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Hey, guys, today's topic is how virtual currency contracts are played and what they mean by virtual currency contracts. I know there's a lot of confusion about these two issues. This article is to help you answer these questions. Now let's learn together. If this is a way to solve your confusion, focus on our website, so you can see more useful information. Thank you.



Rules for contractual transactions:


I. Transaction time: The contract is a 7* 24-hour transaction, which will be interrupted only during settlement or delivery on a Friday at 16:00 (UTC+8) per week, and the contract will be cleared only for the last 10 minutes before delivery and cannot be opened.


II. Typologies of transactions:


There are two types of transactions.


2. More open-to-buy (to-go) means that when users see more and more indices, a certain number of new contracts are purchased and “buy-in-to-open” operations are performed, which will result in more than one additional position after a successful match.


3. The sale of Pingto (many silos) refers to sales contracts made up by users who no longer look at future index developments, offset their exit from the market against the purchase contracts currently held, and perform “sale torto” operations, which will reduce the number of silos once successfully combined.


4. Sales opening (visiting) means that when a user looks at the index and looks down, a certain number of new contracts are sold for “sale opening” operations, which, when successfully congregated, will add empty warehouses.


5. Purchase of flats (vacant silos) is a buy-in contract made up by a user who no longer looks down on the future index, offsets out of the market with the sales contract currently held, and conducts a “buy-in flats” operation, which will reduce empty silos when successfully consummated.


III. Next single method:


1. Price limit commission: Users need to specify their own prices and quantities for the purchase order, and either open warehouse or peace warehouse can use the price limit order.


2. Counterpart price orders: if the user chooses to pay the counter price, the user can only enter the number of orders and cannot enter the unit price, and the system will, at the moment of receipt of the assignment, read the latest available counterparty price (if the user buys it, the counter price is one price, and if the counter price is one price for sale) and issue a price limit on the counter price.




As soon as the user opened the case, the warehouse space was available, the same line of contracts would be consolidated and a maximum of six slots would be available in a contract account, i.e., during the week's multiple contracts, during the week's open contracts, after the week's multiple contracts, after the week's empty contracts, during the quarter's multiple contracts, and during the quarter's empty contracts.


V. Next list of restrictions:


1. The Platform limits the number of stock held by a single user for a particular cycle of contracts and the number of single open/dismantled billings to prevent users from manipulating the market.


2. When the number of users in storage or commissioning is too large and the Platform considers that there may be serious risks to the system and other users, the Platform has the right to require users to use wind control measures, including but not limited to the withdrawal of orders, warehousing, etc., and the Platform has the right to use measures, including but not limited to limiting the total number of positions, limiting the total number of orders, limiting the opening of warehouses, withdrawing orders and imposing risk control measures.


This information is provided for information purposes only. Before investing in a project, you are advised to understand the risks of the project and to understand clearly what is known about the investor, the investment agency, the activity on the chain, etc., rather than investing blindly or misdirecting the funds.


Response times: 2021-11-25. The latest changes in operations are published by the Saviour Banker Network.


From 12 March last year to the present, Bitcoin climbed from over 3,000 to $52,600, a tenfold increase.


It may continue to grow later, but it is unlikely that the short-term range will be too large, with an eight-month increase of 10 times? 50,000 to 500,000? The probability cannot be said to be no, but it is relatively limited.


So the B-coop friends will be able to make a bigger profit through a contract deal?


What's the deal on the platform? How do you make money through the contract? What's his advantage?


There are a lot of gruesome comments on the Internet: newcomers must not touch contracts, they must earn a minute a year to pay off; they have to wait for the next one, and so on. It cannot be denied that some views are very correct.


Let us now take the example of the most representative digital currency, Bitcoin (BTC), and look at how to use the contractual game and how to avoid losses.


Contracts – a leverage-plate strategy. Simply large, with higher risks and returns relative to the spot. A share of the venture capital can be allocated to the investment asset.


For example, if we buy $10,000 into bitcoin and double the price of bitcoin, we own $20,000, and the net gain is $10,000.


And the contract deal, 10 times the leverage, double the bitcoin price, and we're in a warehouse of 1 *2 = $200,000, with a net gain of $1.90 million.


So long as traders are right about price trends, contracts are the best way to make small money profitable.


