今日日报 | Mt. Gox将于7月初开始进行BTC和BCH的偿还工作;比特币短时跌破61000美元

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highlights today:

Mt. Gox受托人宣布将于7月初开始进行BTC和BCH的偿还工作

Mt. Gox Trustee announced that the BTC and BCH reimbursement process would begin in early July

Berachain流动性质押协议Infrared Finance获得Binance Labs战略投资

Infrared Finance gets a strategic investment from Binance Labs



CoinShares: Net outflow of digital asset investment products last week amounted to $584 million

Upbit将于6月26日上线Blast (BLAST)

Upbit will be on line on June 26th at Blast (BLAST).


The Board of Directors of

湖南汉寿公安提醒STFIL Protocol的质押和借贷用户及时配合反映情况

Hunan Public Security Reminds STFIL Protocol's pledge and lending users to respond in a timely manner


The United States Government currently holds $13.9 billion in bitcoins and $187 million in talismans.


regulatory news

湖南汉寿公安提醒STFIL Protocol的质押和借贷用户及时配合反映情况

Hunan-Han-Hushi PSP reminds STFIL Protocol's pledge and lending users to respond in a timely manner.

据STFIL Protocol官网公告,Filecoin生态的LSD协议STFIL Protocol因涉及“3.28”非法利用信息网络案件,STFIL Protocol官方网站已被湖南省汉寿县公安局查处,并依法扣押了一批涉案FIL虚拟币。公告要求该网站的质押用户和借贷用户在2024年7月10日前,携带有效身份证件及相关记录到汉寿县公安局反映情况并提供证据材料,逾期未反映情况的虚拟币将依法处置。

According to the STFIL Protocol official network announcement, the official STFIL Protocol website has been investigated by the Public Security Bureau of Hansu County, Hunan Province, and a collection of the FIL virtual currency involved has been seized in accordance with the law. The bulletin requires pledge and loan users of Filecoin Ecology to bring valid identification documents and related records to the Public Security Bureau of Hansu County before 10 July 2024 and to provide evidentiary material. Virtual currency that is overdue will be disposed of in accordance with the law.


The European Commission made a preliminary finding of Apple's irregularities and initiated a new investigation.


The EC initially ruled that Apple’s online application of shop rules violated the EU Digital Market Act. The EC argued that Apple’s rules prevented app developers from freely leading consumers to obtain preferences and content through other channels.


Project Development

CoinStats CEO:被盗资金总额约为200万美元,其中约80万美元来自于两个用户

CoinStats CEO: The total amount of stolen funds is about US$ 2 million, of which about US$ 800,000 comes from two users

据CoinStats首席执行官Narek Gevorgyan在X平台的更新,CoinStats近日发生的安全事件中,被盗资金总额约为200万美元。其中,约80万美元来自于两个用户,这些用户将其种子短语导入了CoinStats钱包。

According to the update of the X platform by CoinStats CEO, Narek Gevorgyan, the total amount of stolen funds in recent security incidents in CoinStats was approximately US$ 2 million. Of this, approximately US$ 800,000 came from two users, who imported their seed phrases into CoinStats wallets.


Doubler announces DBR monetic economics: 10 per cent to the community and 40 per cent to the liquidity incentive

流动性聚合投资策略协议 Doubler 发布了其原生代币 DBR 的经济学。DBR 代币总供应量为 1亿枚,具体分配如下:40% 用于流动性奖励,15% 分配给生态系统基金,15% 分配给投资者,10% 空投给社区以奖励测试网 ITO 阶段的早期参与者和支持者,10% 分配给核心贡献者,5% 分配给顾问,5% 用于营销和流动性管理。

Doubler publishes the economics of its original currency DBR. The total supply of DBR is 100 million, distributed as follows: 40 per cent for liquidity incentives, 15 per cent for ecosystem funds, 15 per cent for investors, 10 per cent for early participants and supporters of the testing network ITO phase, 10 per cent for airdrops to communities, 10 per cent for core contributors, 5 per cent for consultants and 5 per cent for marketing and liquidity management.


