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作者:程伟 | 出自:区块新看点(ID:blockchan888,web:chengwf.com)

智能合约根据合约上设定的预定条件自动执行且不言自明。由于区块链是一种分布式账本技术 (DLT),允许数据跨不同服务器全局存储,因此它在很大程度上依赖于这些数据库来确认交易。因此,智能合约正在呼吁消除管理开销。

intelligent contractself-executed and self-explanatory according to the predefined conditions set in the contract. As the block chain is a distributed account book technology (DLT), allowing data to be stored across different servers, it relies heavily on these databases to confirm transactions.



intelligent contracts/strong> 今天,智能合约在加密行业仍然很受欢迎,主要用于交换加密货币。但它不仅限于加密,事实上,许多保险公司和房地产公司都在采用这种标准协议,以更低的价格获得更好的可扩展性。简而言之,智能合约是许多平台的重要组成部分。这正是为什么清楚地了解智能合约是关于什么以及它们如何工作至关重要的原因。

Intelligent contracts are still popular today in the encryption industry, mainly for the exchange of encrypted currency. It is not limited to encryption. In fact, many insurance and real estate companies are using such standard agreements to achieve better expansion at lower prices. Simply put, smart contracts are an important part of many platforms. That is why it is important to understand clearly what smart contracts are about and how they work.



As the smart contract is a program running on the block chain, the user needs to send the transaction to the block chain to start the program. Once the code is defined and the logic is locked, only the program can run.

一般来说,智能合约的主要目的是通过去除传统业务流程中涉及的中介来简化各方之间的业务交易。这些合同 旨在在不影响真实性和可信度的情况下减少付款延迟、错误风险和传统合同的复杂性。


its main unique advantage is that it allows a credible transaction without an intermediary.


智能合约是指一种旨在形成、控制和提供资产所有者信息的计算机算法。它确实是一个在以太坊区块链上运行的程序, 用于自动促进、验证或执行可信的交易。要知道它是如何工作的,首先,我们必须了解智能合约的组成。

intelligent contract means a computer algorithm designed to generate, control and provide asset owner information. It is indeed a program that operates on the Etherm block chain to automatically facilitate, verify or execute a credible transaction. To know how it works, first of all, we have to understand the composition of a smart contract.

  • 签名。 两方或多方必须同意推进拟议的条款和条件。

    Signed. 批判性地确定合同的标的。主题应该在智能合约环境的上下文中。

    critically determines the subject matter of the contract. 请具体说明条款。这些术语需要准确并详细描述。例如,以太坊的智能合约依赖于 Solidity 和 Serpent 编程语言,因此协议应该在特定的数学术语中与精确的语言兼容。

    . Please specify the terms. 设置这些要求后,您就可以输入基于区块链的智能合约。但是,在条款在区块链中付诸实施之前,该协议有待协商。

    sets these requirements so you can enter a smart contract based on the block chain. However, the agreement is to be negotiated before the clause is implemented in the block chain.


    通常,智能合约会根据维护在区块链上的两个用户之间的协议自动触发操作。这意味着,当卖家打算出售 BTC 时,智能合约将管理转移,直到 BTC 成功地从一个人变成另一个人。当发生这种情况时,资金将被释放,并且不会有任何变化。所有有关交易的信息都将被列出并存储在公共数据库中。

    As a rule, an intelligent contract will automatically trigger operations on the basis of a protocol between two users maintaining the block chain. This means that when the seller intends to sell BTC, the smart contract will be managed until the BTC succeeds in turning from one person to another. When this happens, the funds will be released, and there will be no change. All relevant transactions will be listed and stored in a public database.


    智能合约的概念最初是由美国著名密码学家Nick Szabo 提出的。1996 年,他在Extropy杂志上发表了关于智能合约的文章 ,预测了区块 链合约应用的好处和特点。在接下来的几年里,他在几篇文章中发展了这个概念。

    the concept of a smart contract was originally proposed by Nick Szabo , a famous American cryptographer. In 1996, he published an article on smart contracts in the Extropy magazine, predicting the benefits and characteristics of block-link contract applications. In the following years, he developed the concept in several articles.

    Ian Grigg 和 Gary Howland 是智能合约概念的其他贡献者。他们于 1996 年发表了关于李嘉图合约的工作,作为李嘉图支付系统的一部分。

    Ian Gregg and Gary Howland are other contributors to the concept of smart contracts. They published their work on the Li Gato contract in 1996 as part of the Lee Gato payment system.


    Intelligent contract implementation became possible after Bitcoin and its block chain appeared and created the right conditions. A few years later, the innovation finally spreads on the Etherm block chain. Today, many alternative platforms allow users to use this function, although it is still a pioneer.



