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& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; first of all, to explore the use of block chains plus in the area of human life and to actively promote block chain technology in areas such as education, employment, old age, poverty alleviation, health care, commodity forgery, food safety, public goods, social assistance, etc. .


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; e.g., an ant gold suit announces the payment of the treasure AlipayHK,


1. After receiving a request for money transfers, the institution undertakes an anti-money-laundering verification and identification check, collects the funds and the corresponding fees before proceeding with the transferor’s request.


In the transfer chain, since not all banks have joined the Swift coalition, banks or money transfer agencies have to use two channels for cross-border transfers. For Swift members, the SWIFT network can be used to cover high wire transfer costs for non-members only through local correspondent banks.


The payee receives the notice and goes to a bank or money transfer agency.


4. Identification checks are carried out by banks or money transfer agencies.


5 Payee intelligence receives remittances in local currency. Lack of flexibility may involve multiple transfers, resulting in slow progress.


Under local regulatory policies, banks or money transfer agencies are sometimes required to submit reports to the regulatory level, including details of transactions.


& nbsp; with the application of block chain technology, some of the following:


& nbsp;1, reduces the time , and typical bitcoin transfers take almost 10 minutes to be confirmed by a block chain network.


& nbsp;2, saves . Remittances from abroad usually charge 5% of the commission traded.


& nbsp; 3, establishing a reliable, central third-party institution requires huge server and maintenance costs and, if attacked, may affect the security of the system as a whole. Decentralization saves these costs by storing a complete data copy of each node of its system, and it is difficult to affect the security of the system as a whole even if multiple nodes are attacked. Thus, for decentralization models, its own value transfer costs and security maintenance costs are relatively low.


The advantages are accompanied by the following disadvantages:


& nbsp;1, block chain systems require a large number of "mine machines" to operate safely, and transaction processing consumes the arithmetic and energy of the entire network; distributed storage also takes up a large amount of bandwidth and equipment from numerous nodes. Of course, the current 5G broadband upgrade also meets the block chain conditions.


Although block chain technology does ensure better data security in internal logic and mode of operation,


& nbsp; & nbsp;               supply chain finance generally refers to the provision of relevant financial credit services for upstream and downstream SMEs with credit support from core suppliers in the supply chain. Unlike traditional public credit focus on large and medium-sized enterprises, supply chain finance can provide faster and easier financing support to SMEs after mastering the global picture of business, information, logistics and financial flows in the entire supply chain.


& nbsp; & nbsp;           block chain technology, a distributed multi-point database that is well suited for use in the logistics industry, can contain a lot of detailed information, such as buyer, seller, contract, price, etc., both or multiple web-based validation, which enables valid data to be uploaded to the entire network and the information to be shared and made absolutely secure.


& nbsp; & nbsp;                 this advantage lies in the fact that it allows for the interaction of information and ensures the scale and efficiency of logistics, since the security of the entire logistics system is not linked to the correct function, and it becomes useful when it serves a specific purpose in a given industry. And, as a result of removing manual information, the process of paper-based information has resulted in significant cost reductions and efficiency gains.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; at the same time, passes through the block chain, so that we can clearly see the entire process from loading and transporting to taking the package, thus ensuring the traceability of the information, thereby avoiding the loss of the package, the misdirection of the incident , and, through the block chain, also viewing the receipt of the express, thus eliminating problems such as the ability of the courier to collect the parcel by forging a signature.


& nbsp; & nbsp;             section chains for intelligent transport of containers already have applications of a certain size abroad, the advantage of which is that they can store information in a database, and then the container's transport routes and schedules can be determined autonomously through the storage solutions of the block chains.


Current state of development of our credit market


(1) Individual Credit


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; our personal credit has developed very rapidly in recent years, especially credit card lending, as shown below



Source: Research Institute for Forward-looking Industries.


