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& #xff08; author & #xff1a; & #xff09;


After 2020 xff0c; science and technology development a thousand miles a day xff0c; we'll be out of society for a little while. Block chains, Web3, the biggest vent in 2022 xff0c; and the future trend of the Internet. What exactly is Web3.0 xff1f; I used these three words to teach the participants about block chains xff0c; and I assure you that you will understand them very quickly.

时间倒回到 1989 年,欧洲粒子物理研究所的Tim Berners-Lee 领导的小组提交了一个针对互联网的新协议和一个使用该协议的文档系统,将这个新系统命名为 World Wide Web,简称 WWW(万维网)。WWW 允许互联网上任意一个用户,都可以从许多文档服务计算机的数据库中搜索和获取文档,简单来说就是把我们以前使用的“字典”搬到了网络上,这是最早的雏形,而沿着这条路径也开启了互联网时代的革新。

Time goes back to 1989 & #xff0c; the team led by Tim Berners-Lee of the European Institute of Particle Physics submitted a new protocol for the Internet and a document system using the protocol & #xff0c; named the new system WorldWide Web, WWW& #xff08; World Wide Web & #ff09; WWW allows any user on the Internet & #xff0c; can search and retrieve documents from the databases of many document service computers xff0c; simply, move our previously used dictionary to xff0c; this is the earliest #xff0c; and this path has also opened the innovation of the Internet age.

1. Web 1.0——所见即所得

1.Web 1.0 - As seen

随着 “WWW” 的出现,人们开始在页面上制作各种可展示的信息,例如新闻、资讯和各种图片等等,通过 Web,互联网上的资源,可以在一个网页里比较直观地展示出来,而且资源之间在网页上可以连来连去。

With the advent of “WWW” & #xff0c; people begin to produce various displayable information & #xff0c; e.g. news, information and pictures & so on & #xff0c; via Web & #xff0c; resources on the Internet & #xff0c; can be displayed in a more visual way on a web page & #xff0c; and resources can be linked to one web page.

这一时间诞生了很多大家熟知的公司,例如谷歌、雅虎、搜狐、新浪,他们通过各种网页信息的展示构成了各大门户网站,然后吸引用户点击观看,以此定制广告,通过流量变现,后来我们常常称这一时期为 Web1.0(大约从 1991 年到 2004 年)。

This time has given birth to well-known companies & #xff0c; e.g. Google, Yahoo, Fox Search, #xff0c; they have made up the major portals & #xff0c through the display of various web-based information; they then attract users to click on & #xff0c; customize the ad & #xff0c; cash & #xff0c through traffic; later we refer to this period as Web1.0 & #xff08; from 1991 to about 2004).

根据一些人的说法,“在 Web 1.0 中,内容创造者很少,绝大多数用户只是作为内容的消费者。”

According to some, xff0c; “in Web 1.0 xff0c; content creators are very few xff0c; the vast majority of users are simply consumers of content.”

2. Web 2.0——所荐即所得?

2. Web 2.0 -- as recommended?

其实在 Web2.0 概念被提出来时,还并没有 Web1.0 的说法。Web2.0 是由 Darcy DiNucci 于 1999 年发明,后来在 2004 年底的 O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 大会上由 Tim O'Reilly 和 Dale Dougherty 推广,Web 2.0 才更被大家所接受。而为了区分,便把之前的网络发展时期称为 Web 1.0。

In fact, when the concept of Web 2.0 was introduced & #xff0c; there was no version of Web1.0. Web 2.0 was invented by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 & #xff0c; then O& 39 at the end of 2004; Reilly Media Web 2.0 at the Congress by Tim O & #39; Reilly and Dale Dougherty promoted & #xff0c; Web 2.0 was more acceptable to all.

Web1.0 的特点是网站提供内容,用户阅读内容,就好比我们看电视,只能看别人想展现给我们的内容,而我们没有办法左右电视台播放的内容。

Web1.0 features content & #xff0c; user content & #xff0c; as we watch TV & #xff0c; only what others want to show us & #xff0c; and we have no way of influencing what we broadcast on television.

然而随着越来越多的人?加入到?互联网行业中,一些更有意思的商业模式逐渐诞生,比如博客的诞生,Facebook 社交平台的诞生,国内大家比较熟悉的就是 QQ 空间之类的,而这一类网站和应用最大的特点就是,允许用户自主生成内容,与网站和他人进行交互,互联互通,这也就是 Web 2.0 的特点。发展到今日,算法已经控制了我们的互联网,你所看到的都是根据你的兴趣给你推荐的,你喜欢啥它就给你推荐啥,这就是所推即所得。

However, as more and more people join? In the Internet industry & xff0c; some more interesting business models are emerging xff0c; for example, the birth of a blog xff0c; Facebook, the birth of a social platform xff0c; what is more familiar in the country is space xff0c; the most common features of these sites and applications are xff0c; allowing users to generate content autonomously xff0c; interacting with others xff0c; connectivity xff0c; that is the features of Web 2.0. Developments today xff0c; algorithms already control our Internet #xff0c; what you see is based on your interest xff0c; what you like is recommended to you xff0c; that's what you get; that's what you get.

