什么是 Web 3.0:面向未来的去中心化互联网

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Web 3.0 可能是基于公共区块链的未来互联网模式,公共区块链是一种用以促进加密货币交易的记录保存系统。 Web 3.0 的最重要的地方在于它是去中心化的,这意味着用户不是通过腾讯、阿里、百度、字节、谷歌、苹果等公司提供的服务访问互联网,而是个人自己拥有和管理互联网的各个部分。

The most important aspect of Web 3.0 is that it is decentralized xff0c; this means that users do not access the Internet xff0c through services provided by companies such as tethers, Ali, 100 degrees, bytes, Google, Apple, etc.; rather, individuals own and manage various parts of the Internet.

Web 3.0 不需要“许可”,所以中央机构不会决定谁可以访问哪些服务,也不需要“信任”。这意味着虚拟交易不需要中介两方或多方。因此,Web 3.0 在技术上更好地保护了用户隐私。

Web 3.0 There is no need for “licence” & #xff0c; so the central authority does not decide who can access which services & #xff0c; nor is there a need for “trust”. This means that virtual transactions do not require two or more intermediaries. & #xff0c; Web 3.0 better protect user privacy technically.

去中心化金融(Decentralized finance),通常被称为 DeFi,是 Web 3.0 的一个组成部分,正在蓬勃发展。DeFi是在没有银行或政府介入的情况下,在区块链上实现现实世界的金融交易。但是,与此同时,许多大公司和风险投资公司都在向 Web 3.0 投入大量资金,很可能他们的参与会导致某种形式的集中权力。

Going to centralize finance xff08; Decentralized finance) xff0c; commonly known as DeFi, an integral part of Web 3.0 xff0c; flourishing. DeFi is a real world financial transaction without the involvement of banks or governments xff0c; on the block chain. But xff0c; at the same time xff0c; many large companies and venture capital companies are investing heavily in Web 3.0 xff0c; it is likely that their participation will lead to some form of centralized power.

这篇文章将介绍 Web 是如何发展的,为什么每个人都在谈论 Web 3.0,Web 3.0 的用途,Web 3.0 在加密领域的用途,它的下一步发展方向以及为什么这很重要。

This article will describe how xff0c has been developed by Web; why everyone is talking about xff0c; xff0c for Web 3.0; ff0c for Web 3.0; ff0c for Web 3.0 for encryption; and its next course and why this is important.


互联网是数十亿人用来通过互联网交换、读取和写入信息,以及与他人交流的主要工具。多年来,Web 发生了巨大的变化,其当前的应用程序在早期几乎无法辨认。 Web 的演变通常分为三个阶段:Web 1.0、Web 2.0 和 Web 3.0。

The Internet is the main tool that billions of people use to exchange, read and write information via the Internet xff0c; and communicate with others. Over the years xff0c; Web has changed dramatically xff0c; its current applications are almost unrecognizable at an early stage. The evolution of Web is usually divided into three phases xff1a; Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

互联网的最早版本被称为 Web 1.0。将 Web 1.0 视为只读或语法网络。大多数参与者是内容消费者,而制造商主要是网络开发人员,他们使用主要以文本或图形格式提供的材料构建网站。 Web 1.0 大约从 1991 年到 2004 年存在。

The earliest version of the Internet is called Web 1.0. Consider Web 1.0 as a read-only or syntax network. Most participants are content consumers & #xff0c; manufacturers are mainly network developers & #xff0c; they build websites using material mainly in text or graphic format. Web 1.0 exists from about 1991 to 2004.

在 Web 1.0 中,站点提供静态材料而不是动态的超文本标记语言 (HTML)。数据和内容是从静态文件系统而不是数据库提供的,网页上几乎没有交互。

In Web 1.0 & #xff0c; stations provide static materials rather than dynamic HTML. Data and content are provided from static file systems rather than databases & #xff0c; there is little interaction on web pages.

我们大多数人只看到当前版本的网络,通常称为 Web 2.0,也称为交互式读写和社交网络。你不必成为开发人员即可参与 Web 2.0 世界中的创建过程。许多应用程序的设计方式使得任何人都可以成为创造者。

Most of us only see the current version of the network & #xff0c; commonly known as Web 2.0 & #xff0c; also known as interactive reading, writing and social networking. You do not have to be a developer to participate in the creation process in the Web 2.0 world. Many applications are designed in such a way that anyone can be a creator.

