、根据用户偏好和行为提供智能推荐、定制仪表盘和见解共享。

ChatData Insight is a chat-based block chain data analysis tool, like ChatGPT for Web3.0: seamless user interaction through natural language processing, highly intelligent data analysis based on generated artificial intelligence, intelligent referral based on user preferences and behaviour, customized dashboards and opinion sharing.

3 Dao-Entrance

DAO-entrance 专注于为 DAO 提供全面的协作工具,通过公开透明的智能合约,在组织成员之间建立稳固的信任关系;通过端到端加密通信,确保高效保密;通过数千个开源协作工具库,提高工作效率;通过去中心化存储,确保数据安全。

DAO-entrance focuses on providing DAO with a full range of collaborative tools to build solid trust relationships among organizational members through open and transparent smart contracts; ensuring efficient confidentiality through end-to-end encryption; improving efficiency through thousands of open source collaborative tool libraries; and ensuring data security through centralization.

4 Dcircle Chain

Dcircle Chain 是以个人节点为底层,以数据区块、智能合约集、PBF 等为中间层构建的连接 L1/L2 与应用的桥,提供零门槛搭建 Web3 非金融应用的各类模块、开放的协议层,实现用户通过 PBF 参与 L3 上各类应用,并掌控链上行为、内容及其他各类资产。

Dcircle Chain is a bridge between L1/L2 and applications built for the meso layer with data blocks, smart contracts, PBF, etc., which provides a zero-threshold set of modules for the non-financial applications of Web3, open protocol layers, enables users to participate in L3 applications through PBF, and controls behaviour, content and other types of assets on the chain.

5 Donate3

Donate3 是一款 Web3.0 捐赠工具(也是一款公共物品)。它能让公共物品和创作者在短短 5 分钟内建立捐赠,账户安全,费用低廉,并有 EAS 认证。

Donate3 is a Web3.0 donation tool (also a public good). It allows public goods and creators to set up donations within five minutes, secure accounts, low cost, and certified by the EAS.

6 FusionMate

AI 正在改变人们的生活,FusionMate 让「个人公司」成为可能,即一个人 +N 个由 FusionMate 提供的具备各种不同专业技能的 AI 助手就可以组成一个个人公司,一个 One-man Army!

AI is changing people's lives, FusionMate makes it possible for a "personal company" where an individual +N an AI assistant with a variety of professional skills provided by FusionMate can form a personal company, One-man Army!

7 Gametacus

Gametacus 利用区块链技术,在不影响游戏体验的前提下提升游戏体验。在 Web2 游戏领域,「win to earn」、「play to earn」和「免费玩」等概念早已深入人心,而区块链技术为实现这些理念提供了解决方案。

Gametacus uses block chain technology to enhance the game experience without compromising the game experience. In the Web2 game area, concepts such as "win to earn", "play to earn" and "free play" are well established, and block chain technology offers solutions to achieve them.

8 GenesisLink Router Project

GenesisLink 致力于 Web3.0 基础设施建设,为 Web3.0 发展提供基础硬件支持。自主研发的基于 Peaq 和 Helium 的路由器可实现链上 RWA 资产。同时,软件基于自主权身份(SSI)解决了硬件身份认证问题,并计划在后期增加人工智能数据预处理功能和人工智能代理。

GenesisLink works on Web3.0 infrastructure, providing basic hardware support for Web3.0 development. Auto-developed routers based on Peaq and Helium can achieve RWA assets on the chain. At the same time, software based on autonomy (SSI) solves hardware identification problems and plans to add an AI pre-processing function and an AI agent at a later stage.

9 Gotham3

我们希望能够做一个安全检测插件来在用户访问网站的时候提醒用户该网站的安全性,通过 Web3 的去中心化方式及代币经济模型来解决这些问题,以此来避免用户之后可能造成的损失。我们设计的插件名为 BatShield,协议名为 Gotham3 Protocol。

We want to be able to make a safety check plugin to alert users to the security of the site when they visit the site, and to solve these problems through the decentralisation of Web3 and the currency economic model, thereby avoiding the potential losses that users may incur. We have designed a plugin called BatShield, which is called Gottam3Protocol.

