OKEx Insights:DeFi当前提供像Chainlink这样的预言机的主要用例

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As interest in de-centralized finance grew, one of the biggest success stories of encryption in 2020 was the block chain foreword. In general, block chain forewords are a service that allows smart contracts (i.e. programmed contracts based on block chains) to access data that are not stored in the block chain.


While there is considerable optimism about how smart contracts will change many industries, their utility is severely limited in the absence of reliable data sources outside the chain. In cryptography, this is not a new issue.

OKEx Insights将在本文中着眼于区块链预言机服务的兴起以及提供这些服务的平台的快速增长的市值。虽然对去中心化预言机服务的需求确实存在,但我们要考虑的是,推动预言机平台代币(即Chainlink的,BandChain的BAND,Nest Protocol的NEST和Tellor的TRB)价格飙升的是实际使用量还是投机行为。

OKExInsights will focus this paper on the emergence of block-chain forecasting and the fast-growing market value of the platforms that provide these services. While there is a real demand for decentralizing for forecasting, what we want to consider is whether the prices of the proxies (i.e., Chainlink, BAND in Bandchain, NEST in Nest Protocol, and TRB in Tellor) are surging in real use or speculation.


The Year of Prophecy?


As the total market value is now close to $6 billion, the currency inherent in the Prophecy Service has become one of today’s industry’s most interesting encoded currencies. Over the past 12 months, the market leader, Chainlink’s LINK medal, has invested more than 600% of its funds, and is now ranked fifth in the market value of the encrypted currency ranking site CoinGecko.


In the last 30 days alone, NEST, BAND, and TRB have grown by about 90%, 170%, and 240%, respectively. As can be seen, almost all of the projects that claim to have solved the problems of the prophecies have experienced rapid increases in prices, and it is clear that the idea of the prophecies has attracted encrypted money investors.


In addition to the momentum of BAND, the market value of proxies in all areas of encrypted assets has reached its highest level and is one of the best performing assets this year.


short history of prophecies

在加密货币诞生很久以前,智能合约的用途就很明显了。有远见的密码学家和法律学者Nick Szabo 于1996年发明了这个词,他将智能合约定义为“一组以数字形式指定的承诺,包括各方在其中履行这些承诺的协议。”

The use of smart contracts was evident long before the birth of encrypted money. Nick Szabo, a visionary cryptographer and legal scholar, invented the term in 1996, defining smart contracts as “a set of numerically designated commitments, including agreements in which parties fulfil those commitments.”

像Szabo一样,比特币(BTC)的创造者也认识到智能合约在未来去中心化经济中可以发挥的作用。在2010年,密码学家和早期的比特币开发人员Gavin Andresen发现了当时还没有使用的编程功能。当Andresen向中本聪询问上述功能时,他们回答:

Like Szabo, the creators of the Bitcoin also recognize the role that smart contracts can play in the future to decentralize the economy. In 2010, cryptographers and early bitcoin developers Gavin Andresen discovered programming features that had not been used at that time. Andresen asked Nakamoto about these features, and they answered:


"This function supports the various possible types of transactions that I designed a few years ago: hosting transactions, security contracts, third-party arbitration, multiple signatures, etc. If bitcoins do anything, these are all things we'll have to explore in the future, but they all have to be designed from the outset to ensure that they can be realized in the future."

几年后,另一位早期的比特币开发商强调了智能合约的未来重要性。Mike Hearn在2012年伦敦比特币大会的演讲中列举了几个例子,在这些例子中,可编程货币可以提高各种流程的效率并降低风险。其中包括自动结算遗嘱,在没有中介人或卖方的情况下甚至不亲自出现就出售车辆。令人兴奋的是,未来的金融系统中,智能合约取代了可信赖的第三方(即银行) 。

A few years later, another early bitcoin developer stressed the future importance of smart contracts. Mike Hearn, in his speech at the London Bitcoin Congress in 2012, cited several examples in which programmable currencies could improve the efficiency of processes and reduce risks.


Although the examples of Hearn’s succession certainly use some sort of prophecy (a smart contract would refer to the national death register in the event of the death of his grandfather), many important nuances remain unresolved in the ensuing discussion. So, when they were launched in 2015 in Taiku, they emerged.


