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Block chain technology guides the return of journalism to news values


For the press, the decentralized and non-manufacturing attributes of the block chain offer a new possibility for the press to remove commercial and political influence and control.



Abstract: The principle of “distributed booking” of block chain technology offers a new possibility for the realization and management of journalism. Block chain technology can also have far-reaching implications for journalism in terms of the characteristics of the block chain itself and the current application of some of the news platforms to block chain technology. This paper will begin with the technical support that the block chain can provide.

区块链的英文是Blockchain,字面上的意思就是(数据)块的链。区块链技术,指的就是多个参与方之间基于现代密码学、分布式一致性协议、点对点网络通信技术和智能合约编程语言等形成的数据交换、处理和存储的技术组合。[ 邹均.区块链技术指南[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2016:70] 近些年来被炒的火热的比特币,也就是世界上第一个区块链。

The block chain is in the English language of Blockchain, which literally means (data) the chain of blocks. The block chain technology refers to the combination of data exchange, processing and storage technology between multiple participants based on modern cryptography, distributed consistency protocols, point-to-point network communication technologies and smart contract programming languages. [Zao-Kun. The technical guide to the block chain [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industries Press, 2016:70] The hot bitcoin, the first block chain in the world, has been fired in recent years.


For the press, the decentralized and non-frozen attributes of the block chain offer a new possibility for the press to remove commercial and political influence and control. At the same time, with the development of digital technology, the pattern of production and dissemination of content products has changed dramatically, with the digitization of media products and the gradual development of user-paying habits, allowing block chain technology to help content copyright to further stimulate the enthusiasm of creators and even generate new media profit models.


I. The technical rationale and implications of the block chain


(i) Technical principles of the block chain

自2008年首次被提出以来,区块链技术在短短的十年间经历了快速的发展与应用。区块链具有去中心化、时序数据、集体维护、可编程和安全可信等特点[ 袁勇,王飞跃. 区块链技术发展现状与展望[J].自动化学报2016(4).],其能够通过运用数据加密、时间戳、分布式共识和经济激励等手段,在节点无需互相信任的分布式系统中实现基于去中心化信用的点对点交易、协调与协作,从而为解决中心化机构普遍存在的高成本、低效率和数据存储不安全等问题提供了解决方案。[ 袁勇,王飞跃. 区块链技术发展现状与展望[J].自动化学报2016(4).]应该说,区块链本质上是一个分布式的“公共账本”,通过各个节点对于信息及信息加工的成本的记录与证明的方式,来确保这个工作量能够得到完整的记录。由于账本由各个节点共同记录,所以其具备了去中心化和不可篡改的属性。

Since it was first introduced in 2008, block chain technology has undergone rapid development and application in a short period of 10 years. The block chain has the characteristics of decentralization, time-series data, collective maintenance, programmable and security credibility [Yon Yong, Wang Fjing]. The current state of technology development and outlook [J]. Automatic Chemical Journal 2016 (4).], which is capable of achieving decentralized point-to-point transactions, coordination and collaboration in a distributed system without mutual trust at nodes, thus providing solutions to the high costs, inefficiency, and insecurity in data storage prevalent in centralized institutions.[Yuyong, Wang Flying...] The status and outlook for technological development of the block chain [J]. Automated Chemical Bulletin 2016 (4).] should state that the block chain is essentially a distributed “public account” that ensures that the workload is fully documented through documentation and documentation of the costs of information and information processing at all nodes.

具体来说,区块链即是去中心化系统各节点共享的数据账本。每个分布式节点都可以通过特定的哈希算法和Merkle 树数据结构,将一段时间内接收到的交易数据和代码封装到一个带有时间戳的数据区块中,并链接到当前最长的主区块链上,形成最新的区块。[ 袁勇,王飞跃. 区块链技术发展现状与展望[J].自动化学报2016(4).]也就是说,在整个区块链上,每一个节点都保存着整个区块链的全部数据信息,只要区块接到了链上,就像一个巢室连接到了蜂巢上,如果有一个巢室消失或是有过变动,都能够为其他巢室所察觉。区块链所具备的数据架构使得每一个区块都对整个区块有记录、管理和监督的能力,整个区块链中不受某一个核心的区块支配,体现出区块链的去中心化、不可篡改的属性。

Specifically, the block chain is a data book shared by the nodes of the decentralised system. Each distributed node may contain the entire data information of the entire block chain through a specific Hashi algorithm and Merkle tree data structure over a period of time, encapsulating the transaction data and codes received into a data block with a time stamp, and linking it to the current longest main block chain, forming the most up-to-date block. [Yon Yong, Wang Flying...] The data structure of the block chain allows each block to have record-keeping, management and monitoring capabilities throughout the block, not being dominated by a central block in the entire block chain, reflecting the centralization of the block chain and non-reformable attributes.


