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On 14 November, the OkLink multi-chain browser in the Ocowin chain announced access to Arbitrum main network data as the first multi-chain browser in the industry to support data queries in the Arbitrum chain.




Section 22, Public Chain supported by the OKLink Multi-Link Browser, Section 2, Layer 2 Block Chain (hereinafter: L2), is the upper line of the Arbitrum Browser, another deep plowing of the Ocowin Chain in the area of L2.


Why say "also"? Because as early as September this year, we got online the first L2 browser in OKLink: the Optim browser.


The Arbitrum browser, which is the OKLink Article 2L2 browser, has not only gained the endorsement of the Arbitrum official social media, but has further refined the strategic layout of the Ocowin chain in the area of L2.

借此上线契机,小O也为大家带来了L2到L1之间的知识科普,从链上数据角度帮助大家了解Arbitrum网络,减少后期OKLink Arbitrum浏览器使用中的“盲区”。

With this opportunity, O also brought you a knowledge section between L2 and L1, helping to understand the Arbitrum network from a data point of view on the chain and reducing the “blind zone” used by the later OKLink Abitrum browser.


L1→L2→Rollup→Optimistic Rollup


In order to address the problem of cyber congestion and to reduce transaction fees for Gas, a series of two-tier (Layer2) programmes have emerged: , state lanes, side chains, Plasma and Rollup, .

其中,Rollups目前占据了绝对的市场份额,它将原始交易数据汇总(Rollup)并存放在以太坊Layer 1(L1)上,而成本高昂的执行和存储移至Layer 2(L2)。同时,为该批次交易生成“证明”,然后将这个证明发布在主网上。

Among them, Rollups now holds an absolute market share by storing the original transaction data aggregation (Rollup) on the Ether Layer 1 (L1), while the costly execution and storage move to Layer 2 (L2) and generate a “certificate” for the batch, which is then posted on the main web site.

因此,Rollup的安全性由Layer 1保证,比侧链之类的其他解决方案更安全

Therefore, the safety of Rollup is guaranteed by Layer 1 and is safer than other solutions such as the side chain .

Rollups 主要分为 ZK-Rollups 和 Optimistic Rollups,二者的主要区别在于验证交易的方法,一个证明而另一个证伪。

Rollups is divided mainly into ZK-Rollups and Optimistic Rollups, the main difference between the methods used to verify the transaction, one proof and the other.


The former does not rely on trust in any network participant, using the cryptographic method of proof of zero knowledge to prove the legitimacy of a transaction (procedure), but because of its complex certification mechanism, it is limited to simple transactions and generates effective proof that it is complex and time-consuming, with a lower market share.

后者(Optimistic Rollups)顾名思义,假设所有新添加的Rollup都是真实的,除非在7天内网络用户提出异议(证伪)。拥有较高的交易处理效率,同时保证较高的安全性,是一种目前被市场认可的权衡方案。

The latter (Optimistic Rollups), by definition, assumes that all the new Rollup additions are true, unless network users object within seven days (perjury). Having a high level of efficiency in dealing with transactions, while ensuring a high level of security, is a trade-off currently accepted by the market.

而本文的主角,是占据市场份额超过50%的Arbitrum One

and the protagonist here is Arbitrum One . >. >.


Arbitrum 的目的是解决交互式争议。因此 Arbitrum 命名指的是法律术语中的“仲裁员”,意为裁决争议的人。

The purpose of Arbitrum is to resolve interactive disputes. Thus the name Arbitrum refers to the “arbitrator” in legal terminology and means the person who decides the dispute.

Arbitrum L2与Ethereum L1之间有一套名为 EthBridge 的智能合约。EthBridge 一方面裁决 L2 链上的纠纷,另一方面监听L2链的收件箱和发件箱。以太坊L1上的 Arbitrum 收件箱合约(Inbox)是 Arbitrum 架构的重要组成部分,分为 Sequencer Inbox 和 Delayed Inbox。收件箱收集所有交易,并按照先到先得的原则进行排序。

Arbitrum L2 and Etheeum L1 have a smart contract called EthBridge. On the one hand, EthBridge decides on the L2 chain and, on the other hand, listens to the L2 chain's inbox and sender box. The Inbox contract on Etheria L1 is an important part of the Arbitrum architecture, divided into Squarer Inbox and Delayed Inbox. Inbox collects all transactions and sequences them on a first-come, first-served basis.

Arbitrum虚拟机(AVM)读取L1链上的收件箱合约,并以即定的方式执行计算。ArbOS(Arbitrum Layer2的操作系统)则在AVM上运行,并执行Arbitrum L2链上的智能合约。

Arbitrum's virtual machine (AVM) reads the inbox contracts on the L1 chain and performs calculations in an instant fashion. Arbos (Arbitrum Layer2's operating system) operates on AVM and executes the smart contracts on the Arbitrum L2 chain.