10 Ideal Land


The objective of the product is to build a decentralised social platform, which is divided into two main parts: a chain-based identity, with credit ratings for each wallet, through the construction of a bottom-down decentralized social protocol; and a decentralized social platform, with users receiving income from the platform agreement based on the level of identity in the chain.

11 Ketchup Protocol

Ketchup Protocol 是一个面向「兴趣社区」的社交协议,将陌生人「兴趣社区」进行了链上资产化和代币化重构,让兴趣社区具备了自有身份、Token、金库、激励机制等 DAO 和 CO 属性,使其能够可持续性地增长和发展。

Ketchup Protocol is a social agreement for “interested communities”, recasting strangers' “interest communities” in a chain of assetization and monetization, giving interested communities DAO and CO attributes, such as identity, Token, treasury, incentive mechanisms, etc., to enable them to grow and develop in a sustainable manner.

12 Lithiums

Lithiums 项目采用物联网技术,允许个人充电桩用户和充电桩运营商自主构建并分发智能充电桩网络。通过构建 Lithiums 可信区块链网络,结合充电证明(Proof of Charge, POC) 等技术,实现去中心化充电桩网络的搭建。

The Lithiums project uses material networking technology that allows individual charge-stamp users and charge-stump operators to build and distribute a network of smart charge-stumps on their own.

13 MatrixAI

MatrixAI 包括一个整合和调度计算能力的协议,以及一个点对点交易市场。其主要用途是为闲置计算能力分配计算任务,提供者通过提交计算证明获得经济奖励。

MatrixAI includes an agreement to integrate and schedule computing capabilities, as well as a point-to-point trading market.

14 pinex

高扩展性 DA 解决方案,采用 3 层架构、链下存储等设计方案,扩展性远高于 celestia 等当前 DA 方案。

A high-extensible DA solution, using design options such as 3 layers of architecture and chain storage, is much more expansive than current DA programs such as celestia.

15 MicrosolarX

MicrosolarX 是去中心化的智能可再生能源微电网系统,具有两张物理基础网络,一张是能源数据采集和监控的通信网络,另外一张网就是分布式的可再生能源网络。它具有完整的 Web3.0 基础设施服务体系,使每个人都能参与构建的能源网络。

MicrosolarX is a decentralised smart renewable energy microgrid system with two basic physical networks, one a communications network for energy data collection and monitoring, and the other a distributed renewable energy network. It has a complete Web3.0 infrastructure service system that allows everyone to participate in the built-up energy network.

16 Mirror Realms

MirrorRealms 是一款高品质的二次元题材竞技 Web3.0 游戏,使用 stable diffusion 生成角色原型,并通过公开透明的智能合约完成游戏内武器与外观的资产化并上链,玩家可以通过组队竞技赢取武器 NFT,也可以与其他玩家进行武器道具交易。

MirrorRealms is a high-quality second-mode game, Web3.0, which uses the stickable diffusion to generate character prototypes and completes the assetization and uplinking of inner-gaming weapons with appearances through open and transparent smart contracts. Players can win weapons with NFTs by forming teams and trade weapons props with other players.

17 Morphing Blocks

「Morphing Blocks」是一个结合了 DePIN 和 RWA 的物联网 L3,致力于构建真实世界与区块链之间的桥梁。它采用了物联网传感技术,使得链下的传感网络与链上的资产得以紧密连接,实现了真实世界数据与区块链资产的无缝对接。

Morphing Blocks is a network of DePIN and RWA L3, which works to build bridges between the real world and the block chain. It uses object-networking sensor technology that allows the network to be closely connected to the assets in the chain, bringing real world data together seamlessly with the assets in the block chain.

