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Bitcoin's been running for two weeks at 19,000 p.m.


As a matter of fact, Bitcoin has begun to perform on the stage. But for some reason, many of them are pretending to be dead and not moving. Perhaps you are not aware of the next movement and are afraid to move easily.


You know, the Big Cow City is scratched out, and maybe when everyone's patience is exhausted, it's the beginning of a new cycle.


VidyX will open the vote in Gate.io!


On 7 December, Gate.io published the sixty-seventh issue of cash drop benefits - vidyx (VIDYX)

Gate.io投票上币空投福利第六十七期—vidyx(VIDYX), 350,000 VIDYX空投福利开启

Gate.io voted for the 67th stage - vyyx (VIDYX), 350,000 VIDYX launch

12月7日19:00—12月14日19:00我们将开启VIDYX超级空投福利, 350,000 VIDYX等你来拿!

December 7, 1900 - December 14th, we'll open the VIDYX super dropped benefit, 350,000 VIDYX waiting for you to get it!


activities include:

1、投票VIDYX,共享 330,000 枚VIDYX空投

1. Voting VIDYX, sharing 330,000 VIDYX aerial drops


Time to vote: Beijing time, 11 December - 12 December 2020 - 10 a.m.

在本轮投票中,VIDYX如获得1000万票,Gate.io会上线VIDYX对USDT交易,参与投票的用户均可分享总计约 330,000 VIDYX 空投奖励。

In this round of voting, if VIDYX receives 10 million votes, the Gate.io line deals VIDYX to USDT, and users participating in the vote can share a total of about 330,000 VIDYX airdrop awards.


Links to voting channels: https://www.gateio.pro/poll/votelist/76

2、转发海报,分享 5,000 枚 VIDYX空投

2. Poster, 5,000 VIDYX airdrops shared


1) Posters transmitted to three or more 200 non-Gate.io official currency communities (Micromes, Telegrams, non-groups of friends, etc.)


2) A screenshot and submitted to form: https://www.gateio.pro/cn/quertionnaire/18

3)随机抽取25人每人奖励 200 枚 VIDYX

3) Random selection of 25 persons each for 200 VIDYX


Where's VidyX?


Vidy is known to be a high-tech company focused on the development of new media technologies, registered in Singapore.


Vidy aims to change traditional advertising patterns by embedding video advertisements in text through NLP technology, which can embed video advertisements in any word that users are reading, without using any valuable space on the screen or shrinking in paragraphs. Readers who are interested in content will have advertising videos on the page, and users can earn Vidy dollars that can buy goods or exchange them on the exchange while watching the video. And if users are not interested in text, there will be no advertising videos, so the advertisers will not have to pay for advertising to the Internet.


Recently, Vidy accessed the magazine VoGUE in Singapore




However, with the constraints of its performance, the network is becoming more crowded, and for Vidy, with more than 100 co-publishing publishers, with an aggregate of more than 1.1 billion page views, the challenge for the performance of Ether is enormous. Vidy needs a chain of blocks that can sustain its large-scale development, and VIDYX is the solution for VIDY.


Vidy selects the wavefield as a VIDYX partner , which allows users to wait long periods without having to face the rising Gas fees at the time of the transaction, or to replace the currency. The emphasis on the user’s immediate experience is not only on the time of viewing microvideos, but also on a range of related operations, such as replacing the currency from the wallet, trading, etc. The wavefield is faster and easier to achieve the need to scale VIDYX than in the future, while Vidy platforms and users also benefit from such advantages as the market for the Blue Sea and low Gas fees at the waveyard.


In this wave of DeFi, where both Tron and Ether have a good USDT ecology, the advantages of low handling fees and speed of transfer have attracted a large number of users to use TRC20-USDT, with more than 2.7 billion in circulation.



As a transient economy for sustainable development, the VIDYX framework will also empower publishers, video owners, consumers, and electricians. Because Vidy's original keyword hides video embedded technologies, it can be used seamlessly with any global website and is extremely compatible. After two years of preparation, VIDYX is officially launched and, as an important part of Vidy's ecological system, has direct access to the Vidy video layer.


VIDYX will be the central token of Vidy platform and the incentive money for users to watch video. Browse or mine mining refers to all incentives allocated by VIDYX through user browsing videos and events.


Each time you view the video with a marked phrase, VIDYX, you can simply empty the user’s “invisible wallet.” Users can view the proceeds in real time, and they can do online transactions, shopping, etc. on their websites that support VIDYX.

