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In terms of economic data, industrial output data are better than expected, but retail sales in the United States are less than expected. The data show that retail sales in the United States barely increased in May, and that retail sales in the previous months were under repair, suggesting that consumers face greater financial pressure.


The US retail sales data are weak, leading to an expected rise in interest rates. The US Federal Reserve Watch tool of the United States Bank of Escorts shows that the possibility of reducing interest rates at 25 basis points in September rose from 62% yesterday to 68%, and that the market is still expected to reduce interest rates twice this year.



At the time of the closing of the United States shares, the major indices rose slightly, with 500 discs and finger re-innovation high, and British Weida's market value outpaced Microsoft's, but star technology's share fell, the US's “Seven Sisters” collapsed, except for British Weida, and apples, Meta, Google, Tesla fell by more than 1%. The standard financial and technological plates rose, and communications services, non-essential consumer goods and materials fell slightly. Oil prices rose by more than 1 to 7 weeks as a result of rising tensions in the Middle East.

多位美联储官员敦促对降息保持耐心,在降息之前要看到更多通胀降温数据,其中两位决策者给出了时间线暗示。美联储理事Adriana Kugler表示,如果经济发展如预期所料,“今年晚些时候”降息可能合适。圣路易斯联储主席Alberto Musalem在上任以来首个重要政策演讲中称,或需观察几个季度才能获得支持降息的数据。美联储官员密集发言未对市场产生显著影响,因为他们的观点与鲍威尔主席的立场基本一致。

A number of Fed officials urged patience for interest-reductions and saw more inflation-reduced data before reducing interest rates, with two policymakers suggesting a time line. The Fed's Governor, Adriana Kugler, said that “later this year” would be appropriate if economic development were to be expected.


At the international level, the German ZEW economic climate index rose to 47.5, its highest value since February 2022, but was below the expected 50%. As the current economic situation fell short of market expectations, and the published data fell short of projections, market optimism did not rise significantly.


Looking ahead tomorrow, Wednesday is the June holiday in the United States, where the market will be closed and only the June NAHB Property Market Index will be published.


On Wednesday, 5 June, the main share of the United States dollar represented a small increase across the line and a re-innovation of the Navigator, with the largest increase being in P500.


At the end of the round, the pamphlet, the finger, the finger, the finger, the figure 100 were at an all-time high, and Russell's little share, the finger, was high:

纳指收涨5.21点,涨幅0.03%,连续第七天创收盘历史最高。标普500指数收涨13.80点,涨幅0.25%,连续第二个交易日创收盘历史新高。 道指收涨56.76点,涨幅0.15%。

The index rose by 5.21 points, by 0.03 per cent, and for the seventh consecutive day, by a record peak in revenue generation. The standard 500 index rose by 13.80 points, by 0.25 per cent, and by a record high for the second consecutive trading day, by 56.76 points, by 0.15 per cent.


This represents an increase of 0.03% in 100 and a seven-day record in income generation. The NDXTMC market-market-weighted index (NDXTMC), which measures the performance of 100 STIs, rose by about 0.24% in innovation. The Russell 2000 index increased by 0.16%. The Panic Index, VIX, fell by 3.45% and reported 12.31.


The US share industry ETFs have mostly risen. The semiconductor ETFs have increased by 1.57%, the financial sector by 0.63%, the global science and technology unit ETFs, the energy industry ETFs and the banking industry ETFs by at least 0.3%, while the biotechnology index ETFs have fallen by 0.78%, the network share index ETFs by 0.43% and the optional consumption ETFs by 0.34%.

马霍尼资产管理公司(Mahoney Asset Management)的Ken Mahoney表示:“投资者并没有长时间地追逐英伟达和其他知名公司的股票,但现在也有一些二线公司参与其中。资本并没有撤离市场,但我确实观察到了资金从本季度的领头羊中逐渐转移的现象。”

Ken Mahoney Asset Management said: “The investors have not been chasing British Weida and other well-known companies for a long time, but there are now some second-line companies involved. Capital has not been withdrawn from the market, but I did observe the gradual transfer of funds from this quarter's lead sheep.”

而独立顾问联盟(Independent Advisor Alliance)的首席投资官Chris Zaccarelli分析道:“若缺乏消费者的支持,当前的牛市将难以为继,因此投资者迫切希望看到消费支出的持续增长,而不是出现实质性的减缓。当前的这份报告可能正预示着后者。”

And Chris Zaccarelli, the chief investment officer of the Independent Advisers Alliance (Independent Advisor Alliance), analysed: “Without consumer support, the current cattle market will not be sustainable, so investors are eager to see a sustained increase in consumer spending rather than a substantial slowdown. The current report may be foreshadowing the latter.”



