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  〔商學院 EMBA協會〕臺北市東吳大學EMBA服務與成長協會第126期電子報,歡迎點閱
  〔企管系〕2021.05.12.「東吳企管財經講堂」第五季第三場次,主題:『真˙永續台灣』新契機 ESG是企業體質的大補帖還是公司形象的化妝品?
  〔會計系〕2021.04.22.會計學系舉辦資料探勘(Data Mining)專題演講,協助教師具備大數據資料分析技能
  〔會計系〕2021.04.19.會計學系參與安永聯合會計師事務所舉辦「IFRS 17 保險合約」座談會
  〔商學院EMBA協會〕2021.04.17.舉辦第15場咖啡時間 <東吳EMBA走進田中秧> 活動,眾星雲集~



In recent years, there has been a considerable decline in the number of names and registered persons in the Academy’s specialized courses. The reasons for this are: the fierce competition in the market, the inadequate character and visibility of the College’s specialized courses, the lack of experienced and highly qualified staff, the lack of financial resources and the absence of a profit centre, and the lack of value-added of a dedicated network of people.


With the consent and instructions of the head of the school, the school began discussing the integration of the EMBA with the departments since 109, and after months of intensive discussion and communication between the heads of departments and the teachers of the departments, we have finally reached a stage-by-stage convergence and have signed an agreement for approval of the integrated programme. The EMBA and the Economic, Financial and National Integration Programme, which is currently planned, have been approved by the head of the school and approved by the board of directors, and are scheduled to be officially implemented in the course of the 112th academic year, and have been implemented in the course of the 111th academic year.


II. The main elements of the integration programme
focus on integration units and enrolment, and financial planning, as follows:

  1. 商學院內目前已整合單位包括EMBA、經濟碩專、國貿碩專及財精碩專等4單位。自112學年度起,三個系碩專班將停招,商學院EMBA在整合後將另増設一個組。EMBA總招生名額將增至75名,新增的名額除來自三系外,亦有來自其他系碩專釋出之名額,包括日文、資管、會計。
  2. 112學年度整合後的商學院EMBA,在財務上將採利潤中心制,EMBA之學費收入的30%將屬校方,70%則由商學院統籌支用。雜費收入亦屬於校方。
  3. 111學年度為整合執行的過渡期,在此過渡期的EMBA招生名額共有43名,名額係由招生委員會從全校各系碩專班前年釋出名額中撥給。EMBA在招生上則將採招生分二組,即高階經營組及數位金融組(暫定組名)。數位金融組之課程規劃則由院方及整合單位合組規劃小組進行。
  4. 111學年度的財務規劃仍然適用於目前校方之碩專班收支相關規定,不採利潤中心制。


More detailed information can be found below on the Admissions Group.


III. Business School EMBA and < strong >
The permanent operation of the University of Dong Oo and the EMBA must take a quality competition, which means that we must break through on the provision of high-quality teachers and on the specialization of the curriculum, creating a high brand identity of Dong-woo and attracting the professional elites of society.


We expect that in the future, under the scheme of profit centers, the business school EMBA will have more money and leverage to reach the above-mentioned breakthroughs, and will be more likely to have a place in the fierce market. The financial benefits of the special session and the EMBA will be more likely to be a stable source of funding for the long-term development of future business schools.


Finally, I would like to thank the principals, the two deputy principals, and the relevant departments of the school for their support of the integration case, and the heads of the business schools, especially the four heads of department, for their support, which is the key to the organization’s success. Thanks to the business students for their joint efforts, we have reached a new milestone in our development.


(Man: Head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry)


依108學年度校發計畫管考總評會議決議,商學院及院內多個學系管考結果列為優異,並於4月26日(星期一)下午1時10分舉辦之109學年度第17次行政會議中,由校長頒發獎牌,以資鼓勵。 全校學術單位共有14個單位獲評為績優,本院占了7個單位,表現非常優異。

In accordance with the decision of the General Review Meeting on the 108th School Annual School Development Plan, the results of several faculties of business and colleges were ranked as excellent, and in April 26th (Monday), at 1.10 p.m., at the 17th session of the 109th school year of the Executive Council, a medal was awarded by the headmaster as an incentive. There were 14 high-performing units of the whole school's technicals unit, with 7 of them performing very well.





