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随着数字货币市场的日益成熟与技术的不断进步,比特币、以太坊和Solana等主流加密货币及其生态系统正迎来一系列令人瞩目的新发展和合作。从Wizz Cash与Bitget Wallet的强强联手,到亿万富翁投资者Bill Miller IV对比特币的坚定看好,再到以太坊现货ETF批准进程的加速,以及Solana生态的新进展,这些快讯不仅展示了加密货币领域的创新活力,也预示着市场未来的发展方向,下面让我们一同了解比特币、以太坊、SOL币6月12日最新快讯消息汇总。

As digital money markets grow more mature and technologically advanced, mainstream encrypted money and its ecosystem, such as Bitcoin, Ether, and Solana, are emerging with an impressive array of new developments and collaborations. From Wizz Cash to Bitget Wallet’s powerful team, to Bill Miller IV bitcoin’s firm view of billionaire investors, to the acceleration of the ETF approval process in Ether, and to new advances in Solana’s ecology, these quick signals not only demonstrate innovative dynamics in the area of encryption money, but also signal the future direction of the market.

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2024-06-12 09:58

Wizz Cash与Bitget Wallet达成合作:比特币生态应用Wizz Cash现已支持Bitget Wallet接入,为用户提供比特币加速交易、Atomicals资产铸造、批量转账ARC20及符文等功能。双方还将在Atomicals和Runes Index索引器方面深入合作,优化用户资产管理体验。

Wizz Cash works with Bitget Wallet: The Bitget Cash ecological application has now supported Bitget Wallet access, providing users with Bitcoins fast-track transactions, Atomicals asset casting, bulk transfer ARC20 and tokens. The parties will also work closely with Atomicals and Runs Index indexers to optimize their asset management experiences.

2024-06-12 09:27

亿万富翁Bill Miller IV坚定看好比特币:Miller Value Partners的掌舵者Bill Miller IV在博客文章中重申了对比特币的坚定信念,认为其被严重“低估”,并预测全球资本治理将发生重大转变。他强调比特币作为安全、不可篡改和自动化的系统,提供了优于传统货币体系的选择。

Bill Miller IV, a billionaire, firmly sees Bitcoin: Bill Miller Value Partners at the helm, reiterated in his blog post his firm belief that Bitcoin was seriously “undervalued” and predicted a major shift in global capital governance. He emphasized that Bitcoin, as a safe, non-roguable and automated system, offered a better choice than a traditional monetary system.

2024-06-12 08:36

CryptoQuant分析比特币市场动态:CryptoQuant首席执行官Ki Young Ju表示,对于比特币下一轮上涨,美国市场比离岸全球市场更为重要。他分析指出,尽管稳定币市值在增长,但与BTC和ETH市值的比率正在下降,且仅靠稳定币无法推动市场飙升。Coinbase在全球BTC/USD现货市场的影响力不断上升,成为市场的重要推动力量。

CryptoQuant analyses the dynamics of the Bitcoin market: CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju states that the US market is more important than the offshore global market for the next round of Bitcoin’s rise. He analyses that, while the market value of stable currencies is increasing, the ratio with BTC and ETH market value is declining, and it is unlikely that stable currencies alone will boost the market. Coinbase’s influence in the global BTC/USD spot market is rising, becoming an important driving force for the market.

2024-06-12 09:08

以太坊现货ETF批准进程受关注:The ETF Store总裁Nate Geraci表示,预计以太坊现货ETF的S-1文件将在6月底前获得批准。他认为,SEC没有理由拖延,且以太坊期货ETF和比特币现货ETF的批准为以太坊现货ETF的批准铺平了道路。

In his view, there is no reason for SEC to delay and to pave the way for Taipan's spot ETF approvals by the end of June, according to Nate Geraci, President of the ETF Store, which is expected to be approved by the end of June.

2024-06-12 08:06

ProShares提交以太坊ETF S-1文件:ProShares为其现货以太坊ETF提交了S-1注册声明,明确了各方角色与职责。Coinbase Credit、纽约梅隆银行等机构将分别担任贸易信贷贷款人、转让代理等角色,确保ETF的顺利运作。

ProShares submitted an ETF S-1 document: ProShares submitted a S-1 registration statement for its current ETF, clarifying roles and responsibilities. Coinbase Credit, New York Melon Bank, etc., will serve as trade credit lenders, transfer agents, etc., to ensure the smooth functioning of ETFs.

2024-06-12 10:26


Sanctum introduces lif SOL tokens: The Solana eco-movement bond Sanctum announces the launch of the lif SOL tokens, which aims to increase the mobility of Solana.

2024-06-12 09:41

Cboe副总裁分析Solana现货ETF前景:Cboe副总裁Rob Marrocco认为,在Solana和XRP现货ETF的批准上,短期内存在现实障碍。他指出,这些加密货币缺乏期货市场,这是批准比特币和以太坊现货ETF的关键因素。他建议,Solana ETF的推出可能需要先通过Solana期货ETF来铺平道路。

The Vice-President of Cboe analysed Solana's spot ETF prospects: Rob Marrocco, Vice-President of Cboe, argued that there were real obstacles in the short term to approval of Solana and XRP spot ETF. He noted that the lack of a futures market for these encrypted currencies was a key factor in approving Bitcoin and Etheria spot ETF. He suggested that the launch of Solana ETF might need to be paved by Solana future ETF.

2024-06-12 08:10


TipLink offers a non-extended wallet service: Solana's encryption wallet starter, TipLink, introduces the TipLink wallet adapter, which provides easy services for users that do not need to be expanded by the wallet browser. Users can create wallets in the browser through Google accounts and simplify the process of receiving tokens.

2024-06-12 05:20

Solana联合创始人探讨MEV解决方案:Solana联合创始人Anatoly Yakovenko发文探讨解决MEV(最大可提取价值)的现实方法,建议通过最大化区块生产者之间的竞争并让用户选择打包其交易的区块生产者来降低MEV影响。他强调这是一个工程问题,但并非不可能实现。

The co-founder of Solana discussed the MEV solution: Anatoly Yakovenko, co-founder of Solana, wrote to explore practical ways to address the MEV (the maximum recoverable value) and suggested reducing its impact by maximizing competition among block producers and allowing users to select block producers to package their transactions. He stressed that it was an engineering issue, but it was not impossible to achieve it.


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