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In the early part of the year, the “preheat” model was launched. In the four years that followed, in addition to currency price fluctuations, the definition of bitcoin mining and the outside world changed dramatically, but Bitcoin is still Bitcoin, and it remains the king of the world of encrypted assets.


No change: Bitcoin remains the king of


1 with no change in its properties : totals remain, with half continuing


At the time of Bitcoin's birth in 2009, the packagers were given 50 bitcoins per 10 minutes; when the total was 10.5 million, 50 per cent of 21 million, the block incentives were halved to 25. When the total was 15.7 million (5.25 million new output, 50 per cent of 1050), the block incentives were halved to 12.5 per cent. Within the Bitcoin design system, there were no more than 10.5 million in four years, after which the total would be permanently limited to about 21 million.


On May 12th, Bitcoin has been halved three times:

2009年01月03日 诞生创世区块 约10min/50个BTC

It's the birth of the Genesis Block, which is about 10min/50 BTCs.

2012年11月28日 第一次减半 约10min/25个BTC

First halved 28 November 2012 - approximately 10min/25 BTC

2016年07月10日 第二次减半 约10min/12.5个BTC

Second reduction by half on 10/07/2016 approximately 10min/12.5 BTCs

2020年5月12日 第三次减半 约10min/6.25个BTC

Third reduction by half on 12 May 2020: approximately 10min/6.25 BTCs


Consensus mechanism remains


As digital money evolves, energy-efficient Poss (the certificate of equity) emerges, which distributes interest according to the size of the currency and time, and is similar to that of the bank in which the money is deposited, and the public chain’s nostrils have gradually transformed the PoW into Pos. Despite the growing voice of Pos, the consensus mechanism in Bitco has never wavered.


2, , , , , .


As the inventor of Bitcoin, he was called “the father of Bitcoin.” But since 2010, he has faded out and the project has been handed over to other members of the Bitcoin community.

尽管人们对他的身份进行过诸多猜测,并且也有人跳出来表示自己就是中本聪,但这些自称“中本聪”的依据都站不住脚。其中,BSV领袖Craig S. Wright一直称自己便是中本聪,在2019 T-EDGE 新金融峰会暨 CHAINSIGHTS金融科技与区块链中国峰会上,CSW更是在签名版上留下了“Satoshi Nakamoto aka(also known as)Craig S.Wright.(中本聪又名Craig)”一话。(更多内容可查看:链得得总裁深度对话BSV领袖CSW:让“寄生虫们”去建设公平)

Despite a lot of speculation about his identity and the fact that some people have jumped out to claim that they are Chinese, these grounds for calling themselves “medium-breeding” are untenable. In BSV leader Craig S. Wright, who has always called himself a Chinese-brain, at the 2019 T-EDGE New Financial Summit and the CHAINSIGHS Financial Science and Technology and Block Chain China Summit, the CSW left “Satoshi Nakamoto ka (also knew as) Craig S. Wright.” (More information can be found: the chain needs to be in-depth dialogue with BSV leader CSW: Let “s send parasites” to build equity.)


To this day, the identity of the “medium-bone” remains a mystery, but the suspected Bitcoin account has not yet moved and remains the largest currency-holding account in the world.


3, “digital gold” secure


Bitcoin, because of its scarcity, is called “digital gold” because it is similar to its inflation rate and gold. Bitcoin, once close to $20,000 in December 2017, did not recover its peak prices in the following time, but its holders' beliefs about “digital gold” persist.


Bitcoin has been a strong majority as the local currency of the crypto-currency market.


In 2019, the dominance of Bitcoins became more pronounced throughout the crypto-currency market. The overall market value ratio fluctuated between 51 and 68 per cent, with differences rising with other mainstream currencies.


In the second quarter of 2019, the Institute reported a significant decline in the average correlation between bitcoins and large market value encrypted currencies, which may indicate the “quality-to-quality” behaviour characteristic of investors in the crypto-money market at the beginning of the cattle market.


