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In March of this year, the Director General of Science and Technology of the China CSRC published an article, Web3.0 as a new generation of Internet, noting that the Internet is at an important juncture in the evolution of Web 2.0 to Web3.0 and that strengthening the Pre-Vision Research and Strategic Prejudice of Web3.0 is important for the future development of Internet infrastructure in the country.


Web3.0 has been closely followed by our team, and in the previous article — Web3.0 Chinese Compliance Survival Law — there is a much deeper understanding and appreciation of what Web3.0 is, the relationship between Web3.0 and the Won Universe, the current state of the Web3.0 industry in China, and whether Web3.0 can survive compliance in China.


Today, the team would like to have a more focused and in-depth discussion with you on the creation of content by the users in Web3.0.



In 2014, Gavin Wood, co-founder and founder of the Polka dot, introduced the concept of Web3.0 publicly for the first time. “Web 3.0, the most special of which is the digital content created by the user, ownership and control, can be attributed to the user and the value created by the user can be distributed by the user's own choice to enter into an agreement with another person.”


As we put it in our previous article, the graphic analogy of Web3.0 is that what Web3.0 wants to do is to level out a restaurant with a big factory, to build a place where everyone can make money, open kitchens, meals from cooks can be delivered to the user's desk, and money can go out of the user's hands to the chef's pocket, without middlemen. In this case, digital content is not just simple data, but the digital assets of the users to whom it belongs, and should be guaranteed asset level. This is Web3.0, an automated, intelligent, all-embracing Internet world.


From this point of view, the Internet is intended to be user-centred, and as technology and the Internet environment develop, the next generation of the Internet is bound to break the “kidnapping” of Internet users by giant companies. This trend and situation also attest to the rise of personal values, and users are no longer content with “working ants” who work only as platforms, but rather “self-supporting portals”.

从 Web1.0 到Web3.0,更加体现的是对个人创造、个人价值的重视。在Web3.0时代,个人的力量能得到更巨大的扩张。那些愿意在自己的领域贡献了内容、时间、智慧的用户,都将从这份热爱中获得回报。

, from Web1.0 to Web3.0, is more about personal creation and personal values. in the Web3.0 era, individual power can be expanded much more. Users who are willing to contribute content, time, wisdom in their own field will be rewarded by that love.


UGC,全称为User Generated Content,也就是用户生成内容,即用户原创内容。UGC是伴随着以提倡个性化为主要特点的Web2.0概念而兴起的,也可叫做UCC(User-created Content)。它并不是某一种具体的业务,而是一种用户使用互联网的新方式,即由原来的以下载为主变成下载和上传并重,用户既是网络内容的浏览者,也是网络内容的创造者。

UGC, fully known as User GenderContent, is the user-generated content, i.e., the original content of the user. UGC has emerged with the concept of Web 2.0, or UCC (User-created content), which is a new way of using the Internet, i.e., from download-based to downloading and uploading, as users are both browsers and creators of web content.

在Web2.0 的时代,UGC早已经是一个发展很成熟的概念。但是在Web2.0时代,用户创作的内容并不属于自身,其作品产生的收益绝大部分都被平台获取。用户可以是内容的生产者,但规则依然由互联网平台制定,用户缺乏自主权。根据姚前局长的文章,这种自主权的缺乏主要表现为以下三方面:用户数字身份缺乏自主权,用户个人数据缺乏自主权,用户在算法面前缺乏自主权。

In the age of Web 2.0, UGC was already a mature concept. In the age of Web 2.0, however, the content created by users did not belong to themselves, and the vast majority of the benefits generated by their work were captured by the platform. Users could be producers of content, but rules were still developed by Internet platforms and users lacked autonomy. According to former Director Yao, this lack of autonomy was manifested mainly in three ways: lack of autonomy in the digital identity of users, lack of autonomy in the personal data of users and lack of autonomy in the context of algorithms.

但是在Web 3.0的时代,平台可以助力UGC创作者重新获得自主权,从而实现其创作的内容价值。

But in the age of Web 3.0, the platform can help UGC creators regain autonomy and thus realize the content value of their creation.

