游戏产业周报 | QQ元宇宙开启游戏消息盒子;沐瞳发售NFT盲盒两分钟告罄

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Proposal by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean

1.QQ元宇宙开启游戏消息盒子, 为用户打开更多体验

1. Q$-cosm opens the game message box, opening up more experience for users

近期,腾讯手机 QQ 8.8.68 iOS 版本迎来更新,据此前称涉及到内置虚幻引擎 4,安装体积包进一步增大,iOS 版本 QQ 的安装包体积增大到 923.8MB。在有的 iPhone 机型上增大到了 934.8MB。

Recently, the QQ.88.68 iOS version of the tether has been updated, under the former term " built-in vanity engine 4 ", with a further increase in the size of the installed package of iOS version QQ increasing to 923.8 MB. In some cases, the iPhone model has increased to 934.8 MB.


The following are specific updates: Super Emoticons, “ Large & & rdquo; Different, Cutie and Enjoyful; Photoshots, slided on preview mode when a cell phone photo is sent; Video Talk Expeditions, Humans appear to be natural beauty; Game Message Boxes, chatting with game friends at any time, talking about black and hitting kings; New & & & & rdquo; Natural Shapes, Shapes and Perfect Scales.

QQ 安装包体积增大,其原因是内置了虚幻 4 。根据虚幻引擎官方解释,QQ 这种内嵌 UE4 的方式,就是在 App 内嵌一个 3D 渲染交互的功能,虚幻官方也表示相信 QQ 团队有更大的愿景。如用来渲染全新的「超级 QQ 秀」,根据QQ测试版图片显示,新的 QQ 秀确实画质惊人。

The QQQ installation package has grown in size as a result of the built-in illusion 4. The way QQQ is embedded in UE4, according to the official interpretation of the vanity engine, is to embed a 3D rendering interactive feature in the App, and the imaginary official is convinced that the QQQ team has a larger vision. For example, the new QQQ show, based on the QQQ test version, shows that the new QQQ show is truly amazing in quality.


2. Unfinished Matching Box NFT is sold out for two minutes and the digital collection is ready for .


On 19 January, NFTs under the technological banner of Unfinished Reaction were officially installed in the trading platform Binance in the form of blind boxes, amounting to 25,000 (out of which 300 were said to be reserved for the play community) and sold at a price of 25BUSD (25 US$, equivalent to RMB 158) on the day of the sale. Within only two minutes of the sale, the blind boxes were purchased, which could be seen as a spark in the market.

盲盒以《Mobile Legends:Bang Bang》《无尽对决》,以下简称MLBB)的两个角色为蓝本,发布了名为“The Aspirants”系列的NFT盲盒,成为国内游戏厂商在游戏NFT上“第一个吃螃蟹的人”。

The blind box, which is based on the two roles of Mobilé Legens: Bang Bang, hereinafter MLBB, was published as &ldquao; The Aspirants&rdquao; the series of NFT blind boxes, which became a domestic gamemaker & & ldquao on NFT; and the first crab eater & & rdquao;


The blind box contains 12 different numeric skin roles for two characters in Fanny and Layla, with different numeric roles with a hierarchy of N, R, SR, and SSR. In each case, there are only 150 sets of SSR roles, with a smoke probability of 0.6 per cent, each with a customized animation in addition to the role, and with a relatively good animation.

MLBB在全球的下载量已超过10亿次,并保持着1亿MAU的稳定玩家群。在东南亚地区,MLBB受欢迎程度更盛,在菲律宾,马来西亚,柬埔寨等东南亚国家的Google Play和APP Store市场中始终稳定着畅销榜前三的位置。

The MLBB has been downloaded more than 1 billion times worldwide and maintains a stable pool of 100 million MAU players. In South-East Asia, the MLBB is more popular, and in the Philippines, Malaysia, and other South-East Asian countries, such as Cambodia, the Google Play and APP Street, the top three markets have been stable.


3. Byte beats down the war pitching department, and investment games throw cold water at


On 19 January, according to the news, the byte-jumping division was dismantled. This was confirmed by titanium media to a wide range of industry practitioners. According to the information, the byte-jumping investment department’s original number 1, Zhao Peng, was transferred to the CEO’s office to be responsible for the corporate strategy as a whole; and some of the staff of the Ministry of Strategy and Investment was transferred to the operational line of operations as a strategy.


