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The two largest encrypted currency agreements in the world have shown great promise in terms of online activity and inclusiveness. While Bitcoin’s transaction costs have fallen to levels before the network block incentive “50-50,” with the increase in DeFi’s activities over the past month, the use of the Pacific GAS has skyrocketed to record levels.


Bitcoin is getting cheaper.


On the Bitcoin network, the cost of a single transaction was less than $1, hovering between $0.70 and $0.75 at the time of writing. The last such level occurred in late April 2020, a few weeks before the block was awarded a “half-per-cent” prize, but in the next few days it was worth more than $6.


Since then, the transaction costs of the Bitcoin network have been steadily declining. The network has lost a group of older miners after “half” and must have sold the remaining bitcoin and mining equipment.


Bitcoin prices continue to be rounded up between $9,200 and $9,800. Reports indicate that downward adjustments in the difficulty of mining over the past few weeks have prompted miners to return to the Bitcoin network, especially smaller miners.


As can be seen from the chart below, after 19 to 20 May, transaction costs have fallen by more than 90 per cent, to $0.60 on 15 June.



Lower charges mean faster Internet transactions, and more miners exchange computational resources to ensure Bitcoin’s safety and protection. After the “50-per-cent” incident last month, concentrated concerns were magnified, with critics arguing that a small number of players dominate Bitcoin activities.


Although the transaction cost of Bitcoin peaked at $6 in May of this year, the highest recorded period for Bitcoin was December 2017, a period of passion for cryptographic currency and a great displacing interest, resulting in Bitcoin trading costs once exceeding $55.


Stable currency and go-to-centre finance increased Ether's use.


At the same time, there has been a multifold increase in the use of the district GAS. Data from the block chain analysis company Glasnode shows that the district network is at its highest level in the case of the GAS.


Glasnode indicated that since the beginning of the year, the cost of GAS had increased by 58 per cent and was currently hovering over $60 billion.



Each such transaction requires a certain amount of GAS to ensure the success of the transaction or the implementation of smart contracts on the Internet. At any given time, network activity determines the exact GAS price, although they have not changed significantly.


As reported a few days ago, increased stabilizer activity and deFi may have contributed to the increase in the use of GAS. Last week, we noticed a significant increase in steady currency transmissions on the Etheum block chain.


In a related study, Ryan Watkins, research analyst for cryptography data company Messari, stated: “In short, the taupulega has been used more frequently than ever before, and in just two years it has evolved from a blank canvas to a new gathering of values and examples.”



The "p" market is something that all entrepreneurs compete for, and some entrepreneurs want to use the wind to make their own start-up companies grow into new markets; others want to find the time from the wind to try to become millionaires once and for all. And today's "black-blowing" is a bitcoin, in addition to live webcasts.


Although bitcoin has left the Chinese market today, and many people in the industry sing bitcoin, there are countless people who want to chase it, so how attractive is bitcoin? According to public sources, as early as 2008, bitcoin, which is a virtual currency, was proposed.


But, for professionals, bitcoin was available, so no one initially cared about the virtual currency. But, as the Internet spreads around the world, bitcoin began to receive attention, while bitcoin prices rose.


Three short years later, Bitcoin was fired to $9222, and the industry chain associated with Bitcoin began to take shape. As a result of our timely awareness of the potential threat of this virtual encrypted currency, domestic transactions were banned in 2017.

可以想象,一枚比特币就能卖到19850美元,如果手握数万甚至上百万枚比特币的话,何愁不能成千万富翁?日前,数据分析机构Blocktown Capita的执行合伙人詹姆斯·托达罗分享了一段视频,视频的内容是,如果在过去的5年,每天坚持买一美元的比特币的话,现在价值多少钱?

As you can imagine, a bitcoin could be sold to 19850, and if you hold tens of thousands or even millions of bitcoins, why not be a millionaire? A few days ago, James Todallo, executive partner of the data analysis agency Blocktown Capita, shared a video of how much would be worth if you insisted on buying a dollar a day for the past five years?


If we invest $1825 in bitcoins in five years, as in one day, the total investment in bitcoins will now be $1825. After bitcoin’s up and down over the five years, James Todallo believes that these investments will bring about $22263 in value, while $20,000 in value will cost just one cup of coffee a day.


Such a cost-effective sale, believing that most consumers want to do it, but suffer from a lack of access, experience, and fear of persistence. Of course, some consumers fear that bitcoin will fall in the future. As for Bitcoin’s ability to remain high-priced, it is not known, but it is certain that if Bitcoin dies, another virtual currency will rise, don’t you think?


Man. What about Lin?



Depreciates 3.3%. This is a response from the renminbi in the first quarter of the year. The United States dollar index has fluctuated significantly, and currencies other than the United States dollar have been hit considerably.


How does the dollar affect the renminbi?


