比特币境内外冰火两重天 不少国家松口给其发展空间

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原标题:比特币境内外冰火两重天 不少国家松口给其发展空间

  柏可林 摄


In the last few years, Bitcoin has gone up and down, and the instability of the value of the currency has put investors at great risk. Moreover, frequent hacking, multiple exchange platforms have been shut down, and the security of Bitcoin transactions is in jeopardy.


The issue of security, which has been plagued by the scourge of Bitcoin, has recently been surrounded by both good and bad news.


The good news is that the London delegation of one of the world’s famous real-estate brands, RE/MAX, recently announced that Bitcoin would be accepted as a way of paying property rents. A study released by the British Central Bank on 26 February suggests that the combination of digital money and mobile technology could radically change the shopping habits of the British people, similar to the changes brought about by the Internet, and given that the British Central Bank is considering whether to use this technology to publish official digital currencies.


On March 5, the Hong Kong police uncovered a case of fraud by Mycoin, a Bitcoin exchange, in which two men and three women were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to blackmail.


On the same day, on 11 February, the Hong Kong Police received reports that investment in the Bitcoin trading platform, Mycoin.hk, had suddenly ceased operations at the end of 2014, and that the head of the company had lost contact with the police, suspected of being defrauded, and had reported to the police. At that time, the statistics were as high as HK$74 million. On 11 March, the Hong Kong Police received 25 more reports. To date, more than 80 victims, mostly Hong Kong residents, and investors in Taiwan, Singapore, Nepal, etc., have been reported, amounting to HK$3 billion.


It's just the tip of the iceberg of Bitcoin platform risk.


The day before, Cavirtex of the Canadian Bitcoin Exchange had ceased to accept deposits and announced that withdrawals would be suspended on 25 March.


Cavirtex believes that an old version of the database, including two authentication and hash codes, could have been damaged by hackers on 15 February. The company stated that the exchange had not lost any bitcoin reserves, but believed that the blacking had damaged the company’s reputation and made it difficult to continue its operations.


Is the security problem a stumbling block to the development of Bitcoin?


Security: technical warfare


“Safety is indeed one of the most important aspects of the Bitcoin web site, since it is digital and difficult to trace, and therefore the security of the site itself and the proper storage of the bitcoin are particularly important.”


The co-founder of the country's largest Bitcoin trading platform, OKCoin, also stated to the Journal of International Finance that “the security risks of the Bitcoin website are external and internal”.


In terms of external risk, hacker attacks are more common.


To date, there is still much room for upgrading the basic technical architecture of Bitcoin. The safe preservation of large amounts of bitcoins, such as Bitcoin trading platforms, online wallets, etc., is an important issue for the industry as a whole.


“In the near future, we have kept our Bitcoin wallet technology open to the public free of charge, both within and outside the country.” What makes it clear that “helping companies without conditions in the industry to keep their cold wallets (absolutely unconnected to the Internet), on the one hand, and hoping to interact with their counterparts on the issue of Bitcoin security techniques, on the other”.


Internal risks should also not be overlooked. “This depends on whether the security wind control process is designed and implemented within the company.


In March 2014, Mt. Gox, the world's largest Bitcoin trading platform, lost a total of 650,000 bitcoins. At present, these bitcoins, worth about $180 million, remain unaccounted for. The company CEO Mark Capos blames Bitcoin for its loss on hackers, but the Tokyo police in charge of the Mt.Gox investigation found that only 7,000 bitcoins were lost to hackers.


Internal risks in the Bitcoin trading platform are even more challenging than external risks.


According to Zhang, “whether internal or external, a professional technical team should improve security in all its aspects in order to prevent hacking and the theft of bitcoin from inside and outside.”


The idea of the OKCoin design includes that the network is unsafe, that it is likely to be attacked as long as it has access to the network; that the flash drive is unsafe, that the flash drive may be implanted into the virus, that the flash drive implanted into the virus may automatically record data, that hackers steal data through the network after being inserted into the network; that the individual is not credible and that all authorizations must be double confirmed by multiple individuals in order to ensure security, etc.


In addition, the currency of the cold wallet is stored in a decentralized manner, with a specified number of bitcoins stored at each address; all private keys stored on a fully offline computer; private keys never reached the network or flash drive; private key encryption documents need to be backed up at a different location and controlled by different people at a different location.


“Many of the Bitcoin companies and platforms that received wind money are improving the platform's security and wind control systems, which are essential for sustainable development.”