東吳學術表現再創佳績!本校企業管理學系吳吉政特聘教授、資訊管理學系林娟娟特聘教授及黃心怡副教授之論文於頂尖學術指標(Essential Science Indicators,ESI)中,自2020年9月/10月起,其論文被引用的次數足以使其列為相關學術領域的前1%。

In September/October 2020, the number of times they have been quoted was enough to qualify them as the top 1 per cent of the field of related sciences.

此外,資訊管理學系朱蕙君特聘教授在Goksu, I. (2021). "Bibliometric mapping of mobile learning."?Telematics and Informatics?56: 20期刊論文中,譽為是「Mobile Learning」學科最具影響力學者之一,且排名為全球前7、台灣地區前3。土耳其學者Idris Goksu在論文中指出,收錄在Web of Science 資料庫5千餘筆有關行動學習(Mobile learning or m-learning)論文中,透過文獻計量分析法(Bibliometric analysis)可得知最有影響力之國家分別為台灣、美國、中國大陸、英國及西班牙,其中最具影響力之學者前10名分別來自台灣、新加坡及英國,台灣學者佔有3席,表示台灣在行動學習領域具有領導地位。

In addition, Professor Zhu Junteng of the Faculty of Information Management is one of the most influential scientists in Goksu, I. (2021). & Quot; Bibliometric appating of mobile landing. & Quot; Telematics and Infomatics? 56: In 20 issues, Mobile Learning is one of the most influential scientists in the world, ranked among the top 7 and the top 3 in the Taiwan region. Idris Goksu, a Turkish scholar, in his paper, noted that the most influential countries are known to be leaders of the Taiwan, the United States, China, the United Kingdom, and Spain, and that the most influential of them are those in the US, the US, China, and Spain, who are known to be leading the US, and the US, and the US, and the US, and the US, and the US, and the US, which are known to be the top of the US, the US, and the US, and the top of the US, the US, and the top of the US, and the world.

本篇論文收錄於Telematics and Informatics期刊,該期刊在2019年Journal Citation Reports評比中為Q1之SSCI期刊,亦即為「Information Science & Library Science」領域87個期刊中排名第11。

The paper is published in the journal Telematics and Infomatics, which in 2019 was the Q1 SSCI journal in the Q1 rating of Journalisation Reports, or the eleventh in 87 journals in the domain of "Information Science & Labor Science".


The text and graphs are taken from the headlines of the campus and are detailed in http://www.ch.scu.edu.tw/octobe/news/14971.


本院田中農旅計畫團隊自107年起執行農委會「田中優質農旅之規劃及產學合作」案,在本院傅祖壇院長的領導下,率領計畫團隊實地下鄉輔導田中地區具潛力之產業點,協助產業點提升產品品質及推廣行銷包裝,以吸引民眾前往觀光消費,提升整體在地的農旅品質。本計畫團隊也藉此機會,透過各產業點實地的踩點、行程規劃包裝,參加國立公共資訊圖書館舉辦之「2021閱讀背包客-遊程設計大賽」徵選,本團隊以「巡田水-東吳大學田中農旅」參賽,企畫書名稱:「踏巡田中的詩篇--健康文學旅程與私房農旅景點」 ,在激烈的競爭中,本院榮獲「創意獎」,並獲獎金2千元及獎狀1幀,表現優異。

In addition, under the leadership of the President of the Family Chamber, the Central Farming Programme has been working since 107 on the "Planning and Productive Cooperation for Good Farm Farming in the Field" project, which has been leading the Plan's team in the suburb of the Central District of the National Public Information Library in order to help raise the quality of products and promote marketing packages in order to attract people to visit the market and raise the quality of the entire field. In this context, the Plan's team, under the leadership of the President of the Institute, has been able to participate in the 2021 National Public Information Library, which is an award for the "Governor-Travel Planner's Award" and a prize for the "Trough to Study the Waters-Hand-O Fields" contest, which is called the "Scourland Farming in the East and North."

