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原文標題:《全鏈上游戲:意志的傳承之 MUD & Dojo》
原文作者:Kaspar Chen , Mask Network

1.1 遊戲引擎


Just as the engine engine of a car is the source of power for a car that controls all the associated models, such as spray oil, fire, gas and so on, and connects to the fuel tanks, drive axes, etc., when the vehicle is built around the same engine, it can produce different models without having to do a lot of repetitive work.

遊戲引擎本質上就是一套按模塊封裝好的代碼庫和工具,遊戲開發者只需要調用引擎中不同部分的接口,即可完成圖形渲染、物理模擬、網絡通信等任務,而無需再去進行相對底層和低級的編程,從而節省大量的時間,使之能夠更好的專注於遊戲設計和內容的創作。在商業遊戲引擎領域,最常見的便是 Unity 和 Unreal。

The basics of the engine are a modular code library and tools in which game developers simply use interfaces with different parts of the engine to complete the tasks of graphic rendering, physical simulation, network communication, etc., without having to do parallel substrate and low-level programming, saving a lot of time so that they can better focus on the creation of game design and content. In the business engine domain, the most common are Unity and Unreal.

1.2 全鏈上游戲引擎

隨著玩家對遊戲質量要求的提高和硬件設備性能的提升,目前 3D 遊戲引擎的架構已經變得極其複雜,通常會包括模型編輯器、聲音處理、光線渲染、物理模擬等等,重點往往會在畫質的呈現,因為這類工作往往繁重,但對遊戲的呈現又起到了至關重要的作用。

As players improve the quality requirements of the game and improve hardware availability, the current architecture of the 3D engine has become extremely complex, usually including model editors, voice processing, light rendering, physical simulations, etc., the focus is often on the quality of the picture, which is often heavy, but plays an important role in the presentation of the game.


The whole upstream scene is not the same, and the development of the whole upstream scene is still very early, and the problems commonly encountered by developers are the deployment and updating of smart contracts, interoperability between different contracts, the synchronization of client patterns, etc., which involve interaction with the bottom chain.

因此,雖然全鏈上游戲的引擎同樣是一套封裝好的解決方案,但所聚焦的問題更多的是如何處理狀態同步、如何在區塊鏈環境下進行高效的內容增加和維護、如何更便捷的與其他合約做交互等等,以此來幫助開發者專注於遊戲的部分,不需要過多的考慮如何兼容區塊鏈,甚至從而降低 Solidity 的學習成本。

Thus, while the engine of the whole upstream play is also a sealed solution, the focus is more on how to deal with synchronization, how to increase and maintain efficient content in the context of the chain, how to interact more easily with other contracts, etc., so as to help developers focus on aspects of the game that do not require much consideration as to how to reconcile the chain, or even reduce the learning costs of soliity.


The current panorama engine does not essentially involve physical simulations, graphic renderings, etc.

當我們開始嘗試了解全鏈上游戲引擎時,會發現經常出現一個叫 ECS 的名詞,作為目前兩大拿的出手的引擎 MUD 和 DOJO 都採用的架構,ECS 又是什麼?

When we start trying to get to know the whole upstream play engine, we find that a term called ECS often appears as the structure used by both the two major drivers MUD and DOJO, and what's the ECS?

2.1 Enity-Component-System Framework(實體-組件-系統框架)

ECS 其實是一個在傳統遊戲行業中非常經典的框架,它是建立在通用引擎之上的一層,用於解決遊戲對象之間的關係、交互和操作更新的一套模型。

ECS is, in fact, a very classic framework in the traditional game industry, a set of models based on a universal engine that addresses relationships, interactions and updates in the operation of games.

其最早被 Scott Bilas 在 2002 年的 GDC 上提出,並運用在了當時開發的 ARPG 遊戲《地牢圍攻》中。由於其非常不錯的性能表現,使其很快便得到的大量的關注,在後續的幾年間,ECS 又衍生出了幾個不同的變體,比較主流的則是 Adam Martin 於 2007 年在其*個人博客*中提出的對 ECS 的定義,基本成為了後續主流 3A 遊戲所採用的框架。

It was first proposed by Scott Bilas on the 2002 GDC and used in the ARPG game that was launched at the time, "Governance in the Ground." As a result of its very good performance, it quickly received a lot of attention, and in subsequent years ECS has produced a number of different changes, the more dominant being Adam Martin's definition of ECS in his blog

隨後在 2015 年,蘋果推出了其用於跨平台 OS 系統的遊戲開發 API 框架 GameplayKit,在其中也包含了對 ECS 的實現。而讓遊戲界更進一步接納這種框架的,是《守望先鋒》採用了該框架,並於 2017 年 GDC 上對其使用 ECS 框架的架構設計進行了演講。在之後的 2018 年,頭部遊戲引擎 Unity 也正式推出了自己的 ECS 標準。

Subsequently, in 2015, Apple launched its API framework for the development of games across the platform OS system, the GameplayKit, which also includes the implementation of ECS. The game community was made to take this framework a step further, using the framework and making a presentation on the architecture of its use of the ECS framework at the 2017 GDC. In 2018, the head engine Unity officially launched its own ECS standard.

2.2 ECS 是什麼呢

在 ECS 之前,遊戲行業普遍採用的是 OOP(面向對象編程)的處理方式,即在 Class 類下麵包含各種 Game Objects 遊戲對象來繼承 Class 類的屬性功能,從而建立整個數據架構。這種模式普遍存在幾個嚴重的問題:

Prior to ECS, the game industry commonly uses OOP (programming for pairs), which contains various attributes of the Game Objects game in the lower part of the Class category, thereby creating an entire data set. There are a number of serious problems with this model:


The relationship between games often has to be set at the outset (which is almost impossible) or it is often difficult to inherit when new types of pairs are present and multiple old-age functions are required;


As the content of the game increases, there will be more and more, and it will be difficult to maintain it;


For engines, there are a lot of modules, many of which are not relevant, for example, when rendering does not care about network connections, and when all attributes are placed in one pair, performance is bound to decline.

而 ECS 則換了一種思路,將所有的屬性全部拆分成一個個的 Component 組件,例如血量、位置、元素屬性等等;而 Entity 實體則僅僅是一串數據標識,用來標識某個特定的組件集,因此「玩家」這個標識背後對應的,則是 等組件的集合,Entity 與 Component 都不存在運算邏輯,全部交由 System 系統來完成,比如運動系統來處理實體的移動部分、傷害系統來處理戰鬥的數值結算部分...

The ECS has changed its mind by dividing all attributes into a single Component component, such as blood volume, location, element properties, etc.; while the Entity entity is only a set of data markers to mark a particular set of components, so that the label "player" is matched by a collection of other components, and there is no operating logic for Entity and Component, all of which are left to the System, such as the motion system to handle the physical movement component, the injury system to process the numerical value component of the battle...

這裡稍微借 Boreal Games 一篇文章中的例子來對比,假如現在要開發一個巨簡單的,只包含石頭、樹木、敵人和玩家 4 種元素的遊戲,傳統的 OOP 實現是:

Here is a slight comparison of the example in a Boreal Gomes article, which, if it were to develop a huge, simple game with only four elements: stone, tree, enemy and player, the traditional OOP is:

OOP 實現

而採用 ECS 的實現:

The implementation using the ECS:

  ECS 實現  

由此可以看出,ECS 是一種非常模塊化的數據管理框架,這種 『實體』 的設計讓遊戲設計師不再需要每次都依賴程序員來調整遊戲邏輯、各個實體間的關係可以更容易的做後續調整。

As can be seen, ECS is a very modular data management framework that makes it easier for game designers to rely on programmers to adjust game logic every time.

同時,在某種程度上,以太坊的網絡也是類似的設計,如果我們將 Entity 變成 EOA,Component 變成 Asset,System 變成 Contract,會發現每個 EOA 下面有不同的 Assets,Assets 的交互又是在調用 Contract;這和 Entity 下有不同的 Components,Components 的交互又是在調用不同的 Systems 有著異曲同工之處。

At the same time, to a certain extent, web has been designed, if we turn Entity into EOA, Component into Asset, System into Contractor, will find that each EOA has a different Assets below, while Assets interacts with a different Contract; is a different Components, and Components interact with Entity using different Systems.

當然,兩者的設計肯定不能完全畫等號,但也得以見得這種框架在以智能合約為功能集的環境中具有不錯的適配性,這或許也是為數不多的全鏈上引擎基本都採用 ECS 框架的原因,而其中最為知名的必然就是 Mud 和 Dojo 了。

Of course, the design of the two must not be full equivalents, but it can also be seen that such a framework is well suited in an environment with intellectual contracts as a set of functions, which may also be the reason why few full-chain engines have largely used the ECS framework, the most well-known of which are Mud and Dojo.

3.1 MUD 背景

MUD 最早對外亮相是在 2022 年 4 月份*阿姆斯特丹的 DEVCON,隨後由 Lattice 工作室於 2022 年 11 月 22 日在官方博客*中正式發布。

MUD’s first external appearance was in April 2022* in Amsterdam’s DEVCON, and then was officially released by Latice’s studio on November 22, 2022 in the official blog*.

3.1.1 以太坊純血

這裡非常有必要介紹一下 Lattice 的背景,Lattice 是 0xPARC 子項目中的一個,也是非常重要的一環,0xPARC 最早是由全鏈上游戲鼻祖 Dark Forest 團隊與其他幾個項目共同組建的組織,其願景是支持與幫助加密技術在應用層的創新,同時也是以太坊生態中另一個積極推動 zk 技術發展與普及的組織(還有一個是 PSE),受到包括 以太坊基金會 EF、Gitcoin 等的多個組織的直接捐贈。

It is very important to present the background of Latice, which is one of the 0xPARC sub-projects, and a very important one, the 0xPARC, which was first developed by the Dark Forest team of the whole chain, together with several other projects, to support and assist in the creation of encryption technologies at the application level, as well as another dynamically driven zk technology development and popularization organization (and another PSE) in the community, with direct contributions from a number of organizations, including the ETA Foundation EF, Gitcoin, and others.

而 0xPARC 在 Dark Forest 中放的精力已經基本為零(棄療狀態),Lattice 作為 Autonomous Worlds 的提出者(距作者所知),某種程度上算是繼承了 Dark Forest 在該領域探索的意志,同時,遊戲作為應用層中非常重要且兼容性極高的一個部分,也十分適合用做技術創新的載體。

And the energy of 0xPARC in Dark Forest has been largely zero (the state of abandonment), and Lattice, as the author of Autonomous Worlds (as far as the authors know), inherits the will of Dark Forest to explore the field, while at the same time the game is a very important and compatible part of the application layer and is well suited to technological innovation.

