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How did I make 4.6 times less than five months of mining?


In July 2017, I had the privilege of joining Iron in a restaurant where old K. said he was going to do a bitcoin mining business, and it felt like the bitcoin thing was too vain and the state did not recognize its status. Bitcoin prices had risen from more than 950 dollars at the beginning of the year to around 2,500 dollars, and had more than tripled, feeling involved in it. So, this time, Bitcoin mining business was not too careful and power was a joke. But it was good that after I was 90, new things like Bitcoin were acceptable, so the seeds of Bitcoin were buried in my heart, and I began to focus more on bitcoin.


During the following time, I began to look at the relevant information on Bitcoin, from the definition of Bitcoin to the mechanism for its generation; from the technical theory of Bitcoin to the practical application of payment; from the technological upgrading of the Bitcoin mine machine to the increasing power of the miner; from the personal mining model to the centralized hosting service at the mine; from the mine mining machine to the ponds; from the bottom technology of Bitcoin to the technology-application revolution in the block chain — making it more difficult for me to look at it from a fully comprehensible layman to a specialist miner who now owns 200 mine machines — perhaps the fourth industrial revolution of humankind, just like the wave of the Internet revolution of 2000.


After more than a month of in-depth excavations, I found that Bitcoin had the following key features:


1, decentralisation -- it is clear that the entire network is made up of users, with no issuer or central bank system.

根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P (点对点)网络,比特币是一种加密数字货币。一个去中心化的支付系统有什么好处呢?那就是不会像各国央行一样滥发货币,造成通货膨胀,导致我们手头上的钱不断贬值!

What good is a decentralised payment system? That's not like a central bank, causing inflation, leading to a constant devaluation of the money we have!


is anonymous — completely anonymous and unknown. This is very suitable for asset concealment and transfer. Imagine, if you buy bitcoin for 100 million in country A, then sell it in country M, get $100 million worth of dollars, with no bank transfer records and no clues to trace it.


3. — Bitcoin transfers are as simple as e-mails, and simply need to enter each other's wallet address, with no transfer costs, no amount and no formalities, no control agencies, and no trace of transactions.


4. security — Bitcoin uses distributed accounting techniques, and data cannot be tampered with. Any transaction record data is recorded and packaged by every miner on every node. If someone wants to strike 51%, it will be held back by increasing arithmetic.


5. The global nature of -- global circulation, borderless borders. This also highlights the price of bitcoin, and can imagine how many rich people will use bitcoin to transfer their personal assets in the face of the increasingly difficult financial outflows today. How many super-rich people will hide their French or physical assets in the future?


6, strong's scarcity — by the Bitcoin algorithm mechanism invented by Bennett, only 21 million bitcoins are determined. Mining is the only way to produce bitcoins. Miners generate 50 bitcoins every 10 minutes through the Hashi equation, reducing production by half every 4 years, meaning that the period from 2009 to 2012 is a phase; the four-year period from 2013 to 2017 will be the second, and the four-year period will be 25 bitcoins per ten minutes; by 2018, bitcoins will be halved to the third stage, i.e., they will produce only 12.5 bitcoins per ten minutes.

首先是挑选矿机,首选是最主流、市场占有率最高的蚂蚁矿机。蚂蚁矿机主要有两个型号最畅销,一个是价格1万元/台的S9 13.5T算力矿机,另一个是6千元/台的T9+ 10.5T算力的矿机。经过详细计算,在电费比较便宜的情况下选择T9矿机的性价比更高,于是马上下定30台T9矿机(18万原本打算买凯美瑞的钱啊),但是由于缺货,下定后需要10天左右才能发货,只能等啦。

The first is to select the mine machine, which is the most mainstream and the most market-owned ant mine. The ants are the two best-selling models, the S9 13.5T machine for $10,000, and the T9+ 10.5T machine for $6,000. After a detailed calculation, the T9 machine was selected at a cheaper cost, and 30 T9 machines (180,000 were intended to buy Camerry's money) were immediately ordered, but it took about 10 days to deliver because of the shortage.


And it takes 24 hours and 365 days for a mine to keep running, with a single mine running up to 1,000 degrees per month, with an electricity charge so high that it is uneconomical to dig a mine. It is good for the old K to find electricity at a price of 35 cents for the Xinjiang people's mines and take a lot less turns. And then we learn that the search for the mine is made up of a bunch of very well-spoken, bad luck, two headlines or malfunctions, and an increase in the cost of electricity.


When the mine was done, I started choosing the pond. What's the concept of the pond, is it important for mining?


It is important, of course, that a few years ago we dug the mine mainly with our own computer CPU or card GPU algorithms, so that we did it for a profit, and then, when we developed into the ASIC chip's specialized miner, it increased by tens of thousands of times, so that the home computer basically stopped digging. And even if everyone digs it with a specialized mine machine, it doesn't necessarily work well, and sometimes we don't dig it for a few months.