The renminbi exchange rate is strongly linked to the United States dollar, which is highly correlated with the dollar index, which is one of the key indicators reflecting the economic fundamentals of the United States.


As a result, when the dollar index rises, the dollar tends to be stronger, while other currencies tend to depreciate relative to the dollar (after the renminbi). For example, the dollar index fell by 3.45 per cent in January 2018, while the dollar depreciated by 3.43 per cent over the same period, i.e., the renminbi appreciated by 3.43 per cent against the dollar exchange rate.


That is, when the dollar index rises, the renminbi has more pressure to depreciate. Well, then, once this logic is clear, let's talk about whether the RMB 7 exchange rate has been underestimated recently.


Has the renminbi been underestimated?


Since the outbreak of the epidemic in our country, the United States dollar index has undergone approximately three phases:


In addition, the Chinese epidemic reduced China’s orders to the eurozone, affected the eurozone economy and weakened the euro against the dollar. The dollar index rose overall during the period.


2. In the early days of the epidemic, both overseas and in the United States. As a result of the panic of the epidemic, the United States stock began to fall and the rate of return on US debt fell, while the liquidity of the dollar began to shrink and the dollar index fell accordingly.


In the aftermath of the outbreak, assets other than the United States dollar were falling, including the traditional hedge currency yen, Swiss francs, and gold. The dollar began to appreciate passively when non-United States currencies were dumped and devalued in large quantities.


Thus, in the light of current trends, the dollar index will face persistent downward pressure if it continues to experience short-term high shocks, and even if it continues to rise.


But in terms of domestic fundamentals, economic recovery has been fully accelerated. Financially, we have not followed the United States completely to reduce interest rates, and policy space is relatively adequate. As a result of the US interest rate reduction, the US-China spread has increased, adding to the attractiveness of renminbi assets.


At least in a quarter, the worst-case scenario for the renminbi has passed, and the central bank will do the same at a critical time, and the renminbi will continue to swollen in the future as a whole.


What's the RMB exchange rate to make sense?


The exchange rate is the price of money, which is determined by the market. The modern exchange-rate system has evolved since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, with exchange rates shifting from fixed to floating between countries.


However, the rise and devaluation of the renminbi were somewhat “comfort” in excess of what would be to our detriment:


If the renminbi depreciates too much, it will result in a rapid outflow of funds and a constant risk of a decline in foreign exchange reserves; on the contrary, a rapid appreciation of the renminbi (with an exchange rate of 1:5) would significantly increase domestic import costs, which would be a deadly blow to a large country such as ours that imports and exports trade.


In the long run, the country's economic fundamentals are returning, the renminbi's internationalization is continuing, and its asset appeal will be significantly enhanced.



If you had invested $1 a day in bitcoin in the last five years, how much would you have earned?


One dollar a day in bitcoin.

数据分析机构Blocktown Capital的执行合伙人詹姆斯·托达罗(James Todaro)在Twitter上分享了一段吸引人的视频。它显示了如果你在过去5年里每天在比特币上投资1美元会发生什么……

James Todaro, the executive partner of the data analysis agency Blocktown Capital, shared an interesting video on Twitter. It shows what happens if you invest $1 a day in bitcoin over the past five years.


He wrote on Twitter: "What would it look like if you invested $1 a day in Bitcoin over the past five years? The cost of a cup of coffee a day is worth 22,263 dollars today."


The next question is, how much tax you pay depends on where you live. But even so, if you don't spend a cup of coffee (or even a can of Coke) every day, you can accumulate over $20,000 in bitcoins.


So if you think that BTC of $1 a day is too small to be worth anything, James Todallo just proves you're wrong.


The situation is somewhat different from when it was worth $1 in 2015. But, as his video shows, even at a time when it was a record 20,000 dollars in 2017, the dollar was still profitable.


Can you invest $1 a day?


This video is impressive, and it naturally attracts a lot of comments, mostly commending the number one encrypted currency. Interestingly, however, a fan who cares about him makes an interesting point. After all, can you really invest $1 a day in BTC?


For example, an exchange like Coinbase. The minimum purchase is $2, and they will charge you $1.

粉丝Bitcoin Rich提问道:“别误会我的意思,这很有趣,也很费功夫,但是你在哪里可以不用额外付费就能买到1美元一天的比特币呢?Coinbase上的最低消费是2美元,他们还会收取你1美元的费用。”

A fan, Bitcoin Rich, asked, "Don't get me wrong, it's funny and hard work, but where can you buy a dollar-a-day bitcoin without extra payment? The minimum consumption on Coinbase is $2, and they'll charge you $1."


And the P2P encrypted money trading platform Local Bitcoins, some of whose sellers might sell you small bitcoins at a dollar price. But you might end up buying BTC at a price higher than the market price, which means that you won't get bitcoins worth a dollar.


The Lightning Network researcher Stelios mentioned Sparkswap, the first encrypted currency exchange platform to be built on the Lightning Network. This, however, was not the case when this so-called five-year investment began.