甄選結果公告訊息: https://www.nlpi.edu.tw/ActivityInfoDetailC001200.aspx?Cond=be9b6796-0aca-445e-aab9-7dcb98cea977

Results announcement message: https://www.nlpi.edu.tw/ActivityInfoDetailC00120.aspx?Cond=be9b6796-0aca-445e-aab9-7dcb98cea977.




The intensive English-language course , "Higher international communication in English", which helped students in the summer 3-4 weeks to achieve an average of 116 points of progress in their multi-purpose classes , has recently been widely shared among students. The instructions of the two campuses will attract more than 200 students.

主辦單位特別幫大家製作了「選課教學懶人包」! 欲選課者,須於指定期間(5/7-5/14),週一至週五每日上午10:00~12:00、下午2:00~4:00前完成懶人包內指定的相關事項,包括:線上填表、繳交紙本、相關費用才算完成(完成時間將作為錄取順序依據)

The co-organizers produced a special "strong & nbsp"! (5/7-5/14) < / strong > strong < strong > ; Monday to Friday mornings 10-12 < / strong > ; afternoons < strong < 2/00-4:00 / strong > < strong > to complete the relevant items specified in the strong < / strong > < < / strong > < < / strong > > < < < / strong > > > < < / strong > > > < / strong > > < / strong > > > 10-12 > > > < > > > < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Monday to Friday > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > /strng > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >.

Step 1  填寫Google表單
非商學院學生: https://forms.gle/aiWNJ36oWHyddyY19

Step 1  Target=blank> forms for Google
strang> students < https://forms.gle/d7SgyzmVespwQA86" Target="blank" https://forms.gle/d7SGyzmVespwQPA86
non-business students
< > < & nbsp;

Step 2  繳費+繳交紙本報名表/切結書
費用:(1) 2,100元 (含後測測驗費1600元+講義費500元);(2)書籍費用1162元(學生亦可選擇自行購買)

Step 2  Non-Commercial School fee > + paper form < strong > Students of the Business School < < strong > : Midtown International Business Management Office (room 2607-1)
< strong > < strong < < / strong > student: Office of the Bibrook Language Teaching Centre (room G105, Daichen Hall); Law Faculty student to 5315 Office of the City Language Centre.
strong > Cost: < strong > < < strong > > : < > $2,100 (with post-testing fees of $1600 + speech fees of $500); (2) book fees of $1162 (students can also choose to purchase)

Step 3  Google表單未能上傳2019年5月後之多益成績者,必須參加110/5/29(六)上午10:00-12:00前測

Step 3 & nbsp; Google forms that failed to upload 2019 strong > vi) 10-12 noon < strong < strong < strong > < strong < < strong < < strong < strong > commercial schools < < / strong > student fields: 2519 class < br / > non-commercial schools < strong > < strong > strong > < strong < strong > < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong > < strong > < < strong >

Step 4  6/9公告錄取結果
商學院語言教學中心網站公告 。(說明會簡報檔案)

For more detailed information on the results of the bulletin
available at Business School
, website. ()



The 125th EMBA Telegraph of Dong Oo University in Taipei has been published. Welcome to http://www.scu.edu.tw/emba/embanews126/?/a>.





企管系預計於5月12日(三)舉辦「東吳企管財經講堂」第五季第三場次,主題為「『真˙永續台灣』新契機 ESG是企業體質的大補帖還是公司形象的化妝品?」,由陳冲講座教授主持、遲淑華老師引言,邀請創業者共創平台基金會顏漏有董事長 、國泰金控程淑芬投資長、台灣影響力投資學會張大為理事長與談。



Mr. Xiao Hanping, founder and managing director of the "Wander Telecoms Ltd.", took the EMBA 8th grade as his first grade when, in order to complement his time in school, he took the first flight out of the country in the morning, took the last flight back to the country in the evening, and went to Dong Oo the following day. In this spirit of seriousness, he led the "Wander Electrics Inc." to operate in Taiwan for more than 30 years, the company used the "brand license" to keep the city’s occupancy rate growing, creating new ways of running and a 1+ creative spirit, and was elected to be the 37th founding model of the Chinese People’s Republic, 10th Taiwan’s 100th Taiwan’s MVP manager, and the 5th University of Dong Oo’s friend of Jai.