(ii) Impact of block chains


Unlike traditional transactions that depend on a platform and medium, the birth of a block chain means the beginning of a new value-building transmission network. One undeniable trend in society today is the increasing acceptance of Internet consumption for information and entertainment, and the constant transfer of human wealth to the Internet. Block chain technology makes it possible for the Internet to transmit value as quickly as it does. In a block chain, values are expressed in tokens, and the flow of contemporary coins is reliable, and the new ecology is established on a block-chain platform. By way of example, a content platform, A, which uses a block chain, issues currency T, rewards content producers to produce content on the platform. As content products on platform A increase, it also attracts more users, the greater the number of users, the greater the consumption of money T, and its corresponding value, which will attract more content producers, and this is a positive cycle that allows the generation of coins to develop ecological effects.

目前区块链的火热,在很大程度上是由于区块链自身与数字货币紧密的关系,跟随着过度火热的数字资产的投机炒作造成的。当前,区块链这一技术还尚不成熟,整个完成的业态也没有能够形成,这也就说明我们对于区块链技术在新闻业的应用能力也尚在讨论与尝试的阶段。但是,区块链为实现CPSS (Cyber-physical-social systems)平行社会提供了基础架构为分布式社会系统和分布式人工智能研究提供了一套行之有效的去中心化的数据结构、交互机制和计算模式,并为实现平行社会奠定了坚实的数据基础和信用基础。[ 袁勇,王飞跃. 区块链技术发展现状与展望[J].自动化学报2016(4).]也就是说,区块链技术是可以切实做到“数据民主”的,在新闻业目前已经全面被“大数据”覆盖的今天,能够做到“数据民主”,就能够在很大程度上保证新闻的真实性与准确性。从这个角度上看,区块链技术对于新闻业的发展能够发挥很大的积极作用。

The current hotness of the block chain is due in large part to its own close relationship to digital money, and to speculation about digital assets as the block chain is overheated. The technology is still immature, and the whole of the completed industry has not been able to form, indicating that we are still in the process of discussing and attempting to apply the block chain technology to the news industry. However, the infrastructure for achieving the parallel community of the CSS (Cyber-physical-social systems) provides a useful set of decentralised data structures, interactive mechanisms, and calculation models for distributed social systems and distributed artificial intelligence research, as well as a solid data base and credit base for the achievement of parallel societies.


II. Impact of block chains on public information production


With the use of mobile Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, VR/AR, and other technologies in the media industry, the production and consumption of news has changed dramatically, and traditional news platforms have been hit. According to a study by the Pew Research Center in the United States in 2017 of 4971 adults in the United States, 67% of respondents have access to news through social media; in China, 70.2% of respondents have indicated that they have access to news through social platforms, after 87.2% of news clients/sites, far more than 41.4% of television and 27.3% of newspapers.

在传统媒体容易被视作政治和商业势力所控制的视角下,社交媒体似乎被人们视作能够提供多元化,第一手新闻资讯的新闻平台。也有研究者也曾指出,社交媒体上的主角是用户,而不是网站的运营者。但随着大数据技术的成熟,算法机制已经普遍为各大新闻客户端及社交媒体所采用,社交媒体自身也拥有了普通用户难以企及的传播能力。在2016年的美国大选中,“过滤气泡现象”(Filter Bubble)和“回声室效应”(Echo Chamber)这两种因算法机制造成的传播效果提醒着我们,社交媒体提供的新闻也不如我们想象那般全面与真实。同时,社交媒体传播信息的便捷与低门槛的属性也给虚假新闻和谣言的传播提供了方便。区块链所具备的去中心化和不可更改的属性,正可以用来帮助新闻业摆脱商业、政治和虚假消息的困扰,重树新闻业真实性的标杆。

But, as the big data technology matures, the algorithms are generally used by major news clients and social media, and social media themselves have an unattainable ability to communicate. In the 2016 United States general election, the “filtration bubbles” (Filter Bubble) and “Echo Chambers effect” (Echo Chambers) are two of the transmission effects of algorithmic mechanisms that serve to remind us that social media are not as comprehensive and authentic as we think they are.