So, if you're busy buying drinks instead of investing in bitcoin, there's some comfort here. You couldn't have had such an investment tool before... but you could try to build up bitcoin over the next five years and compare results. Of course, you could try to buy small bitcoins every month.


What kind of investment have you been involved in over the past five years, and what are the benefits? Please share this with you in your comments below.



From the past July, the exchange rate of the dollar to the renminbi fluctuated essentially between 6.85 and 6.89, and did not break 6.90, although the exchange rate of the dollar to the renminbi has moved forward in fluctuations and changes over the past few months and is at a high or even close to 7.0, it has eventually fallen in shock to the position of the dollar to the equivalent of 6.7 yuan. After August, however, according to the latest exchange rate of the dollar to the renminbi, it is known that the dollar is equivalent to 6.9387 yuan and that the dollar is still on the rise.


Indeed, based on historical trends, the recent upward trend in the dollar-to-dollar exchange rate has been similar to last year’s US tariff on China’s US-to-US merchandise. And the trend in the dollar’s exchange rate has been influenced by a number of factors, such as the US Federal Reserve’s reduction of interest rates and the surcharge of customs duties.


Second, when the dollar is equivalent to RMB 6.9387, it means that the renminbi is devalued relative to the dollar, and that the $100 is equivalent to RMB 693.87 is essentially close to 700 yuan. To some extent, the exchange rate of the dollar to the renminbi is close to 7.0, and it also means that the exchange rate of the two countries in circulation is more sensitive, because it stimulates exports but affects the value of the renminbi’s assets, which may trigger the exit of foreign capital, which is counterproductive to export trade.


Of course, while the dollar-to-dollar exchange rate has risen along many fronts, such as tariff escalation, it will not last long because of the many constraints that lie behind it, including the rise in dollar-denominated United States goods relative to the currencies of other countries, to the detriment of exports. From another perspective, however, an analysis of the tariff escalation by the United States, which has contributed to the continued strength of the dollar and its purchasing power, may be a fundamental reason for further entrenching the dollar’s hegemonistic position in the world, as the dollar’s purchasing power has declined, followed by a decline in import capacity.


Overall, the reasons for the rise in the dollar exchange rate to the renminbi have been influenced by a number of factors, including, inter alia, interest rate reductions by the Federal Reserve and a 10 per cent tariff imposed by the United States on China's imports and exports, which will not last much longer, as the effect of interest cuts by the Federal Reserve will gradually become apparent over time, including a return to normal levels of real prices for the dollar and other types of investment.



Germany's nominal GDP in 2019 was Euro343.59 billion, and after removing the price increase factor, real growth was 0.6 per cent compared with the previous year, but based on the average exchange rate between the euro and the United States dollar in 2019, Germany's GDP was $3.85 trillion, about $100 billion less than the previous year's $3.95 trillion.


Germany’s economy has grown in a positive way, but it has grown in a negative way since the exchange rate was converted into the United States dollar. This is due to the strong United States dollar in 2019, which appreciated considerably, while multinational currencies, including the euro, the renminbi, the pound sterling, Indian rupees, and Russian rubles, devalued, causing some countries with lower rates of economic growth to see their GDP shrink in dollar terms.


The US dollar is overestimated, the renminbi is undervalued, etc.?


This is one of the inevitable flaws in the use of exchange rate calculations to compare countries' GDP, namely, the inability to truly reflect real economic growth. We all know that the nature of the currency is commodities, so that it also has the attributes of commodity — supply and demand — that affect prices.


By way of example, if a commodity, such as pork, were to be used as a result of a shortage of markets, and the population’s demand for pork was not reduced. The result was an increase in the price of pork, which would be higher if the supply and demand relationship continued to be unbalanced, causing pork to be overestimated in comparison with others.


We can exchange pork for dollars in this case. Since the dollar is the most common currency in the world today, and is the most widely used and accepted currency in international trade.


As a result, the dollar has become “hand-picked”, often “less than demand” in the international market. Even some countries often have “dollar waste” and have to sell their own goods, resources, etc. in exchange for dollars. This has resulted in the dollar being often overvalued and the currencies of other countries being undervalued.


In response, the Western Pacific Bank of Australia conducted a comparative study that concluded that the United States dollar was being overestimated and that the renminbi was being underestimated by about 15 per cent — at the time of the study, the exchange rate between the renminbi and the United States dollar was below 6.3 yuan, which was now around 7 yuan to the dollar.


If the dollar is overestimated by the “Economist” giant hegemonic index, then the renminbi is undervalued by more. Nansheng argues that the giant hegemon is common food in Europe and America, but is not popular in China and does not have “universality.” So, the IMF’s “one basket” commodity is preferred as a comparative broker.


What's the ratio of the renminbi to the dollar by purchasing power?


