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Block chains, perhaps the most promising and divisive technology and economic trends of the moment. It brings to the digital world & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; two completely new basic functions. Its potential is emerging, but it is now at a stage of stifling and barbarous growth.

对比互联网的发展史,现在的区块链可能相当于 1994 年的互联网,即互联网刚刚进入大众视野的时期,那也是第一波互联网革命萌芽的时期。谷歌、亚马逊、Facebook、腾讯、阿里巴巴、优步、滴滴,甚至现在市值超万亿的苹果都得益于那一时刻。

Compared to the history of Internet development, the current block chain may be the same as the Internet in 1994, when the Internet had just entered public view, and the first wave of the Internet revolution began. Google, Amazon, Facebook, tweaking, Alibaba, Yogo, droplets, even apples with a market value of more than trillion dollars, benefited from that moment.


Now block chain technology may lead to a second revolution in the Internet from “ information Internet &rdquao; leading to &ldquao; value Internet & rdquao; and. In contrast to the block chain, it is discovered that the Internet is treated as &ldquao; information highway & & rdquao; information & & rdquao; and block chains can handle & & ldquao; value & rdquao;


Change is coming, and the future is coming. Once again, we are at the beginning of the revolution & mdash; & mdash; changes in the value Internet, and in order to understand the future of the value Internet, we have to figure out what the block chain technology is.

让我们回到10年前,从中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)发明比特币的那一刻说起。

Let us go back to 10 years, starting from the moment Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin.

2009年1月3日,在位于芬兰赫尔辛基的服务器上,至今匿名的神秘技术极客中本聪生成了第一个比特币区块,即所谓的比特币创世区块(genesis block)。

On 3 January 2009, on a server located in Helsinki, Finland, the first bitcoin block, the so-called genesis block, was created by Benz of an anonymous mysterious technologist.


In a note from the Genesis block, Nakamoto wrote the headline of the front page of the British Times of the day:

“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”

& ldquo; The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on Brink of second bailout for banks & rdquo;
& & ldquo; The Times, 3 January 2009, the Minister of Finance standing on the edge of the second bailout bank & rdquo;

这样做,他记录了比特币系统启动和创世区块生成的时刻,又借这句话表达了对当时全球金融体系的暗讽。2009 年年初,全球金融体系刚经历了 2008 年金融危机的冲击,看起来摇摇欲坠。

In doing so, he recorded the moment when the Bitcoin system was activated and the creation of the World Cup block, and used this phrase to express his apocalypse to the then global financial system. At the beginning of 2009, the global financial system had just experienced the shock of the 2008 financial crisis, and appeared to be shaky.

在生成创世区块时,按自己设定的规则,中本聪获得了 50 个比特币奖励,这是最早的 50 个比特币。从创始区块开始,在比特币的账本上每 10 分钟就有新的数据区块被增加上去,新的比特币被凭空发行出来。比特币的去中心网络开始运转,扩展到现在的由数万个节点组成的全球网络。

At the time of the creation of the world block, in accordance with its own rules, Ben was awarded 50 bitcoins, the first 50 bitcoins. Starting with the founding block, new data blocks were added every 10 minutes on the book of Bitcoin, and the new bitcoins were released empty. Bitcoin’s network of go-to-centres became operational, extending to the current global network of tens of thousands of nodes.

在比特币的创世时刻,它的三个组成部分都出现了,即加密数字货币(cryptocurrency)、分布式账本(distributed ledger)、去中心网络(decentralized network),如下图所示。

At the time of Bitcoin's creation, all three components of it appeared, namely the encrypted digital currency (cryptocurrence), distributed books (distributed ledger), decentralized network, as shown in the figure below.


2008 年 10 月 31 日,中本聪向一个密码学邮件列表的所有成员发送了一个电子邮件,标题为“比特币:点对点电子现金论文”。

On 31 October 2008, Nakamoto sent an e-mail to all members of a cryptography mailing list entitled “ Bitcoin: point-to-point electronic cash paper & rdquao;


Chinese-language e-mail can be accessed at: https://www.mail-archive.com/crypgraphy@metzdowd.com/msg09959.html. White paper by Bitcoin can be found at: www.bitcoin.pdf>.

他写道:“我一直在研究一个新的电子现金系统,它完全是点对点的,无须任何的可信第三方。”比特币的起源应远早于这个日期,中本聪曾说,他从 2007 年 5 月就开始为比特币项目编程。2008 年 8 月,他注册了 bitcoin.org 域名,这是现在比特币项目的官方网址。

He wrote: & ldquo; I've been working on a new electronic cash system that is completely point-to-point, without any credible third party. & & & & & ; Bitquo; Bitcoin should have originated much earlier than this date, and China has said that he has been programming for the Bitcoin project since May 2007. In August 2008, he registered the bitcoin.org domain name, which is now the official site of the Bitcoin project.