    Intelligent contracts represent computer protocols, or simply code segments as basic technical elements. They are used to specify all agreed terms between the parties to the block chain transaction. Once these conditions are met, the smart contracts are automatically traded.


    a system based on block chains allows its participants to reduce intermediaries and excessive paperwork, as it relies on any interested party to verify a public ledger for all transactions. The core requirement here is to describe all the terms of the agreement by mathematical rules using the appropriate programming language.

    区块链代表一个分布式节点网络,每个节点都存储有关所有交易的信息。要撤消交易或 双花资金,必须控制所有这些节点的 50% 以上。

    block chains represent a distributed network of nodes, each storing information about all transactions. To undo the transaction or double-pollen funds, more than 50% of all these nodes must be controlled.


    assumes that a person wants to initiate an intelligent contract, that they need to download a special software and generate a public key that is published in the system. A launch message should then be sent, and node will receive it. When the event created by the smart contract is completed, the code will be executed.


    for example, if a specific requirement (payment of a certain amount of money) is met, the automatic sale opportunity automatically provides the buyer with the goods ordered. Smart contract works in the same way.


    in addition to transferring funds, there are several other examples:

    • 数字身份:它可以去除伪造品并为数字资产提供个人身份;

      digital identity: 财务安全:它们非常适合负债管理、自动付款或股票分割;

      financial security: 交易活动:智能合约提供了一种自动化交易操作的好方法。此外,在他们的帮助下,跨境支付和国际贸易变得更加易于管理;


      clinical trials: 政府:智能合约可以提高投票的透明度和效率。

      Government: 智能合约用例是可变的,涵盖了许多机会。潜在地,它们可以成为人类活动许多领域的强大工具。

      Intelligent contracts are variable and cover many opportunities. Potentially, they can be powerful tools in many areas of human activity.



      Smart contracts have a number of distinctive features that make them different from other forms of financial transactions:

      • 自治:用户可以完全控制他们的协议。智能合约本身就是一种保证,排除任何其他第三方(经纪人、律师、公证人等)干扰的可能性。

        Users can control their agreements completely. Smart contracts are in themselves a guarantee against interference by any other third party (brokers, lawyers, notaries, etc.).

      • 安全性:智能合约的一个基本目的是确保交易的安全。输入区块链的信息无法删除或修改。即使其中一方违反了协议条款,协议仍然完好无损。

        security: intelligent contract is essential to ensure the security of the transaction. The information entered into the block chain cannot be deleted or modified. Even if one of the parties violates the terms of the agreement, the agreement remains intact.

      • 速度:如果手动执行文档处理需要很多时间,这会延迟任务完成。智能合约最大限度地减少个人参与并提高整体效率。

        speed: if manual document processing takes a lot of time, it delays the completion of the task. Smart contracts minimize personal involvement and improve overall efficiency.

      • 信任:交易参与者不需要相互信任或信任第三方。去中心化网络提供了确保任务完成而没有问题或延迟的环境。

        trust: traffic participants do not need to trust each other or third parties. Decentralized networks provide an environment to ensure that the task is completed without problems or delays.

      • 成本效益:可以杜绝过高的交易成本。并且由于从流程和协议支持中去除了中间人,这是可能的。

        cost-effectiveness: can eliminate excessive transaction costs. And it is possible to remove intermediaries from process and protocol support.

      • 准确性:该过程是自动化的,因此显着降低了人为错误的可能性。




        intelligent contracts apply not only to encrypted currency transactions, but also to everyday tasks in financial services, goods networking, etc. You are surprised that they are more practical than anyone can imagine.

        1. 物联网(IoT):是将互联网功能添加到家中的日常物品中的概念。智能合约可以帮助用户对物联网系统实现分布式、可信的访问控制。

          matter networking (IOT): 雇佣合约:智能合约可以让合约的执行变得非常方便。在人力资源方面,通过使用智能合约,可以轻松记录工资、专业角色和职责等员工详细信息。同时,智能合约的透明性和不可变特性增强了雇主和雇员之间的信任。双方只能使用智能合约技术记录协议的一部分。在这种情况下,合同可以是:

          contracts of employment: intellectual contracts can make the execution of contracts very convenient. In human resources, using smart contracts, it is easy to record details of employees' wages, professional roles and duties. At the same time, the transparency and immutable nature of smart contracts enhances trust between employers and employees.




        2. 受版权保护的内容:内容所有者应获得版税,但通常很难确定谁是有效的内容所有者,因为创建单个作品可能涉及多方。智能合约可以让人们轻松理解任何创作过程阶段的权利和责任。

          Copyright-protected content:

           哪些加密货币和 DApp 使用智能合约?


          Intelligent contracts are now closer to our daily lives than people think. Today, not only are they recognized by large companies. Many block-chain platforms use them in their activities and use various programming languages to write smart contracts.