除了上述的重要组成部分,验证者是Arbitrum生态系统中的主要参与者。验证者是节点,观察Arbitrum Layer2上的活动并推进rollup链状态。注意,不是所有的节点都是验证者。验证Arbitrum链是完全无权需许可的。

In addition to the important components mentioned above, the certifying officer is the main participant in the Arbitrum ecosystem . The certifying officer is the node, observing the activities on Arbitrum Layer2 and advancing the roll group status. Note that not all nodes are authenticators. The authentication of the Arbitrum chain is entirely non-licensed.


to read the data on the chain in the browser, we need to understand the life cycle of the Arbitrum transaction


  • 对于L2上的原生DApp,用户可以通过钱包直接在L2提交交易

    For raw DApp on L2, the user can submit the transaction directly to L2 through his wallet.

  • 对于从L1向L2存款这样的操作,用户需要向Arbitrum在L1中的Delayed Inbox合约发送交易

    For operations such as deposits from L1 to L2, the user is required to send a transaction to Arbitrum's Delayed Inbox contract in L1


  • 这些交易由AVM以先到先得的方式执行,输入排序器收件箱中的交易,进入Arbitrum L2执行过程。Arbitrum L2 上的验证者在收件箱中读取这些交易,并以确定性的方式一起执行它们。

    These transactions are performed by AVM on a first-come, first-served basis, entering the transactions in the sorter's inbox into the Arbitrum L2 execution process. The certifying officer on Arbitrum L2 reads the transactions in the inbox and executes them together in a definitive manner.


  • Arbitrum 上的验证者将提出一个包含用户交易执行的Rollup块。一旦产生 rollup 块,将会有一个为期一周的争议挑战,直到交易在 Ethereum L1 上得到确认。

    The confirmer on Arbitrum will propose a Rollup block that will include the execution of a user transaction. Once a rollup block is created, there will be a one-week challenge to the dispute until the transaction is confirmed on Etherum L1.


  • 在一周的争议窗口之后,如果没有人对区块内交易的正确性提出异议,则该区块将由以太坊 Layer1 确认。

    After a week of dispute window, if no one disputes the correctness of the transaction within the block, the block will be confirmed by Ether Layer1.



Read more about Arbitrum's running mechanisms and then read the data in the browser.


wants to be involved in Arbitrum, to enjoy lower fees and faster transaction speed , the first step often involves sending assets (cross-links) to the Arbitrum second-tier network from the Ethnonet. It can be either $ETH or other assets such as ERC-20 or ERC-721.

下面,我们会以Arbitrum中常见的两类操作——$ETH 和 $ERC-20 在L1/L2之间的存取款为例,为大家展示如何在浏览器中查询自己的交易信息。

Under , we will show you how to search your transaction information in a browser, using the two types of operations that are common in Arbitrum - $ETH and $ERC-20 access between L1/L2 as examples .


$ETH deposits on Arbitrum and recovery

从以太坊主网向Arbitrum存入 $ETH 实际是一种跨链操作——在L1存入$ETH、L2负责记账,在链上主要分为三步:

The deposit of $ETH from the Etherm main network to Arbitrum is actually a cross-chain operation - the deposit of $Eth at L1 is in charge of bookkeeping, and L2 is divided into three main steps on the chain:


L1:用户在L1向 Arbitrum 的 Delayed Inbox 合约发送一笔交易,来调用 depositEth(address destAddr) 函数。

L1: The user sends a transaction at L1 to the Arbitrum Delayed Inbox contract to call the depositEth (address destAddr) function.


L1:Inbox合约会将用户的 $ETH 存入Arbitrum的Bridge合约(0x831)保管

L1: Inbox contracts will deposit user $ETH into Bridge contracts (0x831) in Arbitrum.


- The first step in the life cycle


The MessageDelivered event of the transaction contains the user's “sender” address in L2 and will be transferred to the user (0xd13) by this alias in L2.

L2别名=L1_Contract_ Address + 0x1111000000000000000000000000000000001111

L2 alias = L1_Contact_Address + 0x111000000000000000000000000000111


L2:大约十几分钟后,Arbitrum会将这笔 $ETH 发送到用户在L2的地址(0xd13)。用户可以稍后通过上述“L2别名地址”在OKLink Arbitrum浏览器中查询这笔跨链交易在L2中的情况。

L2: In about ten minutes, Arbitrum will send this $ETH to the user's address at L2 (0xd13). Users can later search in the OKLink Arbitrum browser for this cross-chain transaction in L2.


