比特币矿工的喜与忧:价格飞涨却担心暴跌 老矿工坚信“一币一别墅”

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In the winter of 2017, the night in Inner Mongolia was cold and the outdoor temperature was less than 20°C below zero.


In a desolate “mine”, with little recreational activity, bitcoin miners from Hangzhou, Zhejiang State, will sleep early in a large room “up and down, with seven or eight people sleeping”.


“The site is half a day away from the nearest small town, like Gobi Beach. There's nothing but the site and a road.” He told journalists that it was a wasteland.

冯胜前往的“矿场”在一片内蒙古荒原上。  图为受访者提供


冯胜前往的“矿场”在一片内蒙古荒原上。 图为受访者提供驱使这个南方小伙子来到这天寒地冻荒原的,是一场火爆的比特币行情。2017年,比特币价格从年初的1000美元一直涨到了年末的13000美元,涨幅超过10倍。

In 2017, the price of Bitcoin rose from $1,000 at the beginning of the year to $13,000 at the end of the year, more than 10 times.


Von Win is just one of the many "gold-seekers." Behind him is a large crowd of people who move bitcoin, and they call it "digital gold."


Beginning in the second half of 2020, bitcoin miners seem to smell the “crazy” smell of three years ago. After the price of bitcoin went over $10,000, the price of bitcoin went up, once over $40,000.


He has now had more than three years of “mining” experience, and experienced a sharp drop in Bitcoin prices from nearly US$ 20,000 in December 2017 to around US$ 3,000 in December 2008.




In the face of the current wave of Bobitco in the wake of the price developments in bitcoin since 2017, Feng Sheng told journalists that “mining is a long-term job, upgrading the mine machines ahead of time, planning for the site, the price of electricity and the price of electricity, with little impact on the price movement behind it”.


In September 2017, seven departments, including the People's Bank of China, jointly issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, calling for the suspension of various forms of fund-raising. The domestic encrypted currency exchange was shut down, and virtual money mining was once asked to withdraw in an orderly manner. Because of its power-intensive nature, virtual currency mining was once included in the list of industrial restructuring guidelines (year 2019, comments) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, although it was “exempted” in the official draft.


Miner's books: Costs include electricity, hosting and miner costs


“Bitcoin digs for 12 months” is “the price of the bitcoin machine doubles in demand.” As Bitcoin hits the $30,000 and $40,000 mark, the bitcoin digs are also hung hot twice in a row. The “miners” who swim in the grey areas and hide behind the monetizers are reappeared in mainstream view.


In 2015, Guo Li went to Sichuan to visit the “mine” site.


"It's dangerous, I feel like I'm doing it with my life," Guo Li recalled. But since then, Guo Li has built the mine.


Bitcoin is “diggered”. According to the Bitcoin Pow (Credit of Work) mechanism, each computer node seizes the right to account with its computing capacity (calculation), and whoever takes the right to account gets the corresponding bitcoin reward generated by the system. This process is called “mining”. The hardware for mining is called a miner, the artisanal miner for buying a miner is called a miner, the site hosting the miner and providing electricity is known as a “mine site”, and there are mining platforms, “mining ponds”, etc.


"Now people out there look like we're making money in this business, and it's hard behind us. Everyone's working very hard, and he's working very hard." Gulley said.


In 2019, Liu Wu, a bitcoin miner from Suzhou, put money on a cloud mining platform with a mentality of “dumping some money and being deceived.” After selling the first 2,000 polygons of Bitcoin, Liu Wuming had the idea of entering into the bitcoin mining industry.


The miner's earnings represent the amount of incentive in Bitcoin in each of the blocks excavated, the cost of which is mainly the cost of electricity to the mine, the hosting fee and the cost of purchasing the mine machine.


The hosting fee is usually calculated in conjunction with the electricity charge, and Chen Xix, the miner in Jiangsunanton, told the journalist that he now needs $60,000 per month for the electricity charge and that he can dig up about one bitcoin per month (about $34,000 at the current market price).


How much money do you get from digging? The price of the mine is still high.


“The traditional industry invests in a target, and in any case recovers for three years, the mining costs are basically recovered within a year, and the recovery of costs from the first day of operation is tempting.” Liu Wu says. He hosts dozens of miners at mines in Xinjiang, Yunnan and Sichuan, and his return is 12 per cent a month at 2019 prices.


The price of the bitcoin mine will vary according to the price of the bitcoin.


"I bought 30 68t M20s for a summer average price of $6,500, and now the machine has risen to $14,500." Chen said to a journalist.