“Meta” fell 1.4%, Google A fell 1.2%, all low by one week, Amazons by 0.7% to two weeks, Tesla by 1.4%, out of seven weeks, apples by 1.1% out of history and worth $3.29 trillion third in America, Microsoft by 0.5%, six to six high, and $3.32 trillion worth of money for the second-best dollar dollar and the best-timer.

芯片股继续表现亮眼。费城半导体指数涨1.4%再创新高,行业ETF SOXX也涨1.3%至最高。英伟达涨3.5%至新高,市值3.34万亿美元位居美股第一,英伟达两倍做多ETF涨6.7%至新高;博通跌1.4%脱离最高,但6月份累涨37%,此前连涨七天市值增超2000亿美元;AMD跌2.4%至一个月新低,英特尔跌超1%;ARM涨8.6%,台积电美股涨超1%,高通涨超2%,美光科技涨近4%,拉姆研究涨近2%,应用材料涨2%,均创历史新高。

The chip unit continues to perform brightly. Philadelphia semiconductor index rises by 1.4% and innovation by 1.3% to the highest. The ETF SOXX industry of also rose by 1.3% to the highest. British Weavers rise by 3.5% to new heights, with a market value of $3.34 trillion in the United States, British Weavers double the value of ETFs by 6.7% to new heights, Botox by almost 2% and appliance by 37% in June, before rising by seven days by more than $200 billion, AMD by 2.4% to one month, and Intel by more than 1%, ARM by 8.6%, Taiwan by more than 1%, China by more than 2%, United States technology by almost 4%, Ram by almost 2%, and appliance by 2%, which is historicly high.



AI Concept Unit up and down for two days in a row. CrowdStrike dropped out of new heights, Oracle up to 2% and innovation up to 4%, SoundHound.ai down to 4%, BigBear.ai and C3.ai down to almost 2%, Snowflake down by 2.4% to nearly 17 months, Palantir up to 3%, Dale up to 5%, Microcomputer up to 3.7%, Adobe up to 0.7% to three months and IBM down to 0.6%.

消息面上,报道称苹果暂停下一代高端头显设备研发,侧重于2025年后期发布更加廉价的款式。富国银行上调英伟达目标价。摩根大通称,台积电涨价后毛利率升至50%至60%,分红也将强劲增长。霍华德·马克斯称人工智能被过度炒作,市场对英伟达期望过高,未达预期时会导致幻灭和失望。 Uber与英伟达投资加拿大自动驾驶卡车初创公司Waabi的B轮融资。马斯克回应英伟达黄仁勋言论称,未来人形机器人普及程度将是汽车10倍。 麦当劳将结束与IBM合作的AI免下车取餐服务测试。阿里巴巴支持的混合现实智能眼镜研发公司Xreal推出起售价199美元的新款安卓系统移动设备,能用3D方式观看谷歌应用商店中的游戏和电影,直接与苹果Vision Pro竞争。英伟达据称达成协议将收购软件初创公司Shoreline。

According to news, Apple suspended the next generation of high-end display equipment, focusing on the release of cheaper options in late 2025. Rich-country banks revised the target price for British Weidelberg. Morgan Chase claimed that Māori had risen to 50 to 60% after the price of power builders, with a strong increase in dividends. Howard Marks claimed that artificial intelligence had been over-inflated, and that market expectations were too high for British Weidelda, leading to disillusionment and disappointment when the market failed to meet expectations.

中概股指跌幅收窄。ETF KWEB跌超1%后一度转涨,最终收跌0.4%,CQQQ跌0.1%,纳斯达克金龙中国指数(HXC)早盘跌1%后收跌0.4%,盘中再度失守6000点,连跌三日徘徊八周低位。

shows a narrow decline. ETF KWEB fell by more than 1%, eventually by 0.4%, CQQQ by 0.1%, and NASDAQKKIN China Index (HXC) fell by 0.4% after a fall of 1% early, again by 6,000 points, falling by three weeks.


Of the popular shares, Kyoto fell by 0.7% after 1.6%, 100% by 1.4% by 0.6%, and fell by nearly 3%. Ali Baba fell by 0.1%, Tsing ADR by 0.4%, Station B by 3%, the new energy vehicle rebounded by 0.1% after 2.7%, the car by more than 2%, and the ideal car fell by 2.5% and eventually fell by 0.5%.


