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This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Elections 2011.


Original author: Sodium metal

比特币 ( BTC ) 在 2022 年经历了有史以来最残酷的崩盘之一, BTC 价格在 21 年20达到 68,000美元后于 6 月暴跌至 20,000 美元以下。

Bitcoin (BTC) experienced one of the most brutal crashes in history in 2022, when BTC prices fell to less than $20,000 in June after reaching $68,000 in 21 years.

2022 年 6 月成为比特币自 2011 年 9 月以来最糟糕的月份,其月度损失高达 40%。该加密货币还公布了11 年来最大的季度亏损。

June 2022 became Bitcoin’s worst month since September 2011, with a monthly loss of up to 40%. The encrypted currency also announced its largest quarterly loss in 11 years.


However, selling the current market does not mean that the city of Bitcoins and Bears will last until 2022. Indeed, since the first bitcoins or genesis blocks were mined in January 2009, bitcoins have survived an encrypted winter.


When we narrowed the bitcoin price chart, we discovered the five most striking price declines in the history of seminal cryptographic currencies.

熊市第1名:2011 年比特币从 32 美元跌至 0.01 美元

Bear City Number 1: Bitcoin dropped from $32 to 0.01 in 2011


High before:

20 个月(2011 年 6 月至 2013 年 2 月)

20 months (June 2011 to February 2013)

比特币价格在 2011 年 4 月下旬突破了 1.00 美元的第一个主要心理关口,开始了其首次反弹,并于 2011 年 6 月 8 日达到 32 美元。但是,这种喜悦并没有持续多久,因为比特币随后价值暴跌至底部在几天内只需 0.01 美元。

Bitcoin prices broke through the first major psychological threshold of $1.00 in late April 2011, starting their first rebound, and reached $32 on June 8, 2011. However, this joy did not last long, as Bitcoin then plunged to the bottom for just 0.01 in a few days.

大幅抛售主要归因于现已解散的 Mt. Gox 的安全问题,这是一家日本加密货币交易所,当时交易大部分比特币。由于其平台上的安全漏洞,该交易所发现 850,000 BTC 被盗,引发了人们对存储在交易所的比特币安全性的重大担忧。

The large-scale sale was mainly attributed to the security of Mt. Gox, a Japanese encrypted currency exchange that traded most of the bitcoins at the time. Because of security holes on its platform, the exchange discovered that 850,000 BTC had been stolen, raising serious concerns about the security of the bitcoins stored on the exchange.

随着 BTC 在几天内损失了大约 99% 的价值,比特币 2011 年 6 月的闪崩成为比特币历史的重要组成部分。该事件在 BTC 价格恢复到之前的 32 美元高点之前很长一段时间开始,并仅在 2013 年 2 月才攀升至新高。

With BTC losing about 99% of its value in a few days, the June 2011 collapse of Bitcoin became an important part of Bitcoin’s history. The event began a long time before BTC prices recovered to the 32-dollar height, and only climbed to a new height in February 2013.



Price tracking services and websites such as CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap do not track Bitcoin prices until April 2013.

CoinGecko首席运营官Bobby Ong说,“比特币在2013年之前还处于婴儿期,当时交易比特币的地方并不多。”。他补充说,Coincecko没有收到很多关于2013年前数据的请求,因此该平台的优先级较低。

CoinGecko's CEO, Bobby Ong, said that “bitcoin was still in infancy until 2013, when not much was traded for bitcoin.” He added that Coincecko had not received many requests for data prior to 2013 and therefore the platform had a lower priority.

熊市第2名:2015 年比特币从 1,000 美元跌至 200 美元以下 

Bear City 2nd place: Bitcoin dropped from $1,000 to less than $200 in 2015 & nbsp;


High before:

37 个月(2013 年 11 月至 2017 年 1 月)

37 months (November 2013 to January 2017)

根据 Cointelegraph 收集的 BTC 价格数据,比特币价格在 2013 年 4 月中旬达到100 美元,然后在 2013 年 11 月继续飙升至 1000 美元。

According to BTC price data collected by Cointelegraph, the price of Bitcoin reached $100 in mid-April 2013 and continued to skyrocket to $1,000 in November 2013.

比特币在历史上首次突破 1000 美元后不久就进入了巨大的熊市,一个月后比特币价格跌破 700 美元。价格下跌之际,我国央行于 2013 年底开始打击比特币,禁止当地金融机构处理比特币交易。

Bitcoin entered the giant bear market shortly after its first breakthrough of $1,000 in history, and a month later the price of bitcoin fell by $700. As prices fell, our central bank began to strike bitcoin at the end of 2013, banning local financial institutions from dealing with bitcoin.

在接下来的两年里,加密货币继续暴跌,在 2014 年 4 月触底在 360 美元左右,然后在 2015 年 1 月进一步下跌至 170 美元的低点。

In the next two years, the encrypt currency continued to collapse, reaching about $360 in April 2014 and further down to $170 in January 2015.