This means basically that tens of thousands of commodities will form a cluster — commonly known as a “basket of commodities” — and that some of these commodities will be weighted or reduced according to the specific characteristics of each country. For example, the consumption of pork by Chinese residents is high, and the US consumes less.


For China, therefore, a “basket of goods” would have to focus on pork and give it weight. For the US, beef might need to be highlighted, reducing the weight of pork.


What is the exact proportion? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) does not give exact figures, but we can reverse it. In 2019, China completed a nominal GDP of about RMB 9,988.65 billion, converted to about $14.36 trillion (about 67 per cent of the US$ 21.43 trillion over the same period), the second largest economy in the world, based on the 2019 average exchange rate between the renminbi and the United States dollar (6.8985 to 1).


The IMF estimates China's GDP in 2019 on the basis of purchasing power at US$ 27.31 trillion, nearly twice the rate of exchange law. A simple calculation: divided by RMB 9,988.65 billion by US$ 27.31 trillion, shows that US$ 1 equals RMB 3.628 by purchasing power.



On 9 October, on the shore, the renminbi broke the 6.9 threshold against the United States dollar, reaching a new low since January 2017, and the median value of the renminbi against the United States dollar was downgraded by 62 basis-point 6.9019 and six consecutive days, reaching a new low since 11 May 2017.


Many are concerned that the renminbi exchange rate will not break the “7” and that, in fact, the renminbi’s devaluation is a trend that will not be easily changed once it is formed. What, then, has led the renminbi out of the path of devaluation?


On 1 October and 7 October, the Central Bank announced a reduction of one percentage point, followed by a successive drop in the renminbi exchange rate for the following two days, and the central banker believed that the reduction had made up for the liquidity gap in the banking system, that the money was not relaxed, that market interest rates were stable, and that there would be no devaluation pressure. But, in fact, according to the “no triangle”, there was a desire to reduce liquidity and keep the exchange rate stable, and perhaps not so good. What is the “no triangle”?


2. During the National Day, there was a sharp rise in the rate of return on US debt, a double exchange rate on emerging markets, a combination of financial markets, a lack of independence for the renminbi, and a decline in investor confidence in the renminbi’s exchange rate. Why would the rate of return on US debt change? Because of the persistent rise in oil prices, which is the most important industrial raw material, expectations of higher inflation are created, and markets expect central banks to worry about a chain reaction to higher interest rates on oil prices, leading to higher rates of return on public debt.


On October 1, the United States and Canada reached an agreement within the framework of the New North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which included a “Toxball Plan” for China, with a clause in which, if any of the countries in the new agreement signed trade agreements with a “non-market-led” country, the other two countries could oppose it and launch it freely within six months, it would be clear to everyone that it was to China. There were political issues involved, and ordinary people and others did not comment much. Tensions between the two countries would exacerbate the volatility of the exchange rate of the renminbi, because politics, economy, and finance were inseparable.


4. The Fed’s aggressive interest hike has put greater pressure on the renminbi’s exchange rate. Since this year, the Fed has raised interest rates three times. On 2 and 3 October, the Fed President has expressed the view that the US economy is in good shape, that liberal policies are no longer appropriate, that further interest increases will continue to exceed neutral interest rates, and that the Eagle’s expression has increased expectations of further interest hikes on the Fed, undoubtedly by placing the knife on the renminbi, “I have added it, and you will do more.” The Federal Reserve’s more aggressive approach to raising interest rates has also been outraged by Trump and painfully “you are crazy” by the Fed.


In sum, the deterioration of relations between the United States and China, the continued surge in trade between the United States and the United States, the radical monetary policy of the Federal Reserve and the dilemma of domestic monetary policy have led to a trend towards the devaluation of the renminbi exchange rate, with the possibility of a “7” break in technology.



The renminbi is an indispensable part of life, just like the dollar in the United States. The currency exchange rate between the renminbi and the dollar is now 7.0709 yuan for US$1 and 0.1414 yuan for US$1.


It's true that the dollar is worth more than the renminbi, and it's true that ten dollars in the United States buys more than ten dollars in China, regardless of the exchange rate.


Purchasing power. China is better than the United States.


One of the largest financial institutions in the world, Silver Merrill, discussed the valuation of the dollar at the end of October 2019, at what level the dollar was in the world. Research shows that, at present, the dollar is overestimated in the current “Group of Ten” (mainly composed of Western developed countries) and the currencies of other countries are undervalued.


In the External Risk Report 2019, issued on 7 July 2019, the United States dollar was overestimated by 6 to 12 per cent and the valuation of the euro was considered to be more normal for the whole, while the overall valuation of the renminbi was underestimated.


According to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) algorithm, China's GDP in 2018 amounted to $25.28 million, or $1,360.8 million if calculated on the basis of the exchange rate, a direct increase of 85.77 per cent by the IMF, all in dollar terms, leaving US GDP constant at $2,049.4 million.