所以僅僅是從血統上和其戰略地位上來看,MUD 之於現在的全鏈上游戲,就如同 2 年前的 Dark Forest 之於當年的全鏈上游戲,甚至有過之而無不及,都是絕對繞不開的山。

So just in terms of bloodline and strategic status, the MUD is now the whole upstream play of the chain, just like the Dark Forest two years ago, the whole of the chain of events of that year, even past and beyond, is an absolute mountain.

3.1.2 補齊基建的拼圖

稍微扯遠了點,回到 MUD 的起源,Luden 團隊早在 2021 年 5 月便開始嘗試開發全鏈上游戲(最早是一個叫 Amber 的 JRPG 遊戲,可以說是 SkyStrife 的早期原型),但在此過程中發現,現有的 Dapp 結構和 DeFi 的代碼庫難用到離譜,簡單來說就是,可能用起來的體驗還遠遠不如在傳統遊戲裡使用 OOP,於是不得已在這個過程中手動優化了不少已有的代碼庫,同時添加了針對於遊戲場景的新的規則和實體。

A little bit further, back to the origins of the MUD, the Luden team started trying to develop the whole upstream play as early as May 2021 (the earliest is a JRPG game called Amber, which could be described as an early prototype of SkyStrife), but in the process, it was found that the existing Dapp structure and the DeFi code library could not be used off-the-shelf, simply that the experience that might be used was far from the OOP used in the traditional game, so that it was not possible to manually overwrite many of the existing code libraries in the process, adding new rules and realities to the game scene.

但一直這麼改下去也不是個事兒,回顧傳統遊戲的發展可以看到,遊戲引擎作為基礎建設起到了一個很強的槓桿作用,其允許創作者以更低的成本投入,來撬動更大的創意實現,進而推動遊戲產業進入了一個高速蓬勃的發展期。而區塊鏈作為一個全新的創作環境,顯然還未出現一個相對成熟的工具,甚至在整個 EVM 生態中都尚未有一個能拿的出手的 Framework,因此 Lattice 決定,不如由自己來打造這一塊重要的拼圖。

But it's not a thing to keep going like this, and looking back at the development of traditional games shows that the engine of the game, as a building block, has served as a powerful pole that allows creators to invest at lower cost to get more creative, and move forward into a high-speed boom. As a new creative environment, there is clearly no comparable mature tool, even in the entire EVM system, and Lattice has decided that it is better to build this important puzzle on its own.

於是,團隊從 2022 年 4 月份開始著手 MUD 項目,旨在構建一個能輸出對鏈上和客戶端都相對且通用高效的數據結構,並能處理兩種環境間的接口的底層基礎設施。

So, the team started the MUD project in April 2022, which aims to construct a digitally efficient structure that is relevant and common to both the chain and the client, and that handles the underlying infrastructure of the interface between the two environments.

  MUD 版圖  

3.2 MUD V1

MUD V1 基本是圍繞著 ECS 框架所展開的,主要針對的是在開發全鏈上游戲時,三個最為關鍵的問題,合約與客戶端的狀態同步、內容的持續更新、以及與其他合約間的可互操作性。那這三個問題是如何解決的呢?

The MUD V1 is basically built around the ECS framework, mainly in relation to three of the most critical issues at the time of the development of the whole upstream play, the synchronization of the contract with the client, the continuous updating of the content, and the interoperability of the other contracts. How are these three questions resolved?

MUD 當中有一個很重要的設定是 World 世界合約,可以簡單理解為一個遊戲的總服務器,每個遊戲/項目都可以部署自己的世界合約;而其中每個 Component 組件都是一個新的合約,並且在部署時會註冊到 World 世界合約下。

One of the most important settings in MUD is the World World Compact, which can be easily understood as a total server for a game where each game/item can deploy its own world contract; each of the Component components is a new contract and will be registered at the time of deployment under the World World Compact.

每當組件進行了操作,狀態都會在世界合約中進行更新,而因為有 Entity 實體標識的存在,只需要保證客戶端上的實體標識與鏈上標識對應,即可在僅監聽世界合約事件的情況下,完成狀態同步,而監聽部分的工作也將由 MUD 提供的 Indexer 來完成,開發者無需再重新編寫代碼。通過這種世界合約的設定,MUD 很好的解決了端鏈同步的問題。

Every time a component is operated, the state is updated in the world contract, and because of the existence of Entity physical markers, which only ensure that the physical and chain markers are matched on the client side, the system is synchronized in the case of only listening to World Compact events, and the listening component will be done by the MUD Indexer, and the developers will no longer have to rewrite the code. With this World Compact configuration, the MUD has solved the problem of chain synchronization very well.

同時,ECS 框架本質上是一種將數據(組件)與邏輯(系統)解耦的模型,在這種模型也很好的保證了後續內容更新或邏輯發生變化時,無需再進行大規模的合約重新部署從而導致數據丟失。例如,當某個資源的供給的速率需要從 10/分鐘 變成 50/分鐘 時,進需要更新並重新部署對應的 System 系統合約即可,由於系統不儲存數據,因此將不再需要對原本的數據狀態進行遷徙,確保了內容持續更新的效率。

At the same time, the ECS framework is inherently a model for decoupling data (compositions) and logic (systems), and when this model is also a good guarantee of subsequent updates or changes in logic, there is no need for further large-scale contractual redeployments that lead to loss of data. For example, when the rate of supply of a resource needs to be from 10 minutes to 50 minutes, the compliance of the system that needs to be updated and redeployed, so that the system does not save data, thus eliminating the need to move to the original data state and ensuring the efficiency of content updating.

針對可互操作性的問題,實際上所有鏈上的合約理論上都可互操作,問題出現在接口的通用性,而 MUD 通過一個標準化的數據結構,以及數據與邏輯解耦的框架,相當於提供了一個通用的接口,任何人都可以輕易的讀取任何世界合約中的任意組件狀態,並部署相應系統合約實現互操作行為。

With regard to interoperability, the theory of contractuality on all chains is interoperable in practice, problems arise in the interoperability of interfaces, and MUD, through a standard digital structure, and a framework for data and logic decoupling, provides a common interface in which anyone can easily read any component status in any world agreement and deploys the current interoperable operation of the compliance system.

而除此之外,MUD 還提供了包括網絡邏輯、標準客戶端等實用的相關代碼庫。

In addition to this, the MUD provides a relevant code library that includes network logic, standard clients, etc.

  MUD V1  

3.3 MUD V2

雖然當人們提到 MUD 時,大多的第一反應是那個「EVM 上的全鏈上游戲引擎」,但實際上從 Lattice 幾次的公開演講都可以看到,MUD 的野心絕不僅僅是做一個遊戲引擎,而是成為 Ethereum 中那個缺失的 Framework(框架),一個能被所有鏈上應用所使用的引擎,EVM 上的 Ruby on Rails。

Although most of the first reactions when people mention MUD are that "the full-chain upstream engine on EVM", in fact, as seen in several public speeches by Lattice, MUD's ambition is not merely to be a game engine, but to be the missing Framework (framework) in Etheum, an engine that can be used on all chains, Ruby on Rails on EVM.


而要達成這個目標,MUD 需要具有更高的兼容性,而不被單一的數據結構所局限。因此,在 4 月 1 日發布的 MUD V2 Alpha Version 當中,MUD 在結構上進行了改良,強調了其不僅僅是 ECS 的特性。

To achieve this goal, the MUD needs to be more compatible than a single data structure. Therefore, MUD V2 Alpha Version , released on April 1st, has improved its structure, highlighting more than just the ECS.

  MUD 描述更新  

那它是怎麼實現的呢,這就需要提及 2 個 MUD v2 的重要調整:

So how does it come about? That's two MUD v2 major adjustments that need to be mentioned:

1.Components -Tables

最重要的就是,其擯棄了原本鍵值對應的 Compoents 組件設定,而用了包容性更大的 Tables 表的設定。在 MUD V1 中,開發者必須遵循著 ECS 形態的數據結構;但在 MUD V2 中,數據結構的形態將完全由開發者自行設計,而 MUD 也將提供 ECS 結構對應的代碼庫以供選擇。

Most importantly, it ignores the original key-reciprocal Compoints component settings and uses the more inclusive Tables table settings. In MUD V1, developers are required to follow the ECS-type data structure; in MUD V2, however, the mode of the data structure will be entirely left to the developers, and the MUD will provide the ids of the ECS structure for selection.

2.Component Contract  - World /.http://www.theblockbeats.info/tw/ Table.sol


At the same time, data storage patterns have changed in the context of maintaining data and logical couplings.

在 MUD V1 中,每一個 Component 組件都是以獨立的合約進行數據儲存和訪問控制;而在 MUD V2 中,新版的 Table 表將無需部署新的合約,而是可以通過 Solidity 動態的創建表,並儲存在 World 世界合約當中,如同一個真正的數據庫一樣。

In MUD V1, each Component component carries data storage and interview control under an independent contract; in MUD V2, the new version of thetable table will not have to deploy a new contract, but will be able to go through the Solidity dynamic creation table and store it in World World Compact, as if it were a real database.

目前 MUD V2 的開發仍在進行中,最終的形態還需要以官方發布的文檔為準。想進一步了解 MUD V2 的,可以看看這個 Justin Glibert 對 MUD 2 的介紹 視頻。

The development of MUD V2 is still under way, and the final form will need to be based on the official file. For further information on MUD V2, see this Justin Glibert introduction to MUD 2 & nbsp; video.

4.1 Dojo 起源

實際上,Starknet 上最早的的引擎概念起源於 Dope Wars,Dope Wars 在 2021 年的 9 月便開始開發名為 Roll Your Own (RYO) 的引擎,用於打造 Dope Wars 的遊戲生態。雖然這可能是全鏈上游戲中第一個被提出的「引擎」概念,但由於其不太屬於通用引擎,因此也並不為人所知。在之後的時間裡,Starknet 上幾個活躍的核心項目如 Loot Realm、Topology、Influence、Cartridge、Briq 等都嘗試圍繞全鏈上自治世界的概念進行各自的獨立開發。

In fact, the original engine concept on Starknet originated in Dope Wars, Dope Wars, which began to develop in September 2021 as Roll Your Own (RYO) for the creation of the Dope Wars game. This may be the first concept of the "engine" proposed in the whole upstream play, but it is not known because it is not a universal engine. In the ensuing years, Starknet’s core activities, such as Loot Realm, Topology, Influence, Cartridge, Briq, etc., have tried to develop their own independent development around the concept of self-government throughout the chain.

