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每经编辑 夏志坚    


Tesla really started accepting Bitcoin's payment.


北京时间3月24日下午3点左右, 特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克连发三条推特,宣布美国市场已可用比特币购买特斯拉汽车,而美国之外的市场也将于今年晚些时候接受比特币支付

On March 24th, Beijing time, at about 3 p.m., Tesla CEOEEELON MASKL sent three tweets, declaring that the United States market had been able to purchase Tesla cars in Bitcoin, and that markets outside the United States would accept Bitcoin to pay later this year.



mask also indicated that bitcoin paid to Tesla would be retained as bitcoin and not converted into legal currency.


受这一消息影响,比特币迎来小幅拉升。据Coindesk的数据,截至发稿, 比特币价格从马斯特发推前的54800美元左右上涨至约55400美元,市值达到1.03万亿美元

According to Coindisk, the price of the bitcoin rose from about $54,800 before Master's advance to about $55,400, with a market value of $103 trillion >.




bitcoinpays in the wind


On 8 February, in a paper submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Tesla indicated that it would begin accepting bitcoin as a form of payment to a limited extent, subject to the law. . Tesla also stated that it had purchased $1.5 billion of bitcoins .


一个半月之后,特斯拉CEO马斯克在今天正式宣布特斯拉开始在美国市场接受比特币支付,其他地区也将于今年晚些时候接受比特币支付。不过,特斯拉目前尚未公布不同车型汽车对应的比特币价格, 如果以比特币最新的美元价格换算,一枚比特币目前可以买到一辆国产Model Y长续航版

One and a half months later, Tesla Cemask officially announced today that Tesla would begin to receive bitcoin payments in the United States market and that other areas would receive bitcoins later this year. However, Tesla has not yet announced the price of bitcoins for different types of cars, and a bitcoins can now be purchased at the latest dollar price of bitcoin, if converted into bitcoin.



According to 99 Bitcoins, already has companies in the United States, including Microsoft, AT&T, Burger King, Kendrick, Saifumi, etc., that accept bitcoin payments in part of the scene or business.


However, the use of bitcoin for the purchase of Tesla cars in China may be suspected of violating the law.

据第一财经报道,上海大邦律师事务所合伙人游云庭在接受采访时表示,根据《中国人民银行、工业和信息化部、中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会、中国保险监督管理委员会关于防范比特币风险的通知》的规定, 比特币不具有与货币等同的法律地位,不能且不应作为货币在市场上流通使用,各金融机构和支付机构不得开展与比特币相关的业务

, according to the First Finance Report, Yunjing, a partner in the Shanghai Grand State Law Office, stated in an interview that according to the Regulations of the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, the China Banking Supervision Council, the China Securities Supervisory Board and the China Insurance Supervisory Board, bitcoin did not have a legal status equivalent to that of currency and could not and should not be used as a currency in the market, and that financial institutions and payment agencies should not carry out operations related to bitcoin >.


''Tsla's acceptance of bitcoin is unprovoked if it is accepted by a financial institution and cannot be converted from bitcoin to renminbi through a financial institution, making it impossible to use it externally, to pay for goods, to pay wages, and to pay taxes. 's acceptance of bitcoin will be punished by the Anti-Money Laundering Act if the financial institution provides them with a bitcoin settlement service .




Tesla's investment in bitcoin has made $930 million /span >

马斯克堪称“币圈第一带货王”。他不止一次在推特上表达对比特币的支持,而每次公开支持都会带动比特币的应声大涨。 值得一提的是,从今年比特币的涨势来看, 特斯拉持有比特币带来的财富增值已经超过过去一年卖车的利润

Maskcan's name is "The First Hand of the Currency Circle." He has on Twitter more than once expressed Bitcoin's support, and every public endorsement has led to a huge increase in Bitcoin's response. . It is worth noting that, given this year's growth in Bitcoin, .



The average price of the Bitcoin purchased in January was about $34,000, an increase of about 62 per cent based on the current price of Bitcoin of about $55,000. If Tesla bought $1.5 billion in bitcoins at a January average price and held the same amount, the $1.5 billion invested in Bitcoin had risen to $2.43 billion, and was about $930 million . And according to Tesla 2020 finance report, the company delivered 499.5 million vehicles in 2020, resulting in a net profit of $721 million for the first time in the full year.