If China's GDP is only 66.4 per cent of the United States in terms of exchange rates, but if it compares the purchasing power of both countries, is China actually above the United States, ranked first in the world and 23.35 per cent higher, is that an underestimation of the renminbi?


United States dollars and yuan


Today’s US per capita wages are around $5,000, and if the US dollar and the renminbi are almost evenly balanced by purchasing power, that means that the standard of living is similar for a month of US$ 4,000 and China’s RMB 5,000. But at the exchange rate, the difference is 100,000 miles.


According to economists and analysts, the current renminbi is indeed underestimated, and the IMF and exchange rate algorithms show that the difference between the two is too large, either to the extent that the renminbi is underestimated, or to the extent that the GDP of the two countries is not exactly the same.


Not only China, but other countries have also been “depreciated”?


In 2019, Germany's GDP was Euro343.59 billion, an increase of 0.6 per cent over the same period, but based on the average exchange rate of the euro and the United States dollar in 2019, Germany's GDP was $3.85 trillion, $100 billion less than the 2018 economy.


Isn't that a contradiction? The economy is growing, but it is converted into a US dollar at the exchange rate, with $100 billion missing. The reason is that the strength of the dollar in 2019, which appreciated considerably, led some countries with lower rates of economic growth to depreciate their currencies, including the euro, the renminbi, the pound sterling, the Indian rupees, and the Russian rupees.


It is known that the nature of the currency is commodities and that it also has a “supply-demand relationship” that affects prices. If a commodity market is short, but popular demand is particularly high, it is price hikes, and if the supply-demand relationship continues to be unbalanced, the price rise will become ever higher, overestimated in comparison with other commodities.


Because the United States dollar is now the universal currency of the world and has the highest acceptance, some countries, when importing or exporting their own commodities, accept only the dollar as a price to settle, because the dollar is worth money and is reluctant to accept the calculation of the currencies of other countries because the dollar is worth more than the currencies of other countries.


In 2019, China's GDP was RMB 9,988.65 billion, with an exchange rate of $14.36 trillion, while the United States was 21.43 trillion in the same period, and China continued to be the second largest economy in the world.


But China’s GDP should be 27.31 trillion US dollars in IMF calculations. If so, the conclusion is that US$ 1 is about US$ 3.628.


Do you think the renminbi is undervalued? Is the dollar really that valuable?



1. The Dutch Cooperative Bank has published expectations of the exchange rate of the euro against the United States dollar, looking at 1.09 under the three-month target, but it is expected to rise to 1.11 in nine months, and the economic growth of the United States will also impact on the global economy. Any softening of the United States dollar in 2020 may not preclude the introduction of quantitative easing for the first time, as major central banks other than the United States Federal Reserve will further stimulate monetary policy; the market has underestimated the strength of the United States dollar against the euro over the past two years, the transformation that has taken place in the market since then, and the fact that the United States dollar is no longer empty means that the dollar may be more sensitive to any easy news.


2. According to BNP Paribas, the Fed is expected to lower official interest rates twice in the first half of 2020 in response to a slowdown in the economy, moderate inflation and high uncertainty, and should support medium-term growth prospects. That is why, after the initial fall, a gradual increase in the rate of return on United States national debt was expected; on the eurozone side, the ECB's reliance on country-oriented forward guidance and slow inflation process meant that the very relaxed environment would remain unchanged over a long period of time, and that changes in bond yields would be largely influenced by changes in the rate of return on United States public debt, although a smaller increase in the rate of return on German public debt was expected, the euro sovereign bond spread would fall, the Central Bank of Japan was not expected to ease monetary policy further, and there would be no change in the euro's exchange rate against the United States dollar, although the euro's fair value was far higher than current prices.


3. The British dollar index of the Imperial Commercial Bank of Canada is expected to fall further in the next few months, with a target of 95.5 for the first quarter of 2020 and a target of 93.4 for the third quarter. The dollar has risen successfully over the past year, despite the three-degree interest rate reduction of the Federal Reserve in 2019 and the poor performance of the United States regular accounts. After the possibly weaker pace of economic growth recorded in the fourth quarter of 2020, the rise in interest rate-sensitive demand has driven the United States economy back early in 2020 and may have caused the Fed to suspend interest rates, which could have been good, but global market uncertainties will gradually fade in the coming year, leading to the flight of part of the security capital from the United States dollar.


4. Citigroups: moderate economic expansion in the United States and good stock market performance. In the context of the United States market, the Citigroup report for 2020 concluded that the United States economy was moderate expansion and stock market performance was sustainable; the economy was either moderate expansion, with inflation slightly below the target level; specifically, employment growth in the United States would slow in 2020, but without undue concern; consumer spending was strong after a slight weakness in early 2019, and the flag was expected to continue in 2020; in the manufacturing sector, Citigroups predicted that the events of 2020 would have an impact on or decrease in manufacturing, that manufacturing would not decline significantly, but that the likelihood of strong movement would be equally low, and that there would be a strong growth in manufacturing or a moderate recovery in the United States next year.