This byte jump in the overall removal of investment operations is largely due to poor investment performance. It is argued that the byte beats in the development phase, despite the completion of a certain amount of investment, by cutting the investment department & ldquo; it is not acceptable & rdquo; and it may be more conducive to corporate strategic business layout when the investment sector is dispersed into the business line.


4. No more than 14 hours for young people on cold vacation playing games. Unensured remains an important goal of the game policy


On 17 January, according to the announcement, a minor can only log in between 2000 and 2100 hours of the 2022 winter and spring holidays.

公告内容如下: 结合《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》与实际放假调休安排,未成年人可于1月21日-23日(周五、六、日)、1月28日(周五)、1月31日-2月6日(春节假期 )、2月11日-13日(周五、六、日)的每天20时至21时之间登录游戏。 除以上限玩时段外,其余时间未成年人均无法进入游戏体验。特别提醒,其中1月29日-30日(周六、日)为禁玩日期。

The bulletin reads as follows: In conjunction with the circular on further strict regulation of effective prevention of cyberplay by minors and the actual vacation arrangements, minors may register games between 20 and 21 p.m. between 21 and 23 January (Friday, Sixth Day), 28 January (Friday), 31 January and 6 February (Spring Festival Holiday), 11-13 February (Friday, Sixth Day), and between 29 and 30 January (Friday, Sixth Day).

5.微软以 678 亿美元的高价收购动视暴雪, 补足不同赛道超强IP

5. Microsoft's purchase of the blizzard at a high cost of $67.8 billion to fill the super-high IP/strong of different tracks. ]

1月19日消息,微软近期宣布,计划以每股 95 美元现金收购游戏开发和互动娱乐内容发行商动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard),交易总金额约为 687 亿美元。收购动视暴雪后,微软一跃成为全球第三大游戏公司,仅次于腾讯和索尼互动娱乐。

On 19 January, Microsoft recently announced plans for a cash acquisition game development and interactive entertainment content issuer of $95 per share, with a total transaction value of approximately $68.7 billion. After the acquisition, Microsoft jumped into the third largest game company in the world, second only to the news and the Sony interactive entertainment.

消息宣布后,暴雪公司股价大涨,而索尼集团的股价大跌 13%,为 2014 年 9 月以来的最大跌幅。由于动视《使命召唤》系列游戏是 PlayStation 平台的销售主力,许多玩家担心收购之后,PS 平台的暴雪游戏会受到影响。

After the announcement, the stock price of Snowstorms rose sharply, while Sony Group stock prices fell by 13%, the largest fall since September 2014. Many players fear that the PS platform's snowstorms will be affected after the takeover, as a result of the move to watch the Call for Mission series, which is the marketing backbone of the PlayStation platform.

根据外媒 TheVerge 报道,微软游戏部门 CEO Phil Spencer (菲尔?斯宾塞)表示

According to Foreign Media TheVerge, Microsoft Game Department CEO Phil Spencer said:

,索尼是游戏行业的重要组成部分,微软重视与索尼的关系。斯宾塞还表示,《使命召唤》系列游戏将在 PlayStation 平台继续保留,预计未来不会成为 Xbox 的独占游戏。

, Sony is an important part of the game industry, and Microsoft values its relationship with Sony. Spencer also states that the call to duty series will remain on PlayStation platform and is not expected to become an exclusive game for Xbox in the future.

2.1 国内市场游戏榜单情况


China Mainland Market

国内市场2022年1月17日—2022年1月22日IOS游戏类畅销榜中, 《和平精英》、《王者荣耀》、轮流登顶。

In the domestic market, 17 January 2022 & mdash; in the IOS game class bestseller list, 22 January 2022, Peace Elite, Glory of the King, take turns to the top.


The Heroes League Tour continues to be on the best-selling list, and Cross the Line of Fire: The King of Gunfire, ninjas, has been on the list this week.


On the other hand, this week's video game under the banner of Dreams and the West Side Tour, which has a good performance, Light & Middot; encounters have been on the list for two days.


On the side of the new power, Gibbit " Free " and 4399 " Civilization and conquest " are on the list. The centralized purchase of 4399 " Civilization and conquest " kept its performance strong, and its subsequent performance remains to be seen.


Hong Kong Market, China

中国香港市场2022年1月17日—2022年1月22日IOS游戏类畅销榜中, 《三国志·战略版》近一周霸榜。腾讯发行《真?三国无双霸》于下半周新登榜第二。

Hong Kong, China, 17 January 2022 & mdash; IOS game class best-selling list, 22 January 2022, Trinity & Middot; Strategic Edition, nearly a week old.