而 MUD 的出現,毫無疑問為全鏈上的自治世界理念注入了新的動力,同時隨著 Cario 1.0 的推出,許多曾經基於 Cario 0 開發的合約面臨重寫,這也為 Starknet 上的全鏈上游戲提供了一次絕佳的重啟機會。

The advent of MUD, which undoubtedly injected new momentum into the idea of an autonomous world on the whole chain, was accompanied by the launch of Cario 1.0, and many of the contracts based on Cario 0 were rewritten, which also provided an excellent opportunity to reboot the whole upstream play on Starknet.

於是在 2022 年大約 11 月份 Starknet 宣布 Cario 1.0 後不久,Loot Realms 的核心貢獻者 @lordOfAFew、Cartridge 的創始人 @tarrenceva 和 Briq 的創始人 @sylvechv 提出了在 Starknet 網絡上開發一個全鏈上游戲引擎的想法,至 2023 年 2 月,Dojo 正式誕生。

So, shortly after the announcement of Carolo 1.0 by Starknet in November 2022, the core contributor to Loot Realms @lordofAFew, Cartridge @tarrenceva  and Briq @sylvechv  the idea of developing an all-chain upstream engine on the Starknet network was officially born in February 2023, Dojo 

由於彼時市面上可供參考的內容基本只有 MUD,而 MUD 的設計與表現也確實十分的優秀,於是 Dojo 早期基本是圍繞著 MUD 在 Starknet 的 Cario 語言下的實現進行的開發,loaf 早期也承認了這一點,這也是為何坊間會有 Dojo 就是 MUD 的移植版的說法。

Since MUDs are largely available on the market at some point, and MUD design and performance are indeed excellent, Dojo began with the development of the reality around MUD in the Cario language of Starknet, and Loaf acknowledged this earlier, and this is why Dojo, the MUD version of the transplantation version, was used in the neighborhood.

雖然當時這種行為*讓 MUD 的創始人 Ludens 略有微詞*,但隨著 MUD 嘗試跳出 ECS 的 V2 推出,Dojo 也開始在不斷的探索適合自己的差異化路徑。

Although the act * left Ludens, the founder of the MUD, with a slight word*, as MUD tried to jump out of the ECS's V2 launch, Dojo started constantly exploring his own path of differentiation.

4.2 Why Cario

但當討論到,為什麼我們需要一個 Cario 版的遊戲引擎時,就需要去思考,對於全鏈上游戲而言,Cario 相較於 Solidity 由具有什麼樣的優勢?而針對這個問題,我們可以從 Dojo 的核心開發者 tarrence.eth 的部分觀點中一窺其貌,感興趣的建議*閱讀這篇原文*。

But when it comes to discussing why we need a Cario version of the game engine, we need to think about it. For the whole upstream play, what advantage does Cario have to be given to Solidity? And for this issue, we can look at it from part of the view of Dojo core developer terrence.eth *

對於遊戲而言,同樣對驗證和存儲效率起到了極大的提升,比如在國際象棋遊戲中,一個三分鐘的遊戲,可能會出現 50 次移動執行。若使用 Optimistic Rollup 則需要所每一步的狀態「輸入」;而在 Cairo 中,只需要遊戲的最終狀態和描述狀態轉換的狀態差異即可。

For a game, the same improvement in validation and storage efficiency has been achieved, for example, in a chess game where a three-minute game may appear 50 times. Using Optimistic Rollup requires each step of the "input" status; in Cairo, only the final state of the game and the difference in the description of the transition status are required.

這種將輸入壓縮進程序的能力能實現更酷的的功能,比如可以通過使用像 @HerodotusDev 這樣的中間件,讓玩家用其他鏈上的資產來參與 Starknet 上的遊戲。

This ability to compress the input program can achieve cooler functions, for example, by using intermediates such as @HerodotusDev, allowing players to use other links to participate in the Starknet game.

4.廣義通用 不同與 Solidity,Cairo 的通用性使其可以用於超出區塊鏈的更廣泛的應用,包括用於創建雲計算或邊緣設備的可證明程序,使其具有更廣闊的擴展性。

Broad universal, different from Solidity, Cairo, which allows it to be used for wider applications beyond the chain, including probative procedures for cloud creation calculations or edge devices that make it more expansive.

除此之外,Cairo 還有著許多其他的特性,使其相較於 Solidity 具有更高的效率和可擴展能力,能更好的處理大量的計算,這對於遊戲這類高頻交互、且對延遲敏感的應用而言,具有著無法比擬的優勢。

In addition to this, Cairo has many other characteristics that make it more efficient and more expansive than Solidity and better handles a lot of calculations, which have an uncomplicated advantage for a high-frequency interactive, delayed-sensitive application of this type of game.

但對於全鏈上游戲而言,其發展並不僅僅取決於底層的語言效率,在如此早期的階段,整體生態的氛圍以及成熟程度,更是起到了至關重要的作用。接下來我們將分別透過以 MUD 為代表的 EVM 系,和以 Dojo 為代表的 Starknet 系的生態圖譜,來一覽整個全鏈上游戲的生態發展。

But for the whole upstream play, development is not only dependent on language efficiency at the bottom, but has played an important role at this early stage, in the atmosphere and maturity of the whole landscape. Next, we will look at the development of the whole upstream through the EVM system, which is represented by MUD, and the Starknet system, which is represented by Dojo.

5.1 Mud 系

正如前文所述,無論是作為 EVM 生態中全鏈上游戲引擎概念的首個提出者,還是其純正的以太坊血統,MUD 都是當之無愧的老大哥,也因此在開發者生態圈內具有著天然的號召力和凝聚力。

As stated earlier, the MUD is a well-deserved older brother, and therefore a natural call and cohesion within the developers’ circle, whether as the first sponsor of the concept of an all-chain upstream play engine in the EVM ethos, or as its pure Ether bloodline.

從 2022 年由 0xPARC 舉辦的為期 4 週的 Autonomous Worlds Winter '22 Residency 上就已經能發現不少圍繞 MUD 開發的非常具有開創性的全鏈上游戲,包括 Dark Sea、Crypto Town、 Lattice 自研的 OPCraft 和 Sky Strife 等等。

From the 4-week Autonomous Worlds Winter '22 Residency , held by 0xPARC in 2022, it has been able to discover a number of very innovative full-chain scenes surrounding MUD development, including Dark Sea, Crypto Town, Lattice's self-researched OPCraft and Sky Strife.

而在前段時間剛結束的 ETHGlobal 2023 中,由 0xPARC 主辦的 Autonomous Worlds Hackathon 更是吸引來了數百名的開發者,僅 5 天的時間便總共收到了 109 份黑客松項目的申請,這對於一個相對早期的生態而言,可謂是一個非常不錯的成績。

In ETHGLOBAL 2023, which had just ended in the previous period, the Autonomous Worlds Hackathon , sponsored by 0xPARC, attracted hundreds of developers, with a total of 109 applications for hacker loose projects in just five days, which could be considered a very good achievement for a relative early state.

  AW Residency 與 Hackathon 簡況  

這裡作者將會結合 22 年 Residency 和今年黑客鬆的獲獎作品,從中挑選幾個比較有趣的項目進行簡述,以讓大家更好的了解當前 MUD 生態中游戲的情況:

The author here will combine 22 years of Residency and this year's hacker's award-winning work, and select a few more interesting items for a brief presentation that will give you a better idea of the current MUD game:

1.OPCraft 1 & 2 

首先需要介紹的便是 OPCraft,其與 Sky Strife 都屬於最早的官方自研遊戲,而 OPCraft 也如其名字一樣,Optimism 的 OP Labs 團隊也同時是該遊戲共同開發者。

The first thing that needs to be introduced is OPCraft, which, along with Sky Strife, was the first official self-research game, while OPCraft, like its name, was co-developed by Optimism’s OP Labs team.

OPCraft 是一個 Minecraft 風格的 3D 體素沙盒類全鏈上游戲,團隊通過 MUD 僅用了不到 2 天的時間便完成了最初版本的遊戲開發,隨後用了近 2 週的時間上線了最早的測試版本。這個最早的,也或許是目前為止最能體現自治世界的全鏈上游戲,在上線 2 週後,實現了 1500+的參與玩家,350 萬+的鏈上記錄,各種各樣的大型體素造物,以及 5+ 的玩家自製插件。

OPCraft is a 3D body sandbox full-chain upstream play with a Minecraft style in which the team completes the original version of the game development in less than two days through MUD, followed by the earliest test version in almost two weeks. This is perhaps the earliest, and perhaps the first, of the entire chain that is currently the most capable of reflecting an autonomous world. After 2 weeks on line, 1,500+ players, 3.5 million+ chain records, a variety of large body creations, and 5+ player-made plugins.

而談起其自治世界概念的體現,就不得不提在最早測試期間出現的一個完全由玩家發起的、合約管理的社會結構體「OPCraft 自治人民共和國」。

When it comes to the concept of an autonomous world, it has to be mentioned that during the first test period, a fully-fledged, contractually-managed social fabric, the "OPCraft Autonomous People's Republic" (OPCraft) emerged.

OPCraft 本質上只允許玩家做 6 件事情,其中 4 件是遊戲內行為:摧毀體素塊、合成體素塊、放置體素塊,以及認領一片 16x16 的土地(需要成為該地塊最高的鑽石質押者),而另外兩件則分別是:自定義前端,和部署自定義的組件與系統。

OPCraft is essentially allowed only six things for players, four of which are game-based behaviors: destruction of body blocks, synthetics, placement of body blocks, and recognition of a land of 16x16 (which needs to be the highest diamond courier in the area), while the other two are: self-defined foreends, and deployment of self-defined components and systems.

  OPCraft 的結構

在遊戲的早期,玩家們熱衷於在地上挖極大的洞,來把其他玩家陷進去,或是如同 Minecraft 一樣建造各種大型的藝術造物,各種插件也主要圍繞著資源的開採、局內社交、視覺表現展開,直至一位「最高領袖」的出現。

「最高領袖」在某一天突然出現,他們利用挖掘出來的 100 萬塊鑽石認領了出生點周邊的幾乎所有地塊,導致其他玩家無人能在上面進行建造或開採。但於此同時,他們也創建一個一套「同志」系統合約,玩家若選擇宣誓加入共和國成為同志,則需要放棄自己所有的個人財產,全部充公,而玩家將獲得能夠使用國庫當中的所有資產的權利,並能夠在共和國的土地上進行建造與開採。過程中,玩家用了多少資源,自己就得開採更多的資源,從而建立起了一個完全自治的國度。

But at the same time, they also created a "gay" system contract, and if the player chooses to swear to join the Republic as a comrade, he will have to give up all his personal property, confiscate it, and the player will have the right to use all of the wealth in the treasury and build and develop on the territory of the republic. In the process, the player will have to spend more resources and build a fully autonomous country.