你可以创造思想并与全世界分享。你还可以发布视频并让数以百万计的其他人在 Web 2.0 中观看、互动和评论。 Bilibili、微博、Youtube、Facebook和其他社交媒体就是 Web 2.0 应用的典型例子。

You can create ideas and share them with the world. You can also publish videos and let millions of others watch, interact, and comment in Web 2.0.

Web 技术(例如 HTML5、CSS3 和 Javascript 框架)使公司能够开发各种应用,让用户能够为社交网络做出更多贡献。因此,开发人员只需要设计一种机制来吸引和启用用户,让他们来进行内容创作。

Web Technology & #xff08; e.g. HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript framework & #xff09; enables companies to develop applications & #xff0c; allows users to contribute more to social networking. & #xff0c; developers just need to design a mechanism to attract and enable users & #xff0c; let them do content creation.

想想 Instagram、Twitter 和 YouTube 等著名应用在早期与现在相比有何不同。所有这些公司通常都会经过以下时期:

Imagine how well-known applications like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube were different in the early years than they are now. All of these companies usually go through the following period & #xff1a;

  1. 该公司推出了一款应用程序。

    The company has launched an application.

  1. 用各种方式吸引尽可能多的人。

    To attract as many people as possible in a variety of ways.

  1. 然后它从其用户群中赚钱。

    It then earns money from its user base.


xff0c when an application is released by developers or companies; the user experience is usually very fluid xff0c; especially as the application's heat increases xff0c; more and more people are joining. At first xff0c; many businesses do not care about profit xff0c; on the contrary xff0c; they focus only on expanding and retaining new consumers. But ultimately xff0c; they have to start making profits.


Businesses tend to accept venture capital for upfront development xff0c; venture investment limits do not contribute to the life cycle xff0c; and ultimately damage the experiences of many current users. For example, xff0c; xff0c when a company raises venture capital to develop applications; its investors usually expect investment returns to be dozens or hundreds of times their investment. Thus, enterprises are expected to continue organically xff0c; companies often face two paths xff1a; marketing or data sales.

更多数据意味着BAT、Google、Facebook、Twitter 等众多 Web 2.0 公司的广告更有针对性,更多的点击次数,从而获得更多的广告收入。正如我们现在所知道和使用的那样,用户数据的利用和集中是网络运行的基础。因此,数据泄露在 Web 2.0 应用程序中很常见。甚至还有专门用于跟踪数据泄露,并在你的个人信息被黑客入侵时通知你的网站。

More data means that many web 2.0 company ads, such as Bat, Google, Facebook, Twitter, are more targeted xff0c; more hits xff0c; and thus more advertising revenue. As we now know and use xff0c; the use and concentration of user data are the basis for network operations. xff0c; data leaks are common in web 2.0 applications. There are even websites dedicated to tracking data leaks xff0c; and inform your website when your personal information is hacked.

你无法控制你的数据或其在 Web 2.0 中的存储方式。事实上,企业经常在未经用户许可的情况下跟踪和保存用户数据。然后,负责这些平台的公司拥有并管理这些数据。此外,当中介机构认为有人表达了与他们的宣传相矛盾的观点时,他们可以关闭服务器或删除言论。中介机构可以使用集中式服务器轻松干预、控制或关闭应用程序。

You cannot control your data or how it is stored in Web 2.0. In fact xff0c; businesses often track and store user data without user permission. Then xff0c; the company responsible for these platforms owns and manages the data. xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; they can shut down the server or delete the word. Intermediaries can easily intervene, control or close applications using centralized servers.

Web 3.0 将解决其中许多缺陷,它试图从根本上重新思考,我们如何从头开始构建应用程序,并与之交互。

Web 3.0 will address many of these deficiencies & #xff0c; it will attempt to fundamentally rethink & #xff0c; how we start from scratch to build applications & #xff0c; and interact with them.

Web 3.0,也称为语义 Web 或读写执行,是暗示 Web 未来的时代(从 2010 年开始)。人工智能 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML) 使计算机能够以与人类相同的方式分析数据,这有助于根据用户的特定需求智能生成和推荐有价值的内容。

Web 3.0, also known as semantic Web or literacy execution & #xff0c; implying the future of Web & #xff08; starting in 2010 & xff09;. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) enable computers to analyse data & #xff0c in the same way as humans; this helps to generate and recommend valuable content that is intelligent according to the specific needs of users.