18 Myworld

Myworld 是一个完整的 Web3.0 基础设施服务体系,致力于搭建人人皆可参与构建的网络,我们的 DePIN 硬件和软件全部开源,充分构建多边参与者共同经营的网络环境。

Myworld is a complete web 3.0 infrastructure service system dedicated to building a network where everyone can participate, and our DePIN hardware and software are all open-sourced to fully build a network environment in which multilateral players operate.

19 PoPP

PoPP 致力于利用 Web3.0 技术和人工智能工具,为创作者打造一个私人社区,降低社区运营和管理成本,帮助创作者与真实粉丝建立联系,让创作者专注于创作,从而为创作者及其粉丝创造一个公平、透明的共同创作和共同货币化环境。

PPP is committed to creating a private community for creators using Web3.0 technology and artificial intelligence tools, reducing the cost of community operation and management, helping creators to connect with real fans, and focusing creators on creation, thus creating a fair, transparent co-creation and common monetization environment for creators and their fans.

20 Prompts Lab

Prompts Lego 是一款基于语法结构的可视化提示词效率工具。用乐高思维将用户非结构化的文本进行结构化的输出,并通过分类语法结构让提示词更易理解,用户仅需点击关键词即可拼接成可用的提示词。

Prompts Lego is a visualized hint efficiency tool based on a syntax structure. Use Lego thinking to structure the output of a user’s unstructured text and make the hint easier to understand by classifying the syntax structure, and users simply need to click on the keyword to spell it into a usable hint.

21 RentFun

RentFun 是首个由访问授权协议(Access Delegation Protocol)和 ERC-6551 Vault Account 支持的 NFT 租赁市场。通过 RentFun 的解决方案,NFT 所有者可以与租户共享其 NFT 的访问权,而无需放弃对 NFT 的控制。

RentFun is the first NFT rental market to be supported by Access Authority Protocol and ERC-6551 Vault Account. Through RentFun solutions, NFT owners can share their NFT access rights with tenants without giving up control of NFT.

22 Saame protocol

Saame 是一家人工智能即时通讯(IM)协议公司,通过为 Web2.0 和 Web3.0 即时通讯(IM)平台提供集成工具,并改进人工智能引擎,Saame 正在开发一种专为 Web3 .0 用户设计的、由人工智能驱动的新型通信工具。

Saame, an artificial intelligence instantaneous (IM) protocol company, is developing a new, artificial intelligence-driven communication tool designed for web3.0 users by providing integration tools for the Web 2.0 and Web3.0 IM platforms and improving the AI engines.

23 Skytopia

Skytopia 是一家人工智能驱动的娱乐网络公司。我们为用户提供一套人工智能代理,让他们在赚取利润的同时,毫不费力地创造出更具沉浸感和吸引力的游戏和内容。我们的使命是建立一个开放、可持续的娱乐社交生态系统。

Skytopia is an artificial intelligence-driven entertainment network company. We provide users with a set of artificial intelligence agents who, at the same time as making a profit, create more immersive and attractive games and content at no cost. Our mission is to create an open and sustainable recreational social ecosystem.

24 Sonorus Protocol

Sonorus 协议是一个面向 Web3 上所有人的音乐共享平台,旨在彻底改变音乐的发现和传播方式。听众可以在 Sonorus 上投资他们喜爱的音乐,他们投资的越多,就能赚取越多的代币,反过来,他们也能用代币提升歌曲排名。

The Sonorus agreement is a music-sharing platform for all on Web3 designed to radically change the way music is discovered and disseminated. The listeners can invest in the music they love on Sonorus, and the more they invest, the more money they can earn, and, in turn, they can raise their song rankings with tokens.

25 Soulcial

Soulcial 是一个 AI 驱动的,基于全新资产价格发现协议的轻社交应用。基于自研的社交评估模型,将用户的链上活动与现实世界行为转化为社交评分 SBTI,并利用 AIGC 为每个用户创建个性化的可组合社交资产 SoulCast NFT。

Soulcial is an AI-driven light social application based on a new asset price discovery protocol. Based on self-researched social assessment models, the user's chain activity and real world behaviour are converted into a social rating of SBTI, using AIGC to create a personalized social asset, SoulCast NFT, for each user.