Indeed, in the midst of the surge in bitcoin, mining has become a veritable “gold mine” and the influx of newcomers and scattered households has made it difficult for the market to find a bitcoin mine. Currently, the latest miner, S19pro, produced on Bitcoin, is sold at $27,700, and the market is now over 50,000.


“Ant miners are harder to rob than cell phones. Every official sale takes one or two seconds, and now orders seem to be delivered in August.” Chen IX says.


At a sale price of $27,770, now it takes six months for Bitcoin to dig and double the return time, if at the market price.


Therefore, it is important for miners to get into mining. The Liaoning miners, who started mining in 2018, believe that his entry point is not very good, and that the machines that were purchased previously are small-scale computing machines that are now only slightly profitable.


“In 2017, the price of the bitcoin was as high as the price of the machine at $20,000, but there was a sharp fall in the following months, so it was important to choose the point of entry.” The dragon said.


Liu Wu also said, "There's a lot of new people in the circle this year, and I don't think they're making any money. Because they're getting into the market with good intentions, machines are more expensive."


According to Yongjing, since 2020, the current cattle market has enjoyed good returns, “at least triple” if Bitcoin was sold at $41,000.


2020:312, halve, Bitcoin Cow


In 2020, Bitcoin went through a huge fall. Of these, March 12 was a new day in the memory of cryptographic money practitioners.


Bitcoin prices fell in two consecutive waterfalls, owing to the twin effects of the new crown epidemic and the crude oil price war. On March 12, Bitcoin even fell below $4,000, a 50 per cent drop from its February peak.


When the miner does not earn enough to pay for the electricity he consumes, the currency is called the “closed-off-rate” and influences such factors as the price, the price of electricity, the difficulty of digging. If the price falls, the miner needs to shut down the machine, otherwise it will lose.


“All of us were at a time of confusion, and miners called to ask each other whether they would continue to fall, whether to sell the coins or to choose to wait and see, and no one could give an answer.” The founder of Yunger Industries and the mine owner, Xiaolong Chen, said.


He confessed that there had indeed been some hysteria and that there had been a great deal of panic, and that if the price of the panic currency continued to fall and the electricity was not consumed, there would have been a great loss.


"Many dumplers didn't pay their electricity bills, selective shut-downs, part of the dump miners, no more machines, and they charged them for electricity. I don't know if I should take back some of the customers' machines at a low price." Chen Xiaolong said.


Is it possible to repeat the scene of the "selling machine" in 2018? This is the "dark cloud" that haunts the hearts of many of the miners who dig in bitcoin.


However, the intergenerational optimization of the mine machine was in the form of arithmetic and the low price of the machine's machine, so the von Win, who had just bought the new machine, had not been affected much, “the optimalness is in place, and it is not just a matter of electricity settlement.” The miner, Liu Wu, also said that he had a little bit of profit to make then, but could still continue to operate.


“312 has no effect on the mines, but the mentality of the people is quite collapsing with the whole mining, the currency in hand at 312. Because no one could have imagined that the expectations had been broken, it was felt that bitcoin might be zero.” The mine owner, Guo Li, said.


In May, the four-year halved time of Bitcoin meant that the number of bitcoins in each block dug by miners fell from 12.5 to 6.25 bitcoins, thereby halving the income of the miner.


“Betcoin was the hardest for the mines and miners when it was halved, because production was cut by half in an instant, because digging a bitcoin would have cost 30,000 dollars of electricity, and after halving, the price of digging became 60,000, but the price was still 450,000 dollars.” The mine owner, Li Bo, told the news. At that time, his mine was shut down by 30 per cent.


At the end of October, Bitcoin was inexorably on the rise from $11,000 to $20,000, $30,000 and $40,000, and is now hovering at $34,000.


In 2020, the miner, the dragons, insisted on the hoarding of currency, and the three bitcoins he had dug up had still not been sold.


“I don't think it's gonna end like this, there's a historical pattern that I haven't seen in the first two halves, but it's only been four years since the third half. I don't think the last wave was $20,000, and it's over by $40,000, so I do have faith. Bitcoin to $50,000, I'll do a little bit, and I'll do a little bit more by $100,000.” He said.


The miner Von Sheng believes that mining is a long-term task, planning ahead of time for machine upgrades, site electricity prices, and electricity charges, with little effect on the price movements that follow. “When the price rises, the shareholders work a little faster, and spend three days and two days to make the difference.” He laughs.


The miner, Chen Nine, has some concerns: "It's too fast, I like the bull market, but I can't do it so fast, I hope it's slow, it's slow, it's slow, it's stretching the cattle cycle for some time."


He has few coins in his hands, and even if he does so, he will not gain much, and Chen is of the view that it is easy to end the bull market sooner than later.


“To be too dramatic, there will also be a lot of uncertainties, such as more stringent regulatory policies.” Chen IX says.