Web 2.0 和 Web 3.0 之间有很多区别,而去中心化是两者的核心。 Web 3.0 开发人员很少创建和部署在单个服务器上运行或将数据存储在单个数据库中的应用程序(通常由单个云提供商托管和管理)。

There are many differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 xff0c; decentralization is the core of both.Web 3.0 Developers rarely create and deploy applications that run on a single server or store data in a single database xff08; typically, individual cloud providers host and manage xff09;

相反,Web 3.0 应用程序建立在区块链、众多点对点节点(服务器)的分散网络或两者的混合之上。这些程序被称为去中心化应用程序 (DApps),你会经常在 Web 3.0 社区中听到这个词。开发人员和企业致力于提供最优质的服务,以建立稳定和安全的去中心化网络。

Instead, xff0c; Web 3.0 applications are based on block chains, multiple point-to-point nodes xff08; server xff09; decentralized networks or a combination of both. These are called decentralization applications (Dapps) xff0c; you will often hear that word in the web 3.0 community. Developers and businesses are committed to providing the highest quality of services xff0c; and to creating a stable and secure decentralized network.

说到 Web 3.0,你会发现加密货币经常被提及。这是因为许多 Web 3.0 协议严重依赖加密货币。它为任何希望帮助创建、管理、贡献或改进其中一个项目的人提供货币激励(代币)。 Web 3.0 代币是与创建去中心化互联网的愿景相关的数字资产。这些协议可以提供各种服务,例如计算、带宽、存储、识别、托管和其他以前由云提供商提供的在线服务。

Speaking of Web 3.0, you find that encrypted currency is often mentioned. This is because many web 3.0 protocols rely heavily on encrypted currency. It provides monetary incentives for anyone who wishes to help create, manage, contribute to or improve one of these projects xff08; tokens xff09; Web 3.0 is a digital asset associated with creating the vision of decentralizing the Internet. These agreements provide a variety of services xff0c; e.g. computing, bandwidth, storage, identification, hosting and other online services previously provided by cloud providers.

例如,基于以太坊的 Livepeer 协议为视频基础设施提供商和流媒体应用程序提供了一个市场。同样,Helium 鼓励消费者和小企业提供和确认无线覆盖范围,并使用区块链和代币通过网络发送设备数据。

For example, xff0c; a market for video infrastructure providers and stream media applications based on a Livepeer protocol based in Taiku. Similarly, xff0c; Helium encourages consumers and small businesses to provide and confirm wireless coverage xff0c; and uses block chains and tokens to send equipment data via the network.


People can make a living by participating in agreements in a variety of technical and non-technical ways. Consumers of the service usually pay for the use of the agreement xff0c; just like they pay cloud providers in China, Ariyun, etc.

此外,Web 3.0 将严重依赖不可替代的代币(NFT)、数字货币和其他区块链实体。例如,Reddit 正试图通过设计一种使用加密货币代币的机制来促进 Web 3.0 的发展,这会允许用户从本质上控制他们参与的现场社区的各个部分。在这个概念中,用户将使用“社区积分”,他们可以通过在特定的 subreddit 上发布来获得“社区积分”。然后,用户根据有多少赞成或反对的特定帖子来得分。 (它只是 Reddit Karma 的区块链版本。)

In addition, xff0c; Web 3.0 will rely heavily on irreplaceable tokens xff08; NFT&#ff09; digital currency and other block chain entities. For example, xff0c; Reddit is trying to promote the development of Web 3.0 ff0c by designing a mechanism for the use of encrypted currency tokens; this will allow users to essentially control the various parts of the field community in which they are involved. In this concept xff0c; users will use “community credits” xff0c; they can obtain “community credits” by publishing them on a specific subreddit; and then xff0c; users will score on the basis of the number of specific posts that are approved or opposed. & #xff08; it is only a sectional version of Reddit Karma. #xff09; #xff09;

这些积分本质上可以用作投票份额,允许做出重大贡献的用户在影响社区的选择中拥有更大的发言权。因为这些点存储在区块链上,所以它们的所有者对它们有更多的控制权;它们不能简单地被带走,它们会跟踪你。公平地说,这只是一种用途,一种称为去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 的 Web 3.0 理念的企业版,它使用代币更均匀地分配所有权和决策权。

These credits can be used essentially as voting shares xff0c; they allow users who make significant contributions to have a greater say in the choices that affect the community. These points are stored on the block chain xff0c; so their owners have more control over them xff1b; they cannot simply be taken away xff0c; they will track you. xff0c; this is only a use xff0c; a business version xff0c of the concept of decentralizing self-government (DAO); it distributes ownership and decision-making more evenly with the use of tokens.