On August 15, when the price of Bitcoin was set at more than $4,000, my mine finally arrived and, while missing a wave of money, it was in time. If we wait until now to buy the mine machine, the price of the mine has risen by 50 per cent and is even more short of goods. The mine has to wait for a month to set up my mine at the fastest rate. At that time, at a time when a 10.5 T-day mine has reached about 0.0022 BTCs, I have 30 BTCs, and I can get 0.066 bitcoins per day, multiplied by the then bitcoin at $4,200 US$ 277 = $1140, net profit at that time = $1140 /day, net profit at 1.5 kilowatts per station *24 hours *$0.35/kwa*30 $380, withholding the mine management fee = 1800-380*, 20 per cent, net profit per day, equivalent to $1 800-380 = $1140 per day, net profit = 1140 per month, net profit = 30 $4,400 per month, which would have been a very high rate of revenues.


The following September, as a result of China's 9.4 policy, the complete cessation of the trading of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin in China, the price of Bitcoin fell considerably, and the price of Bitcoin returned to a position of around $3,500. However, since mining was still a high rate of return, without prejudice to my determination to continue mining, I cashed in the first month and purchased 10 more T9 machines on 15 September (at a time when the price of miners also fell from more than 9,000 to $7,000).


After a brief break in early November, the price of which nearly doubled. After a short break in early November, the price of which reached $10,000 on 29 November, I rejoiced to continue holding it firmly! By 30 November, the price of that day was $11149 and the price of my miner was 0.002-40 days* = 6.6 BTCs, valued at $73583, and the price of the People's Dollar 470933. It was only four months before the end of November that I had bought the miner, and I had recovered all the costs and made a profit of $250,000: 470-18 million-(7-3) = 250,000, and it was all the more gratifying that the price of the miner had risen to 15,000.

到了12月份,历史上最疯狂的一幕上演了,比特币受到多重利好刺激,价格以迅雷不及掩耳之势疯狂上涨,1万1美金,1万3美金,1万5,1万8,到了12月18日,价格达到了历史最高点19299美金,整个市场沸腾了,参与炒币的人蜂拥而入,矿机价格也从1.5万炒到了3万元/台,而比较新的二手矿机更抢手,因为不需要等候发货。就在大家以为比特币冲击2万美金大关毫无悬念的情况下,比特币价格暴跌下来,在12月底的时候,我把40台矿机全部以2.5万元的价格转让,获得100万元现金,所有挖到的BTC一共有:0.0022*40台*100天*80%=7.04个BTC, 在比特币价格1.5万美金左右的时候抛出6个,获得9万美金,折合人民币约60万元。第一次比特币挖矿投资完美谢幕。

By December, the most insane scene in history was played, with Bitcoin being stunned by multiple profits, with prices rising wildly, at $11,000, at $13,000, at $15,000, at $15,000, at a price of $12,000, at a price of $19299 on December 18, with the entire market boiling up, the number of people involved in the writing of coins pouring in, and the price of the mine from 15,000 to 30,000, while the price of the new second-hand miner was more severe because it did not have to wait for the delivery of the goods. At the end of December, the price of Bitcoin fell sharply, and by the end of December, I transferred all of the 40 miners at a price of $25,000, I received 1 million dollars in cash, and all of the BTC that had been dug up were: 0.0022*40*100 days * 80 per cent = 7.04 BTCs, dropped six dollars at a price of about US$15,000, and earned about US$ 90,000 in the People’s first investment in gold.


Income statistics:


I. TOTAL EXPENDITURE: $28,5520, or approximately $286,000


1. Total cost of input machines: 180,000 + (7-3) = 220,000


2. Total electricity costs for mining: 1.5 kW/devices * 24 hours * 0.35 kW* 40 units * 130 days * $65520


3. Mine hosting: Since the mine hosting fee is deducted directly from mining, there is no additional cost!


II. TOTAL INCOME: $1.6 million + 1.04 BTC


1. Miner sales revenue: 25,000*40 = $1 million


2. Net proceeds from mining: 0.0022*40*100 days *80% = 7.04 BTCs, of which 6 bitcoins, equivalent to 600,000 yuan, are sold and the remaining 1.04 bitcoins are held in hand for a long period of time.


III. Net profit: total income - total expenditure = 1.6 million - 286,000 = $13.24 million


IV. Net profit ratio: net profit of 1.324 million/total cost of 286,000 = 462.94 per cent

五、换算成年化净利润率:462.94%/5 X 12=1109%,11倍年化收益!

V. Conversion of net profit margins for adulthood: 462.94%/5 X 12 = 1109%, 11 times annual gains!

如今是2018年4月份,比特币价格从19299美金一路狂泻至6500美金左右,蚂蚁矿机S9从年初的3万跌到现在的1万,T9+ 也从2万跌到现在的5千左右,我拿出去年赚的100万来抄底,购买200台T9矿机,今年收益率将如何,大家且拭目以待吧!!!

In April 2018, the price of Bitcoin went down from $19299 to about $6,500, the ant mine S9 fell from 30,000 at the beginning of the year to 10,000 now, the T9+ from 20,000 to about 5,000 now, and I took the $1 million I earned last year and bought 200 T9 machines, and this year's rate of return will be as far as you can see!


As a part of the web goes:


After 60 years, people captured the spring winds of reform and opening up and became a generation;


After 70 years, the people seized the city's gold for 10 years and became millionaires;


After 80 years, people enjoy the wealth generated by the Internet economy;


And what can the men catch after 90?


Maybe the block chain economy was prepared for people in the 1990s.


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