The chain office's Farcana wallet was attacked, and FAR prices fell by 53.6 per cent.


The team is working hard to address this gap and ensure the security of the user’s assets. Until the problem is resolved, all centralized exchange (CEX) deposits in $AAR have been frozen. Please avoid any transactions involving $AAR. And, as a result, the price of $AA fell by 53.6 per cent?

Light Protocol和Helius Labs联合推出“ZK Compression”技术,以进一步扩展Solana应用

Light Protocol and Helius Labs jointly launched the “ZK Communication” technology to further expand Solana applications

据The Block报道,Light Protocol和Helius Labs联合推出“ZK Compression”技术,旨在进一步扩展Solana网络上的应用。该技术通过状态压缩,在Solana的低成本账本空间存储数据,而不是更昂贵的账户空间,显著降低存储成本。例如,将100个压缩代币账户的存储费用从0.2 SOL降低到0.000004 SOL。Solana联合创始人Anatoly Yakovenko称,这种解决方案不需要治理代币或外部序列化器,是一种无需安全委员会的Layer 2模型。

According to The Block, Light Protocol and Helius Labs jointly launched the “ZK Compression” technology, which aims to further expand its application on the Solana network. The technology significantly reduces storage costs by compressing its state, storing data in Solana's low-cost account space, rather than the more expensive one. For example, reducing storage costs for 100 compressed-currency accounts from 0.2 SOL to 0.0004 SOL. The co-founder of Solana stated that such a solution would not need to govern the tokens or external serializers, and that it would be a Layer 2 model that would not require a safety committee.

Aave DAO已通过支持在ZKsync上部署Aave协议,将进入正式投票阶段

Aave Dao has supported the deployment of Aave on ZKsync and will enter the formal voting phase

据The Block报道,Aave DAO近日一致投票支持在ZKsync上部署Aave协议,标志着其在以太坊Layer 2网络上的部署即将进入正式投票阶段。该AFRC 提案(即 Aave 正式征求意见稿)由 Aave Chan Initiative 撰写,并以 662,000 票赞成通过,并将进入AIP链上投票以获得最终批准。Aave此前曾收到ZKsync空投的830万ZK代币,是所有“原生项目”中最高的。

According to The Block, Aave Dao voted unanimously in support of the deployment of the Aave agreement on ZKsync in recent days, marking the imminent formal voting stage for his deployment on the Ether Layer 2 network. The AFRC proposal (i.e., Aave's official comment draft) was written by Aave Chan Initiative and adopted by 662,000 votes and will enter the AIP chain to vote for final approval. Aave had received the 8.3 million ZK tokens dropped by ZKsync, the highest of all “original projects”.


The Metaplanet board approved the purchase of bitcoins with a billion yen.

日本上市公司Metaplanet Inc.宣布其董事会已批准使用10亿日元(约合700万美元)购买比特币。这笔资金将来自于公司第二期普通债券(带担保)的发行收益。根据Metaplanet在今日发布的公告,这些债券每年利率为0.5%,预计将于2024年6月26日支付,2025年6月25日到期。Metaplanet计划将这些比特币长期持有,或在适当情况下用于运营和其他用途,并在资产负债表上将其记录为流动资产。

The Japanese listed company Metaplanet Inc. announced that its board had approved the use of 1 billion yen (approximately US$ 7 million) for the purchase of bitcoins. The money would come from the company’s second general bond issue (with guarantees). According to the announcement by Metaplanet today, these bonds are paid at an annual interest rate of 0.5 per cent and are expected to be paid on 26 June 2024 and expire on 25 June 2025. Metaplanet plans to hold these bitcoins on a permanent basis, or, where appropriate, for operational and other purposes, and to record them as liquid assets on the balance sheet.