The Chengdu dew game, "Long Night Stars" and "The Apocalypse of the Dawn" are in the top 10 best-selling lists, with excellent performances.


Among foreign hand-held products, Paradise W, Issu 6, Master of Gold, continues to perform well in the past.

国产游戏方面,除了长期在榜的《三国志·战略版》,《王者荣耀》国际版《传说对决》、《一念逍遥》、《口袋奇兵》、《PUBG Mobile》等游戏都有着不错表现。

With regard to home-grown games, apart from the long-standing Trinity & Middot; Strategic editions, the international editions of The King's Glory, The Legendary Reaction, The Exile, The PUBG Mobile, etc. have all performed well.


Taiwan Market of China


On 17 January 2022, China's Taiwan market & mdash; on 22 January 2022, IOS-style best-seller list, the strategic edition of Trinity & Middot; and Paradise W stomped to the top of the Taiwan market.


On the mainland, the international edition of The King’s Glory, The Legendary Reaction, and Gibbit, The Free One, continue to be on the list. Moreover, the launch of The Real? The Trinity has continued to perform well since its launch.

2.2 海外主要市场游戏榜单情况


US market


17 January 2022 & mdash; 22 January 2022, US IOS bestseller list, Roblox one week.

国产手游米哈游《原神》和腾讯游戏《使命召唤手游》、《PUBG Mobile》进入榜单。

The national production cruises Miha and the troupe games Mission Callers, PUBG Mobile, are on the list.


Japanese market

2022年1月17日—2022年1月22日IOS游戏类畅销榜中,网易游戏《第五人格》《荒野行动》《Sky光·遇》、鹰角网络《明日方舟》、字节旗下《放置少女》、三七互娱《谜题与生存》、日本版,三国志·战略版《三国志真·战 》进入榜单。

On 17 January 2022 & mdash; on the IOS game class best-seller list of 22 January 2022, the Internet-free game The Fifth Personality " Operation Skylight & Middot " ; Mets, Eaglehorn Network " Tomorrow Ark ", " Place Girls under the by-line ", " Enigma and Survival ", " Trinity ", Japanese version, " Middot " ; and the strategic edition " Trinity & Middot; War " is on the list.


Korean market

2022年1月17日—2022年1月22日韩国IOS游戏类畅销榜中,国产手游米哈游《原神》 、莉莉丝《万国觉醒》、灵犀互娱《三国志·战略版》持续在榜。

On 17 January 2022 & mdash; on 22 January 2022, Korea's IOS-type best-seller list, the national production travels to the Miha'a while the original god & nbsp; and Lilith, " Awakening the Nation ", " Trinity & Middot; Strategic Edition ", continues to be on the list.


Indian market

2022年1月17日—2022年1月22日印度IOS游戏类畅销榜中,吃鸡类目热度依旧,《PUBG MOBILE印度版》《Free Fire 》持续在榜,其中《PUBG Mobile印度版》六天均登顶榜单。

17 January 2022 & mdash; in the IOS-style best-seller list of 22 January 2022, chicken-eating is still hot, and the Indian version of PUBG MOBILE, Free Fire, is on the list, where the Indian version of PUBG Mobile is on the top list for six days.


Many national games, such as the Empire of Civilization, the Pockets, the Rise of the Empire, the Rise of the King, the Call to Command, the Kiss of War, etc. are on the list.


Data from Data-Eye show that on 17 January 2021 & mdash; and in the medium-heavy game purchase list Top10 of 22 January, the overall purchase trend is moving towards the use of KOL and live broadcasts.


Civilization and conquest uses KOL as well as live broadcasts and is exposed with concentrated high-density delivery strategies.


In addition, old-fashioned women have increased their purchases to Top 10 for their new-line " Ling Yuno ", a hand-to-hand company friendship time.


No new editions of the information bulletin have been published in recent times since 22 July, when the National Press and Publications Agency issued a play-page number.


According to competitive statistics, as of 31 December, 755 games have been issued in 2021.


Release numbers were issued in 2021 for tweaks, webs, bytes and speeders, respectively 13, 11, 2 and 3.


On the new side of the product, as of 31 December 2021, Internet access, byte beats and fast-hand Internet majors had access to about 22, 19, 11 and 3 hand-held products, respectively.