In September 2019, the ratio of the market value to the total market value of Bitcoin increased to an annual maximum of 69.90 per cent in the context of the overall downward movement of the crypto-currency market and continued to fluctuate at around 65 per cent.


4 is still popular >/strang > >


According to BeInCrypto, the average monthly transaction volume of Bitcoin has increased exponentially over the last four years. In the last half-way, Bitcoin’s transaction price was only around $500.


Cryptowatch analyses indicate that the BTC spot volume peaked in June 2016, when it reached $1.5 billion per month. By comparison, the volume of transactions in April this year was close to $30 billion.


Changes in the market value of Bitcoin


The recent 3· 12 extreme events have left investors in a state of displeasure, but the huge benefits of speculation remain attractive.


According to App, after the first halving of the chain, bitcoin rose by 1.2 years, almost 100 times. After the second halving, bitcoin rose by 1.5 years, almost 30 times.


Change: values attributed to Bitcoin's industry and the outside world


1, the property properties of Bitcoin are confirmed


Disputes over encrypt currency investments and transactions have persisted, but the nature of Bitcoin has not been clearly determined.


After the hearing, the court confirmed the “virtual property” nature of Bitcoin. The court held that Bitcoin had the value, scarcity, and availability of property as the object of rights and should be held to be virtual property.


On 9 May 2020, the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate issued a White Paper on Financial Inspections in Shanghai, 2019, in which the issue of the properties of Bitcoin was again mentioned. The prosecutor stated that “virtual currency” was a special virtual commodity with property attributes but no legal status for money, and investors should be vigilant when investing, and should not be oblivious to the propaganda of the financing subjects.


2; increase in recognition of traditional financial institutions


On September 4, 2017, the encrypt currency and the ICO (the first issue of a token) were officially classified as illegal fund-raising in China, and there was a clear ban on any financing of the issuance of a token. Domestic orders prohibited cryptographic currency activities, but they developed rapidly abroad.


In December 2017, the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) officially issued the Bitcoin Futures Contract, and a week ago, the Chicago Futures Exchange (CBOE) launched the Bitcoins Futures. In the week that Bitcoin was on the market, the Bitcoins also stood at a record high of $20,000.


Despite the fact that the Bitcoin ETF is still pending, Bakkt, a digital asset platform under the ICE-based parent company, was the first in the world to settle futures in Bitcoin, and was inaugurated on 16 September 2019, Eastern United States time.

ICE此前介绍,Bakkt的每份期货合约含一个BTC,最小价格波动为每个BTC2.5美元,交易者将以每个BTC0.01美元执行合约,月度合约的上市周期最长12个月,单日合约有70个连续的合格合约日。两类合约都将在Bakkt的数字资产仓库Bakkt Warehouse交割和最终结算。

According to ICE, each future contract in Bakkt consists of one BTC, with a minimum price fluctuation of $2.5 per BTC, and the dealer will execute the contract at a maximum of $0.01 per BTC, a monthly listing cycle of up to 12 months, and a single-day contract with 70 consecutive qualifying contract days. Both types of contracts will be handed over and finally settled at Bakkt Warehouse, the digital asset warehouse in Bakkt.


3, Bitcoin splits, and the back waves remain unstoppable.


With the rise of Bitcoin, crypto-currency surges followed by a wave of splits of bitcoin after the second half, due to differences in technology routes.


BCH (bitcoin cash)


On 1 August 2017, at 478559 hours Bitcoin height, BCH opened the first stream of Bitcoin fork.


On 21 December 2017, the BCH price surged to an all-time high of $3,700. On 16 November 2018, the BCH hard fork was BCHABC and BCHSV, currently ranked fifth at a market value of $43 billion.


BTG (bitcoin gold)


BTG was at 491407 fork in Bitcoin, but BTG was not officially launched until early 13 November 2017 Beijing time, after the BTG network had not been fully developed since 25 October 2017 fork.