(2) Enterprise credit

        我国企业信贷规模在逐年增长。从 2014 年第一季度到 2016 年第四季度的商业银行不良贷款情况看,商业银行的不良贷款额以及不良贷款率也在不断上升。因此,消费信贷的不断扩张急需完善征信体系的支撑,这为征信行业的发展带来了机遇,但同时也带来了诸多问题。随着信贷市场在金融领域的应用越来越广泛以及不良贷款等问题的日益突出。构建完善可靠的征信体系也就至关重要,征信行业越来越受到政府和金融领域的重视。

& nbsp; & nbsp;               and the scale of corporate credit is growing year by year. From the first quarter of 2014 to the fourth quarter of 2016, the amount of non-performing loans by commercial banks and the rate of non-performing loans are also rising. Thus, the continued expansion of consumer credit is underpinned by an urgent need to improve the letter-writing system, which presents opportunities for the development of the credit-seeking industry, but also poses many problems. As credit markets become more widely used in the financial sphere and issues such as poor loans become more prominent.



Data source: Table of key regulatory indicators of the China Banking Commission


Current state of development of the correspondence industry in the country


& nbsp; & nbsp;           and  . With the rapid development of Internet technology, major Internet-based data indicia have also received increasing attention, the Central Bank expressed its openness to big data acquisition at a conference on "Building a National Social Credit System" held on 2 September 2014. In January 2015, the Central Bank issued a Circular on Preparing for Personal Inducement Operations, in which eight institutions, such as former Sea Enquiry, Retries and Sesame Credit, were selected for a list of pilot institutions.



Photo source: Internet Loan 315


Problems faced by the mail industry and advantages of block chain technology


& nbsp; & nbsp;             block chains with features such as decentralization, detrust, time stamp, asymmetric encryption and smart contracts, are mainly applied in the area of data-sharing transactions for letters, such as data-sharing transactions for all sectors involved in letters-writing, building a coalition chain and setting up a platform for information-sharing transactions.

(1)征信系统信息采集不全,征信报告的质量有待进一步提高。2000年起,上海资信开始运行上海个人信用联合征信系统。截止到 2016 年 6 月底,央行征信中心收录 2120 万户企业及其他组织与超过 9 亿自然人,其中仅 577 万户与 4.1 亿自然人有信贷记录。而全球征信巨头美国 Experian 的数据已覆盖全球 1.03 亿户企业和 8.9 亿人。

As of the end of June 2016, 21.2 million businesses and other organizations were registered with more than 900 million natural persons, of which only 5.77 million had credit records with 4.1 billion natural persons. The data of the global mail giant, the United States Experian, already cover 103 million businesses and 890 million people worldwide.



In a decentralised letter-sharing model based on block chains, letter-writing agencies can exchange and share information, such as letter-gathering data and letter-writing results, through block-chain platforms. At the same time, the block-linking chain, with its indeterminable trust mechanism, allows the authenticity of credit data and the reliability of the assessment results to be tested in the market, thereby enhancing the quality of services provided by the letter-writing industry.


(2) Lack of data sharing between letter agencies and users'information asymmetrical, between institutions and institutions, between institutions and other institutions, and the problem of information silos, which creates asymmetries between institutions and users.


        区块链技术的去中心化特性,可以实现 征信机构、数据提供方之间的点对点联通,有助于打破数据孤岛、实现各节点征信信息的共享,拓宽征信机构掌握的客户信用信息维度,提升我国征信信息的人群覆盖率。另一方面,区块链的去中心化分布式结构不存在中心机构,区块链的点对点互联实现了对业务流程的简化,使得共享征信模式具有更高的运行效率。

& nbsp; & nbsp;               decentralised features of block chain technology to achieve   point-to-point connectivity between letter agencies and data providers to help break down data silos, share information on nodes, widen the client credit information dimensions held by the letter collection agencies, and increase the population coverage of the letter message in the country. On the other hand, the decentralized distribution structure of the block chain does not exist as a central institution, and the point-to-point interconnection of the block chain has simplified business processes, resulting in a more efficient operation of the shared message model.


(3) At present, in order to enhance the systemic risk effectiveness of banks against excessive transactions in complex financial derivatives, the cost of bank customer letters and legal compliance is increasing.



The technical characteristics of the block chain can alter the existing letter-writing system, and when banks conduct KYC, they can store all customer data in the block chain, and information about the client and transaction can be changed at any time. On the other hand, automated encryption of the connection of customer information and transaction records can be achieved within the framework of customer information protection regulations, thereby reducing the large number of duplications between banks and banks, thereby saving significant compliance costs. At the same time, banks can also, by analysing and monitoring the anomalies in customer transactions in the shared distributed books, even if fraud is detected and eliminated.


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