26 Specy Network

Specy Network 是一个无需信任、可编程的多链自动化网络,用户可以根据预定义的条件,利用多链数据无缝运行他们的 Dapp。此外,该网络还通过基于 TEE 签名或零知识证明(ZKP)的计算证明,确保可靠的任务执行验证。

SpaceNetwork is a multi-chain automated network that does not require trust and can be programmed, and users can use multi-chain data to run their Dapp seamlessly on predefined terms. In addition, the network ensures reliable performance validation through computational certificates based on TEE signatures or ZKP.

27 Starpower

Starpower 是能源互联网的基础设施层,通过 Web3 经济机制连接数百万分布式能源设备,以实现虚拟电厂市场,加速碳净零世界早日到来。

Starpower, an infrastructure layer of the energy Internet, connects millions of distributed energy equipment through the Web3 economic mechanism to achieve a virtual power plant market and accelerates the early arrival of a net carbon zero world.

28 Talentre

Talentre 是一个 Web3.0 人才网络,为 Web3.0 培养下一个百万人才。我们还开始探索建立在人才层基础上的更多应用,包括职位中心、人才 ID 系统和初始人才招聘平台。我们的目标是建立最大的 Web3.0 人才基础设施,成为每个 Web3.0 人才的入口。

Talentre is a web 3.0 talent network that trains the next million people for Web3.0. We have also started to explore more applications based on the talent class, including job centres, talent ID systems and initial talent recruitment platforms. Our goal is to create the largest web3.0 talent infrastructure, which will be the entry point for every web3.0 talent.

29 ToioT Network

ToioT 是基于蓝牙的消费者 DePIN 网络,从通信层开始重新搭建的基于室内 LBS 的去中心化「大众点评」。

ToioT, a Bluetooth-based consumer DePIN network, has been re-concentrated from the communications level with a decentralised "popular evaluation" of indoor LBS.

30 Trip Pet

Web3 Trip+Game+AI 使用 midjourny 生成原型模型,并且根据原型特质训练生成资源库,使用 live2D Cubism 直接转换成动画。实现一个 AI 训练的网页养成类的动画游戏,随着旅行次数或者使用次数进行经验累积并升级。游戏支持多种区块链并且支持游戏道具跨链服务。

Web3 Trip+Game+AI Generates prototype models using midjourny and generates a resource library based on prototype training, using live2D Cubism to directly convert into animations. An animated game developed by an AI-trained web page, accumulates and upgrades experience with the number of trips or usages. The game supports multi-block chains and supports the cross-link service of game props.

31 Web3 AI Capital

Web3 AI Capital 是一个将人工智能与 Web3 技术相结合的创新项目。我们的目标是利用区块链的透明性、安全性和去中心化特性,以及人工智能的计算能力,为用户提供数字伴侣服务。

Web3 AI Capital is an innovative project that combines artificial intelligence with Web3 technology. Our goal is to provide digital partner services to users using the transparency, security and decentralised features of block chains, as well as the computing power of artificial intelligence.

32 ByteSprint

ByteSprint 是一个基于 Web3.0 的 IT 众包平台,帮助整包类型的项目逐步减轻人力资源和管理成本,提升项目利润率,同时也能够赚取平台代币 BTYD 的收益,报价公开透明,通过代币质押,解决了众包行业一直存在的不信任问题。

ByteSprint is an IT crowdsourcing platform based on Web3.0 that helps package-type projects gradually reduce human resources and management costs and improve project profitability, while also earning the platform's token BTYD's earnings, making offers transparent and resolving persistent mistrust in the crowdsourcing industry through currency pledge.