(i) Block chain technology has contributed to the emergence of a new information platform

对于新闻业而言,想要完全摆脱政治和商业对于新闻真实性的影响,就需要建立起新的内容生产激励机制,尽可能的消除商业主义对于新闻专业主义的侵蚀。因为商业主义并不仅仅通过直接的金钱交易影响着新闻的真实性,商业主义话语还倾向于将那些不能够帮助媒体机构实现商业利润或未必能为媒体机构带来明朗商业前景的一切行为定义为“不明智的”[ 李艳红、陈鹏.“商业主义”统合与“专业主义”离场:数字化背景下中国新闻业转型的话语形构及其构成作用[J].国际新闻界.2016(9).],这更加使得部分新闻工作者在实践中,将利益的最大化作为了考量新闻价值的第一因素,削弱了新闻的公共性因素。

For the press, a complete exit from the influence of politics and commerce on the authenticity of news requires the creation of new content-production incentives to eliminate, as far as possible, the erosion of commercialism on journalism professionalism. Since commercialism does not affect the authenticity of news only through direct monetary transactions, commercialism also tends to define all acts that do not help media institutions to achieve commercial profits or that do not necessarily provide clear business prospects for media institutions as “unwise” [Li Yinghong, Chen Peng, “commercialism” in combination with “professionalism” out of the field: the rhetoric of the transformation of the Chinese press in the context of digitalization and its constitutive role [J]. The international press.

使用了区块链技术的新闻平台则可以使用代币和匿名性来重建其一种新的激励机制。以一家名叫Decentralized News Network(DNN)的新闻网站为例,通过使用区块链技术,其利用代币和匿名性重建起了一种新的激励模式。与当下的社交媒体平台的新闻生产者依靠点击率来获取经济利益不同,使用了区块链技术的DNN让使用平台的所有人都为真实和客观来服务,并从中来获得代币收益。在DNN上,任何人都可以提供新闻报道,但必须先使用DNN代币来购买写作权。当作者的提交的内容被审查、确定真实性并发表以后,创作者才可以收回自己的代币,并将根据文章所产生的点击量获得额外的代币奖励。同样的,进行审查的用户也需要提供代币进行抵押,任何用户都可以“出价”来申请审查一篇文章,7个出价最高的竞标者将会共同负责对这篇文章的审查,他们将根据DNN的编辑指南对文章的真实性进行评估,并提出自己的意见。当文章获得了明显的多数票的时候,文章将会被自动发表,评审员也将能够获得一定的代币来奖励其所付出的工作。同样的,读者也可以通过评论或参加相关的活动来获得代币。

In DNN, for example, anyone can provide news coverage, but must first use DNN in order to buy the right to write. The author will be able to recover his or her currency on the basis of the number of hits generated by the current social media platform. Similarly, users who review the platform need to provide collateral for real and objective use of the platform, with any user receiving a “price” to apply for a review of an article, and seven of the highest bidder will be jointly responsible for reviewing the article, whose content will be reviewed, authenticated and published.


Since the platform operates through the Ether block chain, the value of DNN tokens is directly linked to that of the Ether, which is also sufficiently attractive to users of the platform.


As can be seen from DNN’s use of block-chain technology, the information platform using block-chains does not deny the commercial value of news, but eliminates the direct commercial control of news at the back. The attributes of real-time and decentralized bookkeeping achieved by block-chains provide a better guarantee of the authenticity of news. While social media appear neutral, acting as a platform for the production and sharing of user news, they actually have data for the entire platform. In this way, unequal information resources give room for false information and business interests, are affected by capital, non-public topics and views are rapidly disseminated, a “agenda” for news readers is created, and the dissemination of public information is disrupted.