>, following sharp fluctuations:

其他变动较大的个股中,比特币跌破65000美元,区块链概念股普跌,Riot Platforms和MicroStrategy跌超2%,Coinbase跌近4%。高端电动车初创公司Fisker跌近55%至最低,申请破产保护和出售资产,预计负债1亿至5亿美元。教育科技公司Chegg涨25%后收涨近4%脱离新低,全球将裁员23%。西方石油涨近2%,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司在截至周一的九个交易日中连续入股令持股份额接近29%。

Among the other more volatile shares of , Bitcoin fell by $65,000, block-chain concepts collapsed, Riot Platforms and MicroStrategy fell by more than 2%, Coinbase fell by almost 4%. Fisker, a start-up company with high-end electric vehicles, fell by almost 55% to the lowest, applied for bankruptcy protection and sale of assets, with an estimated liability of between $100 million and $500 million.

欧股齐涨,泛欧Stoxx 600指数收涨0.69%,最近两个交易日(6月17-18日)累计反弹0.77%。欧元区STOXX 50指数收涨0.72%,最近两天也累涨1.58%。欧股“十一罗汉”中,阿斯麦涨约1.5%,LVMH集团和欧莱雅则跌超1%

Euroshares rose, the pan-European Stoxx 600 index rose by 0.69%, and the last two trading days (17-18 June) saw a cumulative rebound of 0.77%. Eurozone 'STOXX XX'50's increased by 0.72%, which also rose by 1.58% in the last two days. In Euro11 Rohan, Asmack increased by about 1.5%, and LVMH and Olaya fell by more than 1%.

德国DAX 30指数收涨0.35%,两日累计反弹0.72%,法国CAC 40指数收涨0.76%,两天累涨1.67%,较收盘历史最高位仍然下跌超7%,意大利富时MIB指数收涨1.24%,意大利银行指数两天反弹超2%,英国富时100指数收涨0.60%。

The DAX 30 index rose by 0.35 per cent in Germany, the cumulative rebound of 0.72 per cent in two days, the CAC 40 index in France by 0.76 per cent, the two-day boom of 1.67 per cent, which still fell by more than 7 per cent compared to the historical peak of the harvest, the MIB index in Italy by 1.24 per cent in Italy's rich hour, the Italian bank index rebounded by 2 per cent in two days, and the 100 index in Britain by 0.60 per cent in its rich hour.


After the release of the US retail sales data, US-debt returns jumped. ’s short-term decline in US-debt yields over the 10-year period from 4.76 to 4.72 per cent for the two-year period, with US-debt yields falling rapidly after the 20-year US-debt release.


At the end of the round, the rate of return on US debt generally fell by about six basis points. , more sensitive to monetary policy, dropped by 5.98 basis points for US debt by 4.7056 per cent and dropped by 4.77778 per cent to 4.6866 per cent. The US benchmark debt rate fell by 6.01 basis points over the 10-year period, reporting 4.220 per cent, and the round dropped by 4.2983 per cent to 4.2034 per cent.



The 10-year German debt yield, which is the benchmark for the euro area, dropped by 1.7 basis points to 2.39 per cent, and by 1.1 basis points to 2.803 per cent in the biennium. The UK public debt rate fell by 6.7 basis points to 4.048 per cent in the 10-year period. France's public debt rate fell by 3.6 basis points in the 10-year period, Italy's public debt rate fell by 5.2 basis points in the 10-year period, Spain's public debt rate fell by 3.9 basis points in the 10-year period and Greece's public debt rate fell by 5.4 basis points in the 10-year period.

油价连续两日创七周新高。WTI 7月原油期货收涨1.24美元,涨幅超过1.54%,报81.57美元/桶,是4月30日以来首次收高于81美元整数位。布伦特8月期货收涨1.08美元,涨幅超过1.28%,报85.33美元/桶,是4月30日以来首次收高于85美元。

Oil prices rose to a seven-week high on two consecutive days. WTI’s crude oil futures increased by more than $1.24 in July, by more than 1.54 per cent, by $81.57 per barrel, and by more than $81 per barrel for the first time since 30 April. Brent’s futures increased by $1.08 in August, by more than $1.28 per cent, and by $85.33 per barrel, by more than $85 for the first time since 30 April.

交投更活跃的美油WTI 8月期货站上80美元心理整数位,盘中最高涨1.12美元或涨1.4%,国际布伦特日内最高涨1.19美元或涨1.4%,升破85美元关口至5月1日以来的七周最高。

The delivery of the more dynamic oil WTI on the 80-dollar psychological integer post in August rose by up to $1.12 or 1.4 per cent, and the international Brent days by up to $1.19 or 1.4 per cent, and reached the 85-dollar mark as high as the seven weeks since 1 May.