  OPCraft 自治人民共和國

而這種奇妙的呈現,完全超出了官方團隊的設想,卻僅通過 3 個步驟便完成了實現:一個「同志」組件、一個「治理」系統以及一個鏈接兩者並進行呈現的前端插件系統。

而在近期 AW 黑客鬆上公佈的 OPCraft 2 中,團隊更是公佈了一個新的重磅功能--「紅石系統」。接觸過 Minecraft 的玩家應該 都知道「紅石」背後所蘊含著的創意實現潛力,其通過實現二進制輸入構建出的不同邏輯門組件,基本能打造一台計算機。儘管在黑客鬆上的演示還較為簡陋,但其特性已經得到了很好的展示,十分令人期待其未來的發展。

And in the recent AW hacker release of OPCraft 2 , the team released a new heavy-pound feature -- the "Red Stone System". The players who touched Minecraft should all know the creative potential behind the "Red Stone" to basically build a calculator by entering the different logical components of the structure through the implementation of the binary system. Although the hacker relaxing demonstration is relatively modest, its features have been well demonstrated and very promising for its future development.

2. Sky Strife 

Sky Strife 是 Lattice 官方自研的一款 RTS 類游戲,基本上是為後續的全鏈上回合製遊戲打了個樣版,也是目前為止作者體驗過的回合製全鏈上游戲中,設定最為豐富、遊戲體驗最為順暢、競技感最強的一款。

Sky Strife  an official, self-researched RTS-type game by Lattice, which is essentially a prototype of a follow-on last-round game, is the most rich, experienced and competitive, up-to-date up-the-link game of the round that authors are currently experiencing.

  Sky Strife 早期遊戲界面


Early games are dominated by flag-grabbing patterns, and players need to deploy their forces, expand their power through different resource points on the map, and take the crown in the centre of the map, eventually delivering the crown to the target player. In this process, players need to perform strategic operations such as army matching, terrain resource utilization, and observation of relationships.

最早的遊戲體驗可以看 這條推文,但其實隨著幾次版本調整,遊戲節奏和許多設定都已經得到了很好的平衡,因此玩起來還是十分帶感的,具體的介紹可以看這篇*官方指南*。

The earliest game experience can be viewed in the tweet , but the game rhythms and many of the settings have been well balanced with several versions, and are therefore very well balanced, and the specific introduction can be seen in the official guide *.

在最近的幾次更新中,團隊對遊戲的 UI 進行了重新的設計,加入了初始英雄的設定,同時也新增了「吃雞」模式,整體的開發進度相當喜人,感興趣的朋友建議加入 Lattice 官方 Discord 參與不定期的測試輪進行體驗。

In recent updates, teams have re-engineered the UI of the game, adding the initial hero configuration, adding a chicken-eating model, and the development of the whole has been very exciting, and interested friends suggest joining Latice official Discord to participate in the periodic test wheels.

3.Autonomous Game of Life 

自治生命遊戲 是本次 AW 黑客鬆的最終入圍作品,由 @Komorebi8888 和 @yamapyblack 開發實現,其使用 MUD v2 引擎不僅將康威生命遊戲帶到了全鏈上,同時還開發了一個元胞自動機模組,能讓任何人快速的構建自己的元胞自動機模型。

The Autonomous Life Game & nbsp; is the final encirclement of this AW hacker relief by @Komorebi8888  and @yamapyblack  develop and implement its MUD v2 engine, which not only brings the Conway Life Game to the whole chain, but also develops a meta-symbolt module that allows anyone to quickly construct their own meta-symagogic self-motivator model.

  Autonomous Game of Life 遊戲界面  

在 Komorebi 和 yamapyblack 的版本中,玩家與玩家間可以進行對抗,玩家可以通過編排細胞設定初始生命圖形,該圖形會進行隨機的自由漫步,而當細胞與他人的細胞發生接觸時,更多己方細胞環繞的細胞將存活,最終存活下來的為勝者。

In Komorebi and yampyblack versions, players and players can confront each other. Players can set the initial life map by collating cells, which allows random free walk, while when cells interact with others, more cells around themselves will survive and eventually survive the winner.


Unlike the types of games that are common to all, the game of life is a very unique type, and it has a relatively rich biological system that, when it enters the whole world, looks forward to what kind of sparks will crash into the future.


Netherscape 是由 @DFArchon 開發的一款全鏈上 RPG 遊戲,不僅是本次 AW 黑客鬆的入圍作品,同時也獲得了 MUD 頒發的最佳創意實現 - 金獎。

Netherscape was developed by @DFArchon  an all-chain RPG game, not only by this AW hacker-offline, but also by the best creative-golding award given by MUD.

Netherscape 將玩家操作的角色稱之為 PC(Playable Characters),通過 MUD 的 ECS 的框架,每個 PC 被建構為一個內嵌了許多組件和系統的實體,使玩家可以操縱 PC 進行探索、收集、戰鬥、消耗等行為。同時,這也允許團隊及第三方開發者能夠去創建各種更為複雜的交互規則,比如市場交易系統、戰鬥強化系統、新的地圖等等。

Netherscape refers to the player-operated role as the PC. Through the MUD's ECS framework, each PC is constructed as an embedded body of many components and systems that enable the player to manipulate the actions of the PC in terms of exploration, collection, combat, consumption, etc. This also allows the team and third-party developers to create more complex interactive rules, such as market trading systems, fighting systems, new maps, etc.

  Netherscape Demo 演示  

而這裡面有意思的是,由於操縱 PC 的權力被抽像出來成為了某個組件,因此玩家與玩家之間可以實現 PC 的交易與租賃市場,在 Demo 演示的過程中,創始人 @BriefKandle 展示一個戰鬥內快速租賃的操作。


This pattern, which is often seen on hand-to-hand in Central Africa, allows games to reduce the entry of newcomers in a context of greater complexity and at the same time increase the social attributes of the game, which is a very useful reality for the whole upstream play and very much looks forward to the introduction of the official version of the future game.

5.Realm of Pepe

Realm of Pepe 是一款非常有意思的全鏈上游戲與流支付結合的試驗性範例,同樣也入圍了本次的 AW 黑客松,由 Superfluid 支持。

Realm of Pepe is a very interesting experiment to combine the whole chain of upstream shows with streaming payments, and it also surrounds this AW hacker loose, supported by Superfluid.

其是一款畫風還挺不錯的 ARPG 遊戲,遊戲內容十分簡陋,玩家創建角色時會生成一個可變 NFT Profile 記錄玩家的狀態,當玩家與地圖資源交互時 Profile 也會進行更新,當特定要求達成後,可解鎖下一關卡。

It is an ARPG game that is quite good, and the game is very simple. When a player creates a role, it generates a variable NFT profile record player status, and when a player interacts with a map resource, the profile is updated to unlock the next level when specific requirements are met.

遊戲整體邏輯簡單直接,個人覺得比較意思的部分是,其將各種資源的分發採用了流支付的形式,雖然在遊戲中是被記錄到了 NFT 上,但其實對於一些 MMORPG 或者是 STG 類游戲而言,將部分特殊資源代幣化,並以流支付的形式分發給玩家,對於全鏈上游戲的整體資源和經濟體係而言,或許將會起到不錯的豐富效果。

The whole logic of the game is simple and straightforward, and individuals find it more interesting that it uses stream payments for all kinds of resources, though recorded on NFT in the game, but in fact for some MMORPG or STG-type games, the monetization of some of the special resources and their distribution to players in the form of streaming payments may have a good impact on the whole resource and economy of the whole upstream play.

  Realm of Pepe 遊戲演示界面  

由於篇幅有限,不能更多的展開介紹本次 AW 黑客鬆的其他項目,這次其實出現了許多融合與嘗試,且都碰撞出了一些很有意思的火花,比如 Layer、Mud Social Plugin and Werewolf、Courtroom、GPTMud、Agent Arena 等等;

Due to space constraints, it is not possible to make more presentations on other items of AW hacker relief, and there have been a lot of integrations and attempts, as well as some interesting sparks, such as   Layer, Mud Social Plugin and Werewolf, Courtroom, GPTMud, Agent Arena  and so on.

而實際上除了本次黑客松之外,還有許多圍繞 MUD 開發的非常有意思的遊戲,比如 0xSmallBrain 的 Word3 和其與 0xhank 及 Moving Castle 合作開發的新作 Network State;stokarz 的 Rhascau、Tetration Labs 的 Muddy Frost 以及 Museum Heist、前 Critterz 團隊的 tax cuts 和 Emerson Hsieh 開發的類似異星工廠的 Primodium 等等,都十分值得關注。

In fact, in addition to this hacker's pine, there are a number of very interesting games around MUD, such as   0xSmallBrain    Word3  and its and   0xhank  and   Moving Castle  co-initiated new   Network State; stokarz      Rhascau, Tetracy Labs    Muddy Frost; and & nbsp; and & museum Heist, former Crichtz team & nbsp; taxcuts& nbsp; and & nbsp; & & nbsp; Emerson Hsieh & nbsp; similar as a star factory & nbsp; etc.

最後,對於 MUD 生態感興趣的小伙伴,可以關注由 Komorebi 發起的 AW House,目前在同時開放 AW Impact Grants 的申請,以及 2023 ETHCC 期間 Hacker House 的招募。

Finally, small partners interested in MUD life can focus on recruitment by   Komorebi    AW House, which is now open at the same time   AW Impact Grants  and 2023 ETHCC period & nbsp; Hacker House 

5.2 Starknet 系

正如前述,在 Cario 0 時代,Starknet 生態中的全鏈上游戲基本都屬於雖有合作、但各自為營的狀態,直至 Cario 1.0 的宣布,大量的合約面臨重寫,此時 Dojo 的出現給了各方遊戲一個統一戰線的機會。

As noted earlier, during the Cario 0 era, the whole upstream play of Starknet was largely cooperative but camp-based, until the announcement of Cario 1.0, when a large number of contracts came to be rewritten, giving Dojo an opportunity to play a single front.

但由於時間尚短,目前無論是 Dope War、Influence 還是剛剛正式發布的 Loot Survivor 都仍在採用 Dojo 進行 Cario 1.0 的重製,所以明面上的 Dojo 生態還暫未成型,因此暫用 Starknet 係來進行概括。再者,Dojo 目前核心貢獻者的構成,也基本由 Starknet 整體生態中較為活躍貢獻者組成,或許在未來也會延續 Starknet 系這個統稱。

However, given the shortness of time, Dojo is still being used by Dojo to recreate Carol 1.0, whether Dope War or Influence, or the recently released Doot Survivor, so that the apparent Dojo is not yet in shape, and therefore Starknet is used for generalization. Moreover, Dojo’s current core contributor is also structured largely by those who are more active in Starknet’s whole system, or perhaps will continue to be called Starknet in the future.