Walder’s latest offline scan of the translator, which broke through the industry’s usual translation, apart from the need for books, can be done offline at any time, in the form of words, sentences, curled face, vials, tags, screens... and real-life pronunciation, combined with small size, is an extremely convenient language tool for learning English and business people. The Chair is also guided by the spirit of “Ai-no-o,” and donated 15 offline translations at the Business School, and on April 28, in a donation ceremony at the Suning Lecture Hall, which was particularly appreciated by the Dean of the Fyo Tribute School, thanking the senior for his return to his mother’s high school.


全球化,去全球化與後疫時期的財經情勢 唐松章校友講座薛琦講座教授
2021年國內外經濟展望 中華經濟研究院吳中書院長
當前財經“夯”議題分析 東吳法商講座曾巨威講座教授


  • 4月12日:
    薛琦教授先提出萬有引力的貿易理論,說明兩國的經濟規模與距離是決定貿易量的重要因素;人為的貿易障礙與語言、文化等制度因素也影響了貿易,進而帶出經濟整合的意義。薛教授說明當全球貿易透過自由化,去除貿易障礙,使全球貿易成長超過經濟成長,就是全球化。他也舉出各種數據來看東亞地區經濟整合,其特徵包括:1. 東亞區域內投資帶動了區域內貿易的快速成長。2. 亞洲新興工業化經濟體開始成為全球工廠,中國尤為明顯;且區內形成多個產業供應鏈,與台商廣泛投資有關。3. 台灣從OEM進入較深層次的ODM、研發與全球運籌。
  • 4月19日:
  • 4月26日:


債券評價與股票投資決策(I) (講授理論部分) 東吳大學財精系洪明欽教授
投資模擬競賽系統介紹 東吳大學財精系林忠機教授
債券評價與股票投資決策(II) (講授實務部分) 富蘭克林華美投信余冠廷經理


Fund Market and Fund Introduction


Group A: Jianfan, Associate Professor, Financial Department, Dong Oo University



On 18 April 110, at 9 a.m.-10 a.m., an individual from the 110th academic year baccalaureate applied for the second stage of the designated project (the written test) and at the same time, at the 5211th International Conference Hall, a meeting of heads of household was held under the chairmanship of Ms. Sun Jia Hong, who was introduced to the Faculty by Ms. Lin, Ms. Oh Su-ling, Ms. Chang Guangjie and Mr. Sun-shin, who were presented to the Department through a variety of presentations, with the participation of 10 parents.




  • 4月14日(三)邀請中國信託銀行廖建中副總經理(86級系友)演講,講題:「總體經濟的日常應用~從總體經濟看金融市場」。
  • 4月21日(三)邀請台灣金融研訓院呂忠達菁英講座演講,講題:「美國聯準會貨幣政策分析」。
  • 4月23日(五)邀請政治大學經濟學系黃柏鈞助理教授演講,講題:「Effects of a Per-Bag Trash Collection Fee Program: Evidence From a Synthetic Control Method」。



On April 22, the Department of Statistics invited the Department of Management to introduce "Data Survey and API" for democratic and high-level teachers, in order to upgrade the faculty's expertise in data analysis, new technologies, and knowledge of artificial intelligence, as well as the application of existing courses, so as to facilitate the exchange of learning and research experience. In the future, the Department will plan a series of courses on sexuality, continuity, which will provide continuous learning for interested teachers.


會計學系教師於4月19日參加由安永聯合會計師事務所假台北君悅酒店舉行之【IFRS 17 保險合約】座談會,並與傅文芳所長帶領的會計師們進行交流。
安永台灣財務管理諮詢服務執行副總經理王沛精算師特別針對即將上路的IFRS 17公報的重要相關議題內容進行分享,透過王會計師精闢且有系統地介紹,幫助瞭解IFRS 17對保險業者及監管機關所帶來的衝擊。為使保險業財務報表在國際上更具比較性及透明度,在新的會計準則下,保險業者改採現時估計認列負債提高準備金,「利益逐期分攤,損失要立即認列」,保單合約亦須重新檢視依風險分群。IFRS 17導入牽涉甚廣,對公司組織的前、中與後台系統皆有重大影響,不僅是會計準則的變化,尚需整合會計、精算及資訊等跨領域人才方能因應IFRS 17所帶來的轉變與調整。此次活動,本系共有高立翰主任、李坤璋學務長、葛俊佑副主任、蘇裕惠老師、吳怡萱老師、吳燕瑛老師、廖素娟老師、洪聖閔老師、李春成老師、劉彥余老師、郭君儀老師及黃榆芳老師等12位老師參與,透過此交流,除幫助老師更瞭解實務最新趨勢,亦可作為未來相關課程設計之參考。

