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Foreign exchange contract transaction agreement (selected 3)


The terms and conditions required to be observed in various off-site foreign exchange contract transactions (collectively referred to as “exchange agreement”) between the signatories to this agreement (“customers”) and ___ companies are set out in this foreign exchange transaction customer agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the agreement”).


1. Delegation of authority.


The company will open one or more accounts (collectively referred to as “accounts”) in the name of the customer to conduct foreign exchange contract transactions for the customer. Subject to the relevant provisions of this Agreement, the customer hereby authorizes the company to purchase and sell the foreign exchange contract on the basis of customer instructions obtained from the automated system (as defined in paragraph 5 (a)) or access to the company's trading counter (referred to as “trade counter”), in which the company will be the party to the transaction and not the agent. The company will also provide the corresponding other services and products in accordance with the agreement reached between the company and the customer.


The customer understands that, as an opposing party to the transaction, both the company and the customer must rely on the credibility of the other party to conduct the transaction;


b. Each foreign exchange contract will be subject to individual consultations on its specific economic terms;


c. The company does not play the role of investment adviser, commodity trade consultant or client to the client or to his or her account.


2. Applicable legal texts.


All foreign exchange contract transactions that occur in the account of the client are subject to:


a. The terms of this Agreement and all relevant agreements;


b. Laws, regulations, regulations and interpretations by any appropriate governmental, regulatory or self-regulatory body;


c. Various trade practices (all of these valid parts of the above are commonly referred to as “provisions or laws” at any given time).


If any of the provisions or provisions of this Agreement has been, or is at some point in the future, inconsistent with current or external provisions or laws, and renders the terms or provisions of this Agreement ineffective or impossible to enforce, they must be amended or replaced until they are consistent with the corresponding provisions or laws. But the other parts of the Agreement that are not affected will remain in force. Neither the company, nor the company, nor its senior officials, directors, managers, members of its administration, employees, subsidiaries, agents or appointing parties (all of which, including the company, are collectively referred to as “the relevant parties of ____” will have any obligation with respect to the result of reasonable action taken by the parties involved in the company in accordance with the provisions or requirements of the law.


(y) A defence against a claim by a company for pecuniary or other property under this agreement, or (z) the basis for a pecuniary or property claim by a client against a company, unless the fault of a company was determined to be related to a transaction for which the client had not given instructions and was the direct cause of the client's claim against a company.


3. Client's payment obligations.


The client agrees to pay the company at its request:


Any applicable costs, fees and costs (including, but not limited to, price increases, differentials, commissions, service fees and other charges);


b. Costs and fees prescribed by all applicable regulatory and self-regulatory bodies;


c. Any applicable taxes on foreign exchange contracts;


d. All recommended fees or fees for transactional consultants due to the applicant in this account will be deducted from the account of the customer in a timely manner by the company and transferred directly to the relevant party;


e. Any loss incurred in the course of an account transaction;


f. A debit or deficiency in the account;


g. Interest costs incurred as a result of debits or shortfalls in the account (at which interest rates are given in Part 3) and corresponding costs and reasonable fees incurred by counsel in order to collect debits or shortfalls in the account;


The client here agrees with its obligation to pay the corresponding interest charges in respect of the amounts owed to the company in question, at a lower rate of three (3) percentage points, i.e. the maximum interest rate established by law and the basic interest rate used by the company's main bank at the time. All fees, fees or fees charged by the company and the fees to be paid to the recommended or transaction consultant must be accounted for in a monthly fee list. ___ The company may change its commissions, fees and/or fees without notice. ___ The customer here agrees that it is obliged to pay the corresponding interest charges on the amounts owed to the company in question (or, in the form of a cheque agreed to by the company in full consideration and choice of ___) to transfer the funds immediately available to the account of the company in accordance with the provisions of the customer application form attached to this agreement.


4. Recognition of risks and conflicts of interest.


Clients acknowledge here that foreign exchange transactions are speculative based on high economic leverage and fast-changing markets. Despite these risks, customers will be willing and able to assume these financial risks, as well as their financial risks.


