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Kang Dynasty Association


Financial science and technology have become a necessity for the Internet giants.


On November 13, the third-quarter financial data released by Quinter revealed a 21% increase in revenue in the third quarter of this year, driven mainly by business payment services and other financial and technological services, smartphone games, social and other advertising operations. Of this, revenues from financial science and technology and business services increased by 36% to RMB 26,758 million over the same period.


In fact, almost all the Internet giants at the moment are active in the field of financial science and technology and are already on the rise, and there is increasing investment in such areas as financial science and technology.


The Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer Matten also said that, as a result of increased user activity and improved advertising technology, the financial technology and business services of the Board of Directors, as well as the revenue of the advertising divisions, had increased by double digits, reflecting the strength of the new business and the diversification of the business. “Looking ahead, we will continue to invest in products, technology and services, bringing value to users.”


How, then, does financial technology achieve nearly 30 per cent of income in a short period of time?


pays for the operation everywhere


In the area of financial science and technology, payments have become the most important source of income. In the area of financial science and technology services, the payment ecosystem has grown as user activity and cash flows have increased.


It is worth noting that tweaks have been trying to increase the stickyness of their clients.


This year, Tetsu has been working to promote the use of car codes. Since its inauguration in Guangzhou in July 2017, it has covered more than 120 cities, including Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai, supporting the BRT, bus, subway, stellar, ferry, and other smart traffic mobile payment scenes, which currently number more than 100 million users.

与此同时,随着越来越多的港澳台同胞及外籍人士选择来中国内地旅游、工作、生活,腾讯进行了积极探索和创新。2019年10月,入境游的外国人和港澳台同胞,可以使用We TaxFree Pass离境退税小程序扫码实时退税。

In October 2019, foreigners and Hong Kong compatriots travelling in Hong Kong and Hong Kong were able to use the We TaxFree Pass small-scale tax check-back procedure for leaving China.


The Chinese Portfolio release report states that the current domestic mobile payment market, in terms of turnover, where payment of treasures and micro-trust payments have stabilized at TOP2, competition patterns have generally stabilized, and payment of treasures and telecommunications subsidies have begun to weaken, allowing for improved financial performance. “We expect that the communications will continue to strengthen cost and cost controls in the short term, and that profit margins will continue to improve.”


Geoffrey's analysis suggests that financial science and technology and business services will be long-term opportunities, with payments focused primarily on reaching low-end cities, strengthening small and medium-sized business networks and expanding payment scenarios, while the slowdown reflects users' preference for consumption within their ecosystems.



Indeed, consumption within ecosystems has also contributed to the further development of wealth management.


“As user loyalty increases, more and more user funds flow through the tweaking ecosystem, our platform's financial science and technology services are further promoted, increasing the profitability of the business.” According to the officials in charge of tweaking, especially in wealth management, the number of users of finance doubled, driving the growth of total client assets.

此外,财联社记者获悉,腾讯拟与中金成立合资技术公司,以金融科技助力财富管理业务发展。在今年9月24日,腾讯旗下全资附属公司腾讯数码(深圳)有限公司与中国国际金融股份有限公司订立股东协议,拟成立一家合资技术公司,其中中金持股 51%,腾讯数码持股49%。

In addition, FAFICS journalists have been informed of the intention to set up a joint venture technology company with China to help finance the development of wealth management operations. On 24 September this year, a fully-owned subsidiary, Tetsu Digital (Hin Shenzhen), Ltd., entered into a shareholder agreement with China’s International Finance Corporation, Ltd., to set up a joint venture technology company, of which 51 per cent was held in gold and 49 per cent in tether digital.


It is understood that the joint venture will adhere to the position of a technology service firm, combine the technical and product capabilities of telecommunications finance technology in the development of the bottom of the Internet system, the front-office development of user services, and the professional assets and compliance capabilities of the company in the area of finance, with an initial focus on the development of a core technology infrastructure that will contribute to the development of wealth management operations on both sides, and that in the future consideration may be given to the export of technology services.



In addition to traditional payment operations, new technologies, such as block chains, are becoming the focus of financial science and technology.


For the Internet giants, research and applications in the area of block chains have been taking place in recent years: in the direction of block chain instruments, supply chain finance, etc., Steaming and other Internet giants have been focusing on progress.


According to the relevant officials, in the application of the tether block chain, which is currently on the ground, the block chain electronic invoice project “Treat chain”, the supply chain finance project “Microbusiness chain”, the judicial documentation project “To the letter chain” and the municipal comptoir bank billing project have achieved some results.


In the area of block chain electronic invoices, following the issuance of the first global block chain electronic invoice in Shenzhen by the provider of finance technology as the bottom of the block chain in August 2018, the Shenzhen block chain electronic invoice was broken by 10 million copies as at 30 October 2019, amounting to $7 billion, and 7,600 enterprises opened the block chain electronic invoice, greatly reducing the burden on the real economy and applying it widely to clothing and housing, including in the banking, subway, taxi, real estate, tourism, financial insurance, retail trader super, hotel catering, parking services, etc.


“The electronic block chain invoice, which has the characteristics of complete process retraceability, immobility of information, etc., is consistent with the invoice logic and can effectively circumvent false invoices and improve the process of control of invoices.” According to the head of financial science and technology, block chain invoices also have the advantage of reducing costs, simplifying processes, safeguarding data security and privacy.


In the area of supply chain finance, TST has also developed, together with interlocking finance, the “Microbusiness Chain Platform” of the Supply Chain Financial Open Platform, which combines financial science and technology capabilities such as tether block chain technology, payment for money with the ability to identify assets that are easily aligned to lead by providing credit penetration to long-tail suppliers through the intricacies of the block chain and the traceability of information. The platform enhances the availability and reduces the cost of financing for micro-enterprises.


In addition, the legal documentation platform “to the letter chain”, which connects the country's only mobile-end litigation platform, China's Mobile Microcourt, has been joined by a number of high-level people's courts to become authoritative nodes in the letter chain, with more than 10 million pieces of data being recorded on the current chain; 48 block chain nodes are deployed to city merchant banks' drafts, about 200 tickets are opened daily, and stock customers are innovatively activated to effectively protect against the risk of the paper market.


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