The Etherpa White Paper recognizes the need for a foreword machine when delivering out-of-chain data to block-chain applications. However, it abandons the “required need for credible sources” to provide out-of-chain information.


Reliance on such a source of information will be fraught with security problems, as stated by the well-known developer of the time and by the co-founder of the Etherworld, God V. It is worrying that a single prophesy machine may act in bad faith for economic gain, or that a decentralized application will stop running when the data source deletes its services.


This discussion led to a number of early efforts to address the issue of the foreword machine, including the early succession of Reality.eth, Orisi and Counterparty and Chainlink, while the parent company, SmartContract.com, proposed a solution whereby centralized data sources would be used to provide data to block chain applications until a few years later.

2017年,SmartContract.com开始致力于去中心化预言机服务,以充当区块链与外部世界之间的桥梁。该公司在2017年9月的首次代币发行中筹集了3200万美元,以资助后来的Chainlink的开发。Chainlink主网建立在以太坊网络上,于2019年6月启用。之后它的成功启发了其他预言机项目,包括上述的BandChain,Nest Protocol和Tellor。

In 2017, SmartContract.com began working on the centralization of the Prophecy Service to serve as a bridge between the block chain and the outside world. The company raised $32 million in September 2017 in its first currency release to finance the subsequent development of Chainlink. The Chainlink main network was built on the Etheria network and launched in June 2019. Its success has inspired other prophesy projects, including the Band Chain, Nest Protocol and Tellor mentioned above.


It's important to to solve the problem of the prophecy.


Most of the potential of smart contract platforms like the Taiwan depends on reliable data from outside sources. If price input does not reflect reality, the price forecast market will be of little use.


In 2017, the project was inspired by the future smart contract, which will lead to a non-intermediated carpooling service, automated insurance products, and non-distorted data on the chain. The price for the company was only $9.70 on January 14, 2017.

通过首次发币筹资的热潮为以太坊价格上涨火上浇油(通常被称为2017 ICO泡沫),至少在一定程度上与投资者对以太坊未来效用的信心有关。如果以太坊将成为未来去中心化应用程序的大本营,则此类平台的开发需要资金。通过与某一特定平台的交易,投资者获得了该平台的代币(通常是ETH,这进一步推高了对它的需求)。可以说,许多ICO的驱动力主要是投资者对代币价格的猜测,随着相关平台的不断发展,代币的价格也在不断上涨。

The development of such platforms would require funding if they were to become the home of future decentralized applications. By trading with a particular platform, investors acquired the platform’s tokens (often ETH, which further boosted demand for it).


As interest in the ICO peaked in 2017, investors invested heavily in almost all the projects in the White Paper that contained rich popular language and ambitious de-centralized visions for the future. Many of these projects proved to have failed in the second year.

正如专注于以太坊的软件公司ConsenSys的前开发者John Adler在2018年9月强调的那样,要使智能合约式区块链可用,需要有足够的缩放技术——只有有了可靠的预言机服务,这样的平台才能真正发挥效用。如果没有可靠的链外数据源,智能合约的使用将仅限于只需在构建应用程序的特定区块链上提供信息的应用。

As John Adler, a former developer of the software company ConsenSys, which focuses on the Etherms, stressed in September 2018, there is a need for sufficient scaling-up technology – a platform that can only work if there is a reliable pro forma service. In the absence of reliable off-link data sources, the use of smart contracts will be limited to applications that simply need to provide information on the particular section chain in which the application is built.


While Ether's efforts to scale up operations and provide a solution to the problem of the Prophecies, Ether prices fell by 94% in 11 months after its height in January 2017 as a result of speculation by the ICO. Clearly, the platform's basic value does not match Ether's inflated market prices. However, the rise itself suggests that the market sees huge value, although it is not ready to do so by 2017.