以较早重视到用户创造内容价值的国外游戏平台Roblox为例。Roblox 通过游戏引擎与游戏云为开发者提供实用且易用的创作工具,协助产出新颖的内容及场景。UGC 内容生产模式的本质是由玩家自行开发玩法模式以及游戏世界,降低游戏开发门槛并丰富游戏内容与生态。

Roblox, for example, provides developers with practical and easy-to-use creative tools to help produce new content and scenes. The essence of the UGC content production model is that players develop their own modes of play and the world of games, lowering the threshold of game development and enriching game content and ecology.

Roblox内设有—套 “虚拟经济系统”。在这个完备的经济系统内,玩家拥有真实的“币权”。玩家花费现实货币购买虚拟货币Robux,并在游戏中体验场景、皮肤、物品等,而平台收到Robux后会按一定比例分成给创作者及开发者。Robux可以与现实货币兑换,买入比例约为R$1=$0.01,换出比例为R$1=$0.0035。此外,Roblox还将玩家的游戏时间货币化,即玩家使用时长被折算成开发者的分成收益。因此,相较于其他UCG生态游戏,Roblox具备更活跃的创造者经济。

Roblox has a set of “virtual economic systems” in which players have real “currency rights” within a well-established economic system. Players spend real money on the virtual currency Robux, and experience scenes, skins, objects, etc. in the game, while the platform receives Robux, which can be converted into creators and developers on a percentage basis. Robux buys around R$1 = $0.01, with a ratio of R$1 = $0.035. Furthermore, Roblox monetizes the player's time game, that is, the share of the developer's profit when the player is used. , therefore, Roblox has a more active creator economy than other UCG eco games.


Web3.0 is expected to significantly improve the existing Internet ecosystem, effectively addressing the problems of monopolies, lack of privacy protection, arithmetic malpractice in the Web 2.0 era, making the Internet more open, inclusive and secure, and moving to higher levels of credible Internet, value Internet, smart Internet, and all-day Internet innovation. But there are still many difficulties on the way to Web3.0:

1. 基础设施与技术要素不完善

1. Incomplete infrastructure and technical elements


Much of the industry has high expectations for the future of Web3.0, known as the next “Internet revolution”, but many technological elements and infrastructure are still incomplete, such as the development of tools, technical standards, business models, distributed identity management, etc., at an early stage, as opposed to a centralized network, the current decentralized network, which still has a long way to go in terms of scalability and network efficiency.

2. 缺乏清晰的监管机制

2. Lack of clear regulatory mechanisms


A decentralized network without regulation or control can easily become a hotbed of low-quality content and breed undesirable products. The new regulatory framework of , with user entry points, builders at its core, and smart contracts , is indispensable.

3. 用户观念改变难度大

3. User perceptions are difficult to change


Web3.0 has much more to do with the user’s copy than with the block chain, bitcoin, and encryption currency. In the Web 2.0 era, users are used to hosting everything to a centralized third-party platform, and in the Web3.0, it is certain that the user’s own role will increase, but it will also increase the user’s responsibility. Developers, users, and businesses are faced with problems of conceptual change, which will take a long time to achieve.

4. 行业通用标准仍然空白

4. Industry common standards are still blank


TCP/IP, HTTP, SMTP, TLS/SSL, as the standard protocol for Web 2.0, is currently the basis for open collaboration on the Internet. Similarly, Web3.0 requires the establishment of common standards to prevent distributed networks from becoming new islands. At present, however, the standard for Web3.0 is almost empty, and developments within the industry are brutal and chaotic, which will create a major obstacle to the virtuous development of Web3.0.



Web3.0 will bring about a “reverse-and-motivated” development with Web 2.0 centralised Internet architecture, freeing itself from the centralized monopoly of giants and contributing to the rise of personal values. Although Web3.0 is still a long way from the daily lives of Internet users, will have digital identity autonomy, personal data autonomy and autonomy before algorithms, thus achieving a true “self-reliance portal” in the Internet.


Of course, in the context of Web3.0 development, compliance is the most needed by enterprises, in addition to technological optimization. While Web3.0 is a good idea, there may still be a variety of problems in the actual process of landing, effective communication with regulatory agencies through compliance is not only the Web3.0 rules of existence, but also a viable way to prevent technological alienation.


That's what we share today, the grateful reader.



Publisher: Serial Catcher, reprinted with reference to http://www.xmeta.cn/news/33964.html, for work content, copyright and other questions, please contact the station!



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