艺术家和品牌争抢 NFT 数字藏品

Artists and brands vying for NFT Digital Collections

1月17日消息,据报道,艺术家和品牌之间正在进行一场争夺战,他们都希望在元宇宙中争取自己的地盘和权利。 艺术家和品牌正在为谁有权利出售 NFT 而争斗。 Olive Garden、爱马仕和 Miramax 都针对 NFT 项目采取了法律行动,上述公司认为,这些项目侵犯了他们的商标或合同权利。 在企业律师发出法律信函后,Olive Gardens 和 MetaBirkin NFT 项目都被从流行的代币交易市场 OpenSea 上拿下。 在 NFT 热潮中,律师函和法律威胁越来越常见。 在某些情况下,艺术家只能主动维权,被迫扮演“警察”的角色,“追捕”那些将别人的艺术品制作成 NFT 版本并出售的骗子。 更重要的是企业品牌和艺术家之间的矛盾,双方对 NFT 的目 的和价值有不同的看法。

Olive Garden, Emazé, and Miramax have all taken legal action against the NFT project, which, according to the company, violates their trademarks or contractual rights. Following a legal letter from their corporate lawyers, Olive Gardens and MetaBirkin NFT projects have been taken from the popular currency trading market, Open Sea.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The world's first NFT Gallery was born in the United States.

1月20日消息,作为近期火爆全球的NFT的展示与欣赏,世界首家NFT美术馆《SeattleNFTMuseum》在美国西雅图诞生,这里集中展示了来自各界的精美NFT艺术作品,堪称NFT收藏界的宝库。NFT的全称是Non-Fungible Tokens,中文常翻译为“不可同质化代币/不可替代代币”。据悉,《SeattleNFTMuseum》的展示内容主要分为艺术作品、收藏以及教育三大领域,展示设备则是从32英寸到85英寸不等的高清晰显示屏。

On January 20, as a demonstration and appreciation of NFT, the world’s first NFT Gallery, SeetleNFTMuseum, was born in Seattle, United States, where the most beautiful NFT art work from all walks of life was highlighted as a treasure in the NFT collection. NFT, full name, is Non-Fungible Tokens, and is translated into “ it cannot be equated with or replaced by a token & rdquo; and it is known that SeattleNFTMuseum is presented in three main areas, namely art works, collections, and education, with display equipment ranging from 32 to 85 inches.

谷歌或开发新一代 AR 头盔

Google or develop a new generation of AR helmets

1月21日消息,最新报道称谷歌正在开发新 AR 头盔,项 目代号为“Project Iris”,目前开发工作仍处在早期阶段,产品预计最快会在 2024 年上市。 头盔由谷歌定制处理器驱动,和谷歌 Pixel 6、Pixel 6 Pro 的开发方式有些相似。 部分 Pixel 硬 件团队的员工参与 AR 头盔项目,但我们并不清楚最终 AR 头盔会不会隶属于 Pixel 品牌。

On 21 January, it was reported that Google was developing a new AR helmet, code-named “ Project Iris” that the development was still in its early stages, with products expected to be marketed as fast as possible in 2024. The helmet was driven by Google custom processors and was developed in a somewhat similar way to Google Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro. Some of the staff of the Pixel hard copy team were involved in the AR helmet project, but it was not clear whether the AR helmet would eventually belong to the Pixel brand.



Yadali's Entertainment Computer Game Platform

1月17 日消息,游戏行业的创造者雅达利从去年开始就不断推出具有自己特色的产品,甚至还表示今后将会注重 PC 与主机平台的开发。雅达利在昨日向欧盟知识产权办公室提交了新的商标注册申请 ——Ocean。据悉,这一商标覆盖业务还包括主机、手柄、游戏头显和各种虚拟游戏产品,另外还有直播、订阅服务、游戏软件租赁和网络游戏服务等内容。Ocean 曾经为各种系统开发了数十款游戏,例如 ZX Spectrum,Atari ST,Amiga,PC,BBC 微型和电子游戏机。

According to news on January 17, the creator of the game industry, Adali, has been launching his own product since last year, and has even indicated that he will focus on the development of PC and mainframe platforms in the future. Adali submitted a new trademark registration application & mdash; & mdash; & Ocean to the EU Intellectual Property Office yesterday. The trademark covers a host, handle, game head display and various virtual game products, as well as live broadcasts, subscription services, game software leasing, and network game services. Ocean has developed dozens of games for various systems, such as ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amiga, PC, BBC micro and electronic games.


"The King's Glory."