The client admits that it is not possible to secure the proceeds of the transaction in the course of the foreign exchange contract or to avoid any loss. Once again, the customer confirms that it has not received any such proceeds guarantee from the company, any representative of the company, any customer referral or transaction consultant. The client has not signed this agreement because of, or relies on, any such guarantee or related representations. The customer has carefully read and understood the disclosure statement of the risks of the foreign exchange contract transaction provided with the agreement. If applicable, the customer must also acknowledge that an independent and written risk disclosure letter has been received, which concerns a conflict of interest between the company and any other third party (e.g., customer's transaction consultant, recommended business) and recognizes a conflict of interest in the above-mentioned context.


Risk of loss, limitation of liability.


The customer states and undertakes that the customer is willing and financially capable of the corresponding losses, and that the foreign exchange contract transaction is an appropriate investment option for the client. No liability is incurred for any action or omission by a company based on the principle of good faith or at the request of the client, regardless of whether the company has acted or failed to act, regardless of whether the action or omission has resulted in negligence or in incompetence.


b. Clients agree to the use of automated systems or outsourced system services in operations related to client accounts, including, but not limited to, automated order entry, routeing and/or order execution systems, record maintenance, reporting and account reconciliation systems, and risk management systems (collectively referred to as “automated systems”). In addition, customers will be allowed to enter specific automated systems to order foreign exchange contract transactions and to use other account services and products provided to them by the company. Clients fully understand that the use of automated systems will inevitably entail certain risks, including, but not limited to, interruptions in services, malfunctions in systems or communications, delays in services, and errors in design or functionality (collectively referred to as “system malfunctions”), which may entail considerable losses, costs or obligations for customers.


c. In addition to the limitation of liability given in paragraph 5 (a) above, the relevant party of the company shall not bear any liability for any claim by the client or third party for loss, cost, cost or liability resulting from or related to the malfunction of the system, whether or not the claim is based on contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal basis. ___ The relevant party of the company shall not bear any liability for any incidental, particular or indirect damage (including, but not limited to, loss of profits and use) that has actually occurred or is perceived to have occurred in the selection of sub-agents, or in the selection, supervision or operation of any automated system. ___ The company shall not be liable to inform its customers of any decision to use, not to use or to discontinue any automated system; ii) the characteristics, functionality, design or purpose of any automated system, or any particular risk inherent in any automated system. ___ The company shall not be liable to notify its customers of the following:


6. Pricing information, trade advice.


The company will provide its customers with information on the purchase and sale price of foreign exchange contracts that it is willing to enter into with its customers by means of publication on automated systems or telephone counters. _ The company hopes that the prices it offers will be as close as reasonably possible to the purchase and sale price of the same transaction under the prevailing circumstances in the market, but a range of factors, including, but not limited to, delays in the communications system, large volumes of transactions or price variability, will inevitably lead to differences between the prices of the company and those of other sources. ___ The company does not explicitly or implicitly assure its customers that the purchase price and the sale price represent the market price at the time.


b. Any proposal for transactions or market information provided to customers by the company must be further understood and acknowledged as an additional service to the company as a principal foreign exchange dealer and should not be used as a basis for decision-making on customer transactions. Clients must recognize that any market information and advice given by the company through channels deemed by the company itself to be reliable may be incomplete, inaccurate or unsubstantiated._The accuracy of such information is not expressed, guaranteed or secured by the company. Customers must further understand and acknowledge that, since the company has played a party, not an agent, in foreign exchange transactions in the account of the client, there is an economic power for the company to provide advice or market information to its clients in its own favour, and customers should agree to the existence of such a conflict of interest. Further, customers need to acknowledge that advice and market information provided to customers at any time may be inconsistent with advice or market information provided to other customers, and that the advice or market information provided to the client may be inconsistent with the investment decision of the relevant party in the account of the company.







  甲方: (以下简称甲方)

A: (hereinafter referred to as A)


B: (hereinafter referred to as B)


After friendly consultations, the parties reached this agreement on cooperation in foreign exchange gold trading at the Asian point of exchange of the proxy bond, with the objective of achieving win-win benefits on an equal and mutually beneficial basis and serving their clients.


