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Yuan cosmos


It's 30 years since we were born. During this period, we have seen games and networks that embody the important concepts of the meta-cosm, but industries rarely use the term meta-cosm.


With the listing of Roblox, which is the first share of the Woncosmos, and the change of the name of the technology giant Facebook to Meta, the market has made a great deal of speculation and discussion about the Woncosm, and a series of companies are claiming to be or are in the process of building the Woncosmos.


Clearly, the meta-cosmos is one of the popular language of technology. But, what is it? Will it change everything completely? Maybe, maybe not.

微软认为,元宇宙将会把传统的生态系统概念扩展为21世纪的虚拟商业、社交和协作交互空间。日前,微软汽车与运输业务的资深行业数字战略师大卫·卡特谢尔(David Catzel)专门撰文探讨了元宇宙,并希望进一步激发大家对这一互联网发展的讨论。

Microsoft believes that the metaspace will expand the traditional ecosystem concept into a virtual business, social, and collaborative interactive space for the twenty-first century. Today, David Catzel, a senior industrial digital strategist in Microsoft and transport, has written a special paper on the metacosystem and hopes to stimulate further discussion of this Internet development.


What's a metroscosm?

根据元宇宙专家马修·鲍尔(Matthew Ball)的说法,元宇宙是一个大规模的、可互操作的实时渲染3D虚拟世界网络,可以由具有个人临场感的无数用户同步地和持久地体验,并且具有数据的连续性。

According to the meta-cosmologist Matthew Ball, the meta-cosmos is a large, interoperable, real-time 3D virtual world network that can be experienced in a synchronized and sustained manner by countless users with a sense of personal presence and data continuity.


We see it as a technology that allows enduring numerical expressions and connects with all aspects of the real world. In English, Meta has the meaning of “beyond” and verse is taken from “cosmos Universes.” In short, metacosystems refer to a virtual world parallel to the real world, which can be more fully experienced by technologies such as enhancing reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). This virtual world will connect to a social system and an entire economy. In which data, digital goods, content, and intellectual property rights (IP) can be accessed, while individual users, organizations and companies can create content and goods, thus ensuring that the metacosystem can continue to expand and develop.

在2014年,微软以25亿美元收购了《我的世界》背后的Mojang Studios,而团队陆续为Oculus Rift、PlayStation VR和Microsoft?HoloLens带来了VR/AR版本的游戏。

In 2014, Microsoft acquired Mojang Studios behind My World for $2.5 billion, while the team continued to bring VR/AR versions to Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR and Microsoft? HoloLens.


The beauty of My World is that, like the Lego block, it offers unlimited possibilities in unlimited digital space to allow anyone to create their own meta-cosmos. My World has more than 130 million users per month, and is just an early example of how the meta-cosm affects our daily lives.


dollar universe: evolution of the Internet


The metacosystem does not fundamentally replace the Internet, but is based on the Internet and constantly changing. This is the logical evolution of the Internet. Just as cable networks have ushered in an era of individual computing, mobile networks have increased the spread of content and access to the Internet, the metacocosystem will allow everyone to remain in the “virtual” version of the Internet and create a more direct experience.


Technology is widening the boundaries of imagination.


From a technical point of view, the components of the meta-cosm, VR, AR, AI, and block chains are rapidly developing. VRs can use computer simulations to create a three-dimensional space in the virtual world and provide users with visual and other sensory stimulation that makes them feel like they are in the real world.


Identity and economics systems will use block chain technology to build credibility. As distributed databases or ledgers shared between computer network nodes, block chains guarantee the accuracy and security of data records and no longer require a credible third party.


In order to ensure the diversity of the meta-cosmos, we need peripheral computing techniques to ensure a consistent experience for all users.


dollar cosmos example


In fact, in a October announcement, Microsoft mentioned cooperation with Meta, where both sides would share a immersion experience for future office and entertainment. Also, in September, at the Ignitite Congress, Microsoft shared examples of current applications in the industrial metaspace, such as Iota, a heavy worker in Kawasaki showing how to use the Iot, digital twin and hybrid reality to provide meta-collaborative space for engineers, service technicians and front-line workers.


Automotive industry and meta-cosmos


We see that the digital and physical world of the automobile industry, led by real-time collaboration in engineering design and materials, is increasingly integrated, including in areas such as virtual car design and physical production.