5. The United States dollar index, which predates its final trading day on Tuesday's Christmas holiday, has fallen precipitously into a concussion over dollar-denominated assets. Over the past week, the United States dollar index has rebounded as much as possible from the lows recorded after the US Federal Reserve resolution and the United Kingdom elections, but market prudential attitudes have dominated the market, and industry agencies believe that, after 2020, the United States dollar will remain weak. The biggest uncertainty is that the United States dollar index will enter the year of the general election, usually before the elections, and will contain the preference of global investors for dollar-denominated assets.


6. Wednesday (25 December), the Canadian Foreign Exchange Bank indicated that the Australian dollar could rise to 0.6940, or even 0.770-0.7080, against the United States dollar, if it were to break through the resistance between 0.6920-0.6930. German commercial banks pointed out that the exchange rate was supported by a low of 0.6800 on 10 December. Looking forward to 2020, the Australian dollar could be boosted by improved global economic prospects, pressure on the dollar in the United States, but it could also be exposed to risks, such as interest reductions by the Australian Federal Reserve and the continued deterioration of the global economy.


7. According to Starfleet Bank, the G3 (American, Japanese, and European) central bank will suspend further interest cuts next year, but it will maintain loose monetary policy, mainly because of the excessive flatness of the yield curve of the bonds and the extremely low interest rates. The divergences in monetary policy direction in some parts of the country will continue to support the dollar’s index.


Xinhua Net: The end of 2019, influenced by uncertainty in United States trade policy, the United States economy maintained its expansion but its growth slowed. Business investment fell, manufacturing shrunk, and the recovery momentum in the United States was under pressure, and will be more tested in 2020. Jamie Damon, Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Chase and Chairman of the Business Roundtable, argued that US tariff escalation has had a negative impact on business and consumer psychology and confidence. Looking ahead, the United States economy is expected to continue to expand in the coming year, supported by employment and consumption, but its growth potential remains doubtful, either at a slower rate or at a slower rate than this year. The National Business Economic Association of the United States expects the US economy to expand or slow to 1.8 per cent next year.


United States dollar exchange rate quote


1. Latest offer for United States dollar exchange rate


As of the date of the release, the dollar index is now reported at 97.6401, a drop of 0 per cent. Today, the dollar is equal to 0.9016 euros, the dollar is equal to 0.7702 pounds sterling, the dollar is equal to 109.560 yen, the dollar is equal to 0.9814 Swiss francs, the dollar is equivalent to $1.3153, the dollar is equal to $1,5042, the dollar is equal to 7.7881 Hong Kong dollars, the dollar is equal to 1.3548 dollars and the dollar is equal to $6.9952 in the bank and the dollar is equal to $6.9936 in the offshore renminbi and the dollar is equal to 1160.5,400 won.


Foreign exchange rate of agricultural banks


Performance of the United States dollar exchange rate


U.S. dollar index sunline map


The United States dollar index: On the solar map, the dollar index continues to bounce back slightly on Wednesday (25 days). In the last seven trading days, the market is still dominated, and the dollar index is expected to move up. In the medium term, the market is dominated by a continuous downward trend of 97.6428, with a 0.04 per cent fall in the day. Kline trends indicate that the dollar index has not been able to break through the 97.8490 line of pressure, and the short-term dollar index continues to roll back the 97.4717 line, with the probability that the short-term dollar index will either continue to test the 97.4717 line of support. In the long term, the dollar index continues to rise in its structure and is still in a reverse process, with a larger amount of space remaining on top.


Pound to United States dollar


Pounds sterling to the United States dollar: On the solar map, on Wednesday (25th day) Pounds continue to rebound slightly against the United States dollar, with short-term Pounds still expected to rewind space for nearly nine trading days. In the medium term, the market is dominated by more than one head in the medium term, with a higher probability of continued upturning. In the longer term, the market is still expected to rewind if the plate continues to spread, and is now rewinding in sufficient space. The MACD yellow and white line is regressed on a zero axis and the green line shrinks. The short-term pound to the dollar is expected to continue to rise to 1.313 lines of pressure, but the market is still expected to rewind.


U.S. dollar-to-shore RMB Japanese-line map


The United States dollar against the renminbi: On the Sunline map, the dollar continues to recover as scheduled on Wednesday (25th). During the last nine trading days, the market was slightly dominated by multiple forces, with subsequent markets or still space for rebounds. In the medium term, the market was dominated by an empty head, with a high probability of continuing the downward trend of tremors. The MACD yellow white line, which is a dead fork below axis 0, turned red and green. Overall, the short-term dollar continues to rewind to test the short-term rebound of the currency against the 6.9661 line, and the market continues to have more than a rebound space.