33 疯兔兔

33 Crazy Rabbit >/strang

疯兔兔是一个集成 AI+WEB3+C 端 +B 端 + 运营端的大型项目,用 AIGC 解决创作难度高、学习成本高、创作慢等弊端,借助区块链,则一切都变得可追溯,让辛苦创作出的作品,有所凭证。

Crazy rabbits are a large project that integrates the AI+WEB3+C end +B end + operation, using AIGC to address the ills of difficulty in creating, high learning costs, slow creation, and building on block chains, all become traceable and documented.

34 NonceGeekDAO

本项目提出将公共向量数据库看成一种 Web3.0 公共产品,使用智能合约解决公共数据库的维护问题;使用 Arweave 解决可能出现的数据丢失问题。此外,我们开发了智能合约生成脚手架,通过大语言模型自动生成所需代码。

The project proposes to view a public vector database as a public product, using smart contracts to solve public database maintenance problems; and using Arweave to solve potential data loss problems. In addition, we have developed smart contracts to generate scaffolds to automatically generate the required code through large language models.

35 Zorduino

Zorduino 基于 Arduino 与零知识证明(ZK)的硬件预言机是一个创新的解决方案,旨在为分布式应用和智能合约提供可靠、安全的外部数据。

Zorduino, a hardware forecaster based on Arduino and Zero Knowledge Certificate (ZK), is an innovative solution designed to provide reliable and secure external data for distributed applications and smart contracts.

36 track5music

面向独立音乐人的 nft 社区。

Noft community for independent musicians.

9 月 19 日至 20 日,由万向区块链实验室主办的第九届区块链全球峰会将在上海虹口举办。本届峰会以「下一站,Web3.0」为主题,邀请到海内外优秀开发者、专家学者和知名企业家,包括万向区块链董事长肖风、香港特别行政区立法会议员(科技创新界)邱达根、香港数码港管理有限公司行政总裁任景信、香港理工大学潘乐陶慈善基金数据科学教授 / 电子计算学系分布式与移动计算讲座教授曹建农、深圳前海微众银行副行长兼首席信息官马智涛、香港投资推广署财经金融及金融科技主管梁瀚璟、芝加哥大学布斯商学院 Fuji Bank and Heller 金融学讲席教授何治国、清华大学科学史系副教授胡翌霖、Animoca Brands 联合创始人兼执行主席 Yat Siu、DFINITY 首席研究员 Jens Groth、Chainlink Labs 解决方案架构总监 Roger Brogan、CertiK 首席安全官李康教授、C6E 创始人 Peter Vessenes、Oasys Pte. Ltd. 代表董事 Ryo Matsubara、阿里巴巴前首席战略官曾鸣、远望资本创始合伙人田鸿飞、易宝支付联合创始人 / 总裁余晨、Hash Global 创始人沈康、Smart Token Labs 首席执行官兼联合创始人张中南、上海树图区块链研究院 CTO 伍鸣、微软首席创新技术顾问徐玉涛、智次方创始人彭昭、Helium 基金会增长负责人 Yuan GAO、aitos.io 首席执行官林瑶、SevenX Ventures 创始合伙人刘琪、rct.ai 联合创始人吴显昆、MyShell 联合创始人 Ethan Sun(以上嘉宾排名不分先后)等重磅嘉宾一起分享前沿科技,探讨行业动向。

9 19-20, the ninth Global Summit on the Block Chain, hosted by Wan to the Block Chain Laboratory, will be held at the Shanghai Rainbow Pass. Under the theme of "The Next Station, Web3.0", the Summit invited excellent developers, expert scholars and eminent entrepreneurs, including directors of block chains, Xiao Feng of the Legislative Assembly of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (STI), Xinshin of the Executive President of the Digital Port Management Company of Hong Kong, Professor of Data Science of the Panletau Charitable Foundation of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor of Data Science of the Panletau Charitable Foundation, and Professor of Electronic Calculatory Divisions of Hong Kong,


Publisher: xMeta in-depth selection, reprinted with reference to http://nft.aiju.com/news/90975.html, for work content, copyright and other questions, contact this station!



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