Clearly, a trusted predictor capable of providing an incontrovertible and reliable source of data will be part of the development of an encrypted currency. With a series of projects now claiming to provide such a source, smart contract technology seems to have taken another step towards real-world use, which was the cause of many speculations in 2017.


prophet quickly found the example

与预言机相关的加密货币并不是最近几个月唯一获得大量资金流入的项目,基于支持智能合约的区块链上的DeFi应用程序的使用也在增长。2020年初,所谓的DeFi代币总锁仓价值仅6.81亿美元,八个月后,据DeFi Pulse数据,总锁仓价值达到了约68亿美元的历史新高。

The encrypt currency associated with the prophecies is not the only project that has received a significant inflow of funds in recent months, and the use of the DeFi application on the block chain, which is based on support for smart contracts, is also increasing. At the beginning of 2020, the total lock-in value of the so-called DeFi tokens was only $681 million, and eight months later, according to DeFi Pulse, the total lock-up value reached an all-time high of about $6.8 billion.


DeFi relies on price data from various markets, which cannot be obtained from the block chain itself, and which must be obtained from elsewhere. Some decentralized financial applications themselves solve the problem of prophecies, while others outsource tasks to dedicated prophecies “intermediate” providers, such as Chainlink.

去中心化预言机的这种早期应用无疑促进了所谓的预言机代币(如LINK,BAND,TRB等)的近期价格表现。例如,LINK 既支付链外数据提要,也可以用作提供数据者的抵押品,以确保提要的信息质量和可靠性。如果项目要使用Chainlink的预言机,则需要访问LINK代币。

This early application of the centralizing prophecies has undoubtedly contributed to the recent price performance of so-called prophecies (such as LINK, BAND, TRB, etc.). For example, LINK can be used as a collateral for data providers to ensure the quality and reliability of the information to be drawn. If the project is to use Chainlink's prophecies, it needs to visit LINK.


Similarly, Band Chain uses its own token BAND as collateral as a means of payment and as part of its governance model. Tellor’s token TRB is also used to pay data providers and is mortgaged by miners to provide the basis for its own safety model.


Is the utility of


Despite the fact that DeFi today provides a major example of block chain forewords, the market value of the two niche markets suggests that prices are not based solely on current usage. For example, Chainlink, during its relatively short lifetime, has risen to more than $7.4 billion, peaking at the beginning of this month – a figure that is nearly $7 billion higher than today’s DeFi smart contract lock-ups.

仔细观察一下Chainlink网络,就会发现对其预言机服务有明显的需求。Chainlink Oracle Reputation网站详细介绍了最近网络上的节点活动,突出显示了哪些数据源处于活动状态以及它们已完成的工作。

A closer look at the Chainlink network reveals a clear demand for its pronunciation services. The Chainlink Oracle Reputation site details recent nodes on the network, highlighting which data sources are active and what they have done.


While some Chainlink nodes are certainly active, available data from nodes that have completed their work in the last seven days only provide asset prices. This suggests that applications other than DeFi are currently virtually non-existent, and that the actual use of non-specific LINK tokens remains heavily dependent on the use of the DeFi applications.


At the same time, an analysis of Band Chain’s network shows that the impact of actual network use on the recent price operation of its tokens is even lower. Almost all of the 79 data sources currently in existence relate to asset prices. While weather and flight data summaries do exist, there are few network activities, including price summaries, associated with data sources in the early stages of the project.


The table below shows the price of LinK over time, which brings to mind many encrypted currencies since the end of 2017. While basic development and use can certainly play a role in the last cattle market, the rapid price appreciation at the end of 2017 is a product of pure speculation.


Price of LINK, 9 November 2017 to 24 August 2020. Source: CoinGecko


Just as the prosperity of the ICO has provided an example of a real world for ETH, DeFi has also provided practical procedures for prophesy services. But, with the market value of the prophesy project arguably outpacing the market value of the DeFi smart contract, speculation seems to have exceeded actual usage.


DeFi's risk is the foreword machine's risk


A sustained growth in the number of DeFi users has been brought about by a sophisticated and wealthy lending strategy that is sufficiently profitable. Part of this growth is due to the recent “mobility mining.”


As already mentioned, DeFi currently provides the main example of a prophecies like Chainlink. The prophecies will continue to serve DeFi until another technology of a smart contract is equally focused.