At the same time, the multiplicity of technologies in block chains, both documented and non-manufactured, makes it difficult for news to be edited again after production. Everyone familiar with the news industry knows that today’s news is tomorrow’s history. At a time when the media industry is monopolized by major business tycoons, block chain technology gives the public the hope that the future “historic” will not be altered by politics and capital.


(ii) Block chain technology to guide the return of journalism to news values

移动互联网的发展让职业新闻主体以外的社会民众个体也能够参与到新闻生产中去,在以社交媒体为主体的社交平台上自由的进行新闻传播。有学者使用“脱媒主体”一词,来指代曾经主要依赖职业新闻传播组织主体实现自己的新闻传播需求的组织或群体,在“后新闻业时代”开启后,自建媒体,特别是自建以互联网基础的新媒体,超越了原来完全依赖职业新闻组织主体的状态,开始实现比较自由自主的、以自身为核心内容对象的新闻生产与传播现象[ 杨保军.“脱媒主体”:结构新闻传播图景的新主体[J].国际新闻界.2015(7).]。“脱媒主体”的形成改变了传统新闻传播的模式,打破了传统媒体独享话语权的状态,其在新闻报道上视角的多样性与即时性使得其伴随着移动互联网取得了快速的发展,对传统媒体也构成了强有力的冲击,甚至在一定程度上影响和改变了目前职业新闻传播组织主体的生存法则或运行方式[ 杨保军.“脱媒主体”:结构新闻传播图景的新主体[J].国际新闻界.2015(7).]。

The development of the mobile Internet has enabled individuals in society other than professional news media to participate in the production and free dissemination of information on social platforms where social media is the main subject. The term “dismediate subjects” has been used by scholars to refer to organizations or groups that used to rely primarily on the subjects of professional news organizations for their own information dissemination needs. After the “post-press era”, the formation of “dismediate media”, especially new media based on the Internet, has broken the traditional media's monopoly of speech power, the diversity and instantaneous nature of their news coverage, which has been accompanied by a rapid development of the mobile Internet, has had a strong impact on the traditional media, and even to some extent has affected and changed the way in which the current media organizations survive or operate. [J.2015 (7)]

但是,目前状态下所谓“脱媒主体”脱的“媒”,只是狭义上的“媒”——传统媒体。离开了传统媒体这一个“媒”,想要进行内容创作并获利生存,“脱媒主体”还得寻找新的“媒”。但具备有较大影响力的新媒体平台,不仅屈指可数,同时在内容创作传播上也有其固有的传播与盈利规则。由此不难发现,脱离了传统媒体的平台并不就意味着“脱媒主体”摆脱“媒”的制约,回归了到新闻的专业主义上,也不意味这新闻价值在新媒体平台上就能更好地得到体现。在职业新闻组织主体由于种种原因达不到公众所期望的真实、客观、准确、及时等标准时,“脱媒主体”所创办的自媒体奉行着小组织、小群体的理念细化媒介市场,获得了大量的读者。但“脱媒主体”也需要盈利与发展,其本质上追求的是宣传效果、广告效果、公关效果,它采用的更多的也是偏向宣传、广告、公关的手段和方法[ 杨保军.“脱媒主体”:结构新闻传播图景的新主体[J].国际新闻界.2015(7).]。

However, the so-called “media” of “dismediate subjects” in the current state of affairs is merely a “media” in the narrow sense of the term: traditional media. Leaving the traditional media as a “media” for content creation and survival, “dismediars” have to look for new media. But there are new media platforms with greater influence, not only limited in number, but also inherent rules of communication and profit in content creation. It is not difficult to find that “dismediate” platforms do not mean that they are free from the “media” and return to the professionalism of journalism, and that they do not mean that the news values are better reflected in the new media platforms. The “dismedia” created by professional news organizations, for a variety of reasons, do not meet the standards of truth, objectivity, accuracy, timeliness, etc.

