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block chain technology has exceeded debitcoin, and many new block chain technology has nothing to do with bitcoin, some of which have their own token on it. Block chains are distributed and transparent accounts, distributed databases of point-to-points, with all the data stored on each full node, generated from the first bitcoin in January '09, with over 80 G data generated from the first bitcoin, with about 10 G. There are now thousands of full bitcoins. This account is unalterable, and any no one can download the full node data. In new applications such as public certificates, data identity, assets, smart contracts, etc., a separate private key certificate can be stored using numbers.


bitcoin is an open source of encrypted digital currency, a virtual asset, different from the general virtual currency. Bitcoin is generated not on the basis of a digital currency that can be organized by any country, but with the use of a computer independently issued digital currency, so that everyone can participate freely. Bitcoin is calculated by starting with PC, then using GPU floats, then using special chips. Bitcoin is a very low transaction fee, usually 0.0001, and the transaction volume is growing more slowly, and it is now three to five times faster. Some people are willing to pay more than zero points to account more.


the risk of bitcoin is first of all a policy risk, a totally decentralized technology, but not as understood by the outside world. Bitcoin is not illegal. Central banks, from the perspective of anti-money-laundering and excessive speculation, are required to close the bank access to public accounts by banks, and the main domestic exchange has to be replaced by personal accounts, but the third is not considered illegal from the government level, the central bank has always treated bitcoin as a commodity. Bitcoin’s anonymity has led to difficulties in regulation, the risk of being exploited.



Blocks are packaged into blocks every ten minutes with a record of transactions, each with a current ID, a high in the chain of blocks, and a record of transactions and the previous one, each chained up. The concept of blocks is to refer to mining, the design mechanism of a bitcoin system, allowing the miner to compete for a billing, and the system to reward a bitcoin, which is to calculate the amount of energy and time required to dig a mine, and the amount of labour to be spent can be randomly charged with the right to account for a block. The mining process is to produce a random calculation of the amount of money in the last block, plus a single package of transactions in 10 minutes plus a random number, counting a string of 256 bits and rewarding a bit of bit of bit of money.


The newly created blocks need to be broadcast quickly, and the other nodes need to verify them in case of forgery. Each block has a hash value of the previous block, which can be traced back to the source, only after being certified, and will eventually be given the right to package the block. In another case, the networks of different regions may be different, the same time-points may be produced at different points, the fast areas may be broadcast around the area, the network may not be received at a slower pace, and there is a split.



and then 51% of the Bitcoin system. If you can control 51% of global computing, you can fake it. Now, of course, it's impossible. /span


the bottom block chain technology that began in Bitcoin last year was recognized by more people as how the block chain could be applied in more ways. First of all, reliability and availability will not affect the entire network because of a single point failure, any newly added node will be backed up by full data. Second, transparency, any network node will be able to observe transactions on the block chain with a high degree of auditability and trust. Again, it is immutable, almost non-reversible, and transactions will not be reversed. Finally, all document assets can be digitized through codes or ledgers, assets such as equity, claims, diamonds, gold, etc., can be digitalized into more traded assets, and certificates such as identity cards can be registered through sector chains.


• 公有链和私有链的区别是什么?

span style="font-family: > > >andbul; what is the difference between public and private chains?

公有链是去中心化和无主权化的。任何人都可以在区块链上进行一笔(有效)交易,并且交易的全部记录都是公开可获得的。 在私有链中,一个可信任的操作者管控区块链的端口,只有经授权的人才能在区块链上查阅或进行交易。

• 在数据和安全方面,公有链和私有链有何种差异?

所有区块链上的数据都是公开可获得的。网络上的运行者数量越多,区块链越安全,这是由于区块链技术加强了用于验证区块链上所进行交易的能力。 对于只能在受信任的团体之间分享的数据,一个私有链可能比通用的公有链更合适。

• 区块链可能被袭击,它是安全的么?

span style="font-family: > > >andbul; is the block chain safe?

区块链中的节点网络被用来保证区块链完整性。如果袭击者想对区块链进行恶意交易,袭击者与其他网络运行者相比必须拥有更强的运算能力(对成功率为51%的袭击来的说)。最悠久,最著名,同时也最具价值的区块链,即比特币区块链——从未被成功袭击过。 请注意,虽然比特币区块链非常安全,但在运用比特币区块链或者其他区块链时会使用数字钱包和交换,这个过程并不安全且容易遭受到攻击。

node network in the block chain is used to guarantee the integrity of the block chain. If the attackers want to deal maliciously with the block chain, the attackers must have a greater ability to calculate (for 51% of the success rate) than the other network operators. The oldest and most famous, but also the most valuable, sector chain, the Bitcoin sector chain & mdash; & mdash; never been successfully attacked. Please note that, while the Bitcoin sector chain is very secure, digital wallets and exchanges are used in the operation of the Bitcoin block chain or other sector chains, the process is unsafe and vulnerable to attack.

