usdt-trc20是什么意思(TRC20 USDT)

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您肯定遇到过 USDT-TRC20 或 ERC20 这两个术语——最流行的 Tether 稳定币格式。稳定币 Tether (USDT) 是市场上最受用户欢迎的稳定币之一。USDT 最初是使用 OMNI Layer 协议基于比特币区块链创建的。后来,稳定币也在其他区块链中实现——各种网络中都有类似物。

You must have encountered the two terms USDT-TRC20 or ERC20 — — the most popular Tether Stable Currency Format. The Stable Currency Tether (USDT) is one of the most popular stable currencies in the market. The USDT was originally created using the OMINI Layer protocol based on the Bitcoin block chain. Later, the Stable Currency also achieved & mdash; & mdash; and similar things in various networks.

在本文中,我们将解释您需要了解的有关 TRC-20 和 ERC-20 之间区别的所有信息。让我们开始吧!

In this paper, we will explain all the information you need on the difference between TRC-20 and ERC-20. Let's do it!

Tether 是一种与法定货币 1:1 挂钩的稳定币。例如,兑美元 — USDT,兑欧元 — EURT,兑人民币 — CNHT。Tether Limited 发行代币,该公司声称其代币 100% 由 Tether 储备支持。因此,与其他代币相比,Tether 的波动性较小。

Tether is a stable currency pegged to the legal currency of 1:1. For example, to the United States dollar & mdash; USDT, to the euro & mdash; EURT, to the renminbi & mdash; CNHT. Tether Limited issues a token, which claims that 100 per cent of its currency is supported by Tether's reserve. Thus, Teth is less volatile than other tokens.

USDT 类似物存在于以下区块链中:

USDT analogues exist in the following chain of blocks:


OMNI— — issued on the Bitcoin block chain;


ERC20— — distributed on the Etherm block chain;

TRC20——在 Tron 区块链上发布;

TRC20— — published on the Tron block chain;


BEP2— — issued on the chain of currency sequestration blocks;


BEP20— — distributed on currency security smart chains.

此外,Tether 还发布了一种黄金支持的稳定币 Tether Gold 或 XAUT。在这种情况下,稳定币与黄金挂钩。

In addition, Tether has issued a stable currency supported by gold, Tether Gold or XAUT. In this case, the stable currency is tied to gold.

USDT ERC-20 对比。TRC-20:需要了解的主要特性

USDT ERC-20 comparison. TRAC-20: Main characteristics to be understood

2018 年 2 月,以太坊区块链上发行了 ERC-20 USDT 代币,允许 Tether 用于该网络的智能合约和去中心化应用程序。此步骤减少了交易时间,因为比特币网络中的交易速度非常慢。然而,以太坊区块链以高昂的佣金成本而闻名。

In February 2018, ERC-20 USDT tokens were published on the Taiwan block chain, allowing Tether to use the network for smart contracts and decentralised applications. This step reduced transaction times because of the slow pace of transactions in the Bitcoin network.


As a result, in April 2019, USDT tokens based on the TRC-20 criteria began to be published on the wavefield block chain network, leading to the development of the entire wavesite ecology. The key difference is undoubtedly the low commission of the network.


RC20USDT is a stable currency issued jointly by TRON and TEDA. Compared to the old stable currency (Omni-USDT and ERC20-USDT, etc.), TRC20-USDT significantly optimizes the speed of transfer fees and transaction confirmation.


In terms of costs, TRC20-USDT can be transferred free of charge. Refunds on the mainstream exchange show that USDT refunds based on the Omni deal are the highest, ranging from $4 to $10, while ERC-20 refunds range from $1 to $5, while TRC-20-USDT refunds are zero, which means that users can enjoy free repossession services.


In terms of the speed of transaction confirmation, the USDT, based on the wave zone network, has fully realized the performance advantages of the third generation of the public chain. The wavefield network's TPS can reach thousands of levels, allowing for trading level 2 recognition, which is significantly better than Omni (transfer confirmation takes 10 minutes to a few days) and ERC20 (minutes to a few hours).