, like "waiting birds": migration between southwest and northwest


In China, in pursuit of cheap electricity, mines are largely distributed in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, with electricity types such as hydropower, fire power and wind power.


Hydropower is the cheapest in Yunnan, Sichuan, etc., but its shortcomings are the difference between periods of water abundance and periods of water wear, the availability of sufficient electricity during periods of water abundance, and the low cost of rainwater during periods of water wear.


Therefore, in order to reduce costs, some miners need to move their machines to hydropower-rich Yunnan, Sichuan, etc., during water-rich periods, to hot or wind-rich Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, etc.


“10-20% of miners do not need to migrate, 80% of the unions do.” Chen Xi said, “I dug a water boom in Sichuan, and now when there is no electricity in Sichuan, I will dig in Xinjiang. Next year's water will move back to Sichuan.”


However, this migration is more aimed at small-cost mining machines.


Chen 9 explained: "Because the power generation is low, the mine has to drive out some customers. It must be a small-power user, leaving large households behind. It's 3500 watts of power, 1300 watts of power, and a two-and-a-half-degree machine. It's a large-scale machine. It's the same one that leaves a large household with only 100 machines. It's 250 machines. The smaller the machine, the smaller the workload. Each mine likes a large-power machine."


Such migration also means a portion of the loss of profits, as it takes a month back and forth on the road and the mine is not productive, which is tantamount to stagnation.


For example, Guo Li owns mines in Sichuan and Inner Mongolia to facilitate the movement of miners.


It is worth noting that the rise in currency prices does not appear to have brought much change in returns to the mines.


The mine owner, Guo Li, stated that his earnings had actually been reduced year by year, “in 2015 there was at least one or two cents of electricity (revenues), and now there are only about four cents, because the mine industry, when prices have fallen, has been falling, and the price of electricity cannot rise”.


"I'm a mint salesman now." Guo Li said.


Many clients signed a contract in 2020 to move to a mine in Inner Mongolia after Sichuan’s water-rich period ended. “The mine's been set up to raise the price of the money, so it's hard to raise the price of electricity for the customer, right?” he said.


The mine owner, Chen Xiaolong, also stated that he now spends $0.26 on electricity and more than $0.30 on hosting charges to clients.




Digging and hoarding appear to be a necessary plan for miners.


“Hope to rise slowly, give us the miners more time to dig coins”, Chen said, “I don't have much money in my hand, even now that I've reached 1 million dollars, so I can dig for more time to hoard money.”


He regretted that almost 220 coins had been dug in the last few years, but unfortunately they had not been hoarded, most of them sold on the eve of the cattle market in 2017. Chenxi also mentioned that the difficulty of mining is now increasing rapidly, and that he is now able to dig one of 4,800 Ts a month, compared to six a month in previous years.


The miner Liu Wu has recently taken up a new batch of bitcoin machines, and he plans to pay off the cost when the price is sufficient to cover the cost of the acquisition, “and the rest of the action is more casual and less passive”.


The dragon won't buy any more bitcoin machines for the time being.


"I have 500, there's no electricity in the dry season, there's probably nearly 400 that I've been able to run lately, and I'm satisfied," he said, "because there's a part of the calculus that I haven't moved, and there's enough profit, and I'm just waiting, and I can't buy any more machines at this time."


Liu Wu, who also owns an Ether and Bitcoin miner, plans to purchase an Ether mine because “the Bitcoin miner is now too expensive”.


The mine owner, Guo Li, plans to build new mines on a scale of 100,000 kilowatts.

“如果币价能维持在3万到4万美元这样一个水平,今年应该逐步的会涨一些电费。 ”他说。

“If the currency is maintained at a level of 30,000 to 40,000 dollars, there should be a gradual increase in electricity costs this year.” He said.


Do the miners in Bitcoin have a bitcoin faith?


Chen Jiu insists on “the faith of the old miners”.


Chen Xiaolong said that his Bitcoin faith was a “loaf of one dollar” and wished to leave some bitcoin for his children.


“There may be more than eight years.” The miner Liu Wu said that he would change the investment direction with the earnings and would not always be on Bitcoin.


Guo Li told you, there was.

“就跟你年轻的时候相信爱情是一样的道理,经历第一次的时候,如果赶上涨的时候就很相信这种信仰,第一次经历暴跌就可能会很怀疑人生。多经历了几次,就不会这样,就无所谓了。 ”他说道。

"Just as you believed in love when you were young, when you first went up, you believed in it, and the first time you went down, you could be suspicious of life. No, it doesn't matter." He said.


(Wen Feng Sheng, Guo Li, Liu Wu, Chen Xix, Yong Xiang)


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