In the case of trading platforms such as Mycoin.hk, marketers have indicated that investors need to screen themselves and that these websites were motivated when they were established.


Many of the victims of this trading platform said that, from the beginning of 2014, the Bitcoin project had been invested in the discovery of the bitcoin through the Hong Kong Xujin Investment Company Ltd. The company claimed that it had leased cloud machines to the American Kryllium Corporation for the discovery of bitcoin.hk could then be used to sell the discovered bitcointally. Many people had been successful in the early stages of the project, but the stimulant investments had suddenly ceased to operate, and mycoin.hk had ceased to operate.


“It is difficult to completely eliminate the risks of the Bitcoin trading platform, but it is possible to guard against several aspects, such as the soundness of the company's wind control system and the passing of wallet technology, which, of course, require a certain level of professionalism on the part of investors. More simply, it can be judged by the length of the platform's life, whether the executive has a technical background, whether there are wind control clauses in the house, etc..” A senior investor in Bitcoin has suggested.


Capital: Still crazy


However, practitioners do not view security as a fundamental issue affecting the viability of the Bitcoin website.


“It is true that security issues are at the heart of the problem, but the greater impact of Bitcoin is a policy risk.” How can IFC journalists be told?


In December 2013, the Central Bank of China issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, clarifying the nature of Bitcoin, arguing that Bitcoin was not issued by monetary authorities, had no monetary attributes, such as legal and mandatory, and was not a currency in the true sense. Financial institutions and payment agencies were required, at this stage, to refrain from pricing bitcoin for products or services, from buying, selling, or buying bitcoin as a central counterpart, from covering insurance operations related to bitcoin, or from including bitcoins in insurance liability, and from providing customers directly or indirectly with other bitcoin-related services.


As a result, Bitcoin went down the path, falling by more than 70% in 2014. “The development of bitcoin in the domestic market is constrained by the policy environment, while in the international market, greater volatility can also affect the application of bitcoin payments.”


But the door to the development of Bitcoin has not been closed, and many countries have even begun to let go and give hope to the development of bitcoin.


The German Federal Ministry of Finance recognized Bitcoin as a “unit of account”. As a unit of account, Bitcoin had the same clearing function as foreign exchange.

  英国央行在最近的“One Bank”研究中指出,数字货币可作为一个“潜在的通道”,以应对金融和经济的不稳定性对现有全球金融体系的消弱。在报告中,英国央行同时指出:“数字货币有可能和移动技术相结合,将重塑安全支付机制,让交易在参与者之间直接进行。”

According to the British Central Bank’s recent “One Bank” study, digital currencies can serve as a “potential channel” for dealing with financial and economic instability that weakens the existing global financial system. In the report, the British Central Bank also states: “Digital currencies may be combined with mobile technology, which will reshape safe payment mechanisms, allowing transactions to take place directly between participants.”

  美国犹他州代表马克·K·罗伯茨于2月份提交的HCR 6草案最近在州参议院已经获得了通过,该法案鼓励犹他州政府扩大比特币使用范围。不过,该草案还需通过州联邦召开研讨会来讨论是否将比特币作为有效的支付方式,只有在通过参议院的第二次和第三次表决之后,才能确定比特币是否能够成为州联邦的合法支付手段。

The draft HCR 6 submitted by the Utah state representative, Mark K. Roberts, in February, was recently passed by the state Senate, which encouraged the Utah government to expand the use of bitcoin. However, it also requires a state federal seminar to discuss whether Bitcoin should be used as an effective method of payment, and only after the second and third senatorial vote can it be determined whether Bitcoin can be a legitimate means of payment for the state.


The capital market, too, has no fear of Bitcoin security problems and continues to invest in the Bitcoin industry.

  硅谷创业公司21 Inc已经完成了1.16亿美元的融资,从而扩大其比特币技术的应用。

Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs 21 Inc. has completed $116 million in financing, thereby expanding its use of Bitcoin technology.


In recent days, several Bitcoin platforms have announced plans for listing.


On 8 March, Quadriga CX, a Canadian-based Bitcoin Exchange, announced that it would start listing on the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE) in April. If not unexpected, it would become the world’s first publicly traded Bitcoin Exchange.

  此前,比特币衍生品交易平台Tera Exchange与MGT资本投资公司宣布进行反向合并。MGT将向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交S-4招股说明书和代理委托书。按照协议条款,在股东批准的情况下,MGT将Tera的股东发行普通股,占总股本的70%。

Previously, the Bitcoin derivatives trading platform Tera Exchange and MGT Capital Investment announced a reverse merger. MGT will submit to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) an S-4 offer statement and a proxy order. Under the terms of the agreement, MGT issues ordinary shares to Tera’s shareholders, representing 70% of total equity.