At 1105 Beijing time, the United States dollar was reported at 6.9958 RMB and the counter-exchange-rate offer at 0.1429.


[The above observations are for information purposes only and do not constitute an investment recommendation. ]

来源: 中亿财经网

Source: Medium Billion Finance Network



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1、道明预计未来一年不会有十国集团央行加息;道明策略师表示,没有一家十国集团央行未来一年可能会加息,这是至少十年来首次。Richard Kelly、James Rossiter、Priya Misra和Mark McCormick等策略师撰写报告称,“不幸的是,2020还没有显示出从结构性不确定带来的打压和冲击中复苏的迹象”贸易方面的降温只会为美国大选前的政治不确定性升温奠定基础,消除贸易不确定性将使美国GDP增加0.5个百分点,且10国集团通胀率最多增加0.1-0.3个百分点;都不足以推动任何主要央行在2020年加息,“最终将有足够的增长动力来帮助昂贵的美元估值导致投资者被吸引到其他地方,唯一的问题是,要进入到2020年哪个时点才会实现可持续增长”,道明建议做多澳元兑加元和纽元;预计美联储将在2020年实施两次降息。

1 Domin expects no G-10 central bank hikes in the coming year; Domino strategists say that no G-10 central bank may raise interest rates in the coming year, for the first time in at least a decade. Richard Kelly, James Rossiter, Priya Misra, and Mark McCormick, strategists have reported that “unfortunately, 2020 has not shown signs of recovery from the pressures and shocks of structural uncertainty.” The decline in trade will only lay the foundation for a pre-election rise in political uncertainty in the United States, and that the elimination of trade uncertainty will result in a 0.5 percentage point increase in US GDP and a maximum increase in G-10 inflation rate of 0.1 to 0.3 percentage points; it will not be sufficient to push any major central bank to raise interest in 2020, “endow enough momentum to help expensive dollar valuations attract investors elsewhere, the only question is which point of entry into 2020 will lead to sustainable growth”, and dots suggest a multi-Ausa dollar dollar and a New dollar reduction; and the US Federal Reserve is expected to implement two interest reductions in 2020.


2 - Institutions: The dollar will be under pressure next year? The dollar index has been declining continuously since last week, and multiple factors have made it difficult for the dollar index to continue to strengthen in 2020. Analysts say that the dollar index will fluctuate throughout the year from 95 to 98 and will be more likely to favour the weaker side.

房利美(Fannie Mae)周一将其对2020年美国经济增长的预期从1.7%上调至1.9%,称如果国际贸易传来好消息,消费者支出和楼市将提振美国GDP。但房利美同时表示,国际贸易局势对美国经济增长来说是一个风险且短时间内不太可能会完全消除;

On Monday, Fannie Mae raised his expectations for US economic growth in 2020 from 1.7% to 1.9%, saying that if good news comes from international trade, consumer spending and housing markets will boost US GDP. But, at the same time, the US says that the international trade situation is a risk to US economic growth and is unlikely to be completely eliminated in a short period of time.

房利美称,国际贸易局势对美国经济增长来说是一个风险。尽管预计贸易紧张局势会在短期内得到缓解,但不太可能会完全消除。房利美(Fannie Mae)首席经济学家道格·邓肯(Doug Duncan)表示,尽管全球不确定性上升,但我们仍预计美国国内经济将实现稳健的增长。

Although trade tensions are expected to ease in the short term, they are unlikely to be completely eliminated. Fannie Mae’s chief economist, Doug Duncan, says that, despite rising global uncertainty, we expect a robust growth in the US economy.


3. The onshore renminbi fell to a new low of half a month and continued to be cautious owing to market sentiment;

① 在岸人民币周二缩量收跌近120点至半个月新低,盘中一度逼近7.03元关口,中间价则略升7点至近一周高点。交易员表示,汇价基本跟随市场基本面消息起伏,昨夜美国总统特朗普的消极表态,多少影响了市场情绪,好在市场基本适应了这种扰动,在消息面取得实质性进展前,人民币大概率维持在7-7.05元区间波动。

1 On Tuesday, the Chinese renminbi contract fell by nearly 120 to half a month, with the median price rising slightly from 7 to almost a week high. The traders said that the exchange rate followed market fundamentals, and that the negative statements of US President Trump last night had somewhat influenced market sentiment, so that the market had largely adapted to such disturbances, and that the renminbi rate was likely to remain volatile between $7 and 7.05 until substantial progress had been made in the news.

② 交易员并称,近来中国央行继续大额净投放,银行间流动性充裕,境内美元兑人民币短端掉期持续下滑,长端掉期盘中亦下破400点关口,创逾一周新低。而眼下,人民币汇价基本跟随消息面波动,暂无明确的方向性。目前市场可能没有之前那么乐观,但还谈不上悲观。

The traders also claim that the Central Bank of China has recently continued to make large net investments, with sufficient interbank liquidity, a continuous decline in the short-end swap between the United States dollar and the renminbi in China, and a more than 400-point break in the long-term cut-off, which has reached a new low of over a week. At this point, the renminbi’s exchange rate has largely fluctuated with the news, with no clear direction.