Cathie Wood:基于经济理由将在总统选举中投票支持特朗普

Cathy Wood: Vote in favour of Trump in the presidential election for economic reasons

据The Block报道,Ark Invest的首席执行官Cathie Wood在最近的拉斯维加斯会议上表示,她计划在2024年美国总统选举中投票支持唐纳德·特朗普。Wood称她选择支持特朗普是基于经济理由,她相信特朗普能够推动美国经济增长。Wood指出,特朗普在担任总统的前三年(疫情之前)的经济表现是美国历史上最好的之一。

According to The Block, the Chief Executive Officer of Ark Invest said at the recent Las Vegas conference that she planned to vote for Donald Trump in the presidential election in 2024. Wood said that she had chosen to support Trump for economic reasons, and that she believed Trump could boost America’s economic growth. Wood noted that Trump’s economic performance during the first three years of his presidency (before the outbreak) was one of the best in America’s history.


In addition, Trump has recently publicly supported encrypted currency and accepted campaign donations in the form of encrypted currency. Last week, Gemini’s founder, the Winklevos brothers, donated $2 million in bitcoin to Trump’s campaign team.

据悉,乔·拜登和唐纳德·特朗普之间的美国总统电视辩论将于 6 月 27 日举行。

According to the information received, the United States Presidential Television Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will take place on June 27.

Mt. Gox受托人宣布将于7月初开始进行BTC和BCH的偿还工作

The trustee Mt. Gox announced that the reimbursement of BTC and BCH would begin in early July.

据Tree News报道,Mt. Gox 受托人宣布将开始进行比特币和比特币现金的偿还工作。官方文件显示,Mt. Gox 受托人宣布将在2024年7月初开始进行比特币($BTC)和比特币现金($BCH)的偿还工作。受托人已经准备就绪,将按照康复计划的要求向加密货币交易所发起偿还程序。受托人表示,已与相关交易所完成所需信息的确认和交换,以确保还款的安全性和合规性。具体偿还将根据每个交易所的信息交换完成顺序进行。

According to Trey News, the trustee Mt. Gox announced that it would begin the process of reimbursing Bitcoin and Bitcoin in cash. Official documents indicate that the trustee Mt. Gox announced that it would begin the process of reimbursing Bitcoin ($BTC) and Bitcoin in cash ($BCH) by the beginning of July 2024. The trustee is ready to initiate reimbursement procedures with the encrypted currency exchange as required by the rehabilitation plan.

Upbit将上线Blast (BLAST)

Upbit will be lined up in Blast (BLAST)

据官方公告,韩国加密交易所Upbit宣布将在韩元、比特币、USDT市场上线Blast (BLAST),交易开始时间预计为当地时间6月26日23:00。

According to the official announcement, Upbit, the Korean encryption exchange, announced that it would be in Blast (BLAST) on the Korean Won, Bitcoin and USDT market lines, and that the start of the transaction was expected to take place on 26 June at 2300 local time.



Berachain流动性质押协议Infrared Finance获得Binance Labs战略投资

Infrared Finance secures strategic investment in Binance Labs by Berachain

据The Block报道,Berachain流动性质押协议Infrared Finance已从Binance Labs处筹集了一笔未公开的资金。Infrared的匿名联合创始人兼首席执行官Raito Bear透露,Binance Labs本月初在战略融资轮中作为唯一投资者投资了Infrared,这轮战略融资的结构是未来代币简单协议(SAFT)。Bear拒绝就迄今为止筹集的资金总额和估值发表评论。 此前1月消息,InfraredFinance完成250万美元种子轮融资,Synergis领投。

According to The Block, Infrared Finance has raised an undisclosed amount of money from the Binance Labs. Infrared’s anonymous co-founder and CEO, Raito Bear, revealed that Binance Labs had invested in Infrared as the only investor in the strategic financing round at the beginning of this month, structured as a future currency simple agreement (SAFT).Bear refused to comment on the total amount and valuation of funds raised so far.


Important data


The U.S. government currently holds $13.9 billion in bitcoins and $187 million in Etheria.


