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In the broader context of global economic integration, cross-border power suppliers, as new modes of trade, are becoming a new engine for the growth of international trade with their unique advantages. The city of Xu Chang, the core city of China’s (Xu Chang) Transborder E-Commerce Pilot Zone, with its deep industrial base and an open business environment, is actively embracing this change and is committed to making itself a national and, indeed, a global, cross-border electric power provider.


Xu Chang's cross-border electricity dealer is approaching the golden age


The city of Xu Chang attaches great importance to the development of the cross-border electricity industry and has put in place a number of support policies, including financial support, tax incentives, and talent development, to promote rapid industrial growth.


At present, the market for cross-border electric power suppliers in Xu Chang City is undergoing rapid development and transformation, building on the China (Xu Chang) Integrated Pilot Area Implementation Programme for Cross-border Electronic Commerce, Xu Chang City plans to build 10 industrial parks, foster 10 niche industries and hatch 500 enterprises within five years, with a target annual turnover of 30 billion yuan. Through models such as B2B, M2C, B2C, and others, it also promotes the integration of cross-border electric power providers into trade in market procurement and the creation of an efficient regulatory system.


In addition, the Henan Province Department of Commerce supported a special programme with the city of Xu Chang, aimed at significantly increasing the volume of transactions, improving the industrial chain, promoting new developments in foreign trade and making cross-border electricity suppliers a new engine of economic openness and growth over a period of three years.


On June 12, Xu Chang successfully organized a cross-border telecom event on the theme “Intelligent Global, Unseen Future.” The event was co-sponsored by Tantun and Yunbaba and co-sponsored by heavyweight companies such as the North and the South, Jibhuun and others, and provided an important platform for communication and cooperation in the cross-border electricity industry.


With the active contribution of the Xu Chang City Urban and Rural Integration Model Zone Management Committee and the Xu Chang City Business Centre, the event attracted dozens of businesses from a variety of fields, such as manufacturing, bee products, toilet ceramics, and construction machinery. The involvement of these companies is not only an expression of the Government’s strong support for the development of the cross-border electricity industry, but also a full demonstration of Xu Chang’s determination and strength in promoting external economic development.


The exchange brought together a wide range of industry elites .


The meeting was attended by the heads of the Xu Chang City model urban-rural integration zone management committee, the Xu Chang City business centre district and the Business Department, and brought together representatives of various electric and other industries and businesses to discuss innovation and development in the area of cross-border electricity businesses.


At the conference, expert scholars engaged in in-depth and insightful discussions on the multiple dimensions of smart customer service, the construction of an independent station for cross-border power suppliers, rapid live distribution, the re-engineering of digital carriers, and cloud cellular applications. Experiences in the field of cross-border power suppliers were shared, new trends in industry were explored, and future strategies for cross-border power suppliers were developed.


Smart Passenger Service Leads Transfrontier Electric Services Change


Intelligent passenger service, as an important tool, is gradually becoming an option for cross-border power suppliers. At the exchange, Liu Hae-Gang, a contemplation manager, presented the core strengths and applications of smart customer service, emphasizing its role in upgrading client experiences and reducing operating costs. Smart passenger service combines multiple channels to provide easy and efficient services with full coverage, intelligence and globalization.


Cross-border Power Vendor Independence Stations brand sailed out to sea


Cross-border power provider stand-alone stations are a key platform for branding, raising awareness and expanding overseas markets. Quake cloud solution architect Yuan Bo shared the construction, operation and promotion of stand-alone stations at the exchange. Quality support from Lighthouse Lighthouse light application servers for cross-border power provider stand-alone stations has been provided for efficient and stable operations.


Agile Lives to enhance marketing efficiency of cross-border power suppliers


Live marketing is a new and emerging model of cross-border power providers, and is of interest to businesses. At the exchange, Tang Jianxiang, a tung-jung solution architect, shared information on how to improve the efficiency of cross-border electricity suppliers’ marketing through agile live broadcasting.


Digital Lives with New Directions for Redecorating Sales Winners


How companies use smart digital images for round-the-clock, multi-platform live marketing, and combined with large model knowledge engines for smart question-and-answer and individualizing recommendations to enhance client experience and marketing effectiveness. With a rich product matrix and efficient integration tool, the Smart Smart Men platform provides strong support to businesses to quickly build up a multi-thinking image of brand-consistent applications that combine multiple drivers and interactive models, while supporting self-help customization and multi-end access to provide flexible and easy solutions for businesses.


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The head of mobile phone operations at the site in Yunpayun has read in depth the actual application value of cloud phones in cross-border power provider operations, with automated nutrients that accurately locate target customers and enhance user stickyness. Functions such as bulk-distribution videos can rapidly increase brand influence and capture market share.


In addition, cloud phones can improve operational efficiency, reduce labour costs, respond to market competition, and enhance brand competitiveness. Cloud phones support GPS positioning modifications, new buttons, etc., to meet different operational needs.


Comprehensive Solutions for Cross-border Foreign Trade Platforms Out to the Sea


As a favoured developer of foreign trade software, the North-South and North-South Regional Marketing Authority introduced the North-South Cloud Platform, which provides business with full process support from business to order enforcement through functional modules such as overseas business machine searches, customer relationship management, export operations, etc. By virtue of its significant advantages in data standardization, process management visualization, and cost-effectiveness control, it provides efficient and easy operational tools for cross-border power suppliers. At the same time, in close cooperation with government and industry agencies, the North-South Cloud Platform also provides businesses with extensive industrial resources and policy support to enable them to expand their markets abroad.


Integrated Solutions for the Promotion of Cross-border Power Providers


The site's Senior Product Marketing Adviser, Hsiao Koo-kun, is providing detailed information on how seamless integration of multiple functional modules, such as OMS, ERP and WMS, has helped enterprises to achieve process-wide digitized management from order processing, inventory management to financial closure.


It uses the micro-services technology architecture to achieve low co-coupling of services and to ensure rapid succession and continuous evolution of the system. It supports a variety of business models and flexible customization to meet the needs of different enterprises. It interfaces with payment platforms such as payment treasures to provide easy and secure payment experiences.


The successful holding of this cross-border power provider summit has amply demonstrated Xu Chang’s strong power and potential in the field of cross-border power suppliers, and has also created a solid bridge between local and international firms, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation and development. Through the summit, Xu Chang’s cross-border power suppliers have been given valuable learning opportunities, and have given new impetus to Xu Chang’s economic development.


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