On 19 April,
the Faculty of Accounting participated in a conference on important issues related to the upcoming IFRS 17 ISFRS 17 ISFS, which was hosted by the EYAC Institute, which provided a systematic introduction to the hotel in Taipei, helped to understand the impact of IFS 17 on insurers and regulators, and interacted with the accountants led by Fu Wenfan.
The Department of Accounting and Administration of Finance Services of the EYQU, Vice-Director of Finance, Wang Quixiang, who specifically shared important issues related to the upcoming IFSS 17 IFS 17, which was to be introduced by the EYE Institute, through the excellent and systematic introduction of the King's CEOs, helped to create an impact on insurers and regulators. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >. > To improve transparency and transparency at the international level.



The Department's Lin Jianzhou teacher developed the English-wide course “Scheming and executive management” in the Enterprise Department, completed the course of the first semester of the 109th academic year in cross-country cooperation with the business department of the University of Southwest, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan, and promoted and reported on the University of Southwest News website and the nation-wide educational media, University News.

本課程由東吳大學企管系學生與西南學院大學學生共同組成專題小組合作完成設計與創業專題,以遠距離視訊方式進行期末報告,並由林建州老師與日本西南學院大學商學部王忠毅教授共同參與講評與問答。另本課程要求東吳大學與西南學院大學學生,必須每周定期以英語視訊會議方式進行小組工作討論來完成專題報告, 藉以促進英語討論及跨文化合作能力及國際友誼。

The course was conducted by a team of students from the Entrepreneurship Department of Dong Oo University and students from the University of Xinnan, working together to complete the design and creative topics, conducting the final report in a distance-of-view format, and involving Lin Jianzhou teacher and Professor Wang Jing of the Business Department of the University of Xinnan, Japan. The course also required students from the University and the University of Xinnan to conduct regular weekly working group discussions in English-language visual conferences to complete the report in order to promote English-language discussion and cross-cultural cooperative capabilities and international friendship.

此一難得跨國合作學習經驗獲得許多本校參與同學的肯定,未來計畫將持續與日本九州的西南學院大學商學部及荷蘭阿姆斯特丹應用科學大學(Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)合作進行相關課程,促進台日雙方及台日荷三方跨國合作學習與國際交流。

This rare experience of cross-country cooperation has been recognized by many of our students, and future projects will continue to be conducted in cooperation with the Business Department of the Southwest University in Kyushu, Japan, and the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam, Holland, to promote cross-country cooperation and international exchanges between Taiwan and Japan.




At 13:24 p.m. on April 14th, the Department of National Trade organized the final competition for a platform to create a new business-platform operation, with five teams of 16 students participating in the final competition, through a marketing information-sharing platform, and created a market operating model in which students can learn to read, read, buy and change the Internet. On this basis, they are able to learn more about the mode of operation of the Internet platform. Using students’ creativity and ideas, they highlight the feasibility of learning, and promoting different ethnic groups on the signposts of the school design, and also to promote the interaction between students and the real world, and to bring students and society closer together.



At 10 a.m. on April 15th, the Department of National Trade led a team of 10 graduate students to a special group, which included special group briefings and departmental visits, insights into the development of the special group and important businesses, and in the course of the tour of the malls, which was made aware of the organization’s insistence on the field’s presence and atmosphere, as well as a deep sense of the diversity of the special group. The purpose of the event was to make students more aware of their career and business culture, and to strengthen students’ understanding and learning the benefits of international business operations.