1、 TRC20的特点支付没有手续费。波浪场转运USDT没有手续费,但交易所提取TRC-USDT仍有手续费(交易所收取)。示例:tr7nhqjekqxgtci 8q 8 zy4pl 8 otszgjl6t(TRC-20合同)大多数交易所支持TRC-USDT的充值,但由于TRC-USDT仍在测试中,交易所的充值已关闭。

For example: Tr7nhqjekqxgtci 8 zy4pl 8 otszgjl6t (TRC-20 contract) most of the exchanges support TRC-USDT replenishments, but since TRC-USDTs are still being tested, they are closed.

2、 ERC20的特点。支付的费用类型是ETH。ERC-USDT,和Ethereum中的其他Token一样,存储在Ethereum的地址中,所以每次转账时,需要支付的手续费类型是ETH。示例:0xdac 17 f 958 d2ee 523 a 2206206994597 c 13d 831 EC 7(ERC-20合同)大部分交易所支持退市,退市额度较低。基本上主流交易所都支持ERC-USDT取款,取款时可以选择是提BTC地址还是ETH地址。此外,以火币为例,ERC-USDT (2 USDT)的最低取款限额目前低于Omni-USDT(200 USDT)。支持智能合约,让网上交易查询更便捷。与Omni-USDT不同,ERC-USDT可以支持智能合约。ERC-20的USDT交易可以在主流的Ethereum浏览器中找到,感兴趣的用户可以去Tokenview的Ethereum浏览器了解ERC-USDT交易的详细信息。

Examples: 0xdac 17 f 958 d2ee 523 a 2206206994997 c 13d 831 EC 7 (ERC-20 contract) most of the exchanges support de-marketing, which is lower. Unlike Omni-USDT, the mainstream exchange basically supports the ERC-USDT withdrawal, which can choose between a BTC or an ETH address. In addition, in the case of flares, the minimum deduction limit for ERC-USDT (2 USDT) is currently lower than that for Omni-USDT (200 USDT). Supports smart contracts to make online transactions easier. Unlike Omni-USDT, the ERC-USDT can support smart contracts.

3、 TRC20有一些优势,可以让投资者对投资这种稳定的货币感觉良好。随着比特币减半,投资者对比特币的情绪不确定,这加剧了投资者对稳定货币的选择。因此,货币圈有人认为,TRC20迅速崛起为全球稳定货币是市场选择的必然结果。

As bitcoin halves, investor sentiment is uncertain, which increases investors’ choice of a stable currency. Thus, the currency circles argue that the rapid rise of TRC20 to a stable global currency is a corollary of market choices.

USDT-TRC20地址是以T开头,USDT-ERC20地址是以0x开头;USDT-ERC20(以太坊)、 USDT-TRC20(波场)是采用不同的协议,属于不同的区块链网络;USDT-ERC20安全性较高,USDT-TRC20安全性相对较低。USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元

The USDT-TRC20 address starts with T and the USDT-ERC20 address starts with 0x; the USDT-ERC20 (Exta) and the USDT-TRC20 (band) are different protocols, belonging to a network of blocks; the USDT-ERC20 is more secure and the USDT-TRC20 is relatively less secure.

(USD)的代币Tether USD,1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。区块链是一个共享数据库,存储于其中的数据或信息,具有“不可伪造”“全程留痕”“可以追溯’“公开透明”“集体维护”等特征。基于这些特征,区块链起源于比特币。

The token of (USD) Tether USD, 1USDT = US$ 1, with user access to USDT at any time for 1:1. The block chain is a shared database of data or information stored in it with “ unforgerable & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; full-range marks & & rdquo; & & & & ldquo; retraceable ’ & & & & ldquao; & & & & & & ldquao; collective maintenance & & & & & & & & etc., based on these characteristics, the block chain originates in Bitcoin.

