加密货币比特币本质是什么 加密货币市值劫持暴增8500%

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With the heat of encryption money, some people have taken the wrong idea. A recent report shows that in 2017 there was an 8,500-per-cent surge in encryption money hijacking, which became a new tool for the attackers.


Simon Tek, the 23rd Internet Security Threat Report (hereinafter referred to as " the Report " ), shows that China is the most affected by extortion software in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2017, China ranked second globally, compared to its 16th global ranking in the previous year.


The Chief Operating Officer of the Greater Central China District of Simontek stated that two thirds of the victims of currently encrypted currency hijackings were individual consumers, but it was anticipated that businesses or business networks would be targeted in the future.


What's the secret money?


Encrypted money is not issued by statutory monetary institutions, and is not controlled by central banks. It is generated by a set of open source codes based on computer operations worldwide, using computer graphics cards, a large number of cpu operations, and a cryptography design to ensure the security of the various links in currency circulation.


Secretic currency hijacked

  赛门铁克华东及华南区技术经理王景普介绍,2017年度全球范围内已拦截的Wanna Cry攻击达54亿起,新型勒索软件变种增长46%。这一现象意味着黑客市场可能已围绕勒索软件产生相关交易,也意味着可能有更多的攻击事件。

Simon Tweeper, a technologist from East and South China, explained that in 2017 there were 5.4 billion intercepted Wanna Cry attacks worldwide, with 46% growth in new extortion software variants. This suggests that the hacker market may have generated related transactions around extortion software, and that there may be more attacks.


The attackers are also looking for new means of profit, and the surge in encrypt monetary value triggered an encrypted currency hijacking attack & ldquo; gold-grabbing & rdquao; and Luo Shauhui introduced a sharp increase of 8,500% in the malicious mining program detected on global terminal computers in 2017.


& ldquo; bitcoin is no longer the main objective, and the attackers are more ‘ belo ’ more secretive Monroe, etc. & & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; Luo Shauhui indicates. Also, the object network equipment remains the main target of the cyber attack. According to the Report, the total number of cyberattacks in 2017 increased by 600 per cent, meaning that cyberattackers can use these interconnected equipment for large-scale currency mining.


& ldquo; Cybersecurity Awareness is the last stop. & & & & & & & & & Rdquo; Wang & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & &,, & & &, & & & & &,,,, &, &,, &,, &,,, &,,, &,,,, &,,, &,,,, &,,,,, &,,,,,,,, &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


The proliferation of encrypted currency hijackings affects not only individuals, but also the development of a company. So, security awareness alarms.


the five major encrypted currencies you need to know


Bitcoin and block chains are undoubtedly the hottest word since 2017, and there are currently more than 1,300 encrypted currencies around the world, which are so diverse and confusing. Currency assessors (headline: biting.io, full encoded currency gestures and block chain navigation resource stations) have organized five of the world’s largest and most popular encrypted currencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Etheria, Ripcoin, and Lightcoin, giving you a clearer idea of the encrypt currency market.


Note: The market value data in the article is from Coinmarketcap as at 13 April 2018.


i. Bitcoin


Bitcoin, born in 2009 and the most valuable encrypted currency in the current global market, was invented by the Japanese American Bints. In 2008, he published a paper, Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, which refers to Bitcoin’s original intent & ldquo; point-to-point electronic cash, which may not need to pass through financial institutions and be transmitted directly between the two parties to the transaction.


Bitcoin works through the block chain, which is global in character and is not managed by any third-party agency, and anyone can participate through computer operations known as “ mine mining & rdquo; and any operation by processors (CPUs), graphic processors (GPUs) to obtain bitcoin is known as “ mine diggers & & rdquao; mine diggers are called & & ldquo; miners & & rdquao;


In order to avoid inflation, Bitcoin signed digitally through cryptographic keys, with a ceiling of 21 million under the founding agreement, and recently, because of the heat of Bitcoin, which resulted in a much longer transaction time and extremely high transaction fees, also contradicted the intentions of human-to-person transactions not to pass through third parties. Currently, some retailers in Japan have begun to accept the use of bitcoin as a means of payment, and even some real-estate companies have endorsed the use of bitcoin as a means of payment.


