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The currency circle is very informative, and the currency world has prepared the best and best news for you, and you are welcome to read "Little and Good " on April 14th.


Today's market shock has stagnated the mainstream currency two days after the increase. Currently, BTC reports $797.71, ETH $496.31, BCH $733.47, LTC $127.65, ETC $15.91. For more details, please focus on .


Note: A half-hour up and down, i.e., within half an hour of the currency's world alert, changes in the currency's up and down, are more reflective of the dynamics of the currency.


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1. Ripple partner Western Union remittances will be online in Latin America on 18th day


In February, Ripple announced a block-based payment trial in partnership with Western Union; on 26 March, Ripple and Western Union were successfully tested.


The currency world shows that at the time of the news, XRP offered a price of $0.6788, an increase of 1.1 per cent for half an hour; the current price of $0.6433 represents an increase of 1.13 per cent today.


2. Wavefield Foundation announced the launch of a $2 billion incentive scheme


The TRX Foundation announced that it would launch a $2 billion incentive scheme to encourage excellent developers and projects to move into the TRON public chain network in the wave world. According to The World, at the time of the news, TRX offered a price of $0.0390, an increase of 1.61 per cent for half an hour; the current price of $0.04 fell by 2.37 per cent today.


3. ONT will launch the Socrates block chain network in two quarters.

Ontology (ONT)官方宣布将于今年2季度在主网发布苏格拉底区块链网络、分布式身份框架(ONT ID)、分布式身份协议、可核查协议。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,ONT报价4.29美元,半小时涨幅4.2%;现价4.31美元,今日跌幅8.17%。

Ontology (ONT) officially announced that it would launch the Socrates block chain network, distributed identity framework (ONT ID), distributed identity protocols, verifiable protocols on the main web site in the second quarter of this year. According to Moneyworld, at the time of the news, ONT offered $4.29, an increase of 4.2 per cent for half an hour; the current price is $4.31, a decline of 8.17 per cent today.


4. XVG will announce partners on 16th.


According to official news from the XVG team, XVG will announce its partner name on April 16. The global average price of XVG is US$ 0.09, a decline of 2.05% today. According to the World Bank, at the time of the news, XVG offered US$ 0.0947, an increase of half an hour of 2.55%; the current price is US$ 0.0962, an increase of 4.32% today.


5. Double profit Zcash

Zcash基金会表示,将在6月份全面实施的Overwinter是Zcash首个需要软件更新的网络升级,也是为随后Zcash Sapling网络升级铺平道路。此外,“Powers of Tau”协议已经完成,Zcash即将执行硬分叉 。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,Zcash报价235.74美元,半小时涨幅2.66%;现价230.83美元,今日涨幅4.05%。

Furthermore, the “Powers of Tau” agreement has been completed and Zcash is about to implement a hard split. According to the Money World, Zcash offered $235.74 at the time of the message, an increase of 2.66 per cent for half an hour; and the current price of $230.83, an increase of 4.05 per cent today.

6.Nucleus Vision与Paytm签署试点合同

6. Nucleus Vision signed a pilot contract with Paytm

据NCASH官方推特,印度最大移动支付和商务平台Paytm加入Nucleus Vision(NCASH),以全新的方式改变支付和购物。Paytm由阿里巴巴支持,是一家以手机钱包服务闻名的金融科技巨头,其在印度的注册用户超过2亿。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,NCASH报价0.041美元,半小时涨幅8.45%;现价0.0442美元,今日涨幅20.63%。

According to NCASH official Twitter, India’s largest mobile payment and business platform, Paytm, joined Nucleus Vision (NCASH) to change payments and purchases in a completely new way. Paytm, supported by Alibaba, is a major financial technology player known for its mobile wallet service, with more than 200 million registered users in India. The world of Currency shows that, at the time of the news, NCASH offered US$ 0.041, an increase of 8.45 per cent for half an hour; the current price is US$ 0.0442, an increase of 20.63 per cent today.


7. Witness programme to publish the main node


It has been announced that a total of 1 million ETZs (nearly 8640 ETZs per day) are planned to be invested, and that there will be an ETZ “witness plan” in front of the main node between 20 April and the main node, in return for too few supporters and preheating the node community.


The currency world shows that at the time of the news, RVT had offered US$ 0.3695, an increase of 1.65 per cent for half an hour; the current price of US$ 0.373, an increase of 0.19 per cent today.

8.RCT与欧洲退税集团Safety Tax Free达成合作

8. Cooperation between RCT and the European Tax Refund Group Safety Tax Free

据RealChain官方消息,RealChain基金会已与欧洲退税集团Safety Tax Free达成战略合作,成为Safety Tax Free的唯一区块链技术平台。双方将增强信息资源共享水平,打通从消费、退税、鉴定的产业链,合作将为RealChain打入欧洲市场奠定基础。据悉,Safety Tax Free业务覆盖德国、奥地利、西班牙、比利时、卢森堡、荷兰等国家,与欧洲2000多个商家有合作,目前月均营业额为200万欧元。

According to RealChain official sources, the RealChain Foundation has entered into strategic cooperation with the European Tax Refund Group, Safety Tax Free, as the sole technology platform for Safety Tax Free. The two sides will enhance the level of information-sharing and connect industries from consumption, tax refunds, and identification, which will lay the foundation for RealChain’s penetration into the European market.


The currency world shows that, at the time of the news, RCT had offered US$ 0.0378, an increase of 6.31 per cent for half an hour; the current price of US$ 0.0395, an increase of 7.65 per cent today.