Chapter I Cooperation elements


Article 1: A provides an online trading platform for the foreign exchange of deposits and gold transactions for party B.


Article 2: A provides the necessary technical support to B.


Article 3: Party B is responsible for the development of individual clients and individuals ib in the region.


Article 4: Party B is responsible for the development of the trading platform of the Asian Point of Exchange, which is represented by the customer, for the exchange of deposits in foreign currency and shares in gold.


Article V: Party B is responsible for the tracking services and day-to-day management of its developed clients, including the use of trading platforms, trade rules, transaction processes, etc.


Chapter II. Rights and responsibilities of the parties


Article 1: A has the right to terminate this cooperation agreement in the event of a violation by B of chapter I, article 5, of this Agreement, and to require that B pay the corresponding compensation.


Article II: A Party has the final power to interpret the provision to B of foreign exchange bond trading services, foreign exchange business advice, etc.


Article III: A undertakes to pay the development customer's fees to B in a timely manner, as stipulated in the agreement.


Article IV: A party is responsible for urging Asian points of exchange to send account opening accounts and transaction codes to customers in the form of text messages or e-mail.

  (i) 乙方的权利和责任

(i) Rights and responsibilities of party B


Article 1: B is responsible for renting office space, salaries of employees, and necessary marketing, office expenses, etc.


Article 2: Party B shall have the right to terminate this cooperation agreement in cases where the existence of Chapter II, Articles III, IV and V, of this Agreement is apparent to the Party, and to seek compensation from the Party accordingly.


Article III: Party B is responsible for the opening of markets in its region.

  (ii) 市场推广的具体条款

(ii) Specific provisions for market promotion


Article I: The amount of US$ ib per standard home office during the period of cooperation, the real account of US$ to be opened within one month of the signing of the contract, and the guarantee that the amount of the account will not be less than US$ for the duration of the contract, and that the amount added per month will not be less than US$ _____.


Article II: The settlement took place on the same day of the second month from the date of entry into force of the agreement and, upon confirmation by the parties, the commission was transferred to the account of party B on the 15th of each month.


Chapter V Liability for breach of contract


Article 1: A Party shall have the right to terminate this cooperation agreement and to seek corresponding compensation from A Party if:

  1. 甲方未在指定工作日中,未按时对乙方履行支付市场推广分成;

1. A failure to meet the payment market share for B on time in the designated workday;


Article 2: Party A shall have the right to terminate this cooperation agreement and to seek corresponding compensation from Party B if:

  1. 从事与甲方利益有冲突的外汇保证金平台代理业务的;

1. An agent of a foreign exchange deposit platform that is in conflict with the interests of the party;


Treatment of disputes in chapter VI


Disputes arising between A and B in the course of the implementation of this Agreement shall be settled by mutual agreement between the Parties in accordance with the provisions of industry conventions or laws, regulations and related policies, or, in the absence of such agreement, by litigation before the courts of which A is a party.


Chapter VII by-laws


Article I: This Agreement shall not be changed without the consent of either Party. Any inconsistency in the relevant laws and regulations in this Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement and must be observed by both Parties.


Article II: This Agreement shall be valid for one year and if one Party wishes to modify or terminate this Agreement, it shall notify the other Party in writing 10 days in advance and, in the absence of such notification, shall be deemed to have automatically extended for one year the default agreement between the Parties.


Article III: Two copies of this Agreement, one for both A and B.


Signature by representative of Party A: signature by representative of Party B:


Date: Date:





  甲方为引进国外先进技术设备进行技术改造,其项目已经由____ 批准,特向乙方申请____ 万美元(或其他外币)外汇贷款。按照贷款办法和有关规定,业经乙方审查同意,为明确经济责任,特签订本借款合同

In accordance with the loan scheme and the relevant provisions, the loan contract has been signed to clarify financial liability.

