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Original title: 100-degree search using block chain technology. Will copyright issues be effectively resolved?


“The block chain is a relatively broadly applied technology, and more and more valuable cases may be seen in the industries of traceability, forgery prevention, commerce, retail etc.”


This view has been heard more or less, but there is no understanding of the application of block chain technology when it lands on the ground, especially in large corporate systems.


Following the publication of a series of block chain plans, which were launched in April, the first block chain project – Totem – which is a photo copyright project that can be used by both institutions and ordinary users – has recently been launched in 100 degrees. 100 degrees claim that totem is based on a combination of block chains, artificial intelligence, and a combination of three core technologies for big data.


According to official sources, on the basis of block chain technology, 100-degree totem has developed a copyright record system that provides a “certificate of existence” with a clear time mark for content works, and authorized flow information on original content works is recorded.


Block chain technology has also been applied in the 100-degree totem one-stop online rights system, which can be understood as a self-help detection system for artificial intelligence plus big data, which will take evidence of the violation online and record it in the block chain once the violation has been detected.

百度提到,借助于人工智能和大数据技术打造的版权检测系统覆盖了全网千亿规模的数据,识别的准确率超过99% ,可以全天候运行,“万张图片最快2小时产出版权检测报告。”

In 100 degrees, it is mentioned that the copyright detection system, built with artificial intelligence and big data technology, covers data of 100 billion sizes across the Internet, identifying an accuracy rate of more than 99 per cent, which can be run 24 hours a day, “the fastest two-hour copyright detection report for thousands of pictures”.


Industry is generally of the view that there will be more applications for AI+GDR block chain technology. For 100-degree search, with regard to the vertical field of image detection and search, computer visual technology can access images on the Internet more quickly than user self-help, while block chain technology helps original images “uplink copyrighted”. Artificial intelligence technology relies on big data to magnify the value of Internet data, while block chain technology helps artificial intelligence to build trust between different data.


The 100-degree totem project is based on the 100-degree superchain that was launched in June. The 100-degree superchain says it can be 100 thousand TPS, and the totem is the first open-cut photo copyright project. In the 100-degree totem scenario, copyright-related information, such as content content content, content references, content transactions, etc., is built on a distributed system, while the copyright chain nodes are set up in content copyright agencies, rights agencies, and content platforms - content providers submit autonomous ownership images to 100-degree totem, which protects the content of the right.


In short, the copyright belongs to you, providing a certain number of “evidence proofs of existence”, when a photo platform agency, or an individual, can use 100 degrees to upload their copyrighted works to confirm their content.


On the basis of a 100-degree distributed storage system, content with digital records also circulates within the 100-degree search system. Artificial intelligence automatically captures web addresses using this image to detect and record, gives the name of the copyrighter in the corresponding search results, gives more exposure to the copyright owner, and regulates questions of references to copyright content, or makes transactions with copyright content - all transactional information is chained up and permanently preserved.


In order to encourage such behaviour, the 100-degree totem also provides incentives - to create totem credits. In order to reward users for uploading images, the totem credits will be able to convert the interests associated with the totem project and, in the future, more digital rights within the 100-degree system.


The head of 100-degree totem said that totem would also be open to more original content areas, such as pictures, text, videos, audio, and wider distribution channels, such as the 100-degree search for bear palms, information streams (including short videos), Aichi culture, and so on. 100-degree publication, the 100-totem has been introduced to include visual China, high-quality images, images, sharp scenes, images, letters, joint trust and · time stamping, easy, fast copyright, photo platforms such as halibut, and copyright institutions.


In fact, a number of copyright disputes are largely reflected in legal proceedings.


PingWest (Publicity No. Wepingwest) consulted in situ on the legal effects of the “evidence of existence” associated with block chain technology. Is the digital record of block chain equivalent to having legal effect?


A 100-degree field staff member who demonstrated the Totem project played with PingWest, saying that “there are already cases in which block chain digitalization is used as supporting proof of existence”.


The Daily Economic News just reported on an incident in July in which “the legal effect of the block chain electronic record was first confirmed by the Hang County Internet Court.” In this case, evidence based on the block chain digital record was accepted by the court – the plaintiff submitted a series of evidence at the litigation stage, using the third-party record platform (preserve network, etc.), automatic tort page grabs and tort page source identification, and calculated these two elements and compressed packages, such as call logs, as Hashi values, to be uploaded into the Fedom block chain and into the Bitcoin block chain.


The judgement of the Hangzhou Internet Court states that “As a civil subject independent of the parties, the company operates a secure network that is in compliance with the law as a third-party record-keeping platform, preserves electronic data such as fixed torts by means of a more credible Google open-source process, and the technical means by which the target web page is captured to form a cross-checking webcam, source information, call log that clearly reflects the source, generation and transmission path of the data, the resulting electronic data should be found to be reliable. At the same time, the preservation network has secured the above-mentioned electronic data using block chain technologies that meet the relevant criteria, ensuring the integrity of the electronic data.


In the case, the block chain digital recorder is used to support the plaintiff’s statement as a tripartite aid to the “evidence of existence.” In the 100-degree totem project, one more question that people would prefer to ask is how to prove that “the copyright initially uploaded by the user is the user.”


Analysis suggests that the legal effect of digital record-keeping in block chains remains dependent on the relevant copyright institutions. Block chain technology helps record transactions and cannot be tampered with, but data from national copyright authorities are still needed to establish a database of rights of certainty.


In an interview with the media, the head of the 100-degree totem said that “with the cleaning of the copyright environment in society as a whole and the raising of copyright awareness, there has been a marked increase in the number of registrations of original creations, and the existing forms of registration of copyrights by national copyright authorities have proved difficult to meet the surge in demand”.


We looked into the 100-degree totem project and found that it was in the public domain in April this year. Interestingly, the 100-degree copyright project totem, which is based on block chain technology, was launched on the official line just after the 100-degree copyright case with the "Oriental IC" library, adding a certain amount of “screaming” to it.


On July 12, the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing, awarded 210,000 damages for violating the copyright of 76 images of “Oriental IC” on the 100-Power mobile phone and the Hao-123 information page, followed by a 100-degree appeal against &quat; Orient IC" and the denial of &quat; extortion.” The analysis suggests that the 100-degree totem project would also help solve the problem of original graphics of the products under the 100-degree flag.


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