无论是传统媒体,还是现在“脱媒主体”所进入的新媒体,其在经营过程都受着商业逻辑的羁绊与纠缠。因为新闻业的实践并不仅仅需要遵从的是新闻价值,也需要受到自身经营管理的压力,这两者往往有着相互冲突而矛盾的地方。这种经济上的压力,会不自觉的转移到媒体记者的工作生活中去。在一项对于记者职业认同感的调查中,在被问及“影响工作积极性的因素”时,有71.1%的青年新闻从业者表示是“薪酬”[ 赵云泽.记者职业地位的陨落:“自我认同”的贬斥与“社会认同”的错位[J].国际新闻界.2014(12).],可见商业逻辑对于新闻业的冲击。

In a survey of the professional identity of journalists, 71.1 per cent of young journalists who are asked about “factors affecting their motivation” say that they are “paying” [Zhoyunze]. The professional status of journalists is “self-identification” and “social identity” is a misalignment [J]. International press. 2014 (12).


Smart contracts for block-chain technology can put the news industry back on a news-value-led track. A large part of the media management can be left to block-chain technology, because every user on the block chain has access to information, so that both advertising and payments for copyright protection and author pay can be made more directly, and the value of news becomes the biggest factor that news organizations or individuals need to take into account for profit.


By way of example, in the present time, the media or platforms need to create a large advertising sector, even with a variety of marketing tools and methods, to maximize profitability. With smart contracts supported by block-chain technology, advertising fees can be issued directly on the basis of the dissemination effects of the news, and since all users in the block chain have access to information, traditional advertisers or platforms (the “media”) have been disrupted and more power given to producers and readers of news. Since all data on the block chain are inexorable, the costs of verifying advertising dissemination have been minimized, and distributors and advertisers can trade without having to pass through third parties.


At the same time, smart contracts using block chain technology protect copyrights and help content producers maintain a high level of enthusiasm for creation. In a study, the Berkeley Institute for Creative Business noted that “20-50% of music payments do not constitute the legal income of creators.” On block chains, the value of intermediaries between content producers and consumers is minimized, content can be issued and priced directly by content producers, and an open-source content distribution platform based on block chain networks, DECENT, creates a Web 3.0 platform based on block chain technology, where content creators can, after autonomous pricing, “sell” their work to users, without middlemen, and is not bound by third parties.



(figure I)


At the same time, as all information is recorded in real time, it becomes clear and simple to track content violations. In March 2017, a platform called “The Family” was launched to provide a range of services, including copyright registration, copyright search, copyright trading, tort reporting, and advocacy.


III. The operation of new digital media assets that are technologically supportive of block chains

传统意义上来说,报纸媒体数字资产指的是报业机构在经营、生产过程中积累的、有价值的各种数字化的信息和内容,包括稿件、网页、图片等用于出版或服务的数字内容[ 范世清.报纸媒体数字资产开发利用的现实背景分析[J].当代传播.2009(5).]。随着传媒内容不断地向互联网的转移,传媒产品已经普遍具备有数字资产的形态。但是,尽管全球的媒体数字资产数量庞大,需求者众多,但存在着的整个市场缺乏透明而公正的数据和资产交换基础;不同用户对于资产的价值缺乏认同;社会交易成本高;版权侵权严重等问题,严重制约着媒体数字资产的交易与发展。

In the traditional sense, print media digital assets refer to a variety of digital information and content of value accumulated by the press in the course of their operation and production, including manuscripts, web pages, pictures, etc., which are used for publishing or servicing [Francial Shiqing]. Realistic background analysis of digital asset development in newspapers and media [J]. Contemporary dissemination. 2009 (5). As media content continues to be transferred to the Internet, media products are widely available in digital form.

区块链技术由于可以实时记录内容交易双方的所有交易信息,通过区块链交易系统的去中心化特征,保证一个全网络定时刷新记账系统的建立,每一次交易都由于具备有唯一的时间标记,就能够最大限度地减少传媒资本交易的欺骗,减少交易的中间成本[ 李政道,任晓聪.区块链对互联网金融的影响探析及未来展望.[J].技术经济与管理研究.2016(10).]。通过解决了中介信用这一问题,区块链技术可能开传出一种直接的点对点的媒体数字资产运营模式,使得媒体运营更加简单,同时进一步促进用户对于内容付费的热情。

Block chain technology, which allows real-time recording of all transactional information on both parties to the content transaction, through the decentralised features of the block chain trading system, ensures the establishment of a network-wide time-to-date accounting system, each with a unique time mark, minimizes the fraud of media capital trading, reduces the intermediate cost of the transaction [Li Jingdao, Xiaoxing. Block chain exploration and future outlook on Internet finance.[J]. Technology economy and management research.2016(10). By addressing the issue of intermediary credit, block chain technology may generate a direct point-to-point model for the operation of media digital assets, making media operations simpler, while further promoting user enthusiasm for content payments.


