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  猛犸新闻·东方今报记者李玮 萌友 王洪岩/文图 视频

I'm a reporter for The Orient News, Lee Xiao, a friend of mine, Wang Hong-Yu/Wing-Wing video.


A year ago, Lee, a citizen of Zhengzhou, met with two of his network friends through such platforms as Wen-Suk, QQ, and shared his usual faith, after which two of his network friends talked to Li on a daily basis about “The Buddha” and finally gained their trust. After that, they made Li's account transfer on account of investing in Bitcoin. In less than a month, Li transferred $1.45 million to them. Unfortunately, the two “good friends” who were convinced that they had disappeared have been reported to the public security authorities in the early wake of a dream, and the police successfully discovered the case of telecommunications fraud by the governor of the provincial public security office in less than a month.


On 26 September, the cultural road division of the Chengzhou police informed the investigation of the case and returned the recovered proceeds to the victims in the amount of $630,000. At present, four of the suspects in question, Chung Fong and others, have arrived and are in the process of further investigation.



invests huge amounts of "bitcoin"


On September 14, 2018, the citizen of Chengzhou, Lee, accidentally added a good friend to the message, and two people chatted about it. During that time, Li said that he believed in Buddha, he immediately responded to the Buddha, and, with a common theme, Li was relieved of his vigilance.


“He said he was in his 40s, he was my age, he used to do business, he liked to study Buddhists at leisure, he was very similar to my experience, and he sent me his own pictures, which made me feel comfortable, and he talked a little bit more.” Li introduced him, who then suggested to him that he could make a lot of money, that he had already made a lot of money, and introduced her to his teacher. So Li started talking about his investment with these two new “friends” on Weibo and Q.


“I don't know too well, but they're doing it for me, and they're doing it for me, and they're doing it for me, and they're doing it for me, and they're doing it for me.”


In March this year, Li was able to come back with a piece of engineering and, with the constant lobbying of two “friends,” the platform that he was given has been turned over by more than 1 million dollars. Since then, the other side has been waiting for Li An Xin Xin’s cause, and there must be a huge return.


It was only on 25 August of this year that Li found out that two of her micro-letter “friends” had turned themselves into blacks, so she realized that she had been tricked and went to the Cultural Road Division of the Chengzhou City Public Security Bureau to report the incident.


traced the money and the police smoged the suspect's trail .


After having received a report from Li, the Provincial Public Security Office and the Chengzhou City Public Security Bureau attached great importance to the case and referred the case to the Provincial Public Security Bureau for investigation.


“According to the information provided by the victims, our task force was immediately divided into two separate lines, working at full capacity.” According to the Deputy Director of the Cultural Roads Department, a group of police officers searched for the flow of funds on the basis of the suspect's receiving bank account number provided by the victim, and a second group conducted an investigation on the basis of the suspect's account number, QQ, etc., as provided by the victim.


In the course of tracking the movement of the suspect’s funds, the Specialized Civil Police searched for more than 800 bank cards and frozen more than 70 bank cards. Through intensive work, the Anti-Treat Centre’s civilian police officers, Jin Zhenhua, and investigators, Wu Wei Li and Yang, were able to identify in a large number of bank transactions the fraudulent funds were returned through a large number of accounts.


At the same time, another investigator found, through an investigation, that the microsignation of the incident was also owned by Jong-Joon. “We, through a series of information mappings, eventually identified Jung-hoon as suspected of having committed a serious crime!” According to the Deputy Commander Wang Ko of the Division of Cultural Road Investigation.


On August 30, after an analysis, the team finally determined that the suspect, Jung Joong, had fallen at the Xiamen Gate. On September 3, the Deputy Commander of the Cultural Roads Division Unit led the civilian police to the Xiamen to carry out the arrest.


On 5 September, at about 5 a.m., a special police unit, assisted by the Xiamen police, locked Zheng-Xiaojun in a foot bath in Xiamen City and took control of him on the spot. After a summary hearing, Zheng-Xiao-jun confessed to the crime of his partner, Quan (who had been held in criminal custody by the Fujian police for other alleged frauds in Fujian) for having invested in bit-by-bit Lei's 1.45 million dollars.


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On 8 September, Ye was arrested by the police.


In a further investigation, the police officers learned that Jung and his superiors had been working at Xiamen Hae-Won in 2018 and had been defrauded by the company. According to the two men, while working at the company, they had attracted customers to invest in precious metals, stocks, bitcoins, etc., at the company's request, and had defrauded customers by defrauding them to put their funds into their virtual platforms.


The $270,000 that Lee was defrauded last year was the client of the two men who worked in the company. After leaving, they kept in touch with Li and learned that Li had some loose funds, and then continued to fabricate lies that attracted him to continue investing in Bitcoin, and once again defrauded Lee of some $1 million.


On 12 September, at 14 p.m., with the cooperation of the Fujian police, the Special Unit was able to conduct a large investigative visit in which the Special Police took charge of Li's presence at 11 a.m. in Dao An County, Guangzhou.


On 13 September, the Deputy Director-General of the Cultural Roads Department went to Chung Joong’s home to communicate with his family, and eventually convinced them to return the money. On that day, his family refunded $550,000 and his family withdrew $80,000. That evening, he went to Daoan County to talk to Li’s family and finally went to the Special Unit in the early hours of 15th.


As a result of the interrogation, Li Fong Bin identified the actual operator of the company as one of the individuals. It was verified that a certain person had been arrested by the Harbin police in August in connection with other frauds. The case was successfully closed.


In response to such cases, the Director of the Anti-Fraud Centre of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Chengzhou City Public Security Bureau warned you that there were common ways to induce investment, first by looking for targets through social software, self-media software, dating websites, etc. After being a friend, and then by opening up the so-called circle of friends to you, it was actually false. He told you that he was always interested in investing online securities, stocks, futures, and high-yield sports tickets and underground gambling sites, claiming to have insider information and operating connections. He also told you that investments were risky, making small investments and making every investment payback. When you had full confidence in him, then you were encouraged to invest more, and you found it impossible to raise funds, and he would use every pretext to get you to invest more, until he took all your accumulated or borrowed funds and finally turned you black.


“In the case of investment finance links proposed by network users who are unknown or unknown, care must be taken to understand the investment projects before investing in it, to evaluate them more closely, to be vigilant about the so-called low-risk, high-yield investments, not blindly pursued, and to guard against fraud!” Hao pointed out that in the event of uncertainty as to whether they were fraudulent or were identified as defrauded, to alert the police in a timely manner and to avoid greater losses, the Chengzhou Public Security Bureau's Anti-fraud Centre's Anti-fraud advice line: 66221110.


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