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What's the dollar cosmos concept unit?


1 ST source 000909 : scope of operation: licensed projects: import and export of goods (projects subject to approval by law, with the approval of the relevant authorities for the operation of operations, subject to approval of specific business projects). General projects: television mechanism construction; sale of household appliances; manufacture of computer software and hardware and peripheral equipment; retail sale of computer hardware and assistive equipment; manufacture of communication equipment; sale of communications equipment; manufacture of electrical and electrical equipment; repair of communications equipment; repair of electric appliances; sale of electronic appliances; sale of electronic appliances; manufacture of electronic components; manufacture of electronic components; manufacture of electrical components; sale of electric power plants; manufacture of electric power plants; manufacture of electric power plants; manufacture of electric power plants; sale of electrical equipment; sale of electrical equipment; sale of electrical equipment; sale of electrical equipment; sale of electrical equipment for electrical equipment; sale of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; production equipment; manufacture of electrical equipment; production equipment; production of electric equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; rental equipment; rental equipment; rental of solar equipment; rental equipment; rental of electric equipment; rental of electric equipment; rental equipment; rental of electric equipment; rental equipment; production equipment; rental equipment; rental equipment. equipment; production of electric equipment; rental equipment. equipment; production equipment. equipment; production equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment; production of electrical equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment; production equipment; production of electrical equipment. equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production equipment; production of electrical equipment. equipment; production of electrical equipment. equipment; production equipment; production equipment; production equipment; production equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production; rental of electric equipment; production equipment; production equipment; production equipment; production equipment; rental equipment; rental equipment; rental of electrical equipment; production of electrical equipment; production equipment; production equipment; production of electrical equipment.

2、联创电子002036:盘后最新消息,收盘报:6.39元,成交金额:17236.69万元,主力资金净流入: -1892万元。概念解析: 公司依托多年沉淀的光学技术优势,在AR/VR产业领域,公司拥有成熟的关键的核心技术比如几何光波导、衍射光波导及超薄镜头等。

2. Network Electronics 002036: Update on follow-up, received: $6.39, paid: $17,236.69 million, net capital inflows in the main: -18.92 million. Conceptually, the company relies on the advantages of optical technology that have been deposited for many years. In the AR/VR industry, the company has mature core technologies such as geometric, radiographical, and ultrablank lenses.

3、梦网科技002123:盘后最新消息,收盘报:6.71元,涨幅:-2.47%,摔手率:1.77%。产品名称:供PaaS通讯能力(短信,5G消息,语音等) 、SaaS(服务号,视频会议,物联云等) 、IaaS(数据中心) 、IM云 、视讯云 、梦网云数据中心 、高压动态无功补偿装置(SVC) 、高压静止无功发生器(SVG) 、串补(FSC) 、电力滤波装置(FC) 、有源滤波装置(APF)。

3. Dreamnet technology 002123: Update on the news, received: $6.71, increase: -2.47 per cent, falling hand rate: 1.77 per cent. Product name: PaaS communications capability (text message, 5G messages, voice, etc.), SaaS (service number, videoconference, cloud, etc.), IaaS (data centre), IM cloud, visual cloud, dream cloud data centre, high-pressure dynamic incompetence compensation device (SVC), high-pressure static incompetence generator (SVG), collusion (FSC), power filtering device (FC), source filtering device (APF).

4、三七互娱002555:盘后最新消息,收盘报:12.61元,成交金额:35692.65万元,主力资金净流入: -1278万元。主营业务:手机游戏和网页游戏的研发、发行和运营。

4. Thirty-seven playmates 002555 : Update on follow-up, received and received: $12.61 million, paid: $35,692.65 million, net capital inflows: -12.78 million. Main business: development, distribution and operation of mobile and web games.

5、网宿科技300017:盘后最新消息,收盘报:7.96元,成交金额:40459.34万元,主力资金净流入: -9718万元。2024年第一季度报告:总资产:112.18亿元,净资产:98.15亿元,营业收入:11.2亿元,收入同比:-4.13%,营业利润:1.53亿元,净利润:1.38亿元,利润同比:45.96%,每股收益:0.06,每股净资产:4.03,净益率:1.41%,净利润率:12.63%,财务更新日期:20240426。

In the first quarter of 2024, it was reported that: total assets: RMB 11,118 million, net assets: RMB 98.15 million, operating income: RMB 112 billion, income: 4.13 per cent, operating profits: RMB 153 million, net profits: RMB 138 million, profit: RMB 45.96 per share, net assets per share: 4.03 per cent, net profit rate: 1.41 per cent, net profit rate: 12.63 per cent, financial update date: RMB 2020426.

6、宝通科技300031:盘后最新消息,收盘报:13.48元,市盈率(动):16.19,主力资金净流入: -2481万元。产品名称:移动游戏产品 、智能输送数字化产品制造 、智能输送系统产品服务。

6. Technology 300031: Update on follow-up, closing: $13.48, municipal surplus (movement): 16.19, net capital inflows: -24.81 million. Product name: mobile game products, smart transfer digital product manufacturing, smart delivery system product services.

7、新开普300248:盘后最新消息,收盘报:6.28元,成交金额:2226.88万元,主力资金净流入: -347.5万元。概念解析:2021年10月,公司增资上海渲图信息科技有限公司,持有其51%的股权,有助于公司借助上海渲图的VR技术及经验,与公司在多场景下的解决方案结合,提升虚拟现实实验室建设和课程资源建设能力,为高校提供定制化的实验、实训、科研综合解决方案,全方位支撑虚拟仿真/现实教学及科研需求,打造出新一代具有竞争力的差异化产品。同时,可以优化面向高校市场的虚拟现实云平台,提升现有产品、解决方案的竞争力,对公司业务是一项重要补充。公司在VR领域有VR实时渲染、WebVR引擎两项核心技术。目前立项的“VR数控仿真示教机与云平台”和“虚拟现实专业实验室,是两个VR引擎平台在教育行业的典型应用,其中WebVR引擎与元宇宙的WebVR属于同类技术派系,公司目前主要专注高校、企业的WebVR行业应用。

7 New Cape 300248 : Update on the news, received: $6.28 million for construction of virtual reality laboratories and curriculum resources, transaction: $22,268.8 million, net capital inflows of major resources: -3.47 million. Conceptually: October 2021, the company increased its capital to Shanghai Array Information and Technology Ltd., holding 51% of its equity rights, helping the company to leverage the VR technology and experience of the Shanghai Barometer, combined with the company's solutions under multiple scenarios, to build capacity for building virtual reality laboratories and course resources, providing customized experiments, hands-on training, integrated research solutions for high schools, full-scale support of virtual simulation/real learning and research needs, and to create a new generation of competitively differentiated products. At the same time, the virtual real cloud platform for the high school market, enhancing the competitiveness of existing products, solutions, and an important addition to the company's operations.

8、宣亚国际300612:盘后最新消息,收盘报:12.42元,市盈率(动):-- ,主力资金净流入: -209.5万元。公司亮点:为众多国内外知名品牌提供全方位的整合营销传播及营销技术服务。

8. DNI 300612: Update on follow-up, closing news: $12.42, municipal surplus (movement): - - Net capital inflows from major sources: -20.950 million. Corporate highlights: Integrated marketing dissemination and marketing technology services for many well-known national and international brands.


This data is provided by the Positive Business Network for information purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.


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