(1) Protection of copyright for media digital assets by block chain technology

根据《2017年自媒体行业版权报告》,在微信公众号上,投诉侵犯内容版权的处理率仅为12%。使用了区块链技术的技术智能合约技术则能够对于作者的版权给予充分的保护。内容生产者可以自主地规定自己作品的免费使用权限和付费使用需要的价格。当前内容产品版权难以受到保护的一大原因就是著作权受到侵害后,原告要进行诉讼却不易轻易确定侵权主体,因为侵权者往往使用的是网名,网名作为虚拟主体,无法成为诉讼的被告 。

According to the Report on Copyright in the Media Industry of 2017, only 12% of content copyrights are dealt with on Twitter. Technology-intelligent contracts using block-chain technologies provide adequate protection for authors’ copyrights. Content producers are free to set free access rights to their works and the price required for their use at a fee. One of the main reasons why copyright protection for content products is currently difficult is that, after copyright has been violated, it is not easy for plaintiffs to easily identify the subject of the infringement, since the infringer often uses an online name, which is a virtual subject and cannot be the defendant of the suit.

区块链技术首先能够对于媒体资产的数字版权进行充分的保护,通过使用数字签名(ECDSA)和哈希算法对传媒作品版权进行精准跟踪,从确权、用权、维权三个角度来对传媒作品的流传进行记录。[ 李鹏飞.基于区块链技术的媒介融合路径探索[J].新闻记者.2017(15).]与传统版权的登记周期长,版权登记费偏高不同,通过区块链技术上传的数字资产可以在添加了内容信息后存储在区块里,作者被赋予一个唯一的证书。

Block chain technology can, first and foremost, provide adequate protection for digital copyrights of media assets by using digital signatures (EDCSA) and Hashi algorithms for accurate follow-up of copyrights for media works, recording the circulation of media works from the point of view of certainty, access, and rights. [Li Peng Fei. The media integration path, based on block chain technology, explores [J]. Journalists.2017 (15).] is a long registration cycle with a high copyright registration fee, and digital assets transmitted technically through block chains can be stored in blocks after adding content information and the author is given a unique certificate.


Since the data on the block chain are inexorable, once the work is uploaded, no one can change it, which will also guarantee the author’s right to provide proof of originality of the work. Media digital assets, including text, pictures, music, video, etc., can use this method to protect their copyrights.


(2) Block chain technology to enhance the “long tail effect” of media digital asset sales


As media patterns evolve, the “long-tailing effect” of digital asset sales in the media presents a growing trend. The “long-tailoring effect” should be said to imply a plurality of media digital assets, with a positive impact on the media digital industry’s ability to counter external risks and enrich the internal structure of the industry.

根据提出“长尾”这一理论的美国《连线》杂志主编克里斯·安德森所述,“长尾”的出现一般与三种因素直接相关:一是某一中生产工具的升级,让内容增多,“长尾”更长;第二是降低传播工具的成本,即让获得内容产品的途径更多;第三是连接供给与需求,让消费者接受更多的新产品,推动需求曲线右移,提升利基产品的销售总额[ 克里斯·安德森.长尾理论[M].中信出版社,2012:48.]。区块链技术的出现将可能从第一和第三种因素影响媒体数字资产的销售,使其“长尾”更加明显。

According to Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of the “Long tail” theory in the United States, the emergence of the “Long tail” is generally directly related to three factors: first, the upgrading of a medium of production, which increases content, and longer “Longtails”; secondly, the lowering of the cost of a dissemination tool, which allows more access to content products; and thirdly, the linking of supply to demand, allowing consumers to accept more new products, pushing demand curves to shift to the right, and raising the total sales of Literary products [Chris Anderson. Longtail theory [M]. The emergence of block chain technology may affect the sale of media digital assets from the first and third factors, making it “longtails” more visible.