鑑於 Starknet 系的各個項目都頗有淵源,本節將會從每個項目背後的團隊開始展開介紹,首當其衝的便是 Dojo 引擎的御三家:Realms、Cartridge 和 Briq。

This section will be introduced from the team behind each of the Starknet programs, the first of which will be the three Dojo engines: Realms, Cartridge and Briq.

5.2.1 BibliothecaDAO

首先是 Loot Realms 系列背後的開發團隊 BibliothecaDAO,作為 Loot 生態中非常重要的組織,在 《萬字筆墨,從 Dark Forest 與 Loot 一窺鏈遊形態的頂點:全鏈上游戲》 一文中也相對著重的介紹了一些。

First, the development team behind the Loot Realms series, BibliothecaDAO, as a very important group in Loot ethos, in   Ink in 10,000 words, from Dark Forest and Loot, the top of a chain of movement: the whole upstream play & nbsp; and some of the strong references in the text.

Loot (for Adventurers) 是 @Dom Hofmann 於 2021 年 8 月 28 日發布的一個實驗性項目,由於其由下至上,完全由社區共創自治生長的特性,讓其具有極高的可塑性和幾乎無限的可能性,短時間內吸引來了諸多的生態貢獻者和衍生系列。

Loot (for Adventurers) is an experimental project released by @Dom Hofmann on August 28, 2021, which is based on a bottom-up, fully co-created community-owned self-rule that gives it a very high degree of plasticsability and almost unlimited possibilities to attract a wide range of contributors and derivatives in a short period of time.

但隨著投機熱度的退散,其中大部分的項目都銷聲匿跡,而 Loot Realms 作為同樣一個社區自治的項目,自 2021 年 9 月 1 日上線後,仍在一直積極的圍繞自己的主線為 Lootverse 做貢獻,其中的核心貢獻者 @lordOfAFew 更是與 @TimshelXYZ 成為了 Loot 生態中精神領袖般的存在。如果說 Loot 的底層敘事在 Timshel 等諸多成員的貢獻下構建出了三國演義,那麼 Realms 的第一個項目 Eternum 則是承載了敘事的《三國志》遊戲。

But with the heat of the pitching, most of the items have disappeared, and Loot Realms, as a similar community autonomy project, has been actively contributing to Lootverse on its main line since September 1, 2021, where the core contributor @lordOfAFew has become a spiritual leader with @TimshelXYZ. If Loot’s bottom line is constructed with contributions from many members, including Timshel, then Realm’s first project, Eternum, is a trinity game that carries the story.

在 BibliothecaDAO 的推進下,Loot 不再是一個僅有文字內容的 IP,而有了更加豐富的交互形式。但作為遊戲,其同樣面臨著所有區塊鏈遊戲都將遇到的底層性能問題。

Further to BibliothecaDAO, Loot is no longer a text-only IP, but has a more interactive form. But as a game, it faces the same bottom-level performance problems that all chain games will encounter.

在大約 2021 年的 11 月份,團隊出於多方考慮,決定遷徙至 Starknet 進行後續的開發,於 2023 年初正式放出 Realms: Eternum 的 alpha 測試版,並於 2023 年 5 月份的 ETHGlobal Lisbon 上放出了首款「play to die」的 Roguelike 遊戲 LootSurvivor。這兩款均是第一批採用 Cario 0 編寫的全鏈上游戲,因此 BibliothecaDAO 可謂是當之無愧的 Starknet 全鏈上游戲元老。

In November, 2021, the team decided, out of a variety of considerations, to move to a subsequent development in Starknet, officially released the Alpha test version of Realms: Eternum at the beginning of 2023, and the first "play to die" of the Roguelike Tourvivor game in May 2023. Both were the first series to be written with Cario 0, so Bibliotheca DA is known as the indescribable Starknet all-round show.

而由於其社區屬性,BibliothecaDAO 並未開展過任何機構融資,而是選擇了在 2021 年 12 月發行了自己的生態治理代幣 $LORD,並於 2023 年 2 月 1 日根據社區第 7 份提案 (BIP-7) 的完成了一輪針對社區的私募輪融資,由於極強的社區凝聚力,最終實現超募 6.35 倍的成就。

By virtue of its community affiliation, BibliothecaDAO did not make any institutional contribution, choosing instead to launch its own living governance in December 2021 ($LORD) and to complete a round of private fund-raising for the community on 1 February 2023 (BIP-7) based on its 7th proposal (BIP-7), thanks to strong community cohesion, which eventually exceeded 6.35 times the level of fund-raising.

1.Realms: Eternum

Eternum 是一個類似《文明》的全鏈上沙盤類戰略模擬遊戲。早在「自治世界」概念還未必提出之時,BibliothecaDAO 便以創造一個「Eternal Game 永恆遊戲」為目標的理念,於 2021 年 9 月 NFT 發行後不久進入了開發,其名字 Eternum 也取自「Eternal 永恆」的前半部分以及「Ethereum 以太坊」的後半部分。

Eternum is a strategic sandboard simulation of the whole chain of civilization. As long as the concept of an "autonomy world" was not always advanced, Bibliotheca DAO’s idea of creating an Eternal Game was launched shortly after the launch of NFT in September 2021, and its name Eternum was taken from the first half of Eternal Forever and from the second half of Etherum.

  Realms: Eternum  

遊戲最早圍繞的 2020 年被提出的 ERC-2535 鑽石標準展開,部署於 Arbitrum 網絡上,但隨著開發過程中遇到的種種問題,團隊發現似乎 EVM 和 Solidity 無法滿足他們當時對於永恆世界的設想,於是決定遷徙至 Starknet 網絡。

The original ERC-2535 diamond standard that surrounded the game in 2020 was opened and deployed on the Arbitrum network, but as a result of problems encountered during the development process, the team found that EVM and Solidity did not seem to satisfy their vision of the eternal world at the time and decided to migrate to the Starknet network.

在遊戲中,玩家需要持有至少 1 個 Realms 方能進行遊戲,進入遊戲後,玩家將扮演自己領地的領主,通過對資源的獲取和運營來增加自己領地的實力,過程當中將涉及建造、交易、侵略和防禦等玩家與玩家間的博弈。遊戲已於 2023 年 1 月上線測試網版本,可以前去體驗。

In the game, the player needs to hold at least 1 Realms to be able to play, and when entering the game, the player will act as the owner of his or her own land, increasing the power of his or her territory through the acquisition and operation of resources, and will be involved in the process of building, trading, invading, and defending games between players and players. The game is available in the online version of the online online test, which will be available in January 2023.

根據整體體驗下來的觀感,遊戲已經有著相對清晰的結構和邏輯,雖然目前在交互體驗方面仍有提升的空間,且由於目前 Starknet 仍處於測試網限速階段,導致 L2 返回 L1 的交易確認的時長過長,但作為目前為止尚為數不多的全鏈上游戲,Eternum 依然展現出了相當不錯的表現。

According to the whole experience, the game already has a relatively clear structure and logic, and although there is still room for improvement in interactive experience, and since Starknet is still at the test grid speed phase, which leads L2 to return to L1 transactions over a long period of time, Eternum has shown a rather good performance as an all-chain upstream show that is currently not much to end.

同時,其經濟模型的也完成了初步的設計,能很好的與 Loot 生態的 NFT、以及自己的生態代幣形成良好的聯動,在上主網後 Realms 和 C & C 兩種 NFT 的持有者都能獲得持續的資產產出,而資產也將可以賣出為 $LORD。

At the same time, its economic model has been designed to be a good link with the Loot-genetic NFT, as well as with its own ingenuity currency, with both Realms and C & C NFT holders being able to access the main network for continuous production, which will also be sold as $LD.

目前遊戲內的還完成了資產的 AMM 市場,隨著未來進一步的接入 Loot 生態的敘事,遊戲的模式和體量將能在很短的時間變得豐富起來,相信在未來會有不錯的呈現。

At present, the AMM market in the game has been completed, and as further access to Loot is made in the future, the pattern and volume of the game will be enriched in a very short period of time, with confidence that the future will be good.

2.Loot Survivor

Loot Survivor 是一個文字類 Roguelike 遊戲,核心開發者包括 Genesis Adventurers 的聯創 @aloothero 以及全鏈上游戲公會協議 Guildly 的創始人 distracteddev ,於 2023 年 5 月 25 號里斯本的全鏈上游戲峰會上首次正式亮相,一經發布便風靡會場,成為當時最受歡迎的一款全鏈上游戲,吸引了大量關注該領域的愛好者們。

Loot Survivor is a text-type Roguelike game whose core developers include Genesis Adventurers,   @alothero  and Guidly, founder   distracteddev  first-time official appearance at the full chain summit of Lisbon, May 25, 2023, which was the most popular all-chain upstream play at the time.

  Loot Survivor 遊戲畫面  

但其根源要追溯到更早之前,其核心的 "Play 2 Die" 概念早在 2022 年 2 月份便被提出,最早 Realms 團隊計劃將該想法開發成首個 Relams 系列的擴充,命名為 "Realms: Adventurers"。其早期的遊戲設計是結合 Stable Diffusion 生成玩家角色,由開發者們設計遊戲的關卡,當玩家在關卡內死亡時,損失的資產將被關卡開發者獲得。

But its roots date back much earlier, and its core concept of "Play 2 Die" was introduced as early as February 2022, with the first Realms team planning to expand the idea into the first Relams series, named "Realms: Adventurers". Its early game design was to combine Stable Diffusion to create player roles, designed by developers to set the level of the game, and when the player dies at the level, the lost assets will be acquired by the developers.


In this process, developers need to balance the level design, that is, they cannot set it high, or they cannot play it low, or they cannot die; and the players need to balance the options of continued greed with what they want, and continue to break through with more gains, or with nothing. This model creates a unique relationship between players and developers.

  早期 Play2Die 的設想  

隨著 Dojo 引擎的面世,團隊對於全鏈上游戲的理解逐漸加深,在迭代 Realms: Adventurers 的過程中,團隊決定先快速的做一個體量更小的單人全鏈上游戲,作為 "Play 2 die" 概念的測試用例,並在這個過程中加入更多已有的加密原語,比如 Loot 的武器設定、鏈上角色等等,於是 Loot Survivor 便誕生了。

As the Dojo engine unfolds, the team's understanding of the whole upstream play grows, and in the succession of Realms: Adventurers, the team decided to make a smaller one-person whole upstream show as an example of the "Play 2 die" concept and to add more encrypted originals to the process, such as the Loot weapons configuration, chain roles and so on, and so on, so Loot Survivor was born.