2013 年 4 月至 2017 年 1 月的比特币价格图表。来源:CoinGecko

Bitcoin price chart from April 2013 to January 2017. Source: CoinGecko


The long, encrypted currency winter of 2014 was linked to the hacking of the Mt. Gox encrypted exchange, which stopped all bitcoins in early February 2014. The platform then suspended all transactions and eventually applied for bankruptcy in Tokyo and the United States.

一些主要金融机构也对比特币表示担忧,美国商品期货交易委员会(U.S.Commodity Futures Trading Commission)声称其在2014年末对“比特币价格操纵”拥有权力。

A number of major financial institutions have also expressed concerns about Bitcoin, and the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) claims that it has power over “bitcoin price manipulation” at the end of 2014.


Until August 2015, the overall mood for Bitcoin was largely negative, and this trend began to reverse in the long run. In a strong cattle market, Bitcoin finally returned to $1,000 in January 2017.

熊市第3名:比特币在 2017 年 12 月达到 20,000 美元后跌破 3,200 美元

Bear City 3rd place: Bitcoin fell 3,200 dollars after it reached $20,000 in December 2017


Previous heights:

36 个月(2017 年 12 月至 年2020 12 月)

36 months (2017 December to 2020 December)

在 2017 年 1 月回升至 1,000 美元后,比特币在当年年底继续反弹至 20,000 美元的高位。

After rising to US$ 1,000 in January 2017, Bitcoin continued to rebound to a high of US$ 20,000 at the end of the year.

然而,与比特币之前的历史峰值 1,000 美元类似,20,000 美元的胜利是短暂的,因为比特币随后下跌并在几个月内损失了 60% 以上的价值。

However, similar to the pre-bitcoin historical peak of $1,000, the $20,000 victory was short-lived, as Bitcoin subsequently fell and lost more than 60 per cent of its value in a few months.

随着比特币市场持续萎缩,2018 年很快被称为“加密货币冬天”, BTC在 2018 年 12 月触底在 3,200 美元左右。

As the Bitcoin market continued to shrink, the year 2018 was quickly called the “encrypted currency winter”, and BTC hit bottom around $3,200 in December 2018.

加密货币冬天以另一家日本加密货币交易所 Coincheck 的安全问题开始。2018 年 1 月,Coincheck 遭受了一次巨大的黑客攻击,导致NEM (XEM) 加密货币损失了约 5.3 亿美元。

In January 2018, Coincheck was hit by a huge hacking attack, which caused NEM (XEM) to lose about $530 million in encrypted currency.

随着 Facebook 和 Google 等科技巨头分别于 2018 年 3 月和 2018 年 6 月在其平台上禁止发布代币发行广告和代币销售广告,熊市进一步升级。

The City of Bears has been further upgraded with the ban on the advertising and sales of tokens on its platforms in March 2018 and June 2018, respectively, by such tech giants as Facebook and Google.

全球加密货币监管努力也助长了熊市,美国证券交易委员会拒绝了 BTC 交易所交易基金的申请。

Global efforts to regulate encrypted currencies have also contributed to bear markets, and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has rejected the application of the BTC Exchange Trading Fund.


比特币价格图表 2017 年 12 月至 年2020 12 月。来源:CoinGecko

bitcoin price chart December 2017 to December 2020. Source: CoinGecko

熊市第 4 名:BTC 在 21 年20从 63,000 美元跌至 29,000 美元

4th place in Bear City: BTC dropped from US$ 63,000 to US$ 29,000 in 21 years


Previous heights:

六个月(21 年20 4 月至 21 年20 10 月)

Six months (21 years 20 April to 21 years 20 October)

直到年2020,悲观情绪一直主导着加密市场,当时比特币不仅回到了20000美元,而且进入了一轮大规模牛市,在2021 4月份达到了63000美元以上。

Until 2020, pessimism dominated the encryption market, when Bitcoin not only returned to US$ 20,000, but also entered a large-scale cattle market, reaching more than US$ 63,000 in April 2021.


Although 2021 became one of the largest years in Bitcoin, with the market value of encrypted currencies exceeding $1 trillion, Bitcoin also suffered from minor deficiencies.


Shortly after breaking the historic high in mid-April, Bitcoin fell slightly and its price eventually fell to $29,000 in three months.


At the time of the emergence of the mini-brand city of 2021, an increasing number of media reports reported the existence of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG)-related issues in Bitcoin mining.