Block chain technology may, in the first place, diversify media production, which may no longer be as resource-intensive as it currently is because of the real-time accounting and decentralization features. In this case, the television, film, and photo industries are largely concentrated in large companies or enterprises.


By recording the flow of funds in real time, block-chain technology effectively addresses the risks associated with credit deficits. The media industry can also create a “black list” and “white list” system for individuals and organizations.


At the end of the sales end, the factual record of the use of block chain technology can make content consumption easier, enhance user autonomy in the use of block chains, make payments more detailed and precise, avoid wasteful membership and individual purchases of content products, and make content-based payments more acceptable to users.


While the sales of digital media assets are also increasing at this time, the development of content payments is still constrained by a single model of product purchases, and the lack of simplicity of payment patterns. By recording all user views, block-chain technologies can charge fees based on the number of content products consumed by users, exempting them from expensive intermediary platforms and complex profit distribution processes.


IV. Depressive effects of block chain technology on false information


In the age of the Internet, the emergence of new media and the further development of communication technologies have increased the speed of the flow of information and, at the same time, have further accelerated the spread of false information, with the potential for more intense social panic and negative effects.

根据数据统计公司Statista做的一个统计,2016年美国大选期间Facebook上的五大谣言包括“教皇支持特朗普”、“维基解密曝光希拉里卖军火给ISIS”、“希拉里完了:她有关ISIS邮件曝光,恶劣程度超乎所有人想象”、“根据法律:希拉里无资格担任联邦公职” 和“希拉里邮件门爆料人被暗杀”[ 房越悦. Facebook新上线的谣言审核机制,怎么似曾相识[EB/OL].https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/568155.htm]。可以发现,前五条虚假信息均是对特朗普有利,有用户开始怀疑是否幕后有人故意制造虚假信息来控制民意。

According to a statistical firm, Statista, five major rumours on Facebook during the 2016 United States elections included “Pop for Trump”, “Vicilón exposes Hilary selling arms to ISIS”, “Hilari is finished: her ISIS email was exposed to a greater extent than anyone would have imagined”, “according to the law: Hilary is not eligible for federal public office” and “Helary's e-mail blaster was assassinated” [The more happy the house is that Facebook's new-line rumour review mechanism seems to be familiar with [EB/OL]. https://www.cmbeta.com/articles/tech/5685.htm]. It can be found that the first five false messages were beneficial to Trump, and that users began to wonder if someone had deliberately created false information to control public opinion after the scene.


While Facebook also uses a range of tools, including whistle-blowing, third-party vetting, alerting to share, to curb the proliferation of false information, none of these designs, given the complexity of the dissemination of false information and the diversity of social networks, can identify the root causes of false information or effectively eliminate it.


Block chain technology can act as a barrier to the dissemination of false information in two ways. The first is described in the first part of the previous section, which uses the decentralized nature of the block chain to create a new information platform that will create a new mechanism for censorship of citizen news through anonymous censorship and a token incentive.

还有一种做法就是利用区块链技术,对用户信用进行评分。通过引入智能合约设计的机制,根据社交媒体用户的发言的真实性级权威性情况,对社交媒体中的每个成员分配虚拟的信用积分。在最近的一项由华盛顿大学的Chen Yize进行相关实验已经显示,通过上述的举措可以让区块链技术下的用户在判别信息的真实性时更加谨慎,仿真的结果表明,该方法能够有效减少因虚假信息造成的社会和经济损失[ Chen Yezi. Towards Trusted Social Networks with Blockchain Technology[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.02796.]。

Another approach is to use block chain technology to rate users’ credit. By introducing mechanisms for the design of smart contracts, virtual credit credits are allocated to each member of social media based on the true authority of social media users’ statements. A recent experiment conducted by Chen Yize of Washington University has shown that users of block chain technologies can be more cautious in diagnosing the authenticity of information, and this approach has been shown to be effective in reducing social and economic losses resulting from false information [Cen Yezi. Towards Trusted Social Networks with Blockchain Technology [J]. arxiv preprint armXiv:1801.02796.].