In manufacturing and supply chain operations, the meta-cosm and digital twin models have achieved rapid production, significantly reducing the required physical tests, thus increasing efficiency. Through detailed physical-based designs, manufacturers have reduced risks and improved quality control, thereby reducing the range of errors in production. From product design to procurement, manufacturing and storage, the meta-cosm digital twin can be used simultaneously to simplify and optimize supply chain management.


For automobile sales, the metaspace is narrowing the gap between distributors and online customers. Solutions 2D and 3D in this area provide virtual browsing, virtual pilot driving and visual interpretation of complex technical functions, thus creating a more fluid customer travel and purchasing experience for consumers.


In addition, the industry is exploring opportunities to improve the experience of in-car customers. Entertainment, play and productivity are potential areas of exploration that can attract vehicle passengers where appropriate. In terms of services, the meta-cosmos is accelerating the upgrading of the skills of existing technicians and supporting remote virtual diagnosis and vehicle maintenance.


Transport and meta-cosmos


While some believe that the meta-cosmos will increase the satisfaction of virtual socialization and reduce the need for physical mobility, others look forward to more efficient multi-modal moves in the future.


By taking advantage of the digital twin of physical infrastructure, such as airports and major road systems, the coordination of transport personnel and cargo will be significantly improved. As AI automation can dynamically reduce friction between starting points, sites and destinations, and as the services described become part of a meta-cosm network, we will be able to plan and implement multiple modes of transport in an increasingly cost-effective manner.


Tourism and hotel industry and Yuan cosmos


While the metacosystem cannot be a complete substitute for travel, it can help the tourism industry to have a better experience and to have the opportunity to reach out more deeply to users and bring them new and unexpected risks.


In the area of pre-travel planning, virtual protocol can help travellers to make a virtual three-dimensional tour of hotel room options, airport terminals, destinations and attractions. The universe can provide travellers with a choice and help them to see clearly what may happen when visiting their destination.


State: Where are we now?


In both applications, removal of the fence garden is important to ensure sustained growth and adoption. This means that the metacosystem will require a set of mutually agreed basic standards that support people’s ability to live, work, and entertain together in the metacosystem and move across different examples through enduring digital identities and archives.

其他关键要素包括创作者经济、普遍接受的行为规则、对数字货币的认可和将其转换为现实世界货币的方法、数字对象所有权、安全标准和流程以及Web 3.0。

Other key elements include the creative economy, generally accepted rules of conduct, recognition of digital currencies and their conversion into real world currencies, ownership of digital objects, safety standards and processes, and Web 3.0.

Web 3.0和元宇宙

Web 3.0 and meta-cosmos

在Web 1.0中,互联网浏览器将每个人都连接在一起。Web 2.0扩展了这种连接,彻底改变了信息的可用性、速度和访问,并改变了我们与周围人和世界的联系和互动方式。

In Web 1.0, the Internet browser connects everyone. Web 2.0 expands the connection, radically changes the availability, speed and accessibility of information and changes the way we connect and interact with people around us and the world.

行业将Web 3.0称为下一代互联网。它将引入区块链等新功能,并有望令其变得更加公平、透明和分散,将权力(和数据)集中在用户手中。它将分析、理解、智能集成和解释信息,并为用户提供增强的、超个性化的和交互式的体验。

The industry calls Web 3.0 the next generation of the Internet. It will introduce new features, such as block chains, and it is expected to make them more equitable, transparent and decentralized, concentrating power (and data) in the hands of users. It will analyse, understand, intelligently integrate and interpret information and provide users with enhanced, over-personal and interactive experiences.

Web 3.0关注的是“谁将拥有和控制明天的去中心化互联网”,而元宇宙关注的是“用户体验未来互联网的新方式”。Web 3.0和元宇宙相互补充:Web 3.0是元宇宙连接的基础,而元宇宙中的创造者经济补充了Web 3.0的愿景。

Web 3.0 focuses on “Who will own and control tomorrow's decentralised Internet”, while the meta-cosmos focuses on “Users experience the new ways of the future Internet.” Web 3.0 and the meta-cosm complement each other: Web 3.0 is the foundation of the meta-cosm connection, and the creator economy in the meta-cosmos complements Web 3.0's vision.


What's next?


We are only beginning to touch the surface of the possibilities of the meta-cosm. It will continue to be an evolving platform and significantly change the way we interact with the surrounding world. From the point of view of the industrial or consumer cosmos, we see the wider automobile and transport industries, as well as the growing interest in, applications of, and exploration of the meta-cosm capabilities of the neighbouring industries such as retail, banking, insurance and energy.


: https://news.nweon.com/103356


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