这并不意味着在未来其他行业不会有需求,当Chainlink的创始人谢尔盖·纳扎罗夫(Sergey Nazarov)今年在发表演讲时,他提到预言机有一天将会为像去中心化保险这样的应用程序提供数据。但是,由于大部分演示文稿都将重点放在DeFi上,并且几乎所有当前的数据提供了不同资产的价格,因此很明显,Chainlink在当今的主导市场中所处的位置。

This does not mean that there will be no demand in other industries in the future, when Sergey Nazarov, the founder of Chainlink, spoke this year, mentioned that the prophesy will one day provide data for applications like decentralized insurance. But, since most presentations focus on DeFi, and almost all of the current data provide different asset prices, it is clear that Chainlink is in the dominant market today.


While the financial growth in targeting the DeFi application is undoubtedly good news for the foreword machine, the industry is not without risks. Smart contracts themselves leave behind the fact that inexperienced users may suffer significant losses, thus providing a clear target for hackers.


This is not just a theoretical attack. DeFi’s smart contract was used before, and its risks were so high that the co-founder of Etherwood warned users. Vitalik #Butrin, in his July speech on Laura Sin’s podcast, The Unchained, advised users not to underestimate the dangers. He continued to comment on the future of mobile mining:


"This is a short-term thing. Once the attraction is gone, you can easily see that the rate of return will fall to a level very close to zero."


Vitolik Butrin recently posted similar concerns on Twitter:

“提醒:您不必参加以太坊中“最新热门DeFi”。实际上,除非您“真的”了解接下来会发生什么事,否则最好不要有任何行动或者仅参与一小部分。还有很多其他的ETH dapps,探索他们!”

“Caution: You do not have to attend the Ether's latest hotspot, DeFi. In fact, it is best not to do anything or participate in a small part of it unless you “really” understand what's going to happen. There are many other ETH dapps to explore them.”

— 维塔利克.eth (@维塔利克˙布特林) 2020年8月14日

— Vitalik Eth (@Vitalik #Butrin) August 14, 2020


In addition to the potential decline in earnings and the risks of smart contract development, DeFi may be targeted by regulators. As DeFi is still in its infancy, with a range of new risks, financial regulators will certainly be considering ways to protect investors.


2017? Cooperation, listing, .

预言机在备受瞩目的推动下引起了兴奋。据报道,在撰写本文时,Chainlink已与258个不同实体合作,这些实体在从视频游戏到房地产的众多行业中工作。名单中包括家喻户晓的名称,例如Google Cloud,SWIFT和Intel,以及多家韩国银行和德国电信(Deutsche Telekom)的IT子公司T-Systems。

At the time of writing, Chainlink is reported to have worked with 258 different entities working in a wide range of industries, from video games to real estate. The list includes household names such as Google Cloud, SWIFT and Intel, as well as T-Systems, an IT subsidiary of several Korean banks and Deutsche Telekom.


Among those alleged to be interested in Chainlink, perhaps the most notable is the recently launched block chain service network or BSN in China. The deal may be published in late June, and Chainlink, one of the predictors, may provide data to BSN members.


Throughout history, news about China’s block chain has generated both uncertainty and optimism in the crypto-currency sector. The most recent example comes from last year’s announcement by the Chinese government of its support for block-chain technology, which led to a 23% increase in the market value of the consolidated encrypted currency in a few days.

尽管不那么令人影响深刻,但其他预言机也在推动投机的发展。红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)支持的Band Protocol(BandChain背后的公司)在2019年上市,在首次上市后,我们看到了其代币的价格上涨,并于2020年8月加入Coinbase Pro。7月,Coinbase增加了NEST的定价数据,进一步证明了预言机对区块链生态系统至关重要的观点。

In 2019, Band Protocol, supported by Sequoia Capital (the company behind Band Chain), was listed, and after its first listing, we saw a rise in the price of its tokens and joined Coinbase Pro in August 2020. In July, Coinbase increased the price-fixing data of NEST, further proving the view that the prophecies were vital to the ecosystem of the block chain.