Both methods are essentially a re-engineering of journalism's real-life verification tools, unlike the one that is preceded by a direct assessment of the authenticity of the information, which is directed towards the person who transmits the information. The method used in block-to-point design allows data to be recorded in real time and disseminated to other nodes, guaranteeing comprehensiveness and accuracy of the information to be judged, making the diagnosis of the authenticity of the information more comprehensive and objective, and ensuring that the press is protected from false information.


V. Major difficulties in the application of block chain technology to journalism


Block-chain technology, as a subversive technology, is of great importance to society, and the press can also use its real-life poles. But we also see that the block-chain technology is still at an early stage of development, and that there are a number of challenges that await its practical application to the news industry.


(1) Establishment of verification mechanisms to ensure real-time and professional press coverage


In practical application, one of the major roles of block-chain technology in journalism is to ensure the authenticity of news. At present, however, the coverage of news platforms using block-chain technology is limited, especially in current news stories, and it has not been possible to introduce block-chain technology to ensure the authenticity of news.


This is due to bottlenecks in the computing capacity and speed of response of the block chain. At present, the block chain has a higher demand for database capacity and bandwidth and a slower rate of calculation.

同时,对于一些专业的新闻报道的评价并不是非专业人士能够完成的,有学者指出,在人人成为记者的网络时代,新闻场域的专业门槛并没有消失,而这正是新闻专业主义的内核之一[ 吴飞.新媒体革了新闻专业主义的命?——公民新闻运动与专业新闻人的责任[J].新闻记者.2013(3).]。在面对一些专业性较强的新闻报道时,并不是每一位读者都有足够的专业能力来审核该文章的真实性如何,用户很可能因为刻板印象或是认识的缺失造成审核的偏差。所以,在设计匿名评审机制上,如何使得专业性较强的报道得到专业的“评审员”的评判,也应该成为区块链技术应用到新闻业时必须思考的问题。

At the same time, some professional journalism is not evaluated by lay people, and scholars point out that the professional threshold of the news field has not disappeared in the age of everyone becoming a journalist, and that this is one of the inner cores of journalism professionalism [U-Fi. The new media changed the life of journalism professionalism? — the responsibility of citizen news movements and professional journalists [J]. Journalists.2013(3).] In the face of more professional journalism, not every reader has sufficient expertise to examine the authenticity of the article, and users are likely to be misinformed by stereotypes or lack of awareness.


(2) How to build user confidence in block chain technology


Although the well-funded block chain technology is hot, even in the investment sector, there is a general lack of public awareness of block chain technology, which poses a number of risks for the use of journalism. First, many people in the industry now believe that there is a huge bubble in digital money markets, such as Bitcoin, and that, once the bubble breaks down, the user’s suspicions about block chain technology can be a major blow to the application.


At the same time, the greater the number of users on the block chain and the greater the amount of information available, the greater the value of this block chain technology platform. So, a major problem is how to convince users to participate in the same platform as a news platform for all technologies using the block chain.


(3) Resistance from traditional institutions, policy regulation

从目前对于区块链的成功应用上来看,越是新兴的,没有形成明显壁垒的产业,对于区块链技术的应用更加顺利。如来自澳洲的能源区块链项目Power Ledger,其通过ICO募集到了1.64亿人民币,获得了1.5万个用户。之所以这一平台能够获得如此大的成功,其所基于的基础就是虽然澳洲分布式能源发展迅速,但这些能源的生产者们却并没有一个整合的平台来交易其商品的现实。在新闻业已经被各大传媒巨头垄断的今天,不管是新的区块链技术平台的出现还是传统平台利用区块链技术进行改革,都难免因为对既得利益者的收益构成冲击而受到阻力。

For example, Power Ledger, an energy chain project from Australia, raised RMB 164 million through the ICO, and obtained 15,000 users. The platform was so successful on the basis that, while Australia’s distributed energy was growing rapidly, the producers of these energy sources did not have an integrated platform to trade in their commodities.


At present, many countries are more cautious about non-official digital currencies and more regulated, and if the news industry uses administrated use of tokens in block-chain technologies, it may reach the policy no-go zone. At the same time, payments for content and copyright tracking of smart contracts using block-chain technologies may involve issues of personal privacy, and the regulation of the right to use such information now needs to be kept up-to-date with laws and regulations.



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