  第一条 借款金额:甲方确认向乙方借得现汇____ 万美元(或其他外币),买方信贷____ 万美元(或其他外币)。  

First, the amount of the loan: A confirms that a cash transfer of (or other foreign currency) is made to B and a buyer's credit of (or other foreign currency).

  第二条 借款期限:现汇____ 年____ 月。(从第一次用汇之日起到还清本息止);买方信贷____ 年____ 月。按本合同所附的用款计划(略),乙方保证及时提供。如因甲方未按计划用款而造成乙方组织外汇资金的利息损失,甲方按乙方规定支付外汇承担费。

Article II. Duration of borrowing: _ months of current remittance (from the date of the first transfer until the settlement of interest); month of buyer credit _ months of _ months. Under the schedule of payments annexed to this contract, party B guarantees timely availability. If interest losses on foreign exchange funds of party B are incurred as a result of non-payment of funds by party A, party A is liable for foreign exchange costs as required by party B.

  第三条 借款利息率为年息:现汇为____ %(按中国银行总行公布的浮动利率计息);按____ 月浮动;买方信贷为____ %,按____ 天计算。在借款期间,每半年计息期应计的利息,如甲方未能支付,甲乙方直接借记甲方借款帐户内,实行复息计算。由于计息增加的贷款额,不占用贷款额度。

Article III. Interest rates on borrowings are annual: ___ per cent (interests charged at floating rates announced by the Central Bank of China); ___ per month; buyer's credit at ___ per cent; interest accrued on half-yearly interest periods during the borrowing period, if not paid by A party, and interest recovery in the direct debit account of A party A. Due to the increase in interest-bearing lending, no loan amount is taken.

  第四条 借款使用;在引进的技术设备成交后,应将合同副本送交乙方,甲方委托乙方全权办理进口开证,审单付款等事务。甲方保证本合同项下的外汇,不挪作他用,如果发生挪用,其挪用部分,乙方加倍收取利息。

Article IV. Borrowing; when the imported technical equipment is delivered, a copy of the contract shall be sent to party B, and party A shall entrust party B with the full authority to issue import certificates and order payments.

  第五条 借款偿还:甲方在借款期终止日,全部清偿贷款本息。甲方因故不能履行本合同规定归还借款时,由担保单位负责按期归还借款本息的外汇额度的相应等值的人民币(包括延期偿还的罚息)。对逾期未还借的款部分,甲方同意加付____ %的罚息。

Article V. Borrowing repayment: On the date of termination of the borrowing period, the party has fully settled the loan's principal interest. In the event that the party fails to fulfil the terms of this contract to repay the loan, the guarantee unit is responsible for the repayment of the corresponding equivalent value of the foreign currency in which the loan is owed (including the penalty for deferred interest). For the portion of the loan that is overdue, the party agrees to increase the interest rate by __ per cent.

  第六条 本合同所附的《用汇、还汇计划》和《还汇(款)保证书》及甲方担保单位出具有保函是本合同的有效组成部分,在法律上具有与本合同同等的效力。 

Article 6. Exchange plans and repayment plans attached to this contract and a guarantee from a secured unit are valid components of this contract and have the same legal effect as this contract.

  第七条 甲方应及时向乙方提供借款使用的有关情况、报表、资料,为乙方检查信贷工作提供方便,双方应积极合作,努力促成项目的早日建成投产。  第八条 本合同经甲乙双方签章后生效,到期结清本项债权债务时终止。合同正式文本一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份;副本____ 份,送____ (有关单位)备案。  

Article 7. A Party shall make available to Party B in a timely manner the relevant information, statements and information used in connection with the borrowing, and shall facilitate the examination of the credit by Party B. Both Parties shall cooperate actively in efforts to facilitate the early completion of the completion of the project. Article 8 This contract shall enter into force upon signature by Parties A and B and shall terminate when the debt of this claim is due to be settled. Two copies of the official text of the contract shall be signed by each Party A and A and a copy shall be sent (to the relevant unit) for filing.

  甲 方:____________(公章) 乙 方:____________(公章)  

Party: (public chapter) (public chapter) (public chapter)

  代表人:____________ 代表人:____________

Representatives: _ Representatives: _


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