有媒体称,比特币的众多优势之一就是它像黄金一样, 可以使企业持股多样化并降低货币超发带来的风险 。现在每个财务主管都应该主动学习,以帮助公司决定应该何时来配置比特币资产。

According to the media, one of the many advantages of Bitcoin is that, like gold, can diversify business holdings and reduce the risk of currency overhang . It is time for each financial manager to take the initiative to learn to help the company decide when to configure the Bitcoin assets.



February 18, Musk said that the company's $1.50 billion bet was an “adequate risk” investment. At the moment, Bitcoin is almost as meaningless as the legal currency, but holding bitcoin is slightly better than holding cash, and the slight difference makes it a better asset.


国产Model Y宣布涨价

Model Y, the national product, announced a price increase

在特斯拉宣布在美国接受比特币作为支付手段的同一天,特斯拉对外事务副总裁陶琳宣布国产Model Y价格上调8000元人民币,即日生效。不过已订购客户不受此次跳价影响。

On the same day Tesla announced the acceptance of Bitcoin as a means of payment in the United States, Torin, Vice President of Tesla, announced an increase of 8,000 yuan in the price of the national product Model Y .


2021年1月1日,国产特斯拉Model Y开售,长续航版起售价为33.99万元,高性能版起售价为36.99万元,在价格上直接与国产电动车SUV形成竞争,一度引发热议。目前, Model Y两款车型的起售价已分别提高到了34.79万元和37.79万元

On 1 January 2021, the sale price of the national product Tesla Model Y was raised to $33.99 million for the long-duration and high-performance versions to $36.99 million for the start-up price, which was directly in competition with the national electric vehicle SUV for a time of intense debate. At present, the sale price of the two types of motor Y has been raised to $34.79 million and $37.79 million, respectively. .


对于突然加价的原因,特斯拉相关负责人接受《每日经济新闻》记者采访时表示:“(本次调价)主要是受公司生产制造成本上涨的影响。”该负责人还表示, 对包括国产Model 3在内的其他中国在售车型,公司暂无涨价计划。

For the reasons for the sudden price increase, the head of Tesla said in an interview with a journalist from Daily Economic News: “ ” the head of Tesla also said that was selling models for other Chinese countries, including the national model Model 3.

在国产Model Y宣布涨价之前,特斯拉的多款车型已经在国外先行涨价。

The Tesla multi-car model had already increased its prices abroad before the national model Model Y announced the price increase.


据Business Insider3月11日的报道,特斯拉Model 3标准续航加强版(Model 3 Standard Range Plus)从36990美元上涨到了37490美元,Model3长续航全轮驱动版(Model 3 Long-Range All-Wheel Drive)从45990美元涨至46490美元,两款车均涨价500美元。

reported on 11 March that the Model 3 standard renewal version (Model 3 Standard Range Plus) had risen from $36990 to $37490 and that the Model 3 full-wheeler version (Model 3 Long-Range All-Wheel Drive) had increased from $45990 to $46490, with an increase of $500 for both vehicles.


而Model Y长续航版则从48990美元涨至49990美元,涨价1000美元。值得一提的是, 今年二月,特斯拉才刚刚把这款车型的价格从49990美元降至48990美元,没想到短短一个月之后,Model Y长续航版又恢复了原价

It is worth mentioning that Tesla just dropped the price of this model from $49,990 to $48,990 in February of this year, and after just one month, Model Y resumed the original price >.


除了面向大众市场的车型,特斯拉的顶级车型Model S Plaid Plus也在涨价:从1399990美元涨到了149990美元。据介绍,Model S Plaid Plus的续航为520英里(约837公里),功率到达1100马力,将于今年晚些时候开始交付。

高盛分析师在3月18日的一份报告中表示, 对电动汽车电池需求的增长将导致主要原材料的价格飙升,这反过来又会使电池价格上涨约18%,影响电动汽车制造商的总利润,因为目前电池占电动汽车成本的20%至40%左右

In a report dated 18 March, .



( text or data for reference purposes only) does not constitute an investment proposal. Investors operate on this basis, taking risks on their own. )

编辑|夏志坚? 肖勇 王嘉琦


校对| 程鹏


封面图片来源:每经记者 孙桐桐 摄

Cover image: photo by Sun Xin, every journalist


每日经济新闻综合自第一财经、新浪财经、99Bitcoins、Business Insider、每经app等

Daily economic news integrated from First Finance, New Wave Finance, 99 Bitcoins, Business Incider, App.


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