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Original author: Old Chen Yien


Source: Mars Finance


link to original text: https://news.huoxing24.com/20210719194838616597.html

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As a result of the recent effects of some of the country's policies, many people fear the closure of an encrypted currency exchange, leading to the unnormal nature of the money they buy /a, which raises concerns about the security of their digital assets and about the future value of > >, and analyze whether the exchange will be closed or not.

一. 如果你担心交易所被关闭了,可以这么办?

If you're worried about the exchange being shut down, you can do this?


1. Reference of currency to centralized wallets

去中心化钱包,资产存储在区块链中,私钥移交给用户自己,很难被黑客攻击,用户不必担心钱包服务提供商的自我窃取,一个自己掌握助记词来控制自己在区块链上资产的通道。把数字资产放到这类去中心化的钱包里面,就算交易所关闭了也不用担心你的加密货币消失。用户量比较大的几个去中心化钱包有:imToken , MetaMask, CoinbaseWallet,等等。但如果你的钱包私钥丢失,导致你自己无法登录,钱包也无法帮助用户恢复,加密资产将永远丢失。

Go to centralized wallets, store assets in block chains, hand over private keys to the users themselves, difficult to hack. Users don't have to worry about the wallet service provider's own theft. A person who owns notes to control himself in . Put a digital asset in such decentralized wallets, even if the exchange closes it, and has no fear that your encrypted currency will disappear.

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2. Purchase and purchase transactions using foreign exchanges


Fearing that domestic exchanges would be closed, it would be possible to choose directly from foreign exchanges, many of which, after all, could operate legally and be listed. Indeed, China has long been without an encrypted currency exchange.


3. Use of decentralised exchange transactions


If you put a digital asset on a foreign exchange or if you worry that it will be closed, you can put your money on a decentralized exchange. In a decentralized exchange, funds are fully controlled by the user at the user’s wallet address or in a transactional smart contract, when the user initiates the transaction, the exchange executes an intelligent contract to complete the transaction, the asset is transferred to the chain, the transaction log chain is checked, and it is transparent.

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Four, if we can't do it, we'll make a deal on the line.


If you put the currency in a central wallet and the exchange is shut down, your currency can normally be exchanged between the wallets, so if you want to buy it, or you want to sell it, you can deal directly with each other, negotiate the price of the money or the money, you can give it directly to the other or you can transfer the money to you, and then you can give it to her or to the wallet that he gives you, which is how a lot of encrypted money transactions are conducted in the market at this stage.


5. Direct exit from the currency circle.


If you don't think it's true, or convenient, and if you worry about it, you can sell all the money in your exchange and cash it now, and then stop firing encrypted money.

二. 加密货币交易所被关闭的弊端:

II. The vice of the closure of the crypto-currency exchange:


First of all, we would like to know that the State is combating virtual currency transactions, combating illegal transactions and money laundering, and, in order to cool currency circles, preventing Chinese from being cut by foreign agencies and big men. While it does not support counterfeiting, it is not a complete ban, and at this stage all major exchanges are able to make normal transactions.

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1. 大的交易所关闭了,小交易会冒出来,并且不受监管,出现资金外流。

1. Large exchanges are closed, small deals come out, unregulated, and financial outflows occur.


And if you really shut down a few big exchanges operating in the country, wouldn't there be a new small exchange? I'm sure you all know that making an exchange is a very lucrative business, a gun price, a few billion dollars of net profits a year on the k-exchange, if there is a profit, even if it is illegal.


If large exchanges were closed down, there would certainly be more small exchanges in the market, there would be countries behind the major domestic exchanges at this stage, and a country with an encrypted market situation in the country could monitor one of its developments at any time, and policies could be put in place at any time to allow them to develop benignly. If those major exchanges were closed and some of the small exchanges not regulated by the State went online, it would be more difficult to regulate the encryption market and there could be large domestic capital outflows.

2. 交易所关闭可能对国内金融环境,以及社会稳定性有损害。

2. The closure of an exchange may have a detrimental effect on the domestic financial environment, as well as on social stability.


We all know about the coins, at least millions of Chinese users on the OK exchange, and the total value of the digital assets placed on it by domestic users at least hundreds of billions. If they are actually shut down, ask the millions of people who have lost their lives.


I believe that most users will definitely complain through a very stable domestic financial environment, which is likely to cause instability. There is also the risk of extreme events, with many investors committing suicide or making trouble, as well as acts of revenge against society, having some negative impact on China’s stability.

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3. 加密货币对区块链技术的开发,应用,和普及有很大的促进作用,能促进社会的进步。

3. The development, application and diffusion of crypto-currency technologies for block chain development can contribute significantly to the progress of society.


We know that block-chain technology, which has such excellent features as anonymity, de-centralization, immobility and so forth, is supported by bottom-level block-chain technology, which can actually be used in real life, that the development of block-chain technology cannot be achieved without the support of investors like us, and that block-chain technology is the strategic direction of the country's future and contributes significantly to the construction of digital China and to the progress of human society as a whole.


So, through various dimensions of analysis, Chen thought that an encrypted currency exchange could not be closed, worried about it on a daily basis, and if he was really worried about it, he said that, while the exchange was in place, just sell the money and get out of the ring.