在邮件中,他附上了比特币白皮书的链接,论文题为“比特币:一个点对点电子现金系统”(Bitcoin:A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)。中本聪在2008年发表的这篇论文可能是互联网发展史上最重要的论文之一,其他重要论文有利克里德写的开启互联网前身阿帕网的“计算机作为一种通信设备”(1968年)、蒂姆·伯纳斯-李写的万维网协议(WWW)建议书“信息管理:一个建议”(1989年)、谷歌联合创始人谢尔盖·布林与拉里·佩奇写的搜索引擎论文(1998年)等。

In his e-mail, he attached a link to the White Paper by Bitcoin, entitled “ Bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system ” Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. This paper, published in 2008, may be one of the most important papers in the history of Internet development. Other important papers were &ldquo, by Kreid, which opened the Internet's predecessor, Apa; computers as a communication device & & & rdquo (1968), Tim & Middot; WWW Recommendation & ldquao, by Bernards-Lie; Information management: a proposal & rdquo (1989), Sergei & Middot, co-founder of Google; Berlin and Larry & Midot; and search engine papers by Pec (1998).


It is reasonable to assume that Nakamoto is not a college-based research scholar and that he may be an engineer in actual software engineering development, because he designed more than a bitcoin system and developed it to run it over the Internet. He may have developed the software before he wrote the heavy-level paper mentioned above to explain his design.

2008 年 11 月 16 日,中本聪公布了比特币系统的源代码。在发布白皮书、将软件代码开源后,在 2009 年 1 月 3 日这一区块链的创世时刻,最终他在互联网上上线了比特币网络。之后,中本聪和几个开发者在网上一起讨论想法,继续开发迭代。随着比特币网络的成熟,他的活动开始减少,比特币系统逐渐进入自治运转的状态。最终,在发明比特币系统 3 年后,自 2011 年 11 月后,中本聪永远不再出现。他成了一个永远匿名的传奇,没人知道他是谁,他只留下了自己的创造。

After the release of the White Paper, which opened up the software code, and the creation of this block chain on January 3, 2009, he ended up online on the Bitcoin network. After that, he discussed ideas online with several developers and continued to develop an alternation. With the maturity of the Bitcoin network, his activities began to decline, and the Bitcoin system gradually became autonomous. Eventually, three years later, after the invention of the Bitcoin system, after November 2011, the middle hearing never appeared. He became an anonymous legend, no one knew who he was, and he left behind his creation.


In the process of creating Bitcoin, Binteng invented block chain technology, which originated from the bottom of Bitcoin. So why did he create bitcoin? What are the problems he wanted to solve?


Now, Bitcoin is often referred to as an & ldquo; encrypted digital currency & rdquo; & & ldquo; currency & & rdquo; both. Indeed, Bitcoin does not have the characteristics of the current national legal currency; it is only a special commodity in the form of numbers. Bitcoin’s current market prices and sharp drops also affect its perception, which is compared to investments, speculations, such as gold, tulips, etc.


But if we go back to the moment when Ben was able to create it, we will see that Bitcoin is a technical challenge that technocrats want to solve: &ldquao; how to create a thing with a cash character in the digital world? &rdquao; &ldquao; Bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system & rdquao; this title reflects the dilemma that he wants to solve: he wants to create electronic cash that is available in the digital world, and it can point the right point, i.e. individual-to-person transactions, without any need for intermediary involvement in the transaction.


Let's compare. In the physical world, one person can give cash notes to another person without having to go through intermediaries like banks, payment agencies, witnesses, etc.


But because digital files are replicable, and the electronic files that are copied are identical, in the digital world we cannot simply use a digital document to represent value. At the same time, how much do we have in the paying agency?


In the digital world, when a person transfers cash to another person, it is necessary to have the involvement of an intermediary. For example, the process by which we transfer a payment bond is to reduce a certain amount in the account record of a person and to add a certain amount in the account record of another person.


In the digital world, how to create a digital cash that does not need to be brokered or decentralised has been a challenge. Since digital files can be reproduced perfectly, how can one avoid spending a single dollar twice without a centralized database?