比特币(Bitcoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生。总量为2100万个,2017年12月17日,比特币达到历史最高价19850美元,后续回落。2020年11月13日,比特币价格再次突破16000美元。莱特币 (Litecoin, LTC) 是受比特币(BitCoin, BTC) 的启发而推出的改进版数字货币,由一名曾任职于谷歌的程序员设计并编程实现 , 2011年11月9日发布运行。莱特币与比特币在技术上具有相同的实现原理,但莱特币的创造和转让基于一种开源的加密协议,不受到任何中央机构的管理 。

The Bitcoin concept was first introduced by China, China, on 1 November 2008, and was officially launched on 3 January 2009. A total of 21 million pieces were designed and programmed by a Google programmer on 17 December 2017. Bitcoin and Bitcoin are technically on the same footing as Bitcoin, but the creation and transfer of Lightcoin is based on an open source encryption agreement that is not administered by any central agency.


In terms of currency security, both the development and payment processes of Leitco are more secure than ordinary currencies. In the process of development, it cannot be forged, and Leitco is a series of complex solver codes that extract money rather than printing through mining, which essentially prevents the creation of “ counterfeit & rdquo; which is one of its advantages. In the process of payment, Leitco deals with addresses and private keys, which are like passwords and keys, which have hundreds of possible combinations of addresses and private keys, which are difficult to break and improve security.

不过即使是非中心化的支付系统,莱特币系统仍然受到“51%Attack”的威胁,即使用全网的51%以上的算力进行运算构建一个区域链与全网赛跑,一旦成功将能掌控莱特币,这将造成严重的后果。虽然“51%Attack”发生的概率很小,但是对于一个公共虚拟货币系统来说,这样的漏洞是不应该被容忍的 。 

However, even with decentralized payment systems, the Lettco system is still threatened by “ 51% Attack” i.e., using more than 51% of the arithmetic of the net to construct a regional chain to run with the whole net, and if successful, it will have serious consequences. While & ldquo; 51% Attack” the probability of happening is small, this gap should not be tolerated for a public virtual monetary system. & nbsp;


TRC20 is the token format on the trom.


You're talking about usdt. Wedt currently has three main formats: Omni, erc20, trc20.


When it comes to coins, choose the same format as the address you want to charge.


The top technology team from Silicon Valley, the top technology team from Israel, combined with artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc., has succeeded in building a centralized applied ecosystem. This is the highest performance of the current block chain technology, the strong birth of the system, which will start the 4.0-year era of block chain technology. It represents the cutting edge of the development after the technology overlap.



1.Trc20是rc20usdt联合发行的面向泰达公司波场Tron和缆绳的稳定货币渠道。与以前的稳定货币omni usdt和erc20 usdt相比,trc20 usdt大大优化了转账费用和交易确认速度。 在费用方面,trc20-usdt可以实现免费转账。从主流交易所的提现费用来看,基于Omni协议的usdt提现费用最高,在4 - 10美元之间,erc-20提现费用在1 - 5美元之间,trc20-usdt提现费用为0,即用户可以免费享受兑换提现服务。 在交易确认速度方面,基于波场网络的usdt充分发挥了第三代公链的性能优势。波场网络的TPS可达数千级,实现事务二级确认,优于Omni和erc20。极高的传输速度可以满足稳定货币用户的多样化需求,避免网络拥堵对投资者利益造成损害。

In terms of cost, trc20-usdt allows for free transfers. From the forward costs of the mainstream exchange, wedt based on the Omni agreement has the highest current cost, with erc-20 now costing between US$ 1 and US$ 10, and trc20-usdt having zero compared to the former stable currency omni usdt and erc20 usdt, i.e., users have free access to cash transfer services. In terms of transaction speed, trc20-usdt has the full advantage of the third-generation public chain.

2.Trc20是rc20usdt联合发行的面向泰达公司波场Tron和缆绳的稳定货币渠道。与以前的稳定货币omni usdt和erc20 usdt相比,trc20 usdt大大优化了转账费用和交易确认速度。 在费用方面,trc20-usdt可以实现免费转账。从主流交易所的提现费用来看,基于Omni协议的usdt提现费用最高,在4 - 10美元之间,erc-20提现费用在1 - 5美元之间,trc20-usdt提现费用为0,即用户可以免费享受兑换提现服务。 在交易确认速度方面,基于波场网络的usdt充分发挥了第三代公链的性能优势。波场网络的TPS可达数千级,实现事务二级确认,优于Omni和erc20。极高的传输速度可以满足稳定货币用户的多样化需求,避免网络拥堵对投资者利益造成损害。 trc20的特点: Trc-20协议是由erc-20转换而来的,但它有更强的社区支持。它不仅可以运行支持波场Tron的智能合约,还可以支持以太坊智能合约。