BCD (bitcoin diamonds)

BCD(Bitcoin Diamond),BCD首次公布是在SegWit2x硬分叉宣告失败之后,于比特币区块高度495866分叉。比特币钻石的总发行量为2.1亿个,为比特币的10倍。

BCD (Bitcoin Diamond), the BCD was first published at a height of 495866 for Bitcoin block after the failure of the SegWit2x hard fork announcement. The total circulation of Bitcoin diamonds was 210 million, 10 times the amount of Bitcoin.


SBTC (superbitcoin)

SBTC,开发团队Super Bitcoin,团队的主导人为“中国比特币首富”李笑来。按照Super Bitcoin团队的说法,SBTC于2017年12月17日进行硬分叉试验。SBTC的区块容量大小为8MB,总发行量为2121万个,多出来的21万个为分叉预挖币。

SBTC, the development team Super Bitcoin, led by “China’s Best Rich” Li laughter. According to the Super Bitcoin team, SBTC conducted a hard fork test on December 17, 2017. SBTC has a block capacity of 8MB, with a total circulation of 21.21 million, with an additional 210,000 pre-drawling for the fork.


4, institutional investors in the form of investments are starting to work


After the second halving, the price of bitcoin rose again and sharply, and the encrypted currency headed by bitcoin was not only recognized as a guest by individual investors, but institutional investors also began to look at the Red Sea.

2020 年 1 月 21 日,「灰度比特币信托」(Grayscale Bitcoin Trust)成功在美国 SEC(证券交易委员)注册登记,并成为首个向 SEC 报告的加密货币投资工具。

On January 21, 2020, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust successfully registered with the United States SEC, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and became the first encrypted currency investment tool to report to the SEC.


In 2019, the greyscale income amounted to $608 million, exceeding the total for the previous six years. According to the greyscale investment data, about 71 per cent came from hedge funds, among others, up from 66 per cent in 2018.


The latest data show that the total size of the Greyscale asset management amounted to $3.3 billion, of which Bitcoin was valued at $2,905 million.


Source: Grayscale


5 , gradually expanding the position of the pond


With more miners fighting on their own than in 2016, the ponds are now the best. And the choice of the location of the mines is constantly evolving.


The key factors determining the location of the mines are cheap electricity? Power costs, Sichuan? Power resources are abundant, Mongolian coal resources are abundant?


According to incomplete statistics, Chinese miners are mainly located in a small number of provinces, 80 per cent of Chinese mines are located in Sichuan. The rest are located in Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Xinjiang, Western Inner Mongolia and Longjiang.


Outside China, large bitcoin mines are located mainly in the north-west Pacific Ocean (Washington State, Oregon and British Columbia? Biya province), Quebec, northern New York State, the Northern Scandinavian Peninsula (Norway and Sweden), Iceland and Georgia.


According to Coinshares, China currently accounts for 65 per cent of the world's mining, with Sichuan alone accounting for 54 per cent. The remaining 35 per cent comes from areas such as Washington, New York, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Russian Siberian Federal District, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Iran.


6 and BTC's share of the giant pits is split


Data source: BTC.com


Bitcoin is based on the PoW consensus mechanism, and, as the index level of full-network computing increases, the individual’s arithmetic ratio is decreasing and the mine success rate is decreasing. In addition, there is daily input from electricity, network, and management fees, and individual miners are at risk of being mined for months.


In 2016, ant orts and fish ponds accounted for the largest share of the area. In four years, rising currency prices led to more investors entering, the mining industry expanding and new ponds emerging.


As can be seen from the data, the share of fish ponds is still higher than it was four years ago, and the share of ant ponds is now fourth. The coin-printing ponds, which were established in 2017, are now the second largest and counterweight to the old ones (BTC.com, AntPool).


7 with increased difficulty in mining and subsequent upgrading of mine machines


Data source: BTC.com


The biggest direct impact of halving is the reduction of miners’ incentives by half, which, according to BTC.com, is now more than 16 T after the second reduction in 2016. Although mining is more difficult, mining equipment used by miners is being upgraded.