值得注意的是,Loot Survivor 的開發得到 Genesis Adventurers 的聯創 loothero 的加入,GA 於 Loot 生態中的地位在之前的系列文章中曾有過簡述,其為整個 Loot 宇宙的內容奠定了很多的基礎,而 loothero 則是其中許多設定的創作者,Loot 中各類種族派系和數值體系大多源自於他。

It is worth noting that the development of Loot Survivor was joined by Genesis Adventurers, and the status of GA in Loot's ethos was outlined in a previous series of articles, which laid a lot of foundation for the content of the whole Loot universe, while Loothero was the author of many of these configurations, most of which originated from him.

因此 Loot Survivor 儘管遊戲體量或許不大,但從內容延續上而言,其完全繼承 Loot 系的文化底蘊,相信也將能在可預見的未來,看見其與 Genesis Adventurers 的聯動。

Therefore, Loot Survivor, although the game may be of limited size, continues to inherit the cultural background of the Loot family and is confident that it will also be seen in the foreseeable future as a connection with Genesis Adventurers.

關於遊戲更詳細的介紹,推薦閱讀 AW Research 的這篇文章 (EN Version)。

For a more detailed introduction to the game, read & nbsp; AW Research & nbsp; (

5.2.2 Cartridge

Cartridge 是 2022 年 5 月 9 日推出的 Starknet 上的一個集去中心化身份、聲譽和遊戲發佈為一體的 Steam 類游戲平台,於 2022 年 6 月份完成了種子輪融資,投資方為 Fabric Ventures、Valhalla Venture 和 Chapter One。

In June 2022, Cartridge completed seed rotations for Fabric Ventures, Valhalla Venture and Chapter One, a collection of identity, reputation and games launched at Starknet on May 9, 2022.


而 Cartridge 團隊成員與遊戲引擎的淵源實際上要更加豐富,這就得追溯到另一個 Loot 系項目--Dope Wars。

And the members of the Cartridge team and the engine of the game are actually going to be richer, and this has to go back to another Loot program, Dope Wars.


Dope Wars 是一個 Loot 除了 Loot Realms 之外的另一個活躍且重要的衍生分支,於 2021 年 8 月 31 日在 ETH 主網上由 @Dennison.og 發起,總量為 8000 的 Loot 風格 Free Mint 項目,並於隨後的 9 月 4 日向每個 NFT 持有者空投了 125,000 枚 $PAPER 代幣。

Dope Wars is a live and important derivative of Loot, in addition to Loot Realms, from August 31, 2021 on the ETH main network by @Dennison.og, with a total of 8000 Loot styles Free Mint items, and 125,000 $PAPER bills dropped on every NFT holder on September 4 following.


  Dope Wars  


不同於 Loot 的魔幻色彩,Dope Wars 走的是 GTA 式的街頭路線,一經上線便吸引來了不少的同好者,同時,或許得益於這類文化屬性,社區氛圍非常活躍,並很快開始朝著遊戲的方向展開了開發。

Unlike the magic color of Loot, Dope Wars takes a GTA-style street line that attracts a lot of like-minded people as soon as they get online, and at the same time may benefit from such cultural attributes, the community atmosphere is very active and soon begins to develop in the direction of the game.

受經典遊戲 Drug War 的影響與啟發,Dope Wars 希望藉助 Loot 這種由下至上、與街頭文化極其契合的精神,構建一個 GTA 式的遊戲宇宙,且通過區塊鏈的特性實現模塊化的擴充。於是 首個全鏈上「遊戲引擎」 -- RYO,在社區的*第四次提案*通過後進入了開發,最早由 @perama 發起並負責,而 Cartridge 的創始團隊 @tarrenceva 等人也在後期成為了該項目的核心貢獻者。

With the influence and inspiration of the classic Drug War game, Dope Wars hopes to build a GTA-style game universe through the physical mosaics of the chain through a spirit of bottom-up, super-cultural harmony with Loot. So   the first full-chain game engine & nbsp; -- & nbsp; RYO, * the fourth proposal * in the community, & nbsp; @perama  launch and responsibility, and @tarrenceva et al. became the core contributor to the project later on.

RYO 其實不是一個通用的遊戲引擎,其更多的是在當時的環境下,圍繞著 DopeWars 的內容提供了一套模塊化的標準和接口,允許開發者在 DopeWars 生態內進行更高效的開發,有點像一套 MOD 的開發工具,但這段獨特的經歷,毫無疑問還是給 Cartridge 團隊在遊戲引擎方面帶來了很多寶貴的思路,也因此在後續成為了 Dojo 禦三家中非常重要的貢獻者。

Ryo is not really a universal game engine, much more in the context of the situation at the time, providing a modular set of standards and interfaces around DopeWars, allowing developers to develop more efficiently in the DopeWars environment, a bit like a MOD development tool, but this unique experience, without doubt, has brought a lot of valuable ideas to the Cartridge team in the engine, and has thus become a very important contributor to Dojo’s purchase of his home.

Dope Wars 之後將自己的資產遷徙至了 OP 網絡,並開發了自己的可視化 Marketplace,同時在 Starknet 網絡上線了遊戲 Dope Frenzy,但隨著市場轉涼,遊戲的開發進入停滯狀態。而隨著 Dojo 的出現,Cartridge 團隊在 2023 年 6 月份正式宣布將對 RYO 進行基於 Dojo 引擎的重製,想必不久後,那個被擱置的全鏈上版 Drug War 又會重新回到大家的視野中。

Dope Wars then moved its assets to OP network and developed its own visualized Marketplace, also onlineed the Dope Frenzy game on the Starknet network, but as the market cools, the game's development stops. And with Dojo, the team of Cartridge officially announced in June 2023 that it would recreate the Dojo engine based on the Ryo engine, and it is to be hoped that soon the full chain of Drug War will return to the viewing field.

  Cartridge announces RYO remake  

5.2.3 Briq

Briq 是一個誕生於 2021 年 10 月份 *ETH Lisbon 黑客松*上的 Starknet 項目,創始人為 @sylvechv 和 @wraitii,旨在打造一套鍊上樂高系統。用戶可以通過組合最基本的「塊」來完成任何創意的實現,並隨時可以拆解。

Briq is a Starknet project, born in October 2021 *ETH Lisbon Hacknet, founded by @sylvechv and @wraiti, designed to create a chained system. Users can complete any creative reality by combining the most basic blocks, and can be dismantled at any time.


由於這種高度模塊化的特性,使其能很容易的被 NFT/遊戲項目所接入,尤其是在以 Loot 為主線風格的 Starknet 生態中。同時 Briq 也是 Starknet 生態中的積極貢獻者,讓其有機會如上文提及的 Dope Wars 便計劃採用 Briq 來為 NFT 建立一套 3D 體素版的視覺呈現。

As a result of this highly modularity, it can easily be accessed by NFT/gaming items, especially in the case of Starknet, which is a feature of Loot. At the same time, Briq is also an active contributor to Starknet's life, giving it the opportunity to use Briq to create a 3D body version of NFT, as mentioned above.

Dope Wars in Briq  

Briq 在近期與 Argent 的 Xplorer 合作活動中也獲得了巨大的成功,累積售賣接近 300 萬個 Briqs,獲得了近 450 ETH 的收入。

Briq has also had great success in recent Xplorer collaborations with Argentina, with cumulative sales close to   3 million Briqs, with revenues close to   450 ETH 

5.2.4 Influence

Influence 是一個無論從時間跨度、還是遊戲內容、或是經濟機製而言都具有十足體量的遊戲。或許我會在將來單獨開一篇文章來做更為詳細的介紹。

Influence is a game that is full of people, regardless of time, game content, or economics. Perhaps I will make a more detailed introduction in a single article in the future.

簡而言之,Influence 早在 2018 年便嘗試通過使用智能合約來生成龐大的隨機星系,但隨後便沉寂了許久,直至 2021 年的 2 月份開始重啟項目,隨後於 3 月份提出了基於該星系,構建大型太空戰略沙盒 MMO 遊戲的概念以及部分的遊戲數值設定,並上線 Rinkeby 測試網。同時與遊戲項目 Parallel 建立合作,宣布將允許 Parallel 卡牌在遊戲內的互操作體驗。

In short, Infoluence tried to create a large random galaxy by using a smart contract as early as 2018, but then remained silent for a long time until February of 2021, when it was rebooted, and in March, when it was introduced, the concept of a large space box MMO game and part of the game value set was developed, with the online Rinkeby test network. Working with the game project Parallel announced that it would be allowed to operate interactively within the game.


遊戲結合了 4x 、管理經營和開放世界 RPG 的的元素,玩家可以在名為 Adalia 的星系中自由的進行探索、採集、建造、戰斗等活動,並構建自己的星際帝國。遊戲的所有資產和核心遊戲邏輯均部署至鏈上。

The game combines elements of 4x, running and opening the world's RPG. Players can freely explore, gather, build, fight, etc. in a galaxy called Adalia, and build their own empire. All assets and core game logic are deployed on the chain.

由於整體的構想和體量較大,遊戲分為了 4 個階段:"Arrival Release"、"Exploitation Release"、"Discovery Release" 和 "Conflict Release",目前遊戲仍處於 Arrival Release 的階段,預計將於 2023 年夏天進入 Exploitation Release。

Due to the larger structure and size of the whole, the game is divided into four segments: "Arrival Release", "Exploitation Release", "Discory Release" and "Conflict Release", and is currently located in Arrival Release, which is expected to enter Exploition Release in the summer of 2023.

最早的 Arrival Release 於 2021 年 4 月 17 日正式推出,該版本的主要內容完成了核心資產 Asteroids 行星、Crew 船員和 SWAY 代幣的生成與發行。2022 年的 3 月份,官方發布了關於 "Exploitation Release" 長達 41 頁的*遊戲指南*,其中游戲機制和內容設定的部分十分豐富與全面,即便放在傳統遊戲中對比,也絲毫不顯遜色。

The earliest Arrival Release was officially launched on April 17, 2021, and the main content of the version completed the generation and issuance of the core asset Asteroids planets, Crew crews and SWAY coins. In March, 2022, the official launch of the 41 page *a href=https://wiki.files/exploitation-guide.pdf'rel="noreferrer" target="_blank" game guide on "Exploitation Release" was published, with a very rich and comprehensive section of the game design and content, even if compared to the traditional game.

