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  全國科學技術名詞審定委員會在北京線上線下結合舉行元宇宙及核心術語概念研討會。 中新社記者 孫自法 攝


For some time now, the word “megasmos” has been sweeping the globe, and since 2021, when it was reputed as the Woncosmos, there has been widespread interest in the middle and foreign world, industry and society as a whole, as well as expectations about what is “megasmos”, “metacosmos” and how related concepts can be named.


On the afternoon of September 13th, the National Council of Scientific and Technological Nomenclatures (NCST), the authoritative body that represents the country in the elaboration and publication of scientific and technical terms, organized a meeting on the concept of meta-cosmology and core technical languages on the Beijing line, which was conducted in close consultation with experts and developed a common understanding of the names and releases of the three core concepts, such as the “Mega-Cosmos”.


— The Chinese name “Metaverse” in English is “Metaverse”, a virtual world that humans use digitally constructed to map or transcend the real world and interact with the real world.


— The Chinese name “Incarnate” is the English name “vatar”, which is read as follows: user identification mapping and virtual doubles in the meta-cosmos, with image self-definition, motion drives, etc.

  ——中文名“數字人”英文對照名為“digital human,meta human”,釋義為:運用數字技術創造出來的、與人類形象接近的數字化人物形象。

— The Chinese term “digital person” in English is called “digital human, meta human”, which is read: digitally created images that are close to the image of the human being.

全國科技名詞委專職副主任裴亞軍在研討會上致辭。 <a target='_blank'  data-cke-saved-href='http://finance.people.com.cn/' href='http://finance.people.com.cn/'><p  align=

  全國科技名詞委專職副主任裴亞軍在研討會上致辭。 中新社記者 孫自法 攝


The National Council of Scientific and Technical Terminology (NCST) stated that the next step would be to continue to seek the views of interested parties on the understanding of the “incarnation” of the meta-cosmos, “digital people”, etc., in order to win an early release.


At the conference, the country’s Deputy Director-General for Science and Technology Terminology stated that the term “technology” was the foundation and the basis for scientific technological formation, documentation, accumulation, communication, transmission, and scientific thinking. One, the term “technology” was an important part of the country’s science and technology fundamentals, and that it was the foundation for technological innovation and the construction of a new-generation Chinese science and language system, and that China’s integration into the global science and technology innovation system, the design of strategic initiatives by the world’s technology and technology elites meant to be significant and profound. The meta-cosm, like the same wave, quickly became the focal point for technological and economic development.


The Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Li De-Jin, made statements in which he said that the science terminologies are a heavy and complex long-term undertaking, a support for national and ethnic development science technology, a foundation for modern-day social information exchange, technological development, and popular education, and a broad social dimension. Human society, from informationization to intelligence to intellectualization, has come up with a wealth of new concepts, many of which are cross-cutting, and many of which are in use, but without a single solution.


China’s College of Engineering, Mr. Jianxunlin, wrote on the video that the terminologies of technology play an important role in technological development and social progress as a vehicle for scientific exchange and knowledge dissemination. In particular, new methods, concepts, and new technologies are constantly emerging, and a large number of new words are needed and time-bound. The new concept’s “new” brings with it a lot of uncertainty, and the “megacosmos” is a vast conceptual system of congeniality, generality, physicality, and practicality, which requires continuous learning, research, and the development of contemporary syntax systems in order to understand and disseminate its true meaning.


The Director of the Wuhan Won Academy of Astronautics, Jae-chun, reported on the development of the Yuan cosmos and the drafting of the core language programme, describing the development of the Yuan cosmos, the current state of the use of meta-cosmos-related technical languages, the drafting of the programme and the composition of experts, said that it was based on the idea of “assembly, internationalization” in its drafting, and fully sought out the views of the various fields of science and industry, such as computing, philosophy, art, and social governance.


The principles of science, systemism, simplicity, internationality and conventionalism in the work of co-linguing the terms with the representatives of the scientific experts examined the names and releases of the nine technical languages proposed in the programme on a rule-by-article basis, each of which presented its own opinion and developed a common understanding of the names and releases of the three core concepts of the meta-cosm, the incarnation, the digital person, etc.

  據了解,全國科技名詞委於1985年經國務院批准成立,迄今已組建各學科名詞審定分委員會近200個,構建500余位院士領銜、近8000位專家學者參與的名詞審定工作體系。近10年來,全國科技名詞委名詞審定公布步伐進一步加快,累計公布近80萬條規范名詞。(記者 孫自法)

It is known that the National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) was established in 1985 with the approval of the State Council, and that it has so far established nearly 200 committees to review the terminology of all academic disciplines, with more than 500 academic leaders and nearly 8,000 specialists participating in the process. Over the last 10 years, NCTS has stepped up the pace of publication and has accumulated nearly 800,000 rule-based titles.




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