          以太坊是最受欢迎的选择之一;这就是为什么它的原始编码语言 Solidity 被开发人员广泛使用。其他区块链可能更喜欢不同的东西。

          Etheria is one of the most popular options; that's why its original coding language is widely used by developers. Other block chains may prefer different things.


          A summary of blocks that can handle smart contracts:

          • 比特币:比特币区块链允许依靠智能合约处理文件。但是,处理这些文件是有限制的。

            bitcoin: NXT:NXT 提供智能合约模板。但是,选择上有限制,因为可定制的空间并不多。

            NXT: 以太坊:以太坊因智能合约而蓬勃发展,因为它支持具有灵活性和效率的高级编码和处理。然而,缺点是它有代价。假设你想定制一些东西,但你需要贡献 ETH 代币作为要执行它的计算机能力的支付。


            Stellar: 一些 最受欢迎的 基于智能合约的dApp包括 MakerDAO 和 Compound 等在线金融平台,以及 Uniswap 等去中心化交易所。

            some of the most popular smart contract-based dapps include online financial platforms such as MakerDAO and Comboud, and Uniswap and others go to a centralized exchange.



            There is no solution for all sizes, including smart contracts. Of course, it helps in the field of decentralised encryption, but it has its limitations. Here's what you need to know:

            • 优点


              the advantages of smart contracts are obvious and are the basis for the growing proliferation of smart contracts. These are the possibilities of autonomy, safety, high-speed performance, and the reduction of costs associated with brokering. People choose them because they are committed to affordable but accurate and efficient commercial transactions.

              • 缺点


              智能合约上的错误智能合约允许排除操作中可能出现的人为因素失败,这是真的。但与此同时,智能合约代码本身可能存在错误和脆弱的地方。这些错误会导致巨大的损失。由于某些代码错误,平台被黑客入侵和资金被盗的例子太多了。以臭名昭著的 DAO hack 为例。

              Intelligent contracts on smart contracts allow for the exclusion of possible human-induced failures in operations, it's true. At the same time, there may be errors and vulnerabilities in the smart contract code itself. These errors can result in huge losses. There are too many examples of the platform being hacked and stolen by hackers because of certain code errors. Take the notorious DAO hack.



              the legitimacy of smart contracts is another point of discussion. It is not clear how governments and legal authorities should treat and regulate them because they are beyond the legal system of the country. Whether they can be considered contracts by government agencies is a controversial issue. Outside the legal system, it also means that criminals can use this technology for illicit activities. In the final analysis, this is because intelligent contracts are not always black or white. So the terms and conditions are vague.




              The inability to change certain elements of an intelligent contract may also be a disadvantage. Fixing errors and modifying the terms of the contract will be an unsolvable problem.



              Transparency is a good thing, but not always. Sometimes users need some privacy. Some platforms try to provide their users with “smart private contracts”, but this is not common. In addition, the introduction of new technologies may involve costs. Only experienced developers can create reliable intellectual contracts.


              Generally speaking, this technology still raises many questions. But what will happen in the future? Is there a new technology that can overcome its limitations or replace it altogether?



              it has become clear today that recognition of smart contracts will only grow over time. Of course, they will not completely replace traditional paper contracts in the coming years, but they will open up their share in the market, especially when buying or exchanging goods, services and rights. There is no doubt that they will enter more and more areas of people's lives.


              The legitimacy of many countries will be resolved in the coming years because they are inevitable. Even today, Arizona and Nevada have amended their state versions of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) to explicitly include block chains and smart contracts.



              the benefits of smart contracts are undeniable or underestimated. They look like an excellent substitute for traditional agreements that provide a higher level of performance. If they try to get a position, they will take up the contract area and the arrangement will change forever. They will change the way people do business.


              Low Cost, Reduction of Fraud and Delay, Full Autonomy makes Smart Contracts attractive to the public. But Smart Contracts can only be more interesting if they improve efficiency and certainty of transactions and reduce demand for third parties.


              本文仅供参考,仅供参考。区块新看点 提供的此类信息不构成任何投资或交易策略适合任何特定人士的建议或推荐。这些预测基于行业趋势、客户情况等因素,涉及风险、变数和不确定性。对于此处包含的特定预测、预测或预测性陈述的准确性,不提供或暗示任何保证。本文用户同意区块新看点 不对您的任何投资决定负责。请在交易前寻求专业意见。

              for information purposes only. The new spot of the block does not provide any suggestion or recommendation for investment or transaction strategy suitable for any particular person. These projections are based on industry trends, customer profiles, etc., and involve risks, variables and uncertainties. No assurance is provided or implied about the accuracy of the specific predictions, forecasts or prognosis statements contained here. The user here agrees that the new spot is not responsible for any of your investment decisions. Please seek professional advice before the transaction.





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