Arkham data show that the United States Government currently holds 217,486 bitcoins valued at approximately $13.9 billion and 53,900 pieces valued at approximately $187 million. In addition, the German Government holds 47,179 bitcoins valued at over $3 billion. The British Government holds 61,245 bitcoins valued at about $3.9 billion.

昨日销毁的ETH数量仅为266 ETH,创下EIP-1559升级以来的新低

The number of ETHs destroyed yesterday was only 266 ETH, creating a new low since the EIP-1559 upgrade.

目前以太坊 gas 费徘徊在 2 到 5 gwei 之间,这是迄今为止的最低水平之一。网络费用的下降导致被销毁的 ETH 减少。周日,销毁的 ETH 数量仅为 266.06 ETH,创下EIP-1559升级以来的新低。

This is one of the lowest levels to date. Lower network costs result in fewer ETHs being destroyed. On Sunday, the number of ETHs destroyed was only 266.06 ETH, which has reached a new low since the EIP-1559 upgrade.

据Ultrasound.money的数据,过去一周,以太坊的供应量已经出现通胀,供应量增长率为 0.56%,这与之前的通货紧缩性质相反。如果活动回升并且销毁的 ETH 多于发行量,那么它将再次陷入通货紧缩。

According to Ultrasound.Money, the past week has seen inflation in the supply of Taiku, with a growth rate of 0.56%, contrary to the deflationary nature of the previous period. If activity rebounds and more ETHs are destroyed than distribution, it will again fall into deflation.


CoinShares: Net outflow of digital asset investment products last week amounted to $584 million

PANews 6月24日消息,据CoinShares最新周报数据,上周系数字资产投资产品连续第二周出现资金流出,总额达到5.84亿美元,总共减少了12亿美元。这可能是投资者对美联储今年降息前景的悲观情绪的反应。上周,自美国ETF在1月推出以来,全球ETP交易量也创下了最低记录,一周内仅成交69亿美元。从地域分布看,美国市场资金流出最为显著,达到4.75亿美元;加拿大市场亦出现1.09亿美元的资金流出。德国和香港市场分别出现2400万美元和1900万美元的资金流出。然而,瑞士和巴西市场却逆势而上,分别出现3900万美元和4850万美元的资金流入。 在数字资产中,比特币成为资金流出的主要焦点,流出金额高达6.3亿美元。值得注意的是,尽管市场情绪偏空,但比特币空头仓位并未因此增加,反而出现120万美元的资金流出。以太坊亦未能幸免于市场情绪的影响,出现5800万美元的资金流出。不过,在一系列其他币种中,Solana、Litecoin和Polygon在近期价格下跌后,分别获得了2700万美元、1300万美元和1000万美元的资金流入,成为市场亮点。多资产产品出现了9800万美元的资金流入,表明投资者将替代币市场的疲软视为买入机会。

PANews reported on 24 June that, according to the latest weekly report by CoinShares, funds flowed out last week for the second consecutive week of digital asset investment products, amounting to $584 million, with a total reduction of $1.2 billion. This could be a response from investors to the Fed’s pessimism about the prospect of a reduction in interest this year. Last week, the US ETF also recorded a record level of global ETP transactions since its launch in January.


Bitcoin dropped $61,000 short and $3,300 short.

欧易OKX行情显示,比特币短时跌破61000美元,一度触及60609美元,现报61132.9美元,日内跌幅4.65%。 此外,以太坊跌破3300美元,现报3291.18美元,日内跌幅5.21%。

EuroOKX shows that Bitcoin fell short by $61,000, at one time by $60609, now reporting $61132.9 and falling by 4.65 per cent in the day, in addition to $3,300 in the house, $3291.18 and 5.21 per cent in the day.


Later on, it was reported that $106 million had been released under a full-network contract for the past one hour, with a large number of major charges.

PANews APP 功能更新,立即下载体验!

Update the PANews APP function, download the experience immediately!


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