越来越多的高知名度合作伙伴关系在某种程度上推动了这一进程,不仅仅是LINK价格走势图与2017年ETH的价格走势图相似。2017年2月,企业以太坊联盟(Enterprise Ethereum Alliance)的成立以及随后的成员声明似乎引发了对其未来用途的猜测,再加上该资产在ICO融资中的使用,使ETH升至历史新高。

A growing number of high-profile partnerships have contributed to this process to some extent, not least because the LINK price trends are similar to those of 2017. In February 2017, the establishment of the Enterprise Etheeum Alliance and subsequent member statements appeared to have triggered speculation about its future use, coupled with the use of the asset in ICO financing, raising it to an all-time high.

LINK自身的价格也经历了类似的上涨。2019年6月13日,当Chainlink在推特上宣布加入谷歌云(Google Cloud)作为生态系统合作伙伴的那一天,LINK上涨了65%以上,几个小时内从1.13美元涨至了1.87美元。

On June 13, 2019, when Chainlink announced on Twitter that he would join Google Cloud as a partner in the ecosystem, LINK rose by more than 65%, from $1.13 to $1.87 in a few hours.


"We're happy to share that Google is one of the great companies that integrated #Chainlink into their way of using smart contracts. Here's how @GCPcloud users connect to BigQuery, one of Google's most popular cloud services."


- Chainlink - Official channel (@Chainlink) 13 June 2019


Extension and Etheria Prophecies


According to Ethgassation.info, Chainlink is now the eighth-largest user of Tas. In August alone, the users of Chainlink's prophecy reportedly spent nearly $1 million on transaction costs.


If Chainlink’s high-profile partnership does increase the use of the network, the increase in Gas’s demand will make it more expensive. Until solutions are put in place to solve the problem of expansion, access to data based on a community-based, decentralized prophecies may become very expensive and may eventually limit its use.

扩展是加密货币行业中最紧迫的主题之一。 以太坊网络备受期待的以太坊2.0升级将解决此问题。 但是,正如Buterin在《无链》上所提到的,分片(旨在从根本上提高以太坊网络总交易能力的突破)并不属于升级的第0阶段。相反,它将在网络升级的后期实现。

The expected e-Team 2.0 upgrade in the e-Team network will solve the problem. But, as Buterin mentioned in The Unchain, the fragments (a breakthrough aimed at fundamentally improving the capacity of the e-Team total trading) are not part of phase 0 of the upgrade.

就是说,还有其他努力来扩展工作中的网络。诸如Optimistic Rollups和ZK-Rollups之类的第二层(即所谓的第2层)技术将某些事务数据移出链。在今年早些时候解释这些概念时,Buterin乐观地表示,这些改进应该使以太坊每秒甚至可以在分片上线之前每秒处理1000多个事务。与目前每秒15笔交易的严重增加相比,此类实现应允许网络支持更多数量的智能合约,而不会导致交易费用激增。这还将增加为他们服务的那些先知的基本价值。

In explaining these concepts earlier this year, Buterin was optimistic that these improvements should enable the Etherms to handle more than 1,000 transactions per second, or even before they were lined up. Such realization should allow the network to support a larger number of smart contracts than the 15 transactions currently under way, without leading to a surge in transaction costs.


Competition in the area of the block chain


This year’s surge in interest in DeFi not only provided Chainlink with an opportunity, but also inspired the creation of other prophecies. More and more developers are looking for their own solutions to block chain prophecies.

引领DeFi 的应用Compound 已经在其Open Price Feed(OPF)工作一年多了。OPF于2020年8月启用,Coinbase Pro和Uniswap迅速提供了价格报告。

The application of Compoun, which leads DeFi, has been working on its Open Price Feed (OPF) for more than a year.


In the same month, OKEx also released its own pro forma machine. The service is based on OPF standards and is designed to add another reliable price data source for use by Comboud and other DeFi applications.


Commenting on whether a well-recognized prophesy system such as Chainlink, Band Chain and others could compete with similar industry heavyweight companies that provide data, the team behind the OKEx prophecies commented:

“不同的数据类型将来自不同的数据源,因此,将出现各种各样的预言机类型和提供程序。 这些预言机会因为衡量其数据准确性以及正常运行时间在可信赖性方面有所不同。”

“The different types of data will come from different data sources and, as a result, there will be a wide variety of pro forma types and pro forma processes that differ in terms of trustability as a result of measuring their data accuracy and normal running times.”