  1. Web2.0 侧重于交互,Web3 侧重于去中心化和语义学习。

    Web2.0 Focus on interactive & #xff0c; Web3 Focus on decentralizing and semantic learning.

  1. Web2.0 网络拥有数据,而 Web3.0 实体拥有数据的所有权并进行共享。

    The Web 2.0 network has data & #xff0c; and the Web3.0 entity has ownership and sharing of data.

  1. Web2.0 侧重于社区发展,Web3.0 侧重于为用户赋能。

    Web 2.0 Focus on Community Development & #xff0c; Web3.0 Focus on Empowering Users.

  1. Web2.0 表单是智能应用,Web3.0 表单是智能合约。

    Web2.0 Forms are smart applications & #xff0c; Web3.0 Forms are smart contracts.

  1. Web2.0 单点故障:恶意行为者可以通过针对中央权威来关闭网络,而 Web3.0 无单点故障:即使很大一部分参与者被攻击/淘汰,网络仍然可以运行。

    Web 2.0 Single Point failure & #xff1a; malicious actors can shut down the network by targeting central authority & #xff0c; Web3.0 no single point failure & #xff1a; even if a large number of participants are attacked/deactivated & #xff0c; the network is still operational.

从 Web 2.0 到 3.0 的转变进展缓慢,一般公众都没有注意到。 Web 3.0 应用程序具有与 2.0 应用程序相同的外观和感觉,但后端有根本的不同。

The transition from Web 2.0 to 3.0 has been slow xff0c; none of the general public noticed. The Web 3.0 application has the same appearance and sense xff0c as the 2.0 application; but the backend is fundamentally different.

Web 3.0 的未来将诞生可以被各种设备和软件读取和使用的通用应用程序,使我们的商业和休闲活动更加方便。

The future of Web 3.0 will give birth to generic applications that can be read and used by various equipment and software & #xff0c; make our business and leisure activities easier.

分布式账本和区块链存储等技术的兴起将使数据去中心化和建立透明安全的环境成为可能,挑战 Web 2.0 的集中化、监控和剥削性广告。

The emergence of technologies such as distributed books and block chain storage will make it possible to centralize data and create a transparent and secure environment xff0c; challenge the centralization, surveillance and exploitative advertising of Web 2.0.


When decentralized infrastructure and application platforms replace centralized technology companies xff0c; we will be able to exercise a higher degree of control over personal data.

让我们看看 Web 3.0 的四个属性,以更好地理解它的复杂性和微妙之处。

Let's look at the four attributes of Web 3.0 #xff0c; to better understand its complexity and nuances.

“语义网”是 Web 3.0 的重要组成部分。该词由 Tim Berners-Lee 创造,用于描述机器可以分析的数据网络。这是什么意思? “语义”一词究竟意味着什么? “我喜欢你。”和“你被我喜欢。”有什么区别?

"Semantic Network" is an important part of Web 3.0. The term is created by Tim Berners-Lee xff0c; used to describe data networks where machines can be analysed. What does that mean by xff1f; xff1f; I like you; and xff1f. What's the difference?

尽管这两句话的语法不同,但两者的语义相似。语义关注的是事实所表达的意义或情感,在前面的例子中,这两个句子都代表了相同的情感。 Web 3.0 的两个基石是语义网和人工智能。语义网将数据存储成计算机能够理解的模式,然后基于人工智能开发能够更好地利用数据的真实用例。

Although the syntax of the two sentences is different xff0c; the semantics of the two are similar. Semantics are concerned with the meaning or emotions expressed by the facts xff0c; in the previous example xff0c; both sentences represent the same emotions. The two cornerstones of Web 3.0 are synonyms and artificial intelligence. Semantic networks use data as models that computers can understand xff0c; then based on artificial intelligence development to make better use of the true usage of data.