从 Web 1.0 的“只读”到 We b2.0 的“交互”,其实并不是一个更替的过程,虽然现在大部分的互联网应用和产品都是属于 Web 2.0,但仍有许多属于 Web 1.0 的项目在运行。而身处 Web 2.0 的许多互联网从业者,也在思考互联网下一步应该如何发展,于是,便有了各种 Web 3.0 的畅想。

From Web 1.0, "read-only" to "interactive" & #xff0c for We b2.0; it is not really a replacement process & #xff0c; although most Internet applications and products now belong to Web 2.0 & #xff0c; there are still many Web 1.0 projects running. Many Internet practitioners & #xff0c in Web 2.0 are also thinking about how the Internet should develop xff0c; xff0c; and there are various Web 3.0 scenarios.

3. Web3.0——所建即所得?

3.Web3.0 -- what's built and what's built?

在区块链诞生之前,已经有许多互联网人士对 Web3.0 都提出了自己的见解,但当时还没有区块链技术,而区块链技术能带来前所未有的价值互联网和可信互联网,是一种重要的解决方案和解决问题的思路。所以,之前的 Web3.0 的概念是在缺乏一些关键思维和解决手段的前提下提出的。

xff0c prior to the birth of the block chain; many Internet users have expressed their views on Web3.0 xff0c; but there was no block chain technology xff0c; block chain technology can bring unprecedented value and credibility to the Internet xff0c; it is an important solution and solution. So xff0c; the concept of the previous web3.0 was developed in the absence of some key thinking and solutions.

?而在 2013 年发生了一件震惊全球的大事件,2013 年 6 月,斯诺登将美国国家安全局棱镜监听项目的秘密文档披露给了《卫报》和《华盛顿邮报》。他随即遭美国政府通缉,事发时人在香港,随后飞往俄罗斯。斯诺登之后通过《卫报》再次曝光英国的秘密情报监视项目,此次事件也?称为?“棱镜门”。

♪ And in 2013 there was a big global shock ♪ #xff0c; June 2013 #xff0c; Snowden revealed secret files from the NSA Project of Prism Interception to The Guardian and The Washington Post. He was then wanted by the U.S. Government & #xff0c; the person at the time of the incident was in Hong Kong #xff0c; then flew to Russia.


The Prism Gate has revealed to the public a terrible truth xff1a; the intelligence services of the United States and the United Kingdom xff0c; without a legal mandate xff0c; without public or even parliamentary knowledge xff0c; and is conducting extensive, almost unlimited listening to citizens of the country. The Prism Gate also proves that the code punk movement is by no means self-intruding xff0c; defending the privacy of citizens xff0c; truly on its own.

正是那次事件带来的影响,让当时以太坊的联合创始人也是如今的 Polkadot 创始人 Gavin 博士意识到,如今的互联网有很多问题,于是 Gavin 博士随后提出了 Web 3.0。

It was the impact of that event & #xff0c; so Dr. Gavin, the co-founder of the then Etheria, who was also the founder of today's Polkadot, realized & #xff0c; the Internet today has a lot of problems & #xff0c; so Dr. Gavin then introduced Web 3.0.

Gavin 所定义的 Web 3.0 会是一个可扩展的一系列技术框架,并用一种全新的方式构建应用程序,通过这种新的应用,他希望每个人都能掌握自己的(数字)身份、资产和数据,进而掌握自己的命运。

Gavin defines Web 3.0 as an expanded set of technical frameworks & #xff0c; and constructs the application & #xff0c in a completely new way; adopts this new application & #xff0c; he wants everyone to have control of their & #xff08; number #xff09; identity, assets and data & #xff0c; and thus their own destiny.

可以说这个主旨,就是针对斯诺登“棱镜门”所暴露出的现有互联网垄断的问题,巨头公司掌控所有参与者的数据、信息,并且享受着互联网发展的红利,而作为用户只能出卖自己的数据、信息等,享受到一些便利,也根本享受不到互联网发展的红利。所以,Gavin 博士也把 Web 3.0 ?称为?后斯诺登时代的互联网。

It can be said that this is the main theme xff0c; the question of the existing Internet monopoly exposed by Snowden's Prism Gate xff0c; that giant companies control data, information xff0c for all participants; and that they enjoy the dividends of Internet development xff0c; that users can only sell their own data, information, etc. xff0c; that they enjoy some facilities xff0c; and that they do not enjoy the dividends of Internet development at all. So xff0c; Dr. Gavin also calls Web 3.0?

当我们畅谈 Web 3.0 的发展时,不得不进一步提到关于区块链的东西,因为区块链的去中心化、去信任和防篡改的特性很好?的?对标了 Web 3.0 的目标——创造新一代互联网,让每个用户掌握自己的数据、身份和命运。

When we talk about the development of Web 3.0 & #xff0c; we have to add something about the block chain & #xff0c; because of the centralization of the block chain, the trusting and anti-false features? Yes, the target of Web 3.0 — creating a new generation of Internet & #xff0c; giving each user his or her own data, identity and destiny.


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