On January 17, news came out that the code name: Breaking the Dawn (tentative name) was an IP Fighter for the King's Glory, and that &ldquo of November 1, 2020; &rdquo of the King's 5th Anniversary & & rdquo; that for the first time the official made a public appearance but did not mention more. More than a year later, &ldquo of January 16; & rdquo of the 2021 King's annual award & & rdquo; and that there was an official video of the game.


; > ; ; ;

1月18日消息,腾讯天美工作室今天宣布,天美首次跨界运动健康,游戏 + 健身让运动更有趣。 这次推出了专注于运动健康领域的子品牌“天美健康”,从生活和身边做起,通过低门槛的数字健身方式参与到运动中来,一起助力全民运动健康。天美健康与国内智能健身设备品牌 FITURE 达成合作,希望通过游戏与智能健身产品的深度结合,使运动健身变得更具创意和交互性。天美健康与 FITURE 以《王者荣耀》作为开端,通过王者英雄形象的授权,与 FITURE 展开定制魔镜、主题训练课程、联名运动周边等方面的合作。

On January 18, news reports announced that Tianmi’s first ever cross-border sports health, games + fitness makes sport more interesting. This time, a sub-brand brand focusing on sports health & ldquo; Tianmi’s health & rdquo; from living and around, participating in sports through low-threshold digital fitness.


The Notre Dame of Paris > / strong >.......................................................................................................

1月18日消息,《刺客信条》开发商育碧近日在一次采访中 表示,已与法国百代电影公司达成合作,共同打造电影《燃烧的巴黎圣母院》同名VR逃脱游戏。 《燃烧的巴黎圣母院》由法国著名导演让·雅克·阿诺指导,该电影聚焦大火发生的24小时消防员如何控制大火,并防止整个古建筑被烧成灰烬。 据悉,同名VR游戏以解谜为主要玩法,玩家将扮演消防员进入2019年4月15日巴黎圣母院,在圣母院中寻找各种文物,并且在限定时间内扑灭大火。 游戏带有联机要素,可以与其他玩家一起合作解谜。 由于要在明年3月与电影同时发售,育碧决定将游戏时长控制在1个小时。

In a recent interview on 18 January, Yobe, the developer of the Assassin, stated that a partnership had been reached with the French 100-generation film company to create a VR-run game for the film "The House of Notre Dame de Paris Burning." The Notre Dame of Burning, a well-known French director, lets & Middot; Jacques & Middot; Arno directs how the 24-hour firefighter, which focuses on the fire, can control the fire and prevent the entire ancient building from being burned.

动视暴雪因性骚扰调查已开除 37 名员工

Investigation of sexual harassment has dismissed 37 employees

1月18日消息,据报道,动视暴雪约有 37 人因为性骚扰指控和不当行为“离职”,还有 44 人因此受到惩处。 该公司在去年 10 月的内部调查中披露,超过 20 名员工“离职”,另外还有至少 20 名员工受到纪律处分。 动视暴雪表示,他们仍在制作中期更新,尚未向员工发出通知。 知情人士表示,动视暴雪 CEO 鲍比?科蒂克(Bobby Kotick)隐瞒了一份对于相关事件的总结报告。 该报告原本计划在 寒假之前发布,其中的内容是告诉人们此事的实际情况比外界已知的情况更为严重。

On 18 January, it was reported that some 37 people had been punished for sexual harassment charges and misconduct & & & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & 44 as a result. In an internal investigation last October, the company revealed that more than 20 employees & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 20 employees had been disciplined.


The English Court approved the purchase of the Great Adventure of Maffoo Developer

1月18日消息,据报道,旗下拥有《除暴战警3(Crackdown 3)》《麻布仔大冒险(Sackboy A Big Adventure)》等游戏的英国开发商Sumo Group于1月17日向其投资者宣布,英格兰和威尔士高等法院于1月13日正式批准了腾讯对其收购一案。 腾讯于2021年7月首次对外宣布该收购案,计划以12.7亿美元的价格收购Sumo Group。 根据收购计划显示,Sumo Group的股东将会获得每股513便士的现金,这比上一个收购案提高了43%。 早在2019年,腾讯就已获得了Sumo Group大约 75%的股份,这次则是直接将其收入麾下,本次的收购由腾讯的全资子公司Sixjoy进行。

On 18 January, it was reported that the British developer Sumo Group, who owns games such as the "Crackdown 3" and the "Sackboy A Big Adventure" game, announced to his investors on 17 January that the High Court of England and Wales had officially approved the takeover on 13 January. The takeover was announced for the first time abroad in July 2021, planning to buy Sumo Group at a cost of $1.27 billion.