③ 此外,日内评级机构表示,国际贸易领域和地缘局势的诸多风险,仍会影响2020年的全球经济增长预期。这可能令避险资金加速回流至美元计价资产,而新兴市场货币则会因此面临更多压力;

In addition, rating agencies within the day indicate that many of the risks in the area of international trade and the geo-situation situation will still affect global economic growth expectations for 2020. This could accelerate the return of hedge funds to dollar-denominated assets, which would put emerging market currencies under additional pressure;

④ 而全球汇市方面,美元兑一篮子货币周二企稳,中止此前连续三日跌势,投资人等待美联储此后10月底会议记要,当时美联储宣布降息。隔夜,在美国总统特朗普扬言美元汇价仍然过高之后,美元指数一度跌至近两周低位。

On the other hand, on the global exchange market, the dollar against a basket of currencies was stable on Tuesday, ending three consecutive days of decline, and investors waited for the Fed’s report at the end of October, when the Fed announced a reduction in interest rates. On the other day, after US President Trump’s argument that the dollar was still too high, the dollar index fell to almost two weeks of low value.


On Tuesday, 19 November, US President Trump stated that he had told Powell, during his meeting with US Federal Reserve President Powell on Monday, that the US Federal Reserve had set interest rates that were too high compared to other countries. By surprise, Trump wanted the US Federal Reserve to continue to reduce interest rates more sharply, which would be a loss on the dollar.


United States dollar exchange rate quote


1. Latest offer for United States dollar exchange rate


As of the date of the release, the United States dollar index is now reported at 97.8942, an increase of 0.05 per cent. Today US$ 1 is equal to Euro1.1073, US$ 1 is equal to Pound0.7745, US$ 1 is equal to JPY 108.510, US$ 1 is equal to $A 1.4667, US$ 1 is equal to CHF 0.9905, US$ 1 is equal to $US 1.3278, US$ 1 is equal to HK$1.8578, US$ 1 is equal to NZ$ 1.3616 and US$ 1 is equal to RMB 7.0318, US$ 1 is equal to RMB 7.0339 and US$ 1 is equal to RMB 1170.1500.


2. Foreign exchange rate of construction banks


Performance of the United States dollar exchange rate


Chart of the euro to the United States dollar


The euro against the United States dollar: on the solar map, the euro continues to rebound to the United States dollar on a small scale on Tuesday (19th). During the last 12 trading days, the market was dominated by a blank, with a high probability of a short-term rollback. At a medium-term point, the market dominated, with a high probability of a negative roll-back.


Chart of the dollar to the Japanese yen line


The US dollar against the Japanese yen: On the Japanese line, on Tuesday (19th) the US dollar continued its downward trend, with the upper limit of 108.840, the lowest of 108.450 yesterday, with a decline of 0.13 per cent in the market. The Kline appears to be moving, with the short-term US$ against the Japanese yen dominated over nearly eight trading days, with the probability that the short-term US dollar will continue to revert to the upper limit of 108.240 line. In the medium term, the market is dominated, with the likely upward trend. In the long run, the US dollar has not been able to break out of pattern, there is a narrow trend in the swing zone, and the market lacks a clear orientation choice. The MACD yellow and white line has a dead fork above the 0-axis, and the green column expands. In aggregate, the short-term dollar against the Japanese dollar continues to turn back to test the 108.244 line, and the post-market is expected to continue the upward trend.


U.S. dollar-to-shore RMB Japanese-line map


The United States dollar against the renminbi: on the Japanese line, the dollar is on the bank’s renminbi on Tuesday (19th) to a sun-cow star, with the upper end of last day’s plate at 7.0319, and the lowest at 7.0190, with an increase of 0.03 per cent over the day. The single-K line pattern suggests that the market’s current gap is widening and the market’s movement is likely to reverse. The K-line trend, which appears to be dominated over nearly eight trading days, has a high probability of a short-term counter-reaction trend, with a high probability of a 7.0725 line of pressure. In the medium term, the market’s head is dominated, with a high probability of a roll-back trend. The MACD’s yellow white line, under a zero axis, continues to be a gold fork and a red column expansion. Overall, the short-term dollar against the People’s Currency or will continue to challenge the 7.0725 line, but does not rule out the possibility of short-term rewinding; the medium-term swing is likely to continue.


At 11:54 Beijing time, the United States dollar was quoted at 7.0303 and the counter-exchange rate at 0.142, i.e., today the United States dollar is exchanged at 7.03033 and 100 for 703.03 and 14.22.


[The above observations are for information purposes only and do not constitute an investment recommendation. ]

来源: 中亿财经网

Source: Medium Billion Finance Network



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