According to Russian officials and Ukrainian intelligence sources, the attack on Ukrainian drones led to a major fire at an oil terminal in the southern Russian port of Azov Sea, and the continued attack on Russian refineries posed a threat to the global physical supply and pushed up the risk premium on the price of crude oil futures. Moreover, on the 18th of local time, the Lebanese side revealed that the southern Lebanese district of Balgaria (al-Barghalia) had been attacked three times in a row that evening.


In addition, United States gas futures increased by 4.34 per cent to $2.9090 per million of the heating unit.


The basket of United States dollar index DXY, which measures six major currencies, fell at a time between 0.2 per cent and 105.12 per cent after poor retail sales data, while the United States stock plate fell significantly narrow and returned to the 105.30 line, which is not far from its six-week high since 1 May.



The euro rose two days against the United States dollar, rising by 0.3 per cent to 1.0762 on Tuesday, the lowest since 1 May last Friday, when the euro fell by almost 1 per cent last week. The pound paid to the dollar at 1.27 p.m., not far from the perimeter.


Analysis suggests that the euro’s stabilization is due to the willingness of the extreme right-wing parties in France to cooperate with French President Markron, allaying concerns about the break-up of France’s Europe and eurozone, and reducing the market’s concerns about France’s own fiscal policy. The dollar fell to its lowest level in the three months since mid-March.


The yen fell by 0.3% against the United States dollar and temporarily lost 158%, close to a six-week low of 158.26 per cent in the last Friday, and has been down for thirty-four years. The offshore renminbi remains at $7.27 against the United States dollar, with a fall of 0.1% in the disk and a recovery. The Fed’s interest rate policy remains unchanged, the dollar’s increase has increased to 0.6%, and the market is expected to begin to reduce interest rates in the fourth quarter of the Federal Reserve.


The mainstream encrypted currency of has fallen several times in a row. 's biggest leader, Bitcoin, has fallen by 3% and lost $65,000 for the first time in a month; the second largest Itha has also fallen by 3% and pushed $3,400 to the next level. Dog coins have fallen by 11% at a time.


COMEX 8月黄金期货尾盘涨约0.67%至2344.6美元/盎司,COMEX 7月白银期货尾盘涨约0.75%至29.610美元/盎司。

COMEX recorded an increase of approximately 0.67 per cent to $2344.6 per ounce in August and a rise of approximately 0.75 per cent to $29.610 per ounce in July in July.


With the release of retail data from the United States, spot gold rose slightly. Cash gold rose by up to $23, or 1 per cent, to $2330. Cash silver rose by up to 2.2 per cent.



According to the analysis, weak retail sales data reinforce interest-reduction expectations, dollar-dollar debt yields are falling, providing room for upwards in gold prices, and lower interest rates reduce the opportunity cost of holding interest-free gold. Moreover, an annual survey of central banks conducted by the World Gold Association shows that the dollar’s pessimism is rife, with the global central bank’s willingness to increase gold this year to a new five-year high.

此外,高盛分析师Daan Struyven和Lina Thomas周二发布报告称,黄金多头头寸能够对冲通胀风险,推荐黄金作为美国大选期间抵御通胀的工具。黄金为抵御央行信誉损失和地缘政治供应冲击导致的极高通胀提供了最佳保护。由于新兴市场国家央行和亚洲家庭需求稳健,基准情境是年底前金价将升至每盎司2700美元。

Moreover, Gold provides the best protection against high inflation caused by the loss of central bank credibility and geopolitical supply shocks. Given the robust needs of emerging-market central banks and Asian households, the benchmark scenario is that gold prices will rise to $2,700 per ounce by the end of the year.


London industrial basic metals rise and fall:


The economic wind showed a small increase of $6, or $9,672 per ton, to the “Dr. Copper”. Lon Aluminium fell by $15, or $2486 per ton. Lun Zinc increased by $22, or $2838 per ton. Lun Lead increased by $36, or nearly 1.67 per cent, or $2192 per ton. Lenci fell by $4, or $32144 per ton.

据报道,英美公司智利Los Bronces矿场的铜矿产量将于2025年下滑30%。且伦敦金属交易所(LME)期货与期权持仓周报显示,投机者所持LME铝净多头头寸减少4272手至129167手合约,创逾11周新低。

It has been reported that the volume of copper from the American and British company Los Bronces mine in Chile will decline by 30 per cent in 2025, and that the London Metals Exchange (LME) weekly report on futures and options shows that speculators have reduced their net multiple positions in LME by between 4272 and 129167, creating a new low of more than 11 weeks.


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