TikTok 全球营销主管离职

TikTok Global Marketing Manager separated

1月19日消息,两位知情人士透露,TikTok 全球营销主管 Nick Tran 已离职 。 Tran 的离职原因尚不清楚,据报道,TikTok 全球首席运营官 Vanessa Pappas 将接管全球营销职责。 Tra n 于 2020 年 4 月从 Hulu 加入 TikTok,任职期间,Tran 负责帮助创作者推出非同质化代币、TikTok 的电视和网络广告预算等业务。 他曾在 Hulu 担任品牌营销和文化副总裁。 在加入 Hulu 之前,Tran 曾在三星、Taco Bell 和服装初创公司 Stance Socks 任营销高管。

Tran joined TikTok from Hulu in April 2020, during which Tran was responsible for helping creators launch de-consistency money, TikTok’s television, and web advertising budgets. He served as vice president of brand marketing and culture in Hulu.


1月19日消息,近期,NPD集团执行董事兼游戏行业顾问Mat Piscatella表示,根据他们的调查,2021年,《宝可梦》美国实体销售额到达了自2000年以来的最高峰。NPD集团是一家美国市场调查公司,执行董事Mat Piscatella曾在华纳游戏和动视任职。他在推文中表示:“(美国)《宝可梦:晶灿钻石/明亮珍珠》是2021年12月第三畅销的游戏,在12月和2021年都是任天堂平台上的第一。2021 年宝可梦实体软件的美元销售额达到了自2000年以来的最高年度销售额。 ”

On 19 January, according to a recent source, Mat Piscatella, an executive director of the NPD group and game industry adviser, said that, according to their survey, in 2021, the sales of the United States entity Pocahontas reached its highest level since 2000. The NPD group was an American market survey company, and its executive director, Mat Piscatella, had held positions in the Warner game and motion. In his tweets, he said: & ldquo; (USA) The Golden Dream: Crystal Diamonds/Glossy Pearl was the third best-selling game in December 2021, and was the first ever on the Enlightenment Platform in December and 2021. In 2021, the dollar sales of Dreams software reached its highest annual sales since 2000.


Unforgettable hand-to-hand opening of appointments

1月20日消息,当日网易旗下游戏《永劫无间》宣布,将在 2022 年推出移动平台手游版本。当日,@永劫无间手游 发布了第一条微博,同时官网已经上线,开启预约。官方表示,《永劫无间》端游在 2021 年取得了不错的成绩。新的一年,24 工作室计划在保证提供更好端游内容的同时,将《永劫无间》推往受众更多的移动平台,迎接更多玩家。根据此前消息,2021 年 11 月 10 日,《永劫无间》官方宣布全球销量突破 600 万,创下了国产买断制游戏销量新纪录。

On the 20th of January, news reports announced that a mobile platform hand-by-hand version would be launched in 2022. On that day, the first microblogging was released by @never-a-way, and the official network was on the line to open an appointment. Officially, Never-a-way made a good score in 2021. In the new year,24 the studio plans to move Never-a-way to a more mobile platform for audiences while ensuring better access to content. According to the previous news, on 10 November 2021, Never-a-way officially announced a breakthrough of 6 million worldwide sales, creating a new record of national buy-out games sales.


{\cHFFE7C5}The fun game gets Jojo's wonderful adventure hand-by-hand distribution

1月20日消息,盛趣游戏(Shengqu Games)旗下蓝沙信息技术(上海)有限公司与日本知名游戏公司KLab株式会社(以下称“KLab”)宣布,双方基于《乔乔的奇妙冒险》动画系列IP共同开发的正版手游《乔乔的奇妙冒险 黄金赞歌》,已经成功拿下除日本外的全球所有国家和地区的发行权。

On January 20th news, Shengqu Games, Blue Sand Information Technology (Shanghai), Ltd., and Japan's well-known game company, KLab Cutting Club (hereinafter & ldquo; KLab&rdquo); announced that both sides had successfully taken the right to distribute the original version of Jocho's Wonder Adventure Gold Song, which had been developed jointly on the basis of the Animation Series IP of Jojo, and had successfully taken over the distribution rights of all countries and regions of the world except Japan.


