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This paper is for information-sharing only and does not constitute any investment proposal. Readers are invited to judge risks and to make rational investments.


1. BTT强势开局:BTT于18点在币安启动公开发售,以众筹价0.00012美元开盘,迅速飙升至0.0006美元,短短几分钟内实现五倍涨幅。尽管其一小时交易额达2637万美元,但对于一款新币而言,这一数据尚不足以形成明确的市场趋势。BTT后续走势将更加依赖项目方的运营成效。

1. BTT’s strong start: BTT launched an open sale in the currency at 18 o’clock at a public price of US$ 0.00012, rapidly rising to US$0.0006, with a five-fold increase in just a few minutes. Although its one-hour transaction amounts to US$ 2.63 million, this figure is not enough to form a clear market trend for a new currency. BTT’s subsequent movement will be more dependent on the operational effectiveness of the project side.

2. BTT对比新币市场现状:相较于2018下半年新币普遍遭遇“破发潮”,BTT的亮眼表现堪称一股清流。这得益于其自带的用户价值属性及波场、币安两大巨头的强力背书。

BTT compares the current state of the market for the new currency: BTTs are generally “break-up” when compared to the second half of 2018, and the brightness of BTTs can be described as a clear flow. This is due to their own user value attributes and powerful endorsements by the two giants of the wave and currency security.


1. BTC窄幅波动:BTC在连续两日缩量上涨中短暂触及3600美元后迅速回落,目前围绕3500美元上下震荡。鉴于市场情绪低迷,外部资金流入困难,BTC短期内缺乏明显利好刺激。

1. BTC narrow-band volatility: BTC has fallen rapidly after briefly touching $3,600 in two consecutive days of contraction and is currently shaking around $3,500. Given low market moods and difficult external capital inflows, BTC lacks a clear incentive in the short term.

2. 技术面解读:BTC在无量能配合的情况下强行上攻,往往以深度回调为代价。虽在3550美元处短暂企稳,但随后失守并退守3500美元平台。2小时级别MACD指标持续下行,DIF线与DEA线形成死叉,暗示BTC短期弱势格局延续,存在进一步下探风险。

2. Technical reading: BTC is forced to attack without any amount of cooperation, often at the expense of a deep regression. While it is temporarily stable at $3550, it is subsequently lost and retreats from the 3,500-dollar platform. The two-hour-level MACD indicator continues to go down, and the DIF line and the DAA line form a fork, implying a continuation of the BTC's short-term vulnerability pattern, with further downside risks.


1. 市值与交易额变化:截至1月31日晚6点,据CoinMarketCap数据显示,全球数字货币总市值升至1136.5亿美元,较前一日增加4.9亿美元,微涨0.44%。24小时总交易额增至186.3亿美元,较前日增长21.5亿美元,涨幅达13.04%。

1. Changes in market value and turnover: As at 6 p.m. on 31 January, according to CoinMarketCap data, the total market value of global digital currencies had risen to $113.65 billion, an increase of $490 million, or 0.44 per cent, compared to the previous day. The total volume of 24-hour transactions had increased to $18.63 billion, or $2.15 billion, or 13.04 per cent, compared with the previous day.

2. 稳定币市场动态:USDT现价1.01美元,微涨0.01%。其他5种稳定币中,TUSD、PAX、GUSD等平均上涨0.30%,现价均值1.01美元;USDC、DAI平均下跌0.84%,现价均值1.00美元。其中,DAI波动最大,下跌1.57%,现价0.99美元。USDT新增360万枚流通,GUSD减少12,090万枚流通。

2. Stable currency market dynamics: USDT current prices of $1.01 or a small increase of 0.01 per cent. Of the other five stable currencies, TUSD, PAX, GUSD, etc., increased by an average of 0.30 per cent, with an average current value of $1.01; UNDC, DAI, with an average decline of 0.84 per cent and an average current price of $1.00 per cent. Of this, DAI fluctuated the most, falling by 1.57 per cent, with a current price of $0.99.

3. 涨跌榜:市值排名前100的数字货币中,36只上涨,平均跌幅为1.40%。50只数字货币跌幅介于(-5%,0)之间,33只数字货币涨幅位于(0, 5%)区间。其中,Buggyra Coin Zero领涨,涨幅12.56%;Aurora紧随其后,涨幅8.04%。PundiX跌幅最大,达17.11%;Holo次之,下跌16.16%。

3. Up and down: 36 of the top 100 digital currencies in the market value ranking, with an average decline of 1.40 per cent. Fifty numerical currencies fell between -5 per cent and 0 per cent, with 33 digital currencies rising between (0.5 per cent). Bugyra Coin Zero, with an increase of 12.56 per cent, followed by Aurora, with an increase of 8.04 per cent. PundiX, with the largest decline of 17.11 per cent, and Holo, with a decline of 16.16 per cent.


1. BTC:BTC在无量能支持下上攻3570美元后迅速回撤至3550美元附近震荡,随后跌破3500美元平台。2小时级别MACD指标持续走低,DIF线向下穿越DEA线形成死叉,预示BTC短期弱势未改,仍有可能进一步下滑。(图表来源:火星币优App)

1. BTC: BTC quickly retreated to a tremor near $3550 after an incompetent offensive of $3570, then crashed into the 3,500-dollar platform. The two-hour-level MACD indicator continued to fall, and the DIF line moved down through the DAA line to form a fork, a sign that BTC's short-term vulnerability remained unchanged and could still decline further.

2. ETH:ETH成功突破上升三角形态,一度触及112美元后受阻回调,现于108美元附近震荡。尽管当前量能偏弱,但整体走势相对大盘较强,经过调整后有望继续上行。(图表来源:火星币优App)

2. ETH: ETH succeeded in breaking the upward triangle, once touched $112 and was prevented from returning, and is now experiencing a shock near $108. Despite its current weakness, the overall trend is relatively strong, and it is expected to continue after adjustment.

3. EOS:EOS自2.3美元反弹后在2.38美元区域震荡上行,但受大盘影响回落至2.34美元平台。短期走势跟随大盘,但在市场好转时较易挑战2.4美元阻力位。尽管近期表现强劲,投资者仍需设定止损保护。(图表来源:火星币优App)

3. EOS: EOS has been on a $2.38 regional shock since $2.3 rebounded, but has fallen under the influence of the big plate to $2.34 platforms. Short-term trends follow the big one, but it is easier to challenge the $2.4 resistance position when the market improves. Despite recent strong performances, investors still need to set protections against damage. (Chart: Martian dollar excellent App)



As of 6 p.m., TokenInsight data show that the average increase in the “special payment pass” plate was 6.24 per cent in the five main categories of 27 sector segments, and the average increase in the “information technology service application” block was 1.71 per cent. The average decline in the “medical applications” plate was 25.35 per cent below, followed by an average decline of 3.98 per cent in the “other technologies or agreements” plate.


Investors need to be fully aware of the risks and carefully decide.


This paper is an original version of the Mars finance book, and the copyright belongs to the Mars finance book.


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