Vidy将匹配所有看视频的每一个代币收入,并燃烧(销毁)同等数量的VIDYX。例如你浏览一个视频赚得了8 VIDYX, Vidy也将燃烧8 VIDYX。每周,Vidy会统计平台上视频浏览的总次数、被观看的秒数、支付的总次数和累计的浏览量,并从中消耗同等数量的VIDYX。随着时间的推移,燃烧率会下降。该部分将由出版商、广告商、和流动性持有者按照法币汇率在指定交易所转换持有。代币数量的减少也赋予VIDYX升值空间,促进良性可持续发展。

Vidy will match every dollar of all video views and burn (destruction) the same amount of VIDYX. For example, you will browse a video for 8 VIDYX, and Vidy will burn 8 VIDYX. Every week, Vidy will count the total number of video views on the platform, the number of seconds to be viewed, the total number of payments and the cumulative amount of views to be viewed, and will consume the same amount of VIDYX. The burning rate will decrease over time. The portion will be held by publishers, advertisers, and mobility holders on a designated exchange at the French currency exchange rate.


bigenerational currency system of VIDYX and VIDY


In Vidy's VidyCoin dual-currency system, there is also a difference between VIDYX and VIDY. VIDYX is a pass in Vidy's ecological system that can be used for various incentives, transactions, marketing advertising, payments, etc. Possession of VIDYX is the only way to own TDC ownership and earn other Vidy platform users' benefits. VIDYX can be earned by watching video or used for online shopping. Vidy platform video buyers, sellers, are required to use VIDYX, and can directly supply or obtain the relevant proceeds from VIDYX.


VIDY is the holding mechanism within the Vidy ecosystem for extracting, rewarding, discounting, and marketing activities. For example, extracting VIDYX from “hidden wallets”, the Vidy platform does not charge “miners”, but requires that at least 1,000 VIDYs are stored in the user account, i.e. VIDY is considered to be “fuels” for all VIDYX transactions and extractions. For users, having VIDY can also be rewarded, while video sellers or buyers are given a corresponding discount incentive, or a preferential choice of key words or areas for marketing activities.


The VIDYX-VIDY permanent exchange rate is five to one, which is allocated to the converter.


TDC Exchange: Real tradable smart contracts


Vidy wants data owners to be real owners of the data. To achieve this, Vidy launched the TDC and did three things: first, to protect user data by means of an intelligent contract, the use of which is retroactive and reportable; secondly, to package data in the form of a contract, which becomes a marketable asset; and thirdly, to purchase, trade, and have a buy-and-trade character, it has a certain value and is valued as a discount for future income.


The TDC data contracts are general contracts for systematization, anonymity, and are based on 30 unique data points for real-time tracking and adjustment based on active users watching videos and earning VIDYX. Each data point collection is aggregated, so that it can be packaged into TDC based on similar types and characteristics with other user files.


At present, Vidy is setting up the first TDC exchange in an open global market. In short, a TDC would correspond to a smart contract between 1-N and an arbitrary number of Vidy user accounts, the price of which is determined by the combination of VIDYX revenues and corresponding cash flow discounts for all users of the TDC. At the same time, the TDC price would also be affected by algorithms, such as consistency of activities, fluctuations and acceleration rates.


Because of its indivisible properties, the value of the TDC is generally related to the potential benefits of the data counterpart users, so that the future TDC may engage in direct transactions in the exchange established by Vidy.


While the timing of the official entry of the TDC exchange has yet to be determined, the introduction of VIDYX is an evolution of Vidy's own ecosystem, the VIDYX+VIDY bigenerational system and Vidy's unique block chain + NLP technology, coupled with the emergence of TDC's rules of the game that will change the data world, provide an entirely new template for the experience of encrypting money into people's daily lives, and will also attract a large number of fresh users to the sector chain industry.



Vidy had previously been known to have received investments in distributed capital (Shawfang, Shenbo) and Qtum, among others, and had no access to their resources.


Bitcoin has risen back to 2018 prices, but the circle is no longer that currency. Products based on block chain technology can only be well developed if they are actually implemented for the benefit of the people. It is hoped that VIDYX will win good development and take every step on the road to innovation.



Risk reminder: The currency circle is dangerous and the knife is not long-sighted. All the ideas shared in the currency circle are for information and use only, and do not constitute any investment proposal! The investment proposal is to conduct an in-depth study of the project and to be careful in making its own investment decisions.


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