• 区块链的硬件要求是什么?


• 区块链的软件要求是什么?

这主要取决于实际情况。目前已经出现了很多现有区块链应用平台,包括Ethereum (以太坊),Bitshares(比特股),比特币核心源代码以及其他系统。

• 什么是智能合约?

智能合约是存储在区块链上的计算机程序。这个程序定义了交易双方之间的合约,并能够在无需可信第三方的情况下自动执行。 这个程序一旦被定义后,没有人可以控制此程序运转,因此各方都可以相信它。

• 如何执行和评估智能合约?

span style="font-family: > >andbull; how to execute and evaluate smart contracts?

智能合约和其他区块链交易一样,在区块链的每一个节点上存储并执行。评估的条件组成合同本身定义的一部分。 一旦提交到区块链上, 智能合约将在交易各方之间独立执行。

• 如果现有的监管要求和法律义务必须执行,为什么还要使用区块链?

目前已经有许多案例能够体现区块链比传统共享数据库方案更令人满意。这些案例既发生在受监管环境下,也发生在非监管环境下。 此外,德勤认为区块链是影响面非常广泛的颠覆性技术,它将改变商业模式。 随着区块链技术的应用,监管和法律框架也将发生改变。因此,为了不被这项新技术的浪潮抛下,对区块链的研究是当务之急。


, the main application direction of block chain technology

1. 支付,尤其是跨境支付

2. 合约交易——托管交易,保税合同,第三方仲裁,多方签名交易

3. 金融交易——股票,私募股权,众筹集资,债券,共同基金,衍生工具,年金,养老金

4. 公共记录——土地和产权证,车辆登记,营业执照,结婚证,死亡证

5. 证件——身份证,驾驶证,护照,选民登记

6. 私人记录——借据,贷款合同,博彩投注,签名,遗嘱,信托,中介

7. 证明——保险证明,权属证明,公证文件

8. 实物资产——房产,汽车租赁,汽车使用

9. 无形资产——专利,商标,版权,域名

Ethereum以太坊、IBM ADEPT(智能物联网区块链)、微软Azure上基于以太坊的“区块链即服务”BaaS、Factom 公证通、小蚁、布比,以及Hyperledge(众多巨头参与的开源平台http://chainb.com/?P=Cont&id=289)等是几个值得关注的区块技术架构和平台。

Etheium Etherium, IBM ADEPT (intelligent network block chain), Microsoft Azure based on Ether & ldquo; block chains are services & rdquo; BaaS, Factom Notary, Little Ant, Bubi, and Hyperledge (the open-source platform involving a large number of giants http://chainb.com/?P=Cont&id=289) are several interesting technical structures and platforms.

Ethereum(以太坊)是一个平台和一种编程语言,使开发人员能够建立和发布下一代分布式应用。 Ethereum可以用来编程,分散,担保和交易任何事物:投票,域名,金融交易所,众筹,公司管理,合同和大部分的协议,知识产权,还有得益于硬件集成的智能资产。简单来说,以太坊的核心理念是:一条内置图灵完备编程语言的区块链,允许在上面创建任何类型的应用。

span style=font-family: >Etheeum is a platform and a programming language that allows developers to build and publish their next-generation distributed applications. Etheeum can be used for programming, dispersing, guaranteeing and trading anything: voting, domain names, financial transactions, crowds, corporate management, contracts and most agreements, intellectual property rights, and intelligent assets that benefit from hardware integration.

Factom是一个P2P的协议, 它在比特币的区块链上维护了一个数据层。网络文件和应用被压缩成一个Merkle树上的哈希值并被存储在比特币的区块链上。基于这个哈希值, 以后谁都可以对数据的真实性进行验证: 只要对文件再做一次哈希, 并和存储在比特币区块链上的原始哈希值进行比较即可。这个过程称之为 Proof ofexistence。

基于Factom可以实现各种应用,比如维护健康证明, 财产记录, 甚至其他区块链数据。 不同的应用在Factom中可以建立独立的Factom链块,并由Factom系统定期把哈希值存储到比特币区块链上。由比特币网络的强大算力维护数据的安全。




span style="font-family: >editor: /span>


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