Harry Potter Handy Planning > & ldquao; rdquao;

1月20日消息,今日, 网易《哈利波特魔法觉醒》手游因春节活动导致大量玩家吐槽,被指“又氪又肝”“摆烂”等。“万人请辞哈利波特魔法觉醒策划”话题已登顶微博热搜。今日中午,《哈利波特魔法觉醒》官方发布声明,为新春版本的活动规划给玩家们带来的不好体验致歉,并称针对玩家们的积极反馈与建议,已第一时间进行反思及优化,具体优化方案将于本日内公布,将持续采纳玩家反馈及建议,优化产品。

On 20 January, news came out that Harry Potter's Magic Awakening had led to a large number of player chutes during the Spring Festival, which were referred to as “ kryptonite and liver & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; etc. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & &


The name of the producer of /strang

1月20日消息,近日有外媒发现,名越工作室(Nagoshi Studio)的商标申请出现在了欧盟知识产权局,该文件于年初提交,涵盖游戏开发和发行、娱乐服务(特别是游戏服务)和相关广告。尽管名越工作室不是独立实体,但其代表公司是Ingenias,据VGC报道,Ingenias通常负责为其他网易实体申请商标。分析公司Niko Partners表示,网易和包括腾讯在内的其他中国公司正在寻求进军国际市场,并且日本市场是许多中国开发商尚未进入的有利可图的市场。

On 20 January, a foreign agent discovered that a trademark application from the Nagoshi Studio appeared at the EU Intellectual Property Office, which was submitted at the beginning of the year and covered game development and distribution, entertainment services (especially play services) and related advertising. Although the studio is not an independent entity, its representative company is Ingenias, which, according to VGC, is usually responsible for applying for trademarks for other Internet-friendly entities. According to the analysts, Niko Partners, Internet access and other Chinese companies, including Steam, are seeking entry into the international market, and the Japanese market is a lucrative market that many Chinese developers have not yet entered.


1月20日消息,自从微软宣布大规模收购动视暴雪以来已经过去了一天,业界仍在剖析所有的可能性,无论好坏。 但可以确定的是,随着《使命召唤手机》的巨大成功,动视计划将其更多的主要游戏系列带到手机上。 但融入 Xbox 生态系统可能意味着我们很快就会看到《守望先锋》和其他游戏登陆智能手机——即使并不是 专门的手机版本游戏。 利用 Xbox 的云游戏服务器将是微软扩大对动视暴雪游戏的访问权限并可能扩大《守望先锋》等游戏用户群的好方法。 只要他们有良好的互联网连接、Game Pass Ultimate 订阅和兼容的手机、平板电脑或电脑,玩家几乎可以在任何地方玩这些游戏。

But integration into the Xbox ecosystem may mean that we will soon see Vigilance and other games land on smartphones & mdash; & mdash; & even if not specialized mobile version games. Using the Xbox cloud game server would be a good way for Microsoft to expand access to stormy snow games and possibly expand the pool of game users, such as Watch Pioneer.


1月21日消息,《强袭人形: 原体》是一款复古风街机射击游戏,PC 版于 20 20 年 9 月 15 日发行,Steam 售价 25 元。 该游戏的移动版将在 2022 年 1 月 27 日正式上线,开发者今日发文称,因为等不到版号,因此将移动版改为免费,内购、广告统统不存在。 该游戏开发者称,既然等不到版号,不如直接放弃之前预想的策略,免费提供,算是另一种形式的打广告。 目前该游戏在 Steam 的好评率达 到了 90%。 据悉,国家新闻出版署游戏审批结果最近的更新时间停留在去年 7 月 22 日,这意味着游戏版号发放已经暂缓近六个月。

The mobile version of the game will be officially available on January 27, 2022, and the developers today report that the latest update to the State Press Office’s approval of the game has been delayed for almost six months, as it is known that the latest update to the National Press Publication Agency’s approval was last July 22, which means that the distribution of the game number has been suspended for almost six months.


The King of Game: Masters Fights.

1月21日消息,曾经风靡一时的“游戏王”最近在Steam上推出了《游戏王: 大师决斗》,可以免费开玩。 游戏上线后立刻吸引了大量玩家,昨日其Steam在线人数最高突破了21.9万人。 截止目前《游戏王: 大师决斗》依然非常火爆,超过16万玩家在线,比《绝地求生》的在线玩家数还多。 在Steam的“最热门游戏”榜单上,《游戏王 : 大师决斗》仅次于CSGO和DOTA2,位列第三。 目前本作Steam好评率为74%,从评价来看还是挺好玩的。 不过非常可惜的是,《游戏王: 大师决斗》是科乐美发行的,而科乐美的游戏都锁国区,《游戏王》也不例外,并且它也不支持简繁中文。

As of 21 January, &ldquo, who was once popular, has recently been launched on the Steam. The Game King: Masters Fight, which can be played free of charge, attracted a large number of players as soon as the game went online, with the highest number of Steam online yesterday reaching 219,000.