9. OTB online OTB/USDT transaction. Zheng Yiting announced his candidacy for mayor of Taipei


At about 2200 hours last night, the OTCBT Exchange Officer's Network released an official online platform, OTB/USDT. Then, OTCBT's head, Cheng Yiting, wrote on Facebook an announcement that he would run for mayor of Taipei. According to Moneyworld, at the time of the news, OTB offered US$ 0.44558, an increase of 50.25 per cent for half an hour; the current price of US$ 0.5099, an increase of 1.44 per cent today.


10.NET will be on the main network at 7 p.m. on 15th.

据NET官网显示,其主网将于北京时间4月15日7点上线。NET(Nimiq Exchange Token)的目标是成为性能最好,最易于使用的分散式支付协议和生态系统。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,NET报价0.000972美元,半小时涨幅8.23%;现价0.0009美元,今日跌幅3.03%。

The goal of NET (Nimiq Exchange Token) is to be the most performance-friendly and user-friendly decentralized payment agreement and ecosystem. According to The Currency World, at the time of the news, NET offered US$0.000972, an increase of 8.23 per cent for half an hour; the current price of US$0.0009, a decline of 3.03 per cent today.


11. SYNX will be upgraded to a certificate of interest of 3.0


SYNX issued an announcement that it was using the main node consensus mechanism to upgrade the block chain to an equity certificate of 3.0, which was supported by the Bittrex Exchange. According to the Money World, at the time of the news, SYNX offered an offer of US$ 0.4187 or an half-hour increase of 2.77 per cent; the current price of US$ 0.4267 or an increase of 2.97 per cent today.


12.Einsteinium will release the scientific incubation platform EMC2Me

Einsteinium官方宣布,Einsteinium (EMC2)的科学孵化平台EMC2Me即将发布,学生及科研人士可以在平台上分享各自的想法,并为自己的想法筹集以EMC2计价的资金。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,EMC2报价0.2197美元,半小时涨幅3.9%;现价0.2182美元,今日跌幅0.12%。

Einsteinum officially announced that the Science Incubation Platform EMC2Me (EMC2) was about to be launched and that students and scientists could share their ideas on the platform and raise funds for their ideas at the EMC2. According to The World, at the time of the news, EMC2 offered $0.2197, an increase of 3.9 per cent for half an hour; the current price was $0.2182, a decline of 0.12 per cent today.


13. ELF announced membership of the Chinese Electronics Society


The ELF announced its membership of the Chinese Electronics Society this afternoon. As the news shows, ELF offered US$ 0.9928, an increase of 1.73 per cent for half an hour; the current price is US$ 0.9968, a decline of 7.98 per cent today.

14.LINDA本周将发布LindaV2钱包 同时宣布重大合作项目

14. LINDA will release Linda V2 wallet this week and announce major cooperation projects

Lindacoin(LINDA)的CEO Jonah Glasgow于13日发推称,Lindacoin在本周将发布LindaV2网络钱包,同时还会宣布一个重大合作项目。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,LINDA报价0.0014美元,半小时涨幅9.84%;现价0.0015美元,今日涨幅3.18%。

The CEO Jonah Glasgow of Lindacoin (LINDA) postulates that Lindacoin will release LindaV2’s wallet this week and announces a major collaboration project. According to the news, at the time of the news, LINDA offered US$ 0.0014, an increase of 9.84 per cent for half an hour; the current price is US$ 0.0015, an increase of 3.18 per cent today.

15.CND推出套利机器人Cryptometer 2.2

15. CNN rolls out a holster Cryptometer 2.2

Cindicator(CND)宣布,推出套利机器人Cryptometer 2.2,增加三角套汇等新功能。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,CND报价0.0874美元,半小时涨幅0.26%;现价0.0846美元,今日涨幅3.61%。

Cindictor (CND) announced the introduction of a arbitrage robot Cryptometer 2.2 and the addition of new functions such as triangulations. According to The Currency World, at the time of the news, CND offered US$0.0874, an increase of 0.26 per cent for half an hour; the current price is US$0.0846, an increase of 3.61 per cent today.


1.星云币将发布NAS ERC20代币解锁计划

1. Nebula coins will be released under NAS ERC20 De-locking Program

Nebulas(NAS)宣布将于4月15日-25日之间发布NAS ERC20代币解锁计划,解锁期为10天,期间NAS ERC20代币将返还至参与者的钱包地址,目前团队正在进行测试。《币世界》行情显示,消息发出时,NAS报价5.41美元,半小时跌幅4.99%;现价5.25美元,今日跌幅8.34%。

Nebulas (NAS) announced the release of the NAS ERC20 de-locking plan between 15 and 25 April, with a 10-day period during which NAS ERC20 will be returned to the participants’ wallet address, which is currently being tested by the team. According to the news, at the time of the news, NAS offered $5.41, a half-hour drop of 4.99 per cent; the current price of $5.25, a decline of 8.34 per cent today.


2. The bug on Zerocoin allowing hackers to destroy user coins has not been repaired

据Thenextweb消息,Zerocoin存在一个名为“拒绝服务”的漏洞,允许黑客销毁用户的硬币,这个漏洞已经存在2个月时间,至今仍未解决。数字货币顾问Peter Todd表示,原始的Zerocoin协议被打破, 即使它 “被证明是安全的”。他们只能证明, 攻击者不能窃取硬币, 但他们不能证明攻击者不能摧毁不属于他们的硬币。

According to Thenextweb, Zerocoin has a gap known as “refusal of services” that allows hackers to destroy their users’ coins for two months, a gap that remains unresolved. The digital money consultant Peter Todd says that the original Zerocoin agreement was broken, even if it was “proved to be safe.” They can only prove that the attackers cannot steal coins, but they cannot prove that the attackers cannot destroy coins that are not theirs.


At the time of the news, Zerocoin had offered US$ 0.505, a drop of 4 per cent for half an hour, and US$ 0.5024, a decline of 2.24 per cent today.


That's all for today's good news. I'll see you tomorrow!


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