这就是所谓的双重支付或双花问题(double spending)。在比特币出现之前,我们熟悉的主要电子现金系统(如PayPal、支付宝等)都是依靠中心化数据库来避免双花问题,这些可信第三方中介不可或缺,见图 2。

This is the so-called double payment or double spending problem. Before Bitcoin appeared, the major electronic cash systems that we were familiar with (e.g. PayPal, payment treasures, etc.) relied on centralized databases to avoid double flower problems, and these credible third-party intermediaries are essential, as shown in figure 2.



But on the other path of brokering or decentralizing e-cash, there are many technocrats who have been trying, but who have not been able to achieve the ultimate success.

到了 2008 年,中本聪借鉴和综合前人的成果,特别是现在常被统称为密码朋克(cypherpunk)的群体的成果,改进之前各类中心化和去中心化的电子现金,加上自己的独特创新,创造了比特币这个点对点电子现金系统,在无须中介的情况下解决了双花问题。

By 2008, China had learned from and synthesized the achievements of its predecessors, particularly those of groups that are now commonly referred to as cypherpunk, and improved various pre-centralized and decentralized electronic cash, together with its own unique innovations, had created the Bitcoin dot-to-point electronic cash system, resolving the double flower problem without the need for intermediaries.


In particular, the electronic cash system, Bitcoin, is simultaneously demediated and decentralised:


Electronic cash between individuals does not require the intervention of a credible third-party intermediary, which is de-mediated.


The currency distribution of this e-cash does not require a central institution, but rather a code-community consensus, which is decentralised.


Note that this & & & ldquo; e-cash & & rdquo; cash in this is not a currency, but is simply borrowed to represent value in the digital world in the process of solving problems. This is to make it easier to understand that in reality, the most common thing that represents value is cash.

最初,比特币这个用以表示价值的电子现金并没有价格。比特币系统只是在逻辑上可行的系统,是解决了一个难题的技术玩具。2010 年 5 月 22 日,在一个网络论坛上,有一个程序员用 1 万枚比特币换了两张棒约翰比萨的代金券,比特币第一次有了一个公允价格:1 万枚比特币价格为 25 美元。为了纪念这一天,每年的 5 月 22 日变成了区块链世界的一个节日——比特币比萨节。

Initially, Bitcoin, the electronic cash that represents value, had no price. The Bitcoin system was only a logically viable system, a technical toy that solved a problem. On May 22, 2010, in a web forum, a programmer exchanged 10,000 bitcoins for two great John Pizza coupons, and for the first time Bitcoin had a fair price: 1 million bitcoins at 25 dollars. To mark the day, 22 May of each year became a festival of the chain world & mdash; & mmdash; Bitcobis.

此后,比特币虽然从来都不是货币,但逐渐地有了价值与价格。比特币的价格在自由市场交易中被确定,又持续、反复地大幅波动。但是,不管是从早期的 1132 美元跌掉一半,还是在 2017 年年底快速上涨到接近 2 万美元,又在几个月内跌到只有三分之一,比特币系统和它底层的区块链技术都保持稳定。

Since then, Bitcoin, which has never been a currency, has gradually gained value and prices. Bitcoin prices have been set in free-market transactions, and have fluctuated continuously and repeatedly. But, whether it has fallen by half from the early $1132, or has risen rapidly to close to $20,000 by the end of 2017, falling to just one third in a few months, the Bitcoin system and its bottom chain technology have remained stable.


The Bitcoin electronic cash system, designed and coded in China, has been in operation for almost a decade now. The Bitcoin system has been transformed from a technical toy into a system that works almost perfectly, and it looks like it's going to work steadily over the long term.


In the physical world, cash is a banknote, but behind it is a set of money-related financial systems: central banks, banks, bank printing houses, credit card organizations, and, later, third-party network payment agencies.


In the digital world, there is a desire to create a de-intermediate, de-centralized & & & & & & & & & & & &, also to design a complete system that addresses the following set of problems:


Such & ldquao; cash & rdquao; how can it be distributed fairly and fairly and not controlled by any centralized agency or individual?


How can it be achieved that, as in the physical world, a person can pass cash directly to another person without the assistance of any intermediary?


How is this electronic cash & ldquao; Counterfeiting & rdquao;? In the digital world, this question can be converted to how does an electronic cash not cost twice?