“OKEx's pro forma will be the most trusted of the OKEx market data. This means that there is no other pro forma to ensure that it knows more about the prices of many of our markets than we do. Services such as Chainlink may continue to exist as a less reliable data prophecies for aggregation and as a way to provide backup in case of service interruptions. In addition, pro forma machines such as Chainlink may provide types of data from unreal sources (e.g. how many dogs are in New York today”).


block chain foreword machine: exacerbation, but with great potential


In the absence of external data, the utility of smart contracts will be limited to applications that rely only on chain data. The growing DeFi industry has already provided a case for the use of existing prophesy platforms.

Tellor的联合创始人Michael Zemrose在与OKEx Insights的电子邮件交流中指出,市场才刚刚开始了解预言机在智能合约技术的普及中扮演的角色:

Michael Zemrose, a co-founder of Tellor, in an e-mail exchange with OKEx Insights, pointed out that the market is only just beginning to understand the role played by prophecy machines in the spread of smart contract technology:


"I think 2020 is the first year for most people to understand the prophecies and their importance as a key part of the encryption infrastructure in smart contract security. Markets understand this value for a reason."

但是,当前的解决方案显然存在问题。以太坊Gas价格上涨以及DeFi本身的固有风险可能使预言机在实际应用中苦苦挣扎,直到实现规模扩展或预言机服务的其他应用程序获得发展。该项目的首席执行官表示,诚然,Band Protocol最近在Cosmos区块链上启动了BandChain,专门用于“避开以太坊的拥塞问题”。这将保护它免受汽油价格上涨的影响,且不会受到DeFi市场突然萎缩的影响。

The project’s CEO said that, of course, Band Protocol had recently launched Band Chain on the Cosmos block chain, which was dedicated to “avoiding from Etheria’s congestion.” This would protect it from the impact of rising gasoline prices and from the sudden contraction of the DeFi market.

DeFi最大的项目,例如Compound和Maker,也一直在开发解决自己问题的预言机作为解决问题的方案。同时,像OKEx和Coinbase这样的大型行业平台,现在都通过Compound的Open Price Feed直接将其数据提供给去中心化应用程序。鉴于数据价格相当低,那些当前为区块链“中间者”提供商提供基本价值的项目可能只是提供了一种更便宜的选择。

DeFi’s largest projects, such as Compound and Maker, have also been developing prophecies to solve their problems as solutions. Meanwhile, large industry platforms like OKEx and Coinbase now offer their data directly to decentralised applications through Open Price Feed at Compound.


Although their prices increase the security and reliability of the DeFi applications, they do not have access to non-financial data. When the use of smart contracts is extended to other industries, jobs such as Chainlink, which aim to simplify the use of non-financial data in block chain systems, may have advantages.

通过降低使用智能合约技术的技术准入门槛,此类项目使开发人员可以更轻松地创建创新的非DeFi应用程序,而无需自己解决预言机问题。 这很可能会引发无数行业采用智能合约的浪潮,从而为预言机服务提供一个新的市场,从而减少对集中式数据参考点的依赖。

By lowering the technological access threshold for the use of smart contract technology, such projects allow developers to create innovative non-DeFi applications more easily than they need to solve their own problems. This is likely to trigger a wave of smart contracts in countless industries, thus providing a new market for the prophecy service, thereby reducing reliance on centralized data reference points.

预言机以某种形式或将以某种形式,肯定会使加密货币行业扩展到令人兴奋的新领域。 但是,诸如LINK,BAND和TRB之类的预言机协议代币价格的快速上涨表明,这是对未来实用性的一种期望,而不是目前的使用,这正在激发投资。

Prophecies, in some form or form, will certainly expand the crypto-currency industry to exciting new areas. But, as the rapid rise in proxies such as LINK, BAND, and TRB suggests, this is an expectation of future utility rather than its current use, which is stimulating investment.


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