在 2022 年的 8 月份團隊宣布將於 Starknet 上線,並於 2023 年的 3 月份進行了 Exploitation Release 發布前的最後一次資產售賣活動 "Prepare for Launch Sale",同時公佈了最新的代幣經濟模型。

In August of 2022, the team announced that it would go online in Starknet, and in March 2023, the last sale of the asset "Prepare for Launch Sale" before the launch of the Exploition Relief was launched, while the latest currency economic model was published.

社區方面,目前僅官方收錄的第三方開發者應用便有 14 個,其中不乏 Starknet 生態的其他活躍項目方如 Guildly、Cartridge 等,而官方資助的 Grant 則有的 6 個項目上榜。同時由社區成員編寫的故事設定也相當的豐富,積累了幾萬字的文本內容,且質量相當不錯。

At the community level, there are currently 14 third-party developers that are only officially registered, among which there is no shortage of other dynamic Starknet projects such as Guildly and Cartridge, while the official Grant has six items on the list. At the same time, stories written by community members are well configured, with tens of thousands of words in text, and of considerable quality.


Influence 作為一個全鏈上游戲,可以說在各方面的表現都十分優秀的項目。隨著 Dojo 的推出,目前官方團隊也正在嘗試利用 Dojo 對遊戲進行重製,十分期待即將上線的 Exploitation Release 會有什麼樣的表現。

With Dojo, the official team is currently trying to recreate the game using Dojo, and looks forward to what will happen to the online Exploitation Relief.

5.2.5 Topology

Topology 是一個非常獨特的團隊,由 @guiltygyoza 和 @iamkunhokim 創立。與目前大部分的專注於全鏈上游戲、引擎或其他開發者工具的團隊不太一樣,他們專注於全自治世界中底層「規則層」的實現。

Topology  a very unique team, created by   @guilttygyoza  and   @iamkunokim . Unlike most of the teams currently focused on the whole chain of upstream play, engines or other developers' tools, they are focused on the reality of the “rule layer” at the bottom of the self-governing world.

  Topology『s Mission  

Topology 認為,完全生長於區塊鏈上的遊戲已經不再局限於「遊戲」定義了,基於這種無邊界的訪問以及無法篡改的特性,我們能夠復刻或是創造出類似於自然界規則的約束,這種規則不被某個主體所擁有,且對所有主體一視同仁。因此,當這種底層的規則具有足夠的深度和復雜度時,全鏈上游戲將能建立「鏈上現實」,而 Topology 將致力於去協助構建這套規則係統。

Topology argues that the game, which grew out entirely of the chain, is no longer limited to the definition of "game," and that, based on this cross-border interview and immeasurable properties, we can re-engineer or create a contract that resembles the rules of nature, which are not owned by one or the other, and which all of them share. So, when the bottom rule is sufficiently deep and complex, the whole upstream play will build the "chain reality", and Toopology will work to assist in the construction of the rule.

這毫無疑問是一宏大且前衛的願景,從目前 Topology 的產品形態來看,其也早朝著這個方向探索,當下而言更偏向一套全鏈上物理引擎。截止當下 Topology 共上線了 3 個極具實驗性的項目,每個項目背後,都帶有著某種規則/物理模型的實現。

There is no doubt that this is an ambitious and forward-looking vision, which, in view of the present form of Topology’s product, has been explored in this direction, and is now more inclined to a full chain of physical engines. Topology has three highly experimental items, each of which is followed by the implementation of some kind of rules/physical model.

其中 ISAAC 是 2022 年 6 月 24 日正式上線的一款結合《三體》與《異星工廠》的合作建造類游戲,玩家們組隊進入一個位於三體星系的星球,玩家們需要協同利用星球上的資源建造推進器,從而逃離該環境獲得勝利。在 ISAAC 中,團隊構建了一套實時模擬星球與三顆太陽位置的物理模型,並將玩家的操作作為參數引入,增加系統的混亂與復雜程度,為玩家提供了極具深度的遊戲體驗。

Among them,   ISAAC  is an official online game of June 24, 2022, which combines the Three Bodies with the Astrolabe Factory to build games where players form teams into a planet located in three galaxies, and where players need to work together to build boosters using the resources on the planet to escape from the environment. In ISAAC, the team builds a physical model of a realistic simulation of the planet and three sun positions, and introduces the player's operation as a parameter, increasing the confusion and complexity of the system and providing the player with an extremely deep game experience.

而隨後在 2022 年的 11 月 7 日又推出了 MuMu,一款代數式的數字物理模擬器,在第二季第加入了的音頻功能後,其也進化成了一款指令式的程序化數字音樂生成器。

Then, on November 7th, 2022,   Mumu, an algebraic numeric physical emulator, evolved into a command-based, programmed digit music generator with the addition of a sound feature in the first quarter of the second season.

而在最近 2023 年 4 月 STARKTokyo 上,團隊也公佈了最新的項目"Shoshin",這是一款策略類的戰鬥遊戲,雙方需要各自為自己的 Agent(角色)設置 Mind(戰鬥思維),而雙方的 Agent 會基於該思維規則展開對決,而其中每一幀的決策和戰鬥結果都會在鏈上進行驗證與結算。

And recently, in April 2023, in STARKTokyo, the team released its latest project, Shoshin, a strategic battle game in which each side needs its own Agent (role) to set up Mind, while each side's Agent will base its decision on the rules, and each of its decisions and battle results will be tested and calculated on the link.

  Shoshin Demo 畫面  

這是一種非常有意思規則呈現方式,給目前幾乎被傳統 RTS 和 SLG 類型占領的全鏈上游戲中,帶來了一絲不一樣的色彩,這種設置思維的設定,頗有種黑客帝國里插卡學格鬥的味道。而 Topology 的目標遠不只是一個遊戲,目前團隊正在進行 Cario 1.0 的重製,並朝著高度模塊化的特定應用 VM 的方向開發,感興趣的可以看看其在 STARKTokyo 上的介紹。

This is a very interesting rule that brings a very different color to the whole chain of currently almost traditional RTS and SLG types of occupation, which is designed in such a way that it smells like card-based fights in the country of hackers. Topology aims more than just a game, and the team is currently remaking Cario 1.0 and is developing in the direction of a highly molded specific application of VM, and interested in looking at its introduction on & nbsp; STARKTokyo.

目前 Shoshin 開放了*早期 Playtest 的申請*,想要體驗的小伙伴也可以直接填表試試。

At present Shoshin has opened * applications from early Playtest*, and small partners who want to experience can simply fill out the form.

除了上述的幾家專注於遊戲生態構建的項目方外,還有其他不少值得關注的 Starknet 整體生態中活躍項目,包括專注於做 Sequencer 排序器的 Madara、專注 zkEVM 的 Kakarot、生態貢獻者 Lambda Class 等等,而前述三家也同樣是 Dojo 引擎的活躍貢獻者。

In addition to the above-mentioned items, which are devoted to the creation of a game life, there are also a number of interesting projects that are active in the Parknet whole, including Madara, who is focused on the Sequancer sorter, Kakarot, who is focused on zkEVM, Lambda Class, etc., and the three previously mentioned are also active contributors to the Dojo engine.

Lambda 同時也將在 2023 ETHCC 期間舉辦 LambdaZKWeek 黑客松,贊助方包括 Dojo、Starknet、AZtech、Mina 等官方機構,感興趣的朋友千萬不要錯過。

Lambda will also host & nbsp during the 2023 ETHCC period; LambdaZKWeek Huffon, sponsored by official institutions such as   Dojo, Starknet, AZtech, Mina, do not miss any interested friends.

5.3 Dark Forest vs.Loot 的延續:MUD vs.DOJO

5.3 Extension of Dark Forest vs. Loot: MUD vs. DOJO

行文至此,關於 MUD 與 Dojo 的介紹也已經差不多了,溯其起源可以發現,兩者幾乎都是全鏈上游戲中,兩大起點的延伸,是彼此意志的繼承者,也是理念的實踐者。雙方的淵源,筆者曾在*《萬字筆墨,從 Dark Forest 與 Loot 一窺鏈遊形態的頂點:全鏈上游戲》*中便展開過討論,再一次的對比、思考和觀察雙方的新作,是件非常有意思的事情,頗有種見證不同傳承間分庭對抗的味道。

To this end, the introductions to MUD and Dojo have been similar, and their origins can be traced to the fact that both are almost all of the upper parts of the chain, the extension of the two starting points, the heirs to each other's will, and the implementers of ideas. The source of the two sides, I used to discuss the tops of a chain of movement from *Dark Forest and Loot: the upper part of the chain*, and yet again, the new work of comparing, thinking and observing the two sides is a very interesting thing, and there is some evidence of the reverberation of different chambers against each other.

  MUD & Dojo 時間線  

既然寫到這,作為看熱鬧的,不把雙方拉出來比一比確實不太盡興,這裡筆者將從行事風格、生態基建和內容資源 3 個維度做簡單且主觀的對比,僅代表筆者個人局限的看法。   

Now that it's written here, it's really not too much fun to pull the two sides out without comparing them to each other, and here I'm going to make a simple and subjective comparison of the three dimensions of the behavioral, ethos-based and content resources, representing only my personal limitations. & nbsp; & nbsp;



MUD 從其 Dark Forest 到 0xPARC 到 Lattice 的一系列背景,以及良好的意識形態、紮實的產品理念、極強的開發者召集能力、旨在去構建底層基礎設施的目標,都能讓人感覺出其是一個非常純正的以太坊系開源項目打法。

MUD's range of background from Dark Forest to 0xPARC to Latice, as well as good consciousness, solid product concepts, strong developers' convening power, and the goal of constructing the foundational infrastructure for the bottom, can make it feel that it is a very pure, open-source approach.

一手構建敘事,廣而佈道散播理念;一手通過 in-house 產品做 showcase,然後不斷的做黑客松來募集開發者參與貢獻,實現思想與實踐兩手抓。從目前的結果來看,可以說是做的相當不錯。

One hand to build a narrative and spread ideas; one hand to do a showcase through an in-house product, and then constantly to do a hacker's pine to collect the developers' contributions, to realize the ideas and to put them into practice. From the current results, one can say that they are doing quite well.

而如果說 MUD 是以太坊學院派,那 Dojo 則是繼承了 Loot 由下至上理念的草根野路子派。從 Dojo 最開始是由 3 個不同的項目共同起草的事情便可看出,其風格更偏向於在不同項目與社區之間,彼此勾兌、聯合和抱團的打法。

And if the MUD is a taupulega, then Dojo inherits Loot from the bottom-up philosophy. As can be seen from the fact that Dojo was first drafted by three different items, its style is more in the direction of inter-twining, bonding and conjoining between different projects and communities.