中间一层的功能是发行比特币与处理用户间的比特币转移。这一层也叫比特币协议(bitcoin protocol),是整个系统的应用协议层。
最底层是比特币的分布式账本和去中心网络。这一层也被称为比特币区块链(bitcoin blockchain),是整个系统的通用协议层。

In fact, the bitcoin as electronic cash is only the bottom layer of the bitcoin system, and the bitcoin system consists of three layers, as shown in figure 3:
, the last tier of which is the electronic cash. This is the application layer of the entire system.
the middle layer function is to issue the bitcoin transfer between the bitcoin and the processing user. This layer is also called the Bitcoin protocol, which is the application layer of the entire system.
the bottom level of the bitcoin distribution and access to the central network. This layer is also called the Bitcoin sector chain.

比特币系统的三层命名(应用层、应用协议层、通用协议层)源自知名区块链研究者梅兰妮·斯万,她也提出了被广泛引述的一种阶段划分:区块链 1.0 是货币、区块链 2.0 是合约、区块链 3.0 是应用。
梅兰妮·斯万(Melanie Swan)著有《区块链:新经济蓝图及导读》(Blockchain:Blueprint for a new economy)。应用层、应用协议层、通用协议层的分类参见她的演讲。

The three-storey name of the Bitcoin system (application layer, application protocol layer, generic protocol layer) originated in Melanie & Middot, a well-known block chain researcher; Swan, who also proposed a widely cited phase: block chain 1.0 is currency, block chain 2.0 is contract, block chain 3.0 is application.
Melanie & Middot; and Melanie Swan has a block chain: a new economic blueprint and guide (Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy).



The decentralized electronic cash in the bitcoin system is distributed and transferred on the middle bitcoin tier. Similar to the real currency system, this layer plays the same role as financial institutions such as central banks (which issue money) and banks (which process transfers).


Take a closer look at this layer called “ Bitcoin ” the Bitcoin architecture is often further broken down into five layers (see figure 4), which corresponds to the bitcoin and bitcoin blocks. In this five-tier architecture, the bitcoin hierarchy is broken down into the application, incentive and consensus layers.



In designing the Bitcoin system, China was creatively combining computer computing competition with economic incentives, resulting in a consensus mechanism for workload proof (proof-of-work, Pow), allowing mining computer nodes to complete currency distribution and bookkeeping functions in computing competitions, as well as the transport of block-link books and access to the central network. This created a complete cycle: mine mining (calculation competition), completion of decentralizing accounting (operational system), and financial incentives in the form of Bitcoin (economic incentives).


The workload of Bitcoin proves that the consensus mechanism is the upper-level layer that connects top-level applications with lower-level technologies: at the top-level, e-cash distribution, transfers, security against forgery; at the bottom, at the nodes of the central network, agreement is reached to update the distributed books.


Then, in discussing the present and future of the block chain, we will constantly return to the design of the Bitcoin system, which is a simple and sophisticated system that combines technical and economic factors and is the source of all innovations in the block chain.


So, I'm sure the reader has figured out what the block chain is, and finally, let's define the block chain from different angles.


definition of the first block chain (comprehensively general)


Bitcoin: an encrypted digital currency; block chain: a basic technology.


The block chain is a bottom technology derived from &ldquao; Bitcoin&rdquao; in other words, Bitcoin is the first successful application of block chain technology.


definition of the second block chain


Block chains are technologies for &ldquao in the digital world; values & &rdquao; and &ldquao; values transfer & & rdquao;. Block chain coins on the one hand are encrypted digital currencies or ciphers of value, and on the other hand are distributed books and go-to central networks for value transfer.


Distributed books and go-to-centre networks are also often referred to as &ldquao; chain & rdquao; it can be considered as a software platform; and & & ldquao; currency & rdquao;


Passes are stored on the chain and are managed through chain codes (main forms of smart contracts), which can be programmed.



The bitcoin system consists of three layers: bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin block chain, i.e. bitcoin's distributed book and go to the central network. So, what are we talking about when we look after bitcoin?



The description of the block chain includes four possibilities, which are gradually increasing in scope, as shown in the figure above:


One possibility is that the block chain refers to the data structure of Bitcoin, the chain (chain), which is also known as “ the distribution book & rdquao; in the Bitcoin White Paper, Binteng referred to blocks and chains separately, but they were later combined into the new word BlockShain.


A block chain refers to a distributed account of Bitcoin and a combination of the central network. It corresponds to the Bitcoin system, which refers to the entire third layer of the Bitcoin block chain.


A block chain is a combination of the second (bitcoin) and third (bitcoin block chain) layers of the Bitcoin system. It includes distributed books, go centre networks, and bitcoin.


Fourth of all, the block chain refers to the entire bitcoin system, including all three layers, and includes both the value of the bitcoin and the underlying system. From this perspective, the block chain is seen as a complete system with both a technical and an economic component.




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