Tokyo Electric Festival 2022 was announced as being hosted online . ]

1月17日消息,据官方公告,将于2022年1月28日~30日期间举行的第三届东京电竞节将由于疫情原因改为仅在线上举行。 具体实施时间和每个项目的详细信息将会在官方网站发布。 东京电竞节是由日本电竞协会与日本电娱协会以及日本在线游戏协会等联合主办,为了鼓励并推广日本电竞事业发展的大型赛事。 官方在去年11月宣布活动原计划是由线上线下两种方式同时举行。 第三届东京电竞节的官方指定 6大游戏有《eBASEBALL实况棒球魂2021大满贯》、《GT赛车SPORT》、《太鼓达人NintendoSwitch版》、《智龙迷城》、《噗吆噗吆 电竞》以及《怪物弹珠》。

On 17 January, according to an official announcement, the third Tokyo ETC, to be held from 28 to 30 January 2022, will be held on-line only for reasons related to the epidemic. Detailed information on implementation time and each project will be posted on the official website.


1月20日,亚洲奥林匹克理事会(以下简称亚奥理事会)和亚洲电子体育联合会(以下简称亚电体联)发起了主题为“亚洲竞放”的共促亚洲电竞发展启动会暨合作签约仪式。亚洲奥林匹克理事会总干事侯赛因、亚洲电子体育联合会主席霍启刚、腾讯集团高级副总裁马晓轶、亚洲电子体育联合会总干事刘钊、亚洲电子体育联合会首席运营官金泰亨、腾讯游戏副总裁、腾讯电竞总经理侯淼等嘉宾线上出席了此次会议。围绕“亚洲体育和电竞未来的发展路径”、“亚洲体育事业建设”进行了交流讨论,同时公布了亚奥理事会和腾讯、亚电体联和腾讯电竞的战略合作以及“Road to Asian Games”亚运征途赛事未来规划,亚洲电竞进入新阶段。

On 20 January, the Asian Olympic Council (hereinafter referred to as the AO Council) and the Asian Electronic Sports Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Asian Electronic Sports Federation) launched the conference on the theme & ldquo; Asian competition & & rdquo; Asian competition launch and signing ceremony for co-operation. The Asian Olympic Council Director-General Hussein; the President of the Asian Electronic Sports Federation; the President of the Asian Sports Federation, Huo Qinggang; the Senior Vice-President of the Telecommunications Group, Ma Xiaojun; the Director-General of the Asian Electronic Sports Federation; the Chief Operating Officer of the Asian Electronic Sports Federation, Kim Taehen; the Vice-President of the Tetcom Games; the Director-General of the Tetcom Competition; Hawg Hao; the participants in the conference.


Hotel, extending the chain


On January 20, Tetcom formally signed a national strategic cooperation agreement with Euyotech, which will involve extensive and intensive cooperation in “ electric + hotel & rdquo; and in the first half of the year in Hangzhou, the electric telecommunication hotel will show its face. The hotel will be equipped with telecommunications to empower IP retail stores, professional electric competitions, bars to watch competitions, theatre killings, etc. The two companies worked together to create & ldquo; high-quality accommodation, electric competitions, competitions & & rdquo; and the immersion electric gaming hotel, which will lead to a second upgrading of the hotel experience through digitalization.




On 22 January, the telecommunications competition and the all-marine competition announced an in-depth exchange between the two sides on the development of their companies, areas of operation and priorities for development, and explored the modalities of their future cooperation, namely, “ &rdquao; &ldquao; & & & rdquao; telecommunication competition certification & & rdquao; a special collaboration with the telecommunications competition, which actively sought out forms of diversification of the new track, thereby promoting high-quality development of the service industry for & & & ldquao; off-line entertainment services & & rdquao; and the location of the collaborative scene.


据游资网统计,下周开测新游包括探游科技《宅怨》; 万匠游戏《第二人生2》; DreamGame《武侠乂》等。

According to the Internet, next week's new tour will include a tour of technology called "The House Grievances" ; a 10,000-man game called "Second Life 2" ; and a "DreamGame".


As the first game to test and kill the water-cooled weapon, the Wusheng will be officially launched next week in iOS, looking forward to its follow-up.


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