In terms of cost, trc20-usdt allows for free transfers. In terms of overhead costs for the mainstream exchange, the cost of the Usdt lift based on the Omni agreement is the highest, and in the range of US$ 4 - 10, the cost of the erc - 20 is between US$ 1 - 5, and the cost of the trc20-usdt lift is zero, i.e., the user is free of charge to benefit from the cash transfer service. In terms of the speed of the transaction, the trc20-usdt takes full advantage of the third generation of public chains.

USDT-TRC20地址是以T开头,USDT-ERC20地址是以0x开头;USDT-ERC20(以太坊)、 USDT-TRC20(波场)是采用不同的协议,属于不同的区块链网络;USDT-ERC20安全性较高,USDT-TRC20安全性相对较低。USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元

The USDT-TRC20 address starts with T and the USDT-ERC20 address starts with 0x; the USDT-ERC20 (Exta) and the USDT-TRC20 (band) are different protocols, belonging to a network of blocks; the USDT-ERC20 is more secure and the USDT-TRC20 is relatively less secure.

(USD)的代币Tether USD,1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。区块链是一个共享数据库,存储于其中的数据或信息,具有“不可伪造”“全程留痕”“可以追溯’“公开透明”“集体维护”等特征。基于这些特征,区块链起源于比特币。

The token of (USD) Tether USD, 1USDT = US$ 1, with user access to USDT at any time for 1:1. The block chain is a shared database of data or information stored in it with “ unforgerable & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; full-range marks & & rdquo; & & & & ldquo; retraceable ’ & & & & ldquao; & & & & & & ldquao; collective maintenance & & & & & & & & etc., based on these characteristics, the block chain originates in Bitcoin.



比特币(Bitcoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生。总量为2100万个,2017年12月17日,比特币达到历史最高价19850美元,后续回落。2020年11月13日,比特币价格再次突破16000美元。莱特币 (Litecoin, LTC) 是受比特币(BitCoin, BTC) 的启发而推出的改进版数字货币,由一名曾任职于谷歌的程序员设计并编程实现 , 2011年11月9日发布运行。莱特币与比特币在技术上具有相同的实现原理,但莱特币的创造和转让基于一种开源的加密协议,不受到任何中央机构的管理 。

The Bitcoin concept was first introduced by China, China, on 1 November 2008, and was officially launched on 3 January 2009. A total of 21 million pieces were designed and programmed by a Google programmer on 17 December 2017. Bitcoin and Bitcoin are technically on the same footing as Bitcoin, but the creation and transfer of Lightcoin is based on an open source encryption agreement that is not administered by any central agency.


In terms of currency security, both the development and payment processes of Leitco are more secure than ordinary currencies. In the process of development, it cannot be forged, and Leitco is a series of complex solver codes that extract money rather than printing through mining, which essentially prevents the creation of “ counterfeit & rdquo; which is one of its advantages. In the process of payment, Leitco deals with addresses and private keys, which are like passwords and keys, which have hundreds of possible combinations of addresses and private keys, which are difficult to break and improve security.

不过即使是非中心化的支付系统,莱特币系统仍然受到“51%Attack”的威胁,即使用全网的51%以上的算力进行运算构建一个区域链与全网赛跑,一旦成功将能掌控莱特币,这将造成严重的后果。虽然“51%Attack”发生的概率很小,但是对于一个公共虚拟货币系统来说,这样的漏洞是不应该被容忍的 。 

However, even with decentralized payment systems, the Lettco system is still threatened by “ 51% Attack” i.e., using more than 51% of the arithmetic of the net to construct a regional chain to run with the whole net, and if successful, it will have serious consequences. While & ldquo; 51% Attack” the probability of happening is small, this gap should not be tolerated for a public virtual monetary system. & nbsp;



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