随着埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)旗下的电动汽车公司特斯拉(Tesla)在5月份放弃比特币付款,全球与ESG相关的围绕比特币的FUD(Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt即是代表恐惧、不确定性和怀疑。)进一步加剧,首席执行官援引了ESG的担忧。就在三个月后,马斯克承认,比特币采矿约有50%是由可再生能源驱动的。

With Tesla, an electric car company under Elon Musk’s banner, relinquishing its Bitcoin payments in May, the global ESG-related FUD ‘span’ around Bitcoin represents fear, uncertainty, and suspicion. has further intensified, and the CEO cited ESG’s concerns. Three months later, Musk acknowledged that about 50% of Bitcoin mining was renewable.

尽管中国开始对当地矿场进行重大打击,但熊市并没有持续多久。看涨趋势在 7 月底回归,比特币最终飙升至21 年20 11 月公布的 68,000 美元的历史新高。

Although China began a major blow to local mines, the City of Bears did not last much longer. The upward trend returned at the end of July, when Bitcoin finally jumped to a historic high of $68,000 announced in November of 21 years.

熊市 5 号:2022 年比特币从 68,000 美元暴跌至 20,000 美元以下

Bear City No. 5: Bitcoin fell from $68,000 to under $20,000 in 2022


Previous heights: to be determined

比特币未能突破 70,000 美元,并于 21 年20底开始下跌。自去年 11 月以来,该加密货币已滑入熊市,创下 2022 年历史上最大的崩盘之一。

Bitcoin failed to break by $70,000 and began to fall at the end of the twenty-first year. Since last November, the encrypted currency has slipped into Bear City, creating one of the biggest crashes in 2022.

6 月,加密货币自 年2020以来首次跌破 20,000 美元,引发市场极度恐慌。

In June, for the first time since 2020, crypto-currency fell by $20,000, causing a panic in the market.


持续的熊市很大程度上归因于算法稳定币的危机——即 TerraUSD Classic (USTC) 稳定币——旨在通过区块链算法而不是等值的现金储备支持与美元稳定的 1:1 挂钩。

The continuing bear market is largely attributable to the crisis of algorithmic currency stabilization — that is, the TerraUSD Classic (USTC) stabilizing currency — which is linked to the United States dollar stability by means of block chain algorithms rather than equivalent cash reserve support.

曾经是主要算法稳定币的中国科学技术大学在 5 月失去了与美元挂钩。USTC 的脱钩引发了对更广泛的加密市场的巨大恐慌,因为稳定币在崩溃之前已成功成为现有的第三大稳定币。

The Chinese University of Science and Technology, which used to be the main algorithm for the stabilization of the currency, lost its link to the dollar in May. The USTC decoupling caused a major panic in the wider encryption market, as the stabilization currency had succeeded in becoming the third largest in existence before its collapse.

由于大规模清算和不确定性引发了加密货币借贷危机,Terra 的崩溃对加密市场的其他部分造成了多米诺骨牌效应。由于在残酷的市场条件下无法维持流动性,Celsius 等许多全球加密货币贷方不得不暂停提款。

The collapse of Terra has had a domino effect on the rest of the encryption market, owing to a crisis of encrypt currency lending caused by large-scale liquidations and uncertainty. Many global encrypt money lenders, such as Celsius, have had to suspend withdrawals because liquidity cannot be maintained under harsh market conditions.

从历史上看,比特币的价格在三年多来一直低于之前的高点。上一个 68,000 美元的峰值仅发生在七个月前,比特币是否以及何时会回到新的高度还有待观察。

Historically, Bitcoin prices have been below their previous highs for more than three years. The previous peak of $68,000 occurred only seven months ago. It remains to be seen whether and when Bitcoin will return to new heights.

截至发稿时,比特币价格在20719 美元。

At the time of publication, the Bitcoin price was US$ 20719.

根据比特币杂志的报道,“Mt. Gox 康复过程”正在进行中。来自交易所黑客的欠款是在 7 月 6 日发送的一封信中,受托人在信中确认正在准备还款。

According to the Bitcoin magazine, “Mt. Gox Rehabilitation Process” is under way. In a letter sent on 6 July, the trustee confirmed that the repayment was being prepared.

超过 700,000 BTC 在 2014 年的黑客攻击中丢失。调查人员发现 141,686 BTC 重新分配给受害者,受害者可以选择接受 BTC、BCH 或现金偿还。

More than 700,000 BTC were lost during the hacking attack in 2014. The investigators found that 141,686 BTC had been reassigned to victims, who had the option of accepting BTC, BCH or cash reimbursement.

这种情况可能意味着额外的 142,000 BTC 被抛售到市场上,在这个微妙的时期增加了卖方的压力。

This situation may mean that the additional 142,000 BTC were sold to the market, increasing the pressure on the seller during this delicate period.

尽管现金支付似乎会抵消这一点,但假设受托人将清算等值的 BTC,因此仍会增加抛售压力。

While cash payments appear to offset this, it is assumed that the trustee will settle the BTC with its equivalent, thus increasing the sales pressure.



Statement: This is the author's independent view and does not represent reading the meta-cosm


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