王敦誌 行銷專員(Marais瑪黑家居選物)


藍崇仁 放款產品經理(樂天國際商業銀行)



本系與中華民國退休金協會合作,於110年4月25日假本校城中校區辦理110年第一次退休理財規劃顧問(Retirement Financial Advisor; RFA)證照測驗,本次測驗全國有近一千餘名金融保險從業同仁參加,東吳大學為北部唯一考場,當日共計有 685 人應試,考試期間依據本校防疫規範,落實辦理實名制及入場體溫量測,特別感謝總務處的全力協助。

The Department, in cooperation with the China National Pensions Association, conducted a test on 25 April 110 for the first-ever retirement finance plan in the school district of the same school on 25 April, with nearly a thousand financial insurance associates from all over the country, and the University of Dong Oo being the only test site in the north, during which 685 candidates were tested, according to the rules of the school for the prevention of the disease, and during the test period, the design of a proper name system and a temperature test for admission to the premises were carried out, thanks in particular to the full cooperation of the General Secretariat.


Twenty-one years after the establishment of the China-China Pensions Association, which has long served as an important think tank for the reform of the Taiwan Pension System and for the management of investments in the Taiwan Pension Fund, and in recent years, in response to the serious problems of Taiwan's ageing population, has actively promoted the professional knowledge of retirement finance. The RFA has been guided by its emphasis on training a wide range of professional retired finance planners, including Taiwan Governor's life risks, retirement finance planning principles, the foundation of the financial insurance retirement market and important market commodity performance, which has already been recognized in the programme of Social Insurance and Pension Planning, which has been developed by the three majors of the Department.



For the first time in the academic year, the Master of Business course was scheduled for 14 April (iii) to discuss admissions to the baccalaureate programme, which was held in May and July in Chinese, English and Japanese, and invited social and high school students to participate in the second examination. Nearly a hundred candidates were appointed to the seminar, including the Director of Business, the Director of the Chinese Department, the Director of the Chinese Department, the Director of the Chinese Department, the Director of the English Faculty, the Director of the Catalysis, the Director of the Japanese Department, and the Director of the Japanese language Department, Mr. Lojili, and the student group, Mr. Huang Zung Ming, to introduce the students of the fourth department of the school to the Master of Science and its channel of entry, and to present their results.




  1. 解決問題最佳方式:面對多變的未來,遇到的問題也越來越多變。倘若同學們透過跨領域學習,懂得如何換位思考,就能夠知道如何更好、更快速地去解決眼前所遭遇的問題。
  2. 滿足多元人生:現代社會變化快速,「斜槓」一詞成為時下潮流,意旨不同於以往只專注在自身唯一本業,同時朝向更多不同領域去做發展。透過跨領域學習到不同領域的專業技能知識,實現「斜槓人生」,增加並提升個人附加價值。
  3. 激發創新創意:自既有框架和單一思維,進行改變與創新,往往很難。相較之下,若能進行知識與技能的「跨域整合」,重新發想,將容易突破既有盲點,激盪出新的想法與創意。
  4. 打造個人獨特優勢,現代社會變化快速,尤其職場上對於單一領域人才已趨近於飽和。若同時具備兩個或以上領域的專業知識技能,則能凸顯個人優勢,脫穎而出。


In addition to their efforts to develop and enhance their knowledge and skills in the fields of finance, finance, financial technology, trade management, economics, etc., they also provide practical training in language communication; they also conduct regular business visits, lectures, and provide better administrative guidance to resolve queries such as individual student selection courses and student credit credits, where they can be seen as a useful tool for assisting peers to become international professionals.