- the second step in the life cycle of a transaction

相反地,从L2取回 $ETH 到以太坊主网的操作,则是用户在L2向ArbSys(0x64)发送 $ETH 并调用 withdrawEth(address to) 方法,销毁L2上的 $ETH。

Instead, the operation to retrieve $ETH from L2 to Ether is the method of sending $ETH at L2 to ArbSys (0x64) and calling withdrawEth (address to) to destroy $ETH on L2.

经过7天的挑战期后,用户地址通过调用 Arbitrum 在L1上 Outbox 合约的 executeTransaction 函数,将 Arbitrum Bridge 合约中的 $ETH 发送回用户地址。

After seven days of challenge, the user address sends the $ETH in the Arbitrum Bridge contract back to the user address by calling the execcuteTransation function of the Arbitrum contract on L1.


- Step 4 in the life cycle of a transaction

需要强调的一个重点是,从 Layer1 到 Layer2 的交易很快就会得到确认,类似于正常的以太坊 Layer1上的 交易。但是,对于从 Layer2 到 Layer1 的交易,在 Layer1 确认交易之前有 1 周的争议期。尽管以太坊链仅在 1 周争议期后才知道 rollup 块的正确性,但由于 Arbitrum 虚拟机的确定性,一旦交易进入收件箱合约,每个观察第 2 层的人都已经知道结果。

One point that needs to be emphasized is that transactions from Layer1 to Layer2 will soon be confirmed, similar to those on the normal Ether-Layer1. However, for transactions from Layer2 to Layer1, there is a one-week dispute period before the transaction is confirmed. Although the correctness of the rollup block is known only after a one-week dispute period, due to the certainty of the Arbitrum virtual machine, once the transaction enters the inbox contract, every person observing the second floor is aware of the outcome.


$USDC deposits on Arbitrum and recovery


In order to cross Ether's main network to L2, the ETC-20 is operated on a cross-chain basis by three types of contracts:


asset contracts : ERC-20 contracts on L1 and L2


gateway contracts : real contracts on L1 and L2 for cross-chain operations >/span >


route contract: L1 and L2 accept user requests and submit to the corresponding gateway contract

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将 $USDC 存入Arbitrum网络主要分为三步:

divides $USDC into three main steps into the Arbitrum network:


L1:向以太坊主网的Arbitrum L1GatewayRouter合约发送一笔交易,调用outboundTransfer 函数

L1: Send a transaction to the Arbitrum L1GatewayRouter contract on Ethernet calling outboundTransfer function


L1:Router合约继而将需要发送的 ERC-20 代币(这里是$USDC)存至Arbitrum在L1中的Custom Gateway合约地址

L1: Router's contract will then need to send ERC-20 tokens (this is $USDC) to Arbitrum's Cstom Gateway contract address in L1.


L2:用户在L2上的别名地址会负责向Arbitrum L2中的 Custom Gateway 合约发送交易,调用 finalizeInboundTransfer 方法,在L2铸造代币发送给用户地址

L2: User aliases on L2 will be responsible for sending transactions to the Custom Gateway contract in Arbitrum L2, calling the finalizeInboudTransfer method and sending them to the user address at the L2 casting tokens.

从Arbitrum取回$USDC的流程和存入基本类似:用户先向L2GatewayRouter合约发起提款交易,经过过网关合约在L2->L1的通信(Retryable Tickets)后,由网关合约将L1上的代币发送给用户。

The process and deposit of $USDC from Arbitrum is essentially similar: the user first initiates a withdrawal transaction to the L2GatewayRouter contract, passes through the gateway contract at L2-> the L1 communication (Retryable Tickets) contract sends the currency on L1 to the user.


如果说OP浏览器,是欧科云链布局L2生态的起点,那此次上线的Arbitrum绝不会是终点,未来我们还将继续以链上数据为切入点,密切关注和深入研究全球 L2 生态发展,为所有关注和参与L2生态建设的用户提供更加全面和丰富的数据支持。

If the OP browser is the starting point for the L2 ecology of the Ocowin chain layout, then the online Arbitrum will never be the end point , and in the future we will continue to follow closely and study the global L2 eco-development and provide more comprehensive and rich data support to all users interested in and involved in the L2 eco-building.


Today, the OkLink multi-chain browser under the Ocowin chain has covered 22 mainstream block chain networks around the globe. While adhering to the deep layout and globalization strategy, OKLink is becoming a multi-chain browser on the road “the best/span” user experience, the most comprehensive data dimensions, and the most covered block chain network .



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