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说到K线图,很多投资者想必并不陌生,但是你真的懂K线图中每一个形状吗?你知道K线图背后代表的含义吗?本篇,笔者重点围绕K线图的定义、构造与形态、种类与解读、K线图和分时图的对应关系,如何看K线图 5方面展开阐述。

When it comes to the K-line map, many investors must not be unfamiliar, but do you really understand each of the shapes in the K-line map? Do you know what the K-line map means? In this section, I focus on how to look at the K-line map in terms of its definition, structure and form, its type and interpretation, its type and time map.

K线图(Candlestick Charts),又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线等,起源于十八世的日本,当时处于纪德川幕府时代(1603~1867年)的米市交易,当时被用来计算米价每天的涨跌。随后K线图的标画方法,被人们引入到股票市场价格走势的分析中,经过300多年的发展,广泛应用于股票、外汇等各类金融市场。

The K-line map, also known as Candlestock Charters, Japanese Lines, Yooyang Lines, Stick Lines, etc., originated in Japan XVIII, where it was traded in the rice market during the time of Kidokawa Shinjuku (1603-1867) and was used to calculate daily price increases and falls. The method of painting K-line maps was then introduced into stock market price trends and, after more than 300 years of development, was widely applied to various financial markets, such as stock and foreign exchange.


K-lines are constructed as upper and lower lines, as well as entities that are linked by opening prices, collection prices, maximum and least price candle types at unit times. On K-coordinate charts, vertical axes represent the price of securities, horizontal axes are time items. K-line charts can be divided into days, weeks, months, year K, etc. at different times.


In form, the K-line can be divided into two main categories: the opening price between the opening price and the closing price for a single day is expressed by the entity. The closing price is lower than the opening price, is lower than the opening price, and the closing price is higher than the opening price, is higher than the opening price, is higher than the upper limit of the entity, is called the upper line, and the lowest price is lower than the lower limit of the entity is called the lower line, and is indicated by a thin line.


The specific shape of the K-line chart is shown in the following graphs:


In the categories, the K-lines are often composed of large wiring, big cathode, photo-clinic, photo-clinic, cross-star, upper and lower line, as detailed below. In the fifth section, I will focus on how to view the following K-line diagrams.


The K-line is converted from a time map of each day, and there is a relationship between them, with the following pen using as an example two graphics: the yang and the vagina, with a brief example of the principle of the relationship between the K-line and the time map.


(i) Simple drawing of “light-footed rays”


I selected a listed company as a map of the sun line. In the company’s time map, we noticed that the maximum price was $10.49 on that day, with a minimum price of $10.16 and a closing price of about $10.3.


Since the closing price is higher than the opening price, we draw the sun line and mark it with the red entity, where the top and end parts of the entity correspond to the opening and closing price. At the same time, at the peak of the price of the day, we link it with an antenna, thus forming the day's bare-foot sunline, which we draw into the K-line map to get the company's day K graphics on that day.


(ii) Simple mapping of the “photo-clank”


Again, let's look at the "Blank Vagina." I picked out this company, which fell to around $7.2 on that day, and was a vaginal entity because the closing price was less than the opening price. Linking the highest point and the vaginal entity with a single line, I got the figure of the "Palefoot Vagina".



The general principles for looking at the K-line are: to look at the penis, to look at the length and to look at the entity.


When looking at the yang, it refers to the yang of the Kline, which represents the direction of the stock price, which often means that the company's share price will continue to rise, while the vaginal signifies a decline in the share price.


The length of the line is the length of the upper and lower lines. The length of the line represents a turning signal, and the longer the upper line indicates greater resistance, the less favourable the higher the share price; the longer the lower line, the greater the bottom plate, often the lower the share price may touch the bottom.


Third, it refers to the size of the entity. Entities tend to express the intrinsic momentum of the day of stock prices, and generally the larger the entity, the more likely it may indicate an upward or declining trend.


(ii) How to look at the Great Sun?

大阳线是指收盘价明显高于开盘价,实体较大,表明大市在短期内趋于上升。 大阴线是指收盘价明显低于开盘价,表明在短期内后市趋于下降。一般来说,在大阳线出现时,往往意味着多方占优,可以买入。

The big sunline refers to the fact that the closing price is significantly higher than the opening price, and the larger entity indicates that the big market is rising in the short term. The big open line refers to the fact that the closing price is significantly lower than the opening price, indicating that the market tends to decline in the short term.


When a big vagina emerges, it often implies a risk, which needs to be stopped as quickly as possible.


(iii) How do you look at the small radial and the small vagina?


Small nublines generally mean a smaller range of stock price fluctuations, many of which are slightly higher, but less aggressive; small nublines mean that the empty side is under pressure, but not very strong. They have a relatively small impact on the direction of the post-market.


(iv) How do you look at the naked and the bald?

光头光脚阳线以最低价开盘,以最高价收盘,上升趋势比较强劲。 当光头光脚阳线出现的时候,往往意味着短期股票的上升趋势比较强劲。

The bareheaded rays are opened at the lowest price, closing at the highest price, and the upward trend is stronger. When the bareheaded rays appear, they tend to imply a stronger upward trend in short-term equities.


Contrary to this, the price of a flat head is the same as the price of opening and the price of closing. When it appears, it is less likely to open the next day.


(v) How do you look at the line



The longer the line goes, the stronger the rebound after a sharp fall in the plate, the stronger the low-level absorption, and the higher the likelihood that the city will tend to rise.


By the same token, contrary to the upper line, the longer the upper line indicates that the higher the stock price falls, the smaller the trend of market rises and resistance to higher heights, the later the market is likely to fall.



Cross stars are often seen as turning signals. They are the shortest K line of the entity, meaning a temporary balance of power between the two sides, but they can change direction at any moment. Stock prices are at the crossroads, they may rise or fall. Cross stars analysis needs to be judged against the current position of the unit. Generally speaking, when cross stars appear at the bottom, they are more likely to rise in the future; and when cross stars appear at the top, they are more likely to fall in the future.



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