In the digital currency market, or in bitcoin, for example, price fluctuations of 5% are frequent, even several times in a few minutes. Thus, higher than 20 times as much leverage as the price trend is correctly judged can easily burst.


For example: Bitcoin is now worth $10,000, with various technical fundamentals analysed and trends judged upwards, with a single 20-fold leverage of multiple contracts. But Bitcoin fell to $9,400 first, and then to $20,000. Although I saw it right, I lost the principal.


The phrase "pigs fly in the wind" is actually appropriate for any industry. Most people are not masters of the board, they don't need to pull the trigger, why do they have to work against big trends?


In the case of digital currency alone, access to new trading platforms or entourage software allows for a four-hour review of the K-line chart to judge the large upward and downward trend of the species and then to take the lead.


In the upward trend, they wait for a return, when they enter low and do much better, and in the reverse, when they do, when they enter high, when they do nothing.


And whether it's going up or down, it's going to have to look back and pick the right point of entry, or it's going to blow up easily.


Profit is limited, and losses are unlimited. A miscalculation can lead to a loss of all profit + principal. In a trading market, it is inevitable that when there is a miscalculation, do not pay the bill. The money is kept in order for the next bill to be made.


It's only a matter of time before you misjudge the loss in the course of a transaction.


Control the warehouse, i.e. control the single ratio.


Many people spend a large proportion, if not all, of their principals when they do well, or when they do better than they do. This is quite irrational. Such behaviour is more of a “gaming” than a trade. There is no guarantee that your location is perfect at any one time, and if you lose the principal, you lose the opportunity to do it in a better position.


It's recommended that the B-friends of the contract pay at 25% to 33% of the principal.


Virtual currency deals take a certain amount of money, and then they are used as bonds. Assuming you hold 100 coins, you make more than 100 coins and buy 500 more. Then those 100 coins turn into bonds, and 20% of the reverse fluctuations result in the loss of the money you hold. The only difference is that the contract has the same effect as the poles. The only difference is that the bar deals are held only in stable currencies, while the contract deals are held in currencies that you buy or sell.


I. Virtual currency


Virtual currency means non-real currency. Prominent virtual currencies such as 100-degree, Q-dollar, Q-point, coupons for large companies, new waves of microcosms (for micro games, new waves of reading, etc.), Manji Yuanbao (for martial arts games), tattooed silver (for snowtime games), digital currencies popular in 2013, such as Bitcoin, Lettco, Infinity, Quaker, Zetaco, Roast, Pensco, Invisible Gold, Redcoins, Quantities. There are hundreds of digital currencies distributed around the world.


According to circulars and proclamations issued by departments such as the People's Bank of China, virtual currency is not issued by monetary authorities, has no monetary attributes, such as legal equivalency and compulsoryity, is not a currency in the true sense, has no legal status equivalent to that of currency, cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market, and the virtual currency of citizens'investments and transactions is not protected by law.


On the evening of May 18, 2021, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association and the China Payment Settlement Association jointly issued a " Notice on Protection against the Risk of Virtual Currency Transactions ". The announcement clearly stated that the agencies concerned should not engage in business related to virtual currency, and reminded consumers of the need to raise awareness of risk prevention and to protect against the loss of property and interests.


II. Virtual currency classification

虚拟币种类多样,在国外接受度比较高的虚拟货币有Facebook的F币、网络游戏Second Life的林登币等,在国内比较有代表性的虚拟货币有腾讯Q币、新浪U币、百度币、盛大元宝等。

Virtual currencies are diverse. Virtual currencies with a higher degree of acceptance abroad include Facebook F, Internet games, Second Life, and nationally representative virtual currencies, such as Steward Q, New Wave U, Centuries, and the Big Equestrian Treasure.


There are four main types of virtual currency in the market: 1. game currency developed by game operators for use by players as a trading medium in network games; 2. proprietary virtual currency issued by portals or instant communication tools for use in this operating cyberspace; 3. interactive virtual currency for the purchase of goods and services from non-issuers, both within the subject of virtual currency distribution and from non-issuing subjects; and 4. Special electronic, digital network cryptographic currency, based on cryptography and modern network P2P technology, generated through sophisticated mathematical algorithms.


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