這一方面也有 Starknet 生態開發者數量相對以太坊系更少的原因,同時也因為背靠著 Loot 這個非常卓越的 web3 原生 IP 的原因,其極強的包容性和串聯能力,也讓其有更自由的空間與不同的項目社區展開合作。

On the one hand, there is also the reason that the number of Starknet developers is lower than the number of Etherias, and also because of the extraordinary web3 original IP behind Loot, which is extremely inclusive and collusive and allows freer space to work with different communities.


Vital infrastructure br>


The resources discussed here refer more to the resources that are living in the environment, including the storage of content, the improvement of the infrastructure, the attention of core developers, etc.

從基建角度出發,EVM 生態的基建體系毫無疑問更為完善,開發時所能使用的工具和參考的內容也更為豐富。但由於 EVM 系整體的發展更為廣泛,熱點方向及賽道更多,反而導致整個 EVM 生態的關注度尚未聚焦在全鏈上游戲這個相對較早的領域。

From a capital point of view, the EVM-based infrastructure system is no doubt more perfect, and the tools and references available at the time of development are more abundant. But the development of the EVM system as a whole is more extensive, with more hot spots and lanes, rather than focusing the attention of the entire EVM-based approach on the relatively early field of the whole upstream play.

而對於 Starknet 而言,其對全鏈上游戲相對更加看重,創始人 Eli Ben-Sasson 曾在黑山的演講中多次提及,因此 Starknet 在基建和資源層面毫無疑問將傾注更多的比例在扶持全鏈上游戲上。

For Starknet, which is more relevant to the whole chain, founder & nbsp; Eli Ben-Sasson mentioned many times in his speech in Montenegro, there is no doubt that Starknet will focus more on enabling the whole chain at the capital and resource levels.

同時結合 Dojo 抱團的打法,讓其能很快速的借助不同社區的力量構建出新的場景和解決方案,目前在 Dojo 的核心貢獻者中,能經常看到像 Madara、Kakarot 等一些 Starknet 上活躍的基建項目的開發者們的身影。

The combination of & nbsp; Dojo hugging, which enables it to build new scenes and solutions quickly and with the power of different communities, is now often seen among the core contributors of Dojo as developers of projects like Madara, Kakarat and others active in Starknet.



而在內容層面,兩邊都有各自的優勢以及尷尬的處境。對於 EVM 系的 MUD 而言,儘管 ETH 是最大的 NFT 集散地,但大部分成型的 IP 都有點各自占山為王的狀態,對外的包容性和可互操作性較差,且對於全鏈上游戲和自治世界的探索慾望較低,沒有相對有效的方式串聯並撬動起這些內容資源,所以可以看見,普遍 MUD 的遊戲都屬於體量較小、更注重遊戲邏輯和玩法的回合製遊戲。

At the content level, each side has its own advantages and embarrassing conditions. For the EVM system, although the ETH is the largest NFT concentration, most of the developed IPs are somewhat of a mountain status, less inclusive and interoperability, and less desire to explore the whole upstream play and the autonomous world, and there is no relative effectiveness in collating and swipeing these resources, so it can be seen that the universal MUD games are smaller, more games of logic and play.

對於 Starknet 而言,優勢當然就是有 Loot 這個極強的內容 IP,且在 Timshel、loothero 等人的貢獻和帶領下,已經具備了十分豐富的文本內容,以及一套可共創的底層敘事,這對於新進入的開發者而言是比較友好的,能夠花費較小的精力去構建具有一定內容層次的遊戲。

For Starknet, the advantage is, of course, that there is Loot, an extremely powerful IP, and, with the contributions and leadership of Timshel, loothero, among others, there is already a wealth of text, as well as a set of co-foundable bottom-level conversations, which are more friendly to newcomers and can spend less effort to construct games with a certain layer of content.

同時除了以 Loot 展開的 Realm、Loot Survivor 之外,獨立的項目如 Dope War、Influence 等都有著較深且完整的內容敘事,相比與 MUD 的遊戲,更容易吸引到深度的玩家。

At the same time, apart from Realm, Loot Survivor, which was opened in Loot, independent items such as Dope War, Influence and others have deeper and more complete content, which is more attractive to deep players than the MUD game.

但略微尷尬的點在於,儘管 Loot 的開放性很好,但內容的指引和共創流程等文檔類的資料較為欠缺,並不是很多人能快速了解並利用其這一部分資源。另一方面,Dojo 與 Cairo 本身的開發者文檔就仍待改進,頻繁的更新使得許多開發者根本無暇顧及內容創作的環節。

But the slightest embarrassment is that while Loot’s openness is good, content guidance and co-creation processes are less informative than many people can quickly understand and use this part of their resources. On the other hand, Dojo’s and Cairo’s own developers’ files are still to be changed, and frequent updates leave many developers completely unsavory and content creation loops.


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整體而言,雙方都各有千秋,MUD 的優勢在於其純正的血統,以及所具有的開發者召集能力,目前基於 MUD 進行全鏈上游戲的開發者數量毫無疑問也遠多於 Dojo,因此更容易出現有意思的想法與創新的項目。

On both sides as a whole, the advantages of MUD are due to their pure bloodlines and the ability of developers to convene, and the number of developers who currently perform the whole upstream play on the basis of MUD is no doubt greater than Dojo, making it easier to have interesting ideas and creative projects.


However, given the small amount of resources available at the content level, it may be more difficult in the short term to have a bigger and deeper game, as the content creation, economic mechanisms, and complex logic of the game will pose an enormous challenge to independent developers or small development teams.

但據悉,EVE OL 背後的 CCP Games 對 MUD 十分感興趣,目前已經開展了 EVE Web3 版本的製作,或許會採用或部分採用 MUD 進行開發,根據 CEO 透露,將預計在 9 月份上線一版 Play test。另外 0xCitadel 和 ShatteredEON 也都算是具有還不錯的內容,但因為沒上線,只能期待一下(都不是用 MUD 開發的全鏈上游戲,但未來或許存在合作機會)。

However, it has been reported that EVE OL's back & nbsp; CCP Games is very interested in MUD and that the production of the EVI Web3 version has been launched and may have been developed or partially developed using MUD, which, according to the CEO, is expected to be online in September, a Play test. Also, 0xCitadel and ShatteredEON have a pretty good content, but because they are not online, they can only look forward to it (not the full upstream play using MUD, but there may be opportunities for collaboration in the future).

而 Starknet 的優勢則是內容 IP 更為豐富,前述的 Loot、Dope War、Realm、Briq 等等,都能讓開發者有物可藉,迅速的融入自己的創意當中,比如最近圈內十分火熱的 Loot Survior 便是與 Loot GA 展開了聯動。同時 Starknet 的生態更為集中,開發者交流和碰撞的機會會更多。

The advantage of Starknet, however, is that the content of IP is more abundant. The loot, Dope War, Realm, Briq and so on, can give developers something to use and quickly integrate into their ideas, such as the recently hot Loot Survior in the circle, is to connect with Loot GA. At the same time, Starknet’s life is more concentrated, and there are more opportunities for developers to communicate and collide.

但問題也很明顯,雖然 Cairo 語言具有更好的性能,但目前底層語言仍處於頻繁的更新迭代階段,給開發工作帶來了不小的不確定性。

But the problem is also clear that, although the Cairo language has a better performance, the bottom language is still in a very frequent and up-to-date phase, bringing considerable uncertainty to the development process.

無論 MUD 和 Dojo 之間的風格和資源差異有多少,他們都有著一個極其相似的共同點,那就是僅僅憑藉理念,便自然的吸引來了數量不少的一批極客和開發者持續的在生態中進行貢獻、思考與創新。

Regardless of the differences in style and resources between MUD and Dojo, they all share a very similar point of view, which is that it is only by reason of ideas that nature attracts a large number of aristocrats and developers who continue to contribute, think and innovate in life.

借用一位深度經歷過 Defi Summer 的前輩 @tianrangzhang 的比喻:「2023 年 5 月里斯本的全鏈上峰會氛圍,基本就像 2019 年 10 月的 defi.wtf 峰會氛圍。如果說 L2、zkEVM、zkVM 對標當年的 alt L1,Axiom 和 Herodotus 這類中間件對標當年的 Link、GRT。

To use the metaphor of a deep ex-descendant of Defi Summer @tianrangzhang : "The full chain of Lisbon peaks in May 2023 is basically like the defi.wtf peaks in October 2019. If L2, ZkEVM, ZkVM, alt L1, Axiom, and Herodotus are labeled middle of the same year Link, GRT.

那 MUD 之於應用層就是 Uniswap,其大幅釋放了內容創作者們受技術限制的創意,Uniswap 的一千個空氣幣,對應 MUD 就是一千個小遊戲,而 MUD 的風格和血統也神似當年 UNI 正統且堅持不發幣的樣子。而 Dojo 則像是 Sushi / Aave,Fair launch 的更加草根接地氣。」

So the MUD is the application level of Uniswap, which releases the creative ideas of content creators that are technologically limited, and the 1,000 air coins of Uniswap, which correspond to a thousand little games, and the style and blood of the MUD, which seems to be the same as the NUI of the same year, which is true and unspoken. And Dojo is like Sushi/Aave, Fair launch's more grassroots.

同時,當我們去回顧傳統遊戲引擎的發展歷程時,會發現一個積極的循環模式:從開始推出基礎設施,到打造自研遊戲範例,從而吸引開發者構建生態,進而產出爆款遊戲,並因此吸引更多的開發者參與。這種生態的形成與強化釋放出了巨大的能量,也撐起瞭如 Unity 和 Unreal Engine 等著名商業引擎的成功。

At the same time, when we go back to the development history of the traditional game engine, we find a positive pattern of cycle: from the introduction of infrastructure, to the creation of self-researching models, to the attraction of developers to construct and produce explosive games, and thus to the involvement of more developers. The formation and strengthening of this culture has released enormous energy, and has sustained the success of such well-known business engines as Unity and Unreal Engineering.

而當我們回頭看會發現,MUD 和 Dojo 已經以不同的方式邁出了自己的步伐,在這個趨勢的推動下,我們將不難預見下一代的、基於全鏈上自治世界的 Unity 和 Unreal Engine 的時代即將到來。

And when we look back, we find that MUD and Dojo have taken their own steps in a different way, and with this momentum, we will see the next generation of Unity and Unreal Engineering, based on the whole chain of self-government, coming soon.


And where will you be when this show begins?



Most of the references have been linked to the articles, or have been omitted to a lesser extent.







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