主要概念是在整个互联网上建立一个知识图谱,并通过搜索和分析生成、共享和连接内容。如此,Web 3.0 将促进更多的数据通信。进而用户体验会发展到一个新的水平,可以享受基于所有可访问的数据提供的服务。

The main concept is to create a knowledge map & #xff0c across the Internet; and to generate, share and connect content through search and analysis. This & #xff0c; Web 3.0 will facilitate more data communication. User experience will then evolve to a new level & #xff0c; and services based on all accessible data will be available.

Web 3.0 将改变互联网的未来,因为它从简单的二维网络演变为更现实的三维网络世界。 Web 3.0 网站和服务,例如电子商务、网络游戏和房地产市场,大量使用了三维设计。

Web 3.0 will change the future of the Internet xff0c; it will evolve from a simple two-dimensional network to a more realistic three-dimensional network world. Web 3.0 websites and services xff0c; e.g. e-commerce, network games and real estate markets xff0c; extensive use of three-dimensional designs.


Although this idea seems strange xff0c; there are indeed thousands of people around the world who are currently interacting in this place. For example, xff0c; consider online games such as Second Life or the World of Monsters xff0c; xff0c compared to their counterparts in real life; participants are more concerned with the happiness of virtual roles.

借助人工智能,网站将能够过滤并向用户提供最佳事实。在当前的 Web 2.0 时代,组织已经开始征求客户反馈,以更好地了解产品或资产的质量。例如,考虑一个像烂番茄这样的网站,用户可以在其中对电影进行评分和评论。档次较高的电影往往被认为是“好电影”。像这样的列表可以让我们跳过“糟糕的数据”,直接找到“好的数据”。

Using artificial intelligence & #xff0c; websites will be able to filter and provide the best facts to users. In the current Web 2.0 era & #xff0c; the organization has started to solicit feedback from clients & #xff0c; to better understand the quality of products or assets. For example & #xff0c; to consider a website like a rotten tomato & #xff0c; users can rate and comment on films.

正如我们已经提到的,Web 2.0 最重要的贡献之一是同行评审。但是,人为的建议并非是理智的。一群人可能会联合起来给一部电影不值得的正面评价,以提高他们的收视率。人工智能可以学会区分好数据和坏数据,并为我们提供可靠的信息。

As we have already mentioned, one of the most important contributions of xff0c; Web 2.0 is peer review. But xff0c; artificial advice is not rational. A group of people may come together to evaluate a film as unworthy and positive xff0c; increase their ratings. Artificial intelligence can learn to distinguish between good and bad data xff0c; and provide us with reliable information.

无所不在是指同时存在或存在于多个地方的概念。此功能已在 Web 2.0 中可用。例如,考虑 Instagram 等社交媒体平台,用户在其中用手机拍照,然后在线发布和分发,成为他们的知识产权。一旦发布,图像就会变得无处不在或随处可见。

Everything refers to the concept that exists simultaneously or in multiple places. This function is already available in Web 2.0. For example, & #xff0c; considering social media platforms such as Instagram & #xff0c; where users take photos with their mobile phones & #xff0c; then online publish and distribute xff0c; become their intellectual property rights. Once xff0c is published; images become ubiquitous or visible.

随着移动设备和互联网连接的进步,Web 3.0 体验将随时随地访问。互联网将不再局限于像 Web 1.0 那样的个人计算机,或 Web 2.0 的智能手机。因为你周围的大多数事物都是在线连接的(物联网),所以 Web 3.0 可以被称为万物互联,无处不在。

The Internet will no longer be limited to personal computers like Web 1.0 & #xff0c; or Web 2.0 smartphones. Because most things around you are online & #xff08; #xff09; xff0c; so web 3.0 can be called everything xff0c; everywhere.

由于 Web 3.0 中不再涉及中介,用户数据将不再受控。这最大限度地减少了政府或企业审查的可能性,以及拒绝服务 (DoS) 攻击的有效性。

This minimizes the possibility of government or business censorship & #xff0c; and the effectiveness of denial of service (DoS) attacks.


As more and more products are connected to the Internet xff0c; broader data sets provide more information for algorithms to calculate. xff0c; algorithms can therefore return more accurate information according to the needs of individual users.


In previous search tasks xff0c; it is difficult for us to find answers directly on the search engine. However, xff0c; as technology advances xff0c; businesses have improved their ability to discover semantic results based on the context and information of the search. Web browsing has become easier xff0c; allowing everyone to have relatively easy access to the specific information they need.



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