Cutting by half the proceeds of mining also has an impact on the price of the mine, but the impact of the different mine machines is different. The price of high-performance mining machines (inefficient, energy-efficient, high-calculus) is less affected than that of high-performance mining machines, but many low-performance mining machines are at risk of being shut down.


In 2018, Bitcoins dropped their lowest offer by $3,400, causing a sharp fall in the price of a miner, the lowest price of a generation of ants S9 miners was only a few hundred, and the mine was thrown out. This time in half coincides with the water boom, electricity prices are lower, and there is little chance of a large-scale mine disaster.


In 2016, the early arrival of Pit continent, Kanaji, and Billion States International became three-pronged, with the launch of a high-value miner S9 in June 2016, known by miners as the King of Generations. In November of the same year, Kanan Jiawaron Miner A7 was delivered, and in December, Billion States International launched a mine wing, Bit E9. In addition, Panda Miner B1 was launched in November.

数据分析机构Coin Metrics的一项研究发现,比特大陆的蚂蚁矿机S9贡献了约23%的比特币网络算力。据官方统计,S9矿机使用率覆盖全球70%以上的地区。然而今年5月10日,官方发布公告称即日起停止对S9系列机型提供维修服务。

A study by Coin Metrics, a data analysis agency, found that an ant miner S9 in Bit continent contributed about 23% of the Bitcoin network algorithm. According to official statistics, S9 mine use covers more than 70% of the world. However, on 10 May this year, the official announcement announced that maintenance services for the S9 series would be discontinued as of that date.


During the “Advanced” dialogue, organized by the chain, Vice-President Rawpool Wong said that halving was a predictable variable, but this year was affected by the black swan event, with a significant chain reaction of currency prices and full-network computing, and that, to judge at this point, the direction of the post-surgery is not very positive.


The productivity of the new generation of mine machines is not very high, and the chip production has not changed substantially. The replacement needs of the last generation of miners, such as S17, the code M20 and 21 series, are not very high.


Old mining machines, such as the ant-S9, have a core of T2T, which vary greatly with the price of the currency, the price of the new and the old ones is too different, and the replacement capacity of the old machines is very inadequate, so the main demand for the new generation of machines is to increase rather than replace them. This year’s capacity will be affected by the epidemic, especially the recent spread of the international epidemic, so it is not very optimistic about the replacement of the new generation of machines.


8 and Bitcoin's capacity to pay expanded

2010年5月的一天,佛罗里达州的程序员兼比特币早期矿工Laszlo Hanyecz用一万个比特币换来了两个披萨,达成了第一次使用比特币进行支付的成就。

On a day in May 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz, a Florida programmer and Bitcoin early miner, traded 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas, resulting in the achievement of the first payment using bitcoin.


Bitcoin has been active in the secondary trading market, although it is called digital currency. But with the passage of time and the increasing acceptance of bitcoin, the picture of bitcoin being paid for has become more widespread.


In 2016, the German domestic energy giant Energy announced that it would accept payment in bitcoin and that residents could pay bills for electricity, gas, heating and drinking water in bitcoin.


In 2017, more than 200,000 businesses in Japan began to receive Bitcoin as a legal means of payment.


In July 2018, Moon Zebra, an innovation company, introduced the first Bitcoin ATM in Malta.


In September 2018, an Iranian tourism start-up company addressed the country's economic sanctions and the ensuing financial exclusion by providing tourists with the opportunity to pay for their travel experience in Bitcoin.


In February 2019, users in 37 cities in Argentina will be able to pay for public transport in Bitcoin.


In March 2019, Avnet, a giant in the distribution of electronic components and solutions, announced that users would begin to accept the purchase of products and services in Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin cash (BCH).



The traditional industry of bitcoin has increased its acceptance, allowing Bitcoin's attributes in the area of payments to be progressively clarified.


This post was originally published in the chain of events, which authorized titanium media to publish at App, author: Doves.


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