Current market value of Bitcoin: $132.5 billion


Percentage increase in 2017: 159.5%


II. Etherium

  2013-2014年,程序员维塔利克(Vitalik Buterin)受到比特币的启发,提出了以太坊的概念。

In 2013-2014, Programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin, introduced the concept of an Etherm.

  维塔利克在2013年发布《以太坊白皮书》,提到了以太坊创立的初衷:去中心化、更开放,安全的使用。和比特币一样,以太币同样以区块链为基础,但其中最具特色的一点是以太币采用开源智能合约(smart contract),相对于比特币更加开放自由,但究其原理和比特币依旧如出一辙。

Vitalik published the White Paper on the Etherm in 2013, referring to the original intention of the Taiku: to decentralize, open up, and use it safely. Like Bitcoin, it is also based on a block chain, but one of the most important features is that it is more liberal than bitcoin, but its rationale and bitcoin are the same.


The Ethercopic currency, which is based on encrypted currency derived from Taiwan technology, has now become the second-highest encoded currency in global value, after Bitcoin, with the sharpest increase in value.


Current market value in Ether: $48.2 billion


Percentage increase in 2017: 8812.6%

  三、比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash)

iii. Bitcoin Cash

  2017年8月,比特币经历了“硬分叉(hard fork)”,号称是新版比特币的“比特币现金”因此诞生。

In August 2017, Bitcoin experienced & ldquo; hard fork & rdquo; known as the new version of Bitcoin & ldquo; bitcoin cash & rdquo; and was born as a result.


Because 100 per cent of Bitcoin cash fully reproduces Bitcoin's block chain information, a person who owns bitcoin is equal to full Bitcoin's cash and many mainstream trading platforms explicitly do not support Bitcoin's cash transactions because of the fully copying nature, which conflicts with the encryption nature of Bitcoin itself.


The biggest problem with Bitcoin's past stigma is that the trade is not fast enough, so that Bitcoin's cash was born to address this problem.


Current market value of Bitcoin cash: $12.4 billion


Percentage increase in 2017: 229.6%


iv. Ripple


Ribbon, the fourth largest virtual currency in the world today, is a block-based settlement network designed to handle cross-border and cross-bank payments for financial institutions. Its feature is that Ribbon can quickly be transferred to dozens of different virtual currencies anywhere in the world, while many professional financial companies believe that Ribbon is safer and less expensive.


While Ribot's executive chairman claims that it will take four hours to complete a bitcoin transaction, and Ribot only takes 3.6 seconds to complete it, and Ribot is now also beginning to assist customers with cross-border transaction costs through a network of enterprise-level block chains and to provide offshore payment solutions, it is undeniable that Riboco is more exposed to the risk of collapse than the previous monetary identification transactions and that smaller currencies usually face.


At present, it may take a few days to trade a virtual currency using international payments. For banks, the headache is that there is a lot of work to do, but the return is low. Ribbon tries to solve the problem by using its own technology. Ribbon is used to pay very little in each transaction, and it can be transferred between the Ripple entrance node and can be converted into any currency.


At the time of payment, Riboco could serve as a bridge between the two parties, i.e. between strangers & ldquao; mutual friends & rdquao; and the equivalent of a bank in the SWIFT agreement, which allowed transfers other than Riboco to be made between strangers.


Current market value of Ripon: $24 billion


Percentage increase in 2017: 8479.8%




Lettco was also a product inspired by bitcoin, born to improve bitcoin and to be one of the rivals of bitcoin, with an increase of nearly 5,800 per cent in 2017, reaching a new high.

  莱特币其中一个特色就是“快”,创始人Charlie Lee曾多次表示,莱特币交易大约只需要2分钟,跟比特币四个小时相比要快很多,另外莱特币能供应8400万枚,和比特币2100万枚相比有四倍差距,莱特币的交易费用较低、交易速度更快,被认为更适合用来支付,而比特币相比则更为保值。

One of the features of Leitco is & ldquo; Fast & rdquo; and the founder Charlie Lee has stated on several occasions that it takes about two minutes to make a transaction, much faster than four hours, and that it can supply 84 million pieces of it, four times more different than 21 million pieces of it, and that it has lower transaction costs, faster paces and is considered more suitable for payment, and more valuable than it is.


Current market value of Lightcoin: $7 billion


Percentage increase in 2017: 6859.6% (Source: Currency assessor)

原标题:加密货币劫持暴增8500% 比特币竟不再首当其冲


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