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With the rise of Bitcoin, there is also an increase in the number of outlaws on the market who defraud through virtual currency, such as a resident who, through a strange networker, proposes to make money by buying and selling virtual currency online, invests $44,000, and finds it so often that many of the newcomers are afraid to invest in virtual currency, for fear of being deceived, so what if the buying of the currency is deceived? Is it useful to call the police?

1.被骗后,先不要马上去找他们理论,因为如果这样做,他们会马上把你删除,并踢出群聊,应马上保持冷静,继续潜伏,看一下自己的资金是否还能出金, 把能够出金的分批撤出。

1. When they have been deceived, do not go to their theories immediately, because if they do so, they will immediately remove you and kick you out of the group. They should remain calm, stay lurking, see if they can still pay their own money, and withdraw the groups that are able to do so.

2.搜集公司主体的证据。要求他们将公司名字,分支机构,地址,办公场所等信息提供给你。为 了避免引起他们的怀疑,你可以换个新投资者的身份向他们要。

2. Collect evidence from the subjects of the company. They are required to provide you with information about the company’s name, branch office, address, office space, etc. In order to avoid raising their suspicions, you can ask them for a new investor’s identity.


3. Reconstructing their fraudulent passages, keeping their own cash entry records, bank transfer records, and the teacher's drawings to keep them.


4. Asked whether they had other investment groups and tried to justify them by joining them.


5. To keep screenshots of the investor Q, the connection Q, and the way in which they are located in these groups.


6. The preparation of this information is an important evidence of recovery, which can be contacted for professional recovery of financial losses.


Would it be useful if you'd been tricked into calling the police?


There are still cases of digital money fraud that have been uncovered by the police in various locations, but this does not mean that the loss will be recovered after the money has been defrauded, so investors need to prevent currency fraud:


1. Launching of the alternative road


A series of submissive drop-off events have recently taken place, involving a large number of people and a large amount of money. I have also mentioned them several times before. Since the beginning of the 94th policy, the former more formal public fund-raising sites have been shut down, and now they are subterranean, and many foreign projects, including domestic projects, have banned continental identity in order to avoid regulation, which amounts to a threshold.


Now, there are a lot of micro-credits, qqs, telegrams, and a lot of public names. If you're going to decide to put in a project, I'm going to leave it alone. First of all, it depends on how hard it is for the person who helped you. Because, in the alternative, you're going to put the money directly into each other's wallet, and if the person who helped you out disappeared, you're going to lose the money. The identity of the individual, the people in the currency circle, the cost of running the road, and so on, all these things need to be considered together. Once this person runs, he will basically stop thinking about mixing the money circle and not underestimating the strength of the Internet.


So, if you really want to do this project, you don't have any other channels to do it, and you don't have any direct trust in the sponsors, then you need to do less.


2. Specialized cabbage cutting


This is a situation that used to occur in old money-rich casinos. Old money-gathering used to be the king of the domestic currency exchange, which was easily manipulated by small money because of its size and small plate size.


This is usually the way a few people ambushed at a low price of a currency in advance. Then they went to the masses to promote the currency, which would be good for them to explain. So a bunch of little truths broke in, and they actually pulled up the price. Then the group built a small group, where only the size of the currency would be allowed to enter. So, the group went to the masses to promote good news, and all kinds of whites got in the car.


It's all good news about P-Turley. There's too many people in the currency circles, all of them are talented, and they know P-charts, and they say how they feel about each other, and I love it here. And then these guys take advantage of the time, and the pickles go to the high-levels. Now, it's common for a lot of them to be XX-coins.


And to be a little bit more advanced is the good news of the dealer's team working with the coin, the big V's all over the world, and some of the media in the world singing more, pulling it up and giving it to the receivers. All I can say is, the groceries cut.


3. Off-site trading liars


Or because, after the policy passed, the country cut off the channels for the collection of French coins. In the first place, there were not many channels for formal out-of-the-place transactions. What if some of the newcomers wanted to buy or sell the money in their hands, and then they had to trade with the rest of the group.


Individual liars are usually those who change the head of a beautiful woman to the back of a man who sells a lot of money at a price lower than the market. When you talk in private, it's the fish that hooks up. A woman can easily get off guard and pulls herself into a relationship. Then, when you are unguarded, you have to hit the money and then then the money.


Seeing each other as honest as they are, I don't think they'll be fooled. When you get the money, you get the money, you get black and the phone doesn't work. Then it's useless to call the police. It's too small to make a case. You have to feed yourself to a dog. So the out-of-the-court deal must be with a witness, and the witness must be someone you know better, and he won't run away.



4. Dealing counterfeit currency


This trick is a bit more clever than the next generation's direct run. When you start holding this pile of counterfeit coins, you still wonder how many times you can go to the exchange. When the real project tokens go on the exchange, you find out that you have a lot of numbers in your hands.


It's easy to deploy one of your own Ether's tokens, and it can be done with a hundred bucks on a treasure. It's a full service. Customize your digital memento.


5. Project People's Counterfeiting Website


The previous period had been preceded by false and fake websites, including the previous EOS. The site was identical to the real one. Even the domain name was copied to make you confused with the truth. Just like “ ” “ “ ” ” “ “ &ldquao; “ “ &ldquao; &rdquao; “ & ; & & & ; & ; what & & ; & & & & rdquao; and so on.


Then, when you enter the mail box and sign up on the network, you send an e-mail, which contains the address of the popularly-sponsored ring. When you pay the money, it basically amounts to feeding the dog, which basically means you can't get it back. There have been many other schemes before, some of which have published the public collection address directly on the site. For example, the previous ENG, the CDT project, was raised in public. So, be careful when you raise the money, then cross-check the address with the official community of the project or friends around it, and whether the site is real or not.


6. Financial roll-out


This is usually a collection of funds, which is an advertising link to a distribution board. Some links are also viral and wooden, and when you open them, you call you to sign up or apply for an account, steal your personal information or something like that, or steal your wallet's private key or something.


Some of them are pure money plates, which attract you with high interest or reward, and then you throw money in, or pull you in, and then brainwash them. I've been in some distribution groups before, and that sort of brainwashing is almost the same way that I used to be doing microbusinesses. When you go in, you think you're making money, and then you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're in it, and you're out of it, and you're out of it.



7. Fees for various kinds of counterfeiting


It's not like it's a pure liar. It's like, you know, it's a lot of time to spread the net and suggest which coins will rise in the future. When this coin suddenly rises, then you show it. See, my analysis is perfect. I say, I'll pull it up. I've got insider information.


Usually, when White sees it, he thinks that the teacher's analysis is great, and I'm going to add to the teacher's collection. What? 888 is a regular package, and 2888 is a VIP package. Anyway, there's always a SB package for you. When you get in, you buy the money that you recommend, and you drop and yell.


When you want to complain, you get kicked out. Well, you get a wave of IQ taxes. I always think that short lines ask God. Technical analysis of shapes and logic is possible through all Klines, but it is not possible to judge the future, but it is not possible to judge it 100% accurately.


The little editor-in-chief of the currency circle reminds investors that, in the absence of familiarity with the crypto-digital money market, it is important to keep in mind that transactions are easy and easy, after all, the input of real silver, and that, before investing in a digital currency, the White Paper must be viewed by the official net, whether there is logic, whether there is a future trend, and whether there is a combination of current news and actual action.


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