  Tera Group是Tera Exchange有限责任公司的所有人,是一家受美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)监管的掉期执行设施(SEF)。Tera在比特币衍生品的开发方面处于领先地位。2014年9月,Tera Exchange推出首个受监管的比特币衍生品产品和一个现货比特币价格指数。

Tera Group, the owner of Tera Exchange Limited, is a swap enforcement facility (SEF) supervised by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Tera is a leader in the development of Bitcoin derivatives. In September 2014, Tera Exchange launched its first regulated Bitcoin derivative product and a spot Bitcoin price index.


Application: Internal and external differences


Why capital still looks at bitcoin, the answer may be in bitcoin's application prospects.


“For Bitcoin itself, Bitcoin will succeed only if the application develops and the base of the population using bitcoin expands.”


And what's interesting is that bitcoin applications are completely different at home and abroad.


As the domestic market does not support Bitcoin payments, the Bitcoin application is concentrated in the area of currency swings.


According to a recently published study by Goldman Sachs, over 80 per cent of the transactions in bitcoins have been conducted in renminbi over the past year.


According to Zhang, “bitcoin does have larger transactions in China, and this is due to the fact that China’s trading market does not charge fees, etc. The simple volume of transactions does not mean that it is good or bad, and that the business start-up and financing environment of foreign companies is much better than that of China.”


Moreover, as Bitcoin prices experienced a sharp fall in 2014, the bitcoin transactions that were decoupled from actual payments for consumption are becoming less and less numerous.


International Finance Reporters learned from a group of QQ investments in bitcoin that most bitcoins had transferred other assets.


“Recently looking at the stock market, where do you have time to see bitcoin prices?” A bitcoin investor said, “When the next round comes, bitcoin investment may re-emerge.”


And a senior Bitcoin investor, Wang Shang, told the reporter: “Betcoin has been in a state of discomfort lately, and investors are not interested. At the craziest time in 2013, there were more than 200 active users, and there are now less than 10”.


In international markets, bitcoin holders are more interested in bitcoin payment applications.

  2014年,亚马逊、沃尔玛和梅西百货等提供打折代购服务的Zinc Save已开始接受比特币。世界第三大PC制造商戴尔公司宣布与比特币支付公司Coinbase合作,提供比特币支付选项。戴尔还宣布了特别的外星人电脑(Alienware)的比特币促销:用比特币购买外星人电脑可享受10%的折扣,最高减免150美元。苹果公司也认可了比特币钱包。日本电子商务巨头乐天株式会社旗下的物流公司——乐天超级物流美国分公司日前宣布,开始与BitPay合作,接受比特币支付。

In 2014, Zinc Save, the third largest PC manufacturer in the world, announced cooperation with Coinbase, a company that pays Bitcoin, offering a bitcoin payment option. Dale also announced a special alien computer, Alienware, that it would receive a 10% discount on the purchase of extraterrestrial computers, with a maximum reduction of $150. Apple also approved Bitco’s wallet.


Bitcoin payments are also growing rapidly in many countries other than the United States.


The University of Simon Fraser, Canada, officially announced its participation in Bitcoin in August 2014, accepting a digital currency donation, and the University became the first Canadian higher education institution to receive donations in this way. Since then, the University has also considered receiving bitcoin payments for bookshops and catering services in the Vancouver campus, and has assessed the feasibility of installing Bitcoin ATMs.


Korea’s Bitcoin trading website, CoinPlug, has recently indicated that they have established a marketing network that can buy kBitcard (bitcoin prepaid cards) more easily throughout the country. In late last year, CoinPlug launched a Bitcoin prepaid cards with personal identification numbers at 7-11 convenience stores.

  比特币投资将迎来新的产品,比特币投资信托(Bitcoin Investment Trust,BIT)有望成为全球首只公开交易的比特币基金。该基金计划在美国场外交易集团(OTC Market Group)的电子平台上申请上市。

The Bitcoin Investment Trust (BIT) is expected to become the world’s first publicly traded bitcoin fund. The fund plans to be listed on the electronic platform of the United States Out-of-Sales Trading Group (OTC Market Group).


"Bitcoin is characterized by low transaction costs and efficiency, and bitcoin's acceptance is increasing. For example, we buy equipment in games and pay for cross-border transactions.


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