The 110 school year cross-domain application time is 5/3-5/6 and can be applied to the school's new administrative system at the appointed time. The result is a 6/2 bulletin, and the results can be accessed online at the same time. https://academic.su.tw/academic/apDeprule.aspx








4月17日(六)EMBA協會舉辦第15場咖啡時間<東吳EMBA走進田中秧>活動眾星雲集,傅祖壇院長是本次主題田中地方創生專案主要推手,在院長領導東吳EMBA的學長姐團隊進行三年的產業輔導及行銷指導,讓1級產業升級到6級產業進而增加收入以外,還能讓大家玩得更開心買的更放心。今天由第8屆陳靜雯(上合吉國際貿易有限公司 / 總經理)做開場,除了介紹各產業點的成果並取得在農委會的農業易遊網上架等實績,也讓大家了解輔導的過程。

On April 17th, the EMBA Association held its 15th coffee hour & lt; the EMBA went into the field to & gt; and the event of a crowd of stars, where the director of the Fozu Forum was the main promoter of the project on local creation in the field, led by the director of EMBA's senior school team for three years of industrial guidance and marketing to increase income by upgrading the 1st class to the 6th class. Today, the 8th edition of Chen Jung-woo (International Trades Ltd./General Manager) opened the project and, in addition to introducing the results of the industry points and achieving the results of the agricultural mobility network in the Council, made it easier to learn about the process.


Next to one of the steered production sites, < the rich farm & gt; the rich husband and wife of the owner, who came to the event early in the morning with a high iron, he introduced the way in which his dragon fruit was grown and the uniqueness of the different species, and he explained that since joining the agricultural innovation programme of the University School of Business at Dong Oo, the senior sister has offered practical assistance and has come up with interesting and special DIYs and products to make the farm more visible, as well as higher incomes, and to raise the visibility of the entire farm travel.

最後由王祥鑫(大洋塑膠工業股份有限公司 / 企劃室高級專員)更進一步分析如何與農民溝通,藉由專業的知識及熱情一起把每個產業點的特色發揮出來,讓田中這個小鎮吸引更多人前來,認識並喜歡這個地方。像是產品的定位,如何精準地找到客群並提供顧客想要且願意消費的商品,如何集客、待客、留客等方法實際運用在這些產業點上。

Finally, Wang Xiangxian (Ocean Plastics Industries Inc. / Senior Executive Officer of the Planning Unit) further analyzes how to communicate with farmers by bringing together professional knowledge and enthusiasm to bring each of the features of the site to attract more people to know and like it. This is the location of products, how to accurately find customers and provide them with goods they want and want to consume, and how to gather, wait for, stay for, and so on.


Thank you very much for the good news from the end of the event: every year, the super-popular Alumni Council of Tanaka Marathon has a certain number of names, and you are welcome to keep your time together to name the most popular Marathon. Thank you, Miss Liang Qi, for your excellent hosting today, for the participation of Mr. Luo Qing, his members and his family.



On April 23, the EMBA Association organized a business visit & lt; Mandu International Inc. & gt; and it is an honour to invite the President of Mandu International, Leh Soo-Fen, to personally share with you how the Mandu Group has become an international company for diversity across the world from a traditional hair salon to today.

除了在美髮業朝「多品牌」邁進,旗下目前已有曼都髮型、麗的髮型、air hair salon、貝詩髮藝、點線DENSEN hair salon,5個專攻女性的美髮品牌;接著更進一步搶進男仕專業美髮創立Brober新品牌。除了專注於美髮業曼都集團也開始多角化經營向食品業延伸,近年來併購樺美食品(小美冰淇淋)還有台塑食品(羊肉爐等火鍋鍋底)、晶鈺食品(水餃、包子)等冷凍食品。

In addition to the “multi-brand” movement in the hairdressing industry, there are now five women-specific hair brands under the flag: Mandu hairs, nymph hairs, air hair salon, bewilders, nymph hairs on the line DENSEN hair salon, and five women-specific hair brands;
, followed by a new Brober brand for male-specific hairs, which, in addition to focusing on hairdressers, has been extended to the food industry, and in recent years, has been used to buy beautiful foods (a little ice cream) and plastic foods (the bottom of fire pots such as lamb stoves), crystal-chip foods (abbles, buns) and cold foods. .


After listening to the sharing of the two company leaders, the senior sister also proposed a brilliant QA to bring the entire lecture to a perfect end with a drawing of the eyes, and thanked the company team, Ms. Chen Shenzhen, and Vice-President, Ms. Liu Sheng, for their plans and contacts, which allowed us to reap a rich harvest.



Xing Dong Oo University Business School Information Plan is launched at the beginning of each month. Welcome to business@scu.edu.tw.


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